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How To Choose A Research Topic

Step-By-Step Tutorial With Examples + Free Topic Evaluator

By: Derek Jansen (MBA) | Expert Reviewer: Dr Eunice Rautenbach | April 2024

Choosing the right research topic is likely the  most important decision you’ll make on your dissertation or thesis journey. To make the right choice, you need to take a systematic approach and evaluate each of your candidate ideas across a consistent set of criteria. In this tutorial, we’ll unpack five essential criteria that will help you evaluate your prospective research ideas and choose a winner.

Overview: The “Big 5” Key Criteria

  • Topic originality or novelty
  • Value and significance
  • Access to data and equipment
  • Time limitations and implications
  • Ethical requirements and constraints

Criterion #1: Originality & Novelty

As we’ve discussed extensively on this blog, originality in a research topic is essential. In other words, you need a clear research gap . The uniqueness of your topic determines its contribution to the field and its potential to stand out in the academic community. So, for each of your prospective topics, ask yourself the following questions:

  • What research gap and research problem am I filling?
  • Does my topic offer new insights?
  • Am I combining existing ideas in a unique way?
  • Am I taking a unique methodological approach?

To objectively evaluate the originality of each of your topic candidates, rate them on these aspects. This process will not only help in choosing a topic that stands out, but also one that can capture the interest of your audience and possibly contribute significantly to the field of study – which brings us to our next criterion.

Research topic evaluator

Criterion #2: Value & Significance

Next, you’ll need to assess the value and significance of each prospective topic. To do this, you’ll need to ask some hard questions.

  • Why is it important to explore these research questions?
  • Who stands to benefit from this study?
  • How will they benefit, specifically?

By clearly understanding and outlining the significance of each potential topic, you’ll not only be justifying your final choice – you’ll essentially be laying the groundwork for a persuasive research proposal , which is equally important.

Criterion #3: Access to Data & Equipment

Naturally, access to relevant data and equipment is crucial for the success of your research project. So, for each of your prospective topic ideas, you’ll need to evaluate whether you have the necessary resources to collect data and conduct your study.

Here are some questions to ask for each potential topic:

  • Will I be able to access the sample of interest (e.g., people, animals, etc.)?
  • Do I have (or can I get) access to the required equipment, at the time that I need it?
  • Are there costs associated with any of this? If so, what are they?

Keep in mind that getting access to certain types of data may also require special permissions and legalities, especially if your topic involves vulnerable groups (patients, youths, etc.). You may also need to adhere to specific data protection laws, depending on the country. So, be sure to evaluate these aspects thoroughly for each topic. Overlooking any of these can lead to significant complications down the line.

Free Webinar: How To Find A Dissertation Research Topic

Criterion #4: Time Requirements & Implications

Naturally, having a realistic timeline for each potential research idea is crucial. So, consider the scope of each potential topic and estimate how long each phase of the research will take — from literature review to data collection and analysis, to writing and revisions. Underestimating the time needed for a research project is extremely common , so it’s important to include buffer time for unforeseen delays.

Remember, efficient time management is not just about the duration but also about the timing . For example, if your research involves fieldwork, there may specific times of the year when this is most doable (or not doable at all).  So, be sure to consider both time and timing for each of your prospective topics.

Criterion #5: Ethical Compliance

Failing to adhere to your university’s research ethics policy is a surefire way to get your proposal rejected . So, you’ll need to evaluate each topic for potential ethical issues, especially if your research involves human subjects, sensitive data, or has any potential environmental impact.

Remember that ethical compliance is not just a formality – it’s a responsibility to ensure the integrity and social responsibility of your research. Topics that pose significant ethical challenges are typically the first to be rejected, so you need to take this seriously. It’s also useful to keep in mind that some topics are more “ethically sensitive” than others , which usually means that they’ll require multiple levels of approval. Ideally, you want to avoid this additional admin, so mark down any prospective topics that fall into an ethical “grey zone”.

If you’re unsure about the details of your university’s ethics policy, ask for a copy or speak directly to your course coordinator. Don’t make any assumptions when it comes to research ethics!

Key Takeaways

In this post, we’ve explored how to choose a research topic using a systematic approach. To recap, the “Big 5” assessment criteria include:

  • Topic originality and novelty
  • Time requirements
  • Ethical compliance

Be sure to grab a copy of our free research topic evaluator sheet here to fast-track your topic selection process. If you need hands-on help finding and refining a high-quality research topic for your dissertation or thesis, you can also check out our private coaching service .

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which of the following factors are relevant to selecting a topic for a research paper

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How to Select a Research Topic: A Step-by-Step Guide (2021)

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by  Antony W

September 15, 2021

how to select a research topic

Learning how to select a research topic can be the difference between failing your assignment and writing a comprehensive research paper. That’s why in this guide we’ll teach you how to select a research topic step-by-step.

You don’t need this guide if your professor has already given you a list of topics to consider for your assignment . You can skip to our guide on how to write a research paper .

If they have left it up to you to choose a topic to investigate, which they must approve before you start working on your research study, we suggest that you read the process shared in this post.

Choosing a topic after finding your research problem is important because:

  • The topic guides your research and gives you a mean to not only arrive at other interesting topics but also direct you to discover new knowledge
  • The topic you choose will govern what you say and ensures you keep a logical flow of information.

Picking a topic for a research paper can be challenging and sometimes intimidating, but it’s not impossible. In the following section, we show you how to choose the best research topic that your instructor can approve after the first review.

How to Select a Research Topic 

Below are four steps to follow to find the most suitable topic for your research paper assignment:

Step 1: Consider a Topic that Interests You 

which of the following factors are relevant to selecting a topic for a research paper

If your professor has asked you to choose a topic for your research paper, it means you can choose just about any subject to focus on in your area of study. A significant first step to take is to consider topics that interest you.

An interesting topic should meet two very important conditions.

First, it should be concise. The topic you choose should not be too broad or two narrow. Rather, it should be something focused on a specific issue. Second, the topic should allow you to find enough sources to cite in the research stage of your assignment.

The best way to determine if the research topic is interesting is to do some free writing for about 10 minutes. As you free write, think about the number of questions that people ask about the topic and try to consider why they’re important. These questions are important because they will make the research stage easier for you.

You’ll probably have a long list of interesting topics to consider for your research assignment. That’s a good first step because it means your options aren’t limited. However, you need to narrow down to only one topic for the assignment, so it’s time to start brainstorming.

Step 2: Brainstorm Your Topics 

which of the following factors are relevant to selecting a topic for a research paper

You aren’t doing research at this stage yet. You are only trying to make considerations to determine which topic will suit your research assignment.

The brainstorming stage isn’t difficult at all. It should take only a couple of hours or a few days depending on how you approach.

We recommend talking to your professor, classmates, and friends about the topics that you’ve picked and ask for their opinion. Expect mixed opinions from this audience and then consider the topics that make the most sense. Note what topics picked their interest the most and put them on top of the list.

You’ll end up removing some topics from your initial list after brainstorming, and that’s completely fine. The goal here is to end up with a topic that interests you as well as your readers.

Step 3: Define Your Topics 

which of the following factors are relevant to selecting a topic for a research paper

Check once again to make sure that your topic is a subject that you can easily define. You want to make sure the topic isn’t too broad or too narrow.

Often, a broad topic presents overwhelming amount of information, which makes it difficult to write a comprehensive research paper. A narrow topic, on the other hand, means you’ll find very little information, and therefore it can be difficult to do your assignment.

