Essay on Environment for Students and Children

500+ words essay on environment.

Essay on Environment – All living things that live on this earth comes under the environment. Whether they live on land or water they are part of the environment. The environment also includes air, water, sunlight, plants, animals, etc.

Moreover, the earth is considered the only planet in the universe that supports life. The environment can be understood as a blanket that keeps life on the planet sage and sound.

Essay on Environment

Importance of Environment

We truly cannot understand the real worth of the environment. But we can estimate some of its importance that can help us understand its importance. It plays a vital role in keeping living things healthy in the environment.

Likewise, it maintains the ecological balance that will keep check of life on earth. It provides food, shelter, air, and fulfills all the human needs whether big or small.

Moreover, the entire life support of humans depends wholly on the environmental factors. In addition, it also helps in maintaining various life cycles on earth.

Most importantly, our environment is the source of natural beauty and is necessary for maintaining physical and mental health.

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Benefits of the Environment

The environment gives us countless benefits that we can’t repay our entire life. As they are connected with the forest, trees, animals, water, and air. The forest and trees filter the air and absorb harmful gases. Plants purify water, reduce the chances of flood maintain natural balance and many others.

Moreover, the environment keeps a close check on the environment and its functioning, It regulates the vital systems that are essential for the ecosystem. Besides, it maintains the culture and quality of life on earth.

The environment regulates various natural cycles that happen daily. These cycles help in maintaining the natural balance between living things and the environment. Disturbance of these things can ultimately affect the life cycle of humans and other living beings.

The environment has helped us and other living beings to flourish and grow from thousands of years. The environment provides us fertile land, water, air, livestock and many essential things for survival.

Cause of Environmental Degradation

Human activities are the major cause of environmental degradation because most of the activities humans do harm the environment in some way. The activities of humans that causes environmental degradation is pollution, defective environmental policies, chemicals, greenhouse gases, global warming, ozone depletion, etc.

All these affect the environment badly. Besides, these the overuse of natural resources will create a situation in the future there will be no resources for consumption. And the most basic necessity of living air will get so polluted that humans have to use bottled oxygen for breathing.

essay about environment short

Above all, increasing human activity is exerting more pressure on the surface of the earth which is causing many disasters in an unnatural form. Also, we are using the natural resources at a pace that within a few years they will vanish from the earth. To conclude, we can say that it is the environment that is keeping us alive. Without the blanket of environment, we won’t be able to survive.

Moreover, the environment’s contribution to life cannot be repaid. Besides, still what the environment has done for us, in return we only have damaged and degraded it.

FAQs about Essay on Environment

Q.1 What is the true meaning of the environment?

A.1 The ecosystem that includes all the plants, animals, birds, reptiles, insects, water bodies, fishes, human beings, trees, microorganisms and many more are part of the environment. Besides, all these constitute the environment.

Q.2 What is the three types of the environment?

A.2 The three types of environment includes the physical, social, and cultural environment. Besides, various scientists have defined different types and numbers of environment.

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Essay on Environment

Here we have shared the Essay on Environment in detail so you can use it in your exam or assignment of 150, 250, 400, 500, or 1000 words.

You can use this Essay on Environment in any assignment or project whether you are in school (class 10th or 12th), college, or preparing for answer writing in competitive exams. 

Topics covered in this article.

Essay on Environment in 150-200 words

Essay on environment in 250-300 words, essay on environment in 500-1000 words.

The environment is our natural surroundings, encompassing air, water, land, and diverse ecosystems. It sustains life on Earth, providing essential resources and habitats for all living beings. However, human activities such as deforestation, pollution, and climate change are posing significant threats to the environment and its delicate balance.

Protecting the environment is crucial for our well-being and the planet’s sustainability. It requires collective action and individual responsibility. We must adopt sustainable practices, reduce pollution and waste, conserve resources, and support conservation efforts. By valuing and preserving the environment, we ensure a healthier and more prosperous future.

Governments, businesses, and individuals must work together to address these environmental challenges. Promoting renewable energy, implementing effective policies, and raising awareness about the importance of environmental conservation are key steps to protect our planet.

Preserving the environment is not just an obligation but also an opportunity to enhance our quality of life and ensure a sustainable future for generations to come. Let us embrace this responsibility and work towards creating a harmonious relationship with nature, respecting its intrinsic value and preserving its abundance for future generations.

The environment is the natural world around us, comprising the air we breathe, the water we drink, the land we live on, and the diverse ecosystems that support life. It encompasses everything from the smallest microorganisms to the largest forests and oceans. This essay briefly discusses the importance of the environment and the need for its protection.

The environment plays a crucial role in sustaining life on Earth. It provides us with essential resources, such as clean air, water, and food, and offers habitats for countless species. It regulates the climate, supports biodiversity, and contributes to the overall well-being of human beings and the planet.

Unfortunately, human activities have had a detrimental impact on the environment. Deforestation, pollution, habitat destruction, and climate change pose significant threats to ecosystems and biodiversity. These activities have resulted in the loss of species, degradation of ecosystems, and disruption of natural cycles.

To ensure a sustainable future, it is imperative that we take collective action to protect and preserve the environment. This includes adopting sustainable practices, reducing pollution and waste, conserving natural resources, promoting renewable energy sources, and supporting conservation efforts.

Individual actions, such as reducing carbon emissions, recycling, and conserving water, can make a significant difference. Additionally, governments, businesses, and organizations must implement policies and initiatives that promote environmental sustainability.

By valuing and protecting the environment, we not only safeguard the well-being of future generations but also enhance our own quality of life. Preserving the environment is essential for maintaining the balance of ecosystems, combating climate change, and ensuring a healthy planet for all living beings.

In conclusion, the environment is of utmost importance for the well-being of both humans and the planet. It provides essential resources, supports biodiversity, and regulates the climate. Protecting the environment is a shared responsibility that requires individual and collective action. By adopting sustainable practices and supporting conservation efforts, we can contribute to the preservation of our environment and ensure a sustainable future for generations to come.

Title: Environmental Conservation – Protecting Our Planet for Future Generations

Introduction :

The environment is the foundation of life on Earth, encompassing the air, water, land, and ecosystems that support all living beings. It provides us with vital resources, regulates the climate, and sustains biodiversity. This essay explores the significance of environmental conservation, the threats it faces, and the urgent need for collective action to protect our planet.

Importance of Environmental Conservation

The environment is vital for our well-being and the sustainability of the planet. It provides us with clean air to breathe, safe water to drink, and nutritious food to eat. Ecosystems support biodiversity and provide habitats for countless species, contributing to the overall health of our planet. The environment also plays a crucial role in regulating the climate, preserving natural cycles, and mitigating the impacts of natural disasters.

Environmental Threats

Human activities have led to various environmental threats that endanger ecosystems and biodiversity. Deforestation for agriculture, logging, and urbanization destroys habitats and contributes to climate change. Pollution from industrial activities, transportation, and improper waste disposal contaminates air, water, and soil. Climate change, primarily caused by the excessive release of greenhouse gases, results in rising temperatures, melting ice caps, and extreme weather events. These threats have far-reaching consequences for both the environment and human societies.

Conservation Strategies

To protect the environment, proactive conservation strategies are necessary. Sustainable practices, such as reducing waste, conserving resources, and promoting renewable energy sources, are key to mitigating environmental impacts. Reforestation and afforestation efforts are crucial for restoring habitats and combating climate change. Conservation initiatives, including protected areas, wildlife sanctuaries, and marine reserves, help preserve biodiversity and ensure the long-term sustainability of ecosystems.

Individual and Collective Responsibility

Environmental conservation is a shared responsibility that requires both individual and collective action. Individuals can contribute by adopting sustainable lifestyles, reducing their carbon footprint, and supporting eco-friendly initiatives. Governments play a vital role in implementing policies and regulations that promote environmental protection, investing in renewable energy infrastructure, and fostering sustainable practices in industries. International cooperation is essential to address global environmental challenges and promote knowledge-sharing and technology transfer.

Benefits of Environmental Conservation

Environmental conservation yields numerous benefits. Preserving ecosystems and biodiversity supports the health of our planet and ensures the availability of vital resources for future generations. Conservation efforts contribute to climate change mitigation, reducing the risks of extreme weather events and preserving natural carbon sinks. Protecting natural areas enhances opportunities for eco-tourism, generating economic benefits for local communities. Conservation also fosters a sense of connection to nature and promotes physical and mental well-being.

Conclusion :

Environmental conservation is crucial for the well-being of both humans and the planet. It is our responsibility to protect the environment, mitigating threats such as deforestation, pollution, and climate change. By adopting sustainable practices, supporting conservation initiatives, and advocating for effective policies, we can ensure a healthier and more sustainable future for all. Environmental conservation is not just an obligation; it is an opportunity to preserve the beauty and abundance of our planet for future generations. Let us strive to live in harmony with nature, valuing and protecting the environment that sustains us. Together, we can create a better, more sustainable world for ourselves and for future generations.

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Environment Essay

Environment Essay | Essay on Environment for Students and Children in English

Environment Essay: The world environment day is celebrated every year on 5th June. The environment represents the living and non-living elements present on the earth. It additionally alludes to a specific topographical region. The plants, air, water, creatures, individuals, and other living things exist in the environment. Climatic interaction, Geomorphic measure, Hydrologic measure are the variables influencing the environment. The Biotic cycle includes living life forms. Living beings are firmly associated with the environment which is known as Ecology.

An environment is a nature that supports our life on the earth. Everything which we feel, inhale, and eat in our life comes from the environment. Like land, plants, water, air, daylight, timberlands, food, waterways, and other common things draw near the environment. In addition, the earth is viewed as the solitary planet known to man that upholds life. The environment can be perceived as a cover that keeps life in the world-wise and sound.

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Short Essay on Environment 300 Words in English

The environment is all the things around us on the earth. What we see, feel, inhale, eat establishes the environment. The trees, the air, the food, the waterways, the streets, the plant life, the pastries, the deforested patches of ground, every one of them goes in close proximity to what we call the environment.

The environment upholds our day-to-day routines and the existences of different species. Also, it is a finished cycle that empowers living conceivable on the earth. The characteristic marvels encompass the endurance of species, there’s a requirement for understanding the environment we are altogether depending on. The natural way of life, the cycle of photosynthesis, and so on are the vital cycles behind the endurance of plants and correspondingly, plants are the purposes for our endurance.

Contamination is about the tainting of the environment we live in, it is likewise the human species that is solid, answerable for causing significant contamination, pollution, and damage to the environment. The manipulative methods of utilizing the assets have caused exhaustion in the accessibility of the assets. The supreme illustration of the equivalent is existing and going to be a significant water emergency.

The smoke from production lines, vehicles, cars, and so on becomes a significant explanation for air contamination. Also, diseases like commotion contamination, water contamination, a dangerous atmospheric deviation, ozone consumption, water spills, and so on have become exceptionally urgent at this point.

There is a requirement for getting the message out about the mischief the environment is going through. The laws on environmental care ought to be stringently carried out as well. The utilization of poisonous plastics ought to be cut, individuals ought to partake more in planting trees and seeing to it that the environment stays spotless and sterile around. Indeed, even Mahatma Gandhi would dream of a contamination-free, foulness-free India.

Long Essay on Environment

It is vital to comprehend that the environment will be environment, tidiness, contamination and the absolute amount of the tree. Which is straightforwardly identified with our everyday life and influences it. Because of logical advancement, the quantity of plants, industrial facilities, and vehicles has expanded so much that these days ecological issues have emerged.

People and the environment are subject to one another. In the event that there is a slight change in our environment, its immediate impact begins showing up on our bodies. Assuming the virus is more, we get cold. However, on the off chance that the warmth is more, we can’t bear it.

The environment is the regular habitat that assists with developing, feeding and annihilating the earth. The regular habitat assumes an incredible part in the presence of life on Earth and it helps in creating people, creatures, and other living things. Individuals are influencing their current circumstances with a portion of their negative quirks and exercises.

What is the Environment?

Environment alludes to the environment around us and the components contained in it and the living creatures in it. We incorporate air, land, water, creatures, birds, plants, and so forth surrounding us in our current circumstances. The manner in which we are influenced by our current circumstance, the manner in which our current circumstance is influenced by the demonstrations we do.

The trees cut down for the wood are finishing the backwoods and the finish of the woodlands is influencing the existence of the animals living in the timberland. Numerous types of creatures have become wiped out and numerous species are very nearly extinct. Today, it is exceptionally normal for lions or cheetahs to enter the town and damage individuals living there.

