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30 Famous and Short Inspirational Speeches (5 minutes or less)

  • December 13, 2023

This post is all about the best short inspirational speeches.

Short Inspirational Speeches.

If you are in need of a quick boost of inspiration and motivation, you will find that in this post. I am one of those people who loves to get motivated. That sounds weird, right?

Well, a lot of people these days tend to give motivation a hard time because they don’t believe that it has lasting effects. In other words, they believe that what’s most important is your own self-discipline, because that’s what you have to rely on when motivation isn’t there.

And while I do agree with that sentiment in general, I will never pass up a great motivational podcast or YouTube video! 😀 There’s just something about them that even if they might not have lasting effects, they do truly help pump me up in the moment to get work done. And that’s usually what matters to me the most when I am looking for them in the first place.

So, here are the very best short motivational speeches so you can get that quick fix of motivation that you’re looking for, and ultimately move closer to your goals and dreams.

Short Inspirational Speeches

Believe in yourself speeches.

If you lack confidence or you are doubting yourself, these short motivational speeches will help you to believe in yourself again.

1. Rocky’s Inspirational Speech to His Son | ROCKY BALBOA

In less than 5 minutes, you’ll watch Rocky Balboa (Sylvester Stallone) explain to his son that if he wants to have the life he desires, he needs to believe in himself. He needs to stop listening to the people that tell him who he is, and instead go be his own person, and stop looking for someone to blame when things aren’t working out for him because ultimately it’s on HIM. This is one of the greatest inspirational speeches of all time.

2. Find Your Purpose | David Goggins – Motivational Speech

David Goggins is truly incredible. A former Navy SEAL, he has broken records and ran more races than you’d imagine. But the one thing that really stands out about him is his mindset.

Listen to this video if you want to be great. He tells you exactly what you need to do to get there.

Also, if you’ve never read David Goggins’ book “Can’t Hurt Me” , I highly recommend it. He talks about his rough upbringing, and how he was able to essentially become an entirely new person to become a Navy SEAL.

3. BELIEVE IN YOURSELF – Motivational Video (ft. Jaret Grossman & Eric Thomas)

This video is all about how important it is to have the proper belief system. If you truly believe that you are one of the best, you will start acting that you are one of the best, and eventually you may just be one of the best.

4. DON’T LET YOUR DREAMS DIE – Motivational Speech

This YouTube short by Mel Robbins is so good, I had to share it. A light bulb went on in my head when I first watched this. If there is something that is always on your mind, don’t let it haunt you forever because you never put yourself out there to try it. Go and DO!

Motivational Speeches About Not Giving Up

The following short motivational speeches are all about not giving up on your dreams. If you are losing hope, these short motivational speeches will inspire you to keep going.

5. Brené Brown It’s Not The Critic Who Counts

This speech will give you chills, and it is packed with great lessons about life. Brené Brown is a researcher who went viral for a Ted Talk, and here she talks about how to overcome critics and to keep believing in yourself no matter what. If you are worried about what people think of you, you NEED to watch this.

6. Amazing Motivational Speech by Denzel Washington 

This is another video that gave me chills. The main theme of this famous speech is “ease is a greater threat to progress than hardship”. Stay consistent even when it’s hard. Easy task after easy task won’t get you to where you want to be.

7. Steve Harvey – Inspirational Speech | Motivational Short Video | Incredible You

This short motivational speech by Steve Harvey is short but impactful. If you are someone who stepped out of your comfort zone to pursue something really difficult, and you’re thinking about giving up, this speech may just prevent you from doing so.

8. Ed Mylett on The Power of One More

Ed Mylett shares the story of how his father stayed sober until his dying day, and how Ed himself uses that same philosophy to never give up. Personal stories like these are always the most inspiring.

By the way, if you REALLY want to push yourself and become the best, read Ed Mylett’s most recent book on this same topic, “The Power Of One More” .

Motivational Speeches If You’re Feeling Behind

Are you feeling behind in life? If so, let’s change that. Watch these videos to be reminded that you are on your own unique path. You have no competition other than your past self. These short motivational videos will help you believe that.

9. Before You Feel Pressure – WATCH THIS | by Jay Shetty

Jay Shetty talks to a school class about how there’s no one “perfect” life timeline to follow, and that we are all on our own clock. 

10. Kevin Hart Motivational Speech

If you’ve made mistakes in your life (haven’t we all) this is a great story from Kevin Hart (famous comedian and actor) that will remind you of the power of making mistakes and pushing through hard times.

11. Oprah Winfrey | 5 Minutes For The NEXT 50 Years of Your LIFE

In this video, Oprah talks about the importance of really knowing who you are and what you want in your life. She talks about surrounding yourself with great people, and how to have enormous success. “Let excellence be your brand.”

Listen To These If You Need Perspective

Sometimes in life, we get so caught up in the day to day that we forget what truly matters – the people we love. If you are having trouble with something in life, give these videos a listen, because they just might help you realize what is really important.

12. Arnold Schwarzenegger – Organize Your Day | 1 MINUTE MOTIVATIONAL VIDEO

Are you the kind of person who always complains that you don’t have enough time to do something? If so, you’re not alone. We are all busy humans, running around doing a million things. But if you aren’t prioritizing what you know you should be doing, listen to this video.

13. How to Judge Your Life Using 3 Simple Questions | Brendon Burchard Speech| Goalcast

Have you ever heard of Mortality Motivation? It’s essentially what it sounds like… being motivated by the impending reality of your death. It sounds a little morbid, but it’s actually quite beautiful and it can be really beneficial if you harness it for good.

In this video by motivational speaker Brendon Burchard, he shares how a car accident when he was 19 gave him mortality motivation and changed everything for him.


This speech by Oprah was given to Harvard graduates, and it’s a unique speech because she talks about failing, even after the major success of her television show for over 20 years.

It’s refreshing to hear that even the most successful people fail. What really matters, though, is what you do with your failure. Do you learn from it and move on? Or do you give up?

15. YOU VS YOU – Best Motivational Video

This is a pretty intense video about competition. If your #1 competition is someone else, you need to change your perspective. Your only competition is YOU. The only thing preventing you from moving forward is you.

16. The Speech That Brought This Entire School To Tears

This is a speech about a man who never really paid much attention to his mother, until she passed away. It’s an emotional reminder to cherish the time you have with your loved ones, because you never know if the next time you see them will be the last time.

In my opinion, this speaker embodies many qualities of the best motivational speakers because he really knows how to capture the audience’s attention and pull on their heart strings.

17. 5 Minutes to Start Your Day Right! – MORNING MOTIVATION

This motivational speech is by a Navy SEAL who will remind you to start each day with a task completed, respect everyone, take risks, step up during tough times, and never give up. If you do these things, the next generation, and the generations that follow, will live better lives than we live today.

18. The Real You – Jim Carrey

This video is one of the best motivational speech examples because it reminds you of something so important: sometimes we can be so focused on earning more money, gaining fame, and becoming admired that we lose ourselves or we lose sight of what’s really important to us in the process.

Jim Carrey talks about how he is a great example of that. He got all of the money, fame, and admiration, and admits that that wasn’t really who he was. Sometimes it’s nice to be reminded that money and fame, or even getting to the top of the corporate ladder, while nice, aren’t going to be the thing that brings you fulfillment when it’s all said and done.

19. Ed Mylett Motivational Speech

I posted another motivational video by Ed Mylett above, but if you don’t know much about him, prepare to have your world rocked. He’s probably my absolute favorite motivational speaker because he is successful and he works hard, but he’s also (seemingly) a kind, family guy who’s been through a few things.

In this video, he talks about being “the one” that changed his family tree. Take a listen because I’m sure it’ll get you thinking on whether or not you can be “the one” in YOUR family.

P.S. If you love personal growth content, you should check out Ed Mylett’s podcast . I listen to it every week and it is one of my favorites.

20. If You Feel LOST, LAZY & UNMOTIVATED In Life, WATCH THIS! | Tony Robbins Motivation

If you are someone who is constantly blaming others or your circumstances for your unhappiness, you need to listen to this video by Tony Robbins . Bad things happen to us all, it’s up to you to focus on what you can control.

Great Inspirational Speeches About Hard Work

How hard do you think you work? Could you be doing more? If there’s a little voice inside of your heart that knows you could be doing more and better, these motivational videos about the value of hard work will help you push yourself.

And a side note: your chances of having good luck increase the harder and longer you work.

21. You’re Not Tired, You’re Just Weak – David Goggins Motivation

If you’re feeling lazy or like you don’t want to do something, watch this video til 2:25 . It will give you the push you need to put your head down and do the work. It’ll remind you to keep pursuing your goals and to keep challenging yourself. Key takeaway: push yourself beyond your perceived limits.

22. Hard Work & Patience – A Gary Vaynerchuk Original Film

If you want to be motivated to work hard, listen to Gary Vaynerchuk. Gary Vaynerchuk is a creative genius known for his marketing tactics. This famous motivational speech is all about playing “the long game”, as in, working for a long time and having patience instead of working hard for a short period of time and expecting to win quickly.

23. OBSESSION – Best Motivational Speech

This is one of my favorite short motivational speeches because it makes me feel a little more normal for being “weird”. I’m the kind of person who chooses to work on the weekends instead of hanging out with people. Crazy, right? But it’s because I’m working toward a dream of mine and it’s something that’s really important to me. The most important thing to remember: it’s okay to devote yourself to something. It’s the only way to get what you want in life.

24. WORK LIKE HELL – Best Motivational Video

This is a series of motivational speeches about doing a little bit more and outworking your competition. I’m not going to lie – I’m up late writing this post and listening to this very video is what’s motivating me to keep going.

25. The video EVERY woman should watch!

Whether or not you’re a Rachel Hollis fan may be up for debate (and that’s okay!) but I happen to think she’s a great motivational speaker. This entire speech will inspire you to work hard and take massive action – today.

26. NEVER SURRENDER – Powerful Motivational Speech (by Kobe Bryant)

This one minute video by the late Kobe Bryant is one of the most famous short speeches. I read a book recently by his former personal trainer and I learned that Kobe really outworked everyone. He talks about a quote in this video that really stuck with him, and I think it’s great advice if you’re the kind of person who needs motivation to keep working hard.

Motivational Speeches About Working Smart

Have you ever heard the saying “work smarter, not harder”? That saying is all about ensuring that the work you are doing is actually efficient. Are you getting to where you want to go with all of the work that you are putting in? Are you getting closer to your goals and your dreams? Or are you sprinting like a hamster on a wheel and just running in circles?

Here are great videos on the importance of working hard but also working intentionally.

27. SET SYSTEMS RATHER THAN GOALS – Motivational Speech – James Clear

A goal gives you a sense of direction, but if you don’t spell out precisely how you are going to get to a goal, it is useless. You must develop systems. Listen to this James Clear video to gain valuable life lessons.

By the way, James Clear is an author who wrote perhaps my favorite book of all time: “Atomic Habits” . It’s life-changing if you haven’t read it yet.

28. Matthew McConaughey | 5 Minutes for the NEXT 50 Years of Your LIFE

This is one of the best motivational speeches of all time about how to live a great life for YOU. It’s filled with little pieces of wisdom that’ll really get you thinking about how you live your life and in what direction you want to go.

29. Visualization is the key – Bob Proctor

Do you believe in the Law of Attraction? If not, I have to say I’m surprised! I’ve experienced it in my own life more than once, and it is incredibly powerful. Here’s a great video that sums up the power of visualization, and if you want to learn more about the Law of Attraction or manifestation in general, read this post .

This video shows the true power of words, thoughts, and feelings that you have.

30. How to Stay Motivated – Carla Harris

Here is a YouTube short with very practical advice from Carla Harris on HOW to stay motivated. It’s all about having a vision!

This post was all about short inspirational speeches. Which one was your favorite?

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A few years after graduating college, Taylor made it her mission to become debt free. After paying off all $60k of debt, she began to blog about what she's really passionate about: personal development. Nowadays, Taylor blogs about the topics of Mindset, Money, Health, and Career for women. Read more about Taylor here.

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You will find 20 excellent short speech topics below that work when time is limited. Choosing a meaningful short speech topic may difficult in some circumstances.

As Mark Twain once said

If you want me to give a 2 hour presentation, I am ready today. If you want only a 5 minute speech, it will take me 2 weeks to prepare.

Because it's infinitely harder to communicate ideas and make an impact in a short space of time.

This, then, makes it that much more important to choose the right short speech topic.

Choose the wrong theme for your speech and you will struggle to deliver a presentation that covers it adequately. Choose the right topic, however, and you can create something powerful that will stick in the minds of your listeners, even if you are only able to speak for a few minutes.