The length of the research paper, as stated in the assignment brief, should guide your topic selection.

Narrow down your list to topics that are:

  • Broad enough to allows you to find enough scholarly articles and journals for reference
  • Narrow enough to fit within the expected word count and the scope of the research

Topics that meet these two conditions should be easy to work on as they easily fit within the constraints of the research assignment.

Step 4: Read Background Information of Selected Topics  

which of the following factors are relevant to selecting a topic for a research paper

You probably have two or three topics by the time you get to this step. Now it’s time to read the background information on the topics to decide which topic to work on.

This step is important because it gives you a clear overview of the topic, enabling you to see how it relates to broader, narrower, and related concepts. Preliminary research also helps you to find keywords commonly used to describe the topic, which may be useful in further research.

It’s important to note how easy or difficult it is to find information on the topic.

Look at different sources of information to be sure you can find enough references for the topic. Such periodic indexes scan journals, newspaper articles, and magazines to find the information you’re looking for. You can even use web search engines. Google and Bing are currently that best options to consider because they make it easy for searchers to find relevant information on scholarly topics.

If you’re having a hard time to find references for a topic that you’ve so far considered for your research paper, skip it and go to the next one. Doing so will go a long way to ensure you have the right topic to work on from start to finish.

Get Research Paper Writing Help 

If you’ve found your research topic but you feel so stuck that you can’t proceed with the assignment without some assistance, we are here to help. With our research paper writing service ,  we can help you handle the assignment within the shortest time possible.

We will research your topic, develop a research question, outline the project, and help you with writing. We also get you involved in the process, allowing you to track the progress of your order until the delivery stage.

About the author 

Antony W is a professional writer and coach at Help for Assessment. He spends countless hours every day researching and writing great content filled with expert advice on how to write engaging essays, research papers, and assignments.

Selecting a Research Topic: Overview

  • Refine your topic
  • Background information & facts
  • Writing help

Here are some resources to refer to when selecting a topic and preparing to write a paper:

  • MIT Writing and Communication Center "Providing free professional advice about all types of writing and speaking to all members of the MIT community."
  • Search Our Collections Find books about writing. Search by subject for: english language grammar; report writing handbooks; technical writing handbooks
  • Blue Book of Grammar and Punctuation Online version of the book that provides examples and tips on grammar, punctuation, capitalization, and other writing rules.
  • Select a topic

Choosing an interesting research topic is your first challenge. Here are some tips:

  • Choose a topic that you are interested in! The research process is more relevant if you care about your topic.
  • If your topic is too broad, you will find too much information and not be able to focus.
  • Background reading can help you choose and limit the scope of your topic. 
  • Review the guidelines on topic selection outlined in your assignment.  Ask your professor or TA for suggestions.
  • Refer to lecture notes and required texts to refresh your knowledge of the course and assignment.
  • Talk about research ideas with a friend.  S/he may be able to help focus your topic by discussing issues that didn't occur to you at first.
  • WHY did you choose the topic?  What interests you about it?  Do you have an opinion about the issues involved?
  • WHO are the information providers on this topic?  Who might publish information about it?  Who is affected by the topic?  Do you know of organizations or institutions affiliated with the topic?
  • WHAT are the major questions for this topic?  Is there a debate about the topic?  Are there a range of issues and viewpoints to consider?
  • WHERE is your topic important: at the local, national or international level?  Are there specific places affected by the topic?
  • WHEN is/was your topic important?  Is it a current event or an historical issue?  Do you want to compare your topic by time periods?

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  • Sources for facts - general
  • Sources for facts - specific subjects

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Choosing a research topic.

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Research Process Guide

  • Step 1 - Identifying and Developing a Topic
  • Step 2 - Narrowing Your Topic
  • Step 3 - Developing Research Questions
  • Step 4 - Conducting a Literature Review
  • Step 5 - Choosing a Conceptual or Theoretical Framework
  • Step 6 - Determining Research Methodology
  • Step 6a - Determining Research Methodology - Quantitative Research Methods
  • Step 6b - Determining Research Methodology - Qualitative Design
  • Step 7 - Considering Ethical Issues in Research with Human Subjects - Institutional Review Board (IRB)
  • Step 8 - Collecting Data
  • Step 9 - Analyzing Data
  • Step 10 - Interpreting Results
  • Step 11 - Writing Up Results

Step 1: Identifying and Developing a Topic

which of the following factors are relevant to selecting a topic for a research paper

Whatever your field or discipline, the best advice to give on identifying a research topic is to choose something that you find really interesting. You will be spending an enormous amount of time with your topic, you need to be invested. Over the course of your research design, proposal and actually conducting your study, you may feel like you are really tired of your topic, however,  your interest and investment in the topic will help you persist through dissertation defense. Identifying a research topic can be challenging. Most of the research that has been completed on the process of conducting research fails to examine the preliminary stages of the interactive and self-reflective process of identifying a research topic (Wintersberger & Saunders, 2020).  You may choose a topic at the beginning of the process, and through exploring the research that has already been done, one’s own interests that are narrowed or expanded in scope, the topic will change over time (Dwarkadas & Lin, 2019). Where do I begin? According to the research, there are generally two paths to exploring your research topic, creative path and the rational path (Saunders et al., 2019).  The rational path takes a linear path and deals with questions we need to ask ourselves like: what are some timely topics in my field in the media right now?; what strengths do I bring to the research?; what are the gaps in the research about the area of research interest? (Saunders et al., 2019; Wintersberger & Saunders, 2020).The creative path is less linear in that it may include keeping a notebook of ideas based on discussion in coursework or with your peers in the field. Whichever path you take, you will inevitably have to narrow your more generalized ideas down. A great way to do that is to continue reading the literature about and around your topic looking for gaps that could be explored. Also, try engaging in meaningful discussions with experts in your field to get their take on your research ideas (Saunders et al., 2019; Wintersberger & Saunders, 2020). It is important to remember that a research topic should be (Dwarkadas & Lin, 2019; Saunders et al., 2019; Wintersberger & Saunders, 2020):

  • Interesting to you.
  • Realistic in that it can be completed in an appropriate amount of time.
  • Relevant to your program or field of study.
  • Not widely researched.


Dwarkadas, S., & Lin, M. C. (2019, August 04). Finding a research topic. Computing Research Association for Women, Portland State University.

Saunders, M. N. K., Lewis, P., & Thornhill, A. (2019). Research methods for business students (8th ed.). Pearson.

Wintersberger, D., & Saunders, M. (2020). Formulating and clarifying the research topic: Insights and a guide for the production management research community. Production, 30 .

  • Last Updated: Jun 29, 2023 1:35 PM
  • URL:

Finding your Goal: How to choose a research topic

Finding a research topic can be challenging, but the steps outlined in this article will help you with that.

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The study of science and academics cannot be completed without research. You’ll need to choose a research topic carefully when writing a research paper or conducting a study, no matter whether you’re a student or a professional researcher. It is your choice of topic that determines how your study will be conducted and ultimately how successful it will be.

If you don’t know where to begin or what factors to consider when choosing a research topic, it can be daunting. It is possible to choose a research topic in a variety of ways, and what is effective for one person may not be effective for another, but the question remains the same: “How to choose a research topic?”

Well, choosing the right topic takes some trial and error, and it’s not a one-size-fits-all process. Let’s discuss a few key factors to consider when choosing a research topic that aligns with your passion, expertise, and research goals in this blog.

