SSC Physics Assignment 2022 (PDF Download)

SSC 2022 Physics Assignment Answer: Directorate of Secondary and Higher Secondary Education is published the SSC Assignment Answer of Physics Subjects for SSC Exam 2021, Questions with solutions on

Read also- SSC Exam Result 2021

DSHE will publish the 8th Week physics assignment within 6th September 2021 . The 7th Week Physics Assignment was published on 31st August 2021. Before that they have published the 6th Week physics assignment on 24th August 2021. All Weeks assignment for physics subjects with answers are available here.

Students can now check the assignment question with answer from We have prepared a set of sample answer which may be useful for the students.

SSC 2021 Physics Assignment Answer (SSC Exam 2021)

Directorate of Secondary and Higher Secondary Education is published the SSC Physics Assignment 2021 on Students now can check the assignment question from below in the week based answer section. As for Now, DSHE is published the 4th Week Assignment.

SSC Physics Assignment Answer are now carried marks. So the students can’t ignor the Assignment Work. They have to write the best assignment solutions as possible. They will get a marks based on their assignment.

The main purpose of the assignment is that to prepare the students for the Final Exam of Secondary School Certificate Examination in Bangladesh. The SSC Physics Assignment is also carries Marks.

Because of the COVID-19 Corona Virus, The syllabus for the SSC Physics 1st and 2nd Paper has shorten for the students. And by following that syllabus, dshe will publish the assignment work every week.

They have reduced the physics curriculum to ten chapters. These Ten Chapters are: First , Second, Third, Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, Seventh, Eighth, Ninth and Eleventh.

DSHE will use these chapters for the preparation of the SSC Assignment 2021 for Physics Subjects of Science Group. They will publish the physics assignment is these following weeks:

You May Check: SSC Chemistry Assignment Answer 2021 for all weeks from

Students from science group have to create a total of 8 Assignment for the Physics Subjects. DSHE is published the 1st, 2nd Week assignment answer on 18th July, 2021. The 4th Week, 5th Week assignment was published on 9th August, 2021 and 16th August 2021 Respectively. The 8th Week Assignment will be published within 7th September, 2021.

SSC 8th Week Physics Assignment Answer 2021

DSHE is going to publish the 8th Week Assignment for Physics Subjects of Science Group from the official website. According to the notice, They will publish the 8th Week Assignment 8th September 2021.

Students will find here the assignment question with answer from the official website. The Assignment No. is 6.

They just need to follow this article to view the assignment question and find the Physics sample assignment answer in pdf file.

SSC Exam: 2021 Subject Name: Physics Assignment Serial: Assignment- 6 Assigned Week: 8th Week Assignment work: চামচে আলাের ধর্ম একটি নতুন চকচকে ধাতব চামচ নাও। চামচটি সামনে ধরে চামচের ভিতর ও বাইরের অংশে নিজের প্রতিবিম্ব ভালাে করে দেখ।এবার চামচের ভেতরের অংশ সামনে পিছনে করে তােমার প্রতিবিম্বের প্রকৃতি,আকার, আকৃতি লক্ষ কর। একইভাবে বাহিরের অংশের জন্যও তােমার প্রতিবিম্বের প্রকৃতি, আকার, আকৃতি লক্ষ কর। মনে কর চামচের বক্রতার ব্যাসার্ধ 4 cm ।

ক) চামচের ভেতরের এবং বাহিরের অংশ কী ধরনের আয়না এঁকে দেখাও। খ) চামচের ভিতরের অংশের জন্য তােমার পছন্দের দৈর্ঘের একটি পেন্সিল বক্রতার ব্যাসার্ধের ভেতর ও ফোকাস দূরত্বের ভেতর বসিয়ে প্রতিবিম্বের অবস্থান, প্রকৃতি,আকার জ্যামিতি বক্স ব্যবহার করে এঁকে দেখাও ও বিবর্ধন বের কর। গ) চামচের বাহিরের অংশের জন্য তােমার পছন্দের দৈর্ঘের একটি পেন্সিল বক্রতার ব্যাসার্ধের ভেতর ও ফোকাস দূরত্বের ভেতর বসিয়ে প্রতিবিম্বের অবস্থান, প্রকৃতি, আকার জ্যামিতি বক্স ব্যবহার করে একে দেখাও ও বিবর্ধন বের কর।

ssc 8th week physics assignment Question 2021

To write the assignment answer, students are advised to follow the page of 213-218 from the main text book.

Check Here- SSC Chemistry Assignment Answer for the 8th Week of SSC Assignment Program 2021.

Assignment Answer:

SSC 8th Week Physics Assignment Answer 2021 page 1

Check Here- SSC Higher Math Assignment Answer 2021 for SSC Assignment Program 2021 8th Week.

SSC Physics Assignment 2021 7th Week Answer

DSHE will publish the SSC Physics Assignment 2021 for the 7th Week on the official website. They will publish the 7th week assignment within 31st August 2021.

Students need to create a total of 8 Assignment for each subject. This will be the fifth Assignment work for the Physics Assignment.

After the publication of assignment, students will be able to check the assignment question from the official website as well as from here.

SSC Exam: 2021 Subject Name: Physics Assignment Serial: Assignment- 5 Assigned Week: 7th Week Assignment work: আয়না সমাচার – আমরা বাসায় সাজগােজ করার জন্য সবসময় আয়না ব্যবহার করি। বলা যেতে পারে এধরনের আয়না আমাদের নিত্যব্যবহার্য একটি জিনিস। এবার আয়নাটাকে হাত দিয়ে দেখলে বুঝা যাবে এটি একটি সমতল আয়না।

The Mirror News We always use mirrors in our homes to decorate ourselves. It can be said that such a mirror is a thing we use every day. Now, if you hold the mirror with your hand, you will understand that it is a plain mirror. 

a) Draw it by ray diagram whether the reflection we see in such a mirror at home is real or virtual.

b) If we imagine a small point ‘A’ in front of such a mirror, it will also form an image. Draw the position of the image of point ‘A’ by using different instruments in your geometry box. Then find out the ratio of the distance of point ‘A’ and its image from the mirror and give your logical opinion on the result. 

c) Now, turn the mirror slightly (5 to 20 degrees) clockwise and draw the image of point A’ with the help of the geometry box. Will the ratio of the distance between point ‘A’ and its image from the mirror remain the same? Give your logical opinion based on the results.

SSC Physics Assignment 2021 7th Week Question

SSC 5th Week Physics Assignment Answer 2021

Directorate of Secondary and Higher Secondary Education is published the 5th Week Physics Assignment from the 4th Chapter.

Students now can check the assignment question with solution from below in both pdf or jpg file. Just follow the Assignment Answer to check the assignment answer.