Yet, for what reason is this event? This is going on the grounds that we have removed their home from these animals and now these creatures are compelled to move towards towns and urban areas and are hurting people for their living. environment implies the environment around us as well as our social and conduct environment. Every one of the components which influence humans is remembered for the environment, social, social, affordable, organic and physical.

Reasons for Environmental Pollution

There are numerous explanations behind natural contamination which influences our current circumstance without a doubt. Deposits from man-caused production lines contaminate our current circumstance. Yet, it is likewise unrealistic that in this race of advancement, we ought to disregard our improvement to ensure our current circumstances.

We can save our current circumstance from pollution by remembering a couple of things. The fireplaces of the manufacturing plants are low, because of which the smoke radiating from them spreads to the environment around us. In the present time, the house doesn’t have many individuals as there are more vehicles. The small kid of the house additionally prefers to drive at the spot of the bike.

Smoke and harmful gases emerging from plants, production lines, and business regions have made ecological issues. There is a lot of smoke and harmful gas emerging from transports, charges, trucks, siphons, because of which the issue of contamination is getting more genuine.

Sewer soil gets stirred up in the water of the streaming waterways so that the drinking water of people and creatures gets grimy because of which both become casualties of shortcoming, illness, and genuine infections. Inhabitants of ghettos in large urban areas have made this issue truly.

Urbanization and modernization are significant reasons for ecological contamination. It has gotten normal for people to disregard the environment for their own convenience. Man has been chopping down trees without considering anything, however, he doesn’t believe that we get air from these trees to carry on with life.

Expanding the populace is an extremely significant reason for contamination in our current circumstances. The issue of living and eating in a country where the populace is persistently expanding is additionally expanding. Man doesn’t offer significance to the environment for his conveniences, however, he fails to remember that without the environment, his solace is just for quite a while.


Preventive Measures to Save Environment

The environment wherein we live is getting progressively tainted. We need to keep up and secure our current circumstances appropriately. In our country, the custom of ecological assurance has been continuing for a long time. Our predecessors have ensured them by thinking about different animals as riding divine beings and goddesses in different trees.

Natural assurance is an interaction of improving the connection between people and the environment that has two purposes. The first is the administration of exercises that cause harm to the environment. Second, to make the way of life of the individual predictable with the characteristic arrangement of the environment, so the nature of the environment can be kept up.

Smoke and substances from plants ought to be discarded appropriately. Diagnosing the issue of contamination and foulness is particularly expected to ensure our current circumstance. Plants ought to be introduced in all plants, industrial facilities, and business regions to control contamination.

Smoke and harmful gases should be ousted straightforwardly into the sky through these plants. There ought to be an appropriate course of action for the support of transports, vehicles, trucks, bikes in huge urban areas and normal checking of them ought to likewise be finished. Green plants ought to be planted and large trees ought to be ensured.

Boisterous clamors ought to be restricted and controlled for quiet living. All men, ladies, and youngsters should give their full help to secure the environment. There ought to be an arrangement of severe laws for the removal of poisonous and risky squanders. Public mindfulness ought to be made for the best utilization of assets.

There ought to be less utilization of compound pesticides in horticulture. Backwoods the board should build wood regions. Prior to beginning the advancement designs, their effect on the environment ought to be surveyed. The man should attempt to decrease this issue with his endeavors.

Industrial facilities that have been set up can’t be set up at different spots, yet now the public authority should take care that any new processing plants that are open ought to be away from the city. The contamination brought about by plants ought not influence individuals of the city. The man should attempt to diminish the contamination brought about without anyone else.

Vehicles ought to be utilized as little as could be expected. This issue can likewise be diminished by utilizing public vehicles. Endeavors ought to be made by our researchers to control the smoke. The felling of woods ought to be seriously rebuffed and new trees ought to be planted.

Governments have likewise passed a few laws to ensure the environment is safe. A Ministry is working for the insurance of the environment under the Central Government. For the arrangement of this issue, public help can end up being useful and valuable. The absence of improvement and advancement measures likewise presents difficulties. The quest for a more reasonable future may just be significant with regards to an extremely incredible endeavor to wipe out the improvement of methods for the end.

FAQ’s on Environment Essay

Question 1. How to write an environmental essay?

Answer: Start with an introduction, define the environment, factors causing environmental pollution, how to protect the environment, preventive measures are taken by the government, conclusion.

Question 2. What is the meaning of environment?

Answer: The biological system that incorporates every one of the plants, creatures, birds, reptiles, bugs, water bodies, fishes, people, trees, microorganisms, and a lot more are essential for the climate. Moreover, all these establish the environment.

Question 3. What is the importance of the environment?

Answer: Environment assumes a significant part in solid living and the presence of life on planet earth. Earth is a permanent place to stay for various living species and we as a whole are subject to the climate for food, air, water, and different necessities. Accordingly, it is significant for each person to save and ensure our current circumstances.


Essay On Environment In English [Short & Long]

Essay On Environment – No doubt Nature’s intelligence is supreme and can’t be questioned. Our Mother Nature has gifted all living beings with the best environment they could have.

But for the sake of greed, humans have exploited natural resources to such an extent that led us to an altered and unfit environment. Even if mankind has developed a man-made environment, the natural environment is responsible for the existence of life on Earth.

Short Essay On Environment | 250 Words


An environment refers to our surroundings combined. It consists of air, water, land, sunlight, animals and plants. Every living being whether they live on land or in water comes under the environment. It is the most important factor for the execution of life on earth.

It is a source of every need of human beings be it food, shelter, oxygen and everything. Unfortunately, we do not value its true worth. We are just misusing it for the sake of instant gratification. Day by day we are just making it dirty and unsuitable for life. There are many ways of doing so. Even, we are not fully aware of what makes it imperfect for us.

Essay On Environment | Introduction

Our Duties For The Environment

If this exploitation of natural resources continues, the environment of our planet will become unfit for supporting life. So it is our duty to spread awareness for the same. We must keep it clean and life-friendly. We don’t have to do much. We can practise little activities to support our environment.

Some of these practices are placing garbage into the dustbin, never spitting on roads, using bicycles over fueled vehicles, and planting more trees. Also, the Government should also take steps to spread awareness among people. It should encourage people to keep the environment clean and healthy.

Deforestation should be stopped and a heavy penalty should be imposed on those found doing so. Apart from these, our environment is being affected by the Greenhouse effect, pollution and global warming. We should find the proper remedies for those.

Concluding, We get to an end that the environment is a precious aspect of life. We can not repay its contribution to life. But today it needs our support to support us and we should take care of it so that upcoming generations can lead a healthy and comfortable life.

Long Essay On Environment | 500 Words

An environment is a set of physical and natural conditions we are surrounded by. It includes air, water, land, temperature, humans, animals, villages, cities, communication, transportation etc. But in this essay, we are going to discuss the natural environment only.

From birth to the last breath, We all are supported by the natural environment. It provides us with every small or big necessity in life. The fundamental needs like air, water, food, clothes, shelter, oxygen etc. are provided by the environment. In fact, we are alive all because it supports us.

Unfortunately, we do not value its true worth. We are just misusing it for the sake of our bottomless greed. Day by day we are just making it dirty and unsuitable for life. There are many ways of doing so. Even, we are not fully aware of what makes it imperfect for us.

It is a very obvious point that the environment is the most important factor for every living being. What we are surrounded by, impacts us more than anything else. from our physical appearance to our internal strength, is a gift of our environment.

If we talk about it as a whole, it is more valuable because our environment maintains an ecological balance that makes all organisms interdependent. For example, we depend on trees for oxygen and trees depend on us for carbon dioxide. We really can not estimate the real value of the environment but we can observe it to some extent.

The environment provides us with infinite benefits that we can’t repay for our entire life. As they are combined with the forest, trees, animals, water, and air. The forest and trees purify the air and consume harmful gases. Plants purify water, decrease the chances of floods maintain natural stability and many others.

The environment manages several natural cycles that occur daily. These cycles assist in preserving the natural balance between living beings and the environment. The distress of these things can ultimately influence the life cycle of people and other living beings.

The environment has supported us and other living beings to prosper and grow for thousands of years. The environment provides us with productive land, water, air, livestock and numerous fundamental things for survival.


Hundreds of factors are responsible for environmental degradation. Some are natural and some are man-made. For natural ones, we can’t control much but for manmade reasons, we can take some reasonable resolutions. here below is a list of factors that causes environmental degradation.

A. Pollution- It is one of the most main causes of environmental degradation. With the increase of industries, it has increased rapidly.

B. Greenhouse Gases- Greenhouse gases are the second cause that affects our climate and environment drastically. These gases are mainly responsible for the increased temperature of our planet.

C. Ozone Depletion- The layer that protects the earth from the ultraviolet rays of the sun is depleting slowly and it is also a cause of environmental degradation.

How to Protect the Environment

We comprehend nearly all the causes of environmental degradation. So it is time to discuss the resolution side of the query. We need to take steps that will help us combat this problem.

A . Reforestation- As we know that air plays an important role in the environment, so reforestation can be proven a full-fledged solution to revert the issue back to normal.

B. 3 R’s formula- First “R” is about Reduce which means to reduce the production of unnecessary products. The second “R” talks about Reuse which means to use the available things efficiently. And the last one refers to Recycling things to make them reusable.

Final Words

To sum it up, The environment is our companion from birth to death. It takes care of us like no one other. But human activities are altering the environment in a direction where it can impact us negatively. So, there is a need to support the environment by performing environmental-friendly activities.

Essay On Environment | Conclusion

What is called the environment ?

The surroundings or conditions in which a person, animal, or plant lives or operates.

What is the true meaning of environment?

The term  environment  is derived from the French word “Environia” which means to surround. It refers to both the Abiotic (physical or non-living) and Biotic (living) environments.

How many different environments are there?

There are two types of environments. 1. Geographical environment 2. Man-made environment.

Are nature and the environment the same?

Nature refers to the physical world and also life but environment refers to external elements and conditions by which an organism is surrounded, affected and influenced.

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Environment Essay

500+ words essay on environment.

Every year, on the 5th of June, we all celebrate World Environment Day. All living beings and non-living beings present on the Earth represent the environment. Plants, creatures, water, air, and other living things exist in our environment. Our environment gets influenced by climatic interaction, geomorphic measures, and hydrologic measures. The life of humans and animals is entirely dependent on climate. Our environment supports life on Earth. Everything we inhale, feel, and energy comes from the environment. The environment is considered a cover that helps sustain life on Earth. Among all the planets, it is our planet Earth that supports life.

Importance of Environment

Everyday, we get to hear about threats to the environment. Our environment includes everything from the forests to the oceans, which impacts our everyday life. It can be deforestation, pollution, soil erosion, etc., which needs to be addressed seriously.

1. Livelihoods of People depend on the Environment

Billions of people depend on the environment for their livelihood. For example, over 1.5 billion people depend on forests for food, medicine, shelter and more. Farmers turn to the woods when their crops fail. Almost two billion people earn a living from agriculture, and the other three billion people are on the ocean.

2. Environment Strength Food Security

Many negative consequences are encountered due to biodiversity loss, but weakened food security is extensive. If we lose our precious animals and plant species, we become more vulnerable to pests and diseases. Due to this, our health is at a greater risk of related illnesses like diabetes and heart disease. So, we should protect our oceans and forests to ensure food for every human being.

3. Trees Clean the Air

Pollution is a crucial issue, and every year, 7 million people die due to pollution. Polluted air impacts our health and lifespans, including behavioural problems, developmental delays, and diseases like Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s. The trees work as a filter to remove air pollutants like carbon monoxide, nitrogen dioxide and sulphur dioxide while releasing oxygen.

Benefits of the Environment

Our environment provides us with enormous benefits which we can’t repay in our entire life span. The environment includes animals, water, trees, forest and air. Trees and forests filter the air and take in harmful gases, and plants purify the water, maintain natural balance and many others.

The environment keeps a regular check on its functioning as it helps regulate the vital systems essential for the ecosystem. It also helps in maintaining culture and quality of life on Earth. The environment regulates natural cycles that occur daily. These natural cycles balance living things and the environment. If we disturb these natural cycles, it will ultimately affect humans and other living beings.

For thousands of years, the environment helped humans, animals, and plants flourish and grow. It also provides us with fertile land, air, livestock, water and essential things for survival.

Cause of Environmental Degradation

Human activities are the primary cause of environmental degradation because most humans somehow harm the environment. The activities of humans that cause ecological degradation are pollution, defective environmental policies, chemicals, greenhouse gases, global warming, ozone depletion, etc.

Due to the industrial revolution and population explosion, the demand for environmental resources has increased, but their supply has become limited due to overuse and misuse. Some vital resources have been exhausted due to the extensive and intensive use of renewable and non-renewable resources. Our environment is also disturbed by the extinction of resources and the rapidly rising population.