Tips for Creating a Short Speech

  • Pick something you feel strongly about. It's easier to make an impact in a short time when you speak with real passion.
  • Pick something your audience is interested in too! All the passion in the world won't engage your listeners if the topic hold no interest for them!
  • Consider speaking about a personal experience. Heartfelt emotions will be more keenly felt by your audience than those mustered up solely for the purpose of your speech!
  • Focus on keeping your phrases brief and your words simple. See this page for help with this . A short speech is not the place for meandering thoughts and complicated sentence structures. Conciseness is key!
  • Make sure your speech still includes the three key elements of any good presentation - a strong introduction , body and conclusion.
  • Clearly identify the purpose of your speech. Is it to inform? Educate? Motivate? Criticize? Explain? Make sure that every word you write supports your overall purpose.
  • Think hard before choosing a persuasive topic - this can be one of the most difficult types of speeches to deliver in a short space of time! It's not impossible, though - so be sure to have a strong argument if you want to convice people to think differently about something in only 5 minutes or so!
  • Create a good title (if you will have the opportunity to use one).

Example Formats for Your Short Speech

Here's a simple template for a short persuasive speech...


   1. _________    2. _________    3. _________

   For example....

   Treating All Children as 'Winners' - Regardless of Success - is Harmful


   1. It is not a reflection of real life.    2. It stifles competitiveness.    3. It does not reward hard work and achievement.


For example....

  • It is not a reflection of real life.
  • It stifles competitiveness.
  • It does not reward hard work and achievement.
  • Whilst no one should be criticized for failure, success should be recognized and honored in order to encourage competitiveness in our children.


   Have you always wondered how to make a paper plane that actually flies?


    Fly the plane!

Demonstrations make great short speeches because these are very visual and thus make a big impact - but time yourself beforehand to be absolutely sure that you can complete your demonstration in the time allowed! Choose a good short speech topic like the ones listed below to ensure a successful presentation.

Problem and Solution

Divide this speech into 2 parts.

  • First, set out the problem.
  • Then, present the solution .

The problem part should be the longest . This may sound illogical, but it gives the solution more impact when the problem is presented in detail. Describe the problem as vividly as possible and the audience will be looking forward to hearing your ingenious solution!

Short Speech Topics

20 Short Speech Topics

  • How social media is uniting the world
  • Why pets are better than children
  • 5 things to do with a Raspberry Pi
  • How to solve the problem of online trolls
  • My wish for humanity
  • How to take the perfect selfie
  • Why we should all be vegan
  • If I were an animal I'd be a______
  • A day in the life of a dollar bill
  • The butterfly effect (how one tiny change in circumstances can alter the course of your life - focus on one example)
  • 5 ways to save time in the kitchen
  • If I had 5 minutes to talk to Donald Trump I would _____
  • What advice I wish someone gave my parents before I was born
  • Why the Gettysburg Address is the best speech ever written
  • Online dating - cringeworthy or cool?
  • My most embarrassing moment
  • If I won the lottery I would _____
  • Why ______ is the best book ever written
  • Why it's sometimes necessary to lie
  • How to write a short speech (they won't be expecting that one!)

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What's Your Message?

A short speech – create a 3 minute speech that rocks

I’m in the Charles Pearson Theatre at the University of Melbourne, watching 12 short speeches. It’s a 3 minute speech competition called the  3 minute Thesis .

These annual, 3 minute speech competitions challenge Ph.D and Masters students to effectively communicate 3-1/2 years’ of technical research into a short speech. Their task is to convey only the most important ideas and findings to a non-technical audience – and with only a single slide.

give a short speech of

A short speech is a great test

As you’d imagine, it can be difficult to condense all that research and knowledge into a 3 minute speech, yet still convey all the pertinent information .

But that’s exactly why it’s such a great exercise for all speakers .

That’s because, in order to be effective, your ideas must be able to be communicated in the most brief, simple and clear manner possible. You need them to stick in the listener’s mind.

Not everyone is good at this skill – indeed, few people are. But you need to be if you want other to see the value of your ideas.

By the way, if you think giving a good 3 minute speech is hard, try doing one in just 5 words! That’s what they do at the Webby awards .

What did the winning speakers do right?

Despite giving a short speech on very different topics, there were some common practices I noticed about the winning speakers.

  • They presented an exceptionally clear message .
  • They included a “ top and tail ” element.
  • They made use of metaphor and other verbal illustrations to simplify a complex idea.
  • They spoke like they were having a conversation with their audience – not ‘giving a formal speech’.

The losing speakers, by contrast, were more forced. Some were so unnatural they seemed to be giving a pantomime a speech for an audience of children. The engagement of conversation was missing. We’ve talked before about the importance of an unforced, natural style .

How to create a short speech.

1. use a simple structure..

Start by clearly saying the ‘headline’ and key idea underpinning your speech in simple, everyday language, and follow with a simple structure supporting your main point. Here are some examples:

A: Headline and 3 supporting reasons:

With this approach, follow your “headline” statement with 3 simple supporting reasons. State each reason clearly, and explain how each one helps achieve or support the objective.

“We must change the way we work – for 3 important reasons:

  • Thwack …,
  • Kapow…,
  • Whamm. “

B: Problem – solution:

This is a simple structure of only 2 parts. It’s an easy yet powerful way to capture people’s attention and interest when done well. But you’ll want to avoid the trap of rushing through the problem, and spending too much time on your brilliant solution.

If you really want to hook people, take some time to paint a vivid picture of the problem first. Your audience will then be clambering for a solution with both ears open.

C: Timeline:

In this type of short speech, you might cover:

  • The history of the issue …
  • The current situation …
  • What might happen in the future …
  • And the ramifications of agreeing (or disagreeing) with your main argument.

D: Metaphor/Top & Tail:

To “top and tail” simply means starting with a story/quote that hints at your message. At the end, you recall that story and link it to your message.

This short speech from a 3 minute speech competition makes excellent use of this approach.

Start your speech (“the top”) with a compelling metaphor to make a memorable point, and end the speech (“the tail”) with the same metaphor — but adjusted to show the benefit of adopting your central argument.

2: End with a memorable message:

Just as important as how you begin and structure your speech, is how you end it .

Consider the same techniques at the end of your speech. A metaphor that links back to your original premise, or finishing with a thought-provoking question, are two ways to burnish your speech in your listener’s mind.

These videos of the 1st and 2nd place winners of a 3 minute speech competition show how effective these closing techniques can be: 1st Place: Sara Ciesielski 2nd Place: Samantha Lichter

People worry that time limitations mean they have to ‘dumb down’ their valuable research — this is not the case!

A vivid message and a compelling short speech can become a window to the depth of your research, and give clarity to the value of your ideas.

A 3 minute speech gives you a huge amount of time to do this – if you use the time wisely and structure your speech to maximum effect.

Want to be a great speaker? Get the kindle ebook from What’s Your Message? Public Speaking with Twice the Impact, Using Half the Effort

My Speech Class

Public Speaking Tips & Speech Topics

243 Easy and Simple Speech Topics

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Jim Peterson has over 20 years experience on speech writing. He wrote over 300 free speech topic ideas and how-to guides for any kind of public speaking and speech writing assignments at My Speech Class.

easy simple speech topics

If you have interest and knowledge in a specific subject, it makes for an easy speech topic. If a subject is not complex, it makes for an easy subject. If you have interest and knowledge on a simple non-complex topic, that makes for a really easy speech topic.

If time doesn’t allow for much preparation or research, what’s best is to stick with something you know. This will cut down significantly on your workload because you already know most of what there is to know.

In this article:

Family, Friends, Relationships

Government and the law, miscellaneous, easy and simple speech topics on popular subjects.


  • Teachers should be required to take basic skills tests every few years to keep their certification
  • Less professional advertisements in schools
  • Why single-sex public schools are better than co-ed
  • SAT scores for college applicants
  • Student cyber bullies should be expelled from school
  • Hazing on college campuses is a problem
  • Higher education is a basic need for succeeding in life today.
  • Schools should not serve french fries and soda
  • Students that study online cheat more.
  • Classic literature should only be for college students.
  • Every student in every school should wear a uniform
  • Students should be placed in trade schools after getting a basic education
  • Exam scores have little indication on a student’s abilities
  • History textbooks don’t tell the whole truth
  • Learning about all world religions in schools is important
  • Homeschooling is better than traditional education
  • Phones are distracting students from learning
  • Going to college has little bearing on a successful future
  • Students should learn and be fluent in a second language
  • Mandatory community service for students to graduate high school
  • Should tablets and other technology replace books?
  • Schools should educate on proper nutrition from start to finish
  • Regulating the music at school dances to eliminate cursing
  • The impact of gym class on students


  • Dual parent households benefit children more.
  • Couples are wrong to stay together for the kids.
  • Family must always come first.
  • Parents need to stop forcing their own dreams on their children.
  • Live together before getting married.
  • Married couples must have date nights.
  • Breastfeeding is better than formula feeding
  • Discipline should be based on rewards, not punishment
  • Divorce doesn’t damage children.
  • Lower cost childcare or childcare provided at every workplace
  • Make help more readily available to single pregnant mothers
  • Never borrow money from friends.
  • Pros and cons of abstinence
  • Imposing a curfew on kids 17 and under
  • Parents should be accountable for not providing a healthy diet to their children
  • Kids having jam-packed schedules isn’t good for them
  • Long distance relationships don’t work.
  • It’s not good to be an only child.
  • Families eating together is important
  • Kids today are being made to be selfish, disrespectful, and entitled
  • Teenagers should contribute to household expenses
  • The need for parental consent to give teen girls birth control
  • Restrictions on how many children one family can have
  • Free counseling to at-risk youth
  • Parents right to give consent for their child to drink at home under supervision
  • Should parents respect kids privacy at all times?
  • How it takes a village to raise a child
  • Parent’s responsibility to discuss sex education
  • Video game violence causing violent kids
  • Imposing better and more affordable options for the aging community


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Get your audience blown away with help from a professional speechwriter. Free proofreading and copy-editing included.

  • Dogs are better pets than cats.
  • Exotic animals are not pets.
  • Neutering pets is a must.
  • Humans have turned pit bulls into monsters.
  • Zoos do not give animals enough space.
  • Adopt don’t shop is key to getting a pet.
  • Birds are not meant to live in cages.
  • Dolphins are intelligent creatures.
  • Zoos cause more harm than good
  • Euthanize dogs that have bitten more than once
  • Ban slaughter houses for horses
  • Why dogs are man’s best friend
  • Not allowing people to keep exotic animals as pets
  • Pit bulls aren’t the problem , it’s their owners

government and the law

  • Two child max rule should apply worldwide.
  • Smoking in all public places should be illegal worldwide.
  • Legalize abortion for rape and incest cases.
  • Buyers should be punished even harsher than poachers.
  • Cosmetic surgery should be regulated.
  • Equal punishment and less protection for celebrities who break the law
  • Impose bi-annual drivers tests for people over 60
  • People on welfare should be drug tested to receive welfare, and at random to keep it
  • Moral and legal stance on capital punishment
  • Immigrants should be required to speak the primary language of the country they wish to immigrate to
  • Red light cameras at every traffic light
  • Everyone having access to affordable or even free universal health care
  • The government is no longer “by the people and for the people”
  • Impose stricter federal restrictions on internet content
  • Making self-defense courses available to the public
  • Regulate automobile emissions
  • All weapons must be registered with the police
  • The government shouldn’t censor information given online
  • Stricter punishments for driving drunk
  • No death penalty for juveniles
  • Higher standards held for the President
  • Weeding out the dirty politicians
  • Protecting the quality of drinking water in America
  • Criminals should pay restitution to their victims rather than to society
  • Eliminate cursing on day-time television
  • Restrictions on garbage output to reduce pollution and carbon footprint
  • Legal issues are the best sources to find suggestions for persuasive speech topics.
  • There is a need for more prisons.
  • Human rights must be respected.