A Well-Chosen Research Topic Can Make or Break Your Project

If you want to conduct a successful research project, it is imperative to pick a good research topic, regardless of your field or discipline. The topic you choose will influence your research’s direction and scope, as well as its methods and approaches. It is important to choose a topic that will allow you to explore your area of interest in-depth and also contribute to the existing body of knowledge in the field.

The first step to conducting a meaningful and fulfilling research project is choosing a good research topic. Your enthusiasm and dedication to the subject matter will lead to better outcomes when you’re passionate about it. Even when faced with challenges or setbacks during the project, a well-chosen research topic will keep you focused and motivated.

In addition to being beneficial to your own research project, a research topic can also have a broader impact on the field at large. You can help advance the field by selecting a topic that addresses a knowledge gap, contributes to an ongoing debate, or informs policy or practice by providing new insights. Additionally, an interesting research topic can provide opportunities to collaborate with other researchers, leading to further advancements and broader networks in the field.

A successful and rewarding research project depends on choosing the right research topic for you. The best way to achieve a fulfilling and impactful research experience is to choose topics aligned with your interests and expertise, contribute to the field, and allow for meaningful engagement.

Unlocking Ideas: How to brainstorm your research topic

A brainstorming session is a crucial first step in selecting a research topic. Identifying potential options and taking into account factors such as feasibility, relevance, and significance are essential steps. Depending on your research goals and personal preferences, you may benefit from using different brainstorming techniques. 

Visual diagrams that organize ideas around a central topic, such as mind maps, are an effective way to settle ideas. The central topic should be written in the center of the page, then related ideas or subtopics should be written around it. Identifying potential research directions can be accomplished by seeing how different ideas are connected. 

Listing is another method, where you write as many topics as possible without worrying about their feasibility or relevance at first. Based on your expertise, the significance of the research question , the availability of data and resources, and the time required to complete the research, you can narrow down the list of potential topics. 

Brainstorm with a group or seek feedback from peers, mentors, or colleagues, who may offer unique insights and perspectives. A good research topic can be identified by brainstorming, and by using different techniques and taking into account various factors, you can choose one that fits your interests, goals, and resources.

How to Choose a Research Topic: 6 Steps to Make It Easy

Following these steps will help you choose a research topic that fits your interests, expertise, and objectives, while also being feasible to conduct within the constraints of your resources and schedule.

1. Brainstorm possible subject matter

Begin by brainstorming a list of potential research topics that are of interest to you in order to narrow down your choices. If you have a specific question or topic that you are curious about, this could be anything from a broad topic that you are passionate about to a more specific question, that’s the perfect time to write it down. Be sure to take into consideration your field of study, current events, and any research gaps you have discovered in your area of expertise. Make a list of any ideas that come to mind, no matter how unrelated or impractical they may seem. As a result, you will be able to generate many potential topics to explore.

2. Think about your expertise and interests

Identify a topic that corresponds to your interests and expertise. When you are passionate about your topic, your research will be more engaging and motivating. Make a list of topics you’re familiar with and topics you’re interested in learning about. The goal is to choose a topic that you enjoy researching and will keep you motivated throughout the research process.

3. Do a literature review

After you’ve compiled a list of potential topics, review the literature to see what previous research has been done in the area. As a result, you will be able to identify gaps in the existing research that you might be able to fill. Gather relevant research articles and papers by searching academic databases, journals, and other credible sources. Study the literature carefully, making notes on key findings and areas that have not been addressed. By focusing on topics that lack extensive research or that have gaps in the existing literature, you will be able to narrow down your list of potential research topics.

4. Assess the feasibility

Consider factors like data availability, time constraints, and access to research participants or resources once you have a list of possible topics. You can use this information to determine which topics may be suitable for your research. Consider ensuring you have enough participants for your study if you intend to do a large-scale study that requires a large sample size. Considering the resources and equipment you’ll need for your research is important if you’re working within a limited budget.

5. Make your research question more specific 

As soon as you have chosen your topic, refine your research question to make sure it is specific, relevant, and feasible. Your research will be guided, and you will stay on track by doing this. Good research questions are clear and concise, and they identify the specific problem you’re trying to solve. You should ensure that your research question is based on existing research and that it can be conducted within the time and resource constraints you have.

6. Be open to feedback 

You may benefit from the feedback of colleagues, advisors, or other experts in your field regarding the topic and research question you have chosen. You may gain valuable insights from them or find alternative approaches you hadn’t thought of. Your research question can be refined further by doing this, and you can ensure that you are on the right track with your research.

A successful research project depends on choosing the right topic. You’re just beginning a long and rewarding journey when you choose a research topic. Perseverance and dedication can lead to research that advances human understanding of our world and contributes to the advancement of your field.

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About Aayushi Zaveri

Aayushi Zaveri majored in biotechnology engineering. She is currently pursuing a master's degree in Bioentrepreneurship from Karolinska Institute. She is interested in health and diseases, global health, socioeconomic development, and women's health. As a science enthusiast, she is keen in learning more about the scientific world and wants to play a part in making a difference.

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Research 101 (A How-to Guide): Step 1. Choose a topic

  • Step 1. Choose a topic
  • Step 2. Get background information
  • Step 3. Create a search strategy
  • Step 4. Find books and e-books
  • Step 5. Find articles
  • Step 6. Evaluate your sources
  • Step 7. Cite your sources

Step 1. Choose a Topic

Choosing an interesting research topic can be challenging.  This video tutorial will help you select and properly scope your topic by employing questioning, free writing, and mind mapping techniques so that you can formulate a research question.


Good Sources for Finding a Topic

  • CQ Researcher This link opens in a new window Browse the "hot topics" on the right hand side for inspiration.
  • 401 Prompts for Argumentative Writing, New York Times Great questions to consider for argumentative essays.
  • Facts, news, and thousands of diverse opinions on controversial issues in a pro-con format.
  • Room For Debate, New York Times This website, created by editorial staff from the New York Times, explores close to 1,500 news events and other timely issues. Knowledgeable outside contributors provide subject background and readers may contribute their own views. Great help for choosing a topic!
  • US News & World Report: Debate Club Pro/Con arguments on current issues.
  • Writing Prompts, New York Times New York Times Opinion articles that are geared toward students and invite comment.

Tips for Choosing a Topic

  • Choose a topic that interests you!   
  • Pick a manageable topic, not too broad, not too narrow. Reading background info can help you choose and limit the scope of your topic.
  • Review lecture notes and class readings for ideas.
  • Check with your instructor to make sure your topic fits with the assignment.

Picking your topic IS research!

  • Developing a Research Question Worksheet

Mind Mapping Tools

Mind mapping, a visual form of brainstorming, is an effective technique for developing a topic.  Here are some free tools to create mind maps.

  • Free account allows you to save 3 mind maps, download as image or HTML, and share with others.
  • Coggle Sign in with your Google account to create maps that you can download as PDF or PNG or share with others.
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  • Next: Step 2. Get background information >>
  • Last Updated: Apr 9, 2024 2:36 PM
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Research Process: An Overview: Choosing a Topic

  • Choosing a Topic
  • Refining Your Topic
  • Finding Information
  • Evaluating Your Sources
  • Database Searching
  • APA Citation This link opens in a new window
  • Topic selection
  • Brainstorm Questions
  • Tip: Keywords
  • Finding Topic Ideas Online

Read Background Information

Tip: keywords.

Keywords are the main terms that describe your research question or topic.   Keep track of these words so you can use them when searching for books and articles.