The waste generated by the developed world is beyond the absorptive capacity of the environment. So, the development process resulted in environmental pollution, water, and the atmosphere, ultimately harming the water and air quality. It has also resulted in an increased incidence of respiratory and water-borne diseases.

To conclude, we can say that it is the environment that is keeping us alive. Without the blanket of the environment, we won’t survive.

Moreover, the environment’s contribution to life cannot be repaid. Besides, what the environment has done for us, we only have damaged and degraded it.

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Frequently Asked Questions on Environment Essay

How can we protect the environment around us.

The first step is to change our mindset and stop littering public places. Take steps to reduce plastic usage as it is one of the biggest threats to our environment. Remember the slogan ‘Reduce, reuse and recycle’ and take a bold step towards protecting the environment. At all costs, avoid pollution of water, soil, and air.

How does the proper maintenance of the environment help human beings?

Human beings derive most of their daily needs from the environment. Moreover, environmental pollution can lead to increased risk of diseases, illness.

What are the main reasons for environmental pollution?

Over-usage of environmental and natural resources, reduction in environmental protection, destruction of natural resources are the main reasons for environmental pollution.

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Environmental Pollution: Causes and Consequences Essay

Environmental pollution is the unwarranted discharge of mass or energy into the planet’s natural resource pools, such as land, air, or water, which detriments the environment’s ecological stability and the health of the living things that inhabit it. There is an intensified health risk and pollution in middle and low-income countries due to the increased use of pesticides, industrialization, the introduction of nitrogen-based fertilizers, forest fires, urbanization, and inadequate waste management (Appannagari, 2017). Air pollution, lead and chemicals exposure, hazardous waste exposure, and inappropriate e-waste disposal all result in unfavorable living conditions, fatal illnesses, and ecosystem destruction. The essay will provide an overview of pollution and proffer solutions to combating pollution for a sustainable environment and health.

In addition to hindering economic development and considerably accelerating climate change, pollution exacerbates poverty and inequality in urban and rural areas. The most pain is always experienced by the poor, who cannot afford to protect themselves against pollution’s harmful effects. The main environmental factor contributing to sickness and early mortality is pollution due to premature deaths resulting from pollution (Appannagari, 2017). Due to the unacceptably high cost to human capital and health, as well as the resulting GDP losses, pollution must be addressed. Through initiatives like reducing black carbon and methane emissions, which are responsible for air pollution and climate change, pollution management can also significantly contribute to climate change mitigation (Appannagari, 2017). Additionally, pollution control can promote competitiveness through, for instance, job growth, increased energy efficiency, better transportation, and sustainable urban and rural development. Below are the various approaches for solutions to health and pollution problems.

First, governments should evaluate pollution as a national and international priority and integrate it into the city and country planning process. Pollution affects the health and well-being of societies and, as such, cannot be solely viewed as an environmental issue (The Lancet Commission on Pollution and Health, 2017). All levels of government should give pollution prevention a high priority, incorporate it into development planning, and tie it to commitments regarding climate change, SDGs, and the prevention of non-communicable diseases. Some options are both affordable and offer good returns on investment.

Secondly, governments should increase funding for pollution control and prioritize it by health impacts. There should be a significant increase in the financing for pollution management in low- and middle-income nations, both from national budgets and international development organizations (The Lancet Commission on Pollution and Health, 2017). The most effective international support for pollution reduction is when it mobilizes additional actions and funding from others. Examples include helping towns and nations that are quickly industrializing concerning technical capacity building, regulatory and enforcement support, and support for direct actions to save lives. Monitoring financing initiatives are necessary to determine their cost-effectiveness and to raise accountability.

Thirdly, organizations should work to build multicultural partnerships for pollution control. Public-private partnerships and interagency cooperation can be powerful tools in creating clean technology and energy sources that will ultimately prevent pollution at its source (The Lancet Commission on Pollution and Health, 2017). Collaborations between ministries that include the ministries of finance, energy, development, agriculture, and transport, as well as the ministries of health and the environment, are crucial in pollution control. Governments should promote monitoring systems that could identify and apportion pollution sources, measure pollution levels, guide enforcement, and assess progress toward goals. The use of new technology in pollution monitoring, such as data mining and satellite images, can boost effectiveness, broaden the monitoring area, and cut costs.

One of the main issues facing the world in the current period is pollution. Natural resources are depleting daily due to car emissions, new technologies, factories, and chemicals added to food. All of these factors seriously harm the world. However, the problems caused by pollution can be prevented by building multicultural partnerships, increasing funding for pollution control, integrating it into the country’s planning process, and adopting new technology for monitoring pollution. Preventing pollution lowers the cost to the environment and the economy.

Appannagari, R. R. (2017). Environmental pollution causes and consequences: A study . North Asian International Research Journal of Social Science and Humanities , 3 (8), 151-161. Web.

Excell High School. (2018). Environmental Science . Excel Education Systems, Inc. Web.

The Lancet Commission on Pollution and Health. (2017). Pollution and health: Six problems and six solutions. Knowledge, Evidence, and Learning for Development.

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IvyPanda. (2023, December 18). Environmental Pollution: Causes and Consequences.

"Environmental Pollution: Causes and Consequences." IvyPanda , 18 Dec. 2023,

IvyPanda . (2023) 'Environmental Pollution: Causes and Consequences'. 18 December.

IvyPanda . 2023. "Environmental Pollution: Causes and Consequences." December 18, 2023.

1. IvyPanda . "Environmental Pollution: Causes and Consequences." December 18, 2023.


IvyPanda . "Environmental Pollution: Causes and Consequences." December 18, 2023.

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Environment Essay

Environment is nothing but everything that surrounds us. It actually includes both the manmade and natural components. In general terms, it refers to natural elements like air, water, soil, rivers, lakes, etc.

Short and Long Essay on Environment in English

In the essays given below we will through several aspects of the environment and damages to it under various words limit of 100 – 120 Words, 250 Words, 400 Words, and 600 Words with the related FAQs for your easiness:

Environment Essay 10 Lines (100 – 150 Words)

1) All the living and non-living creatures, air, water, etc makes the environment.

2) Environment is the home to all living things.

3) Natural and Artificial are the two types of environment.

4) The valuable resources like air, water, trees, etc are provided to us by the environment.

5) A healthy environment is necessary for a healthy life.

6) Due to human activities, the environment is getting polluted.

7) Every year the globe celebrates World Environment Day on 5 th June.

8) Pollution, global warming, etc are damaging the environment.

9) Survival on the Earth can only be possible if we protect our environment.

10) It is necessary to save the environment by seeing its importance.

Essay on Environment (300 Words)


The environment is the natural area where people, plants, and animals live together. It includes the air we breathe, the water we drink and also the ground we live. The environment is a key part of keeping life going on Earth, and keeping it healthy is important for the future of our world.

Importance of Environ ment

Our health and survival depend on a healthy ecosystem. It provides us with all the necessary resources such as food, water, and shelter. The environment also plays a crucial role in maintaining the balance of ecosystems and biodiversity. A healthy environment can maintain the proper ecological balance, preventing the species from extinction and resource depletion. Also, clean and healthy environments are essential for physical and mental well-being.Humans rely on the environment for everything they need to stay alive.

Dangers to the Environment

Despite the importance of environment, it is still facing numerous threats today. The rapid growth of urbanization and industrialization has led to the depletion of natural resources and increased pollution levels. Deforestation is causing the loss of flora and fauna and contributing to climate change. The burning of fossil fuels to meet our energy demands leads to the emission of greenhouse gases, contributing to global warming. Additionally, pollution from industrial activities, agriculture, and waste disposal is contaminating the air, water, and soil, leading to severe health consequences for humans and wildlife.

The preservation and protection of the environment are vital for the survival of all living beings on Earth. We must implement sustainable practices in various sectors to reduce the harmful impact on the environment. It’s up to all of us to work together and make decisions that will protect the environment and make the world a better place for us and future generations.

Essay on Environment (250 Words)

Our environment includes everything that surrounds us. The environment is an essential requirement for humans and other species to survive on the planet. Without a clean and pure environment, it would be difficult for life to exist.

Self Sustainable Environment

The environment that we live in is capable of sustaining not only humans but also millions of other species of plants, animals, reptiles, insects, etc. Though, there is one requirement that human interference with the environment should be at its lowest.

Our environment has an ample supply of water, food, air, and other valuable resources as of now. It has sustained all the needs of species for millions of years. The continuous process of evaporation and rain, year after year, gets our rivers running and ponds swelled. Trees live for hundreds of years, giving a fresh supply of oxygen and fruits every season.

The soils also produce new vegetation and immediately get ready for the other. There could be no better example of self-sustainability than the environment we live in. Moreover, it also has an exceptional ability to repair itself up to a certain extent.

But, despite all its sustainability and repairing abilities, the environment also has a limit. Human interference in the form of pollution, habitat destruction, resource depletion, and others is taking a heavy toll on the environment.

Though the environment is self-sustainable and could repair its damages, it depends up to a large extent on how humans treat it. The way we treat our environment, the same we will get in return. The message is clear, treat the environment well and it will shower you with goodies. Mistreat it and be prepared to be mistreated as well.

Essay 2 (400 Words) – What are Environmental Damages done by Human

Everything around us that have been put up by nature constitutes our environment. It includes trees, forests, oceans, rivers, grasslands, ravines, hills, etc along with millions of living species of birds, insects, marine and land animals. Today, the environment is threatened due to a number of human activities.

Interconnected Environment

We must acknowledge the fact that everything in the environment is interconnected or interrelated and any effect on one is bound to make an impact on others and on the environment as a whole. For example, if forests are cut, it affects several animals, birds, and other living species, snatching from them their habitation and breeding ground. But this didn’t end here, but humans living miles away from that forest will get affected in some way or the other. Animals will encroach upon human settlement then there will be a change in climate and other natural resources.

Environmental Damages

There are several environmental damages initiated by humans. They affect almost all the elements of the environment – air, water, forest, species, etc. Below are some of the main environmental damages caused by humans.

  • Global Warming

It is a big term that threatens the very existence of life on the planet. The main reason behind global warming is the excessive use of fossil fuel by humans, resulting in an escalated greenhouse effect. It causes the earth’s temperature to sore beyond an acceptable limit, causing climate change and other significant geological changes.

  • Habitat Destruction

Uncontrolled construction by humans is threatening the well being of the environment by decreasing the natural habitat of other living species. According to a study, nearly 77% of the land has been changed due to human activities and only 23% remains untouched.

  • Species Depletion

The interference of humans with the environment has some serious consequences on the number of species on the planet. With the loss in their natural habitat and other degrading factors, many species of plants and animals, those don’t adapt well to the changes, are getting depleted fast. According to a study conducted by a reliable source, we might be losing at least 10,000 species every year.

Pollution is another significant factor that threatens the purity of the environment. Pollution has many faces – land pollution, air pollution, water pollution, sound pollution, soil pollution, and even light pollution. Any kind of pollution is human-generated and also degrades the overall quality of the environment.

Environment is our most precious resource and we must take all the necessary steps to save it from any kind of damage. The future of the planet and our own depends on how we treat our planet and its environment.

Environment Essay

Essay 3 (500 – 600 Words) – Environment is Precious for Life on Earth

Environment refers to everything natural that surrounds us. Today this natural environment is threatened by human activities. Trees, forests, lakes, rivers, are some of the prime constituents of the natural environment while building roads, factories, and concrete structures, etc are examples of environment encroachment. Due to human interference, the natural environment that surrounds us is getting depleted.

Environment is Precious

‘Environment is precious’; there are at least two main explanations to substantiate this claim. First is that the natural environment we live in today i.e. the rivers, lakes, forests, hills, groundwater resources, etc has taken thousands or even millions of years to come to the present stage. The second argument to validate the preciousness of the environment is that it is super essential for healthy and happy living. Let me elaborate a little.

Any forested area that you know has been there since your childhood, has probably evolved in thousands of years. It takes so many years for a natural forest to come in its full glory and to support all that biodiversity. But when a forest is cut down for commercial objectives, things never remain the same, even if the forest is given a fair chance to grow again. Sadly, the loss of biodiversity can never be regained, no matter how hard we try.

Same is the case with other elements of the environment. The groundwater that we so dearly use every day, has been build up over a span of thousand years. It means that any waste of groundwater will take centuries to be refilled.

