Strategic Case Study

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I’m sure you don’t need me to tell you that there’s a lot to do in preparation for your CIMA Strategic level case study exam.

As you will have seen from an earlier blog post I wrote, your approach needs to involve:

  • Careful analysis of the pre seen material
  • Familiarity with what is going on in that industry in the real world
  • Thorough revision of your technical knowledge from the three objective test papers
  • A good understanding of your “role” in the fictitious organisation
  • Practicing the many elements of exam technique needed to pass

Now you’re probably pretty scared of awaits you in the CIMA Strategic level case study, right?

And you’re wondering: is it even possible to be fully prepared in such a short space of time?

But don’t worry, I’ve broken down what you need to do in a step-by-step, week-by-week, structure for you to follow.

It’s based on the same blueprint that CIMA case study experts Astranti use on their CIMA SCS Exam Course .

And this schedule has been proven to work over and over again by students who have passed their CIMA Strategic level case study exam, despite working full time and having other commitments taking up their time.

Now it won’t be easy.  Preparing for CIMA exams never is.

But if you follow the plan below over the coming weeks it will set you up for success…AND don’t worry if you feel you are falling behind.   You will soon catch up if you are determined to pass.

Activity #1: CIMA Strategic Level Case Study Pre Seen Analysis

In particular you are looking to find out:

  • A clear picture of what the organisation does and the industry it operates in
  • How the business is performing and where it is currently heading
  • The potential threats and opportunities for the business
  • Who the stakeholders are and how you would advise they be managed
  • A list of the key issues facing the organisation that are likely to come up in your exam
  • How you would deal with such issues to provide practical business advice
  • The key topics from the E, P and F papers that are relevant to this particular case
  • Your own interpretation of the figures provided (what they mean for the business)
  • Any potential ethical issues that may arise
  • A list of key facts you can summarise onto one page and read over regularly

Activity #2: Start Learning More About the CIMA Strategic Level Case Study Exam

In particular you’ll want to discover:

  • The key ingredients to passing the CIMA Strategic Level Case Study
  • A general overview of the exam format
  • Your Role and how it will shape your exam answers
  • How to analyse the pre seen
  • How to Identify ALL the requirements
  • Why you must plan your answers
  • The 9 stages of exam planning
  • How you can practise your answer plans
  • The best approach to typing up your answers for a clear pass
  • How to practise your writing style
  • How the SCS exam is marked
  • How to master time management in your exam
  • The optimum approach to preparing for the SCS exam

Recommended resources:

  • Relevant SCS Pre Seen Material from CIMA Connect
  • Matt’s FREE guide to analysing the pre seen quickly and effectively
  • Astranti Detailed Video Guides walking you through the SCS pre seen
  • Astranti SCS Study Text no.1 covering in depth what is needed to pass the exam
  • Astranti SCS Tuition Videos on exam time management, writing style and answer planning
  • Recent SCS Examiner reports from CIMA Connect

Activity #1: Start Revising Theory from Papers E3, P3 and F3 (and how to apply it)

Your CIMA Strategic case study exam is not just testing your technical knowledge but also your application of this knowledge.

“Application” basically means knowing when and how to use a theoretical model appropriately in your exam so that you can provide the best advice possible to your boss in the case.

Here you’ll want to learn:

  • Which theories are most applicable to the CIMA Strategic level case study exam
  • The underlying concepts of those theories so you can explain them
  • The pros and cons of using them in different business scenarios
  • What the examiner is really after when it comes to earning marks for technical skills
  • How to interpret and analyse key financials to help the decision making process
  • How to apply different theoretical models to the pre seen
  • How to use theory as a useful tool for providing sound business advice in the exam

Activity #2: Start revising the different aspects of Ethics (an area often examined)

Ethical issues can come up in any CIMA Strategic level case study exam.   Such as the ethics of suppressing the facts in a report to stakeholders (Variant 1, May 2017), the ethical issues relating to a product placement decision (Variant 2, May 2017), and ethical risks associated with analysing the competitor’s product in order to copy it (Variant 4, May 2017).

The CIMA Strategic level case study examiner has also made a point of saying that Ethics needs to be dealt with better by students.  Here’s just one example from a recent examiner’s report:

“Candidates are not usually very proficient at questions on ethics and unfortunately this question was no different.”

So if you want to score well in your exam you need to be prepared to deal with the different aspects of ethics should they come up.