SSC Exam: 2021 Subject Name: Physics Assignment Serial: Assignment- 4 Assignment work: নবায়নযোগ্য শক্তির গল্প

জলবিদ্যুৎ হলো অন্যতম প্রাচীন শক্তির উৎস যা বিশ্বজুড়ে বিশেষত প্রত্যন্ত অঞ্চলে বিদ্যুৎ উৎপাদন করতে ব্যবহৃত হয়েছে। প্রচুর নদী থাকায় বাংলাদেশেও সম্ভাবনাটি কাজে লাগানো যায়। চিত্রে একটি জলবিদ্যুৎ কেন্দ্র দেখানো হলো। 

ক) চিত্রের কোন অবস্থানে জলের নূন্যতম বিতব শক্তি রয়েছে ? ৩০ মিনিটের মধ্যে পানি 5.0 * 10 9 j শক্তি হারায় এবং 4.5 * 10 9 j বৈদুত্যিক শক্তি উৎপন্ন করে। 

খ) শক্তির রুপান্তরকরণের দক্ষতা নির্ণয় কর। 

গ) বৈদ্যুতিক শক্তি 4.5* 10 9 J কে ওয়াট (W) এককের মাধ্যমে প্রকাশ কর। 

ঘ) বাংলাদেশের পরিবেশের উপর জলবিদ্যুৎ কেন্দ্রের প্রভাব বিশ্লেষণ কর। 

ঙ) জলবিদ্যুৎ কি ধরণের শক্তি ? এরুপ অন্যান্য শক্তির অর্থনৈতিক সামাজিক ও পরিবেশগত প্রভাব বর্ণনা করে একটি চার্ট তৈরি করো।

ssc assignment answer physics 7th week

SSC 4th Week Physics Assignment Answer 2021

Directorate of Secondary and Higher Secondary Education will publish the 4th Week Physics Assignment Answer from the second, third chapter from the short syllabus.

Students can find here SSC Physics 4th Week Assignment Answer in pdf file. Just follow the link to download the assignment answer.

Class: Ten SSC Exam: 2021 Subject Name: Physics Assignment Serial: Assignment- 3 Assignment work: শক্তির রূপান্তরঃ ৭৫ কেজি একটি পাথর ৪০ মিটার উঁচু থেকে ছেড়ে দেওয়া হল। 

  • ৪০ মিটার উচ্চতায় বস্তুটির  শক্তি কত
  • ৪০ মিটার উচ্চতায় বস্তুটির মোট শক্তি কি কি  রূপে রয়েছে ব্যাখ্যা করো
  • বস্তুটি মুক্তভাবে পড়তে থাকলে প্রতি ১০ মিটার পরপর  বস্তুটির সময়, গতিশক্তি ও  সময় বিভব শক্তি পরিবর্তনের দুটি লেখচিত্র অঙ্কন করে শক্তির পরিবর্তন ব্যাখ্যা করো। 
  • লেখচিত্র থেকে কোন উচ্চতায় বস্তুটির বিভব শক্তি ও গতি শক্তি সমান দেখাও এবং সেটা মোট উচ্চতার কত অংশ দেখাও।

SSC 4th Week Physics Assignment Answer 2021

Assignment Answer: Students now can find the SSC 4th Week Physics Assignment Solutions from below image. It is a solution for the 9th August 2021 SSC Assignment.

SSC 4th Assignment 2021 physics answer page 1

SSC 2nd Week Physics Assignment Answer 2021

Class: Ten SSC Exam: 2021 Subject Name: Physics Content: গতি (অধ্যায়-১) Assignment Serial: Assignment- 2 Assignment Work: দুজন প্রকৌশল বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়েল ভর্তি পরীক্ষার্থী- রাব্বি আর সজল, পরীক্ষার হল বরাবর একটি সোজা রাস্তার উপর অবস্থিত দুটি ভিন্ন বাসায় থাকে।  তাদেরকে পরীক্ষা হলে গেটে  ৯ টার মধ্যে হাজির হতে বলা হয়েছে- এরপর গেট বন্ধ হয়ে যাবে।  পরীক্ষার হল থেকে সজলের বাসা যতদূর, রাব্বির বাসা তার থেকে আরো ২০০মিটার দূরে।  কিন্তু সারারাত জেগে ফেসবুকিং  করার কারণে সজলের ঘুম থেকে উঠতে দেরি হয়েছে।  কোন রকমে পড়িমড়ি করে নাস্তা আর মা-বাবার বকুনি খেয়ে বাসার গেটে এসে সজল দেখে যে, স্থির বেগে রাব্বি হেঁটে যাচ্ছে এবং এ বেগে চললে সে হল গেটে  ঠিক সময় পৌঁছবে।  কিন্তু ভরা পেটে সজলের পক্ষে সর্বোচ্চ ১ মি/সে২ স্বমতরণে ১০ সেকেন্ডের বেশি এগুনো অসম্ভব।  আর বাকি সময়টায় সে এ সর্বোচ্চ বেগের অর্ধেক মানে দৌড়াতে পারবে।  এখন সকাল ৮ টা ৫৮ মিনিটে বাজে। এভাবে চললে সজল পরীক্ষার হলে শেষ মুহূর্তে ঢুকতে পারবে। 

ক)  সজলের বাসা হতে পরীক্ষার হল হতে কত দূরে ?  খ) রাব্বী পরীক্ষার আগের রাতে ঠিক করল যে সে বাসা থেকে সকাল ৮ টা ৪৪ মিনিটে বের হবে আর সমবেগে চলে সকাল ৮টা ৫৫ এর মধ্যে হলে পৌঁছাবে। তাহলে তাকে কি বেগে চলতে হবে?  গ) এই বেগে চলতে গিয়ে সজলদের গেট পেরিয়ে ৫০ মিটার যাওয়ার পর হঠাৎ রাব্বীর গোড়ালী মচকায় আর এরপর হতে  রাব্বি পূর্ব বেগের এক চতুর্থাংশ বেগে চলতে থাকে তাহলে হলে ঢুকার আগে সজল কি তাকে অতিক্রম করবে ? ঘ)  একটি লেখচিত্র সকাল ৮ টা ৫৮ মিনিট হতে সকাল ৯ টার মধ্যে রাব্বী আর সজলের  অবস্থান দেখায় এমন একটি লেখচিত্র আঁকো। প্রত্যেকের জন্য  অন্তত চারটি বিন্দুর (সর্বমোট ৮টি বিন্দু) অবস্থান দেখাতে হবে। 

You May Check: SSC Biology Assignment Answer 2021 for all weeks from

SSC Physics Assignment Answer no. 2

(ক)এখানে,সজল ৮টা ৫৮ মিনিটে রওনা দিয়ে ৯টায় পরীক্ষার হলে ঢুকতে পারে।অর্থাৎ, সময় ????=2????????????=120????t=2min=120s ১ম 10????10s এ সজলের অতিক্রান্ত দূরত্ব এখানে,????=0????/????u=0m/s????=1????/????2a=1m/s2????=10????t=10s????1=?S1=? ????1=????????+12????????2S1=ut+12at2       =0+12×1×102=0+12×1×102       =50????=50m আবার, পরবর্তী (120−10)=110????(120−10)=110s এসজল সর্বোচ্চ বেগের অর্ধেক বেগে দৌড়ায় এখানে,????′=????+????????=0+1×10=10????/????v′=u+at=0+1×10=10m/s∴ সর্বোচ্চ বেগের অর্ধেক =????′2=5????????−1=v′2=5ms−1 ∴ বাকী সময়ে অতিক্রান্ত দূরত্ব????2=????????=5×110=550????S2=vt=5×110=550m ∴ সজলের বাসার দূরত্ব ????=????1+????2=(50+550)=600????S=S1+S2=(50+550)=600m   (Answer)