  • People need to visit dentists more often.
  • Fast foods must be more expensive than healthier foods.
  • Music has healing power.
  • Fast food restaurants are not responsible for obesity.
  • Eating fruit is healthier than drinking fruit juice.
  • Medical marijuana isn’t a cure.
  • Vegan diets are too extreme.
  • Benefits of drinking 2L of water per day is a myth.
  • Calcium doesn’t make teeth stronger.
  • Losing weight is easy, keeping it off is not.
  • Aging cannot be reversed.
  • Fat isn’t bad for you.
  • Electronic cigarettes are harmful.
  • Diet pills do not work.
  • Balanced sugar-free nutrition is an effective treatment for ADHD.
  • Hospitals should allow owners of pets to have their pets brought in
  • Buying local goods is better for the economy and for our health
  • The impact of consuming all organic foods on our bodies
  • The benefits of alternative medicine vs. Western medicine
  •  HIV and AIDS testing done annually for Health Care Professional 
  • Fast food and the war on obesity
  • Morbidly obese people should have to pay more for public transportation
  • Healthcare should include a gym membership and nutrition counseling
  • The negative implications of Facebook
  • Television programs must be censored before broadcasting.
  • Talking during movies at the theater is rude behavior.
  • How the paparazzi hinders free press
  • The good and bad when it comes to Google
  • The paparazzi are the real stalkers.
  • Celebrities get away with everything.
  • Video games are not evil.
  • Downloading copyrighted MP3s is piracy.
  • Sex and violence on television is harmful to children.
  • Ad spots in news programs should be banned.
  • News media should give equal attention to all politicians.
  • There is nothing real about reality TV.
  • Social media should be blocked at work places.
  • Fake news writers should be punished.
  • Word of mouth will always be the best form of advertising.
  • TV’s will soon be a thing of the past.
  • Romantic movies set unrealistic standards.
  • Ads aimed at children should be strictly regulated.
  • Television has become the number two news source after the internet and tv will be further downsized.
  • Beer advertisements promote irresponsible drinking and ought to be banned from the communal street views.
  • Harry Potter books are popular even among adults.
  • News reporters earn money because of people who make a mess of their lives.
  • No news is good news!
  • Books should never be burned in public.
  • Advantages of having a three-day weekend instead of a two-day weekend
  • Why everyone should visit Disney World
  • Allow married women to enter Miss World and Miss Universe pageants.
  • There couldn’t be enough beauty contests for children!
  • Beauty contests degrade women.
  • Some market toys provoke and promote violent behavior.
  • Mac is better than PC
  • Santiago de Chile tourists must be made aware of pickpocketers. (or another city)
  • Love is far more powerful than hate
  • Make free public wi-fi available
  • Bike-sharing programs
  • Stealing from the rich to give to the poor is not nobel.
  • The morals behind lying
  • Silly games like Candy Crush are making people less intelligent
  • Using hands-free devices while driving
  • Using lie detector tests for employment purposes
  • What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger
  • Money can’t buy happiness
  • Is Batman a real superhero?
  • Why there aren’t more female construction workers
  • Lie detector tests are inaccurate.
  • Organic food tastes better.
  • Alternative power is the answer to our energy crisis.
  • It’s immoral to genetically design babies.
  • Every property needs to have at least one tree.
  • Nursery rhymes need to be looked at better.
  • Hostels are not a place for children.
  • Plant fruit trees on sidewalks.
  • Religion and science can go hand in hand.
  • Everyone should know how to swim.
  • Not wearing a seat belt a personal choice.
  • Opposites will always attract.
  • Climate change is always changing.
  • Not enough is done to end world hunger.
  • Battery farming is unethical.
  • People shouldn’t be paying for drivers licenses.
  • Smokers make the most acquaintances.
  • First impressions are always right.
  • Cash should be abandoned completely.
  • Allow mind reading during poker.
  • Minimum wage is too low.
  • Security cameras are an invasion of privacy.
  • Clients don’t want birthday messages from businesses.
  • Allow casual dress clothes in the workplace.
  • Make public transport free.
  • The welfare system doesn’t work.
  • Organ donors should be paid.
  • All kids on a winning team should get a trophy.
  • Illegal immigrants don’t harm the economy.
  • Humans are vegetarian by nature.
  • Self-driving cars will cause fewer accidents.
  • It is time to include internet slang to dictionaries.
  • Teens are unfairly stereotyped.
  • Group homes are better than foster care.
  • Guns don’t kill people.
  • Fracking is dangerous.
  • Money isn’t the root of all evil.
  • Being homeless is a choice.
  • The school curriculum is too overloaded.
  • Graffiti is art.
  • Priests shouldn’t be giving marriage counseling.
  • Everyone must be taught to do CPR.
  • Juvenile crime is dealt with incorrectly.
  • Older generations were crueler.
  • Royal families are not needed in this day and age.
  • Fame will always be bad for children.
  • Prisoners must not be allowed tovote.
  • Yearly HIV tests for all health professionals.
  • Being skinny is no longer cool.
  • Lego’s are not gender bias.
  • The drought in Cape Town will happen in other parts of the world too.
  • Employees know more than employers.
  • Adoption records should be opened.
  • Affirmative action is false competition in the workspace.
  • Aids tests should be required in federal prisons – for all inmates and the prison guards too.
  • The millimeter wave scanner at airports security zones strikes out all privacy that we fought for.
  • Water management in our home really does matter.
  • Why you should only buy fair trade.
  • Hundred percent airline safety is an utopia.
  • Helping runaways is a crime.
  • Help addicted popstars immediately and save them.
  • Hands free cell phone use in cars must be promoted better.
  • Drivers quickly forget their drivers education.
  • The driving age for teens should be raised to 18.
  • The 1st Amendment is not a shield for hate groups.
  • Reducing crime is a utopia.
  • Impose trade and social sanctions on countries that do not prohibit child labor.
  • More cold cases will be solved if investigators make use of DNA available.
  • Ban the sale of guns at shops and stores.
  • Saying what you want must not include hate speech.
  • Immigrants must learn the language of the country they move to.
  • Refund or rebate extra taxes collected plus interest on it to those who paid.
  • Help the homeless down the streets and persuade them to look for work.
  • Cell phone use is dangerous while driving.
  • How Christopher Columbus discovered the Americas.
  • History of our National Anthem and rituals.
  • Paying off mortgage debt early is a good investment.
  • Global awareness makes us responsible citizens of the world.

Nothing really stand out? No problem. Start by writing a list of things that interest you. Keep going until you find something you know a good deal about and that you could talk about forever. Choose something that will get your blood boiling, that you feel strongly about, even if others don’t. You’ll likely convert some people to your way of thinking just by the way you speak about your chosen topic.

No matter what topic you choose, always be credible and purpose-driven. Giving false facts is a big “no-no” and so is being wishy-washy with you speech. Give it meaning, give it purpose.

Just remember, what may be  easy speech topics to one person, isn’t always easily understood by someone else. So keep that in mind when persuading your audience.

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8 thoughts on “243 Easy and Simple Speech Topics”

which topic is best topic in the world?

Thanks a lot It helped me in debate competition

Oof! that was quite a lot of reading, but it helped me greatly! I’m in a speech contest (middle grade, I’m in Canada).

Nice Idea to Easy and Simple Speech for Student Great Work well done

Thanks a lot it’s helpful

Last year I was super motivated to do a speech, and I came first in my school, with the topic of beach and ocean pollution. But know i’m not even motivated at all. Any suggestions of what I should do?

when your watching a movie with your parents and it gets to a sex scene and you tryna act cool: yes, the floor is very nice

My school has the best topics from this website UWU

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7 Best Short Persuasive Speech Examples to Drive Change

Leah Nguyen • 08 April, 2024 • 7 min read

Are you looking for persuasive speches? Persuasion is power, and within a mere three minutes, you can move mountains - or at least change some minds.

But with brevity comes pressure to pack a maximum punch.

So how do you deliver impact concisely and command attention from the get-go? Let us show you some short persuasive speech examples that convince the audience in less than the time to microwave a pizza.

Table of Contents

1-minute short persuasive speech examples, 3-minute short persuasive speech examples, 5-minute short persuasive speech examples, bottom line, frequently asked questions.

Short persuasive speech examples

Tips for Audience Engagement

  • A Persuasive Speech Outline
  • How Do You Express Yourself?
  • Use live word clouds or live Q&A to survey your audience easier!
  • Use brainstorming tool effectively by AhaSlides idea board

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The 1-minute persuasive speeches are similar to a 30-second elevator pitch which constrain what you can do due to their limited time. Here are some examples that stick to a single, compelling call to action for a 1-minute window.

Short persuasive speech examples

#1. Title: Go Meatless on Mondays

Good afternoon everyone. I'm asking you to join me in adopting a simple change that can positively impact both our health and the planet - going meatless one day a week. On Mondays, commit to leaving meat off your plate and choosing vegetarian options instead. Research shows cutting back on red meat just a bit provides significant benefits. You'll reduce your risk of chronic diseases while lessening your environmental footprint. Meatless Mondays are easy to incorporate into any lifestyle. So starting next week, I hope you'll help raise awareness around sustainable eating by participating. Every small choice matters - will you make this one with me?

#2. Title: Volunteer at the Library

Hello, my name is X and I'm here today to tell you about an exciting opportunity to give back to the community. Our public library is seeking more volunteers to assist patrons and help keep its services running strong. As little as two hours per month of your time would be hugely appreciated. Tasks can include shelving books, reading to children, and assisting seniors with technology. Volunteering is a great way to build skills while feeling fulfilled through serving others. Please consider signing up at the front desk. Our library brings people together - help keep it open for all by offering your time and talents. Thank you for listening!

#3. "Invest in Your Career with Continued Education"

Friends, to stay competitive in today's world we must commit to lifelong learning. A degree alone won't cut it anymore. That's why I'm encouraging you all to consider pursuing additional certifications or classes part-time. It's a great way to boost your skills and open new doors. Just a few hours a week can make a big difference. Companies also love seeing employees who take the initiative to grow. So let's support each other along the way. Who wants to further their career together starting this fall?

These persuasive speech examples clearly state the position and main information within 3 minutes. You can have a tad bit more freedom to express your points compared to the 1-minute speeches.

Short persuasive speech examples

#1. "Spring Clean Your Social Media"

Hey everyone, social media can be fun but it also eats up a lot of our time if we’re not careful. I know from experience - I was constantly scrolling instead of doing things I enjoy. But I had an epiphany last week - it’s time for a digital detox! So I did some spring cleaning and unfollowed accounts that didn’t spark joy. Now my feed is full of inspiring folks instead of distractions. I feel less pulled to mindlessly browse and more present. Who’s with me in lightening your online load so you can spend more high-quality time in real life? It takes just a few minutes to unsubscribe and you won’t miss the stuff that doesn’t serve you.

#2. "Visit Your Local Farmers Market"

Guys, have you been to the downtown farmers market on Saturdays? It's one of my favourite ways to spend the morning. The fresh veggies and local goods are amazing, and you get to chat with friendly farmers growing their own stuff. I always walk away with breakfast and lunch sorted for days. Even better, shopping directly from farmers means more money goes back into our community. It's a fun outing too - I see lots of neighbours there every weekend. So this Saturday, let's go check it out. Who wants to join me on a trip to support locals? I promise you'll leave full and happy.

#3. "Reduce Food Waste through Composting"

How can we help the planet while saving money? By composting our food scraps, that's how. Did you know food rotting in landfills is a major source of methane gas? But if we compost it naturally, those scraps turn into nutrient-rich soil instead. It's easy to get started with a backyard bin too. Just 30 minutes a week breaks down apple cores, banana peels, coffee grounds - you name it. I promise your garden or community garden will thank you. Who wants to do their part and compost with me from now on?

Covering your information in a few minutes is possible if you have a well-established persuasive speech outline .

Let's look at this 5-minute example on life:

Short persuasive speech examples

We've all heard the saying "You only live once". But how many of us truly understand this motto and appreciate each day to its maximum? I'm here to persuade you that carpe diem should be our mantra. Life is too precious to take for granted.

Too often we get caught up in daily routines and trivial worries, neglecting to fully experience each moment. We scroll mindlessly through phones instead of engaging with real people and surroundings. Or we work excessive hours without dedicating quality time to relationships and hobbies that feed our souls. What's the point of any of this if not to genuinely live and find joy each day?

The truth is, we really don't know how much time we have. An unforeseen accident or illness could end even the healthiest life in an instant. Yet we trudge through life on autopilot instead of embracing opportunities as they arise. Why not commit to living consciously in the present rather than the hypothetical future? We must make a habit of saying yes to new adventures, meaningful connections, and simple pleasures that spark life within us.

To wrap it up, let this be the era where we stop waiting to truly live. Each sunrise is a gift, so let's open our eyes to experience this wonderful ride called life to its absolute fullest. You never know when it might end, so make each moment count from today forward.

👩‍💻 How to Make a 5 Minute Presentation with 30 Topic Ideas in 2024

We hope these exemplary short speech examples have inspired and equipped you to craft impactful persuasive openers of your own.

Remember, in just a minute or two, you have the potential to spark real change. So keep messages concise yet vivid, paint compelling pictures through well-chosen words, and above all, leave audiences eager to hear more.

Which is an example of a persuasive speech?

Persuasive speeches present a clear position and utilise arguments, facts and reasoning to convince an audience to accept that particular viewpoint. For example, a speech which is written to convince voters to approve local funding for park upgrades and maintenance.

How do you write a 5-minute persuasive speech?