In particular you want to learn:

  • Why ethics is so important at case study
  • Ethics – the theory and how to apply to the exam
  • Corporate Social responsibility – the theory and how to apply it
  • How to use CIMA’s ethical code – which the examiner for the CIMA SCS exam said could come up at any time
  • Controlling ethics – a checklist on how to deal with ethical problems faced in the exam
  • Why students ethical sections are typically so poor
  • A checklist of ethical headings to consider to analyse ethical issues in depth and maximise marks
  • How to write ethical recommendations in depth
  • What the examiners say about ethics and the exam
  • A standard structure to use in the exam to maximise marks on ethics questions

Activity #3 (Optional): Watch a live/recorded webinar on the keys to passing the CIMA SCS exam.

Here you’ll by taught by an expert tutor where you’ll learn:

  • What it takes to prepare fully for this exam, and what YOU will have to do between now and your exam date
  • What the examiner says you must do to pass AND what you must avoid
  • The skills of effective planning with a live demonstration of answer planning
  • A good understanding of the key points from the current pre-seen
  • How to use your knowledge of the pre-seen to score marks in the exam
  • The 10 theoretical models most likely to be examined, based on the current pre-seen
  • The writing style that maximises your marks in the exam
  • How to master your time management – often the biggest roadblock to passing this exam

Activity #4: Attempt Your First CIMA Strategic Level Case Study Mock (and submit for marking)

Without doubt the difference between passing and failing the CIMA Strategic level case study exam comes down to one thing: How well you have practiced your exam technique under exam conditions.

Mock exams help you with just that.

But also, mock exams help you determine whether the hours you have already spent revising have worked in terms of committing the vital information to your long term memory.  After all, in the heat of your exam, you need to be able to quickly and easily recall how to approach the answers.

As each exam window is based on a different case, you’ll want to make sure that the mock exams you are attempting are on the latest pre-seen and contain realistic scenarios which could occur in the real exam.

Once you have attempted your mock, you’ll want to get your mock marked by an experienced tutor.

It’s really hard to tell by yourself whether you would have picked up marks or not throughout your script and also it’s hard not to be biased.

Your marker will give you a good outside perspective as to the level of knowledge and exam technique you have displayed in your script.  And also point out which areas of improvement you need to focus on most and how to go about making those adjustments.

Activity #5: Review First Mock solution

Here you want to review what a high quality answer looks like as well as the best way to structure your exam answer to the different requirements you are faced with.

It’s important that you don’t simply copy out the solution.  Instead as you read through, think about and note down any key insights you learn.  In particular ask yourself:

  • Did I spot ALL of the same requirements?
  • Did I format my answer in a similar way?
  • Did I apply the same or similar theory to each requirement?
  • Did I make roughly the same number of points in each section?
  • Did each of my points have a similar amount of depth to them?
  • Was my overall advice in each section in line with the solution?

It’s also important to remember that mock exam practice is all part of the learning process.  You’re not expected to be writing a strong answer just yet.   And it’s also better to find out where your strengths and weaknesses lye right now rather than on your actual exam day

  • Astranti SCS study text no.2 which covers all the key areas of the syllabus from E3, P3 and F3
  • Astranti’s S CS Ethics pack which goes into detail about how to deal with Ethics confidently
  • Astranti Masterclass 1 where you’ll be taught the keys to passing the SCS exam
  • Astranti S CS Mock Exam 1 and Solution
  • Marking and feedback from experienced Astranti tutor

Activity #1: Review First Mock Feedback When Returned by Marker

Your experienced marker will review your script in detail, paragraph by paragraph.

They will give specific feedback for each paragraph and determine your areas for improvement. This will enable you to identify weaknesses in your answers and how you can improve on them to get those vital marks.

Specifically they will give you feedback on:

  • How well you applied the case to the unseen scenario – are you scoring enough application marks?
  • Your application to the pre seen – are you using pre seen information enough?
  • The balance of your points under technical, people, business and leadership skills
  • Your exam technique – focusing on what you need to do to score more marks
  • Your writing style – is the way you make your points scoring good marks?
  • Whether you are writing enough to pass – do you need to make more points and in which sections?
  • Any key areas of technical weakness that you need to revise.
  • Whether your point’s long enough and your explanation’s detailed enough.
  • Your overall performance with your final mark – and whether you are on track to pass

Activity #2: Attempt Your Second Mock (and submit for marking)

Use what you learned from your first mock to your advantage.   Particularly look to put into place those improvements identified by your marker.