(খ)সজলদের গেট পেরিয়ে 50????50m অতিক্রমের পর ????M বিন্দুতে রাব্বীর পা মচকায়- রাব্বীর বেগ,????=1.905????????−1v=1.905ms−1????????=(200+50)=250????Sm=(200+50)=250m????????=?tm=? ????M বিন্দুতে আসতে, রাব্বীর প্রয়োজনীয় সময়-????????=?tm=? আমরা জানি,????????=????????????Sm=vtm????????=????????????=2501.905=131.23????tm=Smv=2501.905=131.23s অর্থাৎ ????M বিন্দুতে আসতে সময় 121.23????121.23s অর্থাৎ ঘড়িতে তখন বাজে ৮টা ৪৪মি + ১৩১.২৩৬০১৩১.২৩৬০ = ৮টা ৪৬.১৮ মিনিট। ৮টা ৫৮ মিনিটে সজল বাসা থেকে বের হয়, ততক্ষণে রব্বাী ????M বিন্দুতে ????4v4 বেগ নিয়ে ????N বিন্দুতে পৌঁছায়- অর্থাৎ ৮টা ৫৮ মি. – ৮টা ৪৬.১৮ মি. = ১১.৮১ মিনিটে রাব্বী ????????MN দূরত্ব যায়। এখানে,????′=????4v′=v4????=11.81????????????=(11.81×60)????t=11.81min=(11.81×60)s????=?S=? ????????MN দূরুত্ব ????=????′????S=v′t                    =????4×(11.81×60)=v4×(11.81×60)                    =1.9054×11.81×60=1.9054×11.81×60                    =337????=337m অর্থাৎ, ৮ টা ৫৮ মিনিটে সজল বাসা থেকে বের হয় এবং তখন রাব্বী থাকে ????????SN =(50+337)=387????=(50+337)=387m দূরে। ৮টা ৫৮ মিনিটে, ধরি, ????t সময় পর তার ????C বিন্দুতে তারা মিলিত হবে। স্বজলের দূরত্ব,????????=12????????2+????????SC=12at2+vt????????=NC= রাব্বীর দূরত্ব প্রশ্নমতে,????????=????????+????????SC=SN+NC12????????2+????????=387+1.9054????12at2+vt=387+1.9054t(12×1×102)+5×????=387+0.476????(12×1×102)+5×t=387+0.476t10+5????=0.476????+38710+5t=0.476t+3874.524????=3774.524t=377????=83.33????t=83.33s ∴ পরীক্ষার হলে প্রবেশের আগে সজল রাব্বীকে অতিক্রম করবে 83.33???? পর।


ক)  সজলের বাসা হতে পরীক্ষার হল হতে কত দূরে ? 

2nd Week SSC 2021 Physics Assignment Answer

খ) রাব্বী পরীক্ষার আগের রাতে ঠিক করল যে সে বাসা থেকে সকাল ৮ টা ৪৪ মিনিটে বের হবে আর সমবেগে চলে সকাল ৮টা ৫৫ এর মধ্যে হলে পৌঁছাবে। তাহলে তাকে কি বেগে চলতে হবে? 

SSC 2021 Physics Assignment Answer 2021

গ) এই বেগে চলতে গিয়ে সজলদের গেট পেরিয়ে ৫০ মিটার যাওয়ার পর হঠাৎ রাব্বীর গোড়ালী মচকায় আর এরপর হতে  রাব্বি পূর্ব বেগের এক চতুর্থাংশ বেগে চলতে থাকে তাহলে হলে ঢুকার আগে সজল কি তাকে অতিক্রম করবে ?

SSC 2021 2nd Week Physics Assignment Answer

ঘ)  একটি লেখচিত্র সকাল ৮ টা ৫৮ মিনিট হতে সকাল ৯ টার মধ্যে রাব্বী আর সজলের  অবস্থান দেখায় এমন একটি লেখচিত্র আঁকো। প্রত্যেকের জন্য  অন্তত চারটি বিন্দুর (সর্বমোট ৮টি বিন্দু) অবস্থান দেখাতে হবে। 

SSC 2021 Physics Assignment Answer 2nd Week

SSC Physics 1st Week Assignment Answer 2021

DSHE is published the SSC 2021 Physic Assignment Work, Question for the SSC Exam 2021. Students now able to see the assignment content with solutions from below.

Class: Ten SSC Exam: 2021 Subject Name: Physics Content: ভৌত রাশি ও পরিমাপ (অধ্যায়-১) Assignment Serial: Assignment- 1 Assignment Work: একটা প্রজেক্ট এর মডেল তৈরি করার জন্য তোমার মোটা আর্ট পেপারের প্রয়োজন।  আবার কোভিড মহামারির কারনে তোমার পরিচিত স্টেশনারির দোকানটি খুলছে না।  যে দোকানটি খোলা আছে তার দোকানে অসাধু বলে লোকালয়ে দুর্নাম আছে।  কিন্তু বাধ্য হয়ে তার কাছ থেকেই তোমাকে এখন কাগজ কিনতে হবে।  দোকানি তোমাকে যে কাগজ দিয়েছে তার মান 160 গ্রাম/মি২  বলে দাবি করছে। 

মডেলিং কাগজের প্রতি পাতার সাইজ ৬৫ সেমি * ৭৫ সেমি। তুমি স্থির করলে যে  দোকানির কথাটা যাচাই করে দেখবে।  বাসায় তোমার কাছে  যে মাপার ফিতা আছে  তা  দুই সেন্টিমিটার এর ছোট কোন কিছুর পরিমাপ করা যায় না।  আর তোমার বাসায় রান্নার মালমসলা মাপার জন্য যে ডিজিটাল নিক্তি আছে তাতে ২০ গ্রামের নিচে কোন ভর রেকর্ড হয় না।  তার মানে ৮ গ্রামের কোন বস্তুর ভর সঠিকভাবে মাপতে গেলে তোমাকে পাঁচটি বস্তু নিতে হবে।  যাতে তাদের সম্মিলিত ভর ৪০ গ্রাম হয় যা  ২০ গ্রামের গুণিতক।  তোমার অন্য কোন যন্ত্র ব্যবহারের সুযোগ নেই। 

SSC Physics Assignment Answer no. 1

You May Check: SSC Higher Math Assignment Answer 2021 for all weeks from

Assignment Answer: DSHE is published SSC 1st Week Physics Assignment Answer for SSC Exam 2021 on Lets see the assignment answer from below:

ssc 2021 physics assignment answer 1

Source: DSHE

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SSC 2021 Physics Assignment Answer 8th Week

4th week physics assignment question solution 2021.