  • Identify the main concepts in your research question. Typically there should only be two or three main concepts.
  • Look for keywords that best describe these concepts.
  • You can look for keywords when reading background information or encyclopedia articles on your topic
  • Use a thesaurus, your textbook and subject headings in databases to find different keywords.

which of the following factors are relevant to selecting a topic for a research paper

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which of the following factors are relevant to selecting a topic for a research paper

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Getting Started

Topic selection.

Choosing your topic is the first step in the research process. Be aware that selecting a good topic may not be easy. It must be narrow and focused enough to be interesting, yet broad enough to find adequate information. 

For help getting started on the writing process go to the  GGU Online Writing Lab (Writing tutor) where you can set up and appointment with a writing tutor.

#1 Research ti p:  Pick a topic that interests you.  You are going to live with this topic for weeks while you research, read, and write your assignment. Choose something that will hold your interest and that you might even be excited about. Your attitude towards your topic will come across in your writing or presentation!

Brainstorming  is a technique you can use to help you generate ideas. Below are brainstorming exercises and resources to help you come up with research topic ideas. 

Brainstorming Topic Ideas

Ask yourself the following questions to help you generate topic ideas:.

  • Do you have a strong opinion on a current social or political controversy?
  • Did you read or see a news story recently that has interested you?
  • Do you have a personal issue, problem or interest that you would like to know more about?
  • Is there an aspect of one of your classes that you would like to learn more about?

Finding Topic Ideas

Topic ideas.

Try the resources below to help you get ideas for possible research topics:

  • CQ Researcher This link opens in a new window Coverage of the most important issues and controversies of the day, including pro-con analysis. Help Video
  • Google News This site provides national and international news on a variety of subjects gathered from over 4,000 sources.
  • Article & News Databases Use the Library's Articles and News databases to browse contents of current magazines and newspapers. If you do not know how to browse current issues ask a librarian for help.

Background Information

Read an encyclopedia article on the top two or three topics you are considering. Reading a broad summary enables you to get an overview of the topic and see how your idea relates to broader, narrower, and related issues. If you cant find an article on your topic, ask a librarian for help.

  • Gale eBooks This link opens in a new window The Gale Virtual Reference Library contains several business focused encyclopedias such as The Encyclopedia of Management and The Encyclopedia of Emerging Industries which may provide background information on possible topics.
  • Article & News Databases Use the Library's Articles and News databases to search for brief articles on your topic ideas.
  • SAGE Knowledge This link opens in a new window Hundreds of encyclopedias and handbooks on key topics in the social and behavioral sciences. User Guide

SAGE Research Methods

  • SAGE Research Methods This link opens in a new window

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  • Next: Refining Your Topic >>
  • Last Updated: Apr 17, 2024 1:45 PM
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How to Craft Your Ideal Thesis Research Topic

How to Craft Your Ideal Thesis Research Topic

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which of the following factors are relevant to selecting a topic for a research paper

Catherine Miller

Writing your undergraduate thesis is probably one of the most interesting parts of studying, especially because you get to choose your area of study. But as both a student and a teacher who’s helped countless students develop their research topics, I know this freedom can be just as intimidating as it is liberating.

Fortunately, there’a a step-by-step process you can follow that will help make the whole process a lot easier. In this article, I’ll show you how to choose a unique, specific thesis topic that’s true to your passions and interests, while making a contribution to your field.

which of the following factors are relevant to selecting a topic for a research paper

Choose a topic that you’re interested in

First things first: double-check with your teachers or supervisor if there are any constraints on your research topic. Once your parameters are clear, it’s time to identify what lights you up — after all, you’re going to be spending a lot of time thinking about it.

Within your field of study, you probably already have some topics that have grabbed your attention more than others. This can be a great place to start. Additionally, consider using the rest of your academic and extra-curricular interests as a source of ideas. At this stage, you only need a broad topic before you narrow it down to a specific question. 

If you’re feeling stuck, here are some things to try:

  • Look back through old course notes to remind yourself of topics you previously covered. Do any of these inspire you?
  • Talk to potential supervisors about your ideas, as they can point you toward areas you might not have considered.
  • Think about the things you enjoy in everyday life — whether that’s cycling, cinema, cooking, or fashion — then consider if there are any overlaps with your field of study.
  • Imagine you have been asked to give a presentation or record a podcast in the next three days. What topics would you feel confident discussing?
  • Watch a selection of existing lectures or explainer videos, or listen to podcasts by experts in your field. Note which topics you feel curious to explore further.
  • Discuss your field of study with teachers friends and family, some with existing knowledge and some without. Which aspects do you enjoy talking about? 

By doing all this, you might uncover some unusual and exciting avenues for research. For example, when writing my Master’s dissertation, I decided to combine my field of study (English teaching methodology) with one of my passions outside work (creative writing). In my undergraduate course, a friend drew on her lived experience of disability to look into the literary portrayal of disability in the ancient world. 

Do your research

Once you’ve chosen your topic of interest, it’s time to dive into research. This is a really important part of this early process because it allows you to:

  • See what other people have written about the topic — you don’t want to cover the same old ground as everyone else.
  • Gain perspective on the big questions surrounding the topic. 
  • Go deeper into the parts that interest you to help you decide where to focus.
  • Start building your bibliography and a bank of interesting quotations. 

A great way to start is to visit your library for an introductory book. For example, the “A Very Short Introduction” series from the Oxford University Press provides overviews of a range of themes. Similar types of overviews may have the title “ A Companion to [Subject]” or “[Subject] A Student Companion”. Ask your librarian or teacher if you’re not sure where to begin. 

Your introductory volume can spark ideas for further research, and the bibliography can give you some pointers about where to go next. You can also use keywords to research online via academic sites like JStor or Google Scholar. Check which subscriptions are available via your institution.

At this stage, you may not wish to read every single paper you come across in full — this could take a very long time and not everything will be relevant. Summarizing software like Wordtune could be very useful here.

Just upload a PDF or link to an online article using Wordtune, and it will produce a summary of the whole paper with a list of key points. This helps you to quickly sift through papers to grasp their central ideas and identify which ones to read in full. 

Screenshot of Wordtune's summarizing tool

Get Wordtune for free > Get Wordtune for free >

You can also use Wordtune for semantic search. In this case, the tool focuses its summary around your chosen search term, making it even easier to get what you need from the paper.

which of the following factors are relevant to selecting a topic for a research paper

As you go, make sure you keep organized notes of what you’ve read, including the author and publication information and the page number of any citations you want to use. 

Some people are happy to do this process with pen and paper, but if you prefer a digital method, there are several software options, including Zotero , EndNote , and Mendeley . Your institution may have an existing subscription so check before you sign up.

Narrowing down your thesis research topic

Now you’ve read around the topic, it’s time to narrow down your ideas so you can craft your final question. For example, when it came to my undergraduate thesis, I knew I wanted to write about Ancient Greek religion and I was interested in the topic of goddesses. So, I:

  • Did some wide reading around the topic of goddesses
  • Learned that the goddess Hera was not as well researched as others and that there were some fascinating aspects I wanted to explore
  • Decided (with my supervisor’s support) to focus on her temples in the Argive region of Greece

which of the following factors are relevant to selecting a topic for a research paper

As part of this process, it can be helpful to consider the “5 Ws”: why, what, who, when, and where, as you move from the bigger picture to something more precise. 

Why did you choose this research topic?