Submit your mock for marking to confirm how well you scored and put those improvements into place

Activity #3: Review Second Mock Solution

Follow the same process as for your first mock solution

 Activity #4: Keep Revising Theory from Papers E3, P3 and F3

Keep testing yourself on how well you explain the theories you cover and your ability to apply them to potential scenarios affecting the case.

Activity #5 (Optional):   Keep Revising Ethics

Keep working on how to deal with ethical issues successfully in your exam

 Recommended Resources;

  • Astranti SCS Mock Exam 2 and Solution
  • Astranti SCS Text Books

Activity #1: Review Second Mock feedback when returned by marker:

Follow the same process as when you got the feedback for your first mock.  Take comfort from where your strengths are and don’t get too down about your weaknesses.  You’ll never produce a perfect answer.  Simply commit to work on those specific areas of improvement in isolation before your next mock.

Activity #2: Attempt Your Third Mock

Use what you learned from previous mock attempts to your advantage.   Particularly look to put into place those improvements identified by your marker.

Activity #3: Review Third Mock Solution

Follow the same process as per previous mock solutions.

Activity #4: Keep Revising Theory from Papers E3, P3 and F3

As in previous weeks

Recommended Resources;

  • Astranti SCS Mock Exam 3 and Solution

Activity #1: Review Third Mock feedback when returned by marker

Activity #2: Attempt Your Fourth Mock

Activity #3: Review Fourth Mock Solution

  • Astranti SCS Mock Exam 4 and Solution

Activity #1: Review Fourth Mock feedback when returned by marker

Activity #2: Attempt Your Fifth Mock

This will typically be your final mock before your actual exam.

As such, it needs to be very challenging and probably more difficult than real exam. That way your actual exam will feel like just another mock.

This final mock will cover some of the major topics (ones likely to be tested in the real thing) from E3, F3 and P3.

Submit this mock for marking to see where you really stand a week before your exam date.

Activity #3: Review Fifth Mock Solution

Activity #5 (Optional): Final Revision Webinar Ahead of Your CIMA Strategic Level Case Study Exam

Here you’ll learn:

  • The common mistakes made in the exam according to the examiner
  • Which errors you are still making that you’ll want to eradicate
  • The top 10 most likely issues in your exam based on the current pre-seen
  • Whether you are using the pre-seen information as you should be – the examiner says you must!
  • A reminder of the key elements of passing the SCS exam
  • Four key areas of improvement for YOU to score more marks on exam day (based on a script you have written)
  • Pre-prepared paragraphs based on your pre-seen which you can memorise that are guaranteed to score you extra marks in the exam
  • What the markers are saying about SCS scripts they are marking and what they say you should do to improve
  • The key time saving tips for the exam to ensure you complete every section on the day
  • A number of top industry examples which you can use to score marks in your exam
  • What other students are saying which can be of use to you in your exam
  • Astranti SCS Mock Exam 5 and Solution
  • Astranti Masterclass 2

This is your CIMA Strategic level case study exam week!!!

Exams are held between Tuesday and Saturday.

  Activity #1: Review Fifth Mock feedback when returned by marker

Hopefully be now you’ll marker will be reporting that you’ve ironed out most of your weaknesses and you are well on track for passing your exam.

Activity #2:   Final Tweeks

Work on any remaining areas of exam technique and technical knowledge that need improving.

Other activities to perform on pre exam days:

  • Re read the pre seen & the one page summary of your analysis
  • Create a list of key points you want to use in your exam
  • Review all the key lessons from your mocks
  • Re read the key theories just to refresh your mind
  • Try to visit your chosen exam centre
  • Make sure you have your admission slip and ID ready
  • Take it easy the day before your exam – no last minute cramming
  • Sleep well and relax the night before the exam
  • Practice thinking positively ahead of your exam – visualise success

Activities to perform during Your exam:

  • Go into exam with confidence – even if you don’t feel like it, try and act like it (trust me this works)
  • Work quickly through your exam and aim to make lots of points
  • Keep going right to the end and try to maximise your marks
  • Keep an eye on the time throughout and stick to your timings
  • Stick to what has worked in your mock exam practice
  • Your revision notes
  • Your admission slip and ID

Final thoughts

This schedule is not meant to intimidate you.  It looks long and involved but it is manageable even with a full time job and other commitments .  Plus you can always use it as a template to create your own schedule.