SSC 2021 Physics Assignment Answer 8th week Directorate of Secondary and Higher Secondary Education is published the SSC Assignment Answer. এসএসসি পদার্থ অ্যাসাইনমেন্ট PDF Download you come right place. Here, you will find SSC 8th week Assignment Physics assignment questions and answers 2021 are given below. Physics is a compulsory subject for all students in the science group so they download answers for 7th and 8th week assignment.

The SSC new assignment physics 8th week answer 2021 download. SSC Physics Assignment Question is published on the official website of the Directorate of Secondary and Higher Education at . Answer download physics assignment all question.

Table of Contents

SSC 2021 Physics Assignment Answer 8th week PDF

Where we will publish the work assigned to the 8th week assignment of SSC 2021 Physics answer. Physics assignment routine 7th, 8th, 10th, 11th week 2021. Dear candidates of SSC 2021 science Department, SSC physics 5th Week Assignment Answer 2021 PDF.

SSC Week: 8th (Physics)

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SSC 2021 Physics Assignment Answer

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SSC Assignment 2021 PDF Download

SSC Candidates 2021 Physics Assignment Solution 2021. On this website you will get the answer. Physics is related to science so the science background students will find the solution.

  • HSC Assignment 2021
  • HSC 2021 Physics Assignment Answer

The SSC assignment 2021 5th week physics answer pdf download then stay right place. Here you can see the SSC Podartho Biggan assignment question solution pdf file download.

SSC Physics Assignment Answer 2021 5th Week

Physics Assignment should be downloaded from the website of the Directorate of Secondary and Higher Education. The PDF format of the assignment will be found on the dshe website. You can also download the Physics Assignment from our website below.

SSC Physics 5th week Assignment Answer 2021 pdf download has been published today on my website website. SSC 2021 Physics 5th Assignment Answer published now students collect from here.

Assignment work: নবায়নযোগ্য শক্তির গল্প

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S SC Physics Assignment 5th week Answer

SSC 2021 Physics Assignment Answer


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Answer PDF Download

SSC 2022 Physics Assignment Answer

SSC 8th Week Physics Assignment Answer 2021 pdf Download. The 8th-week assignment will be published next week.

SSC 8t h Week Physics Assignment

Physics 8th week assignment solution download for all students. SSC 2021 batch assignment answer pdf download. This week 2021 8th week question assignment published for all students now download 8th week question and answer.

One Comment

awesome.. this answer is perfect..

SSC Physics Assignment

SSC Physics Assignment 2021 & 2022

Physics assignments have been published for the candidates of SSC 2021 and 2022. Some chapters have been set aside for the assignment of physics subjects. The first chapter is physical quantities and measurements, the second chapter is motion and the fourth chapter is Work, ability, and strength. From these three chapters, questions of SSC Physics Assignment 2021 have been asked. And from these chapters, the answer sheet of SSC Physics Assignment 2021 has to be prepared. For the convenience of SSC examinees of 2021, we are providing instructions separately from these two chapters.

DSHE has given 1st, 2nd, 4th, 5th, 7th and 8th week work through Physics assignments in these chapters. Physics SSC 1st Week Assignment 2021 , SSC 2nd Week Assignment 2021 , SSC 4th Week Assignment 2021 , SSC 5th Week Assignment 2021 , SSC 7th Week Assignment 2021 , and SSC 8th Week Assignment 2021 & 2022 Questions and solutions are discussed below. If you want the solution of SSC Assignment 2021 then read the full post. Looking for Class 10 (SSC 2022) Physics Assignment Answer ?

SSC Physics 8th Week Assignment 2021

SSC 2021 8th Week Physics Assignment Answer

অ্যাসাইনমেন্ট : চামচে আলোর ধর্ম।

SSC Physics 8th Week Assignment 2021 Answer

SSC Physics 8th Week Assignment 2021 Answer

SSC Physics 8th Week Assignment 2022

SSC 2022 8th Week Physics Assignment

SSC Physics 8th Week Assignment 2022 Answer

SSC Physics 8th Week Assignment 2022 Answer

SSC Physics 7th Week Assignment 2021

SSC Physics 7th Week Assignment 2021

Assignment : আয়না সমাচার: প্রতিবিম্ব, আয়না থেকে বস্তু ও প্রতিবিম্বের দূরত্ব।

SSC Physics 7th Week Assignment 2021 Answer

SSC Physics 7th Week Assignment 2021 Answer

SSC 2021 Physics 5th Week Assignment

SSC 2021 Physics 5th Week Assignment

Assignment: নবায়নযোগ্য শক্তির গল্প: বিভব শক্তির ধারণা, কর্মদক্ষতা নির্ণয়, শক্তির এক একক থেকে অন্য এককের রূপান্তর, পরিবেশগত প্রভাব বিবেচনায় শক্তির প্রধান উৎসসমূহের অবদান।

SSC Physics 5th Week Assignment 2021 Answer

SSC Physics 5th Week Assignment 2021 Answer

SSC 2021 Physics 4th Week Assignment

The 4th Week physics assignment of SSC examinees has been published. The second chapter is selected for  SSC 4th Week physics assignment. A few questions have been asked as to the work of the 4th Week physics assignment. The questions of the SSC 4th Week physics assignment are expressed through pictures. So all the students who want to see the questions of the SSC 4th week physics assignment please take a look at the pictures given on our website. Physics Students need to know a number of things related to speed in order to solve the 4th Week assignment. For example, you need to know the explanation of the motion of an object falling unhindered or freely. Also need to know the explanation of kinetic energy and potential energy. To answer the SSC 4th week physics assignment, you have to read the described parts of pages 48 to 49 of the textbook. Also, follow pages 100-108 of the textbook.

SSC 2021 Physics 4th Week Assignment

Assignment Title : শক্তির রূপান্তর – ৭৫ কেজি একটি পাথর ৪০ মিটার উঁচু থেকে ছেড়ে দেওয়া হলো

There are several instructions on how to solve/answer the SSC 4th Week physics assignment. I will also provide some instructions so that the students can achieve good results. Below are all the things that must be mentioned in the answer sheet to solve the SSC 4th Week physics assignment. What is the total energy of an object at a height of 40 meters? By drawing the chart, time, energy, and time, potential energy changes have to be explained. You can understand how to answer the physics 4th Week assignment by looking at the assignment guide in the figure.

SSC 2021 Physics 4th Week Assignment Answer

SSC 2021 Physics 4th Week Assignment Answer

We will also publish the SSC 4th Week physics assignment answer or solution through the website. Students who want to download SSC 4th week Physics Assignment Answer or Solution PDF please visit our website.