Life and Environment

We are so engrossed in the daily engagements that we don’t realize the real force behind all that commotion, which gives us the strength to face the challenges. We think that our desires and ambitions drive us, but that is only half the truth. Ambitions are nothing but mind goals that we set for ourselves, but we are able to achieve those goals, only because, our environment supports us in health.

It provides us with all the essential requirements for life – oxygen, water, food, air, and other vital resources. We can’t afford damage to the environment beyond a specified limit. Because, if we do so, there would be no life on earth, forget about a difficult one.

Fortunately, the air that we breathe still has 20% of oxygen by concentration, while humans require around 19.5% of oxygen concentration to breathe or to be more specific – ‘to live’. However, the rate at which we are damaging our environment, the tables may turn quickly enough, leaving no room for a repair.

The loss of marine oxygen from the oceans is already threatening the existence of fishes and other marine species. The factors responsible for the depletion of ocean oxygen levels are climate change and nutrient pollution. Climate change is primarily an outcome of human activities and it also threatens the environment as a whole.

These changes are probably the alarm calls warning humanity against the damages it does to the environment. Without a clean and safe environment, it would be fruitless to even think of any kind of life on the planet. All the beauty of the earth will just vanish if the damage to the environment continues.

It is established beyond doubt that c is essential for life on the planet and as long as remains in its original form and size, life will thrive. But, if it gets damaged beyond a certain level then slowly the land and marine life will come to an end, making the planet lifeless. It is, therefore, our foremost responsibility to check the environmental damage and take necessary steps in this regard.

FAQs: Frequently Asked Questions on Environment

Ans . The Environment Protection Act was passed in India in 1986.

Ans . The Kyoto Protocol was created by United Nation to reduce the emission of greenhouse gases by different countries.

Ans . It was observed first time on 5th June in 1974.

Ans . Qatar is the country in the world with the lowest forest cover.

Ans . The theme for the World Environment day 2021 was “Ecosystem Restoration”.

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Essay On Environmental Pollution

essay about environment short

Table of Contents

Short Essay On Environmental Pollution

Environmental pollution refers to the introduction of harmful substances or products into the environment. It is a major problem in today’s world and has a profound impact on both the natural world and human lives.

The sources of environmental pollution are numerous and varied, including industrial activities, transportation, and household waste. One of the most significant contributors to environmental pollution is the burning of fossil fuels, which releases toxic chemicals and greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. This not only contributes to air pollution, but it also has a significant impact on climate change, causing rising temperatures, extreme weather events, and melting of polar ice caps.

Another major source of environmental pollution is the disposal of hazardous waste. This includes chemicals, batteries, and electronic waste, which contain toxic substances that can contaminate soil and groundwater, leading to serious health problems for both humans and wildlife.

The effects of environmental pollution are far-reaching and often devastating. It can cause serious health problems for humans, including respiratory problems, heart disease, and cancer. Additionally, environmental pollution can have a significant impact on wildlife, causing a decline in biodiversity and threatening species with extinction.

To address environmental pollution, it is essential that we take a multi-faceted approach, addressing both the causes and consequences of pollution. This may involve reducing the use of fossil fuels and implementing clean energy technologies, as well as improving waste management and increasing public awareness about the impact of pollution.

In conclusion, environmental pollution is a serious problem that has a profound impact on both the natural world and human lives. To address this problem, it is essential that we take a comprehensive approach, addressing the causes and consequences of pollution and working to reduce its impact on the environment. By taking action now, we can protect the future of our planet and ensure a healthy and sustainable future for generations to come.

Long Essay On Environmental Pollution

Environmental pollution is one of the biggest threats to our planet today. It affects both the environment and human health, and it’s becoming more and more pervasive in our daily lives. In this essay, we’ll explore what environmental pollution is, how it affects us, and what the most effective solutions are to reduce its impact on people and the planet.


There are many different types of environmental pollution. Some of the most common include air pollution, water pollution, and soil contamination. Each type of pollution has different causes and effects. Air pollution is typically caused by emissions from factories and automobiles. These emissions can contain harmful chemicals that can cause respiratory problems, heart disease, and cancer. Water pollution is often caused by sewage or agricultural runoff. This pollution can contaminate drinking water supplies and make people sick. Soil contamination can be caused by hazardous waste disposal or mining operations. This contamination can make crops unsafe to eat and cause health problems in people who come into contact with it.

Causes of Environmental Pollution

There are many causes of environmental pollution. The most common cause is the release of harmful chemicals into the environment. These chemicals can come from factories, power plants, cars, and other sources. They can pollute the air, water, and soil. They can also cause health problems for people and animals.

Other causes of environmental pollution include sewage, agricultural runoff, and mining. Sewage can contain harmful bacteria and viruses that can pollute water supplies. Agricultural runoff can contain pesticides and fertilizers that can pollute rivers and lakes. Mining can release harmful metals and minerals into the environment.

Types of Pollutants and Their Impact on the Environment

There are many different types of pollutants that can have an adverse impact on the environment. Some of the most common pollutants include:

• Air pollution – This is one of the most visible forms of pollution and can cause a range of health problems, including respiratory illnesses.

• Water pollution – This can lead to contamination of drinking water supplies and also harm marine life.

• Soil pollution – This can contaminate crops and lead to soil erosion.

• Light pollution – This can disrupt the natural circadian rhythms of animals and cause light-sensitive species to suffer.

All of these pollutants can have a serious impact on the environment, both in terms of the immediate damage they cause and also the long-term effects. It is therefore important to be aware of the different types of pollutants and their potential impacts.

Effects Of Environmental Pollution

There are many effects of environmental pollution. Some of the most common include air pollution, water pollution, and soil contamination.

Air pollution is one of the most harmful forms of environmental pollution. It is a major contributor to respiratory problems, heart disease, and cancer. Air pollution is also a leading cause of climate change.

Water pollution is another major problem caused by environmental pollution. It can contaminate drinking water supplies, damage aquatic ecosystems, and make recreation in waterways unsafe.

Soil contamination can occur when pollutants such as chemicals or oil spills enter the ground. This can make crops difficult to grow and can contaminate food supplies. Soil contamination can also cause health problems if people come into contact with contaminated soil or eat contaminated food.

Prevention and Control Measures

There are a number of things that individuals can do to help prevent and reduce environmental pollution. One of the most important things is to educate yourself and others about the issue and its causes. This can help raise awareness and create a demand for change. Another key prevention measure is to support businesses and industries that are working to reduce their pollution output. This includes voting with your wallet by patronizing companies that have green policies in place, and investing in cleaner energy sources. Finally, you can take action in your own life to reduce your impact on the environment. This includes conserving energy, recycling, driving less, and composting.

In conclusion, environmental pollution has become a major global concern and it is important for us to take proactive steps to reduce the amount of pollutants that are entering our environment. We can start by reducing our consumption of single-use products, switching to renewable energy sources such as solar or wind power, and engaging in conscientious recycling habits. By taking these actions we can help protect our planet from further harm caused by environmental pollution.

Manisha Dubey Jha

Manisha Dubey Jha is a skilled educational content writer with 5 years of experience. Specializing in essays and paragraphs, she’s dedicated to crafting engaging and informative content that enriches learning experiences.

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The Environment – 10 Lines, Short & Long Essay For Children

Shraddha Mishra

Key Points To Note: Essay On The Environment For Lower Primary Classes

10 lines on the environment for kids, a paragraph on the environment for children, short essay on the environment in 150 words for children, long essay on the environment in english for kids, what will your child learn from this essay.

The term ‘Environment’ is basically the surroundings in which one lives. It includes both living and non-living things. The environment is responsible for providing human necessities, namely food, clothing, and shelter. Moreover, the main feature that differentiates earth from other planets in the universe is its environment’s ability to support human life. But human activities are impacting the environment negatively, which needs to be stopped as early as possible so that the future generation can lead a happy and healthy life. This article will help students write a fantastic essay on the environment in English, who are future citizens to understand the significance of the environment and the need to preserve the same. Given below are many templates for writing an effective essay on the environment for class 1, 2 and 3 kids.

Most people struggle to start with an essay. Are you also wondering how to write an essay about the environment? Don’t fret. Here we present you some key points to remember while writing our environment essay:

  • Start the essay with a brief introduction to what the ‘environment’ actually is.
  • Prepare an essay outline with a list of headings you wish to cover.
  • Remember to maintain a logical order of headings to give the essay a proper flow.
  • Give a detailed explanation of each title.
  • Summarise your thoughts in the conclusion part.

The environment is the key to the existence of life on earth, and thus kids need to know about its importance as they are the future pillars of the world. Here we present 10 lines on environment essay for class 1 and 2 kids.

  • The environment is a gift that needs a lot of nurturing. 
  • The environment is the surrounding in which we live.
  • It consists of both biotic and abiotic elements.
  • A clean environment is essential for the peaceful and healthy survival of humans.
  • Human activities negatively affect the environment. It includes pollution, global warming, extinction of species, etc.
  • Government and citizens alike should take steps to protect our environment.
  • We must spread the message on the importance of the environment to everyone.
  • More trees must be planted to balance the ecosystem.
  • The usage of plastic bags that harm the environment must be stopped.
  • The use of recycled products must be promoted.

Every species on this planet is dependent on the environment. We, humans, are also a part of it, and our primary responsibility is to protect the environment and teach future generations. The following short paragraph on the environment will guide kids to write an effective essay:

The environment plays a vital role in the existence of life. It consists of plants, animals, food, natural resources, water, and so on. Ancient humans lived in a natural environment and hence led a healthy life. But in recent times, the environment has been highly harmed due to human selfishness and greed. If this continues, it may endanger human existence. Thus every citizen must protect our environment. There are plenty of little things to do daily to help preserve our environment, such as using public transport instead of private ones to control pollution, preserving natural resources, using eco-friendly products and services, planting more trees, etc.

All life on earth is dependent on the environment for its survival and basic needs. We utilise all the resources provided by nature and benefit from them but fail to protect the same. Given below is a short essay for class 1, 2 and 3 students about the environment:

Mother Earth is the home of many living creatures. But we are destroying it little by little due to mindless behaviour. To prevent further damage, we must control pollution, preserve natural resources, plant more trees and reduce the use of harmful chemicals and plastics. To create awareness about this, ‘World Environment Day’ is celebrated every year on June 5. We must never forget that it is an individual and a collective responsibility to preserve our environment so that we and our future generation can lead a happy and healthy life. There are so many ways we can contribute to saving our environment. We can use cloth bags instead of plastic ones. We can opt for public transport than using our private vehicle to cover short and long distances. Planting more trees and mindfully availing of natural resources are steps towards a sustainable environment. Our thinking today will secure the future for upcoming generations.

“Nature is the art of God”. But the need to protect it is vital now. In this article, let’s learn about the significance of the environment and explore what we can write in an essay for class 3 about this topic. Here is a descriptive essay about the environment:

What Is The Environment?

Everything surrounding us comes within the scope of the environment. It includes biotic and abiotic elements, which together help maintain ecological balance and make human survival possible.

Significance of Environment

  • Warehouse of natural resources:  The environment provides us with all the necessary resources to carry on our day-to-day routine. It is a life support system for all living beings.
  • Medium of livelihood:  The livelihood of billions of people depends on the environment. Most of them are engaged in agriculture to earn income; others rely on different water bodies.
  • Provide food:  The environment provides food, one of the basic necessities of life. 
  • Provide medicine:  Nature is a rich source of medicine. In ancient times, people got treatment mostly from plants. More than one-third (39.1%) of all FDA-approved drugs are of natural origin. Many scientific studies also reveal that spending time in nature can increase one’s lifespan.

Major Causes Of Environmental Degradation

Environmental degradation refers to the depletion of natural resources and the ecosystem, and it can happen due to two causes – natural and manmade. Natural causes are beyond our control. But we can prevent human causes. Pollution is mainly caused by exhaust gas emitted from factories and vehicles. Due to the industrial boom, a demand-supply imbalance of environmental resources is there. Human’s surge in urbanisation and increased demand for wood has led to rapid deforestation. It further leads to an imbalance of oxygen and CO2 in the atmosphere. Excessive generation of non-biodegradable waste and increased use of chemical pesticides have led to degradation of land quality and soil erosion.

Measures To Protect The Environment

Following are the simple steps to safeguard our environment:

  • Planting trees is one of the most popular and effective methods to preserve the environment.
  • Minimise water use by reducing bath time, recycling, etc.
  • Conserve electricity by switching off electrical appliances while not in use. Use energy-saving appliances.
  • Consider using eco-friendly products.
  • Environmental education and awareness must be given top priority.

Apart from assisting you in writing your essay, this article will help your children understand how precious their environment is and ways to safeguard it. Mother Earth has provided us with enormous benefits, and we must protect our environment.

