The Importance of Emotional Intelligence (Incl. Quotes)

The importance of emotional intelligence

Can you manage those feelings without allowing them to swamp you?

Can you motivate yourself to get jobs done? Do you sense the emotions of others and respond effectively?

If you answered yes to these questions, it is likely that you have developed some or all of the skills that form the basis of emotional intelligence.

Emotional intelligence ( EI ) forms the juncture at which cognition and emotion meet, it facilitates our capacity for resilience, motivation, empathy, reasoning, stress management, communication, and our ability to read and navigate a plethora of social situations and conflicts. EI matters and if cultivated affords one the opportunity to realize a more fulfilled and happy life.

Before you read on, we thought you might like to download our three Emotional Intelligence Exercises for free . These science-based exercises will not only enhance your ability to understand and work with your emotions but will also give you the tools to foster the emotional intelligence of your clients, students or employees.

This Article Contains:

What is the importance of emotional intelligence, five categories of emotional intelligence (ei/eq), value and benefits of emotional intelligence.

  • Self Management, Self Regulation, and EQ

Resilience and EQ

Does emotional intelligence matter more than iq, is there a link between ei and job performance, how about emotional intelligence and motivation, using emotional intelligence to deal with stress, linking ei and decision-making, can emotional intelligence and success be related, goals and ei, how eq affects communication, why emotional intelligence matters for happiness.

  • 6 Youtube Videos and TED Talks on Emotional Intelligence

21 Quotes on the Value of Emotional Intelligence

A take-home message.

The term ‘ Emotional Intelligence ’, first coined by psychologists Mayer and Salovey (1990), refers to one’s capacity to perceive, process and regulate emotional information accurately and effectively, both within oneself and in others and to use this information to guide one’s thinking and actions and to influence those of others.

Emotional intelligence can lead us on the path to a fulfilled and happy life by providing a framework through which to apply standards of intelligence to emotional responses and understand that these responses may be logically consistent or inconsistent with particular beliefs about emotion.

As the workplace evolves, so too does the body of research supporting that individuals (from interns to managers) with higher EI are better equipped to work cohesively within teams, deal with change more effectively, and manage stress – thus enabling them to more efficiently pursue business objectives.

Goleman (1995) recognized five distinct categories of skills which form the key characteristics of EI and proposed that, unlike one’s intelligence quotient (IQ), these categorical skills can be learned where absent and improved upon where present.

Thus, EI, unlike its relatively fixed cousin, IQ, is instead a dynamic aspect of one’s psyche and includes behavioral traits that, when worked upon, can yield significant benefits, from personal happiness and wellbeing to elevated success in a professional context.

Self-awareness is the first step toward introspective self-evaluation and enables one to identify behavioral and emotional aspects of our psychological makeup which we can then target for change.

Emotional self-awareness is also about recognizing what motivates you and, in turn, what brings you fulfillment.

  • Self-regulation: the ability to manage one’s negative or disruptive emotions, and to adapt to changes in circumstance. Those who are skilled in self-regulation excel in managing conflict, adapt well to change and are more likely to take responsibility.
  • Motivation: the ability to self-motivate, with a focus on achieving internal or self-gratification as opposed to external praise or reward. Individuals who are able to motivate themselves in this way have a tendency to be more committed and goal focused.
  • Empathy: the ability to recognize and understand how others are feeling and consider those feelings before responding in social situations. Empathy also allows an individual to understand the dynamics that influence relationships, both personal and in the workplace.
  • Social skills: the ability to manage the emotions of others through emotional understanding and using this to build rapport and connect with people through skills such as active listening, verbal and nonverbal communication.
  • Self-awareness: the ability to recognize and understand one’s own emotions and their impact on others.

Emotional intelligence has been shown to play a meaningful role in academic success, mental and physical health, as well as attainment in professional domains; the findings of Bar-On (1997) suggested that people with higher EI performed better than those with lower EI in life.

In the modern, agile workplace, there is an ever-increasing emphasis from employers on the importance of EI over academic qualifications.

The importance of EI should not go unappreciated; the ability to understand and manage your emotions is the first step in realizing your true potential. How can we achieve meaningful progress if we don’t recognize and acknowledge the point from where we’re starting? When checking directions on your sat-nav, a destination is useless unless we know the origin.

Whether it be connecting with others and improving interpersonal communication, achieving success in the workplace or social relationships, dealing with stress and improving motivation or refining decision-making skills – emotional intelligence plays a central role in realizing success in both personal and professional life.

The value and benefits of emotional intelligence are vast in terms of personal and professional success. It is a core competency in many vocations, can support the advancement towards academic and professional success, improve relationships, and boost communication skills, the list goes on.

Bar-On (1997) goes so far as to suggest that people with higher EI tend to perform better than those with lower EI in life overall, regardless of IQ. There has been much discussion regarding the benefits of teaching EI in schools , with an emphasis on the idea that emotionally intelligent children grow up to become emotionally intelligent adults.

Proficiency in EI is becoming a vital prerequisite in prolonged or intense areas of ‘emotional work’ such as nursing, social work, the service industry, and management roles. High EI improves the physical and psychological health of people and encourages academic and business performance (Bar-On & Parker, 2000).

Emotional intelligence is an integral part of forming and developing meaningful human relationships. Schutte et al (2001) found that, over a series of studies, there were significant links between high EI and more successful interpersonal relations.

Those participants who exhibited higher levels of EI also showed a greater propensity for empathic perspective taking, cooperation with others, developing affectionate and more satisfying relationships as well as greater social skills in general.

So far, we have focused on the social and psychological benefits of EI, it is important to note that self-awareness – the ability to manage emotions and stress – and the ability to solve personal, as well as interpersonal problems, are also significantly related to physical health.

Chronic stress and the prolonged negative effects which accompany it such as anger, depression, and anxiety can precipitate the onset and progression of hypertension, heart problems, and diabetes; increase susceptibility to viruses, and infections; delay healing of wounds and injuries; and exacerbate conditions such as arthritis and atherosclerosis (Bar-On, 2006, Black & Garbutt, 2002).

The value of EI is immense; developing emotional intelligence encourages many positive traits, from resilience to communication, motivation to stress management, all of which can be seen as conducive to effectively achieving personal, physical and occupational health, and success.

Undoubtedly you know how valuable it is to develop your emotional intelligence abilities, but have you ever wondered exactly why?

Research shows there are many benefits for those with high levels of emotional intelligence, including greater resilience, social skills and connection.

But how do you reach a stage where you can reap these benefits? What barriers stand in your way? How can you help your clients, friends, colleagues, students and even your children develop excellent EI skills?

For answers to all these questions and more, check out our Emotional Intelligence Masterclass© .

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Self-Management, Self-Regulation, and EQ

While it’s commonly accepted that our emotions are driven by impulses over which we have little-to-no control, we do have the capacity for self-management and  self-regulation ; the ability to manage – if not control – the resultant emotions and our reactions thereto.

Consider the calm and rational pilot despite the aircraft’s landing gear being jammed or the surgeon who carries on with their duties despite losing a patient.

This form of self-regulation builds on the basis of self-awareness and is an integral part of becoming emotionally intelligent by exercising the capacity to liberate ourselves from impulse-driven reaction (Goleman, 1995).

Self-management builds on this further and allows an individual to use knowledge about their emotions to better manage them in order to self-motivate and to create positive social interactions.

Leaders with an aptitude for self-regulation are far less likely to be aggressively confrontational and make snap decisions. Self-regulation and self-management do not pertain to the absence of anger; rather it’s about remaining in control of your emotions and not allowing your actions to be emotion-driven.

In instances of negative emotions such as anger, EI can help identify what you are feeling and determine the cause of the emotion through reflection and self-analysis allowing one to respond in a rational manner.

Self-regulation is critical in relation to other facets of EI and can be developed from early childhood, adolescence and throughout adulthood. Mastering self-management allows us the opportunity to open the door to the other beneficial aspects of EI while in the absence of self-regulation other competencies, such as effective communication and conflict management, are challenging.

The good news is that it’s never too late to embark on self-management and regulation training; the potential benefits are numerous and should not be underestimated.

The skills enabled through the development of self-regulation can aid success for (but by no means limited to) counselors, psychotherapists, small business owners, managers, and executives.

Those with stronger skills in this area are less likely to become angry or exhibit stress while being more likely to respond calmly to negative environments, harness personal needs in order to achieve goals and remain motivated.

Emotional intelligence is undoubtedly a valuable tool to utilize in the face of adversity; it has the potential to enhance not only leadership abilities and teamwork effectiveness but also personal resilience.

Focusing on the impact of EI on one’s resilience, that is, one’s ability to cope with stressful conditions, research suggests that those who display higher levels of emotional intelligence are less likely to succumb to the negative impacts of stressors.

In the context of a leadership role, one might expect increased responsibility to coincide with elevated potential stressors, highlighting the importance of strong EI for those in leadership or management positions.

An investigation into the relationship between emotional intelligence and the stress process found that participants who displayed higher levels of EI were less likely to be negatively impacted by the presence of stressors.

Participants completed an ability-based test of EI before rating the subjectively perceived threat level posed by two stressors, they then self-reported their emotional reaction to said stressors and were also subjected to physiological stress-response tests in order to assess their response.

In summary, the findings suggested that “ EI facets were related to lower threat appraisals, more modest declines in positive affect, less negative affect and challenge physiological responses to stress… This study provides predictive validity that EI facilitates stress resilience, ” (Schneider, Lyons & Khazon, 2013, pp 909).

Further research suggested a link between higher emotional intelligence, resilience and the propensity for depressive behaviors. In an examination of medical professionals – an occupation with a relatively high ‘burnout’ rate – Olson & Matan (2015) found a positive correlation between EI and resilience as well as a negative correlation between resilience, mindfulness, and self-compassion with the ‘burnout’ rate.

In a nutshell, those with higher levels of emotional intelligence also displayed greater resilience and were less likely to ‘burnout’ or succumb to depression.

These results build on previous research which found EI scores were positively correlated with psychological wellbeing while being negatively correlated with depression and burnout. Given the dynamic nature of EI, the study highlighted the potential ability to reduce one’s susceptibility to depression by way of interventions to increase EI (Lin, Liebert, Tran, Lau, & Salles 2016).

Interestingly, EI is strongly correlated with individual advancement and performance, with evidence suggesting a significant link between one’s resilience and one’s motivation to achieve (Magnano, Craparo & Paolillo, 2016).

Furthermore, it is suggested that resilience plays a mediational role between EI and self-motivated achievement. In other words, emotional intelligence is a prerequisite for resilience, and resilience can lead to greater motivation. Resilience has an underlying perseverance component that motivates endurance in the face of obstacles (Luthans, Avey & Avolio, 2010).

When psychologists began to discuss intelligence, the focus was very much on cognitive aspects relating to memory and problem-solving.

While there had been references to intelligence as having “non-intellective”, as well as “intellective” elements such as affective, personal, and social factors (Wechsler, 1943), historically, the concepts of emotion and intelligence, have been regarded as being mutually exclusive. How can one be intelligent about the emotional aspects of life when emotions can hinder individuals from achieving their goals? (Lloyd, 1979).

In reality, high IQ is no guarantee of success. How successful we are in life is determined by both emotional intelligence and by IQ, though intellect works best when it’s accompanied by high emotional intelligence.

Goleman (1995, 2011) suggests that it is not simply a case of IQ versus EI, instead, both have considerable value. Where IQ tells us the level of cognitive complexity a person can achieve and may to some degree predetermine levels of academic achievement, EI tells us which individuals will make the best leaders within top management positions, for example.

IQ has limited connections to both work and life success. Snarey & Vaillant (1985) suggested it is actually less of a predictor of how well we will do in life than our ability to handle frustration, control emotions, and get along with other people – characteristics not only accounted for but also learnable under current EI theory .

Today, standards of intelligence are still commonly applied to cognitive performance. The misconception that IQ alone is the predictor of success is still very real.

In reality, IQ contributes to around 20% of the factors that determine life success – we all know someone (or perhaps are that person) who has a high IQ yet struggles to do ‘well’. So what accounts for the other 80%? Outwith factors such as social class and plain old luck, Goleman (1995) argued that life success is influenced more by an individual’s ability to engage the 5 aspects of EI detailed above.

While there is much discussion regarding the capability of individuals to improve IQ scores, EI can be developed and refined over time with the condition – just like any skill – that it is given the necessary focus and effort to do so. Many would argue that the ability to connect with and understand others is a more powerful skill to possess than cognitive intellect alone.

In the words of American civil rights activist, Maya Angelou:

“I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.”

The increasing awareness of emotional intelligence in management-focused literature and leadership training suggests the link between emotional intelligence and job performance not only exists but has value in myriad areas.

The workplace represents a distinct social community, separate from our personal lives, in which there is a growing appreciation that higher EI allows a person to understand themselves and others better, communicate more effectively, and cope with challenging situations.

Utilizing and developing emotional intelligence in the workplace can significantly improve the personal and social capabilities of individuals within that workplace.

EI is about managing emotions in order to improve job performance and, in turn, helping people stay calm and to think logically in order to establish good relationships and achieve goals. There is an undeniable relationship between EI and the way senior executives manage their employees – managers with higher emotional intelligence have the tools at their disposal to not only manage stress but to also recognize and address stress in others.

If we think of emotional intelligence in terms of managing stress and building relationships, the link between emotional intelligence skills and job performance is clear, with stress management positively impacting job commitment and satisfaction.

It is also important to mention that EI does not only apply at management level, likewise, employees lower down the business hierarchy with sophisticated emotional intelligence skills have the desire and ability to establish and maintain high-quality relationships in the workplace (Lopes, Salovey, & Straus, 2003).

Additionally, individuals with high EI are better equipped to effectively manage conflicts and, in turn, sustain relationships within the workplace when compared to those with low to moderate levels of EI.

Increasingly, organizations are recognizing the value of employees who exhibit the skills to cope with change and respond accordingly. EI is an important factor in job performance both on an individual level and a group level. In fact, as an individual moves up an organizational hierarchy, the positive effect of emotional intelligence on coping with situations and doing tasks in effective ways increases (Moghadam, Tehrani & Amin, 2011).

Emotional intelligence matters for motivation, and motivation matters for success. Whether it’s in relation to work, personal goals or health, the emotionally intelligent individual understands the deeper meaning of their aspirations and the self-motivation skills required to achieve them.