SSC Physics 1st Week Assignment

A matte art paper is needed to create a model of a project. Again, your familiar stationery store is not opening due to the Kovid epidemic. The shopkeeper who is open is notorious in the area for being dishonest. But now you have to buy paper from him. The shopkeeper is claiming that the value of the paper given to him is 160 g / m. Each page size of modeling paper is 56 cm x 75 cm. If you decide to go it cheap and risk the low bandwidth you are only fooling yourself. You can’t measure anything less than 2 cm with the measuring tape you have. And, the digital niche for measuring cooking utensils in your home does not record a mass below 20 grams.

SSC Physics 1st Week Assignment 2021

Get 1st Week Physics Assignment Answer

This means that if you want to measure the mass of an object in the corner of the village correctly, you have to take 5 objects. So that their combined mass is 40 grams which is a multiple of 20 grams. You do not have the option to use the device anywhere else. (A) What is the unit by which the value of the paper is measured? (B) What would be the unit of value in kilograms? (C) How much paper do you need to buy to be sure? Argue in favor of your calculation. (D) If the value is written on the paper packet (120 ° .5) g / m, it means that the value is actually between 119.5 to 120.5 acres. Here the value of the final error is 5 units. How subtle or accurate is your assessed quality?

After completing the first assignment in Physics, you will be able to learn how to determine the area and volume of a well-shaped object using simple instruments. Candidates of SSC 2021 are also asked to follow pages 18-27 of the textbook as a guide to solve the first assignment of the Physics subject provided.

SSC Physics 2nd Week Assignment

Rabbi and Sajal, two candidates for admission to the University of Engineering, live in two separate houses on a side street along the examination hall. They have been asked to appear at the examination hall gate by 9 am, after which the gate will be closed. As far as Sajal’s house is from the examination hall, Rabbi’s house is 200 meters away from him. But Sajal woke up all night because of Facebooking It’s too late to get up. After eating breakfast and reprimanding his parents, Sajal came to the gate of the house and saw that the rabbi was walking at a steady speed and if he walked at this speed, he would reach the gate at the right time. But for a full stomach, it is impossible for Sajal to advance more than 10 seconds at a maximum of 1 m / s. And the rest of the time he will be able to run at half the maximum speed.

SSC Physics 2nd Week Assignment

Get 2nd Week Physics Assignment Answer

It is now 8:58 in the morning. If you continue in this way, you will be able to enter at the last moment if Sajal is tested. (A) How far is Sajal’s house from the examination hall? (B) The rabbi decides on the night before the examination that he will leave the house at 8:44 in the morning and leave quickly and reach the hall by 8:55 in the morning. So what speed does he have to go? (C) At this speed, after crossing the gate of Sajal for 50 meters, suddenly Rabbi’s girdle spins and after that Rabbi continues to travel at a quarter of the speed of East, then will Sajal pass him before entering? (D) Draw a chart showing the position of Rabbi and Sajal’s road between 8:58 am and 9 am on a chart. For each, Taema must show the position of at least four points (eight points in total).

From the assignment given in the second chapter of physics on motion, there is much to be learned from the analysis of the interrelationships between the quantities related to motion. If you can complete the chapter of physics properly, it will be possible to acquire knowledge in this regard. You are asked to follow pages 19-27 of the textbook as a guide for completing the assignment of the second chapter of Physics.

SSC Physics (1st Week & 2nd Week) Assignment 2021 Answer

SSC Physics (1st Week & 2nd Week) Assignment 2021 Answer

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All Result Notice

7th Week SSC Assignment Answer 2021 PDF Download

7th Week SSC Assignment Answer 2021 PDF Download has been published today on My All Result Notice Com. The Department of Secondary and Higher Education has published the SSC 7th week, 13th-week assignment of students of 10th to 9th class of 2021 academic year. Instructions and assignments were published on Wednesday (August 25).

According to the order, 13th-week assignments were distributed according to the grid in the light of the restructured syllabus of the 2021 academic year for students of class Ten to IX prepared by the National Curriculum and Textbook Board (NCTB). All concerned are requested to take necessary steps by following the hygiene restrictions in giving and receiving the distributed assignments to all the students.

ssc assignment answer physics 7th week

২০২১ সালের এসএসসি পরীক্ষার্থীদের ৭ম সপ্তাহের অ্যাসাইনমেন্ট Sixth, seventh and eighth grade Bengali; Sixth, seventh and eighth-grade mathematics; Ninth grade English, Physics, Accounting and History, and World Civilization assignments were given.

7th Week SSC Assignment

The order directed the Deputy Director, District Education Officer, Upazila / Thana Education Officer, and the heads of educational institutions to take necessary action.

ssc assignment answer physics 7th week

The Department of Secondary and Higher Education has released the seventh week assignment of SSC candidates for 2022. An office order was issued on Wednesday (August 25) regarding the publication of the assignment.

The office order said that the seventh week assignment has been prepared to fully involve the students participating in the SSC examination in 2022 on the basis of the reorganized syllabus due to the Covid-19 supermarket and to bring them under continuous assessment.

Assignment assessments on information and communication technology, higher mathematics, home science, agricultural education economics and arts and crafts are sent to educational institutions including Rubrix. Seventh week assignments will begin in August.

The order directed the Deputy Director, District Education Officer, Upazila / Thana Education Officer and the heads of educational institutions to take necessary action.

Hygiene is also instructed in the distribution and acceptance of assignments.

[…] SSC ICT Assignment Answer 2021 PDF Download has been published today. The Department of Secondary and Higher Education has released the seventh week assignment of SSC candidates for 2022. An office order was issued on Wednesday (August 25) regarding the publication of the assignment. […]

[…] or online to the educational institution following the health rules announced by the government. The assignment is published on the website of the department. The Department of Education has asked all schools to […]

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SSC Physics Assignment Answer 2021 pdf download English version

SSC English version Physics Assignment Answer 2021 pdf download 3rd Week has been published today on My website. SSC Bangla, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Math, Accounting, Business Studies 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 10 Week Assignment Solution Now Available on Our Daily Result BD webpage.

Three week assignment has been published for Physics English version SSC candidates. The assignment was published on the website of the Department of Secondary and Higher Education (Maushi) on Thursday (August 5). According to the Department of Education, ”

the English version of the SSC examinees will have to carry out the Physics assignment activities as per the instructions of the SSC examinee assignment activities on July 16 this year.

SSC Physics Assignment Answer 2021 pdf download English version

SSC Physics 4th Week Physics Assignment Answer 2021 pdf Download এসএসসি ব্যাচ ২১ পদার্থবিজ্ঞান ৪ র্থ সপ্তাহ অ্যাসাইনমেন্ট সমাধান

SSC Physics 4th Week Physics Assignment Answer 2021 pdf Download

The directive asked SSC candidates to submit assignments by August 5 at a convenient time. The Department of Education has asked the schools to carry out assignment distribution and acceptance activities in compliance with the hygiene rules. Advertisement Physics Assignment activities of SSC candidates started from 16th July.

After that, the Physics assignments of SSC candidates of the English version were not being published. Since the English version was not given the Physics assignment, each school was giving the assignment to the students by translating it differently.