From the above points, it is clear that the natural environment is a treasure to humanity. But due to our irresponsible actions, we are continuously harming nature without knowing its consequences. Thus we must learn to respect and protect the environment before it is too late. Change must begin from us by setting a positive example for our future generation to follow and enjoy the innumerable benefits of nature.

 “A better environment ensures a better tomorrow.”

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Essay on Environmental Pollution: 100 Words, 200 Words

essay about environment short

  • Updated on  
  • Apr 1, 2024

essay on environmental pollution

One of the biggest risks to life as we know it is environmental degradation. The water we drink, the air we breathe, and the ecosystems on which we depend are all impacted by pollution. People, animals, and plants will decline if pollution levels continue to rise since they won’t be able to adapt to a significantly altered environment. Are you struggling to write an essay on environmental pollution? If the answer is yes, then this blog will help you get some ideas to write an effective essay. Keep reading further to know more!

Table of Contents

  • 1 What is Environmental Pollution?
  • 2 Essay on Environmental Pollution – 100 Words 
  • 3 Essay on Environmental Pollution – 250 Words 
  • 4 Essay on Environmental Pollution – 500 Words 

What is Environmental Pollution?

The phenomenon of undesirable changes in the surroundings that are harmful to animals and plants, and leads to environmental degradation is known as environmental pollution. These changes can occur because of the solid, liquid or gaseous pollutants. For example, DDT, plastic, and heavy materials take more time to degrade and are known as notable pollutants. For the determination of risk assessment of public health, concentration of pollutants is measured.

Essay on Environmental Pollution – 100 Words 

The presence of contaminants in the environment is referred to as pollution. Gases like Carbon Dioxide (CO2) and Carbon Monoxide (CO), among others; solid pollutants like plastic, sewage, etc.; and chemicals like fertilisers, as well as those produced as byproducts in manufacturing, transportation, etc., are a few examples of polluting substances.

The immediate result of pollution is that it makes the world’s natural resources useless or toxic to use, as well as leads to the extinction of species and ecological imbalance. To stop more harm from occurring to the earth and its inhabitants due to environmental pollution, it is imperative to take proactive precautions.

Also Read: Essay on Pollution in Hindi 

Essay on Environmental Pollution – 250 Words 

When undesired elements, or pollutants, are present in the environment, it is said to be polluted. The environment is severely harmed by pollution, which poses a direct threat to it. Although the world has begun to understand the importance of addressing pollution if the planet and its biodiversity are to be conserved there is still a long way to go.

Everything that makes up the environment, including the air, water bodies, flora, and wildlife, is impacted by pollution in one way or another. There are four main types of pollution – Air Pollution, Water Pollution, Noise Pollution and Soil or Land Pollution . Additionally, pollution contributes to global issues including acid rain, global warming, and greenhouse gas consequences. A rise in the planet’s average surface temperature is referred to as global warming, and it causes starvation, floods, and droughts.

Environmental pollution has a wide-ranging impact. In addition to the current effects of pollution, a lack of effective pollution prevention measures also imperils the future of various species. The pollution is causing harm at a far faster rate than it can be healed. Reversing the environmental harm we have caused could take generations, and even then, it won’t be simple. It will require tight discipline and commitment to stop pollution.

The best ways feasible are being used by various nations to respond to these catastrophes. More efforts are being launched to raise public awareness about the dangers of pollution and the importance of preserving our ecosystem. Greener lifestyles are gaining popularity; examples include using wind and solar energy, new climate-friendly cars, and energy-efficient lighting. 

Also Read: Environmental Conservation

Essay on Environmental Pollution – 500 Words 

Pollution is the term used to describe the entry of pollutants into the environment. Noise, water, and air pollution are only a few of the several types of pollution. There is a direct relationship between the rise of pollution levels and illnesses among people. Therefore, it is important for everyone to be knowledgeable about pollution, its impacts, and effective ways to eliminate it. Our environment needs a balanced combination of all components, just like our body requires a balanced diet. The environment is polluted by any substance that is present above that limit for example rise in the levels of nitrogen oxides and carbon dioxide in the atmosphere causes harm to human health due to poor air quality. 

All forms of pollution, whether in the air, water, soil, or noise, have a negative impact on living things. Deadly diseases that are brought on by the contamination of soil, water, air, or sound affect organisms.

Among the most common disorders brought on by air pollution are acute lower respiratory infections in children, ischemic heart disease, stroke, lung cancer, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), and lung cancer. Air pollution is a major contributor to a number of ailments in India, including strokes, bronchitis, heart attacks, lung diseases, cancer, and early mortality from heart disorders. The most pressing issue in the world now is global warming, which is caused by air pollution.

Around the world, poor drinking water quality is the reason behind 50% of child deaths and 80% of illnesses, including more than 50 different diseases. Water pollution causes diarrhoea, skin diseases, malnutrition, and even cancer, as well as other issues that are related to it.

 Every day, noise pollution has an effect on millions of people. The most frequent result of this is noise-induced hearing loss (NIHL). Loud noises have the potential to cause stress, high blood pressure, heart disease, and sleep difficulties. Children in particular are prone to these health issues across the board in terms of age groups. Noise pollution is extremely harmful, and it’s especially deadlier for people with heart issues. 

Use of the 3Rs, or reduce, reuse, and recycle, is the first step in reducing pollution. People should use air conditioners less since they generate noxious gases, such as ozone-depleting chlorofluorocarbons, which will minimise air pollution.

Reducing the number of vehicles on the road will also help to clean up the planet’s air. The more often cars are used, the more dangerous chemicals like sulphur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, carbon monoxide, and hydrocarbons that contribute to major air pollution are released into the atmosphere.

Increasing public awareness is a further means of reducing pollution on Earth. Through programmes like the “Go Green” campaign, which urges people to plant more trees and use recyclable materials in their daily lives, awareness can be raised about the significance of eliminating pollution on Earth. The “Earth Hour” is another globally recognised event that calls for everyone to turn off all lights for one hour in order to raise awareness of the significance of reducing electricity usage in order to minimise pollution on Earth.

The government’s obligation to maintain national laws is one way to reduce pollution on Earth. Offenders should be subject to harsh penalties, such as increased fines and longer prison terms, which will force them to reconsider their influence on the environment and serve as a message to those who are not currently involved but who might be in the future.

Must Read: Essay on Pollution: Elements, Type, Format & Samples

Related Reads

Light Pollution  Radioactive Pollution  Soil Pollution  Water Pollution  Air Pollution  Thermal Pollution  Noise Pollution 

Mentioned below are some of the ways to control environmental pollution:  Walk or ride a bicycle to work instead of driving. While replacing a car go for a fuel-efficient vehicle.  When leaving the room turn off the lights and television to save energy.  Buy energy-efficient appliances. 

There are many things that cause pollution such as by-products of coal-fueled power plants, vehicle emissions, fumes from chemical production, etc.  

We hope you got some ideas to write an effective essay on environmental pollution. To read more informative articles like this one, keep following Leverage Edu . 

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  • Environmental Pollution Essay


Essay on Environmental Pollution

The environment is the surrounding of an organism. The environment in which an organism lives is made up of various components like air, water, land, etc. These components are found in fixed proportions to create a harmonious balance in the environment for the organism to live in. Any kind of undesirable and unwanted change in the proportions of these components can be termed as pollution. This issue is increasing with every passing year. It is an issue that creates economic, physical, and social troubles. The environmental problem that is worsening with each day needs to be addressed so that its harmful effects on humans as well as the planet can be discarded.

Causes of Environmental Pollution 

With the rise of the industries and the migration of people from villages to cities in search of employment, there has been a regular increase in the problem of proper housing and unhygienic living conditions. These reasons have given rise to factors that cause pollution. 

Environmental pollution is of five basic types namely, Air, Water, Soil, and Noise pollution. 

Air Pollution: Air pollution is a major issue in today’s world. The smoke pouring out of factory chimneys and automobiles pollute the air that we breathe in. Gases like carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, and sulphur dioxide are emitted with this smoke which mixes with air and causes great harm to the human body, flora, and fauna. The dry-farm waste, dry grass, leaves, and coal used as domestic fuels in our villages also produce harmful gases. Acid rain occurs due to an excess of sulphur dioxide in the air.

The Main Sources of Air Pollution are as Follows:  

Automobile pollution 

Industrial air pollution 

Burning garbage 

Brick kilns 

Indoor air pollution 

Decomposed animals and plants 

Radioactive elements

Water Pollution: Water pollution is one of the most serious environmental issues. The waste products from the growing industries and sewage water are not treated properly before disposing of the wastewater into the rivers and other water bodies, thus leading to water pollution. Agricultural processes with excess fertilizers and pesticides also pollute the water bodies. 

The Main Sources of Water Pollution as Follows:  

Marine commerce. 

Industrial effluents joining seas and oceans. 

Dumping of radioactive substances into seawater. 

Sewage is disposed of into the sea by rivers. 

Offshore oil rigs. 

Recreational activities. 

Agricultural pollutants are disposed of into the water bodies.


Soil or Land Pollution: Soil pollution or land pollution results from the deposition of solid waste, accumulation of biodegradable material, deposition of chemicals with poisonous chemical compositions, etc on the open land. Waste materials such as plastics, polythene, and bottles, cause land pollution and render the soil infertile. Moreover, the dumping of dead bodies of animals adds to this issue. Soil pollution causes several diseases in man and animals like Cholera, Dysentery, Typhoid, etc.

The Main Causes of Soil Pollution are as Follows:  

Industrial waste 

Urban commercial and domestic waste 

Chemical fertilizers 

Biomedical waste 

Noise Pollution: With an increasing population, urbanization, and industrialization, noise pollution is becoming a serious form of pollution affecting human life, health, and comfort in daily life. Horns of vehicles, loudspeakers, music systems, and industrial activities contribute to noise pollution. 

The Main Sources of Noise Pollution as Follows:  

The machines in the factories and industries produce whistling sounds, crushing noise, and thundering sounds. 

Loudspeakers, horns of vehicles. 

Blasting of rocks and earth, drilling tube wells, ventilation fans, and heavy earth-moving machinery at construction sites.

How Pollution Harms Health and Environment

The lives of people and other creatures are affected by environmental pollution, both directly and indirectly. For centuries, these living organisms have coexisted with humans on the planet. 

1. Effect on the Environment

Smog is formed when carbon and dust particles bind together in the air, causing respiratory problems, haze, and smoke. These are created by the combustion of fossil fuels in industrial and manufacturing facilities and vehicle combustion of carbon fumes. 

Furthermore, these factors impact the immune systems of birds, making them carriers of viruses and diseases. It also has an impact on the body's system and organs. 

2.  Land, Soil, and Food Effects 

The degradation of human organic and chemical waste harms the land and soil. It also releases chemicals into the land and water. Pesticides, fertilisers, soil erosion, and crop residues are the main causes of land and soil pollution. 

3. Effects on water 

Water is easily contaminated by any pollutant, whether it be human waste or factory chemical discharge. We also use this water for crop irrigation and drinking. They, too, get polluted as a result of infection. Furthermore, an animal dies as a result of drinking the same tainted water. 

Furthermore, approximately 80% of land-based pollutants such as chemical, industrial, and agricultural waste wind up in water bodies. 

Furthermore, because these water basins eventually link to the sea, they contaminate the sea's biodiversity indirectly. 

4. Food Reaction

Crops and agricultural produce become poisonous as a result of contaminated soil and water. These crops are laced with chemical components from the start of their lives until harvest when they reach a mass level. Due to this, tainted food has an impact on our health and organs. 

5. Climate Change Impact 

Climate change is also a source of pollution in the environment. It also has an impact on the ecosystem's physical and biological components. 

Ozone depletion, greenhouse gas emissions, and global warming are all examples of environmental pollution. Because these water basins eventually link to the sea, they contaminate the sea's biodiversity indirectly. Furthermore, their consequences may be fatal for future generations. The unpredictably cold and hot climate impacts the earth’s natural system. 

Furthermore, earthquakes, starvation, smog, carbon particles, shallow rain or snow, thunderstorms, volcanic eruptions, and avalanches are all caused by climate change, caused entirely by environmental pollution.

How to Minimise Environmental Pollution? 

To minimise this issue, some preventive measures need to be taken. 

Principle of 3R’s: To save the environment, use the principle of 3 R’s; Reuse, Reduce and Recycle. 

Reuse products again and again. Instead of throwing away things after one use, find a way to use them again.  Reduce the generation of waste products.  

Recycle: Paper, plastics, glass, and electronic items can be processed into new products while using fewer natural resources and lesser energy. 