Choose a specific topic that you are passionate and knowledgeable about. Write an attention-grabbing introduction and develop 2 to 3 main arguments or points to support your thesis/position. Time your practice runs and cut content to fit within 5 minutes, accounting for natural speech pacing

Leah Nguyen

Leah Nguyen

Words that convert, stories that stick. I turn complex ideas into engaging narratives - helping audiences learn, remember, and take action.

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How to Write a Persuasive Speech | Tips for Crafting an Effective One in 2024

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333 Informative Speech Topics To Rock Your Presentation

A powerful presentation covers a compelling topic that sparks your interest and hooks the audience. Use this master list to find your next great speech idea.

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You have been assigned a speech, presentation, or essay, but you have no clue what to talk about. A powerful presentation begins with a compelling topic that sparks your interest and hooks the audience. But you also need to discuss something you feel excited to research and discuss. 

This guide contains 333 informative speech topics for your next presentation, plus pro tips for delivering the best presentation possible.

What Is An Informative Speech?

Informative speeches aim to teach or instruct the audience about a topic. They include objective information and fact-based research but can incorporate a unique perspective, compelling storytelling , or a powerful take-home message. Unlike a celebratory wedding toast or an inaugural speech , informative speeches are written specifically to educate.

The six key types of informative speeches are: 

  • Definition speeches : This speech aims to explain a concept or theory. For example, a speech topic starting with “What is…?” is usually a definition-type informative speech. 
  • Explanatory speeches : These speeches explain how something works. For example, an explanatory speech could explain how your brain processes information or how an electric car works. 
  • Demonstrative speeches : These classic “how-to’s” show the audience how to perform a task and often include a visual presentation. For example, students could teach their classmates how to be more productive or cook a healthy meal.  
  • Comparative speeches : When a speaker compares or contrasts two alternative things, they help the audience understand the similarities or differences between two topics. For example, a comparative speech may weigh the pros and cons of private versus public schools. 
  • Descriptive speeches : This informative speech describes a person, place, or thing and explains why the subject is essential. For example, a student may teach their classmates about a historical figure, or an entrepreneur may give a descriptive speech about the specifics of their product idea.
  • Persuasive informative speeches : Although persuasive speeches are often categorized separately, some informative speeches can cross over into persuasion by using evidence to convince the audience why a particular method or perspective is better than its alternatives. For example, a salesperson may give a presentation to convince clients to buy their services, or a mental health advocate may give a speech to persuade people to do yoga more regularly. 

How To Pick An Informative Speech Topic: The Five W’s

Whether you want to give a top-notch school speech assignment or a groundbreaking TED Talk , the best informative speeches have one thing in common: they deliver a purposeful message with a captivating delivery. You must understand the basic who, what, when, where, and why to pick the perfect topic. 

  • Who: Before you start looking for topics, you should know who your audience is. A college speech class is a far different audience than a room of conference attendees. Consider what your audience is interested in, why they should care about your speech and their level of knowledge about the topic. If you talk about something too basic, they may be bored, but if you discuss something too technical, they may have difficulty understanding your speech. 
  • What: Consider your passions and existing knowledge about a subject. The “what” of your speech is the meat of the presentation. Imagine a three-circle Venn diagram. The three circles are labeled: “things I am interested in,” “things my audience cares about,” and “things I can research.” The center point where these three circles overlap is the sweet spot for your speech topic. 
  • When (Length): The length of your speech can drastically impact how in-depth you dive into the topic. A five-minute speech should cover a niche topic or a high-level concept. A thirty-minute to an hour-long presentation can teach about a more detailed topic. 
  • Where: If you’re giving a speech in a meeting room at an office, your performance will likely be very different from speaking on stage in a large auditorium. Consider where you will be speaking and what kind of technology (projector, large screen, whiteboard, etc.) you will have available. The geographic location of your speech can also determine your selection of a local or regional topic relevant to the community. 
  • Why: Most importantly, you should know the purpose of your speech. If your goal is to get a good grade, it may help you pay more attention to following the teacher’s rubric. If your goal is to convince the audience to make a lifestyle change or donate to an important cause, you should structure your speech with the core “why” in mind. 

The best speeches combine a simple message with charismatic delivery, an easily digestible structure, and something the audience can relate to. The essence of a great speech is that it arouses something in the audience, such as the motivation to take action or to see things in a new way.

List of Informative Speech Topics: 333 Ideas to Spark Your Creativity

In an informative speech, it is essential to have plenty of evidence or data to support your claims. But even the most well-researched presentation can feel hollow without the passion for delivering it authentically. 

As you explore ideas for your speech, you should naturally gravitate toward intriguing and exciting topics. Giving a speech about something you think your teacher or colleagues will like (rather than what you’re truly interested in) could ultimately be inauthentic or boring. Take note of what makes your heart beat a little faster and follow that curiosity . 

Easy Informative Speech Topics

If you’re in a pinch, choose a speech topic that doesn’t require extensive explanations to get the point across. It may be a good idea to avoid anything controversial or technical. Instead, choose a straightforward demonstrative or descriptive topic with a wide range of online information.

  • How to improve your communication skills
  • The most memorable speeches in history
  • Why you should buy an electric car 
  • The most popular cars of the year
  • How to read body language  
  • Top habits of successful people
  • The most famous actors in history
  • The benefits of time in nature
  • Lesser known presidents
  • Most popular breeds of dogs
  • The worst natural disasters in the world 
  • How to eat healthier  
  • Harmful impacts of technology
  • How to survive without electricity 
  • The richest people in the world 
  • The top companies in the world
  • Child geniuses and prodigies
  • How does sugar influence the body?
  • The history of Disneyland
  • How to break bad habits
  • Top beauty products for younger skin
  • How to do your homework faster 
  • How to be more productive  
  • High school students should do these 5 things before graduating
  • Why high school students should take a gap year before college
  • The best healthy snacks 
  • Why you should go vegan
  • How to be more confident  
  • How to start a business
  • Fashion through the decades 

Pro Tip : Start your speech with an attention-grabbing hook that draws the audience in to listen. Try not to start by mentioning a technical difficulty (“Is this microphone working?”) or saying a lackluster nicety (“Thanks for having me.”).

Instead, try starting with:

  • A story: “I’m here for a reason. And It’s an interesting story….”
  • A big idea: “The single most important thing I want to share with you today is….”
  • A quirky one-liner or interesting fact: “You might have always thought….”

Here is a guide on How to Start a Speech: Best and Worst Speech Openers . 

You can also watch our video to learn the best (and worst) speech openers:

Informative Speech Topics for College

If public speaking isn’t scary enough, college speech classes can be brutal. You want to impress your professor without thoroughly embarrassing yourself in front of your peers. These topics are scholarly without being boring. 

  • How you can reduce your carbon footprint
  • Different forms of learning
  • The truth about microplastics and possible alternatives
  • How to ace a college test 
  • Why schools shouldn’t give homework 
  • America’s fastest-growing cities
  • The differences between female and male communication
  • The best marketing tactics
  • The importance of education for a country’s economy 
  • Ethical questions of artificial intelligence
  • Unique ways to stop global climate change
  • How to live to be 100
  • Benefits of E-learning
  • History of education in America
  • How to eradicate poverty
  • The real picture of foster care in America
  • How to decide on a college major
  • Pros and cons of the current education system
  • Economics of urban versus rural development
  • The history of agriculture 
  • How ancient Egyptians built the pyramids
  • How to prevent the top 5 leading causes of death in America
  • Understanding industrial hemp
  • Pros and cons of remote work
  • How college students can become millionaires by age 50 with monthly investing
  • How to start an organic garden
  • Private vs. public school
  • The importance of discipline
  • The most useful websites for college students
  • Where does public university funding come from

Fun Informative Speech Topics

Most people don’t realize that playful topics like video games and reality TV can still be informative. These less serious subjects have the potential to become great speeches that invoke laughter, excitement, or new perspectives. 

  • Can procrastination be good for you?
  • Myth or reality? We only use 10% of our brains
  • The funniest commercials of all time
  • Bizzare sports you didn’t know existed 
  • How snake venom attacks the body
  • What will humans look like in the future? 
  • Weirdest medical facts
  • The strangest phobias 
  • Secrets to a great relationship
  • The fastest cars in the world 
  • What causes hiccups
  • Evidence of life on Mars 
  • The world history of tattoos 
  • Why college students love fast food 
  • The evolution of video games 
  • How cryptocurrency can change finance 
  • Where do stereotypes come from?
  • The most bizarre conspiracy theories 
  • The most influential musicians of our time
  • Top craziest amusement park rides in the world
  • The most fun things to do when you’re bored
  • History of tattoo art
  • The seven wonders of the world
  • How to survive an annoying roommate
  • The truth about reality shows
  • How to create a bucket list
  • The secrets behind the best TV shows 
  • Weirdest foods taste surprisingly delicious
  • How to talk to people you don’t like 

Interesting Informative Speech Topics

The most viral TED Talks combine a compelling or unique idea with exceptional nonverbal delivery. These interesting topics are sure to get your audience thinking.

  • The neuroscience of attraction
  • Mind-blowing facts about volcanoes
  • The psychology of selling things 
  • Why you should turn your lawn into a garden
  • Proof that aliens are real/fake 
  • How to start a business for under $100
  • The history of America from a minority perspective 
  • How technology affects our brains
  • What would happen to the economy if everyone grew their own food?
  • The science and ethics of genetic modification 
  • How the electric car originated 
  • Elon Musk’s rise to success 
  • What is neuro-linguistic programming (NLP)?
  • How deaf people talk with emotion 
  • Why smiles are contagious 

Informative Speech Topics About Science

From biology to chemistry to genetics, science encompasses many subjects. Where modern technology meets cutting-edge discoveries, these topics are for inquisitive researchers who want to dig into the data. 

  • How your brain works
  • History of space exploration
  • How solar panels work
  • The evolution of plants
  • Fascinating origins of plant medicines
  • How DNA evidence is used
  • How galaxies are formed 
  • How science is influenced by corporations 
  • Why dinosaurs really went extinct
  • The oldest fossils ever found 
  • How does the human brain work?
  • The effects of music on the brain  
  • The life of Albert Einstein
  • How earthquakes can be predicted
  • The craziest scientists in history
  • What is CRISPR?
  • Potential cures for cancer 
  • What is epigenetics?

Pro Tip : Google Scholar and PubMed are two excellent resources for peer-reviewed scientific literature. Accredited institutions conduct these studies and have undergone the rigor of the scientific method. They even include easy copy-and-paste citations if you need to turn in a bibliography with your speech.

Informative Speech Topics about Animals 

From cuddly pets to the alien-like mystery creatures of the deep ocean, animals are universally fascinating. 

  • How to train a dog
  • The most dangerous animals in the ocean
  • How elephants use plants to medicate themselves 
  • The science behind the fastest animals in the world
  • Can depression be treated with emotional support animals?
  • Comparing reptiles versus mammals
  • The strongest animal in the world
  • Top 10 strangest animals on Earth
  • Comparing human and primate brains
  • Animals that have their own languages
  • Ethical questions with animal testing
  • What causes animals to become extinct? 
  • How to adopt a cat
  • Pros and cons of the pet adoption system
  • Is it kind to keep a monkey as a pet?

Informative Speech Topics Sports

Fitness, sports medicine, and professional sports teams are just scraping the surface regarding this subject. You can talk about the inspiring life of your favorite player or game history. The speech topics are perfect for anyone who loves to sweat and cheer.

  • How sports teach kids discipline 
  • The importance of physical activity for stress relief
  • Why companies should promote workplace fitness programs  
  • Top-paying careers in sports 
  • How people with disabilities can still play sports
  • Football culture in the American south 
  • The importance of sports for children’s socialization
  • The role of sports and masculinity in young boys 
  • Gambling problems in sports
  • What makes a great sports coach? 
  • The best football players of all time 
  • How yoga can complement workouts
  • How to prevent sports injuries 
  • The best physical therapy for college athletes
  • The life of Michael Jordan
  • Game-changing athletes in history 
  • Lebron James’ secret to success  
  • How Jackie Robinson transformed baseball 
  • The best nutrition for athletes, based on science
  • Top vegan athletes in the world 
  • Why cheerleading is/isn’t a real sport
  • Controversial moments in the Olympics 
  • Modern controversies about transgender athletes 
  • The most extreme sports in the world
  • How hockey changed my life
  • Pros and cons of CrossFit
  • Why swimming is one of the healthiest workouts
  • How adult hobby sports can improve socialization
  • Daily exercise improves mental health 
  • The best at-home workouts
  • Top marketing strategies used by the Super Bowl
  • How the Olympics promotes international peace 
  • Should pro athletes have salary caps?
  • How college athletes go pro
  • Top female athletes in the world
  • Interesting sports from around the world
  • Why height is not the most important factor in basketball
  • Why soccer is the most popular international sport
  • Why women’s soccer gets less media coverage than men’s
  • The best solo sports for introverts 
  • How handicapped people can still play sports 
  • The most inspirational handicapped athletes 

Bonus Tip: Level Up Your Speech With Stage Presence

Did you know that public speaking is actually a skill? Many people struggle with stage anxiety because they feel they ‘missed the memo’ on public speaking or they are lacking because they do not have a natural stage presence. Not true!