Goleman (1995) identified four elements that make up motivation: our personal drive to improve, our commitment to the goals we set for ourselves, our readiness to act on opportunities that present themselves to us and our resilience.

Magnano et al (2016) assert that motivation is the basic psychological process we use to stimulate ourselves into action to achieve a desired outcome. Whether it’s picking up the remote to change the TV channel or dedicating hundreds of hours to delivering a project, without motivation we’d be unable to act.

Motivation arouses, energizes, directs and sustains behavior and performance. Intrinsic motivation, that is, motivation that comes from within, pushes us to achieve our full potential. An Emotionally Intelligent individual not only possesses the skills for self-motivation but also the skills required to motivate others, a useful talent to have especially in management positions.

While self-motivation is central to achieving one’s goals, emotionally intelligent leaders within a business can also impact employee motivation. The capacity to recognize the emotions and, in turn, the concerns of others is an invaluable skill to have at your disposal in terms of realizing the most effective ways to motivate teams and individuals.

In a recent study, the EI levels of first-year medical undergraduates were found to be positively related to self-motivation to study medicine and satisfaction with choosing to study medicine (Edussuriya, Marambe, Tennakoon, Rathnayake, Premaratne, Ubhayasiri, & Wickramasinghe, 2018).

A study of senior managers with high EI employed in public sector organizations found that EI augments positive work attitudes, altruistic behavior, and work outcomes. It seems, unsurprisingly, that happy employees are motivated employees.

The ability to better cope with stress and anxiety, for example, is also a useful EI tool in terms of motivation – if one can recognize the emotions that may have a negative impact on motivation, they can be addressed and managed effectively (Carmeli, 2003).

We all endure stressful days, it’s completely normal and completely manageable if you have the right skills at your disposal. An individual with high Emotional Intelligence has sufficient self-awareness to recognize negative feelings and respond accordingly to prevent escalation. Uncontrolled and misunderstood emotions can exacerbate our vulnerability to other mental health issues, like stress, anxiety, and depression.

The skills associated with emotional intelligence can effectively help individuals deal with negative emotional states like stress and promote more positive emotions in its place. Failure to address and manage stress can lead to a further deterioration of one’s mental state and impact our physical health in turn.

Research into the social, psychological and medical components of stress emphasizes the importance of dealing with negative emotions to effectively cope with stress and in turn, reduce the potential for negative psychological and physical health outcomes.

Ganster & Schaubroeck (1991) consider our working and professional environment as the primary source of the stress, going on to suggest the ability to effectively recognize and deal with emotions and emotional information in the workplace is a vital tool in preventing negative stress and coping with occupational stress.

Emotional intelligence allows us to effectively cope with stress. Furthermore, emotionally intelligent people also have the ability to initially evaluate situations as less stressful.

While this has the obvious effect of lessening the adverse impact thereof, it also results in greater life satisfaction and happiness. Conversely, a deficit in EI and self‐regulation can lead to lower subjective wellbeing and a relatively exaggerated response to stressors.

The intelligent use of emotions is a fundamental mechanism in psychological adaptation and wellbeing. Individuals with higher EI have been found to report lower levels of stress and higher levels of happiness, indicating that the ability to regulate perceived stress directly impacts satisfaction (Ruiz‐Aranda, Extremera & Pineda‐Galán, 2014).

The role of emotional intelligence in perceiving occupational stress and preventing employees of human services from negative health outcomes is essential (Oginska-Bulk, 2005).

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Emotional Intelligence is closely related to personal and professional development, it impacts on more than how we manage our behavior and navigate social complexities, it also affects how we make decisions.

Having an authentic understanding of the emotions we feel and why we are feeling them can have a huge impact on our decision-making abilities, if we can’t look at our emotions objectively how can we avoid making misguided decisions based on them?

Superior emotional intelligence is an important element in the prevention of decision making based on emotional biases, whereas lower EI can create anxiety and lead to poor decisions. It’s not about removing emotions completely from the decision-making process, rather it’s about recognizing the emotions that are unrelated to the problem and not allowing them to be influential to the final result.

Negative emotions can impede problem-solving and decision making both in the workplace and personal circumstances. The ability to recognize emotions that are superfluous to forming a rational decision and having the capacity to effectively disregard said emotions, negating their impact on the final outcome, holds obvious benefits for decision-making processes.

Through a series of questions and observations with a focus on improving EI awareness and using EI skills to enhance the decision-making process, Hess & Bacigalupo (2011) found that organizations and individuals benefitted from the practical application of EI in decision-making scenarios.

The observations suggest EI training is an effective strategy to introduce when developing decision-making skills and aids in understanding the potential consequences of bad decision making.

Understanding the causes and consequences of emotions allows an individual to both manage the feeling and make an objective decision. Imagine you have a disagreement with your partner and go to work angry and a little stressed out, later that day you dismiss a proposal from a colleague without really paying attention to what they’re suggesting – you’re just not in the mood.

This form of emotional interference can be detrimental to the decision-making process, those with more developed EI can identify and manage this kind of emotional interference and avoid emotionally-driven decisions.

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Much like happiness, ask someone to define success and you will probably get more than one answer. Does your career make you successful? Your intelligence? How much money you have? Finding contentment and happiness? Depending on who you ask, it can be anything!

What is clear is that no matter your definition of success, emotional intelligence can play a vital role in achieving it.

As addressed, it isn’t always the most intelligent people who achieve the greatest success. IQ alone is not enough to excel in life. You can be the most intelligent person in the room, but if you don’t have EI do you have the skills to quieten negative thoughts or the mental fortitude to manage stress? Goleman (1995) described EI as being powerful and, at times, more powerful than IQ in predicting success in life.

It’s your Emotional Intelligence that really helps you achieve your goals and attain greater levels of success, developing EI can greatly influence our success by contributing to increased morale, motivation and greater co-operation (Strickland, 2000).

In the workplace, managers who consistently outperform their peers not only have technical knowledge and experience, but more importantly, they utilize the strategies associated with EI to manage conflict, reduce stress and as a result, improve their success.

There is growing evidence that the range of abilities that constitute what is now commonly known as ’emotional intelligence’ play a key role in determining success – both in one’s personal life and in the workplace – with real-life applications extending to parenting, relationships, businesses, medical professionals, service workers and so many more.

Emotional intelligence enables one to manage emotions in anxiety-provoking situations, such as taking exams at school or university and also has positive associations with success in personal relationships and social functioning.

Success within social relationships can be achieved by using EI competencies to detect others’ emotional states, adopt others’ perspectives, enhance communication, and regulate behavior.

If we think of goals as an aim or desired result, we can see how emotional intelligence skills can help one to achieve personal goals and when exercised correctly by leaders and managers, can also help to drive change and progress in the workplace.

The facets of EI are interwoven, to achieve self-actualization, we must first achieve motivation, in order to achieve motivation we must also be happy in what we are doing. Without happiness, it is a challenge to reach the levels of motivation required to achieve our goals. In essence, if we are not motivated how can we expect to achieve our goals?

There is a wealth of management literature emphasizing the importance of utilizing EI in relation to success and performance, with a focus on how individuals with high EI perform better in all aspects of a management role.

The average level of Emotional Intelligence of team members is reflected by the team process effectiveness and in team goal focus, conversely teams with lower EI skills performed at a lower level of goal achievement. (Jordana, Ashkanasyb, Härtelb, & Hooperb, 2007)

In order to produce our best and achieve our goals, we need positive self-regard, heightened emotional self-awareness, effective problem solving and decision-making skills. We must understand clearly what our goals are, and be motivated to accomplish all we can.

How EQ affects communication

Our ability to be aware of and understand our own emotions can aid our awareness and understanding of the feelings of others.

This sensitivity, or lack thereof, impacts our communication capabilities in both personal and work life.

If we consider communication in the workplace, and more specifically, conflict resolution in the workplace, individuals with higher emotional intelligence are more likely to approach conflict resolution in a collaborative manner, working together with others in order to effectively reach a mutually acceptable outcome.

Relationships in the workplace are affected by how we manage our own emotions and our understanding of the emotions of those around us.

The ability to identify, manage, and understand emotions help us communicate without resorting to confrontation. A person with high EI is better equipped to manage conflict and build meaningful relationships given their elevated capacity to understand, and therefore address, the needs of those with whom they engage. (Lopez, 2005).

Emotional intelligence has unquestionably received greater attention in recent years as a driver of effective communication within teams, including the growing area of virtual teams (also known as remote or geographically dispersed teams). If we examine EQ as a predictor of virtual team success, the results support that not only is EQ a driver of team viability, but also positively impacts the quality of communication (De Mio, 2002).

The process of successful communication and, in terms of conflict, successful negotiation are closely linked to high levels of EQ. Where those with low levels of EQ may react defensively in stressful situations and escalate conflict, individuals with higher emotional intelligence have the skills available at their disposal to communicate effectively without resorting to confrontation or escalating tension.

Happiness seems like a simple enough concept, but have you ever tried to define it? Try now – what is happiness? It is more difficult than it seems because it means something different to each of us. While it is true that happiness means distinctly different things to different people, what is clear is that emotional intelligence really does matter for happiness irrespective of your interpretation.

EI facilitators such as happiness contribute to our self-actualization and self-actualization, in turn, contributes to our happiness in a positive feedback loop. Happiness, according to Wechsler (1943), is the key factor that has a positive impact on intelligent behavior.

Studies examining the link between EI and a range of interpersonal relations found that participants with higher EQ scores had higher scores for empathic perspective taking, self-monitoring and social skills, cooperation with partners, relationship satisfaction, and more affectionate relationships. (Schutte, Malouff, Bobik, Coston, Greeson, Jedlicka, Rhodes, & Wendorf, 2001).

By developing the skills for EI one can reduce stress, which consequently has a positive impact on wellbeing and happiness. In addition to its motivational value, happiness monitors one’s immediate wellbeing and interjects positive mood in the way individuals cope with daily demands, challenges, and pressures.

It is this positivity that encourages the emotional energy required to increase one’s motivational level to get things done, in short, it helps individuals to achieve what they want to achieve and tells them how well they are doing (Bar-On, 2001).

Research conducted by Furnham (2003) indicated that a large amount of the variance found in happiness and wellbeing to be determined by people’s emotion-related self-perceptions and dispositions such as the ability to regulate emotions, relationship skills, and social competence.

While these EI skills are not the sole contributor to levels of happiness, it is important to recognize their impact, with over 50% of the total variances in happiness being attributed to emotional intelligence competencies.

From Aristotle to Freud, the emphasis on the optimization of happiness has been thoroughly discussed. To augment happiness one is often required to use more sophisticated behavioral patterns such as self-regulation to subdue instant pleasure motivations.

Contemporary psychological research continues to recognize the need for this form of optimization. Mischel (1974) explicitly taught children how to delay immediate pleasures for greater long-term gain. The ability to delay gratification is important in many aspects of cognitive development given the capacity for such delays encourages an increase in cognitive competence and social maturity.

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17 Exercises To Develop Emotional Intelligence

These 17 Emotional Intelligence Exercises [PDF] will help others strengthen their relationships, lower stress, and enhance their wellbeing through improved EQ.

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6 YouTube Videos and TED Talks on Emotional Intelligence

We recommend watching the following videos for more insight into Emotional Intelligence.

The Power of Emotional Intelligence – Travis Bradberry

You aren’t at the mercy of your emotions – your brain creates them – Lisa Feldman Barrett

6 Steps to Improve Your Emotional Intelligence – Ramona Hacker

Learning Human Values Via Emotional Intelligence – Ruby Bakshi Khurdi

Your Forensic Mirror: Applying Emotional Intelligence To Achieve Success – Paula Clarke

The People Currency: Practicing Emotional Intelligence – Jason Bridges

See also: 15 Most Valuable Emotional Intelligence TED Talks on YouTube .

“Emotional intelligence is a way of recognizing, understanding, and choosing how we think, feel, and act. It shapes our interactions with others and our understanding of ourselves. It defines how and what we learn; it allows us to set priorities; it determines the majority of our daily actions. Research suggests it is responsible for as much as 80 percent of the “success” in our lives.”

Joshua Freedman

“If your emotional abilities aren’t in hand, if you don’t have self-awareness, if you are not able to manage your distressing emotions, if you can’t have empathy and have effective relationships, then no matter how smart you are, you are not going to get very far.”

Daniel Goleman

Maya Angelou

“Anybody can become angry, that is easy; but to be angry with the right person, and to the right degree, and at the right time, and for the right purpose, and in the right way, that is not within everybody’s power, that is not easy.”
“Emotional intelligent people use self-awareness to their advantage to assess a situation, get perspective, listen without judgment, process, and hold back from reacting head on. At times, it means the decision to sit on your decision. By thinking over your situation rationally, without drama, you’ll eventually arrive at other, more sane conclusions.”

Marcel Schwantes

“Never stop because you are afraid – you are never so likely to be wrong.”

Fridtjof Nansen

“We are dangerous when we are not conscious of our responsibility for how we behave, think, and feel.”

Marshall B. Rosenberg

“What really matters for success, character, happiness and life long achievements is a definite set of emotional skills – your EQ — not just purely cognitive abilities that are measured by conventional IQ tests.”
“Whatever is begun in anger, ends in shame.”

Benjamin Franklin

“If you are interested in emotions, learning about them will satisfy your curiosity. If you depend upon emotional knowledge in your job, learning more about emotions would likely help.”
“Do not judge me by my successes, judge me by how many times I fell down and got back up again.”

Nelson Mandela

“When dealing with people, remember you are not dealing with creatures of logic, but with creatures of emotion.”

Dale Carnegie

“It is very important to understand that emotional intelligence is not the opposite of intelligence, it is not the triumph of heart over head – it is the unique intersection of both.”

David Caruso

“Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate.”
“It takes something more than intelligence to act intelligently.”

Fyodor Dostoyevsky

“No doubt emotional intelligence is more rare than book smarts, but my experience says it is actually more important in the making of a leader. You just can’t ignore it.”
“Emotional intelligence is what humans are good at and that’s not a sideshow. That’s the cutting edge of human intelligence.”

Ray Kurzweil

“Emotional intelligence is the ability to sense, understand, and effectively apply the power and acumen of emotions as a source of human energy, information, connection, and influence.”

Robert K. Cooper

“The strength of character and emotional intelligence to face your failures and learn from them are at the core of success.”

Robert Kiyosaki

“Surround yourself with amazingly intelligent men and women. The people I work with not only are smarter than I am, possessing both intellectual and emotional intelligence, but also share my determination to succeed. I will not make an important decision without them.”