To prevent and control air pollution, better-designed equipment, and smokeless fuels should be used in homes and industries. More and more trees should be planted to balance the ecosystem and control greenhouse effects. 

Noise pollution can be minimised by better design and proper maintenance of vehicles. Industrial noise can be reduced by soundproofing equipment like generators, etc.  

To control soil pollution, we must stop the usage of plastic. Sewage should be treated properly before using it as fertilizers and as landfills. Encourage organic farming as this process involves the use of biological materials and avoiding synthetic substances to maintain soil fertility and ecological balance. 

Several measures can be adopted to control water pollution. Some of them are water consumption and usage that can be minimized by altering the techniques involved. Water should be reused with treatment. 

The melting icebergs in Antarctica resulted in rising sea levels due to the world's environmental pollution, which had become a serious problem due to global warming, which had become a significant concern. Rising carbon pollution poses a risk for causing natural disasters such as earthquakes, cyclones, and other natural disasters. 

The Hiroshima-Nagasaki and Chernobyl disasters in Russia have irreversibly harmed humanity. Different countries around the world are responding to these calamities in the most effective way possible. 

Different countries around the world are responding to these calamities in the most effective way possible. More public awareness campaigns are being established to educate people about the hazards of pollution and the importance of protecting our environment. Greener lifestyles are becoming more popular; for example, energy-efficient lighting, new climate-friendly autos, and the usage of wind and solar power are just a few examples. 

Governments emphasise the need to plant more trees, minimise the use of plastics, improve natural waste recovery, and reduce pesticide use. This ecological way of living has helped humanity save other creatures from extinction while making the Earth a greener and safer ecology. 


It is the responsibility of every individual to save our planet from these environmental contamination agents. If preventive measures are not taken then our future generation will have to face major repercussions. The government is also taking steps to create public awareness. Every individual should be involved in helping to reduce and control pollution.


FAQs on Environmental Pollution Essay

1. What do you understand by ‘Environmental Pollution’?  

Environmental pollution is the contamination of the environment and surroundings like air, water, soil by the discharge of harmful substances.

2. What preventive measures should be taken to save our environment?

Some of the preventive measures that should be taken to save our environment are discussed below. 

We can save our environment by adopting the concept of carpooling and promoting public transport to save fuel. Smoking bars are public policies, including criminal laws and occupational safety and health regulations that prohibit tobacco smoking in workplaces and other public places.  

The use of Fossil fuels should be restricted because it causes major environmental issues like global warming.  

Encourage organic farming to maintain the fertility of the soil.

3.  What are the main sources of soil pollution?

The main sources of soil pollution as follows:

Industrial waste

Urban commercial and domestic waste

Chemical fertilizers

Biomedical waste

4. What is organic farming?

 It is a farming method that involves growing and nurturing crops without the use of synthetic fertilizers and pesticides.

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Essay on Environment for Students and Children

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Table of Contents

Essay on Environment: The environment means the things that surround us. It is everything that makes up our surroundings and affects our ability to live on the earth. The air, water, land, plants, animals, solid wastes and other things that are surrounding us constitute our environment. Man and environment are closely intertwined and interact with each other. Man cannot exist without environment and environment cannot exist without man.

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Ancient humans lived closer to the natural environment and therefore they lived healthier and longer. But today we are surrounded by the artificial environment that we have created for ourselves – buildings, air conditioned rooms, streets, shopping complexes, vehicles emitting poisonous gases, dust etc.

It would hardly require a second thought to conclude that this self made artificial environment of ours is a harmful creation. Not only we are breathing pollution but also doing considerable damage to nature, in our expedition to grow materialistically, further aggravating the situation. The more we move away from our natural environment, the more we move away from health and longevity. In the following essays we will discuss in details, the meaning and significance of environment and how it could be protected.

Long and Short Essay on Environment in English

A clean environment is very necessary to live a peaceful and healthy life.

But our environment is getting dirty day by day because of some negligence of human beings.

It is an issue which everyone must know about especially our kids.

Use following Environment Essay for your kids and children to help them in completing their school project or essay writing competition.

Following Essay on Environment are written using very simple word and easy to understand English Language so that your children can easy understand it.

Environment Essay in 100 words

An environment is the natural surroundings which help life to grow, nourish and destroy on this planet called earth. Natural environment plays a great role in the existence of life on earth and it helps human beings, animals and other living things to grow and develop naturally. But due to some bad and selfish activities of the human beings, our environment is getting affected. It is the most important topic that everyone must know how to protect our environment to keep it safe forever as well as ensure the nature’s balance on this planet to continue the existence of life.

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Environment Essay 150 words

As we all are well familiar with the environment, it is everything which surrounds us naturally and affects our daily lives on the earth. Everything comes under an environment, the air which we breathe every moment, the water which we use for our daily routine, plants, animals and other living things, etc around us. An environment is called healthy environment when natural cycle goes side by side without any disturbance. Any type of disturbance in the nature’s balance affects the environment totally which ruins the human lives.

Now, in the era of advance living standard of the human being, our environment is getting affected to a great extent by the means of air pollution, noise pollution, deforestation, water pollution, soil pollution, acid rain and other dangerous disasters created by the human beings through technological advancement. We all must take an oath together to protect our natural environment to keep it safe as usual forever.

Environment Essay 200 words

Environment means all the natural surroundings such as land, air, water, plants, animals, solid material, wastes, sunlight, forests and other things. Healthy environment maintains the nature’s balance as well as helps in growing, nourishing and developing all the living things on the earth. However, now a day, some manmade technological advancement spoiling the environment in many ways which ultimately disturbs the balance or equilibrium of nature. We are keeping our lives in danger as well as existence of life in future on this planet.

If we do anything in wrong way out of the discipline of nature, it disturbs the whole environment means atmosphere, hydrosphere and lithosphere. Besides natural environment, a man made environment is also exists which deals with the technology, work environment, aesthetics, transportation, housing, utilities, urbanization, etc. Man made environment affects the natural environment to a great extent which we all must be together to save it.

The components of the natural environment are used as a resource however it is also exploited by the human being in order to fulfill some basic physical needs and purpose of life. We should not challenge our natural resources and stop putting so much pollution or waste to the environment. We should value our natural resources and use them by staying under the natural discipline.

Environment Essay 250 words

An environment includes all the natural resources which surround us to help in number of ways. It provides us better medium to grow and develop. It gives us all things which we need to live our life on this planet. However, our environment also need some help from all of us to get maintained as usual, to nourish our lives forever and to never ruin our lives. The elements of our environment are declining day by day because of the man made technological disaster.

We need to maintain the originality of our environment to continue the life on the earth, the only place where life is possible till now in the whole universe. World Environment Day is a campaign being celebrated for years every year on 5 th of June in order to spread the public awareness all over the world towards the environment safety and cleanliness. We must participate in the campaign celebration to know the theme of celebration, to know ways of saving our environment and to get aware about all the bad habits which declining the environment day by day.

We can save our environment in very easy manner with the little step taken by every person on the earth. We should reduce the amount of waste, throwing wastes properly to its place only, stop using poly bags, reuse some old things in new ways, repair and use broken things instead of throwing it away, see how much it would take to repair them, use rechargeable batteries or renewable alkaline batteries, make use of fluorescent light, rain water conservation, reduce water wastage, energy conservation, minimum use of electricity, etc.

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Environment Essay 5 (300 words)

An environment is gifted by the nature to nourish the life on the earth. Everything which we use to continue our lives comes under the environment such as water, air, sunlight, land, plants, animals, forests and other natural things. Our environment plays a very significant role in making possible the existence of healthy life on the earth. However, our environment is getting worse day by day because of the manmade technological advancement in the modern era. Thus, environmental pollution has become the biggest problem we are facing today.

Environmental pollution is affecting our daily lives negatively in various aspects of life such as socially, physically, economically, emotionally and intellectually. Contamination of the environment brings lots of diseases which human being may suffer whole life. It is not a problem of community or city, it is a worldwide problem which cannot be solved by the effort of one. If it is not addressed properly, it may end the existence of life a day. Each and every common citizen should involve in the environmental safety programme launched by the government.

We should correct our mistakes and selfishness towards our environment to make healthy and safe from the pollution. It is hard to believe but true that only a little positive movements by everyone may bring a huge change in the declining environment. Air and water pollution is leading our health on danger by causing various diseases and disorders. Nothing can be said healthy now a day, as what we eat is already affected by the bad effects of artificial fertilizers which reduces and weakens our body immunity to fight disease causing microorganisms. That’s why, anyone of us can be diseased anytime even after being healthy and happy.

So, it is a major worldwide issue which should be solved by the continuous efforts of everyone. We should participate in the World Environment Day campaign to actively participate in the environment safety event.

Environment Essay 400 words

All the natural things which makes life possible on the earth includes under an environment like water, air, sunlight, land, fire, forests, animals, plants, etc. It is considered that earth is the only planet in the universe having required environment for the life existence. Without environment we cannot guess life here so we should keep our environment safe and clean to ensure the life possibility in future. It is the responsibility of each and every individual living on the earth worldwide. Everyone should come forth and join the campaign for environment safety.

There are various cycles which happen regularly between environment and living things to maintain the nature’s balance. However, by any means if such cycles gets disturbed, nature’s balance also gets disturbed which ultimately affects the human lives. Our environment helps us and other forms of existence to grow, develop and flourish on the earth for thousands of years. As human beings are considered as the most intelligent creature made by the nature on the earth, they have lots of eagerness to know things in the universe which lead them towards the technological advancement.

Such technological advancement in everyone’s life put the life possibilities on the earth in danger day by day as our environment is destroying gradually. It seems that one day it becomes so harmful for life as the natural air, soil and water are getting polluted. Even it has started showing its bad effects on the health of human being, animal, plants and other living things. Artificially prepared fertilizers by using harmful chemicals are spoiling the soil which indirectly getting collected into our body through the food we eat daily. Harmful smokes created from the industrial companies on daily basis are polluting the natural air which affects our health to a great extent as we breathe it every moment.

In such busy, crowded and advanced life we must take care of such types of small bad habits on daily basis. It is true that only a small effort by the end of everyone can bring a major positive change towards our declining environment. We should not use the natural resources in wrong ways for just our selfishness and fulfil our destructive wishes. We should grow and develop science and technologies for the betterment of our lives but always be sure that it would not ruin our environment in future in anyways. We should be sure that new technologies would never disturb the ecological balance.

All the environment essay given above are written by the professional content writer under various words limit to help students. All the essay on environment are written very simply so that students of classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, etc can easily learn and successfully use in exam or essay writing competition. We have provided environment essays under the category of environmental issues. You can get essay on other environmental issues under same category such as.

Essay on Environment FAQs

What is the environment short essay.

A short essay about the environment explains its importance and how it affects our lives.

What is environment in 10 lines?

The environment is everything around us, including air, water, animals, plants, and the Earth itself. It supports life and needs protection.

What is environment 5 points?

The environment includes our surroundings, air, water, ecosystems, and the planet. It's essential for our well-being and must be conserved.

What is called environment?

The environment refers to the natural world around us, comprising everything in our surroundings, from the air we breathe to the land and creatures we share our planet with.

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Governor should sign bill to protect trees and protect ourselves

An aerial view of the Amazon rainforest in Brazil’s Rondonia...

An aerial view of the Amazon rainforest in Brazil’s Rondonia state. Credit: Getty Images/Bloomberg Creative

This guest essay reflects the views of Robert Sweeney, a Lindenhurst resident and board member of Environmental Advocates NY who served in the Assembly for 27 years, the last seven as chairman of the Committee on Environmental Conservation.

As the effects of climate change and deforestation ravage the planet, New York has the chance to play a key role in creating clean air, filtering water, sustaining wildlife, and regulating agricultural cycles that we depend on for stability and health.

How? By enacting the TREES Act. The bill, which recently passed both the State Senate and the Assembly, expands the focus beyond planting new trees to protecting existing ones from being cut down, optimizing the irreplaceable benefits that old-growth forests, particularly tropical ones, provide for biodiversity and carbon sequestration everywhere.

Even better, these measures come at no cost to New York families. We can save the rainforest and create opportunities for local businesses, and it won’t cost consumers a dime. That’s a win-win-win.

During her State of the State address in January, Gov. Kathy Hochul promised to plant 25 million trees by 2033 to help mitigate the risks of climate change. It's a notable step but falls short of New York's broader climate strategy, which suggests a goal of 680 million trees by 2040 to keep rising emissions in check. This stark difference in numbers raises an important question: Are we doing enough?