I can’t guarantee you a pass if you stick to this plan. I wish I could.

But if you follow ALL the steps outlined in the schedule, you are gearing yourself up for the best chance of passing first time.   After all, it means you are following a proven framework that has been used by many successful students on Astranti’s CIMA SCS course

And if your exam is fast approaching, you can still catch up and complete all these activities in time.  It just means you’ll have to put in the extra effort in the time remaining.  But what you can’t do is skip ahead or miss a couple of these steps out …as this virtually guarantees you will fail.

Just be prepared to put in the hard work now so that you can reap the benefits come results time.

P.S. Have any questions? Drop me a note in the comments section below.

P.P.S. If you know someone who is also taking their CIMA Strategic level case study exam, please share this plan to help them, too.

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Free CIMA Resources

Finding free CIMA resources, exam tips and study texts could be the difference between passing and failing your next exam. These resources are also a good way of complementing your existing CIMA materials.

The guys at Astranti financial training offer FREE study texts for every paper and level of the CIMA qualification. See the links below to access their free study texts – invaluable if you want to get a head start on your next exam.

Free Astranti Study Text – CIMA Certificate Level

Free Astranti Study Text – CIMA Operational Level

Free Astranti Study Text – CIMA Management Level

Free Astranti Study Text – CIMA Strategic Level

I’ve used the study texts for my operational and management level exams and found them very good indeed.

You can view the text chapter by chapter and even access some of the sample questions for free as well (see screenshot below)

2015-12-11 12_13_51-E1 Study Text

Practice Tests Academy

Mock exams are key to passing any CIMA exam first time and I find the mock exams from the Practice Tests Academy are the best around if you want to simulate real exam conditions.

What’s more, they have over 500 unique questions for each CIMA exam you take, this means you can practice mock exam questions until your heart is content!

They offer you the chance to try their materials for free before signing up for their full question bank – they also offer materials for the case study exams – so be sure to keep this site as one of your favourites.

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Saturday, August 17, 2019

Cima strategic case study (scs) frequently asked questions and answers with astranti peter stiff.

CIMA Strategic Case Study (SCS) frequently asked questions and answers with Astranti Peter Stiff

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Want to pass your CIMA Management Case Study in the quickest and easiest way possible? We have designed a Premium Management Case Study Course that gives you the very best chance of passing your OCS exam.

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Astranti helped me get the highest mark I've ever gotten on a case study. Previously I'd studied for case studies with Pearson but missed the cutoff time for this exam. Had I kn...

Lectures and mock exams make a big difference! The most helpful service, by a mile, is their mock exam services. If you want to pass exams (especially the case studies), then th...

Astranti gives the best CIMA training. The teacher there are helpful they do an extra mile to help students. Anytime I could ask any type of questions they come back to me very ...

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It’s vital  that you fully analyse your pre-seen. this requires a  detailed examination of the case study ensuring that every section is fully understood., our pre-seen analysis videos  provide a page-by-page analysis of every section of the pre-seen.  it ensures you don’t miss anything important and helps to  build a comprehensive understanding  of the material. this is vital if you are to gain high marks in the exam..

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CIMA Strategic Case Study

Theory revision series

In our post-exam surveys after almost every strategic case study exam, students tell us they wish they’d spent MORE time revising the theory from their E3, F3 and P3 exams.

For many students, it’s been months (if not years) between them passing their objective test exams and attempting the case study – a lot of time for their knowledge to slip!

And yet, to revise all three subjects in full is nigh on impossible when you also have to understand the pre-seen and master your case study technique too.

Our aim is to save you time and make your life easier!  We have examined the last 8 years of case studies to work out what theory tends to come up regularly and what rarely comes up at all, and summarised all the key examinable topics in a clear and simple way in our revision texts and videos.

Our SCS theory revision series: + Covers all the most important theory that you need to know for the case study exams + Converts the key content from over 1,100 pages of syllabus study texts into just 552 pages + Condenses the theory into manageable chunks, with around 33 hours of video to watch + Gives you the platform to successfully apply the syllabus theory to the pre-seen company and the un-seen exam scenarios

Find out exactly what’s covered and take a look at our samples from the theory revision series below.

“I couldn’t recommend Astranti enough. I used them throughout my case study preparations and found their materials prepared me so well for the exams, meaning I was confident in all aspects from exam technique to theory to case study analysis.”