Come back to the reasons you originally chose your theme. What grabbed you? Why is this topic important to you — or to the wider world? In my example, I knew I wanted to write about goddesses because, as a woman, I was interested in how a society in which female lives were often highly controlled dealt with having powerful female deities. My research highlighted Hera as one of the most powerful goddesses, tying into my key interest.

What are some of the big questions about your topic?

During your research, you’ll probably run into the same themes time and time again. Some of the questions that arise may not have been answered yet or might benefit from a fresh look. 

Equally, there may be questions that haven’t yet been asked, especially if you are approaching the topic from a modern perspective or combining research that hasn’t been considered before. This might include taking a post-colonial, feminist, or queer approach to older texts or bringing in research using new scientific methods.

In my example, I knew there were still controversies about why so many temples to the goddess Hera were built in a certain region, and was keen to explore these further.

Who is the research topic relevant to?

Considering the “who” might help you open up new avenues. Is there a particular audience you want to reach? What might they be interested in? Is this a new audience for this field? Are there people out there who might be affected by the outcome of this research — for example, people with a particular medical condition — who might be able to use your conclusions?

Which period will you focus on?

Depending on the nature of your field, you might be able to choose a timeframe, which can help narrow the topic down. For example, you might focus on historical events that took place over a handful of years, look at the impact of a work of literature at a certain point after its publication, or review scientific progress over the last five years. 

With my thesis, I decided to focus on the time when the temples were built rather than considering the hundreds of years for which they have existed, which would have taken me far too long.

Where does your topic relate to?

Place can be another means of narrowing down the topic. For example, consider the impact of your topic on a particular neighborhood, city, or country, rather than trying to process a global question. 

In my example, I chose to focus my research on one area of Greece, where there were lots of temples to Hera. This meant skipping other important locations, but including these would have made the thesis too wide-ranging.

Create an outline and get feedback

Once you have an idea of what you are going to write about, create an outline or summary and get feedback from your teacher(s). It’s okay if you don’t know exactly how you’re going to answer your thesis question yet, but based on your research you should have a rough plan of the key points you want to cover. So, for me, the outline was as follows:

  • Context: who was the goddess Hera?
  • Overview of her sanctuaries in the Argive region
  • Their initial development 
  • Political and cultural influences
  • The importance of the mythical past

In the final thesis, I took a strong view on why the goddess was so important in this region, but it took more research, writing, and discussion with my supervisor to pin down my argument.

To choose a thesis research topic, find something you’re passionate about, research widely to get the big picture, and then move to a more focused view. Bringing a fresh perspective to a popular theme, finding an underserved audience who could benefit from your research, or answering a controversial question can make your thesis stand out from the crowd.

For tips on how to start writing your thesis, don’t miss our advice on writing a great research abstract and a stellar literature review . And don’t forget that Wordtune can also support you with proofreading, making it even easier to submit a polished thesis.

How do you come up with a research topic for a thesis?

To help you find a thesis topic, speak to your professor, look through your old course notes, think about what you already enjoy in everyday life, talk about your field of study with friends and family, and research podcasts and videos to find a topic that is interesting for you. It’s a good idea to refine your topic so that it’s not too general or broad.  

Do you choose your own thesis topic?

Yes, you usually choose your own thesis topic. You can get help from your professor(s), friends, and family to figure out which research topic is interesting to you. 

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Finding a Paper Topic

Introduction, current discussion and developments, working papers, academic journal articles, llm papers & sjd dissertations, faculty advisors, refining & finalizing a paper topic, getting help.

This guide is aimed at law students selecting a research paper topic. You should aim to find a specific, original research issue that you find fascinating. The process for choosing a topic varies but might involve the following steps.

  • Brainstorm about areas of interest. Think about interesting concepts from your courses, work history or life experience. 
  • Review current awareness sources like legal news, legal practice publications, or law blogs to generate more ideas or to identify legal developments related to your topic.
  • Begin initial research using HOLLIS and Google Scholar.
  • Refine your search phrases and start more specific research in academic articles and working papers. Try to zero in on current scholarly discussions on your topic.
  • Reach out to potential faculty supervisors to discuss and refine the thesis statements you are considering.

Once you have finalized your topic, consider meeting with a librarian. Librarians can help you find and use targeted research sources for your specific project.

Current Awareness

Browsing and reading blogs, law firm posts, and legal news will help you generate ideas. Try some of the sources below to find current legal developments and controversies ahead of their formal analysis in traditional scholarly sources such as books or law review articles.

  • Bloomberg Law Law Review Resources: Find a Topic (HLS Only) Find circuit splits, Court developments, browse developments by practice area.
  • Lexis News Hub (HLS Only)
  • Westlaw Legal Blogs (HLS Only) Aggregates content from many blogs. Browse or search.

Working Papers Repositories

After browsing current awareness services for ideas, hopefully you’re starting to have a few possible topics. Digging into working papers is a good next step. Working paper repositories host collections of scholarly articles not yet published or in final form. The benefit of searching in working paper repositories is to gain a sense of the current academic conversation on a topic.

  • SSRN (Social Science Research Network) SSRN is a working paper site used by most U.S. law professors. Accessing it through HOLLIS will allow you to set up an individual account and subscribe to email alerts.
  • Law Commons This open access working paper site is easy to browse by topic, author, and institutional affiliation.
  • NBER Working Papers The National Bureau of Economic Research hosts working papers related to finance, banking, and law and economics.
  • OSF Preprints Multidisciplinary repository more global in scope than those listed above.

Academic Literature

As you begin to settle on a topic, you'll want to explore the legal academic literature. If your topic is not solely legal in nature, but falls in other academic disciplines like economics, sociology, political science, etc. you'll want to use HOLLIS and Google Scholar as you explore and refine your topic.

Law Journal Articles

  • Hein Online Law Journal Library (Harvard Key) Provides pdf format for law review articles in 3200 law journals. For most, coverage is from inception. Includes a good collection of non-U.S. journals.
  • Lexis+ Law Reviews and Journals (HLS Only)
  • Westlaw Law Reviews & Journals (HLS Only)
  • LegalTrac Topic Finder (HLS only) LegalTrac is an index (descriptions of articles) and has some full text. It is included here for its topic finder tool which allows you to put in some general topics, and then refine the terms to generate a list of linked articles.

Academic Articles, Books and Book Chapters

  • HOLLIS Catalog and Articles Beyond finding the books, ebooks, and journals owned by the Harvard Library system, using HOLLIS in its default mode (Catalog & Articles) allows you to find articles from many subscription sources. Before settling on a paper topic, running some searches in HOLLIS is a must.
  • Harvard Google Scholar Google Scholar limits results to scholarly research publications. Harvard Google Scholar will (usually) allow you to link through to content from Harvard-subscribed sources.

Dissertations, Theses and Papers

As you refine your topic ideas, it is often helpful to browse the titles of dissertations and papers by SJDs, LLMs, or JD students, either generally, or those which touch on your subject area. This can help you understand how people have framed their research topic in a discrete, specific way. 

  • Proquest Dissertations and Theses (Harvard Key) This database includes dissertations and theses from many academic institutions but has not included HLS SJD dissertations or LL.M. papers in recent years.
  • HLS Dissertations, Theses, and JD Papers The library holds HLS student papers in print format. This guide describes our collection and how to find them using HOLLIS.
  • Global ETD Search (Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations) Global in scope. Collectively search academic repositories of theses and dissertations.