If we look at the numbers globally, likely not. Millions of acres of tropical forests, vital carbon sinks and biodiversity hot spots are lost annually, often cleared for agriculture by multinational corporations. The TREES Act would ensure that New York State is no longer part of this problem by purchasing only forest-safe products and rewarding companies that employ sustainable forest practices, which most New York-based agricultural businesses largely do already.

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The TREES Act mimics measures already enacted by the European Union. Since New York would be the first state to employ these standards, New York businesses would have a leg up on meeting requirements for access to EU markets. This is a critical part of proactive and protective regulation. Implementing these standards would prevent the disconnect that often arises across government stakeholders, creating mixed market signals, delaying crucial progress, and inflating the costs of action in avoidable ways.

Aligning all branches of New York’s government in this environmental endeavor is critical. Global meat giant JBS was recently caught lying to New York consumers about cutting its carbon footprint while actually increasing it. While Attorney General Letitia James’ litigation revealed these bad-faith actors and actions, the TREES Act could have helped prevent it.

In addition, the push by State Comptroller Tom DiNapoli and New York City Comptroller Brad Lander for shareholder resolutions to adopt and enforce stronger deforestation policies demonstrates that New York political leaders understand that it is far more costly to destroy global forests as natural barriers to runaway climate change than to preserve them.

Last year, a different version of the TREES Act passed both houses with strong bipartisan majorities and overwhelming support from a wide range of public stakeholders. Hochul vetoed it, concerned about the burden on businesses. The updated bill responds to Hochul’s concerns, giving state vendors a longer ramp-up, ensuring they have clear guidance about how to comply, and providing short-term exemptions.

It’s time to sign the TREES Act. New Yorkers deserve the chance to help shape the global economy, to be a leader in mitigating climate change and protecting biodiversity. Gov. Hochul can lead that charge.

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World Economic Situation and Prospects 2024

World Economic Situation and Prospects 2024

Global economic growth is projected to slow from an estimated 2.7 per cent in 2023 to 2.4 per cent in 2024, trending below the pre-pandemic growth rate of 3.0 per cent, according to the United Nations World Economic Situation and Prospects (WESP) 2024. This latest forecast comes on the heels of global economic performance exceeding expectations in 2023. However, last year’s stronger-than-expected GDP growth masked short-term risks and structural vulnerabilities. 

The UN’s flagship economic report presents a sombre economic outlook for the near term. Persistently high interest rates, further escalation of conflicts, sluggish international trade, and increasing climate disasters, pose significant challenges to global growth.

The prospects of a prolonged period of tighter credit conditions and higher borrowing costs present strong headwinds for a world economy saddled with debt, while in need of more investments to resuscitate growth, fight climate change and accelerate progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

“2024 must be the year when we break out of this quagmire. By unlocking big, bold investments we can drive sustainable development and climate action, and put the global economy on a stronger growth path for all,” said António Guterres, United Nations Secretary-General. “We must build on the progress made in the past year towards an SDG Stimulus of at least $500 billion per year in affordable long-term financing for investments in sustainable development and climate action.”

Subdued growth in developed and developing economies Growth in several large, developed economies, especially the United States, is projected to decelerate in 2024 given high interest rates, slowing consumer spending and weaker labour markets. The short-term growth prospects for many developing countries – particularly in East Asia, Western Asia and Latin America and the Caribbean – are also deteriorating because of tighter financial conditions, shrinking fiscal space and sluggish external demand. Low-income and vulnerable economies are facing increasing balance-of-payments pressures and debt sustainability risks. Economic prospects for small island developing States, in particular, will be constrained by heavy debt burdens, high interest rates and increasing climate-related vulnerabilities, which threaten to undermine, and in some cases, even reverse gains made on the SDGs.

Inflation trending down but recovery in labour markets still uneven Global inflation is projected to decline further, from an estimated 5.7 per cent in 2023 to 3.9 per cent in 2024. Price pressures are, however, still elevated in many countries and any further escalation of geopolitical conflicts risks renewed increases in inflation. 

In about a quarter of all developing countries, annual inflation is projected to exceed 10 per cent in 2024, the report highlights. Since January 2021, consumer prices in developing economies have increased by a cumulative 21.1 per cent, significantly eroding the economic gains made following the COVID-19 recovery. Amid supply-side disruptions, conflicts and extreme weather events, local food price inflation remained high in many developing economies, disproportionately affecting the poorest households. 

“Persistently high inflation has further set back progress in poverty eradication, with especially severe impacts in the least developed countries,” said Li Junhua, United Nations Under-Secretary-General for Economic and Social Affairs. “It is absolutely imperative that we strengthen global cooperation and the multilateral trading system, reform development finance, address debt challenges and scale up climate financing to help vulnerable countries accelerate towards a path of sustainable and inclusive growth.”

According to the report, the global labour markets have seen an uneven recovery from the pandemic crisis. In developed economies, labour markets have remained resilient despite a slowdown in growth. However, in many developing countries, particularly in Western Asia and Africa, key employment indicators, including unemployment rates, are yet to return to pre-pandemic levels. The global gender employment gap remains high, and gender pay gaps not only persist but have even widened in some occupations.   

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4th International Conference "Coordinating Engineering for Sustainability and Resilience" & Midterm Conference of CircularB “Implementation of Circular Economy in the Built Environment”

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  • Open Access
  • © 2024

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  • Viorel Ungureanu 0 ,
  • Luís Bragança 1 ,
  • Charalambos Baniotopoulos 2 ,
  • Khairedin M. Abdalla 3

Dept. Steel Struct. & Struct. Mechanics, Polytechnic University of Timişoara, Timișoara, Romania

You can also search for this editor in PubMed   Google Scholar

Department of Civil Engineering, University of Minho, Guimaraes, Portugal

School of engineering, university of birmingham, birmingham, uk, civil engineering department, jordan university of science and technol, irbid, jordan.

  • This book is open access, which means that you have free and unlimited access
  • Provides cutting-edge information on circular economy in the built environment
  • Brings together scholars with different backgrounds and professionals
  • Proceedings of CESARE 2024, held in Timișoara, Romania, on May 29-31, 2024
  • Open access book, which means that you have free and unlimited access

Part of the book series: Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering (LNCE, volume 489)

Included in the following conference series:

  • CESARE: International Conference "Coordinating Engineering for Sustainability and Resilience"

Conference proceedings info: CESARE 2024.

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About this book

This open access book gathers the proceedings of the 4th International Conference “Coordinating Engineering for Sustainability and Resilience” (CESARE) & Midterm Conference of CircularB “Implementation of Circular Economy in the Built Environment”, held in Timișoara, Romania, on May 29-31, 2024, as part of the COST Action CA21103. The volume represents the state of the art of sustainability and resilience in modern and future built environment, constructions, and infrastructure, and includes topics such as structural materials and robustness, fire engineering, risk assessment, impact of climate change on the built environment, sustainable resilience of systems in the built environment, smart cities, circular economy, design strategies for product design, integration of renewable energy at building and small urban area scales, restoration & rehabilitation of historical buildings, sustainable infrastructures, wind energy structures, façade engineering, green buildings, and waste management.

  • open access
  • built environment
  • Circular Economy
  • CA21103 COST Action
  • Sustainable Development
  • rehabilitation of buildings
  • Sustainable infrastructures

Table of contents (65 papers)

Front matter, keynote papers, life-cycle risk, resilience, and sustainability of individual and spatially distributed structures.

  • Dan M. Frangopol, Mitsuyoshi Akiyama

Reliability and Durability of Built Environment Under Impact of Climate Natural Hazards

  • Dan Dubina, Florea Dinu

Sustainable Infrastructures

Integration of carbon emissions estimates into climate resilience frameworks for transport asset recovery.

  • Stergios A. Mitoulis, Dan V. Bompa, Sotirios Argyroudis

Resilience Framework for Aged Bridges Subjected to Human-Induced Hazard - Case Study in Ukraine

  • Nadiia Kopiika, Stergios-Aristoteles Mitoulis, Jelena Ninic

A Study on Traffic Awareness at Jordanian Universities: A Case Study of the German Jordanian University

  • Omar Albatayneh, Emhaidy Gharaibeh, Dima Husein Malkawi, Tareq Jaber, Yazeed AlOmaireyeen

Analysis of the Pavement Response with Total/Partial Link Between Layers to the Action of Traffic Load

  • Adelin Stirb, Adrian Ciutina, Andrei Forton, Ciprian Costescu, Paul Marc

Thermal-Structural Modelling and Temperature Control of Roller-Compacted Concrete Gravity Dam: A Parametric Study

  • Abdallah I. Husein Malkawi, Dima A. Husein Malkawi, Khaldoon A. Bani-Hani

Structural Engineering

Influence of shear connection and end supports onto self-vibrations of cold-formed steel concrete composite floor.

  • Andrea Rajić, Ivan Lukačević, Ivan Ćurković, Vlaho Žuvelek

Numerical Investigation of Double-Skin Cold-Formed Steel Shear Wall Filled with Concrete

  • Vlaho Žuvelek, Ivan Ćurković, Ivan Lukačević, Andrea Rajić

Comparative Experimental Study on Improving Structural Performance of the Base Upright Profiles of Steel Storage Pallet Racks Under Operational Conditions

  • George Taranu, Viorel Ungureanu, Zsolt Nagy, Septimiu-George Luca, Mihai-Sergiu Alexa-Stratulat, Ionut-Ovidiu Toma

Performance Comparison of Different Vibration Control Strategies

  • Mohammad Shamim Miah, Werner Lienhart

Exploratory Research on the Thermal Properties of Wood in Real Fire Conditions

  • Daniel Popa, Dara-Dragana Iosim, Dan Pintea, Raul Zaharia, Jean-Marc Franssen

Assessment of Existing Structures for Elongation of the Buildings Lifecycle Based on Ukrainian Experience and Codes

  • Volodymyr Semko, Nataliia Mahas

Procedure for Generation of Finite Element Models of Steel Members from 3D Scanned Data

  • Viktor Szalai, Aurel Stratan, Adrian Ciutina, Andreea Diana Clepe, Anna Ene

The Behavior of Heat-Damaged RC Beams Reinforced Internally with CFRP Strips

  • Rajai Z. Al-Rousan, Khairedin M. Abdalla, Bara’a R. Alnemrawi

Energy Systems and Structures

Other volumes, 4th international conference "coordinating engineering for sustainability and resilience" & midterm conference of circularb “implementation of circular economy in the built environment”, editors and affiliations, dept. steel struct. & struct. mechanics, polytechnic university of timişoara, timișoara, romania.

Viorel Ungureanu

Luís Bragança

Charalambos Baniotopoulos

Khairedin M. Abdalla

Bibliographic Information

Book Title : 4th International Conference "Coordinating Engineering for Sustainability and Resilience" & Midterm Conference of CircularB “Implementation of Circular Economy in the Built Environment”

Editors : Viorel Ungureanu, Luís Bragança, Charalambos Baniotopoulos, Khairedin M. Abdalla

Series Title : Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering


Publisher : Springer Cham

eBook Packages : Engineering , Engineering (R0)

Copyright Information : The Editor(s) (if applicable) and The Author(s) 2024

Hardcover ISBN : 978-3-031-57799-4 Published: 10 May 2024

Softcover ISBN : 978-3-031-57802-1 Due: 10 June 2024

eBook ISBN : 978-3-031-57800-7 Published: 09 May 2024

Series ISSN : 2366-2557

Series E-ISSN : 2366-2565

Edition Number : 1

Number of Pages : XVIII, 713

Number of Illustrations : 46 b/w illustrations, 232 illustrations in colour

Topics : Sustainable Architecture/Green Buildings , Sustainable Development , Environmental Economics , Construction Management

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What's in this year's federal budget? Here are all of the announcements we already know about

Jim Chalmers stands in front of a vibrant red tree.

Treasurer Jim Chalmers will hand down his third budget on Tuesday night, but has been tempering expectations for weeks in the lead-up, warning Australians not to expect a "cash splash".

Inflation remains a key challenge for the government, and we already have a pretty good idea of how Mr Chalmers plans to use his budget to provide cost-of-living relief while also trying to jump-start a slowing economy and navigate growing uncertainty overseas.

Here are the measures we already know about before the treasurer reveals all at 7:30pm AEST.

Short on time?

A woman looks down at a mobile phone.

There's been no shortage of announcements in the lead-up to the budget. If you're interested in a specific topic, tap on the links below to take you there:

Cost-of-living relief

Education, training and hecs changes, tax changes, future made in australia, health and aged care, paid parental leave, domestic violence, defence and foreign affairs, environment, infrastructure, additional announcements.

Is your area of interest not covered?