Stage presence and public speaking are skills you need to be taught—very few people have them naturally. 

Watch our video to learn 7 steps to overcome stage fright and beat performance anxiety:

Here are all the aspects of public speaking you can master.

  • How to make a first impression with an audience
  • How to have stage presence
  • Powerful body language
  • How to speak with a commanding voice
  • What to do with your hands while speaking

For every speaking skill you add to your toolbox, the less speaking anxiety you will feel.

If you want help really diving into your presentation skills, be sure to sign-up for our course…

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Master Your People Skills

  • Create a Memorable Presence
  • Communicate with Confidence
  • Achieve Your Goals

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Cultural Informative Speech Topics

Learning about different cultures can drastically expand your viewpoint of the world. These speech ideas cover everything from language to ancient history to pop culture. 

  • How to learn about local culture while traveling
  • The importance of workplace culture
  • How to build a positive corporate culture 
  • How social media connects and promotes culture 
  • The oldest cultures in the world 
  • Modern versus traditional gender roles 
  • How women have transformed corporate leadership 
  • The dangers of hustle culture
  • How social media culture impacts self-esteem
  • How to learn from watching movies
  • The rise of podcasts and their role in modern culture 
  • The role of social media in business 
  • How immigrants maintain cultural traditions in their new countries
  • Ancient archeological artifacts you’ve never heard of
  • Native American spiritual traditions
  • Holy herbs and plants across global cultures
  • How to make an African tribal basket
  • The portrayal of black culture in the media
  • Culture of Scandinavia
  • Burial rituals in ancient Mesopotamia 
  • History and meaning of the Om symbol
  • The history of Buddhism
  • How to show respect in Japanese culture
  • The cultural history of African Americans 
  • Chinese traditional foods 
  • Top 10 foreign dishes you have to try before you die
  • The most important spiritual symbols in the world
  • Generational differences in Mexican culture
  • The symbolism of marigolds in Mexican traditions
  • What is Dia De Los Muertos?  

Want to radically improve your presentation skills? Watch our video for 10 presentation ideas:

Informative Speech Topics About History

They say, “history repeats itself.” Consider giving a unique or lesser-known perspective about historical events for a thought-provoking speech. Use museum artifacts and first-hand accounts to guide your points. 

  • The Civil Rights Movement
  • The oldest civilizations in the world
  • Nelson Mandela’s historical impact
  • The truth about colonization and Thanksgiving 
  • How the Industrial Revolution impacted the environment 
  • The real story of the Titanic 
  • The craziest criminals in history  
  • What caused the Great Depression? 
  • What schools get wrong about black history 
  • Religion during the age of the Aztecs
  • Archeological evidence of aliens
  • Ancient history of dogs and wolves 
  • What caused the Salem witch trials?
  • The American Revolution
  • The role of Christianity in slavery
  • Human rights violations throughout history
  • How life changed for Native Americans after colonization 
  • The role of urbanization on the changing American landscape
  • The cowboy era: myths and truths 
  • The American Constitution
  • The most influential people in world history
  • Forming of the United Nations
  • What caused World War I?
  • Financial panics and recessions throughout history
  • The Prohibition era 
  • What led to consumerism in society? 
  • The Vietnam War
  • The California Gold Rush
  • The true story of Pocahontas
  • Little-known facts about Mexican history

Informative Speech Topics About Music

Music is the soundtrack to our lives. Beyond mere entertainment, its impact dives into the roots of culture, identity, and brain function. Here are some exciting ways to incorporate your love of music into an informative speech. 

  • How music can help mental health 
  • Why you should learn an instrument
  • How listening to music improves your productivity
  • Genres of music 
  • Links between classical music and IQ
  • Why do people bond over music 
  • Rarest instruments in the world
  • The easiest instruments to play
  • Best country musicians of all time
  • How hip hop music has shaped culture in America
  • Evolution of rap and hip hop 
  • The origins of rock n’ roll in southern blues music
  • The history of opera
  • The best electronic dance music
  • The impact of reggae music
  • How punk rock got its start 
  • How folk music shaped Appalachia 
  • Country music hall of fame
  • Must-see musical landmarks around the world
  • Importance of gospel music
  • The ethics of sampling other artist’s music
  • How music shapes subculture 
  • Has social media made record companies obsolete?
  • The importance of musical education in public schools
  • Music as a form of protest
  • How sad music helps you overcome heartbreaks
  • Why music shapes generations
  • How dancing can change your mindset
  • From the phonograph to iPhone: History of music machines

Health Informative Speech Topics

The ever-changing landscape of health offers a wealth of resources. Leave an impact on your audience by inspiring them to improve their eating habits or approach healthy living in a new way. Be sure to find the right sources for these speeches to make sure you are citing correct health science.

  • How to extend your lifespan 
  • Links between diet and mental illnesses 
  • How to cook healthy food on a budget 
  • Why a daily walk outside can transform your health
  • History of herbal medicine 
  • Let food be thy medicine: From Hippocrates to modern day food pyramid
  • Why you should do yoga for 15 minutes a day
  • Benefits and drawbacks of a vegetarian diet
  • The healthiest fruits in the world 
  • What is really in processed food?
  • Is weight lifting or cardio better for burning fat?
  • How agriculture affects our health
  • The gut microbiome
  • The dangers of pesticides in our food system
  • How soil health impacts human health 
  • Who controls the food system? 
  • The science behind keto diets
  • The dangers of low-fat diets
  • Top 5 best foods for brain function
  • The daily habits of the healthiest people in the world
  • Differences in definitions of health
  • European versus American food ingredients 
  • The role of fats in brain function 
  • How to fix a headache
  • The benefits of magnesium
  • The best supplements, according to science 
  • The main signs of a stroke
  • The chronic disease epidemic in America 
  • How to lose weight the healthy way
  • Why you should avoid eating seed oils
  • Why you should stop eating gluten 
  • How to prevent arthritis
  • The real causes of diabetes
  • Is meat actually bad for you? Pros and cons
  • How to stop the mental health epidemic 
  • How dental health impacts your digestion
  • Amazing benefits of black seed oil
  • The Harvard Longevity Project: Why happy people live longer
  • Ancient health remedies from around the world
  • Why you should eat fermented foods
  • Causes of cancer and how to prevent it
  • Why people should donate their organs
  • Effects of radiation
  • The healthiest cultures in the world 
  • Why obesity is a modern problem
  • How to have stronger bones
  • Healthcare access for minorities
  • Why fast food restaurants are addictive
  • Pros and cons of salt
  • How to overcome stress
  • The dangers of e-cigarettes
  • People need to drink more water
  • The insurance and healthcare system in America
  • How friendships improve your health
  • Why couples should exercise together
  • Benefits of dark chocolate
  • Dangerous food additives you’ve never heard of
  • Easy ways to improve your nutrition
  • How to reverse hair loss
  • Secrets to have healthy hair
  • Benefits and drawbacks of stem cell research 
  • Why you should stop drinking soda
  • How to reduce asthma attacks
  • Health benefits of ginger
  • Why you should drink tea

Key Takeaways: Find Inspiration for a Speech

Any informative topic can be used to craft a speech, but a showstopping presentation requires thinking outside the box and approaching your speech from a unique point of view. Before you settle on a topic for your next speech, be sure that your speech idea is:

  • Authentically interesting : Discussing something that doesn’t spark your interest is no use. Choose a topic or idea that you actually care about for an authentic and passionate delivery. 
  • Relevant to your audience : If you don’t know your audience, you might as well be speaking to a wall. Professional presenters understand the general knowledge level of their audience and what information will be valuable or interesting to them. 
  • Easy to research : Obscure topics can be alluring and challenging to research. Choose a topic that has plenty of information available in books or online. Be sure to use reputable sources and cite them when necessary.
  • The proper length : The depth and detail of your speech ultimately depend on the length of time you have to talk. Pick a subject that you can thoroughly describe in the allotted time frame.  

Once you narrow down a few of your favorite topic ideas, start brainstorming how you want your speech to impact the audience. Use these 10 Presentation Ideas That Will Radically Improve Your Presentation Skills , such as:

  • Why you should save the best for first and last
  • How to design epic presentation slides
  • Why you shouldn’t over-rehearse
  • How to own the stage 

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  • Presentations
  • Public Speaking

The Best Source for PowerPoint Templates (With Unlimited Use)

Before we dive into how to make a speech, let's look at a powerful tool that can help you design your presentation.

Envato Elements is a great place to find PowerPoint templates to use with your speech. These presentation templates are professionally designed to impress.

Envato Elements PowerPoint Templates for Unlimited Use

Envato Elements is an excellent value because you get unlimited access to digital elements once you become a subscriber. Envato Elements has more than just presentation templates . You get:

  • stock images
  • and much more

To become a subscriber, just sign up and pay a low monthly fee.

Envato Elements has hundreds of premium PowerPoint templates.

Sample Public Speaking Scenario

Here's a possible public speaking scenario:

You've just opened a small web design business in your town, and you join the town Chamber of Commerce. As a result, you're invited to give a short, five-minute presentation at the next Chamber of Commerce meeting.

Coming up with a public speaking speech for the scenario described above could be a challenge if you've never written or given a public speech before. Fortunately, there are some speech-writing steps that you can use that'll make speech writing easier.

Let's use this example and walk through the steps for writing a speech.

7 Steps for Writing a Speech

The steps for writing a speech for public speaking are like the steps for writing a presentation in general. But at each stage of the writing process, you need to keep your audience in mind:

1. Research Your Audience

Whenever you do any type of writing you need to consider who you're trying to reach with your writing. Speech writing is no different. The more you know about your target audience, the more effective your writing will be.

In the example above, you know that your audience is going to be the other members of the Chamber of Commerce. They're likely to be small business owners just like you are.

Knowing your audience is important in great speech writing.

What to Do After You Research Your Audience:

Once you've defined your audience, you can gear your speech towards them. To do this, ask yourself questions like:

  • What does this audience need?
  • What problem can I solve for them?
  • Is there anything else I need to consider about my listeners?

In the example we're using for this tutorial, most small businesses in your town fit one of the following three situations:

  • They've got a website that works well.
  • They've got a website, but the design is outdated or doesn't work well.
  • They don't have a website.

2. Select a Topic

In this example your topic is already given. You've been invited to introduce your business. But you also know that the speech is going to be fairly short--only five minutes long.

While it's always a good idea to keep a speech focused, this is especially important for a short speech.

If I were writing the public speaking speech for the scenario we're working with, I'd narrow the topic down like this:

  • Create a list of the strengths of my business.
  • Compare the list of business strengths to the problems I observed with the other members' websites in the previous step.
  • Focus my presentation on the areas where my business strengths meet weaknesses (needs) of other Chamber of Commerce members.

Let's say that I noticed that quite a few members of the chamber have websites that use outdated fonts, and the sites aren't mobile-friendly. Instead of listing everything my web design business could possibly do, I'd focus my short speech on those areas where I observed a need.

You can use a similar process to narrow the topic down any time you need to write a speech.

Avoid the temptation of trying to cover too much information. Most people are so overwhelmed by the sheer amount of new data they receive each day that they can't keep up with it all. Your listeners are more likely to remember your public speaking speech if it's tightly focused on one or two points.

3. Research Your Topic

Research Your Topic

In the example we've been going over, you probably don't need to do a lot of research. And you've already narrowed your topic down.

But some public speaking situations may require that that you cover a topic that you're less familiar with. For more detailed speech writing tips on how to study your subject (and other public speaking tips), review the tutorial:

give a short speech of

4. Write Your Speech

Once you've completed the steps above, you're ready to write your speech. Here are some basic speech writing tips:

  • Begin with an outline . To create a speech your audience will remember, you've got to be organized. An outline is one of the best ways to organize your thoughts.
  • Use a conversational tone . Write your speech the way you would normally talk. Work in some small talk or humor, if appropriate.
  • Use the speaker notes . Typically, speaker notes aren't seen by the audience. So, this is a good place to put reminders to yourself.
  • Be specific . It's better to give examples or statistics to support a point than it is to make a vague statement.
  • Use short sentences . It's likely you're not going to give your speech word for word anyway. Shorter sentences are easier to remember.