CIMA Case Study Student , January 2024

“I have completed CIMA’s MCS and SCS with Astranti and have passed them both at first attempt. Great Customer Service, Course Structure is Excellent. Mocks and Theory Revision Kits are the best feature of the course.”

CIMA Qualified , April 2022

Learn what it takes to pass

Focus on the key topics you’re most likely to be tested on

Refresh your syllabus knowledge with help from our tutors

Clear and simple examples bring each topic to life

Reduce revision time

Avoid rereading the full E3, F3 and P3 study texts

Save yourself time and focus on the most important topics

Revise from one place, using our study texts or videos

Switch up your learning

Watch the videos, download the audio or print the study texts

Cement your knowledge in the way that suits you

Content is split into manageable chunks to make things easier

Take a look for yourself…

Part 1 – Key theory from CIMA E3

Part 1 - What's covered?

  • Chapter 1: Mission and Objectives
  • Chapter 2: External Analysis
  • Chapter 3: Scenario Analysis
  • Chapter 4: Internal Analysis
  • Chapter 5: Product and Corporate Appraisal
  • Chapter 6: Developing Strategic Options
  • Chapter 7: Strategy Evaluation
  • Chapter 8: Supply Chain Management
  • Chapter 9: Digital Technologies

Total video running time: 10 hours

Part 2 – Key theory from CIMA F3

Part 2 - What's covered?

  • Chapter 1: Finance Strategy
  • Chapter 2 : Dividend Policy
  • Chapter 3: Equity Finance
  • Chapter 4 : Debt Finance
  • Chapter 5: Financial Risk
  • Chapter 6: Currency Risk
  • Chapter 7: Mergers and Acquisitions
  • Chapter 8: Business Valuation I
  • Chapter 9: Business Valuation II

Total video running time: 13 hours

Part 3 – Key theory from CIMA P3

Part 3 - What's covered?

  • Chapter 1: Risk
  • Chapter 2: Further Risk Management
  • Chapter 3: Governance and Reporting
  • Chapter 4: Internal Controls
  • Chapter 5: Management Control Systems
  • Chapter 6: The Role of Internal Audit
  • Chapter 7: Cyber Threats
  • Chapter 8: Cybersecurity Objectives
  • Chapter 9: Cybersecurity Processes

What our students have to say…

Please see our  testimonials page  for our latest student reviews. Here are a couple of examples:

“I passed my SCS exam in November 2023. As I came through the CFO pathway, I knew I needed to fill knowledge gaps before tackling the CIMA Strategic Case Study.

Astranti’s Strategic level theory summaries proved invaluable for this. This streamlined approach saved me precious time and helped me confidently navigate the pre-seen material.”

CIMA Qualified , November 2023

“I have purchased the theory revision series for Management Case Study and now Strategic. Very informative and provides useful scenarios you can expect to see in the exams as well as gaining an understanding of how to build application marks in case studies.

I passed MCS first time with the help of this, so I’ve purchased in again for SCS. Fingers crossed! Would highly recommend this revision series. Thank you!”

Passed CIMA MCS , October 2021

Purchase the theory revision series

The Theory Revision Series is also part of our SCS Premium Course. Head to the course page to find out more.

SCS Theory Revision Series £165

To qualify for the pass guarantee you need to ensure you complete ALL of the following steps. Failure to complete all of these steps will mean you will not qualify.

You must complete both practice exams and one of the mock exams and send them to your allocated marker by the deadlines set out in the course schedule.


You must not copy the mock exam solutions. If you do so this will invalidate your pass guarantee.


You must achieve an average mark of at least 30% in your submitted practice and mock exams. This is to ensure you are putting in enough effort.


You must attend or watch the recorded versions of the masterclasses and make notes on the pass guarantee form.


Use the pass guarantee form to document your key learning points throughout your studies, submit within 1 week of the final exam.

You must confirm that you have read and understood the pass guarantee terms.

View & Print:

1. Click the “View + Print” link to view the study text.

2.  Wait  for all of the pages to load , this can sometimes take a couple of minutes depending on the size of the document (scroll to the last page to ensure that every page loads).

3.  Click  on the print icon within the document viewer (NOT the print icon in the browser menu).

4.  Follow  the steps to print.

Other things to try:

Please try an alternative browser.   Google Chrome and Firefox are recommended, but other  browsers may also work.  Updating your browser to the latest version can help your document load more quickly.

If you are using Windows XP and a version of Internet Explorer older than 9, we cannot guarantee  that printing will be possible. We recommend obtaining access to a computer with at least Windows 7.