The guardians complained that it caused complications. Then the Physics assignment was published. ইংরেজি ভার্সনের এসএসসি পরীক্ষার্থীদের জন্য তিন সপ্তাহের Physics অ্যাসাইনমেন্ট প্রকাশিত হয়েছে।

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Chakrir Khobor

SSC Physics 2022 Assignment Solution PDF File – 12th Week

The Intermediate and Secondary Education Boards had to be submitted for SSC Physics Assignment 12th weeks 2022. There website has been released ssc physics assignment Answer  12th week. We also posted and you can get your ssc class Physics assignment pictures and PDF files at SSC physics assignment is also scheduled for 2022 12th-week. You want to get Physics Assignment answers to keep reading below.

Most of the Assignment finder many time fine Physics Assignment pdf download. The more precise your task arrangement is, the more stamps you are probably going to get pdf download Physics Assignment Solution. Like different classes, the position will uncover fourth week class ten Physics Assignment Answer.

SSC Physics Assignment Answer 2022 – 12th Week

All Education Board In this 2022 year start Assignment and will end on maybe December 2022. SSC Physics assignments start in June and end in December 2022. Students can also check their SSC Physics 1st paper assignment 12th week question solve on these websites. You can get the Physics Assignment for Exam 2022 all Board. This year newly start Assignment answer 2022 all board on their website.

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ssc assignment answer physics 7th week

SSC Assignment 2021 8th Week Answer PDF Download

SSC Assignment 2021 Answer Now 8th Week Answer, 8th Week publish Now Online. You can other weeks sus as the 8the week and 3rd, 4th-week assignment. Only Groups subject History of Bangladesh and World Civilization, Physics, Business Entrepreneurship, Economics Biology, Finance, and Banking has been selected for the 2021 SSC assignment. SSC Assignment Publish for Science, Business Studies( Commerce), and Humanities Groups. Although only Groups subject Will be taken Assignment so that Compulsory subjects sus as bangle English Mathematics, Social Sciences Agricultural Education General Science Religion, and moral education subject will not be taken assignment now this time. Groups subject Assignment start 18 th July and it will continue before 30 Assignment. Now we have given you the 6th and 7th Week SSC Assignment 2021.

Dear Students Already Know That 2021 SSC Assignment Only Elective Subject Will Provide from The author of DSHE. So, Each Group of Students Will get an Elective, and the Optional Subject SSC Assignment has to be Complete. The SSC 2021 Exam Will be Start from the of November, It the covid situation brought under control.

SSC Assignment 2021 8th Week Answer

SSC Assignment 2021 Board is completely responsible to hold the 11th board exam on time. The SSC Assignment Exam 2021 will be provided by officials of the All Education board before the exam. As we know all applicants want to know All Board History of Bangladesh and World Civilization, Physics Business Entrepreneurship, economics, Biology, Finance, and Banking Board as soon as possible. Bangladesh Education Board is planning to issue all Gov and Non-Govt. There is a possibility for the release exam in the coming December month. Now completed solution of 8th week SSC Assignment. Today Publish SSC 8th Week question and answer.

SSC Assignment 2021

SSC Assignment 2021 Answer

Dear examiner of For 2021 SSC Exam,  Now we have given your subject 8th Week Answer. You know Education Board already Published Cluster System Assignment Task. You know already Education Ministry Dr. Dipu Mone Diglar this year only Groups wish subject will be taken Assignment. However, 8th week and 3rd week publish SSC 8th Week Assignment Published from SSC All Groups Subject. Now, Check below for The task. Now found your subject assignment answer on this page. Already all subject questions are found now we have given your subject question solution by this page. Now given all groups assignment answers.

8th Week SSC Assignment Subject Answer

Finance and Banking

  • SSC Business Entrepreneurship Assignment

Physics Assignment

  • History Assignment

Subject To Complete the SSC 2021 7th Week Assignment Answer Now Given Below

SSC 2021 Science Groups Assignment Answer

Higher Math

SSC Business Studies Groups Assignment Answer

Business Entrepreneurship

SSC Huminitus Groups Assignment Answer 

History and World Civilization

Geography and Environment

Civics & Good Governance

SSC Assignment Answer  2021 8th week

If you completed Your 8th Week assignment work you can download the 8th week SSC Assignment Answer 2021 7th week. We have given here a 2nd-week answer. As candidates may find it difficult to download the 11th Board Examination Marking Scheme, we are providing a direct link to the SSC Assignment 2021 PDF File on our website at the end of this article. Students regular or private would be able to check or download the file as soon as it gets updated on the official website.

SSC Assignment Answer Commerce

We have also given an 8th-week answer on this page. If you completed 1st and 2nd now you can complited the 3rd-week assignment answer. Which Subject publish the 8th-week assignment we found this subject answer by this page. We publish assignments related to all updated info on this page. We were given by this post here. Now given all here.

SSC Week Assignment Subjects 

Business Entrepreneur

History of Bangladesh and World Civilization

Economics Assignment

Biology Assignment

Finance & Banking Assignment

SSC Exam 2021 8th Week Assignment Subjects

✓ History of Bangladesh and World Civilization ✓ Physics ✓ Business Entrepreneurship ✓ Geography & Environment ✓ Chemistry ✓ Accounting

SSC Exam 2021 Assignment

Weekly Assignment Task Published For Geography & Environment, Chemistry and Accounting subject Subject from Cluster 2. They Also published Economics, Biology, and Finance & Banking from Cluster 3. There are thousands of government and private schools are affiliated with SSC Assignment. Bangladesh Education Board is the sole authority that has the right to conduct SSC Examination for the candidates affiliated to Bangladesh All Board. If you are searching for the latest information regarding SSC Assignment 2021 then my friends you have reached the right place. Generally, Education Board announces or declares SSC Assignment 2021 in the month of July. We inform all students to stay with us to get all the latest updates and information regarding SSC Assignment We have provided an official link to download all Subject SSC Assignment 2021.

SSC 8th Week Assignment Subjects

✓ Geography & Environment ✓ Chemistry ✓ Accounting ✓ Economics ✓ Biology ✓ Finance and Banking

SSC 2021 Assignment Cover Page Download

Students have to Submit Assignment With the Formatted SSC Exam 2021 Assignment Cover page. The SSC 2021 Assignment Cover Page is Provide by The DSHE. All the information on the cover page should be written in an English Block letter. You can download and print this cover page.

How to Download SSC Assignment 2021 8th Week Answer

SSC Assignment 2021 8th-week Answer Fount my post We advise students to visit the official website of the Education Board to check and download all the latest information regarding the upcoming 11th board final examinations. Candidates can bookmark our website so that they do not miss any updates. Kindly click on the link below to download the 8th week SSC Assignment 2021 PDF File for Science, Business Studies( Commerce), and Humanities Groups. Board of Secondary Education,  will release the SSC SSS assignment answer in the month of July 2021. Now we were given this assignment online on this page. Now download your 5th-week assignment answer on this page.