George Steinbrenner

“What I’ve come to realize is that emotional intelligence was the only way I knew how to lead, and is, in my option, the only way to inspire real change.”

Kevin Allen

Find more emotional intelligence quotes here .

Emotional Intelligence is important, the value and benefits of developing your EQ are extensive and in many areas massively under-utilised. Emotional intelligence is the gateway to living a more fulfilled and happy life, and here’s why:

  • Emotional intelligence allows you to understand and manage your emotions in order to self-motivate and to create positive social interactions; it’s the first step in realizing your true potential.
  • The value and benefits of EI are vast in terms of personal, academic, and professional success.
  • Individuals with higher levels of emotional intelligence are less likely to succumb to the negative impacts of stressors, while effectively help individuals deal with negative emotions and promote more positive emotions in its place.
  • Intellect works best when it’s accompanied by high emotional intelligence.
  • Utilizing and developing emotional intelligence in the workplace can greatly improve both job performance and the social capabilities of individuals within that workplace.
  • Emotional Intelligence is a useful skill to prevent making decisions based on emotional biases.
  • The process of successful communication and negotiation are closely linked to high levels of EQ.
  • Key EI facilitators such as happiness contribute to our self-actualization.

Thanks for reading! I hope you have enjoyed this journey into the world of emotional intelligence and the important role it plays in achieving personal, physical and occupational success.

For further reading:

  • 13 Emotional Intelligence Activities & Exercises
  • 26 Best Emotional Intelligence Books (Reviews + Summaries)
  • The Emotion Wheel: What is It and How to Use it? [+PDF]

We hope you found this article useful. Don’t forget to download our three Emotional Intelligence Exercises for free .

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Colile Dlamini

This is great because it is a skill that can be developed over time and the results is towards success and more meaningful personal awareness of oneself life in general and the life of an entrepreneur especially

Bridgette Kigongo Nambirige

Now i know that helping others develop their own EI is part of my own EI growth as well. i plan to put this into action more intentionally to increase overall productivity.

Philip Sykes

I think it’s important to remember that emotional intelligence is a skill that can be developed and improved over time. By practicing mindfulness, improving communication skills, and working on self-awareness, individuals can become more emotionally intelligent and ultimately, more successful in all aspects of their lives. Thank You!


The article is powerful, it offers 360 degree of EQ with practical examples.

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Emotional Intelligence Essay | Essay on Emotional Intelligence for Students and Children in English

February 13, 2024 by Prasanna

Emotional Intelligence Essay:  Emotional intelligence is the capability and the ability to understand and manage your own emotions in a positive manner. It is a positive way to release stress and communicate effectively. It helps to make relations stronger.

It is as important as intellectual ability. It helps to connect with feelings and turns intentions into actions. It is a helping hand in achieving personal goals.

You can also find more  Essay Writing  articles on events, persons, sports, technology and many more.

Long and Short Essays on Emotional Intelligence for Students and Kids in English

We are providing the students with essay samples on a long essay of 500 words and a short essay of 150 words on the topic of Emotional Intelligence Essay for reference.

Long Essay on Emotional Intelligence 500 Words in English

Long Essay on Emotional Intelligence is usually given to classes 7, 8, 9, and 10.

Emotional intelligence is one of the essential components of leadership and an inbuilt ability of an individual to perceive the emotions and feelings of other people. It is also known as emotional quotient or EQ. It is defined as the capability of individuals to identify their own emotions. To discern between different feelings and to use the appropriate emotional guide to label each feeling and emotion in the correct way forms a part of emotional intelligence.

Empathy is an emotion that is somewhat related to emotional intelligence because it relates to an individual who connects their personal experiences with those of others. Emotional intelligence is commonly divided into four attributes which include self attributes in which a person can control his impulsive feelings and behaviour and manage his or her emotions in healthy ways. The second attribute is self-awareness, where the person gets to recognize his emotions and the thoughts that affect his behaviour.

The third attribute of emotional intelligence is social awareness. The person has empathy and can understand emotions, needs and concerns of other people. The person who has empathy can pick up on emotional cues and is able to recognize the power of dynamics in a group. The last attribute is the aspect of relationship management. This attribute helps to develop and maintain good relationships and to communicate early and manage a conflict.

Emotional intelligence has its affects. High emotional intelligence helps to navigate the social complexities of the workplace or place of education and helps to motivate others and excel in a career. Emotional intelligence helps to manage emotions. If the emotions are not handled properly, then the stress will not be handled ideally. Being in proper tune with emotions, a social purpose can be served. It helps to connect to people all around the world.

The skills that make up emotional intelligence can be learned at any time. There lies a difference between learning emotional intelligence and applying it in your daily life activities. In order to permanently change behaviour to stand up to pressure, one needs to learn how to overcome stress to be emotionally aware.

Self-awareness is an essential feature of emotional intelligence. It helps an individual to know their own strengths and use them wisely. In today’s scenario, emotional intelligence is one of the most significant aspects to reach the goal and succeed in life. Emotional intelligence leads to general happiness.

Having emotional intelligence leads to a satisfied and peaceful mind. It also leads to rationality in behaviour. With this aspect, a person can see the situation under which the behaviour takes place in the right perspective. With such a perspective, the person can establish the right relationship. Studies say that people with high EI have more excellent mental health, better job performance, leadership skills and better personality traits.

High emotional intelligence helps to deal with low self-esteem and helps a person to upgrade his life and have a better living scenario.

Short Essay on Emotional Intelligence 150 Words in English

Short Essay on Emotional Intelligence is usually given to classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6.

Emotional intelligence or emotional quotient is an aspect or an ability to manage emotions in a positive way. It also defines the capability of managing the emotion of others. Emotional intelligence generally includes three skills which are, emotional awareness, the ability to harness a person or others’ emotions and regulating them.

There is no validated psychometric test or scale for emotional intelligence. A highly emotional intelligent individual is both highly conscious of his or her own emotional states, like negativity, frustration or sadness and being able to manage those aspects and emotions.

It is a crucial component of leadership. It is considered to be one of the most vital indicators of workplace performance. Studies have shown that 90% of top performers possess high emotional intelligence. There are online courses and training that an individual can undertake to boost the emotional intelligence and perform better in life and reach their desired goal.

10 Lines on Emotional Intelligence Essay in English

1. Building emotional intelligence helps an individual to coach teams effectively at a workplace. 2. Writing down thoughts of your entire day, be it negative or positive will help to spot behavioural patterns of an individual. 3. Daniel Goleman’s work on emotional intelligence points out five areas of intelligence. 4. A person with high emotional intelligence can express himself openly and respectfully without the fear of offending his co-workers. 5. High emotional intelligence can navigate complex and challenging decision making with the ideal emotional response. 6. Emotional intelligence impacts every aspect of a career to be successful. 7. Psychologists Peter Salovey and John D. Mayer coined the term “emotional intelligence” in the year 1990. 8. It is a critical factor in leadership effectiveness. 9. Emotional intelligence takes diligence and practice to incorporate into interactions on a daily basis. 10. It helps to identify a person’s triggers.

FAQ’s on Emotional Intelligence Essay

Question 1. What are the four types of emotional intelligence?

Answer: The four types of emotional intelligence are social awareness, self-awareness, self-management and relationship management.

Question 2. How is Emotional Intelligence different from Regular Intelligence?

Answer: Emotional intelligence is the ability to express and control emotions. Regular intelligence is used to define academic abilities.

Question 3.  Does emotional intelligence matter in the workplace?

Answer: Yes, emotional intelligence matters in the workplace.

Question 4.  Why do we take up the topic of emotions in the context of business?

Answer: Emotions drive behaviour, thus by engaging with the emotions of your team, you are more likely to be successful in your interaction.

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Emotional Intelligence (EQ)

Mia Belle Frothingham

Author, Researcher, Science Communicator

BA with minors in Psychology and Biology, MRes University of Edinburgh

Mia Belle Frothingham is a Harvard University graduate with a Bachelor of Arts in Sciences with minors in biology and psychology

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Saul Mcleod, PhD

Editor-in-Chief for Simply Psychology

BSc (Hons) Psychology, MRes, PhD, University of Manchester

Saul Mcleod, PhD., is a qualified psychology teacher with over 18 years of experience in further and higher education. He has been published in peer-reviewed journals, including the Journal of Clinical Psychology.

Olivia Guy-Evans, MSc

Associate Editor for Simply Psychology

BSc (Hons) Psychology, MSc Psychology of Education

Olivia Guy-Evans is a writer and associate editor for Simply Psychology. She has previously worked in healthcare and educational sectors.

Emotional intelligence refers to the ability to perceive, understand, and manage one’s own emotions and relationships. It involves being aware of emotions in oneself and others and using this awareness to guide thinking and behavior. Emotionally intelligent individuals can motivate themselves, read social cues, and build strong relationships

Some researchers propose that emotional intelligence can be learned and strengthened, while others argue it is an inborn characteristic.

The ability to express and manage emotions is essential, but so is the ability to understand, diagnose, and react to the emotions of others. Imagine a world in which one could not understand when a friend felt sad or a classmate was angry.

Brain and heart on a wooden balance scale.

Why is Emotional Intelligence Critical?

Emotional Intelligence is the “ability to monitor one’s own and other people’s emotions, to discriminate between different emotions and label them appropriately, and to use emotional information to guide thinking and behavior” (Salovey and Mayer, 1990).

Having a higher level of emotional intelligence allows one to empathize with others, communicate effectively, and be both self and socially aware. How people respond to themselves and others impacts all types of environments.

Living in this world signifies interacting with many diverse kinds of individuals and constant change with life-changing surprises.

Being emotionally intelligent is key to how one reacts to what life throws. It is furthermore a fundamental element of compassion and comprehending the deeper reasons behind other people’s actions.

It is not the most intelligent people who are the most prosperous or the most fulfilled in life. Many people are academically genius and yet are socially incompetent and unsuccessful in their careers or their intimate relationships.

Intellectual ability or intelligence quotient (IQ) is not enough on its own to achieve success in life. Undoubtedly, IQ can help one get into university, but your Emotional Intelligence (EI) will help one manage stress and emotions when facing final exams.

IQ and EI exist in tandem and are most influential when they build off one another.

Emotional intelligence is also valuable for leaders who set the tone of their organization. If leaders lack emotional intelligence , it could have more far-reaching consequences, resulting in lower worker engagement and a higher turnover rate.

While one might excel at one’s job technically, if one cannot effectively communicate with one’s team or collaborate with others, those specialized skills will get neglected.

By mastering emotional intelligence, one can positively impact anywhere and continue to advance one’s position and career in life. EI is vital when dealing with stressful situations like confrontation, change, and obstacles.

Emotional intelligence helps one build stronger relationships, succeed at work or school, and achieve one’s career and personal goals, as well as reduce group stress, defuse conflict, and enhance job satisfaction.

It can also help connect with one’s inner feelings, turn purpose into action, and make informed decisions about what matters most to oneself.

During these times, it is essential to remember to practice kindness, and being in touch with our emotions can help us do just that.

Examples of Emotional Intelligence

How does one become emotionally intelligent? Below we will discuss what one can do to learn to improve the skills that are behind emotional intelligence (EI).

Emotional intelligence refers to the ability to recognize the meanings of emotions and to reason and problem-solve based on them (Mayer, Caruso, & Salovey, 1999).

By working on and improving these skills, one can become more emotionally intelligent and, therefore, more successful!

Emotional Intelligence Components

Emotional Awareness and Understanding

Self-awareness, or the ability to recognize and comprehend one’s own emotions, is a vital emotional intelligence skill. Beyond acknowledging one’s feelings, however, is being conscious of the effect of one’s actions, moods, and emotions on other people.

According to research by Tasha Eurich, an organizational psychologist, 95% of individuals believe they are self-aware. Still, only 10 to 15 percent genuinely are, which can cause problems for the people one interacts with.

Being with people who are not self-aware can be frustrating and lead to increased stress and decreased encouragement.

To become self-aware, one must be capable of monitoring one’s emotions while recognizing different emotional reactions and correctly identifying each distinct emotion.

Self-aware individuals also can recognize the connections between the things they feel and how they act.

These individuals also acknowledge their strengths and weaknesses, are open to new data and experiences, and learn from their exchanges with others.

Furthermore, people who maintain self-awareness have a fine sense of humor, are confident in themselves and their capabilities, and know how others perceive them.

Here are some tips on improving one’s self-awareness:

Ask for constructive feedback from others.

Keep a journal of one’s thoughts and feelings.

Practice mindfulness – try meditating.

Pay careful attention to one’s thoughts and emotions.

Pursue one’s passions and do what makes one happy.

Learn new skills and set goals for oneself.

Reflect on one’s experiences and be grateful.

Use positive self-talk daily.

Work on building a growth mindset.

Emotional Self Regulation (Managing Emotions)

In addition to being aware of one’s own emotions and the impact one has on others, emotional intelligence requires one to regulate and manage one’s emotions .

This does not mean taking emotions out of sight and essentially “locking” them away, hence hiding one’s true feelings. It just means waiting for the right time and place to express them. Self-regulation is all about communicating one’s emotions appropriately in context. A reaction tends to be involuntary.

The more in tune one is with one’s emotional intelligence, the easier one can transition from an instant reaction to a well-thought-out response. It is crucial to remember to pause, breathe, compose oneself, and do what it takes to manage one’s emotions.

This could mean anything to oneself, like taking a walk or talking to a friend, so that one can more appropriately and intentionally respond to tension and adversity.

Those proficient in self-regulation tend to be flexible and acclimate well to change. They are also suitable for handling conflict and diffusing uncomfortable or difficult situations.

People with healthy self-regulation skills also tend to have heightened conscientiousness. They reflect on how they influence others and take accountability for their actions.

Here are some tips on improving one’s self-regulation:

Look at challenges as opportunities.

Be mindful of thoughts and feelings.

Build distress and anxiety tolerance skills.

Work on accepting reflections and emotions.

Find ways to manage difficult emotions.

Practice communication and social skills.

Recognize that one has a choice in how one responds.

Use cognitive reframing to change emotional responses and thought patterns.

Social Empathy (Perceiving Emotions)

Empathy , or the capability to comprehend how other people are feeling, is crucial to perfecting emotional intelligence.

However, it involves more than just being able to identify the emotional states of others. It also affects one’s responses to people based on this knowledge.

How does one respond when one senses someone is feeling sad or hopeless? One might treat them with extra care and consideration, or one might make a push to lift their mood.