In this example scenario for the short speech we're preparing for the Chamber of Commerce, your outline could look something like this:

  • Introduction . Give your name and the name of your business. (Show title slide of website home page with URL)
  • Type of Business . Describe what you do in a sentence or two. (Show slide with bulleted list)
  • Give example of a recent web design project . Emphasize areas that you know the other businesses need. (Show slides with examples)
  • Conclusion.  Let the audience know that you'd be happy to help with their web design needs. Offer to talk to anyone who's interested after the meeting. (Show closing slide that includes contact information)
  • Give out handouts . Many presentation software packages allow you to print out your speech as a handout. For a networking-type presentation like the one in our example, this can be a good idea since it gives your listeners something to take with them that's got your contact information on it.

That simple speech format should be enough for the short speech in our example. If you find it's too short when you practice, you can always add more slides with examples.

If you've been asked to give a short speech, you can change the speech format above to fit your needs. If you're giving a longer speech, be sure to plan for audience breaks and question and answer sessions as you write.

5. Select a Presentation Tool

For most presentations, you'll want to use a professional presentation tool such as PowerPoint, Google Slides, or a similar package. A presentation tool allows you to add visual interest to your public speaking speech. Many of them allow you to add video or audio to further engage your audience.

If you don't already have a presentation tool, these tutorials can help you find the right one for your needs:

give a short speech of

Once you've chosen a presentation tool, you're ready to choose a template for your presentation.

6. Select a Template and Finish

A presentation template controls the look and feel of your presentation. A good template design can make the difference between a memorable public speech with eye-catching graphics and a dull, forgettable talk.

You could design your own presentation template from scratch. But, if you've never designed a presentation template before, the result might look less than professional. And it could take a long time to get a good template. Plus, hiring a designer to create an original presentation template can be pricey.

Select a template that works for your presentation.

A smart shortcut for most small business owners is to invest in a professional presentation template. They can customize it to fit with their branding and marketing materials. If you choose this option, you'll save time and money. Plus, with a professional presentation template you get a proven result.

You can find some great-looking presentation templates at  Envato Elements  or  GraphicRiver . To browse through some example templates, look at these articles:

give a short speech of

Even a short speech like the one we've been using as an example in this tutorial could benefit from a good tutorial. If you've never used a template before, these PowerPoint tutorials can help:

give a short speech of

7. How to Make a Public Speech

How to Make a Speech

Now that you've completed all the steps above, you're ready to give your speech. Before you give your speech publicly, though, there are a few things you should remember:

  • Don't read your speech . If you can, memorize your speech. If you can't, it's okay to use note cards or even your outline--but don't read those either. Just refer to them if you get stuck.
  • Practice . Practice helps you get more comfortable with your speech. It'll also help you determine how your speech fits into the time slot you've been allotted.
  • Do use visual aids . Of course, your presentation template adds a visual element to your public speech. But if other visual aids work with your presentation, they can be helpful as well.
  • Dress comfortably, but professionally . The key is to fit in. If you're not sure how others at your meeting will be dressed, contact the organizer and ask.
  • Speak and stand naturally . It's normal to be a little nervous but try to act as naturally as you can. Even if you make a mistake, keep going. Your audience probably won't even notice.
  • Be enthusiastic . Excitement is contagious. If you're excited about your topic, your audience will likely be excited too.

In the example we're using in this tutorial (and with many public speaking opportunities), it's important not to disappear at the end of the meeting. Stick around and be prepared to interact individually with members of the audience. Have answers to questions anyone might have about your speech. And be sure to bring a stack of business cards to pass out.

5 Quick Tips to Make a Good Speech Great (& More Memorable)

After reading about the basics, here are some more tips on how to write a great speech really stand out:

1. Have a Strong Opening

A strong presentation opening will make your presentation more memorable.

Start your speech with a strong opening by presenting surprising facts or statistics. You could even start with a funny story or grand idea.

Another way to start your speech is to open with a question to spark your audience’s curiosity. If you engage your audience early in your speech, they're more likely to pay attention throughout your speech.

2. Connect With Your Audience

You want a speech that'll be memorable. One way to make your speech memorable is to connect with your audience. Using metaphors and analogies help your audience to connect and remember. For example, people use one writing tool to put the speech's theme in a 15-20 word short poem or memorable paragraph, then build your speech around it.

3. Have a Clear Structure

When your speech has a clear structure to it your speech becomes more memorable.

When writing your speech, have a clear path and a destination. Otherwise, you could have a disorganized speech. Messy speeches are unprofessional and forgettable. While writing your speech, leave out unnecessary information. Too many unnecessary details can cause people to lose focus.

4. Repeat Important Information

A key to writing memorable speeches is to repeat key phrases, words, and themes. When writing your speech, always bring your points back to your main point or theme. Repetition helps people remember your speech and drives home the topic of your speech.

5. Have a Strong Closing

Create a strong closing to your speech to make it more memorable.

Since the last thing that your audience listened to what your closing, they'll remember your closing the most. So, if your closing is forgettable, it can make your speech forgettable. So, recap your speech and repeat essential facts that you want the audience to remember in your closing.

Five PowerPoint Presentation Templates (From Envato Elements - For 2022)

If you’re writing a speech for a presentation, save time by using a premium presentation template:

1. Toetiec PowerPoint Presentation

Toetiec PowerPoint Presentation

Toetic PowerPoint Presentation has 90 unique slides and 1800 total slides that you can easily add your information onto. There are ten light and dark versions that come with this template. Also included in this template are vector icons, elements, and maps.

2. Suflen Multipurpose Presentation

Suflen Multipurpose Presntation

Suflen Multipurpose Presentation template has a professional design that can work for any presentation topic. This template comes with over 450 total slides. With this template, you've got five color themes to choose from. Also, this template comes with illustrations, graphics, and picture placeholders.

3. Virtually PowerPoint

Virtually PowerPoint

Virtually PowerPoint template is a modern and minimal style presentation template. This template comes with over 50 slides. You can use this template for any presentation theme.

4. Amarish PowerPoint Template

give a short speech of

Amarish PowerPoint Template comes with five color themes that allow you to choose the color you want. This template is another multipurpose template that can work for any purpose. Also, this template comes with over 150 total slides and infographics, illustrations, and graphics.

5. Qubica PowerPoint Template

Qubica PowerPoint Template

Qubica PowerPoint Template comes with over 150 total slides and five premade color themes. Easily add images into your presentation template by dragging the image of your choice into the picture placeholder. Everything in this template is entirely editable.

Learn More About How to Write a Great Speech

Here are some other tutorials that provide more information on giving a speech:

give a short speech of

Learn More About Making Great Presentations

Presentation Ebook

Download The Complete Guide to Making Great Presentations eBook now for FREE with a subscription to the Tuts+ Business Newsletter. Get your ideas formed into a powerful presentation that'll move your audience!

Make Your Next Speech Your Best Ever!

You've just learned how to write a good public speaking speech. You've been given a sample speech format and plenty of other speech writing tips and resources on how to write a good speech. You've seen some templates that'll really make a PowerPoint stand out.

Now, it's up to you to write the best speech for your needs. Good luck!

Editorial Note: This post has been updated with contributions from Sarah Joy . Sarah is a freelance instructor for Envato Tuts+.

Laura Spencer

Rigorous Themes

  • Internet , Productivity

15 Short Memorized Speech Examples

Giving a speech feels hard and that feeling is so common that a majority of people would rather die than speak publicly. But when it is inevitable, maybe as the best man, mother of the bride, or a speech assignment for class, we turn to memorization.

Why? Because we assume that if we know and remember what to say, we won’t embarrass ourselves. Slightly effective, but it comes with its own limitations.

Here, I will show you how to memorize a speech with 15 examples worth referencing.

But first, let’s go over how to write a speech, because it doesn’t matter how well you memorize one if the content is bad.

How to Write a Speech

The anxiety that fuels the need to memorize a speech comes from either not knowing what to say or how to say it. A sure fire way to overcome that is by writing the speech.

And contrary to what you might think, it is not hard to write a good speech. If you know how to have a meaningful conversation, moving from point A to point B, you can write a speech. You just need to follow these tips.

Set the stage with an introduction

How exactly you start depends on the context of your speech. For instance, you may need to introduce yourself if your audience isn’t familiar with you. This is unnecessary if you’ve been introduced or you’re speaking among your peers.

But the main point here is about how you start your speech. The goal is to explain the what and why in a way that captures the audience’s attention.

It could be a famous quote, a shocking statement, or a rhetorical question. As long as it gets ears to perk up and eyes to focus on you.

Create and follow a structure

Now that you have their attention, it is time to hold it. As the speaker, the audience expects a path and destination from you. They want to know where the gist leads and why the point matters.

Ergo, structure.

Each paragraph in your speech must have a central point and connect with the next. Don’t try and stuff everything you know about the subject in the paragraphs. Focus on the key issues and maintain clear, logical transitions from idea to idea.

That is why it is crucial to understand the purpose of the speech. Are you trying to entertain, argue a point, inspire, or educate? The answer will inform the structure and overall tone of the speech.

Use Anecdotes to illustrate key points

When you write a speech, tailor your language and ideas to your audience. The way you speak in a school seminar is different from how you will talk at your best friend’s wedding, and there is no place where this matters more than in your anecdotes.

Countless studies have shown that our brains remember stories pretty well. That means if you want your speech to be memorable, you have to sprinkle some of them in there to illustrate your points.

That way, even if the facts and figures fly over their heads, the story will stick. And the good thing about anecdotes is, you don’t have to memorize them.

Use Transitions

No matter how great every line in your speech is, there will be moments when the audience drifts off. Use transitions to recall their attention. It signals to them that the oncoming part is worth paying attention to.

There are different ways to deploy this. It could be a rhetorical question like “Why does this matter?” followed by a pause, just long enough to create anticipation.

Other examples include “So here’s the lesson” or “In a similar fashion.”

Summarize with a call to action

Your audience won’t remember everything you say, but they are more likely to remember the last thing you said to them. That means, alongside the introduction, this is an integral part of your speech.

Summarize the speech using sentences that drive home the main point. You can do this by repeating a few key takeaways or sharing an anecdote that illustrates the point.

How to Memorize a Speech

give a short speech of

Image by Rodnae Productions ( Pexels )

Hopefully, after reading that section, you are starting to get the idea. Once you know what to say and how to say it, you’ve cracked the first step to memorizing a speech.

The next thing is to observe a few steps, and you are well on your way to delivering a captivating speech from memory.

Rehearse the Speech

After writing the speech, try reading it out loud. The goal here is to figure out how it sounds to fix what doesn’t work.

You can add, delete, or reorder parts of the speech until it sounds compelling and natural during this phase. Like something you wouldn’t mind sitting through yourself.

This process could take a few times, so feel free to pause and come back with fresh eyes and ears. You could also try reading it to someone for a different perspective.

Memorize the main ideas

The best way to memorize a speech is to learn the main points. This is where you benefit from writing the speech. Once you understand the subject matter and the goal of the speech, your mind has a framework to follow.

Instead of trying to capture the entire speech word-for-word, you have memorized the main ideas. Enough to talk about it to an audience as if you are having a regular conversation.

There are two main benefits to this. One, it gives a natural feel to your speech. Regurgitating a speech word-for-word makes you seem like a robot. There is no warmth, and it makes your content less engaging.

Two, it makes you immune to a slip-up. When you forget a word or sentence, it has little to zero impact because you know what you are trying to say and how to say it. You have maximum flexibility.

A practical way to memorize each idea is by quizzing yourself over each paragraph. “What is it about?” “What problem is it describing?” “Why does this matter?”

Practice your delivery

Finally, a speech is only as good as its delivery. Think about the most remarkable speeches you’ve heard or seen. What made them stand out?

One thing that is for sure is it isn’t because they remembered every single word. Not that you would know. But instead how the speaker spoke, entertainingly and informatively.

It is possible to memorize this by rehearsing over and over again.

Since you are more concerned about the meaning than the syntax of your sentence, you start to get a feel of when it’s okay to make a joke, change the timing or intonation.

That is how to memorize a speech, and it all starts with focusing on the content. Now, let’s see some good examples of these tips being put to use in different scenarios.

Short Memorized Speech Examples

Short memorized speech for a college paper.

give a short speech of

This example might not align with your definition of “short,” but it gets a whole lot right when it comes to speeches.

First, it starts with a question that piques attention, then immediately establishes what and why they are talking about it. The sentence structure is also conversational, and the author doesn’t have to memorize each word.

The rest of the speech maintains that tone, and the thought flows logically. From explaining what dreaming big is to its downsides and negative impact, all told through anecdotal lenses.

Not only is this speech easier to memorize because it is their story, but it makes it more engaging. More than what a rollout of psychological facts would have been.

Finally, the speaker ties it up in a compelling conclusion that summarizes the key point with a call to action.

Short speech for a company event

give a short speech of

This is a much shorter speech than the previous example, but it still follows the same principles. In the introduction, the author uses the scale of time to capture the audience’s attention. With a few sentences, it transports their mind to the past and the future. Engaging!