Final Word Of SSC Assignment 2021

Dear ssc examiner, You know this year your exam will be held on only Groups subject. Already 5th-week assignment Completed. We found this assignment answer on this page. We try to best answer your subject assignment answer. Now we have given Science Humanities groups and Commerce Groups assignment answers on this page.


SSC 2024 Physics Assignment Answer 12th Week – এসএসসি পদার্থ অ্যাসাইনমেন্ট PDF Download

Are you looking for SSC 2024 Physics Assignment Answer 12th Week – এসএসসি পদার্থ অ্যাসাইনমেন্ট PDF Download. For the Science group students physics is a compulsory subject. DSHE has published the physics assignment notice for the SSC exam 2024. Students have to complete the assignment for both papers of physics 1st and 2nd Paper. 8 assignment need to complete for this subject. So you will get every weeks assignment solution from this website. Science Group SSC Assignment Answer 2024.

SSC 2024 Physics Assignment Answer – 12th Week – এসএসসি পদার্থ অ্যাসাইনমেন্ট PDF Download

The Department of Secondary and Higher Secondary Education has published 12th week science group Assignment on 16th February 2024. So you need to make and submit this assignment within 12th week. We will help you to create your assignment correctly. Keep visiting our website to get all subjects and groups assignment.

SSC 2024 Assignment Answer 12th Week

SSC Students will complete SSC Assignment for assignment of Physics subject to their school. It may count for making their results later.

Science Group More Subjects Assignment Answer>

  • Physics Assignment Answer  –  All Weeks
  • Chemistry Assignment Answer – All Weeks
  • Biology Assignment Answer – All Weeks

Physics 12th Week Assignment Download

Physics Assignment should can download from the website of the Directorate of Secondary and Higher Education. The PDF format of the assignment will find on the website. You can also download the Physics Assignment from our website below.

12th Week Physics Assignment for SSC Exam 2024

Click here to get 12th Week Physics Assignment Answer

উত্তর দেখুনঃ এখানে ক্লিক করুনঃ

12th Week SSC 2024 Physics Assignment Answer

Ssc 2024 physics assignment answer 12th week.

The content of SSC Physics Assignment has been selected from your textbook. At the end of the reading and practice will create assignments for the topics assigned to your assignment. In this case, you will create the assignment the way you have learned without copying the assignment of others. But we will make the assignment solution in our website. You can check it out to get idea to make your assignment.

SSC 2024 Assignment 12th Week Answer – PDF Download

Your physics teacher of your school will evaluate your assignment and give you feedback. If you copy your assignment from someone else, your teacher will not evaluate your assignment and will instruct you to prepare a new assignment. You are also likely to get low marks in physics.

Conclusion Speech

However, if you want, you can take the help of your teacher, classmate or family member. Do your assignment very nicely, submit it to the school on the cover page and take on the next assignment for preparing short syllabus of your SSC Exam 2024


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  • 18th NTRCA Result 2024
  • NU Honours Admission Result 2024
  • Nursing Admission Result 2024
  • Primary Result 3rd Phase 2024 PDF Download
  • SSC Result 2024
  • HSC Routine 2024
  • XI Class Admission Result 2024

SSC Physics Assignment 2022 Answer 7th week

There is currently no content classified with this term.

Jobs circular 24

SSC 7th Week Assignment Question Answer 2021 PDF

Are you searching for SSC 7th Week Assignment  Answer 2021 PDF? Yes, this post is about you. Now, in this post, we found a 7-week assignment question & answer for SSC candidates 2021? Ssc 7th week Answer 2021 is available on our website. In this article, you will find all homework topic sample solutions published in the current week. Additionally, you can download all assignment answer as a PDF file. Bangladesh education board found the 6th-week assignment answer on this page. We were given by this post your subject assignment answer. Take your subject’s final answer online on this page.

SSC 7th Week Assignment Answer 2021

 Secondary School Certificate 7th (SSC) assignment is essential for the evaluation of the SSC students. So, every student should complete their SSC assignment 2021 carefully so that they can get a good evaluation for their assignment. In August 2021, the Directorate of Secondary and Higher Education (DSHE) published a notice about the SSC assignment question for 2021. DSHE announced Ssc 7th week assignments of these following subjects: Now we have given your subject assignment answer.

Events Date
Assignment Publication Date Within 31st August 2021
Published Week 7th Week
Last date of Submission Within 1st Week from the Assignment Publication Date
Exam Year SSC Exam 2021
Batch SSC Batch 2021
File Type PDF

SSC 7th Week Assignment Answer 2021

Now given below 7th Week SSC Assignment Answer 

  • Finance and Banking
  • SSC Business Entrepreneurship Assignment
  • Physics Assignment
  • History Assignment 

SSC Assignment 2021 7th Week Answer

In total, there are 8 assignments are given in the notice. In this post, we are going to provide you all of them and if you are tired of finding SSC week assignment answer 2021 for the 7th week, you can expect them here as well. If you are following our posts from earlier, you should receive detailed SSC assignment 2021 updates regularly with sample answers.

SSC Assignment 2021 Grid

Note: Every student has to complete a total of 24 assignments for the given subjects according to their groups/sections. The sixth assignment was published on 23 August and you have to complete it all before the deadline. Then, you should submit your assignment to your class teacher by maintaining covid-19 safety protocols. However, let’s check out the 6 th -week assignments.

Geography & Environment Assignment

Here is the Ssc 7th week assignment for the History of Geography & Environment subject. An important subject for the students. Many students have some problems with this subject. Many students do not know the import geography. That’s the reason, you have to complete this subject’s assignment with proper knowledge.

 Chemistry Assignment

Here is the assignment for the Ssc 7th week for the Chemistry subject. Chemistry is a compulsory subject for the SSC science group students. As Chemistry is an important and compulsory subject for the SSC science group students, science students should carefully complete this assignment.

Biology Assignment

Here is the Biology subject assignment for the ssc 7 th week. Biology is an important and compulsory subject for the science group students. We hope all students will diligently complete the SSC Biology assignment.

Accounting Assignment

DSHE published the following ssc 7 th -week assignment for the Accounting subject. Accounting is a major subject of the SSC business studies group.

Finance & Banking Assignment

Here is the assignment for the 7 th week for the Finance & Banking subject published by DSHE officials. You are requested to complete it with a careful mind because this is an important subject from the business studies group.

Economics Assignment

Economics is a relatively difficult subject for SSC humanities students than any other subject. DSHE allotted economic assignments for the 7th week for  Arts groups students. Here we have added 7th week SSC economics assignment question & sample answer link.

Civics and Citizenship Assignment

Here is the assignment for the Civics and Citizenship subject for the 7 th week. Stay with us for the upcoming one.

 Higher mathematics Assignment

An optional subject for the students of the science group. But it is a significant subject for a science student. Check the 6 th -week assignment for the Higher mathematics subject provided by DSHE. If you are finding it hard to solve, don’t worry. Take help from our sample answers.

We hope all students will complete the SSC 2021 7 th week assignment cordially and submit the assignment in time by maintaining covid-19 safety issues. Keep eyes on our website for the SSC 2021 assignment and the other assignments with their answer. Further updates about SSC assignment 2021 will be provided soon.