Being empathetic also allows one to understand the authority dynamics that frequently influence social relationships, especially in the workplace.

This is essential for guiding one’s daily interactions with various people. In fact, it is found that empathy ranks as the number one leadership skill.

Leaders proficient in empathy perform more than 40% higher in coaching, engaging others, and decision-making. In a different study, researchers found that leaders who show more empathy toward their co-workers and constructive criticism are viewed as better performers by their supervisors.

Those competent in this element can recognize who maintains power in different relationships. They also understand how these forces impact feelings and behaviors. Because of this, they can accurately analyze different situations that hinge on such power dynamics.

Here are some tips on improving social empathy:

Be willing to share emotions.

Listen to other people.

Practice meditation.

Engage in a purpose like a community project.

Meet and talk to new people.

Try to imagine yourself in someone else’s place.

Social Skills (Using Emotions)

The ability to interact well with others is another vital aspect of emotional intelligence. Solid social skills allow people to build meaningful relationships with others and develop a more robust understanding of themselves and others.

Proper emotional understanding involves more than just understanding one’s own emotions and those of others. One also needs to put this information to work in one’s daily interactions and communications.

In the workplace or professional settings, managers benefit by being able to build relationships and connections with employees.

Workers benefit from developing a solid rapport with leaders and co-workers. Some prefer to avoid conflict, but it is crucial to address issues as they arise correctly.

Research shows that every unaddressed conflict can waste almost eight hours of company time on unproductive activities, damaging resources and morale. Essential social skills include active listening , verbal communication, nonverbal communication, leadership , and persuasiveness.

Here are some tips on improving social skills:

Ask open-ended questions.

Find icebreakers that will help start conversations.

Practice good eye contact.

Practice active listening with the entire body.

Notice other people’s social skills.

Show interest in others and ask them personal questions.

Watch one’s body language and that of others.

In The Workplace

Emotional intelligence includes showing genuine compassion, empathizing with the needs of individuals, and encouraging the ongoing personal growth of individuals.

When a leader takes into account the emotions of their followers, they then learn how to best engage with them.

1. Lending a Compassionate Ear to a Frustrated Co-Worker

Employees will inevitably get upset, have bad moods, argue, and just generally have bad days. In practice, compassion, understanding, and awareness are definite signs of emotional intelligence.

Awareness of and reacting to other people’s emotional states shows an understanding that all humans experience intense emotions and says that a person’s feelings matter.

2. Listening to Others Respectfully

Ever been to a conference when it seems like everyone is speaking over each other, trying to get the last word?

This is not only an indication of egos taking over and a lack of consideration for others; these are also indications of there being a lack of emotional intelligence.

When individuals are allowed to speak, and others listen without persistent interruptions, it is a good sign of EI. It shows reciprocal respect between parties and is more likely to lead to a productive conclusion in meetings.

3. Being Flexible

Flexibility is a critical term in organizations today. Building flexibility into how people function can be the difference between keeping the best workers and drifting out the door.

Emotionally intelligent leaders comprehend the changing needs of others and are ready to work with them rather than attempting to impose rigid restrictions on how people go about their work.

They do not expect everyone to work the hours they do, hold the same priorities, or live by precisely the same values.

In Healthcare

1. being patient with hurting individuals.

When in healthcare, it is expected that doctors and nurses will have to manage people in pain. Emotional intelligence not only allows for better patient care but also for better self-care.

For instance, if a patient is lashing out, and one can see that they are in pain, one will be far less likely to take their combativeness personally and treat them better.

2. Acting as the Effective Leader

In healthcare, there is a necessity to have influential leaders, a trusting environment with a helpful team, critical thinking, and quality patient and family-centered care.

A higher emotional intelligence will allow healthcare professionals to respond and react better to patients. Studies have shown a correlation between emotional intelligence and positive patient outcomes.

3. Responding Better to Stressful Situations

Multiple occasions in healthcare involve an urgent situation involving a life or death scenario. Doctors and nurses must check their own emotions.

Being in healthcare is a highly emotional career, and being aware of your feelings when they come up is key to effective self-care.

Interacting with patients can cause overwhelming joy or deep sadness, and these fluctuations can be utterly exhausting.

The ability to deal with these feelings, take breaks, and ask for help when you need it is another example of good emotional intelligence that nurses should practice.

Tips for Improving EI

Be more self-aware.

Awareness of one’s emotions and emotional responses to others can significantly improve one’s emotional intelligence. Knowing when one is feeling anxious or angry can help process and communicate those feelings in a way that promotes healthy results.

Recognize how others feel

Emotional intelligence could start with self-reflection, but measuring how others perceive one’s behavior and communication is essential. Adjusting one’s message based on how one is being received is an integral part of being emotionally intelligent.

Practice active listening

People communicate verbally and nonverbally, so listening and monitoring for potentially positive and negative reactions is essential. Taking the time to hear others also demonstrates a level of respect that can form the basis for healthy relationships.

Communicate clearly

Solid communication skills are critical for emotional intelligence. Knowing what to express or write and when to offer information is crucial for building strong relationships.

For instance, as a manager in a work environment, communicating expectations and goals is required to keep everyone on the same page.

Stay positive

A positive attitude is incredibly infectious. Emotionally intelligent people comprehend the power of positive words, encouraging emails, and friendly gestures. When one can also remain positive in a stressful situation, one can help others stay calm. It can also encourage further problem-solving and collaboration.

Thinking about how others might be feeling is an essential quality of emotional intelligence. It means you can empathize with feelings that one may not be feeling oneself and respond in a way that is respectful and relaxing to others.

Be open-minded

Emotionally intelligent people are comfortable to approach because they are good listeners and can consider and understand other viewpoints. They are also receptive to learning new things and embracing novel ideas.

Listen to feedback

It is essential to be the type of person who can hear feedback, whether it is positive on a recent presentation or more critical advice on how you should commission tasks more efficiently.

Being receptive to feedback means taking responsibility for one’s actions and being willing to improve how one communicates with others.

Stay calm under pressure

It is essential to approach stressful situations with a calm and positive attitude. Pressures can quickly escalate, primarily when people are operating under deadlines, so keeping steady and concentrating on finding a solution will help everyone complete their goals.

History of Emotional Intelligence

In the 1930s, psychologist Edward Thorndike explained the concept of “social intelligence” as the ability to get along with other individuals.

During the 1940s, psychologist David Wechsler suggested that different practical elements of intelligence could play a critical role in how successful people are in life.

In the 1950s, the school of thought was known as humanistic psychology, and scholars such as Abraham Maslow concentrated attention on how people could build emotional strength.

Another critical concept to arise in the development of emotional intelligence was the concept of multiple intelligences . This idea was put forth in the mid-1970s by Howard Gardner, presenting the idea that intelligence was more than just a single, broad capacity.

Emotional intelligence did not come into our vernacular until around 1990. The term “emotional intelligence” was first utilized in 1985 as it was presented in a doctoral dissertation by Wayne Payne.

In 1987, there was an article written by Keith Beasley and published in Mensa Magazine that used the term emotional quotient or EQ.

Then in 1990, psychologists John Mayer and Peter Salovey published their milestone article, Emotional Intelligence , in the journal Imagination, Cognition, and Personality .

They described emotional intelligence as the capability to monitor one’s and others’ feelings and emotions, discriminate among them, and use this knowledge to guide one’s thinking and actions.

Salovey and Mayer also initiated a research study to develop accurate measures of emotional intelligence and explore its significance. For example, they found in one investigation that when a group of people saw an upsetting film, those who ranked high on emotional clarity, or the ability to recognize and label a mood that is being experienced, recovered more quickly.

In a different study, people who scored higher in the ability to perceive accurately, understand and appraise others’ emotions were sufficiently capable of responding flexibly to changes in their social environments and building supportive social networks.

But despite it being a relatively new term, attraction to the concept has grown tremendously. In 1995, the concept of emotional intelligence was popularized after the publication of Daniel Goleman’s book  Emotional Intelligence: Why It Can Matter More Than IQ.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why is emotional intelligence important in the workplace.

Researchers have indicated that emotional intelligence influences how excellently employees interact with their colleagues, and EI is also considered to play a role in how employees manage stress and conflict.

It also affects overall performance on the job. Other studies have connected emotional intelligence with job satisfaction.

Studies have shown that workers with higher scores on measures of EI also tend to be ranked higher on criteria of interpersonal functioning, leadership abilities, and stress management.

While standard intelligence was associated with leadership success, it alone was not enough. People who are prosperous at work are not just brilliant; they also have a high EI.

But emotional intelligence is not simply for CEOs and senior executives.

It is a quality that is essential at every level of a person’s career, from university students looking for internships to seasoned workers hoping to take on a leadership role.

Emotional intelligence is critical to success if one wants to succeed in the workplace and move up the career ladder.

Can emotional intelligence be taught?

As it turns out, the question whether emotional intelligence can be learned is not a straightforward one to answer.

Some psychologists and researchers claim that emotional intelligence is a skill that is not quickly learned or improved. Other psychologists and researchers, though, believe it can be improved with practice.

One key to improving EI is sustained practice – especially in high-stakes situations. Referring back to the above tips, one could read them and say those guidelines are pretty straightforward.

But, the challenging task is to do these practices in real-time and consistently. It takes practice to develop these skills. Then as you acquire them, you have to rehearse them under stress.

Can emotional intelligence be measured?

Several different assessments have arisen to gauge levels of emotional intelligence. These trials typically fall into one of two types: self-report tests and ability tests.

Self-report tests are the most abundant because they are the quickest to administer and score. Respondents respond to questions or statements on such tests by rating their behaviors.

For example, on a comment such as “I sense that I understand how others are feeling,” a test-taker might describe the statement as strongly agree, somewhat agree, somewhat disagree, or strongly disagree.

On the other hand, ability tests involve people responding to situations and assessing their skills. These tests often require people to demonstrate their abilities, which a third party rates.

If one is taking an emotional intelligence trial issued by a mental health professional, here are two measures that could be used: Mayer-Salovey-Caruso Emotional Intelligence Test (MSCEIT) and the Emotional and Social Competency Inventory (ESCI).

What is the dark side of emotional intelligence?

The dark side of emotional intelligence is using one’s understanding of emotions manipulatively, to deceive, control, or exploit others.

High emotional intelligence can mask hidden agendas, enabling insincere charm or feigned empathy, potentially leading to deceitful or self-serving actions.

Boyatzis, R. E., & Goleman, D. (2011). Emotional and social competency inventory (ESCI): A user guide for accredited practitioners.  Retrieved December ,  17 , 2019.

Eurich, T. (2018). What self-awareness really is (and how to cultivate it).  Harvard Business Review , 1-9.

Gardner, H. E. (2000). Intelligence reframed: Multiple intelligences for the 21st century . Hachette UK.

Goleman, D. (1996).  Emotional intelligence: Why it can matter more than IQ . Bloomsbury Publishing.

Mayer, J. D., Caruso, D. R., & Salovey, P. (1999). Emotional intelligence meets traditional standards for an intelligence.  Intelligence, 27 (4), 267-298.

Mayer, J. D., & Salovey, P. (1993). The intelligence of emotional intelligence.  Intelligence, 17 (4), 433-442.

Mayer, J. D., & Salovey, P. (2007).  Mayer-Salovery-Caruso emotional intelligence test . Toronto: Multi-Health Systems Incorporated.

Payne, W. L. (1985). A study of emotion: developing emotional intelligence; self-integration; relating to fear, pain and desire.

Salovey, P., & Mayer, J. D. (1990). Emotional intelligence .  Imagination, cognition and personality ,  9 (3), 185-211.

Thorndike, R. L., & Stein, S. (1937). An evaluation of the attempts to measure social intelligence.  Psychological Bulletin ,  34 (5), 275.

Wechsler, D., & Kodama, H. (1949).  Wechsler intelligence scale for children  (Vol. 1). New York: Psychological corporation.

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Emotional Intelligence: How We Perceive, Evaluate, Express, and Control Emotions

Is EQ more important than IQ?

Kendra Cherry, MS, is a psychosocial rehabilitation specialist, psychology educator, and author of the "Everything Psychology Book."

what is the importance of emotional intelligence essay

Shereen Lehman, MS, is a healthcare journalist and fact checker. She has co-authored two books for the popular Dummies Series (as Shereen Jegtvig).

what is the importance of emotional intelligence essay

Hinterhaus Productions / Getty Images 

  • How Do I Know If I'm Emotionally Intelligent?
  • How It's Measured

Why Is Emotional Intelligence Useful?

  • Ways to Practice
  • Tips for Improving

Emotional intelligence (AKA EI or EQ for "emotional quotient") is the ability to perceive, interpret, demonstrate, control, evaluate, and use emotions to communicate with and relate to others effectively and constructively. This ability to express and control  emotions  is essential, but so is the ability to understand, interpret, and respond to the emotions of others. Some experts suggest that emotional intelligence is  more important than IQ  for success in life.

While being book-smart might help you pass tests, emotional intelligence prepares you for the real world by being aware of the feelings of others as well as your own feelings.

How Do I Know If I'm Emotionally Intelligent?

Some key signs and examples of emotional intelligence include:

  • An ability to identify and describe what people are feeling
  • An awareness of personal strengths and limitations
  • Self-confidence and self-acceptance
  • The ability to let go of mistakes
  • An ability to accept and embrace change
  • A strong sense of curiosity, particularly about other people
  • Feelings of empathy and concern for others
  • Showing sensitivity to the feelings of other people
  • Accepting responsibility for mistakes
  • The ability to manage emotions in difficult situations

How Is Emotional Intelligence Measured?

A number of different assessments have emerged to measure levels of emotional intelligence. Such tests generally fall into one of two types: self-report tests and ability tests.

Self-report tests are the most common because they are the easiest to administer and score. On such tests, respondents respond to questions or statements by rating their own behaviors. For example, on a statement such as "I often feel that I understand how others are feeling," a test-taker might describe the statement as disagree, somewhat disagree, agree, or strongly agree.

Ability tests, on the other hand, involve having people respond to situations and then assessing their skills. Such tests often require people to demonstrate their abilities, which are then rated by a third party.

If you are taking an emotional intelligence test administered by a mental health professional, here are two measures that might be used:

  • Mayer-Salovey-Caruso Emotional Intelligence Test (MSCEIT) is an ability-based test that measures the four branches of Mayer and Salovey's EI model. Test-takers perform tasks designed to assess their ability to perceive, identify, understand, and manage emotions.
  • Emotional and Social Competence Inventory (ESCI)   is based on an older instrument known as the Self-Assessment Questionnaire and involves having people who know the individual offer ratings of that person’s abilities in several different emotional competencies. The test is designed to evaluate the social and emotional abilities that help distinguish people as strong leaders.