Updating to the latest  version of flash can help to resolve some people’s printing issues ( download the latest version of flash .)

If your document fails to load, try clearing your cache and browser history. If your documents still do not load it may be due to the network you are on. We suggest trying to print on a different network.

If you still cannot print your document we suggest using a different computer and/or printer in case you are experiencing a hardware issue.

This Content is Locked

To access this resource you will need to purchase it, or join our complete course. Visit our quick purchase page to get the resources you need.

You must complete mock exams 1 to 3 and send them to your allocated marker by the deadlines set out in the course schedule.


You must not copy the mock exam solutions. If you do so this will invalidate your pass guarantee.


You must achieve an average mark of at least 40% in your full mock exams. This is to ensure you are putting in enough effort.


You must attend or watch the recorded versions of masterclasses 1 & 2 and make notes on the pass guarantee form.


Use the pass guarantee form to document your key learning points throughout your studies, submit within 1 week of the final exam.

You must confirm that you have read and understood the pass guarantee terms.

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astranti cima strategic case study


  1. CIMA Strategic Case Study (SCS) MAY AUG 2024

  2. CIMA Strategic Case Study (SCS) May 2024 (Saefwell)

  3. CIMA Strategic Case Study (SCS) MAY AUG 2024

  4. CIMA Strategic Case Study (SCS) Feb 2024 (Robobryce)

  5. CIMA Management Case Study Strategic Analysis of the Pre-seen

  6. CIMA SCS Nov23_Feb24 Pre-seen Analysis Part 1 (Robobryce)


  1. Astranti: CIMA Strategic Case Study Exam Resources

    Our CIMA strategic case study course is designed to give you the highest quality teaching, course materials and support to do just that! Our courses will help you pass with: + Expert insights into the pre-seen, key theory revision and detailed guides on how you need to approach the exam to gain extra marks.

  2. Astranti: CIMA Strategic Case Study Courses

    or 6x monthly instalments of £109. Perfect for: Those who are familiar with case study exams and tend to pass first time. + Pre-seen analysis & knowledge questions. + Strategic analysis. + Industry analysis. + Top 10 issues analysis. + 3x mock exams with debrief videos. + How to pass the case study course.

  3. Astranti: CIMA Strategic Case Study Courses

    We have designed a high-quality online course for the CIMA strategic case study exam that will give you the very best chance of passing! And we're so. 0800 048 7804 | [email protected]. About Us; ... " Having used Kaplan for most of my studies purely out of routine, I decided to give Astranti a go for my Strategic Case Study exam. The ...

  4. Free exam and question tutorial strategic case study

    The strategic question tutorial allows you to gain familiarity with the types of questions encountered in the exam. It can be used to experience the test driver and how items are presented. We have prepared two sample case study exams based on CIMA's 2019 CGMA Professional Qualification. Open the PDF to access all the supporting material you ...

  5. CIMA Strategic Case Study Courses, Astranti

    Want to pass your CIMA Strategic Case Study in the quickest and easiest way possible? We have designed a Premium Strategic Case Study Course that gives you the very best chance of passing your SCS exam. ... I used Astranti as my CIMA tuition provider for all 3 of my case study exams. Their high-quality service and exceptional value for money ...

  6. Astranti CIMA Strategic Case Study Ebooks

    Astranti CIMA Strategic Integrated Case Study Masterclass 1. Rating * Name Email * Review Subject * Comments * R4,200.00) Current Stock: Quantity: Decrease ... Our case study masterclass is the perfect introduction to the SCS exam, ...

  7. Strategic Case Study

    Exam Technique. Case Study support 1 - preparing for the Case Study exam. Exam Technique. Case Study support 2 - planning a good answer. Exam Technique. Case Study support 3 - developing a fuller answer. Study Support. How to use the CGMA Blueprints. Terms & Conditions.

  8. CIMA Strategic Level Case Study

    This is your CIMA Strategic level case study exam week!!! Exams are held between Tuesday and Saturday. Activity #1: Review Fifth Mock feedback when returned by marker. Hopefully be now you'll marker will be reporting that you've ironed out most of your weaknesses and you are well on track for passing your exam.

  9. Astranti CIMA Strategic Integrated Case Study

    Astranti CIMA Strategic Integrated Case Study Masterclass 2. Rating * Name Email * Review Subject * Comments * R4,200.00) Current Stock: Quantity: Decrease Quantity: Increase Quantity: Add to Wish List. Create New Wish List; ×. Product Overview ...