Tips on Finding a Faculty Advisor

HLS LL.M. papers require faculty supervision. Discussing your topic with a potential faculty supervisor can be an important step in solidifying your topic ideas. 

  • HLS Faculty Directory The directory can be searched or browsed by area of interest. Note that some professors are here for only part of the year. Faculty supervisors must have a teaching appointment in the semester in which the paper is to be turned in.
  • HLS Course Catalog This is the best source to determine who is currently teaching in your topic subject area.
  • HLS Faculty Bibliography This collective list of publications of the HLS faculty can be searched and limited by date.

Tips for Refining a Topic

As you’ve browsed blogs, news, law reviews and other LL.M. papers, you have hopefully arrived at some topic ideas that are original and will hold your continued interest as you write your paper. It is also important to refine your paper topic to a discrete, narrow idea. To make sure your topic is sufficiently narrow, please see the resources included in the HLS Graduate Program Writing Resources Canvas Site . See especially: 

  • The Six-Point Exercise in the module “Developing Your Proposal and Drafting Your Paper”
  • Worksheets for Senior Thesis Writers and Others in the module “Recommended Materials on Writing”
  • Archetypal Legal Scholarship: A Field Guide, 63 J. Legal Educ. 65 (2013) HLS Prof. Minow's article defines the different types of papers in the legal literature. It is helpful to read her framework as you finalize your paper topic.
  • Academic Legal Writing: Law Review Articles, Student Notes, Seminar Papers, and Getting on Law Review UCLA Prof. Eugene Volokh's book on legal writing.
  • Choosing a Claim (Excerpt from above book.) This is a publicly available excerpt of the book. Chapter begins on p. 25 of this pdf.

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  • Last Updated: May 10, 2024 2:32 PM
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Choosing a Topic

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The first step of any research paper is for the student to understand the assignment. If this is not done, the student will often travel down many dead-end roads, wasting a great deal of time along the way. Do not hesitate to approach the instructor with questions if there is any confusion. A clear understanding of the assignment will allow you to focus on other aspects of the process, such as choosing a topic and identifying your audience.

A student will often encounter one of two situations when it comes to choosing a topic for a research paper. The first situation occurs when the instructor provides a list of topics from which the student may choose. These topics have been deemed worthy by the instructor; therefore, the student should be confident in the topic he chooses from the list. Many first-time researchers appreciate such an arrangement by the instructor because it eliminates the stress of having to decide upon a topic on their own.

However, the student may also find the topics that have been provided to be limiting; moreover, it is not uncommon for the student to have a topic in mind that does not fit with any of those provided. If this is the case, it is always beneficial to approach the instructor with one's ideas. Be respectful, and ask the instructor if the topic you have in mind would be a possible research option for the assignment. Remember, as a first-time researcher, your knowledge of the process is quite limited; the instructor is experienced, and may have very precise reasons for choosing the topics she has offered to the class. Trust that she has the best interests of the class in mind. If she likes the topic, great! If not, do not take it personally and choose the topic from the list that seems most interesting to you.

The second situation occurs when the instructor simply hands out an assignment sheet that covers the logistics of the research paper, but leaves the choice of topic up to the student. Typically, assignments in which students are given the opportunity to choose the topic require the topic to be relevant to some aspect of the course; so, keep this in mind as you begin a course in which you know there will be a research paper near the end. That way, you can be on the lookout for a topic that may interest you. Do not be anxious on account of a perceived lack of authority or knowledge about the topic chosen. Instead, realize that it takes practice to become an experienced researcher in any field.

For a discussion of Evaluating Sources, see Evaluating Sources of Information .

Methods for choosing a topic

Thinking early leads to starting early. If the student begins thinking about possible topics when the assignment is given, she has already begun the arduous, yet rewarding, task of planning and organization. Once she has made the assignment a priority in her mind, she may begin to have ideas throughout the day. Brainstorming is often a successful way for students to get some of these ideas down on paper. Seeing one's ideas in writing is often an impetus for the writing process. Though brainstorming is particularly effective when a topic has been chosen, it can also benefit the student who is unable to narrow a topic. It consists of a timed writing session during which the student jots down—often in list or bulleted form—any ideas that come to his mind. At the end of the timed period, the student will peruse his list for patterns of consistency. If it appears that something seems to be standing out in his mind more than others, it may be wise to pursue this as a topic possibility.

It is important for the student to keep in mind that an initial topic that you come up with may not be the exact topic about which you end up writing. Research topics are often fluid, and dictated more by the student's ongoing research than by the original chosen topic. Such fluidity is common in research, and should be embraced as one of its many characteristics.

The Purdue OWL also offers a number of other resources on choosing and developing a topic:

  • Understanding Writing Assignments
  • Starting the Writing Process
  • Invention Slide Presentation
  • Fontbonne University

Research Help

Choosing a topic.

  • Library Research

Getting Started

  • Developing a Thesis
  • Finding Sources
  • Interlibrary Loan This link opens in a new window
  • Writing and Re-Writing
  • Evaluating Sources
  • Citing Sources This link opens in a new window
  • Data & Statistics
  • Using Images
  • Additional Resources
  • ESL Resources
  • College 101
  • Primary Sources
  • Library Tutorials
  • Graduate Studies

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Choosing a topic is the first and maybe the most important step of the research and writing process! This step will determine the rest of your steps -- what your thesis statement is, what sources you use, and how to write your paper. So it's important to make sure you choose a strong and engaging topic.

Strategies for finding a topic:

  • Look over the index and the article titles in a subject-specific encyclopedia that covers a relevant subject area or discipline. Check out our print collection available in the Information Commons. (Additional sources can be found by searching the catalog for titles in the general collection.)
  • Spend some time looking at major journals in your field (look for the white binder in the reading room for a list of current periodicals by subject).
  • Browse your subject area in one of our digital reference sources .
  • Discuss topic ideas with your instructor or favorite reference librarian!

Good questions to ask yourself when choosing a topic are:

  • Is this a topic that interests me?
  • Is this a topic that is creative and has not been overdone?
  • Is this a topic that is not too broad or too narrow to meet the assignment requirements?

When you pick your topic, it's not set in stone. Picking and adjusting your topic is an integral part of the research process!

How to Develop a Good Research Topic

Need Help Choosing a Topic?

Sometimes it can be difficult to think up a great research topic. Have no fear -- Taylor Library is here to help! Check out these database and websites to get some ideas.

which of the following factors are relevant to selecting a topic for a research paper

Once you have a topic in mind:

  • Consider first the broad subjects that deal with your topic.
  • Narrow this down, keeping your topic in mind.
  • Focus closer: limit your topic to specifics, such as geography, time, and culture.
  • Write down topic phrases; this helps you come up with key words and questions that will help you in your research.
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  • Next: Getting Started >>
  • Last Updated: Feb 29, 2024 4:48 PM
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which of the following factors are relevant to selecting a topic for a research paper

  • Master Your Homework
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What to Consider When Choosing a Research Paper Topic

The selection of a research paper topic is an essential and potentially overwhelming process for many students. It is critical that one approaches this task with careful consideration, taking into account various factors to ensure the choice of an appropriate, effective and relevant topic. This article aims to provide guidelines on what should be taken into account when selecting a research paper topic by reviewing key principles associated with choosing such topics as well as potential sources where one can find inspiration for ideas.

I. Introduction to Research Paper Topics

Ii. establishing relevant criteria for choosing a topic, iii. analyzing possible sources of information, iv. examining the quality and availability of data or statistics, v. understanding constraints related to time and resources, vi. exploring intriguing sub-topics in depth, vii. conclusion: making an informed decision on your topic.