There are also plenty of more informal online resources, many of them free, to investigate your emotional intelligence.

Try Our Free Emotional Intelligence Test

Our fast and free EQ test can help you determine whether or not your responses to certain situations in life indicate a high level of emotional intelligence:

What Are the 4 Components of Emotional Intelligence?

Researchers suggest that there are four different levels of emotional intelligence including emotional perception, the ability to reason using emotions, the ability to understand emotions, and the ability to manage emotions.  

  • Perceiving emotions : The first step in understanding emotions is to perceive them accurately. In many cases, this might involve understanding nonverbal signals such as body language and facial expressions.
  • Reasoning with emotions : The next step involves using emotions to promote thinking and cognitive activity. Emotions help prioritize what we pay attention and react to; we respond emotionally to things that garner our attention.
  • Understanding emotions :   The emotions that we perceive can carry a wide variety of meanings. If someone is expressing angry emotions, the observer must interpret the cause of the person's anger and what it could mean. For example, if your boss is acting angry, it might mean that they are dissatisfied with your work, or it could be because they got a speeding ticket on their way to work that morning or that they've been fighting with their partner.
  • Managing emotions : The ability to manage emotions effectively is a crucial part of emotional intelligence and the highest level. Regulating emotions and responding appropriately as well as responding to the emotions of others are all important aspects of emotional management.

Recognizing emotions - yours and theirs - can help you understand where others are coming from, the decisions they make, and how your own feelings can affect other people.

The four branches of this model are arranged by complexity with the more basic processes at the lower levels and the more advanced processes at the higher levels. For example, the lowest levels involve perceiving and expressing emotion, while higher levels require greater conscious involvement and involve regulating emotions.

Interest in teaching and learning social and emotional intelligence has grown in recent years. Social and emotional learning (SEL) programs have become a standard part of the curriculum for many schools.

The goal of these initiatives is not only to improve health and well-being but also to help students succeed academically and prevent bullying. There are many examples of how emotional intelligence can play a role in daily life.

Thinking Before Reacting

Emotionally intelligent people know that emotions can be powerful, but also temporary. When a highly charged emotional event happens, such as becoming angry with a co-worker, the emotionally intelligent response would be to take some time before responding.

This allows everyone to calm their emotions and think more rationally about all the factors surrounding the argument.

Greater Self-Awareness

Emotionally intelligent people are not only good at thinking about how other people might feel but they are also adept at understanding their own feelings. Self-awareness allows people to consider the many different factors that contribute to their emotions.

Empathy for Others

A large part of emotional intelligence is being able to think about and empathize with how other people are feeling. This often involves considering how you would respond if you were in the same situation.

People who have strong emotional intelligence are able to consider the perspectives, experiences, and emotions of other people and use this information to explain why people behave the way that they do.

How You Can Practice Emotional Intelligence

Emotional intelligence can be used in many different ways in your daily life. Some different ways to practice emotional intelligence include:

  • Being able to accept criticism and responsibility
  • Being able to move on after making a mistake
  • Being able to say no when you need to
  • Being able to share your feelings with others
  • Being able to solve problems in ways that work for everyone
  • Having empathy for other people
  • Having great listening skills
  • Knowing why you do the things you do
  • Not being judgemental of others

Emotional intelligence is essential for good interpersonal communication. Some experts believe that this ability is more important in determining life success than IQ alone. Fortunately, there are things that you can do to strengthen your own social and emotional intelligence.

Understanding emotions can be the key to better relationships, improved well-being, and stronger communication skills. 

Press Play for Advice On How to Be Less Judgmental

Hosted by therapist Amy Morin, LCSW, this episode of The Verywell Mind Podcast , shares how you can learn to be less judgmental. Click below to listen now.

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Are There Downsides to Emotional Intelligence?

Having lower emotional intelligence skills can lead to a number of potential pitfalls that can affect multiple areas of life including work and relationships. People who have fewer emotional skills tend to get in more arguments, have lower quality relationships, and have poor emotional coping skills.

Being low on emotional intelligence can have a number of drawbacks, but having a very high level of emotional skills can also come with challenges. For example:

  • Research suggests that people with high emotional intelligence may actually be less creative and innovative.
  • Highly emotionally intelligent people may have a hard time delivering negative feedback for fear of hurting other people's feelings.
  • Research has found that high EQ can sometimes be used for manipulative and deceptive purposes.

Can I Boost My Emotional Intelligence?

While some people might come by their emotional skills naturally, some evidence suggests that this is an ability you can develop and improve. For example, a 2019 randomized controlled trial found that emotional intelligence training could improve emotional abilities in workplace settings.

Being emotionally intelligent is important, but what steps can you take to improve your own social and emotional skills? Here are some tips.

If you want to understand what other people are feeling, the first step is to pay attention. Take the time to listen to what people are trying to tell you, both verbally and non-verbally. Body language can carry a great deal of meaning. When you sense that someone is feeling a certain way, consider the different factors that might be contributing to that emotion.

Picking up on emotions is critical, but we also need to be able to put ourselves into someone else's shoes in order to truly understand their point of view. Practice empathizing with other people. Imagine how you would feel in their situation. Such activities can help us build an emotional understanding of a specific situation as well as develop stronger emotional skills in the long-term.

The ability to reason with emotions is an important part of emotional intelligence. Consider how your own emotions influence your decisions and behaviors. When you are thinking about how other people respond, assess the role that their emotions play.

Why is this person feeling this way? Are there any unseen factors that might be contributing to these feelings? How to your emotions differ from theirs? As you explore such questions, you may find that it becomes easier to understand the role that emotions play in how people think and behave.

Drigas AS, Papoutsi C. A new layered model on emotional intelligence . Behav Sci (Basel). 2018;8(5):45. doi:10.3390/bs8050045

Salovey P, Mayer J. Emotional Intelligence . Imagination, Cognition, and Personality.  1990;9(3):185-211.

Feist GJ. A meta-analysis of personality in scientific and artistic creativity . Pers Soc Psychol Rev . 1998;2(4):290-309. doi:10.1207/s15327957pspr0204_5

Côté S, Decelles KA, Mccarthy JM, Van kleef GA, Hideg I. The Jekyll and Hyde of emotional intelligence: emotion-regulation knowledge facilitates both prosocial and interpersonally deviant behavior . Psychol Sci . 2011;22(8):1073-80. doi:10.1177/0956797611416251

Gilar-Corbi R, Pozo-Rico T, Sánchez B, Castejón JL. Can emotional intelligence be improved? A randomized experimental study of a business-oriented EI training program for senior managers . PLoS One . 2019;14(10):e0224254. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0224254

By Kendra Cherry, MSEd Kendra Cherry, MS, is a psychosocial rehabilitation specialist, psychology educator, and author of the "Everything Psychology Book."

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Emotional Intelligence & Kindness: Our Responses Make a Difference

How we respond to our challenges, express our emotions, and interact with others is more than a gut reaction. They’re key skills we can use to make a difference.

Author: Inspire Kindness Team

The Importance of Emotional Intelligence

“What really matters for success, character, happiness, and life long achievements is a definite set of emotional skills — your EQ — not just purely cognitive abilities that are measured by conventional IQ tests.”   — Daniel Goleman

What is Emotional Intelligence? 

How we respond to our challenges, express our emotions, and interact with others is more than a gut reaction. Our responses are key skills we can use to make a difference in our lives and the lives of others. These skills are often called “emotional intelligence” or "EI." Daniel Goleman, psychologist and best-selling author, defines EI as the ability to recognize and manage our own emotions as well as the ability to identify, understand, and influence the feelings of others. 

Why is Emotional Intelligence Important? 

Having a high level of emotional intelligence allows you to empathize with others, communicate effectively, and be both self and socially aware. How we respond to ourselves and others impacts our home and work environments. Living in this world means interacting with many different types of people, as well as constant change and surprises. Being emotionally intelligent is key to how you respond to what life gives us. It’s also a key component of compassion and understanding the deeper reasons behind other people's actions.

EI is especially important when you are dealing with stressful situations like conflict, change, and obstacles. During these times, it's critical to remember to practice kindness, and being in touch with our emotions can help us do just that. 

The Five Components of Emotional Intelligence

Goleman laid out five components that are critical for emotional intelligence.

  • Self-Awareness. The ability to recognize what you’re feeling and also understanding how your emotions and actions can affect others.
  • Self-Regulation. Being able to regulate and manage the emotions you’re feeling while waiting for the appropriate time and avenue in how to express them.
  • Motivation. Emotionally intelligent people are motivated by things beyond money, fame, or success. They’re also able to understand and desire the need to fulfill their own inner needs and goals. 
  • Empathy. Having a high EQ means being able to understand what others may be feeling and are going through and responding kindly and thoughtfully. 
  • Social Skills. Social skills are vital to emotional intelligence. When you’re aware of how you’re feeling, what others are feeling, and able to communicate effectively, you’re ready to interact well with others. 

Understanding and putting these components into action thoughtfully and intentionally can make a drastic difference in not just your life, but those around you. It will help you become more empathetic towards other people and more aware of your social surroundings.

How do you improve emotional intelligence? 

There's excellent news. The way we respond to ourselves and others can be improved. All of us can work toward being more confident, positive, and kind. Here are a few ways:

  • Pay attention to yourself. Notice how people respond when you speak. Notice how you react when others speak. Do you rush to judgment? Does your facial express or body language say one thing while your words (or lack of words) express something different? Easy improvements can be made simply by noticing our go-to negative words, expressions, and feelings and making adjustments.  
  • Use positive language . What we say impacts our thoughts and actions, as well as the feelings of other people. Take charge of your environment by focusing on the positive and using words that move yourself and others forward. 
  • Keep going. Recognize that everyone has temporary setbacks and struggles. Look for a change in direction to keep going or find energy in a new path. 
  • Watch your stress level. When things are a bit crazy, negative emotions can rise to the surface much faster and can be harder to control. Make sure to find time to relax; take a break, and do an activity you enjoy or spend 10 minutes taking deep, refreshing breaths.  
  • Show compassion. We've said it before, and we'll say it again. Kindness takes practice. Look for ways to show compassion and empathy to others, even when you feel they don't deserve it. And if you need to ask for forgiveness, do it. 

Being emotionally intelligent will make a positive difference in your relationships with friends and coworkers as well as in your personal life.

Other EI Resources:

  • Daniel Goleman Introduces Emotional Intelligence
  • Emotional Intelligence Quiz
  • 50 tips for improving your emotional intelligence

“We cannot tell what may happen to us in the strange medley of life. But we can decide what happens in us — how we can take it, what we do with it —- and that is what really counts in the end.”  — Joseph Fort Newton

The ROI of Kindness

Ever wonder if there’s an ROI of Kindness? We say…yes! Learn helpful nuggets like the one below, plus how to create a Kindness Value Proposition (KVP) at your organization in this simple book by Inspire Kindness founder Mac Anderson and Brian Biro,   The ROI of Kindness .

Fact:   Turnover reduction/employee retention…The average annual turnover in the Quick Service Food Industry is 170%. The two companies that constantly focus on kindness as the “magic” ingredient more than any other in their cultures average 14% and 24% annual turnover. In other words, these two companies retain their employees 8 to 10 times more than their competitors.

  • Self Improvement
  • Relationships

what is the importance of emotional intelligence essay

The Importance of Emotional Intelligence in Education

what is the importance of emotional intelligence essay

In the dynamic landscape of modern educational settings, a compelling connection has arisen between the cultivation of emotional intelligence and academic success. The research underscores that students equipped with higher emotional insight not only navigate the challenges of learning more effectively but also experience enhanced satisfaction with their educational journey. Learners with well-developed emotional discernment exhibit greater adaptability, collaborate more effectively with peers, and display resilience when faced with academic hurdles. Moreover, they tend to emerge as effective leaders in collaborative learning environments, proficient in teamwork, and committed to fostering positive educational atmospheres.

Short Description

Ever wondered why is emotional intelligence important and how it could be the missing puzzle piece in the realm of education? What if fostering emotional acuity in students could pave the way for not just academic success but also a more enriching learning experience? Discover the important role emotional literacy plays in shaping the future of education. Come along as our expert paper writer explores how it can positively impact both students and educators and learn about the connection between understanding emotions and student well-being.

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Let’s Understand What Is Emotional Intelligence

Emotional intelligence, often abbreviated as EQ or EI, is the ability to recognize, understand, and manage our own emotions, as well as the capacity to perceive and influence the emotions of others. The emotional intelligence definition encompasses a range of social and technical skills that contribute to effective communication, empathetic interactions, and successful interpersonal relationships.

Emotional literacy is a dynamic trait that is not fixed; rather, it can be cultivated and enhanced through practice and increased self-awareness. Studies indicate that individuals with elevated EQ typically enjoy improved mental health, experiencing lower levels of stress and anxiety. Moreover, this quality proves to be a crucial determinant of leadership success, as leaders with high EQ are known to foster more positive and productive work environments.

Examples of EI in Action:

  • Scenario 1: Conflict Resolution - Emotionally intelligent leaders effectively address a disagreement by actively listening to the concerns of all parties, understanding the emotions involved, and collaboratively finding a solution.
  • Scenario 2: Team Collaboration - A leader with high emotional intelligence fosters a positive team environment by recognizing and appreciating the unique strengths and perspectives of each team member.

The Importance of Emotional Intelligence in Student Education

Emotional intelligence in education plays a crucial role in shaping a student's educational journey, contributing significantly to academic success, personal development, and overall well-being.

One key aspect is self-awareness, where students who understand and manage their emotions are better equipped to handle stress, navigate challenges, and maintain a positive mindset.

  • For instance, a student facing exam stress may use EI to recognize their anxiety, employ relaxation techniques, and approach the situation with a clearer focus.

Moreover, EI enhances interpersonal relationships, fostering a positive and collaborative learning environment. Students with high EI can empathize with their peers, communicate effectively, and navigate social complexities, creating a more harmonious classroom setting.

  • In group projects, for example, a student with strong EI may demonstrate leadership by understanding and valuing the perspectives of each team member, ultimately contributing to a successful collaborative effort.

