1. The Beginner's guide to the closing speech

    The Beginner's guide to the closing speech. I have no way of knowing how important closing speeches are. I know of no research that even begins to throw light on whether they make the slightest difference to the outcome of a trial, or whether, by the time for speeches has arrived, juries or magistrates have usually made up their minds.

  2. 10 Tips for effective opening and closing arguments

    Opening and closing statements are the bookends of your trial, and offer a chance to tell your client's story, framing it the way you want the jury to hear it. A solid opening statement gets the trial off on the right track. "This is the only time you're really going to have the chance to make a first impression in front of the jury," said litigation expert Miranda Lundeen Soto, a ...

  3. Short, sweet, and specific: Effective openings and closings in oral

    Questions that arise during oral argument regularly fill up that space, and the lawyer runs out of time, only to offer a short "Thank you" at the end. But when time permits, the greats include closings that are short, sweet, and specific.

  4. Closing Argument

    The attorney doing the closing argument is being judged both on the substance of the closing and on their performance (public speaking ability).

  5. Closing Statement Example: Presenting a Legal Argument

    A closing statement is a statement made at the end of a debate, or more often, a legal trial, delivered by a representative of each side of the case or debate. It is the last chance for both parties of said debate or trial to state their argument, and hopefully affect the verdict or outcome in their favor. Often, the closing statement is the ...

  6. How to deliver an effective closing speech at trial

    Delivering an effective closing speech can help you meet some requirements of our Competence Statement including but not limited to: B5 Undertake effective written and spoken advocacy. C1 Communicate clearly and effectively, orally and in writing. It is also a requirement of our Statement of standards for solicitor higher court advocates.

  7. How to Write a Closing Argument: 15 Steps (with Pictures)

    A closing argument is delivered by an attorney at the end of a trial, after all of the evidence has been presented, witnesses and experts have been questioned, and the theory behind a prosecution or a defense has been given. A closing argument is the last chance an attorney has to address the judge and jury. [1] That is why it's so important to write a closing argument that is memorable ...

  8. Opening and Closing A Case

    The closing speech is the final attempt to address the court. It needs to integrate the evidence that has been heard with your theory of the case. Both the Prosecution and the Defence have the opportunity to give a final speech. The closing speech should be short, but long enough to cover the ground and make any final impact.

  9. How to Draft a Persuasive Closing Argument in Five Easy Steps

    There are very few times when practicing law feels like artistry; closing argument is one of them. If you're feeling overwhelmed by the task — here's how to draft a persuasive closing argument in five easy steps.

  10. Top 5 Tips for Effective Oral Argument

    You have written a persuasive appellate brief. Months have passed and your case is finally on for oral argument. In the interim you have been busy with other cases and the day-to-day obligations of your law practice, and you may think that re-reading the briefs, skimming the record on appeal, and writing out your argument as a speech is all the preparation you need to deliver a winning ...

  11. Lawyer Arguments: How to Succeed—Neal Katyal's Advice

    4. Lawyer arguments should be a conversation—not a speech. For Neal, one of the biggest issues with oral arguments today is that they can be less of a conversation and more of a speech, leaving judges frustrated. "If you're a lawyer who comes in to argue your case and you're so 100% sure you're right, you're likely to not be very ...

  12. 50 Speech Closing Lines (& How to Create Your Own)

    To set you up for your next speech, we've hand-picked for you 50 amazing closing lines that you can take inspiration from.

  13. Five Tips for Engaging Opening Statements

    Lawyers can connect with the jury by telling an enjoyable story. These stories are persuasive and become embedded in a juror's mind when they make sense, are stated in plain language, and have a beginning, middle, and an end. For example, tell the jury how they will learn about the plaintiff's lack of knowledge.

  14. Speak Up: Tips for lawyers on how to give an impactful public speech

    Speak Up: Tips for lawyers on how to give an impactful public speech. If you want to give a good speech that will resonate with people, you should not use notes or an outline, says Gerard Gregoire, vice president of litigation services for the West region at Allstate. Instead, he says, know what you want to say forward and backward—much like ...