The research paper topics available are as varied and expansive as the fields of knowledge they inhabit. From ancient history to modern art, there is no shortage of subject matter for a student to explore. Yet before embarking on any exploration, it helps to have an idea of what makes up a successful research paper.

  • A good research paper should focus on one central topic . It may touch upon related issues along the way, but its primary purpose is always clear: To discuss in-depth a single concept or issue.

As research paper writing can often be a complex process, establishing criteria for choosing an appropriate topic is essential to success. One of the most important points to consider when selecting a topic is that it should align with the requirements set forth by your instructor. Making sure you understand what type of content and structure are expected will help ensure you meet all expectations.

It’s also wise to pick something interesting which resonates with your own interests; this way, researching and writing on it won’t feel like such a chore! A good research paper should address current issues or debates in its field while providing evidence-based arguments that support particular perspectives. It must analyze available information objectively while being creative enough to bring new insight into an existing subject area.

Upon deciding on a research paper topic, it is paramount to analyze possible sources of information in order to construct an effective and reliable argument. To begin, understanding what type of information is necessary for the given topic allows the researcher to properly categorize their search accordingly. Depending on the field or discipline being discussed within your work, sources such as journals, books and articles will provide reputable academic insight.

Moreover, utilizing online resources through databases like JSTOR can prove useful in providing students with plenty of scholarly material that contains primary evidence relating directly to the thesis statement outlined within your project. It’s also important not forget about non-traditional yet valuable forms of data which include personal interviews & surveys – these may be just as beneficial when discussing topics related to culture or society. All-in-all, researching appropriate content helps create a solid foundation upon which ideas are formed into comprehensive arguments regarding whatever issue you’re exploring through your paper.

The Importance of Data and Statistics in Research

  • Data is an essential tool for the development of any research paper.
  • High-quality data should be well documented and up to date.

Time and Resource Limitations

Making the most of limited time and resources is a crucial aspect for any research paper. To do this, it’s important to have an understanding of how much time can be realistically dedicated to your project in order to ensure that it meets its goals within the allotted timeframe. Time constraints should not only cover when you need the final paper completed by but also take into account factors such as:

  • The amount of preparation before beginning writing.
  • How often one can dedicate themselves to researching, gathering evidence, analyzing data etc.

                                                                                                                                                                                   When dealing with resource limitations, some key considerations are:   

Given the vastness of a chosen topic, it is always best to hone in on interesting sub-topics and explore them thoroughly. Here we dive into the different elements that make up this research paper’s overarching concept.

  • Focus: The crux of this section lies with narrowing down our main area of focus. By exploring smaller components within our greater theme, we can find areas for further exploration which will ultimately lead us to draw more concrete conclusions regarding our overall idea.

Considering All Aspects When researching any topic, it is important to consider all aspects before making an informed decision. From the angle of historical context, to ethical considerations and current trends; every element needs to be carefully weighed against each other in order for one’s research paper conclusion to have value. By surveying a wide range of reliable sources from books, scholarly articles, interviews with experts or even taking primary data samples – researchers can gain an understanding as far-reaching as their investigation efforts go.

One should also keep their objectives and goals in mind when conducting this analysis: what are they attempting to uncover? What did they set out looking for? Having these answers will provide direction and shape the results into a solid piece that makes sense overall – no matter if you make a recommendation at the end or not! Ultimately this process enables us come up with research papers which are thought-provoking and invaluable contributions that could potentially help spark meaningful conversations about topics we care about.

  • Keep your objectives & goals clear.
  • Explore varied & reliable sources.
  • Interesting
  • Scholarships
  • UGC-CARE Journals

Factors to Consider When Choosing a Research Topic

Discover how to pick the perfect research topic with our expert guide.

Dr. Sowndarya Somasundaram

Boarding on a research journey is an exciting yet challenging endeavor, often commencing with the pivotal decision of selecting a research topic. This initial choice can significantly shape the trajectory of the entire scholarly pursuit, influencing the depth, breadth, and impact of the study. In this article, iLovePhD highlighted the key factors to be considered in Choosing a Research Topic to carry out innovative and purposeful research for the benefit of mankind.

Personal Interest and Passion:

  • Passion is the fuel that drives perseverance and dedication.
  • Choosing a research topic aligned with one’s interests fosters genuine enthusiasm, making the journey more enjoyable and sustaining motivation throughout the often lengthy process.
  • A topic that resonates with the researcher ’s curiosity or aligns with their personal values tends to yield more profound insights and a deeper understanding.

Relevance and Significance:

  • An impactful research topic should address a pertinent issue or gap in existing knowledge.
  • Assessing the relevance and significance of a topic within the academic field or its practical implications in the real world is crucial.
  • Consider its potential contribution to the field, societal relevance, and the extent to which it can fill a knowledge vacuum or address an existing problem.

Feasibility and Scope:

  • While enthusiasm is vital, feasibility is equally important.
  • Evaluating the scope of the research topic in terms of available resources, time, and access to necessary data or materials is crucial.
  • Researchers must ascertain whether the chosen topic is manageable within the given constraints without compromising the depth or quality of the study.

Originality and Innovation:

  • Originality sparks intellectual curiosity and encourages the exploration of new ideas.
  • A novel approach or unique perspective on a familiar topic can breathe fresh life into research.
  • Consider whether the chosen topic offers an opportunity for innovative thinking or the potential to generate new knowledge, methodologies, or paradigms.

Research Gap and Literature Review:

  • Conducting a thorough literature review is essential to identify gaps in existing research.
  • A robust research topic often emerges from gaps or inconsistencies found in previous studies.
  • Understanding what has been done and what remains unexplored in the field helps pinpoint areas where new research can make a significant contribution.

Audience and Impact:

  • Consider the intended audience for the research and its potential impact.
  • Will the findings cater to fellow researchers, policymakers, practitioners, or the general public?
  • Understanding the target audience and envisioning the potential impact of the research aids in shaping the study to ensure it resonates with and contributes meaningfully to the intended community.

Ethical and Social Considerations:

  • Ethical implications are vital in research.
  • Researchers must consider the potential consequences and ethical implications of their work.
  • This includes ensuring that the research respects the rights and dignity of participants and adheres to ethical guidelines and standards.

Selecting a research topic is a pivotal stage in the research process. By considering these factors, researchers can make informed decisions that align with their interests, contribute meaningfully to the academic community, and potentially bring about real-world change. Ultimately, a well-chosen research topic sets the stage for a rewarding and impactful scholarly journey. Happy Researching!

Dr. Sowndarya Somasundaram

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  • POSTDOC 317
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  • Fellowship 128
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which of the following factors are relevant to selecting a topic for a research paper


  1. Topic Selection For Research

    which of the following factors are relevant to selecting a topic for a research paper

  2. Selecting a Research Topic: A Framework for Doctoral Students

    which of the following factors are relevant to selecting a topic for a research paper

  3. Step by step guide on selecting your research topic

    which of the following factors are relevant to selecting a topic for a research paper

  4. What are the main approaches to choose a topic? Mention some criteria

    which of the following factors are relevant to selecting a topic for a research paper

  5. Undergraduate Research Topics: History, Art, & More. 300+ Good Research

    which of the following factors are relevant to selecting a topic for a research paper

  6. Selecting a Topic

    which of the following factors are relevant to selecting a topic for a research paper


  1. ExRxIndia's Two-day National Webinar by Dr. Prem Kumar PhD. Topic: Research Paper Writing #exrxindia

  2. how to find independent variable and dependent variable in a topic research paper or thesis titles

  3. What is Research

  4. Choosing a paper topic

  5. Doing Research: How to select Research/Dissertation topic?

  6. Selecting a research topic


  1. How To Choose A Research Topic

    To recap, the "Big 5" assessment criteria include: Topic originality and novelty. Value and significance. Access to data and equipment. Time requirements. Ethical compliance. Be sure to grab a copy of our free research topic evaluator sheet here to fast-track your topic selection process.