Beyond the classroom, the importance of emotional intelligence becomes evident as it prepares students for the complexities of the real world. Developing skills such as conflict resolution, adaptability, and resilience equips them to handle diverse situations, both academically and in future professional endeavors. According to our college essay writing services , integrating EI into education empowers students with tools not only for academic achievement but also for lifelong success and fulfillment.

Essential Elements of Emotional Intelligence

Drawing from the insights of Daniel Goleman, developing emotional intelligence is comprised of four essential characteristics:

elements of motional intelligence

  • Self-awareness
  • Self-management
  • Social awareness
  • Relationship management

In the following sections, we'll delve into each of these imperative components, exploring their significance in the realm of EI.

1. Self-Awareness

Being self-aware is the cornerstone of emotional intelligence skills. It involves recognizing and understanding one's own emotions, strengths, and weaknesses and how they impact thoughts and actions. Individuals with high self-awareness are better equipped to navigate various situations, make informed decisions, and manage stress effectively.

2. Self-Management

Building on self-awareness, self-management involves the ability to regulate and control one's emotions. This component includes staying calm under pressure, adapting to change, and avoiding impulsive reactions. Those proficient in emotional intelligence and self-management can maintain a positive mindset, even in challenging circumstances, fostering resilience and personal growth.

3. Social Awareness

Social awareness is the capacity to comprehend and empathize with the emotions of others. Individuals with strong social skills can pick up on non-verbal cues, understand different perspectives, and navigate social dynamics effectively. This component enhances interpersonal relationships, communication, and collaboration.

4. Relationship Management

The pinnacle of EI, relationship management, involves using emotional understanding to build and maintain positive connections with others. This skill includes effective communication, conflict resolution, and the ability to inspire and influence. Individuals adept in relationship management create harmonious environments and contribute to the success of teams and collaborative efforts.

5 Advantages of Emotional Intelligence

Embracing and cultivating EI confers a myriad of benefits, positively influencing various aspects of personal and professional life.

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1. Enhanced Interpersonal Relationships: Individuals with developed EI forge stronger connections with others. They can understand and empathize with the feelings of friends, colleagues, or family members, leading to more harmonious relationships.

2. Effective Communication: EQ contributes to effective communication. Those adept in this skill can express themselves clearly and empathetically, minimizing misunderstandings.

3. Conflict Resolution: One of the key advantages of EQ is its role in conflict resolution. Individuals with high emotional intelligence can navigate disagreements with tact and diplomacy, finding solutions that satisfy all parties involved.

4. Stress Management: EI equips individuals with the tools to manage stress effectively. By recognizing and understanding their own emotions, people can develop coping mechanisms to navigate challenging situations. An example could be a student or faculty member facing the challenges of digital transformation in higher education , using emotional intelligence skills to stay composed and focused, contributing to the successful adaptation to technological changes.

5. Leadership Excellence: Leaders with high EI often exhibit superior leadership skills. They can inspire and motivate their teams, adapting their leadership style to suit different situations. An emotionally intelligent leader might recognize the strengths of team members, assign tasks accordingly, and create an environment that fosters both individual and collective success.

Signs of Emotional Intelligence in Yourself

Recognizing and understanding your own emotional literacy is a valuable step in personal growth and interpersonal effectiveness. Here are key indicators that suggest you possess high emotional intelligence:

  • Navigating a challenging conversation with a colleague by remaining calm, composed, and focused demonstrates a high level of self-awareness and interpersonal skills.
  • Successfully adapting to a last-minute change in project goals without expressing frustration showcases resilience and flexibility in a professional context.
  • Providing genuine support and understanding to a friend facing a personal crisis reflects empathy and strong interpersonal relationships.
  • Articulating thoughts clearly during a team meeting and employing active listening to others' perspectives highlights effective communication and collaboration skills.
  • Mediating a disagreement between team members by finding a compromise that satisfies both parties illustrates adept conflict resolution and diplomacy.
  • Handling the stress of tight deadlines with a positive attitude and delivering quality work demonstrates effective stress management and adaptability.
  • Cultivating positive relationships within a community group by encouraging open communication and understanding different perspectives showcases strong social awareness.
  • Recognizing personal limitations and seeking constructive feedback for improvement shows a commitment to personal growth and development.

How to Improve Emotional Intelligence with 5 Tips

Improving emotional intelligence involves actionable steps grounded in everyday practices. Here are five straightforward strategies to boost your EI:

1. Build Self-Awareness

  • Daily Journaling: Dedicate a few minutes each day to jot down your thoughts and feelings. Reflect on notable events, identifying emotional triggers and patterns.
  • Emotion Tracking: Develop a system for categorizing and tracking your emotions. Note the circumstances surrounding specific feelings to deepen your understanding of their origins.
  • Feedback Loop: Seek feedback from trusted friends or colleagues about your emotional expressions, addressing both personal and academic realms, such as concerns related to ' do my essay .' External perspectives can provide valuable insights into aspects of your emotional awareness that may go unnoticed.

2. Sustain a Positive Outlook

  • Affirmations: Integrate positive affirmations into your daily routine. Choose statements that resonate with your goals and values, reinforcing a constructive mindset.
  • Challenge Negative Thoughts: Actively challenge negative thoughts by examining evidence and considering alternative interpretations. This practice helps shift your perspective towards a more positive outlook.
  • Gratitude Practice: Foster gratitude by routinely acknowledging and appreciating positive aspects of your life, underlining the importance of emotional intelligence for students. This intentional focus on positivity contributes to a naturally optimistic internal dialogue.

3. Uncover Motivations

  • SMART Goals: Implement the SMART criteria — making goals Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound — as a strategic approach to learning how to improve emotional intelligence. This framework provides clarity and direction for personal development.
  • Regular Reflection: Establish a routine for periodic reviews of your goals, evaluating whether your daily actions align with your overarching objectives. Additionally, considering the option to order essay during this process can assist you in managing and catching up with your academic workload.
  • Values Assessment: Consider the underlying values driving your goals. Understanding these core motivations enhances your emotional connection to your pursuits.

4. Control Negative Emotions

  • Deep Breathing Exercises: Incorporate deep breathing into your routine to promote relaxation and reduce stress.
  • Stressor Identification: Identify specific stressors in your life and assess how they impact your emotional well-being. Develop strategies to address or mitigate these stressors.
  • Holistic Well-being: Prioritize activities that contribute to your overall well-being, including regular exercise, sufficient sleep, and a healthy diet. Enhance your educational experience by incorporating breaks with educational podcasts for students , providing a balanced approach to both relaxation and learning.

5. Cultivate Empathy

  • Focused Attention: Practice giving your full attention to the speaker, minimizing distractions and non-verbal cues that may convey disinterest. This practice is instrumental in learning how to boost emotional intelligence.
  • Reflective Responses: Respond to others by reflecting on their emotions and expressing understanding. Phrases like 'I can see why you might feel that way' convey empathy.
  • Open-Minded Inquiry: Ask open-ended questions to encourage others to share their perspectives. Avoid making assumptions and actively listen to diverse viewpoints.

Final Outlook

Incorporating practical strategies such as focused attention, reflective responses, and open-minded inquiry into your daily interactions not only strengthens relationships but also enriches your overall emotional resilience. Amidst this transformative journey, consider exploring resources like educational podcasts for students to complement your growth. And for a balanced academic approach, should the need arise, explore options like ' buy coursework ' to efficiently manage your educational workload!

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what is the importance of emotional intelligence essay

Emotional Intelligence Essay

  • To find inspiration for your paper and overcome writer’s block
  • As a source of information (ensure proper referencing)
  • As a template for you assignment

Emotional intelligence(EI) is defined as “the capacity for recognizing a person’s own feelings and those of others, for motivating themselves and for managing emotions well in themselves and other relationships” (Goleman, 1998). Serat (2009) on the other hand defines EI as the “ability, capacity, skill or self-perceived ability to identify, assess, and manage the emotions of one’s self, of others and of groups” (p. 2).

EI has significantly gained popularity in the world mainly because of its association with a person to manage his/her own emotions and handling other people. It is believed that people with high EI are not only good in knowing and understanding themselves, but are also able to sense and respect other people’s emotions.

More to this, Serat (2009) argues that high EI people are more optimistic, affable and resilient than people who have lower EI. Over the years, analysts have drawn a fine distinction between Intelligence Quotient and Emotional intelligence while stating that people with high EI are able to cope and relate with others better than people who have high IQ but are devoid of high EI levels.

Analysts agree that EI is important. However, they are yet to device ways through which IE can be measured. The different instruments available for measuring the same sometimes overlap or divulge thus making it hard for ordinary people to know just what is the appropriate tool of measurement (Cherniss & Goleman, 2001). Admittedly, EI is a complex issue that has been the debate of numerous debates.

One thing that analysts seem to agree on is the fact that EI is a combination of emotional and cognitive abilities. To this end, Goleman (1998) states that EI is the combination of “emotional centers of the brain (the limbic system) and the cognitive centers (prefrontal cortex)”.

Cherniss & Goleman (2001), states that EI provides a bedrock for effective performance by individuals in their respective places of work, thus encouraging development in any given society. In managers, the authors argue that high EI is a tool that enables conflict resolution to take place more easily and effectively that would be the case if the manager had low IE levels.

According to Goleman (1998), EI has varied competencies, some which has a clear relation, while it is still unclear about how some of the competencies are related. The author suggests that self-awareness produces social awareness and self control. The two on the other hand are responsible for breeding social skills in a person.

According to arguments presented by different authors, this essay holds the opinion that EI unlike IQ is not a pre-programmed quality in the brain. One gets the impression that some of the qualities of EI can be deliberately acquired. Mersino (2007) for example argues that getting in touch with one’s feeling is a good starting point to developing EI. Further, the author states that self-awareness can be learnt. This then means that a person with low EI can still work at developing the same to higher levels.

In addition to self-awareness, Mersino (2007) suggests developing accurate self-assessment skills. This regards viewing one-self accurately and even seeking opinions regarding one’s behaviors from others. Citing Daniel Goleman, Mersino (2007) identifies self-assessing people as those who are conscious of their strengths and weakness; reflect and learn from past experiences; open to feedback, lessons, perspectives and beneficial comments; and possess a sense of humor towards their achievements and failings.

Citing Gardner (1983), Goleman (1998) identifies seven categories of intelligence. They are: Intrapersonal, interpersonal, bodily/kinesthetic, musical, visual/spatial, logical/mathematical and verbal/linguistic. Goleman (1998) however associates EI with emotional competence, which he argues is responsible for self-awareness, self-management, social awareness and relationship management.

Under self awareness, a person develops emotional awareness, self-assessment skills and self-confidence. Under self-management, one gains emotional control, transparency, optimism, initiative, adaptability and transparency. Under social awareness, one develops service orientation, organizational awareness and empathy. Under relationship management, one is able to relate with others, develops conflict management skills, and is able to develop inspirational leadership skills, in addition to team working skills (Goleman et al, 2002).

Ruderman et al. (2001) argues that while high IQ can result to high competencies, it does not automatically result in high EI. As such, the authors identify a need for highly intelligent people to develop their EI capabilities in order to be able to relate well with other people.

Most notably, Ruderman et al. (2001) notes that people with high IQ levels are good performers at work, but rarely know how to relate with other people. Because of their skills and competencies, they look down on other people who are not as skillful as they are, and if put in managerial positions, are more likely to command people under them rather than create work teams where strengths can be shared. “Such characters make you wonder how people can be so smart, yet so incapable of understanding themselves and others” (p.3).

According to Ruderman et al. (2001) emotional intelligence can not only be learnt, but can also be enhanced. They suggest that the first step to developing IE is coming to terms with ones emotions. The next step would be to deliberately guide thoughts and actions towards a particular identified path.

In management, Rudeman et al (2001) argues that EI has been in existence for much longer but was known as ‘peoples skills’. People’s skills were a management concept that was endorsed for use in managers, since analysts had proved that managers who possessed the same were more successful than those who did not. While the importance of intellect was not underrated in workplaces, the same in management positions was seen as a complementary attribute.

According to Ruderman et al. (2001), a manager needs to engage other people in the management process. This calls for proper people engagement through talking and listening, influencing decisions and laying a good environment for consensus building. The manager is also responsible for putting people working under him or with him at ease.

This however is closely related to the manager’s happiness. If the manager is always angry, impatient and fails to understand other people’s positions, he or she is more prone to knee-jerk responses. This means he can be quick to anger and lashing out at other people.

Generally, people who are self-aware have a better understanding of their strengths and weaknesses and are therefore more willing to seek assistance beyond their strengths. They also appreciate other people’s strengths and are more willing to chip in when others need help.

Emotional intelligence no doubts seem to be the missing link that would lead to success on a personal level as well as success in the workplace. No one wants to be around a person who cannot quite grasp the extent of his strengths and weaknesses.

More to this, as much as people admire a skillful person, they detest such a person if he or she cannot pass on the skills to others or better still, a person who is patient with people who are not as equally gifted. As the different authors covered in this essay agree, emotional intelligence is indeed the bedrock of better relationships. Once a person understands him/herself, he/she is able to know the limits of what he/she can do. More to this, he is able to respect others for what they can do.

People with high EI are therefore easier to cope with, they are more willing to change and adapt to new environments and are more empathetic to other people’s causes. In an organizational setting, high EI people are relied upon as moderators and people who are capable of fostering good working relationships based on understanding. They are also able to foster harmony, continuity and stability.

Cherniss, C. & Goleman, D. (2001). The emotionally intelligent workplace: how to select for, measure, and improve emotional intelligence in individuals, groups, and organizations . London: John Wiley & Sons.

Goleman, D. (1998). Working with Emotional Intelligence. NY: Random House.

Goleman, D., Boyatzis, R. & McKee, A. (2002). Primal leadership: Realizing the power of emotional intelligence. Boston: HBS press.

Mersino, A. (2007). Emotional intelligence for project managers: the people skills you need to achieve outstanding results . New York: AMACOM Div American Mgt Assn.

Ruderman, M., Hannun, K., Leslie, J & Steed, J. (2001). Making the connection leadership skills and emotional intelligence. LIA journal . 21(5), 2-7.

Serat, O. (2009). Understanding and developing emotional intelligence. Knowledge solutions, 49(1), 1-9.

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IvyPanda. (2019, February 7). Emotional Intelligence.

"Emotional Intelligence." IvyPanda , 7 Feb. 2019,

IvyPanda . (2019) 'Emotional Intelligence'. 7 February.

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Emotional intelligence

Why is emotional intelligence important for students?