  • Tell us what other cost-of-living measures you're hoping to see included in this year's budget .

The bottom line

A graphic drawing of a persons hands typing on a laptop and writing out a budget.

Will the budget be in surplus or deficit?

  • The budget will deliver a surplus of $9.3 billion for the 2023-24 financial year, making it the second consecutive budget surplus in almost two decades
  • That said, the following three financial years are all forecasted to have larger deficits than previously expected in December, but the size of each deficit is not yet known
  • Overall, the treasurer says Australia's total debt has been reduced by $152 billion in the 2023-24 financial year, and the budget will benefit by a $25 billion boost in revenue upgrades

What does the budget mean for inflation and interest rates?

  • The treasurer has repeatedly said he's kept inflation in mind when crafting this year's budget, and is confident that the measures won't contribute to it
  • In fact, Treasury predicts inflation will fall to 2.75 per cent by December — well before the Reserve Bank's most recent forecast for the end of 2025 — due to yet-to-be-announced budget measures taking pressure off inflation
  • For what it's worth, RBA governor Michele Bullock wasn't too concerned about the upcoming budget last Tuesday, saying she  would wait to see its impact first , but she said the treasurer reassured her that he was focused on curbing inflation  

The reworked stage 3 tax cuts form the centrepiece of the government's budget. They were announced in January, legislated in February and come into effect on July 1.

The changes to tax cuts originally legislated by the Morrison government mean that all Australian taxpayers who earn more than $18,200 (that is, more than the tax-free threshold) will get a tax cut.

Before Labor's changes, the original stage 3 tax cuts were skewed more heavily to higher-income earners .

A person with a taxable income between $45,000 and $120,000 will receive a tax cut of $804 more come July 1  under the revised stage 3 changes compared to the Morrison government's tax plan.

However, the government has hinted at other cost-of-living measures, with the treasurer calling the tax cuts the "foundation stone" of broader assistance.

Among those measures appears to be energy bill relief (in addition to what some states have already announced), with the treasurer pointing out that last year's measure curbed living costs and eased inflation.

Adjustments to rent assistance also seem likely, as do increases to JobSeeker and the aged pension.

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The biggest announcement in this area is the wiping out of $3 billion worth of HECS debts  triggered by last year's indexation of 7.1 per cent.

It means student debts will be lowered for more than 3 million Australians, with the average student receiving an indexation credit of about $1,200 for the past two years.

The debt relief will also apply for apprentices who owe money through the VET Student Loan program or the Australian Apprenticeship Support Loan.

Speaking of university, the government is aiming to tackle "placement poverty" by providing financial support to students to help make ends meet while they complete practical hands-on training as part of their course.

Under the scheme, those studying nursing, teaching or social work will receive a Commonwealth Prac Payment of up to $319.50 a week, but they will be subjected to means testing.

Similarly, apprentices willing to learn clean energy skills as part of their trade will be eligible to receive up to $10,000 in payments . The scheme already exists, but the government has broadened the eligibility to include apprentices in the automotive, electrical, housing and construction sectors based on industry feedback.

Universities will also be required to stop a surge in the number of international students, as part of the government's broader plans to cut annual migration levels back to 260,000 a year — much to the concern of peak education bodies .

Another  $90 million will be put towards 15,000 fee-free TAFE and VET places to get more workers into the housing construction sector , with an extra 5,000 pre-apprenticeship places provided from 2025.

Tradies work on the roof frame of a new home under construction.

While we can expect to hear more about the stage 3 tax cuts, it seems likely that the government will unveil other changes to tax in the budget to encourage business investment.

One such change will be the extension of the government's instant asset write-off scheme for small businesses for another year, allowing businesses with a turnover of less than $10 million to claim $20,000 from eligible assets.

However, the same measure from last year's budget is still yet to pass parliament — and businesses are urgently calling on them to pass the measure before it expires on June 30 .

In addition to spending more to attract skilled workers in the housing and construction sectors, the government is also tipping billions of dollars into building new homes across the country .

It's estimated the government will be putting roughly $11.3 billion towards housing, as the government works to deliver its promised 1.2 million new homes by 2030.

$1 billion will be spent on crisis and transitional accommodation for women and children fleeing family violence and youth through the National Housing Infrastructure Facility, which is re-allocated funding.

The government has also committed to providing $9.3 billion to states and territories under a new five-year agreement to combat homelessness, assist in crisis support, and to build and repair social housing — including $400 million of federal homelessness funding each year, matched by the states and territories.

Another $1 billion will be given to states and territories to build other community infrastructure to speed up the home-building process, including roads, sewerage, energy and water supplies.

The government has also committed to consulting with universities to construct more purpose-built student accommodation.

Overall, the funding announcements for housing build on the $25 billion already committed to new housing investments, with $10 billion of that in the Housing Australia Future Fund, which is designed to help build 30,000 social and affordable rental homes.

The government says the housing funding measures will also help take the pressure off the private rental market, which is experiencing record-low vacancy rates and surging growth in weekly rent prices.

High density housing with predominantly dark roofs.

Aside from the revised stage 3 tax cuts, the revival of local manufacturing is the other centrepiece of the government's budget this year.

The Future Made in Australia Act (which is often referred to without the "act" on the end) is bringing together a range of new and existing manufacturing and renewable energy programs under one umbrella, totalling in excess of $15 billion.

In other words, the government is putting serious taxpayer money towards supporting local industry and innovation, especially in the renewable energy space.

A number of measures have already been announced (or re-announced), including:

  • $1 billion for the Solar SunShot program to increase the number of Australian-made solar panels
  • $2 billion for its Hydrogen Headstart scheme to accelerate the green hydrogen industry
  • $470 million to build the world's first "fault-tolerant" quantum computer in Brisbane , matching the Queensland government's contribution
  • $840 million for the Gina Rinehart-backed mining company Arafura to develop its combined rare earths mine and refinery in Central Australia
  • $230 million for WA lithium hopeful Liontown Resources , which is also partly owned by Gina Rinehart
  • $566 million over 10 years for Geoscience Australia to create detailed maps of critical minerals under Australia's soil and seabed
  • $400 million to create Australia's first high-purity alumina processing facility in Gladstone
  • $185 million to fast-track Renascor Resources' Siviour Graphite Project in South Australia
  • A $1 billion export deal to supply Germany with 100 infantry fighting vehicles , manufactured at Rheinmetall's facility in Ipswich

A cluster of houses at Alkimos Beach all with rooftop solar panels.

All up, the government is spending an extra $8.5 billion on health and Medicare in this year's federal budget, with $227 million of that put towards creating another 29 urgent care clinics.

Millions of dollars are also being poured into medical research, including $20 million for childhood brain cancer research , and a $50 million grant for Australian scientists developing the world's first long-term artificial heart .

Another $49.1 million is being invested to support people who have endometriosis and other complex gynaecological conditions such as chronic pelvic pain and polycystic ovarian syndrome. The funding will allow for extended consultation times and increased rebates to be added to the Medicare Benefits Schedule.

As for aged care, the government hasn't announced anything specific for the sector, nor has it outlined its response to the Aged Care Taskforce report that was delivered in March.

Parents accessing the government-funded paid parental leave scheme will be paid superannuation in addition to their payments from next July .

Under the current program, a couple with a newborn or newly adopted child can access up to 20 weeks of paid parental leave at the national minimum wage — however that figure will continue to rise until it reaches 26 weeks in July 2026 .

The plan, which Labor will take to the next election, would see superannuation paid at 12 per cent of the paid parental leave rate, which is based on the national minimum wage of $882.75 per week.

The cost to the budget is not yet known, however a review commissioned by the former government estimated that paying super on top of paid parental leave would cost about $200 million annually.

About 180,000 families access the government paid parental leave payments each year.

A newborn baby peeps over a woman's shoulder.

The federal government has pledged almost $1 billion to combat violence against women , including permanent funding to help victim-survivors leave violent relationships, and a suite of online measures to combat online misogyny and prevent children from viewing pornography.

The $925.2 million will go towards permanently establishing the Leaving Violence Program over five years, after it was established as a pilot program in October 2021 known as the Escaping Violence Program.

The program will provide eligible victim-survivors with an individualised support package of up to $1,500 in cash and up to $3,500 in goods and services, plus safety planning, risk assessment and referrals to other essential services for up to 12 weeks.

While the funding has been broadly welcomed, survivors and advocates want to see more investment .

The package also includes funding to create a pilot of age verification technology to protect children from harmful content, including the "easy access to pornography" online, which the government says will tackle extreme online misogyny that is "fuelling harmful attitudes towards women".

The federal government is planning to spend an extra $50 billion on defence over the next decade , meaning Australia's total defence spend will be equivalent to 2.4 per cent of its gross domestic product (GDP) within 10 years.

All up, the government is planning to invest a total of $330 billion through to 2033-34, which includes the initial cost for the AUKUS initiative to purchase nuclear-powered submarines.

Part of that $50 billion will be spent on upgrading defence bases across northern Australia, with $750 million to be allocated in the budget for the "hardening" of its bases in the coming financial year.

More than $1 billion of that funding will also be spent on an immediate boost on long-range missiles and targeting systems.

In the Pacific, Australia has committed $110 million to fund development initiatives in Tuvalu , including an undersea telecommunications cable and direct budget support.

The government has also pledged $492 million to the Asian Development Bank to provide grants to vulnerable countries in the Asia-Pacific.

An aerial photograph of a black submarine at the surface of the sea

The only dedicated announcement for the environment so far is the scrapping of the waste export levy , also known as a "recycling tax".

The proposed $4 per tonne levy was first legislated by the Morrison government in 2020 in a bid to reduce and regulate waste exports, after China announced it would no longer handle Australian rubbish.

Waste industry players had been concerned that once the levy was introduced in July, it would have caused more waste to be sent to landfill instead of being recycled.

The scrapping of the waste export levy is part of Australia's broader move to manage its own waste.

A slew of funding commitments have been made around the country, including a $1.9 billion funding commitment for upgrades in Western Sydney, ranging from road improvements to planning projects and train line extensions.

The government is also putting $3.25 billion towards Victoria's North East Link, which is being built between the Eastern Freeway and M80 Ring Road in Melbourne.

Ahead of the Brisbane Olympics in 2032, the government is also chipping in $2.75 billion to fund a Brisbane to Sunshine Coast rail link , matching the amount promised by Queensland Premier Steven Miles. (That said, $1.6 billion had been previously announced by the federal government.)

Also in Queensland, the Bruce Highway will receive $467 million for upgrades, while Canberra will receive $50 million to extend its light rail.

A proposed high-speed train line between Sydney and Newcastle will also receive $78.8 million to deliver a business case for the project.

The government will also put $21 million towards the creation of a national road safety data hub.

Cars driving aklong the highway. A electronic speed sign says the limit is 110 kilometres per hour.

There are several other funding commitments the government has made in the lead-up to the budget that don't fit neatly into the categories above.

The government will spend $161.3 million on creating a national firearms register , which will give police and other law-enforcement agencies near real-time information on firearms and who owns them across the states and territories.

The money will be spent over four years to establish the register, and comes after state and territory leaders agreed to set up the register in December last year. The government has described the register as the biggest change to Australia's firearm management systems in almost 30 years.

Another $166.4 million will be spent on expanding anti-money-laundering reporting obligations , requiring real estate agents, lawyers and accountants to report dodgy transactions in a move that will bring Australia in line with the rest of the developed world.

And ahead of the 2032 Brisbane Olympic Games, the government has given the Australian Institute of Sport (AIS) a $249.7 million funding boost to upgrade its facilities to support local athletes.

The government has also committed to a $107 million support package for farmers, after announcing it will end Australia's live sheep export trade by 2028 .

Farmers and regional communities will also benefit from a $519.1 million funding boost to the government's Future Drought Fund.

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    This open access book gathers the proceedings of the 4th International Conference "Coordinating Engineering for Sustainability and Resilience" (CESARE) & Midterm Conference of CircularB "Implementation of Circular Economy in the Built Environment", held in Timișoara, Romania, on May 29-31, 2024, as part of the COST Action CA21103.

  25. Airlines clash in their election message to EU politicians

    "The problem with environmental taxation today is that the greatest polluters are completely exempt," Ryanair Group CEO Michael O'Leary said at Brussels Zaventem Airport during last week's launch of the airline's campaign to encourage all EU citizens to vote in the June 6-9 election. ... While short-haul flights will be covered by the ETS ...

  26. What's in this year's federal budget? Here are all of the announcements

    Cost-of-living relief. The reworked stage 3 tax cuts form the centrepiece of the government's budget. They were announced in January, legislated in February and come into effect on July 1.