That thought continues its logical progression in the body. The CEO (presumably) zeroes in on the implications and impact of that journey in time on members of the organization. Relatable!

Finally, they tie up the speech with a nice bow with a call back to the beginning.

Not only does this speech have the perfect length for the occasion, but it is also stirring enough to leave a lasting impression.

Short wedding speech

give a short speech of

If you have ever attended a wedding, you are probably familiar with speeches like this. What makes them so common yet effective is how much it understands its audience.

A wedding reception is a relaxed atmosphere, which means the audience experts jokes and laughter. The author doesn’t waste time and delivers right from the beginning. Humor makes us attractive, and with that, the audience is interested in what the writer has to say.

Another thing that makes this speech good and easy to memorize is a total familiarity with the subject matter. In this case, that’s Josh. Because of that, the author can craft a structural narrative that establishes Josh’s personality and character and its relevance to the current event.

Short memorized speech for a presentation

give a short speech of

Here is a nice example of a proper introduction if you ever have to give a speech to your peers at school, work, or any other setting. They already know who you are, which means your primary focus is to give them something to listen to.

Next, dive into the what and why it matters. Here, the writer offers both at the end of the first paragraph and in the next. In two paragraphs, the audience knows why she’s talking about her future and why it matters to the speaker and them.

The next logical question is how the speaker plans to achieve that, and they answer in the final paragraph.

Short introductory speech for a college seminar

give a short speech of

What if you had to come up with an introductory speech for an event? Well, you still follow the same beats as other types of speeches. Establish the what and the why.

For What, this college seminar speech covers the relevance of the seminar by mentioning the dignitaries that have supported it. Without explicitly stating that it is an important event, the roster of those in attendance and the organizing team conveys that to the audience.

To answer Why, the principal plainly states the value of the seminar. The audience understands they are part of a long history, and the content is valuable enough for commercial publication.

Short Personal Introductory Speech

give a short speech of

When you have to introduce yourself, you have a limited time to establish who you are and why you should be listened to.

Thankfully there is not much to learn in this scenario because you are the subject, and no one knows you better than you. Start with your name and your experience like this example to prove your credibility.

Since it is a personal introduction, the body of your content should be something that humanizes you. That way, you go from a name and title to a person, and in this example, a relatable one.

The good thing about this type of speech is it is fun to memorize, and you can rehearse and shape it by giving it to as many people as possible.

Short persuasive speech to students

give a short speech of

In the game of attention that is speech writing and delivery, there are multiple paths to victory. This example deploys the rhetorical question method to command the attention of its audience.

By asking questions audience members have most likely asked themselves, the speaker has positioned himself as someone with answers. After all, if you know about these questions, then they have probably figured it out.

Furthermore, each point builds on the one before it, in the direction of a typical day. Because it follows the logical progression of their regular day, the audience has permission to insert themselves into the narrative, making them more receptive to the advice and suggestion.

Persuasive for a diverse audience

give a short speech of

What if you are trying to write and memorize a speech for a diverse audience? First, you need to find something that unites you all. In this short excerpt from a speech, the speaker has chosen their identity as residents of Thailand.

It would be difficult for the speaker to memorize every single word in this speech. However, by crafting points around how the central purpose of the speech benefits everyone, they don’t have to.

All that needs memorizing are the broader supporting points. To provide jobs, improve the local economy. Each point is bolstered with verifiable facts, which makes it more convincing.

Short speech for an argumentative speech

give a short speech of

If you ever find yourself having a debate, the trick to making a convincing argument is to display a complete understanding of the topic interspersed with your opinions and verifiable facts.

This example does two of those things excellently. It starts by recognizing the conflict. Phones are helpful, and they serve an essential role in modern society, but it has its downsides. Then there’s the referenced medical fact that adds credibility to the conflict.

These points are connected by transitional phrases and words like “On the other hand” and “Worryingly” that make it easy for the audience to follow the speaker’s train of thought.

Short Memorizable speech for a proposal

give a short speech of

Found the perfect partner and want to propose? Besides the content, writing and delivering your proposal speech is no different from any other kind of speech. It is all about connecting with your audience.

That means, like this example, you need to speak in the first person a lot, i.e., lots of Is. Your key points, as shown here, should focus on how your partner makes you feel and what their presence in your life means to you.

Memorizing the main points of your proposal is especially important in this context because your speech should come from the heart. Or at least feel like it did.

Memorized acceptance speech

give a short speech of

Suppose you’ve received an award or recorded an accomplishment that requires a speech. In that case, the majority of your content should focus on showing appreciation.

First, start by thanking the people giving you the award, then move on to thank everyone else, specifically those who contributed to the achievement.

Feel free to introduce humor into your speech, but it should be appropriate for the event and place.

As always, when you memorize this kind of speech, you should focus more on each section than on the exact words. For instance, you could thank the awarding body first, then move to your peers, then family last.

That way, even after rehearsing multiple times in front of a mirror, it still feels natural and spontaneous.

Short acceptance speech with commentary

give a short speech of

There are occasions when you want to do more than simply thank you in your acceptance speech. In scenarios like that, find a way to connect your appreciation with your commentary, as seen in this example.

Start by appreciating the organization or people responsible for the award or accomplishment. Then use transitional phrases or a topic sentence to segue into your commentary.

The example above used “…all the effort of my entire team…” to segue into an inspiring comment. It also used an anecdote to illustrate the point further.

Finally, end with a note of thanks to close the circle.

When crafted this way, you only need to memorize the broad strokes of your speech and perhaps the connective phrase if you came up with the perfect line in your draft.

Short Goodwill speech

give a short speech of

Above is an excerpt of the famous Ich bin ein Berliner speech by President John F. Kennedy in 1963. You can watch and read the whole thing here .

The popular name appears at the very end of the speech, but it would have made zero sense or had little impact if it wasn’t the conclusion of logically progressive thought.

Goodwill speeches should be informative and persuasive, and this example does that brilliantly from the first paragraph. It starts by showing great respect to the city and sticks to the theme by highlighting the shared values and beliefs.

If you ever have to deliver one, focus your memorization efforts on what you have in common with your hosts and build out from there.

Short memorized speech for a funeral

give a short speech of

Many of us will have to deliver a speech at a funeral someday. When that time comes, it is better to memorize the order of your thoughts than the exact words.

A good order starts with introducing yourself and your relationship with the deceased. Then spend the following paragraphs talking about their life and personality. This includes speaking about their accomplishments, major life events. Each talking point should connect back to the impact on you.

Finally, summarize with a final takeaway from the theme, how you want others to remember the individual, and a thank you to attendees.

Short Farewell Speech after leaving a place or position

give a short speech of

Your farewell speech is your last time to leave an impression on your audience. This could be your colleagues, boss, or students. Whoever they are, they will determine the exact tone and style you choose in your speech.

Depending on your experience and emotional attachment to the organization, your speech could be a simple thank you. It could also be exciting stories that highlight your history and journey there.

Whatever you decide, make sure it is personal. The second half of the first paragraph and the second paragraph above is an excellent example of this.

Wrapping it Up

That makes it 15, and depending on the scenario, each one is a useful reference when crafting your speech. Remember, the first step to memorizing a speech is to write one.

It gives you a chance to organize your thoughts, deepen your understanding of the topic, and familiarize yourself with the audience. In turn, you get the confidence to deliver in a way that is both engaging and convincing.

By following these tips and examples, you too will be able to deliver a speech that makes you proud.

give a short speech of

Tom loves to write on technology, e-commerce & internet marketing. I started my first e-commerce company in college, designing and selling t-shirts for my campus bar crawl using print-on-demand. Having successfully established multiple 6 & 7-figure e-commerce businesses (in women’s fashion and hiking gear), I think I can share a tip or 2 to help you succeed.

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How to write a speech that your audience remembers


Whether in a work meeting or at an investor panel, you might give a speech at some point. And no matter how excited you are about the opportunity, the experience can be nerve-wracking . 

But feeling butterflies doesn’t mean you can’t give a great speech. With the proper preparation and a clear outline, apprehensive public speakers and natural wordsmiths alike can write and present a compelling message. Here’s how to write a good speech you’ll be proud to deliver.

What is good speech writing?

Good speech writing is the art of crafting words and ideas into a compelling, coherent, and memorable message that resonates with the audience. Here are some key elements of great speech writing:

  • It begins with clearly understanding the speech's purpose and the audience it seeks to engage. 
  • A well-written speech clearly conveys its central message, ensuring that the audience understands and retains the key points. 
  • It is structured thoughtfully, with a captivating opening, a well-organized body, and a conclusion that reinforces the main message. 
  • Good speech writing embraces the power of engaging content, weaving in stories, examples, and relatable anecdotes to connect with the audience on both intellectual and emotional levels. 

Ultimately, it is the combination of these elements, along with the authenticity and delivery of the speaker , that transforms words on a page into a powerful and impactful spoken narrative.

What makes a good speech?

A great speech includes several key qualities, but three fundamental elements make a speech truly effective:

Clarity and purpose

Remembering the audience, cohesive structure.

While other important factors make a speech a home run, these three elements are essential for writing an effective speech.

The main elements of a good speech

The main elements of a speech typically include:

  • Introduction: The introduction sets the stage for your speech and grabs the audience's attention. It should include a hook or attention-grabbing opening, introduce the topic, and provide an overview of what will be covered.
  • Opening/captivating statement: This is a strong statement that immediately engages the audience and creates curiosity about the speech topics.
  • Thesis statement/central idea: The thesis statement or central idea is a concise statement that summarizes the main point or argument of your speech. It serves as a roadmap for the audience to understand what your speech is about.
  • Body: The body of the speech is where you elaborate on your main points or arguments. Each point is typically supported by evidence, examples, statistics, or anecdotes. The body should be organized logically and coherently, with smooth transitions between the main points.
  • Supporting evidence: This includes facts, data, research findings, expert opinions, or personal stories that support and strengthen your main points. Well-chosen and credible evidence enhances the persuasive power of your speech.
  • Transitions: Transitions are phrases or statements that connect different parts of your speech, guiding the audience from one idea to the next. Effective transitions signal the shifts in topics or ideas and help maintain a smooth flow throughout the speech.
  • Counterarguments and rebuttals (if applicable): If your speech involves addressing opposing viewpoints or counterarguments, you should acknowledge and address them. Presenting counterarguments makes your speech more persuasive and demonstrates critical thinking.
  • Conclusion: The conclusion is the final part of your speech and should bring your message to a satisfying close. Summarize your main points, restate your thesis statement, and leave the audience with a memorable closing thought or call to action.
  • Closing statement: This is the final statement that leaves a lasting impression and reinforces the main message of your speech. It can be a call to action, a thought-provoking question, a powerful quote, or a memorable anecdote.
  • Delivery and presentation: How you deliver your speech is also an essential element to consider. Pay attention to your tone, body language, eye contact , voice modulation, and timing. Practice and rehearse your speech, and try using the 7-38-55 rule to ensure confident and effective delivery.

While the order and emphasis of these elements may vary depending on the type of speech and audience, these elements provide a framework for organizing and delivering a successful speech.


How to structure a good speech

You know what message you want to transmit, who you’re delivering it to, and even how you want to say it. But you need to know how to start, develop, and close a speech before writing it. 

Think of a speech like an essay. It should have an introduction, conclusion, and body sections in between. This places ideas in a logical order that the audience can better understand and follow them. Learning how to make a speech with an outline gives your storytelling the scaffolding it needs to get its point across.

Here’s a general speech structure to guide your writing process:

  • Explanation 1
  • Explanation 2
  • Explanation 3

How to write a compelling speech opener

Some research shows that engaged audiences pay attention for only 15 to 20 minutes at a time. Other estimates are even lower, citing that people stop listening intently in fewer than 10 minutes . If you make a good first impression at the beginning of your speech, you have a better chance of interesting your audience through the middle when attention spans fade. 

Implementing the INTRO model can help grab and keep your audience’s attention as soon as you start speaking. This acronym stands for interest, need, timing, roadmap, and objectives, and it represents the key points you should hit in an opening. 

Here’s what to include for each of these points: 

  • Interest : Introduce yourself or your topic concisely and speak with confidence . Write a compelling opening statement using relevant data or an anecdote that the audience can relate to.
  • Needs : The audience is listening to you because they have something to learn. If you’re pitching a new app idea to a panel of investors, those potential partners want to discover more about your product and what they can earn from it. Read the room and gently remind them of the purpose of your speech. 
  • Timing : When appropriate, let your audience know how long you’ll speak. This lets listeners set expectations and keep tabs on their own attention span. If a weary audience member knows you’ll talk for 40 minutes, they can better manage their energy as that time goes on. 
  • Routemap : Give a brief overview of the three main points you’ll cover in your speech. If an audience member’s attention starts to drop off and they miss a few sentences, they can more easily get their bearings if they know the general outline of the presentation.
  • Objectives : Tell the audience what you hope to achieve, encouraging them to listen to the end for the payout. 