  10. CIMA Study Text Part 1

    Astranti CIMA Study Text Part 1 Strategic Integrated Case Study. Astranti. (No reviews yet) Write a Review. R250.00. Quantity: Add to Wish List.

  11. Astranti: Discover our CIMA Strategic Case Study Mock Exams

    That's why we create 5 brand new mock exams for each case study, each tailored to the latest pre-seen and based on topics we think you are most likely to see in your exam. Our case study mocks will: Test your overall knowledge of the syllabus and the latest pre-seen. Highlight your weaknesses to focus on in your remaining revision.

  12. PDF CIMA Management Case Study Study Text Part 2

    Chapter 1 Business Ecosystems • Mix - This is simply a combination of the two different methods.Perhaps a gym-goer may pay a monthly subscription to an online company that allows access to a variety of different companies' gyms, but also pays each gym

  13. Free CIMA Resources

    Free CIMA practice questions. Finding free CIMA resources, exam tips and study texts could be the difference between passing and failing your next exam. These resources are also a good way of complementing your existing CIMA materials. Astranti The guys at Astranti financial training offer FREE study texts for every paper and level of the CIMA ...

  14. CIMA Strategic Case Study (SCS) frequently asked questions and answers

    For more Astranti resources check here :- Astranti resources Text Version of the video below hello and welcome to this video for the strategic case study Q&A session now apologies for the issues that we had earlier or we couldn't access the YouTube stream because a lot of you posted a lots of different questions for the I would record a video answering those questions and then just post it as ...

  15. CIMA Management Case Study Courses, Astranti

    Astranti helped me get the highest mark I've ever gotten on a case study. Previously I'd studied for case studies with Pearson but missed the cutoff time for this exam. ... CIMA Strategic Case Study Courses. Astranti. 5.0 (9) Online. From 995 GBP. CIMA Professional Qualification. Babington. Online. Complete CIMA Management Level Course ...

  16. CIMA Management Case Study Courses

    Dedicated to helping you pass your case study exam. Ever since our first CIMA case study course over 14 years ago, Astranti has gained a reputation for offering the most comprehensive case study courses in the market. Our courses are dedicated to providing you with the best advice and support to help you pass your exams on the first attempt.

  17. CIMA Pre-seen Analysis Strategic Case Study

    Product Overview. It's vital that you fully analyse your pre-seen. This requires a detailed examination of the case study ensuring that every section is fully understood. Our pre-seen analysis videos provide a page-by-page analysis of every section of the pre-seen. It ensures you don't miss anything important and helps to build a ...

  18. Astranti

    Today, students who sat their CIMA strategic case study exam in November got their results! For those who passed, congratulations, you're now fully qualified. For those who didn't receive the... Astranti - Today, students who sat their CIMA strategic...

  19. Astranti

    CIMA Strategic Case Study - Key Industry Facts You need examples from a close competitor for your exam. So who should you be researching? Here's my...

  20. Astranti: CIMA Strategic Case Study Questions Pack

    Our CIMA strategic case study question pack gives your 60 exam standard questions, so that you can get to grips with all of the different case study question types. 0800 048 7804 | [email protected]. About Us ... "I registered for SCS with Astranti after 4 attempts of self study. What really helped was the feedback from the SCS mock exams.

  21. The SCS Pre-seen for May and August 2024 is Out!

    NOW is an excellent time to kickstart your CIMA case study preparation. If you need a refresher on the theories covered on the strategic level, we've got the theory series here for you. My podcast episode featured a few tidbits from the SCS pre-seen material for May and August 2024 sittings. Subscribe and listen to the episode from the links ...

  22. Key CIMA SCS Theory

    For the second year running, Astranti has been presented with a Global Pass Rate Excellence Award in the AICPA & CIMA Registered Tuition Provider Excellence Awards!. This award is presented to tuition providers who exceed average pass rates over three case study windows and across all three levels of the CIMA Professional Qualification.. It's an honour to have won this award in both 2022 and ...

  23. Astranti Free Strategic Case Study

    Strategic Case Study Course - Early bird flash sale! Today is your last chance to save 25% on the complete case study course. Purchase the course for just £674.25, a saving of £224.75 on the normal price. To redeem your discount, simply enter this code to your basket: MAYCOURSE25 To see Astranti free study text please visit