  2. How to Select a Research Topic: A Step-by-Step Guide (2021)

    Step 1: Consider a Topic that Interests You. If your professor has asked you to choose a topic for your research paper, it means you can choose just about any subject to focus on in your area of study. A significant first step to take is to consider topics that interest you. An interesting topic should meet two very important conditions.

  3. Overview

    Select a topic. Choosing an interesting research topic is your first challenge. Here are some tips: Choose a topic that you are interested in! The research process is more relevant if you care about your topic. Narrow your topic to something manageable. If your topic is too broad, you will find too much information and not be able to focus.

  4. Strategies for Choosing a Research Topic

    Strategies for Choosing a Research Topic; Strategies for Choosing a Research Topic; Choosing a research topic; Finding inspiration; Preliminary research helps you learn more about your possible topic; Finding out more about your topic can help inspire your idea; Topic scope is crucial to a successful research paper; Techniques for narrowing a ...

  5. Choosing a Research Topic

    The Purdue OWL (n.d.) guide to choosing a topic describes the brainstorming process: start thinking about the research project, set a timer, and write down all ideas that occur to you. Then, examine the list to look for patterns or trends among the topic ideas. Not all ideas that come up in brainstorming will be viable, but it is a good first ...

  6. How to Choose a Dissertation Topic

    Step 1: Check the requirements. Step 2: Choose a broad field of research. Step 3: Look for books and articles. Step 4: Find a niche. Step 5: Consider the type of research. Step 6: Determine the relevance. Step 7: Make sure it's plausible. Step 8: Get your topic approved. Other interesting articles.

  7. Step 1

    Identifying a research topic can be challenging. Most of the research that has been completed on the process of conducting research fails to examine the preliminary stages of the interactive and self-reflective process of identifying a research topic (Wintersberger & Saunders, 2020).

  8. Finding your Goal: How to choose a research topic

    The goal is to choose a topic that you enjoy researching and will keep you motivated throughout the research process. 3. Do a literature review. After you've compiled a list of potential topics, review the literature to see what previous research has been done in the area.

  9. Research 101 (A How-to Guide): Step 1. Choose a topic

    Step 1. Choose a Topic. Choosing an interesting research topic can be challenging. This video tutorial will help you select and properly scope your topic by employing questioning, free writing, and mind mapping techniques so that you can formulate a research question. Developing a Research Question.

  10. Research Guides: Research Process: An Overview: Choosing a Topic

    For help getting started on the writing process go to the GGU Online Writing Lab (Writing tutor) where you can set up and appointment with a writing tutor. #1 Research tip: Pick a topic that interests you. You are going to live with this topic for weeks while you research, read, and write your assignment. Choose something that will hold your ...

  11. Your Step-by-Step Guide to Choosing a Thesis Research Topic.

    Choose a topic that you're interested in. First things first: double-check with your teachers or supervisor if there are any constraints on your research topic. Once your parameters are clear, it's time to identify what lights you up — after all, you're going to be spending a lot of time thinking about it.

  12. Research Guides: Finding a Paper Topic: Introduction

    This guide is aimed at law students selecting a research paper topic. You should aim to find a specific, original research issue that you find fascinating. The process for choosing a topic varies but might involve the following steps. Brainstorm about areas of interest. Think about interesting concepts from your courses, work history or life ...

  13. Choosing a Topic

    Choosing a Topic. The first step of any research paper is for the student to understand the assignment. If this is not done, the student will often travel down many dead-end roads, wasting a great deal of time along the way. Do not hesitate to approach the instructor with questions if there is any confusion.

  14. Choosing a Topic

    Getting Started. Choosing a topic is the first and maybe the most important step of the research and writing process! This step will determine the rest of your steps -- what your thesis statement is, what sources you use, and how to write your paper. So it's important to make sure you choose a strong and engaging topic.

  15. (PDF) Strategies for Selecting a Research Topic

    Abstract. Selection of a research topic is a challenge for students and professionals alike. This paper addresses those challenges by presenting some strategies based on existing body of knowledge ...

  16. Research Process: Step 1: Select a Topic

    Choose a topic that will enable you to read and understand the articles and books you find. Ensure that the topic is manageable and that material is available. Make a list of key words. Be flexible. You may have to broaden or narrow your topic to fit your assignment or the sources you find. Selecting a good topic may not be easy.

  17. What to Consider When Choosing a Research Paper Topic

    The selection of a research paper topic is an essential and potentially overwhelming process for many students. It is critical that one approaches this task with careful consideration, taking into account various factors to ensure the choice of an appropriate, effective and relevant topic.

  18. Factors to Consider When Choosing a Research Topic

    Personal Interest and Passion: Passion is the fuel that drives perseverance and dedication. Choosing a research topic aligned with one's interests fosters genuine enthusiasm, making the journey more enjoyable and sustaining motivation throughout the often lengthy process. A topic that resonates with the researcher 's curiosity or aligns ...

  19. Choosing the Best Sources and Evidence

    When choosing sources, note that scholarly articles and books are considered appropriate for academic use, while other types of sources require further evaluation. When evaluating research to use in an academic paper or professional documents, consider the following criteria and apply the C.R.A.A.P.O. test.

  20. WEEK 5: CHAPTER 13

    a subject and an opinion. Which three of the following are the most important resources for a college research paper? - primary research. - the Internet. - libraries. Journal articles are usually more ______ than magazine and newspaper articles. specialized. Which of the following do databases provide for researchers? Select all that apply.

  21. Quiz 1: Getting started with research Flashcards

    Which of the following factors are important to keep in mind when choosing resources for a research project? You prefer using articles over books. How many books were published on your topic in the last year. Your instructor's requirement that you use 5 peer-reviewed sources. How in-depth your paper or presentation needs to be.

  22. Which of the following factors are relevant to selecting a topic for a

    When selecting a topic for a research paper, several factors are relevant. Here are the factors to consider: 1. Your access to research material: This is an important factor because you need reliable and sufficient research material to support your paper.

  23. LIB 160 CH1 Getting started with research Flashcards

    Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Chapter 1 discusses how to get started with research and the information-seeking process. According to the chapter, which of the following is important to consider when getting started?, Which of the following factors are important to keep in mind when choosing resources for a research project?, Match each source to the type of ...

  24. The Deloitte Global 2024 Gen Z and Millennial Survey

    Download the 2024 Gen Z and Millennial Report. 5 MB PDF. To learn more about the mental health findings, read the Mental Health Deep Dive. The 13th edition of Deloitte's Gen Z and Millennial Survey connected with nearly 23,000 respondents across 44 countries to track their experiences and expectations at work and in the world more broadly.

  25. English II Unit 9

    steps of the research process. 1. Choose a preliminary topic after doing background reading. 2. Develop an open-ended research question about your topic. 3. Select relevant sources, ensuring reliability. 4. Gather information by taking notes from sources, keeping track of the sources you use.