Study tips Published 9 Jun, 2023  ·  7-minute read

Some skills aren’t taught in school, but that doesn’t stop them from being important. Emotional intelligence (EI) can give you an edge in your academics now and set you up for success in your future career.

But why is emotional intelligence important for students specifically? And what even is emotional intelligence anyway? We explore all this and more (including some tips for improving your EI) below.

What is emotional intelligence?

  • Why is emotional intelligence important in high school?

Why is emotional intelligence important for students in university?

Why is emotional intelligence important in the workplace.

  • How to develop emotional intelligence.

Simply put, emotional intelligence is your ability to manoeuvre and interact with your own emotions as well as those of other people. EI is commonly divided into four key abilities:

  • perceiving and identifying emotions
  • thinking and reasoning using emotions
  • understanding emotions and how they change
  • regulating and managing emotions (both yours and other people’s).

But emotional intelligence isn’t confined to these abilities. It’s a complex and fluid concept that’s sometimes hard to pin down.

You might not grasp what it’s all about until you see it in action. A teacher who explains a difficult theory with patience and helpful examples is displaying a high EI. A clever friend who falls apart in a group assignment because they can’t cooperate with the team is potentially struggling with a low EI.

Some other terms you might recognise that relate to EI include:

  • emotional literacy and vocab (your ability to recognise and name emotions)
  • empathy (your ability to relate to someone else’s emotions or step into their shoes)
  • intrinsic motivation (your drive to achieve your goals – even when nobody else is pushing you).

Why is emotional intelligence important for you?

Emotional intelligence can influence many parts of your life, from academic grades to job performance. Here’s a look at why emotional intelligence is important in school, university and the workplace.

Why is emotional intelligence important for students in high school?

A group of boys in school uniforms stand talking to one another

When you can understand and manage your emotions, you’re more likely to get good grades and ace tests. In fact, when it comes to academic performance, research has revealed emotional intelligence is almost as important as your cognitive intelligence and having a conscientious attitude.

This is because emotionally intelligent students are better equipped to deal with negative emotions that might disrupt learning.

For example, if you’ve got a high EI:

  • you can quickly overcome exam stress and get on with answering the questions
  • you can overcome boredom and maintain your concentration during dull topics (looking at you, trigonometry)
  • you can avoid obsessing over a disappointing grade and instead focus on improving next time
  • you can recognise if you’re experiencing anxiety about an assignment and seek help (rather than falling into the dreaded procrastination/panic spiral).
“It is not enough to be smart and hardworking. To have the added edge for success, students must also be able to understand and manage emotions.”

- Carolyn MacCann, Yixin Jiang and Luke E. R. Brown in Emotional Intelligence Predicts Academic Performance: A Meta-Analysis

Emotional intelligence is super helpful for subjects like English, history, drama and creative arts where you need to understand or even manipulate human emotions. Interpreting a novel or playing a role is much easier when you can quickly recognise a character’s motivations and feelings.

These aren’t the only ways a high EI can improve your grades though. Emotional intelligence can also help you build strong relationships with your teachers and classmates. From seeking extra help on a project to forming a study group , these connections can make a real difference to your academic results.

Three university students listen intently

Obviously, good grades are still relevant once you get to uni. But this is also when the other benefits of having a high EI will start to pop up.

Research suggests going to university with a strong EI can lead to better mental, social and even physical health. Developing your emotional intelligence while you’re in school means you’ll be better prepared for the challenges of uni life .

For example, university students with a high EI are:

  • likely to have lower levels of anxiety and depression
  • more likely to be socially active and involved
  • more likely to be in good shape and feel healthy .

As with high school, you’ll also have a better chance of building bonds with your professors and peers.

A woman sits at an office desk, in front of her computer screens and open notebook

No surprises here – emotional intelligence continues to influence your success once you enter the workforce. This is especially true for jobs that involve emotional encounters (like working with clients, leading a team or dealing with conflicts).

And this doesn’t just apply to your early jobs. Even senior business leaders benefit from EI, and this is clearer than ever during a crisis . Using emotional intelligence is a critical skill for managing a team, especially when times are tough.

According to several studies, people with high EI:

  • perform better in their jobs
  • enjoy stronger personal relationships
  • have better overall health and wellbeing .

From growing your social skills as a teenager to getting your dream job as an adult, emotional intelligence can give you an edge throughout life. This is why developing your EI now is so worthwhile – not just for your school grades, but for your future success.

So, the question is: Can you improve your emotional intelligence? (And how do you do it?)

How to develop emotional intelligence

Good news: the fact you’re actively thinking about your emotional intelligence and how you might raise it is actually a great signal that you’re already on your way. But EI is a spectrum, and there’s always room to improve.

The first step is to self-assess where your emotional intelligence is at already.

How to know if you have emotional intelligence

Have an honest think about yourself and your behaviour. It might help to restrict your thinking to the past month, fortnight or week.

Look at these key signs of high EI highlighted by Business Insider . See how many you can relate to or recognise in yourself.

  • You’re curious about people and care about what they’re going through.
  • You don’t get offended easily (you can poke fun at yourself).
  • You can take criticism on board without making excuses or blaming others.
  • You’re quick to forgive and you don’t hold grudges.
  • You’re quick to apologise when you’ve made a mistake or wronged someone.
  • You know when to disconnect and how to do so (like going offline and taking a hike).
  • You’re a good listener .
  • You’re open-minded and slow to judge.
  • You can deal with toxic people without getting frustrated.
  • You don’t sugar-coat the truth or shy away from tough conversations.

An online quiz (like this one from Mind Tools ) can help you measure your EI too.

How to raise your emotional intelligence

The attributes listed above are a great place to start. If there are any you realised don’t apply to you at all, work on these abilities.

Here are some other tips for how to develop emotional intelligence from Inc. and RocheMartin .

How to improve emotional intelligence: notice your feelings, predict your emotions, keep a diary, channel emotions into creativity, see failures as opportunities, practise active listening, maintain a positive attitude, respond well to conflicts

  • Practise noticing how you feel and how you act in different situations.
  • Start predicting how certain things will make you feel . Accept those emotions in advance.
  • Keep a diary to improve your self-awareness. Focus your entries on how events made you feel and how you dealt with those emotions.
  • When you’re overwhelmed by an emotion like anger or sadness, channel it into something creative or productive . The burst of energy might help you finish that big history project or write an inspired short story for English.
  • Try to see failures as opportunities to learn rather than disappointments. Think about what you’ll do differently next time rather than dwelling on what you did wrong this time.
  • Practise active-listening techniques until they become second nature to you. These include eye contact, asking specific questions, verbal affirmations, engaged body language and paraphrasing.
  • Find ways to maintain a positive attitude throughout the day . This differs from person to person. It might mean starting the day with a 10-minute meditation or packing a particularly yummy lunch to look forward to.
  • Respond constructively to conflicts rather than reacting emotionally. Try to see the problem and solution that lie beyond the anger or frustration.

Emotional intelligence isn’t something you switch on overnight. It’s an evolving skill that takes time and conscious effort to develop over the years. By thinking about it now, you’re giving yourself a great head-start on the journey to having a high EI.

Developing your EI doesn’t have to be a solo mission. Once you start at uni, you’ll have access to plenty of opportunities to work on your emotional capabilities. At UQ, for example, our Student Enrichment and Employability Development programs equip you with everything you need for a fulfilling career. This includes key components of emotional intelligence such as the ability to reflect on your experiences and learn from them.

Emotional intelligence is also a key attribute managers across all industries look for – discover what else employers want .

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Emotional Intelligence: Short Essay on Emotional Intelligence!

Emotional intelligence is a new concept developed by Dr John Mayer and Dr Peter Salovey (1990) from American University. However, it was popularised by American Psychologist Daniel Goleman (1995).

Emotional intelligence is defined as “one’s ability to know, feel and judge emotions in cooperation with a person’s thinking process for behaving in a proper way, with ultimate realisation of happiness in him and in others”.

Like general intelligence, emotional intelligence is also developed in a person by birth. Normal development of emotion leads to healthy life, but too much variation in emotional level damages the individual’s life.

The level of emotion in a person is called Emotional Quotient (EQ). This can be obtained by using emotional intelligence tests, same way as we assess the IQ of a person.

The success of a person in his job or profession depends not only on his IQ, but also on his EQ. The nurse with high emotional quotient can identify and perceive her emotions and of others like patients easily through face reading, bodily language, voice tone, etc.

She can have a proper understanding of the nature, intensity and outcomes of her emotions. High EQ also helps the nurse to exercise proper control and regulation over the expression and use of emotions in dealing with her and others, so as to promote harmony and peace.

Hence, it is very important for nurses to develop a high level of emotional intelligence because; they come across many emotional situations in their duties. They see the suffering of patients from many serious diseases, death of patients, and the sorrowfulness of the relatives with patients.

Many times she will come across the situations which lead to a lot of anxiety, tension, anger, etc. To deal with such emotional situations effectively and to have proper control over her emotions, the nurse should have a high level of emotional intelligence.

If not, she can learn to manage her emotions by modifying, changing her existing level of emotions and to use them in an intelligent way.

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What Do We Really Know About Emotional Intelligence?

New research shows that people are pretty good at faking their eq scores..

Posted July 9, 2024 | Reviewed by Michelle Quirk

  • Emotional intelligence is a popular concept, shown in prior research to predict various life skills.
  • A new study shows the extent to which people will fake a high EQ when the stakes are high.
  • By being brutally honest, we can more clearly identify where there’s room for growth.

You are almost certainly familiar with the idea of emotional intelligence , also called “EQ” (like “IQ”), particularly the claims that it is a harbinger of life success. Developed as an alternative to traditional IQ scores, EQ is intended to reflect how well people know themselves, know others, and are able to regulate their emotions, particularly when placed under stress .

If you’re high in EQ, so the claims go, you’ll succeed in life, and your EQ score will matter more than whatever your “book smarts” may be. Examples abound of people who have those book smarts and fail miserably in the real world and the converse, those who didn’t do well at all in school but are massive successes.

With all of the claims of EQ’s value, it might surprise you to know that psychology may actually not know all that much about the very essence of EQ. The only way to find out how much EQ people have is to give them a test. That test, most likely, is based on self-report. All self-report measures are subject to faking, as test-takers try to present as favorable an image as possible to researchers, if not themselves. Couldn’t this be true of EQ?

The Massive Self-Report Bias in Emotional Intelligence

According to University of Sydney’s Sarah A. Walker and Carolyn MacCann (2024), emotional intelligence —or what they refer to as “EI”—“is widely used in selection processes for education and employment.” But there is also a slight hint emerging from prior studies that test-takers can “fake good” on self-reports of EI, a likelihood even more probable when an EI test score will have a bearing on a person’s life.

It turns out that the “fake good” problem isn’t true only for self-report. Asking someone else to report on a person’s EI, or what’s called an “informant” rating, could also produce biased scores. This becomes very problematic if a company bases its hiring decisions on these supposedly objective reports.

Who would such an informant be, and why would they distort the truth? It’s possible that someone seeking a position for employment or acceptance into an educational program would ask a former supervisor or educator to provide this form of personal reference. The situation would be even worse if the informant is a family member or friend. These individuals, wanting to help, are willing to gloss over some of the rougher edges of the applicant’s personality .

Oddly enough, it’s possible that informants are actually less truthful than test-takers themselves. Called “ friendship bias ” or “ halo effect ,” this type of faking was already demonstrated in prior research on the so-called Dark Triad traits as well as all of the Five Factor traits. When staring at a personality test, an individual may be willing to dig down deep and reveal some unpleasant truths, particularly if there are no ramifications of doing so. Feelings of loyalty or affection may cause the rose-colored glasses to come out for an informant.

Are Informants Just as Bad?

One way that researchers estimate self-report bias is by asking people to take a questionnaire measure of EI under the condition of total honesty versus the condition of faking good. The U. Sydney researchers decided to take the same approach to measuring informant bias with their EI measure. Their 232 online participants (18–72 years old, average 26 years) and 151 students (average age 20 years) completed the 30-item Trait Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire (TEIQue-SF) under one of the four combinations of self/informant, fake good/honest.

You can put yourself in the place of the participants by rating yourself or another person, honestly or by faking good on these items (using a 1-7 agree-disagree scale). The informant questions should be worded in terms of the person you’re rating:

  • Emotionality: Expressing my emotions with words is not a problem for me.
  • Sociability: I can deal effectively with people.
  • Self-control : I’m usually able to control my emotions when I want to.
  • Well-being : I feel that I have a number of good qualities.

what is the importance of emotional intelligence essay

The specific instructions participants received for the fake good conditions presented the scenario in which the ratings would be used for a hypothetical job selection process.

Sadly, the findings confirmed the prediction that the job selection instructions prompted greater faking than the being honest condition, both for self and informants. As the authors concluded: “The magnitude of faking on EI was substantial and consistent with past EI faking studies.” Informants faked just as much as did people completing the questionnaire with reference to themselves. The huge companies using EI assessments based on informant ratings, such as PricewaterhouseCoopers, the Australian Government Defence Force, and the U.S. Air Force, are all in trouble, according to the authors.

The upshot of all of this is not, according to the authors, that all EI questionnaire measures (or personality measures, for that matter) should be scrapped. Instead, assessments of emotional intelligence when the stakes are high should be conducted using multimethod approaches. One such method could be what’s called experience sampling, in which people complete brief ratings several times throughout the day for multiday periods. Another is to provide people with scenario-based tests. It’s one thing to say, “I can deal effectively with people” and another to decide on which of several strategies would work best in helping a distraught co-worker in a hypothetical interpersonal problem.

Can We Ever Trust EQ Ratings Again?

If you’re in an official position in which an EQ rating will make a difference in whom you decide to bring on board, these findings are indeed unsettling. However, if there are no particular consequences associated with the way you judge EQ in others, or yourself, the findings suggest that it’s important to try to maintain your objectivity. There’s also nothing wrong with having an EQ that is not completely up to snuff. The very premise of EQ is based on the assumption that some people have this as a quality and some people do not. You gain nothing by pretending that you easily key into other people’s emotions when, in fact, you just cannot read the room all that well.

It’s also easier to grow in a quality when you’re honest about where you, or another person, stand on it. There is no room for improvement if you’re giving yourself, or someone else, an exaggeratedly high rating.

To sum up , the U. Sydney findings shed a very harsh light on EQ’s possible flaws both as a self-assessment and as a screening tool. Finding out who has EQ and who has some work to do will ultimately provide a more fulfilling pathway to developing this desirable personal strength.