  15. Closing a Speech: End with Power and Let Them Know It is Time to Clap

    A speech closing is not just about the words you say, but it is also the way you say it. Change the pace near the end of your speech. Let your tone alone should signal the end is near. It is about deliberate voice control, don't let your voice weakly away. In the next section, I will cover these ways to end your speech:

  16. 10 Of The Best Things To Say In Closing Remarks

    The main purpose of closing remarks is, it lets the audience know that the speech is supposed to end.It helps to summarize your speech in short and accentuate the main points of your speech. Also, research suggests that the audience often remembers the end closing part precisely than the entire speech.

  17. How to Write Mock Trial Opening and Closing Statements

    Competing as an attorney for high school Mock Trial can be extremely rewarding and satisfying, especially if you're interested in debate, public speaking, or law. In addition to direct and cross-examination, in which attorneys question witnesses on both sides, attorneys often need to perform opening and closing arguments, which serve very specific functions in a case and must be organized ...

  18. How Lawyers Argue a Court Case: "The Phrases of The ...

    How Lawyers Argue a Court Case: "The Phrases of The Complete Lawyer". By Protik Da. [retrieved article; some formatting errors might have crept it] One of the most important weapons in a lawyer's arsenal is "argument". The word "argument" engenders visions of debate, the heat and fury of positions attacked and defended strongly ...

  19. Delivering an effective opening speech

    Delivering an effective opening speech can help you meet some of the requirements of our Competence Statement including but not limited to: B5 Undertake effective written and spoken advocacy. C1 Communicate clearly and effectively, orally and in writing. It is also a requirement of our Statement of standards for solicitor higher court advocates.

  20. Defense opening

    A common defense attorney strategy in opening statements is to start critiquing the state's case, and letting the jury know that there are two sides to the story. Studies show that jurors often make up their mind about a case right after opening statements, so you need to start strong. Also remember that as a defense attorney, you get the ...

  21. Attorney Speech

    Lawyers do not forfeit all of their free-speech rights as members of a profession, but their speech rights are limited in many ways. Rules of professional conduct adopted by the supreme courts in each state, for example, prohibit lawyers from making false statements about judges, writing legal papers that are deemed "frivolous," engaging in speech that disrupts the tribunal or engaging in ...

  22. 15 Powerful Speech Ending Lines (And Tips to Create Your Own)

    A powerful speech ending line helps you recapture the essence of your speech: your main points and the purpose of why you spoke.

  23. The Power of Persuasion: Effective Techniques for Lawyers

    The power of persuasion is a vital skill for lawyers seeking success in the legal profession. By understanding their audience, building compelling narratives, employing strong evidence, mastering rhetoric, practicing active listening, and adapting to different communication styles, lawyers can significantly enhance their persuasive abilities ...

  24. Labour's private school tax raid 'likely illegal'

    Labour's private school tax raid 'likely illegal' Keir Starmer's flagship policy could breach human rights law, top lawyers warn

  25. Biden saying 'end of quote' in SCOTUS remarks not mistake

    Biden saying "end of quote" here isn't a gaffe. He used the phrase after reading directly from Justice Sonia Sotomayor's dissent.

  26. State social media laws aimed at protecting conservative users ...

    The Supreme Court on Monday declined to settle the major constitutional questions raised in a blockbuster dispute over laws approved in Texas and Florida intended to protect conservative ...

  27. How a Wall St. Law Firm Wants to Define Consequences of Gaza-War

    Sullivan & Cromwell is requiring job applicants to explain their participation in protests. Critics see the policy as a way to silence speech about the war.

  28. Supreme Court Rules Public Corruption Law Allows Gifts to Officials

    The Supreme Court limited the sweep of a federal law on Wednesday aimed at public corruption, ruling that it did not apply to gifts and payments meant to reward actions taken by state and local ...

  29. Office of Public Affairs

    Assistant Attorney General Kristen Clarke Delivers Remarks at the Justice Department's Celebration of the 60th Anniversary of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 ... where Dr. King's "I Have a Dream" speech inspired the nation with a vision of change. The advocates held firm despite unimaginable violence: Medgar Evers, assassinated; Freedom ...

  30. 'These animals matter:' Indy law aims to end backyard ...

    The proposed ordinance aims to prevent mistreatment and overcrowding of shelters caused by backyard breeding.