Important tips for the SSC 2021 students

This assignment of the SSC 2021 solution should be submitted to the school and you have to attach the cover page with each subject published by DSHE. Students should not copy this SSC 2021 all assignments answer from others. Students are encouraged to do the assignments with their thoughts and knowledge.

  • Gain proper knowledge about a topic.
  • Solve tricky math problems.
  • Read your NCTB books and try to develop the habit of reading books.
  • Try to get a good sleep at night.
  • Keep patience when you are learning something.
  • Do exercise in the morning.
  • Be a pious person.

Disclaimer: Dear, For your kind, we want to disclaim that all pieces of information that have been presented here in this content are collected from the internet through official notice and news sources. As no one is up above mistakes, so there may be some willing mistakes beyond our sight. Please pardon us for these unintentional mistakes and let us know about it through our

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SSC Assignment 2024 7th Week (PDF Download All Subjects)


The Department of Secondary and Higher Education has released the seventh week assignment for the students who want to participate in the 2024 SSC examination from the science, humanities and business education branches. August 29, 2024 SSC 2024 Seventh Week Assignment Science, Humanities, Business Education is published on the website of the Department.

In the seventh week, we are organizing today with all the information related to the subjects of the assignments scheduled for the SSC candidates of 2024, all the assignments based on the department and the solution of the subjects. Students and educational institutions will be able to easily download the details of the assignments for the seventh week of the 2024 SSC exams from here.

In addition, information was provided to the students of Science, Humanities and Business Education participating in the SSC examination of 2024 from all the secondary schools under the Board of General Education regarding the solution of assignments in all the subjects of the seventh week.

7th Week SSC Assignment 2024

Assignments for the 8th week out of the 12 week assignments written in the light of the short syllabus of 2024 prescribed by the National Curriculum and Textbook Board are the history and world civilization of Bangladesh, physics, business enterprise, economics, biology, finance and banking.

For the convenience of the students, in the seventh week published by NCTV and the Department of Secondary and Higher Education, the assignments of the subjects scheduled for the 2024 SSC examinations were given separately so that the students could understand and write very well.

In the picture below I see the assignments of SSC candidates in the seventh week published by Mausi


Distribution of Assignments (Seventh Week) for the students participating in the SSC Examination 2024

In the context of appropriate subject matter, it is learned that due to the Covid-19 overdose, the National Curriculum and Textbook Baird (NCTB) has prepared the guideline for the students participating in the 2024 SSC examination.

All concerned are requested to take necessary steps to follow the hygienic rules and regulations in case of giving and receiving the distributed assignments to all the students.

SSC 7th Week Assignment Answer 2024

In order to facilitate the completion of assignments for student friends, in the seventh week of 2024, SSC candidates were provided with a sample article based on the assigned title and the subject of the assignment.

This will enable the students to complete the assignment very well and achieve good results in the assessment. However, in any case, it is discouraged to copy the assignment directly from here, because it may cancel your assignment.

You will gather information from here and try to write a unique answer using your own intellectual thinking so that the teachers can evaluate it as the highest score and the best.

SSC 2024 7th Week Assignment  PDF Download All Subject

Click on the button below to download the contents of the seventh week assignment published for SSC candidates in 2024 in PDF format. Category-wise assignments will be uploaded soon. Please stay tuned.

2024 SSC 7th Week Assignment PDF Download 
  • 6th Week Biology Assignment Answer SSC 2024
  • 6th Week Higher Math Assignment Answer SSC 2024
  • 6th Week Accounting Assignment Answer SSC 2024
  • 6th Week Chemistry Assignment Answer SSC 2024

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Siam Shihab


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  3. RBSE Class 12th Physics (HM) MAHA-MARATHON #2🔥इतना करलो बस✅| RBSE Board Exam 2024

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    Students from science group have to create a total of 8 Assignment for the Physics Subjects. DSHE is published the 1st, 2nd Week assignment answer on 18th July, 2021. The 4th Week, 5th Week assignment was published on 9th August, 2021 and 16th August 2021 Respectively. The 8th Week Assignment will be published within 7th September, 2021.

  2. SSC Physics Assignment Answer 2021 Pdf 8th 7th Week Answer

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    Read the helpful information well and answer the SSC 2021 7th week physics assignment. Below are the things that will be possible to gain knowledge from the 7th week physics assignment of SSC 2021. From today's assignment, students will be able to learn about light reflection formulas. Also be able to gain an idea about reflection.

  4. SSC 2021 7th Week Assignment PDF Download

    SSC 2021 7th Week Assignment PDF Download. SSC 2021 7th Week Assignment Answer & Question has been published on 30 August 2021 at. SSC students will have to solve the SSC Assignment Answer, and will be able to solve the 7th week question paper given. SSC 2021 Assignment answers of all subjects will be updated here for you.

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  13. 7th Week SSC Assignment Answer 2021 PDF Download

    7th Week SSC Assignment Answer 2021 PDF Download has been published today on My All Result Notice Com. The Department of Secondary and Higher Education has published the SSC 7th week, 13th-week assignment of students of 10th to 9th class of 2021 academic year. Instructions and assignments were published on Wednesday (August 25).

  14. SSC Physics Assignment Answer 2021 pdf download English version

    SSC English version Physics Assignment Answer 2021 pdf download 3rd Week has been published today on My website. SSC Bangla, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Math, Accounting, Business Studies 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 10 Week Assignment Solution Now Available on Our Daily Result BD webpage.

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    SSC Assignment 2021 Answer Now 8th Week Answer, 8th Week publish Now Online. You can other weeks sus as the 8the week and 3rd, 4th-week assignment. Only Groups subject History of Bangladesh and World Civilization, Physics, Business Entrepreneurship, Economics Biology, Finance, and Banking has been selected for the 2021 SSC assignment.

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    12th Week SSC 2024 Physics Assignment Answer SSC 2024 Physics Assignment Answer 12th Week. The content of SSC Physics Assignment has been selected from your textbook. At the end of the reading and practice will create assignments for the topics assigned to your assignment. In this case, you will create the assignment the way you have learned ...

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    We Prepared SSC Physics Assignment 2022 Answer for 12th and 22th week. It has been Prepared and Published for Class 10 Science Groups Students for SSC Examination 2022. ... SSC Physics Assignment 2022 Answer 7th week. There is currently no content classified with this term.

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    SSC Physics Assignment 2022 (PDF Download) SSC 2022 Physics Assignment Answer: Directorate of Secondary and Higher Secondary Education is published the SSC Assignment Answer of Ph

  23. Solved Problem 12: (7% of Assignment Value) A charged

    Question: Problem 12: (7% of Assignment Value) A charged particle moves in some area and does not experience any magnetic force. We can conclude that: There is magnetic field which is parallel to the particle's velocity.There is magnetic field which is perpendicular to particle's velocity.There is no magnetic field in this area.There is no magnetic field in the area