Walker, S. A., & MacCann, C. (2024). Faking good on self-reports versus informant-reports of emotional intelligence. Assessment , 31 (5), 1011–1019. doi:10.1177/10731911231203960

Susan Krauss Whitbourne Ph.D.

Susan Krauss Whitbourne, Ph.D. , is a Professor Emerita of Psychological and Brain Sciences at the University of Massachusetts Amherst. Her latest book is The Search for Fulfillment.

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Emotional Intelligence for School Leaders: What Is It & Why It’s Essential

what is the importance of emotional intelligence essay

We’ve said it before, and it bears repeating: the principalship is changing . What once was a role that was largely focused on operations, discipline, and curriculum is now a much more nuanced form of educational leadership. These nuances were especially noticeable during the pandemic, when school leaders had to draw on skills that are much tougher to learn and define. 

This Education Week piece says it best. School leaders “have had to learn to listen to the concerns of burned out teachers without feeling defensive about the policies and routines they helped create. They’ve walked the tightrope of parents’ competing expectations during an unprecedented time in schools. They’ve forced themselves to stop during busy days, making sure both adults and children feel heard during crucial moments.”

Plenty of research shows schools with emotionally intelligent leaders and teachers tend to have higher levels of student engagement and improved academic performance.

As school leaders who have worked to motivate staff and students both during and after COVID-19, you’ve likely entered a much more vulnerable place than usual—a place where understanding and responding to emotions, feeling and displaying empathy, and even addressing your lack of knowledge around specific parts of your role has become central to your daily work. In short, you’ve had to level up your emotional intelligence to a much higher degree than ever before.

But what is “emotional intelligence,” exactly? And, why is it so important for school leaders to pay attention to and work to increase their EQ as part of their leadership practice? We explore all of this below.

What is emotional intelligence?

Definitions abound around the term “emotional intelligence,” and we’re partial to this one from Robin Stern, PhD. , co-author of Emotional Intelligence for School Leaders : 

“Emotional intelligence is being smart about your feelings,” she says. “It’s using your thinking to inform your emotional life, and using your emotions to inform your cognitive life.”

This thinking is two-fold . Not only is it essential to be able to express and control our own emotions, but it’s equally important to understand, interpret, and respond to the emotions of others . EQ experts and researchers say that there are four core competencies of emotional intelligence that are central to effective leadership: 

Not only is it essential to be able to express and control our own emotions, but it’s equally important to understand, interpret, and respond to the emotions of others .


‍ The foundational component of emotional intelligence, self-awareness involves having a deep understanding of your own emotions, strengths, weaknesses, values, and motivations. It also means being aware of your emotional responses when you’re facing stressful situations or tough decisions. 

For example, think about the ways you experience baseline emotions of frustration, fear, or joy. Do you pay attention to how you experience these emotions, and how does your knowledge of your responses and actions factor into your decision-making? If you’re not sure, it might be possible that you’ve “turned down” your emotions. To build your EQ, it’s critical to connect to these emotions, accept them and your actions, and become comfortable with them.

Self-awareness is a fundamental part of EQ, but it’s also the most deceiving. According to research by organizational psychologist Tasha Eurich, 95% of people believe they’re self-aware. In reality, only 10-15% actually are.  


Self-management or self-regulation

‍ Ignacio Lopez , educational psychologist and author of The EQ Way: How Emotionally Intelligent School Leaders Navigate Turbulent Times , says that self-regulation —the ability to control your emotions, behavior, and thoughts—is the core competency of which we’re least conscious.

Lopez says he often works with early- and mid-career principals in particular to improve their self-management. “New leaders are excited, energized, and motivated,” he says. “This often leads us to jump to answers or solutions quickly, overlooking feedback or suggestions from others around us.”

Self-regulation is especially critical when it comes to managing stress . If you’ve ever experienced a “ flight-flight-freeze” automatic stress response , you know how tough it is to step back, clear your mind, and make a rational decision about what’s happening in the moment. Self-management gives you the tools you need to slow down, be present, and manage your feelings and impulses. 

For school leaders, regulating emotions starts with being aware that you have emotions that you need to manage in the first place . “Emotions are valuable for school leaders because they need to be aware of the impact they’re having on people when they walk through the door in the morning,” says Dr. Robin Stern. “Emotions are contagious. [School leaders] may be sitting with something that happened before they even walked through the door, like a fight with their daughter…or an uncomfortable call on the way to school from an angry parent. And yet, they have to do their job.” 

Social awareness

‍ If self-awareness enables you to recognize and interpret your emotional cues, social awareness is what helps you acknowledge the cues of others. Our social awareness begins to develop during our childhoods as we learn to pick up on social cues and expectations from the family and friends that are close to us. As we get older, our social awareness continues to grow as we continue to engage with people and communities outside our circles and experience diverse perspectives. 

The key to social awareness seems simple—we just need to be present and listen more , right? That can also be tough for school leaders like you who are constantly being pulled in many different directions, but it’s critical for relaying that you care about the people in your school community. The multitasking we’re often doing means we can miss the subtle emotional shifts happening in the people we lead and interact with on a regular basis—shifts that might give us clues to what they’re thinking and feeling. 

The key to social awareness seems simple—we just need to be present and listen more, right? That can also be tough for school leaders like you who are constantly being pulled in many different directions, but it’s critical for relaying that you care about the people in your school community.

In addition, being aware of others’ behavior can help you connect with your own emotional state or responses. If you’re uncomfortable when someone expresses a viewpoint different from your own, it might prompt the examination of your own beliefs. 

Relationship management

‍ This is where you use the awareness of your emotions and the emotions of others to manage interactions and building relationships .

As a school principal, your role is that of a “lead relationship builder,” and strong relationship management skills go a long way toward fostering collaboration , resolving conflicts, and creating a sense of unity and collective action within your school community. 

Think of relationship management like tending a garden. You might have a baseline understanding of what’s needed in the garden to grow vegetables or flowers—good soil, fresh air, sunshine, consistent watering. But it’s paying attention to the nuances of your garden—which plant might need more or less of those elements—that generates a healthy amount of veggies. It’s no different with relationships. 

Why is cultivating emotional intelligence so critical for school leaders?

Brushing up on your emotional intelligence skills is critical for several personal and interpersonal reasons:

Enhancing academic outcomes

‍ Plenty of research shows schools with emotionally intelligent leaders and teachers tend to have higher levels of student engagement and improved academic performance. When your principal and teachers understand you, it creates a sense of safety and belonging—both optimal conditions for learning.

Improving decision-making

‍ School leaders with high EQ are better equipped to make balanced and informed decisions. In managing their emotions, avoiding impulsive reactions and taking the time to consider multiple, diverse perspectives before making decisions, it creates a more thoughtful approach that leads to better problem solving and strategic planning . 

Enhancing communication ‍

As a school leader, you know that where there’s effective communication , there’s also trust, transparency, and strong relationships. Leaders with high emotional intelligence are able to convey their messages both clearly and empathetically, helping everyone in their school communities feel heard and understood. 

Creating supportive learning environments

‍ It’s a snowball effect: when the people in your schools feel heard and understood, they’re going to feel safe and supported. It’s this supportive structure that encourages students, staff, and teachers to take risks, practice agency in their own learning , dive into professional development, and realize their full potential. That’s the kind of positive school climate you want to cultivate.

Avoiding burnout

‍ Stress is part of the job for school leaders—but burnout doesn’t have to be . And, when stress becomes so frequent and overwhelming that you feel emotionally depleted and disconnected from your work, it becomes distress . Emotional intelligence—particularly our own self-regulation—can help get school leaders off the stress roller coaster and manage their emotions. 

Emotional intelligence is an everyday skill

Emotional intelligence is a big concept. However, it’s the little day-to-day moments that give you a chance to display and increase your EQ skills: greeting students in the morning, walking through the hallway, conversing with teachers, staff, and parents. 

As successful educational leaders, your ability to understand and process your own emotions as well as the ones of those around you is not only an opportunity to model the behavior you’d like to see in your school community—but it’s something that can have a profound impact on everyone who walks through your school doors.

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Which Is More Important for Leaders: EQ or IQ?

Leading with Emotional Intelligence showing icons for social skills, self-awareness, self-regulation, empathy, and motivation.

This year’s Baldrige 35 th Quest for Excellence Conference featured many presentations on ways to help your organization become more resilient, sustainable, and meaningful for your workforce, with lessons shared on leadership, social responsibility, customer focus, strategy, measurement, and much more. 

“Leading with Emotional Intelligence” presented by Dr. Latitia McCane of the Apprentice School in Newport News, VA, guided audience members’ reflections on the differences between emotional intelligence (i.e., emotional quotient, or EQ for short) and intelligence quotient (IQ). McCane spoke on how to increase your EQ as part of leadership and personal development and led the audience through a series of exercises.

She described emotional intelligence as people’s ability to understand their own emotions and the emotions of others, and to act appropriately using these emotions.

“Emotional intelligence never stops growing because we are always evolving as people. EQ is something that must be nurtured,” she said.

"Ninety percent of the success of outstanding leaders is attributable to EQ, which is twice as important as IQ,” said McCane, adding that people with high EQ tend to have better general health, quality of life, relationship quality, and personal effectiveness.

In comparing IQ and EQ, she described IQ as the measures of an individual’s memory, vocabulary, and visual motor skills. She said IQ peaks at the age of 17 and remains constant through adulthood. EQ contributes to self-awareness, self-regulation, motivation, and empathy. It is not fixed and can be improved throughout life, she said.

McCane said the importance of EQ comes through in leaders (enhanced ability to influence and engage), schools (students’ success in learning and life), organizations (the human side of high performance), health care (more effective patient care), and personal life (more joy and satisfaction in life and with family). 

How to Develop a Higher Sense of Emotional Intelligence

In addition to presenting an emotional intelligence map, the competencies of EQ, and a four-quadrant development model, McCane shared some ways to develop your EQ:

  • Become emotionally literate; label your feelings, rather than labeling people or situations. (Say “I feel” instead of “I know.”)
  • Distinguish between thoughts and feelings.
  • Take more responsibility for your feelings.
  • Use your feelings to help make decisions.
  • Use feelings to set and achieve goals.
  • Feel energized, not angry. 
  • Validate other people’s feelings
  • Use feelings to help show respect for others.
  • Don’t advise, command, control, criticize, judge, or lecture to others.
  • Avoid people who invalidate you.

EQ and the Baldrige Framework

Although EQ and IQ are not expressly called out in the Baldrige Excellence Framework® (which includes the Baldrige Criteria for Performance Excellence® ) , they are certainly implied in the intrinsic qualities that help a leader lead. For example, developing EQ could help leaders address the following Baldrige Criteria questions:  

1.1b: Take a direct role in motivating the workforce toward high performance and a customer and business focus

1.1b: Encourage frank, two-way communication

1.1c(1): Create and reinforce an organizational culture that values and fosters customer and workforce engagement, safety, diversity, equity, and inclusion

1.1c(1): Cultivate organizational agility and resilience, accountability, organizational and individual learning, innovation, and intelligent risk taking

1.1c(1): Participate in succession planning and the development of future leaders

1.2c(2): Contribute to the well-being of environmental, social, and economic systems

In addition, emotional and intellectual commitments are part of the Baldrige glossary  definitions of workforce and customer engagement , for which EQ could help leaders understand and sustain such engagements.  

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About the author

Dawn Bailey

Dawn Bailey

Dawn Bailey is a writer/editor for the Baldrige Program and involved in all aspects of communications, from leading the Baldrige Executive Fellows program to managing the direction of case studies, social media efforts, and assessment teams. She has more than 25 years of experience, 18 years at the Baldrige Program. Her background is in English and journalism, with degrees from the University of Connecticut and an advanced degree from George Mason University.

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The importance of emotional Intelligence in the workspace

Strong leaders have a lot in common but one thing that sets them above the rest is their high emotional intelligence. The ability to empathize, stay strong under pressure, and effectively resolve conflicts are traits that tie into your emotional intelligence and help effectively navigate the workspace. Fox 2's Bre Teamer chats with Dr. Oliver Degnan about the importance of emotional intelligence in the workspace.

The importance of emotional Intelligence in the workspace

Strong leaders have a lot in common but one thing that sets them above the rest is their high emotional intelligence. The ability to empathize, stay strong under pressure, and effectively resolve conflicts are traits that tie into your emotional intelligence and help effectively navigate the workspace. Fox 2's Bre Teamer chats with Dr. Oliver Degnan about the importance of emotional intelligence in the workspace.


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    14 essay samples found. An essay on emotional intelligence can explore the concept of emotional intelligence, its components, and its importance in personal and professional success. It can discuss how individuals can develop emotional intelligence skills, their role in leadership and relationships, and the impact of emotional intelligence on ...

  21. Emotional Intelligence Essay By EduBirdie

    Emotional intelligence is the ability of an individual to regulate and monitor their feelings and to have the ability to influence the feelings of others. Emotional intelligence is the single growing indicator of success in the workforce and the greatest force of lead ship and professional achievement.

  22. What Do We Really Know About Emotional Intelligence?

    The idea that emotional intelligence promotes success is well-accepted, but new research showing how easily the scores can be faked sheds doubt on what EQ tests really measure.

  23. Emotional Intelligence for School Leaders: What Is It & Why It's

    Being a principal involves management of not only operations and curriculum, but emotions and relationships. Discover what emotional intelligence (EQ) is and why it's crucial for effective school leadership.

  24. Which Is More Important for Leaders: EQ or IQ?

    "Leading with Emotional Intelligence" presented by Dr. Latitia McCane of the Apprentice School in Newport News, VA, guided audience members' reflections on the differences between emotional intelligence (i.e., emotional quotient, or EQ for short) and intelligence quotient (IQ).

  25. The Importance of Emotional Intelligence in Education System

    Goleman described the importance of emotional intelligence in the workplace and how to become better at recognizing one's emotions in his book Working with Emotional Intelligence. Goleman stated "The single most important factor in job performance and advancement is emotional intelligence."

  26. The importance of emotional Intelligence in the workspace

    Strong leaders have a lot in common but one thing that sets them above the rest is their high emotional intelligence. The ability to empathize, stay strong under pressure, and effectively resolve ...

  27. The importance of emotional Intelligence in the workspace

    The importance of emotional Intelligence in the workspace. Strong leaders have a lot in common but one thing that sets them above the rest is their high emotional intelligence.