Writing the middle of a speech

The body of your speech is the most information-dense section. Facts, visual aids, PowerPoints — all this information meets an audience with a waning attention span. Sticking to the speech structure gives your message focus and keeps you from going off track, making everything you say as useful as possible.

Limit the middle of your speech to three points, and support them with no more than three explanations. Following this model organizes your thoughts and prevents you from offering more information than the audience can retain. 

Using this section of the speech to make your presentation interactive can add interest and engage your audience. Try including a video or demonstration to break the monotony. A quick poll or survey also keeps the audience on their toes. 

Wrapping the speech up

To you, restating your points at the end can feel repetitive and dull. You’ve practiced countless times and heard it all before. But repetition aids memory and learning , helping your audience retain what you’ve told them. Use your speech’s conclusion to summarize the main points with a few short sentences.

Try to end on a memorable note, like posing a motivational quote or a thoughtful question the audience can contemplate once they leave. In proposal or pitch-style speeches, consider landing on a call to action (CTA) that invites your audience to take the next step.


How to write a good speech

If public speaking gives you the jitters, you’re not alone. Roughly 80% of the population feels nervous before giving a speech, and another 10% percent experiences intense anxiety and sometimes even panic. 

The fear of failure can cause procrastination and can cause you to put off your speechwriting process until the last minute. Finding the right words takes time and preparation, and if you’re already feeling nervous, starting from a blank page might seem even harder.

But putting in the effort despite your stress is worth it. Presenting a speech you worked hard on fosters authenticity and connects you to the subject matter, which can help your audience understand your points better. Human connection is all about honesty and vulnerability, and if you want to connect to the people you’re speaking to, they should see that in you.

1. Identify your objectives and target audience

Before diving into the writing process, find healthy coping strategies to help you stop worrying . Then you can define your speech’s purpose, think about your target audience, and start identifying your objectives. Here are some questions to ask yourself and ground your thinking : 

  • What purpose do I want my speech to achieve? 
  • What would it mean to me if I achieved the speech’s purpose?
  • What audience am I writing for? 
  • What do I know about my audience? 
  • What values do I want to transmit? 
  • If the audience remembers one take-home message, what should it be? 
  • What do I want my audience to feel, think, or do after I finish speaking? 
  • What parts of my message could be confusing and require further explanation?

2. Know your audience

Understanding your audience is crucial for tailoring your speech effectively. Consider the demographics of your audience, their interests, and their expectations. For instance, if you're addressing a group of healthcare professionals, you'll want to use medical terminology and data that resonate with them. Conversely, if your audience is a group of young students, you'd adjust your content to be more relatable to their experiences and interests. 

3. Choose a clear message

Your message should be the central idea that you want your audience to take away from your speech. Let's say you're giving a speech on climate change. Your clear message might be something like, "Individual actions can make a significant impact on mitigating climate change." Throughout your speech, all your points and examples should support this central message, reinforcing it for your audience.

4. Structure your speech

Organizing your speech properly keeps your audience engaged and helps them follow your ideas. The introduction should grab your audience's attention and introduce the topic. For example, if you're discussing space exploration, you could start with a fascinating fact about a recent space mission. In the body, you'd present your main points logically, such as the history of space exploration, its scientific significance, and future prospects. Finally, in the conclusion, you'd summarize your key points and reiterate the importance of space exploration in advancing human knowledge.

5. Use engaging content for clarity

Engaging content includes stories, anecdotes, statistics, and examples that illustrate your main points. For instance, if you're giving a speech about the importance of reading, you might share a personal story about how a particular book changed your perspective. You could also include statistics on the benefits of reading, such as improved cognitive abilities and empathy.

6. Maintain clarity and simplicity

It's essential to communicate your ideas clearly. Avoid using overly technical jargon or complex language that might confuse your audience. For example, if you're discussing a medical breakthrough with a non-medical audience, explain complex terms in simple, understandable language.

7. Practice and rehearse

Practice is key to delivering a great speech. Rehearse multiple times to refine your delivery, timing, and tone. Consider using a mirror or recording yourself to observe your body language and gestures. For instance, if you're giving a motivational speech, practice your gestures and expressions to convey enthusiasm and confidence.

8. Consider nonverbal communication

Your body language, tone of voice, and gestures should align with your message . If you're delivering a speech on leadership, maintain strong eye contact to convey authority and connection with your audience. A steady pace and varied tone can also enhance your speech's impact.

9. Engage your audience

Engaging your audience keeps them interested and attentive. Encourage interaction by asking thought-provoking questions or sharing relatable anecdotes. If you're giving a speech on teamwork, ask the audience to recall a time when teamwork led to a successful outcome, fostering engagement and connection.

10. Prepare for Q&A

Anticipate potential questions or objections your audience might have and prepare concise, well-informed responses. If you're delivering a speech on a controversial topic, such as healthcare reform, be ready to address common concerns, like the impact on healthcare costs or access to services, during the Q&A session.

By following these steps and incorporating examples that align with your specific speech topic and purpose, you can craft and deliver a compelling and impactful speech that resonates with your audience.


Tools for writing a great speech

There are several helpful tools available for speechwriting, both technological and communication-related. Here are a few examples:

  • Word processing software: Tools like Microsoft Word, Google Docs, or other word processors provide a user-friendly environment for writing and editing speeches. They offer features like spell-checking, grammar correction, formatting options, and easy revision tracking.
  • Presentation software: Software such as Microsoft PowerPoint or Google Slides is useful when creating visual aids to accompany your speech. These tools allow you to create engaging slideshows with text, images, charts, and videos to enhance your presentation.
  • Speechwriting Templates: Online platforms or software offer pre-designed templates specifically for speechwriting. These templates provide guidance on structuring your speech and may include prompts for different sections like introductions, main points, and conclusions.
  • Rhetorical devices and figures of speech: Rhetorical tools such as metaphors, similes, alliteration, and parallelism can add impact and persuasion to your speech. Resources like books, websites, or academic papers detailing various rhetorical devices can help you incorporate them effectively.
  • Speechwriting apps: Mobile apps designed specifically for speechwriting can be helpful in organizing your thoughts, creating outlines, and composing a speech. These apps often provide features like voice recording, note-taking, and virtual prompts to keep you on track.
  • Grammar and style checkers: Online tools or plugins like Grammarly or Hemingway Editor help improve the clarity and readability of your speech by checking for grammar, spelling, and style errors. They provide suggestions for sentence structure, word choice, and overall tone.
  • Thesaurus and dictionary: Online or offline resources such as thesauruses and dictionaries help expand your vocabulary and find alternative words or phrases to express your ideas more effectively. They can also clarify meanings or provide context for unfamiliar terms.
  • Online speechwriting communities: Joining online forums or communities focused on speechwriting can be beneficial for getting feedback, sharing ideas, and learning from experienced speechwriters. It's an opportunity to connect with like-minded individuals and improve your public speaking skills through collaboration.

Remember, while these tools can assist in the speechwriting process, it's essential to use them thoughtfully and adapt them to your specific needs and style. The most important aspect of speechwriting remains the creativity, authenticity, and connection with your audience that you bring to your speech.


5 tips for writing a speech

Behind every great speech is an excellent idea and a speaker who refined it. But a successful speech is about more than the initial words on the page, and there are a few more things you can do to help it land.

Here are five more tips for writing and practicing your speech:

1. Structure first, write second

If you start the writing process before organizing your thoughts, you may have to re-order, cut, and scrap the sentences you worked hard on. Save yourself some time by using a speech structure, like the one above, to order your talking points first. This can also help you identify unclear points or moments that disrupt your flow.

2. Do your homework

Data strengthens your argument with a scientific edge. Research your topic with an eye for attention-grabbing statistics, or look for findings you can use to support each point. If you’re pitching a product or service, pull information from company metrics that demonstrate past or potential successes. 

Audience members will likely have questions, so learn all talking points inside and out. If you tell investors that your product will provide 12% returns, for example, come prepared with projections that support that statement.

3. Sound like yourself

Memorable speakers have distinct voices. Think of Martin Luther King Jr’s urgent, inspiring timbre or Oprah’s empathetic, personal tone . Establish your voice — one that aligns with your personality and values — and stick with it. If you’re a motivational speaker, keep your tone upbeat to inspire your audience . If you’re the CEO of a startup, try sounding assured but approachable. 

4. Practice

As you practice a speech, you become more confident , gain a better handle on the material, and learn the outline so well that unexpected questions are less likely to trip you up. Practice in front of a colleague or friend for honest feedback about what you could change, and speak in front of the mirror to tweak your nonverbal communication and body language .

5. Remember to breathe

When you’re stressed, you breathe more rapidly . It can be challenging to talk normally when you can’t regulate your breath. Before your presentation, try some mindful breathing exercises so that when the day comes, you already have strategies that will calm you down and remain present . This can also help you control your voice and avoid speaking too quickly.

How to ghostwrite a great speech for someone else

Ghostwriting a speech requires a unique set of skills, as you're essentially writing a piece that will be delivered by someone else. Here are some tips on how to effectively ghostwrite a speech:

  • Understand the speaker's voice and style : Begin by thoroughly understanding the speaker's personality, speaking style, and preferences. This includes their tone, humor, and any personal anecdotes they may want to include.
  • Interview the speaker : Have a detailed conversation with the speaker to gather information about their speech's purpose, target audience, key messages, and any specific points they want to emphasize. Ask for personal stories or examples they may want to include.
  • Research thoroughly : Research the topic to ensure you have a strong foundation of knowledge. This helps you craft a well-informed and credible speech.
  • Create an outline : Develop a clear outline that includes the introduction, main points, supporting evidence, and a conclusion. Share this outline with the speaker for their input and approval.
  • Write in the speaker's voice : While crafting the speech, maintain the speaker's voice and style. Use language and phrasing that feel natural to them. If they have a particular way of expressing ideas, incorporate that into the speech.
  • Craft a captivating opening : Begin the speech with a compelling opening that grabs the audience's attention. This could be a relevant quote, an interesting fact, a personal anecdote, or a thought-provoking question.
  • Organize content logically : Ensure the speech flows logically, with each point building on the previous one. Use transitions to guide the audience from one idea to the next smoothly.
  • Incorporate engaging stories and examples : Include anecdotes, stories, and real-life examples that illustrate key points and make the speech relatable and memorable.
  • Edit and revise : Edit the speech carefully for clarity, grammar, and coherence. Ensure the speech is the right length and aligns with the speaker's time constraints.
  • Seek feedback : Share drafts of the speech with the speaker for their feedback and revisions. They may have specific changes or additions they'd like to make.
  • Practice delivery : If possible, work with the speaker on their delivery. Practice the speech together, allowing the speaker to become familiar with the content and your writing style.
  • Maintain confidentiality : As a ghostwriter, it's essential to respect the confidentiality and anonymity of the work. Do not disclose that you wrote the speech unless you have the speaker's permission to do so.
  • Be flexible : Be open to making changes and revisions as per the speaker's preferences. Your goal is to make them look good and effectively convey their message.
  • Meet deadlines : Stick to agreed-upon deadlines for drafts and revisions. Punctuality and reliability are essential in ghostwriting.
  • Provide support : Support the speaker during their preparation and rehearsal process. This can include helping with cue cards, speech notes, or any other materials they need.

Remember that successful ghostwriting is about capturing the essence of the speaker while delivering a well-structured and engaging speech. Collaboration, communication, and adaptability are key to achieving this.

Give your best speech yet

Learn how to make a speech that’ll hold an audience’s attention by structuring your thoughts and practicing frequently. Put the effort into writing and preparing your content, and aim to improve your breathing, eye contact , and body language as you practice. The more you work on your speech, the more confident you’ll become.

The energy you invest in writing an effective speech will help your audience remember and connect to every concept. Remember: some life-changing philosophies have come from good speeches, so give your words a chance to resonate with others. You might even change their thinking.

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Elizabeth Perry, ACC

Elizabeth Perry is a Coach Community Manager at BetterUp. She uses strategic engagement strategies to cultivate a learning community across a global network of Coaches through in-person and virtual experiences, technology-enabled platforms, and strategic coaching industry partnerships. With over 3 years of coaching experience and a certification in transformative leadership and life coaching from Sofia University, Elizabeth leverages transpersonal psychology expertise to help coaches and clients gain awareness of their behavioral and thought patterns, discover their purpose and passions, and elevate their potential. She is a lifelong student of psychology, personal growth, and human potential as well as an ICF-certified ACC transpersonal life and leadership Coach.

How to write an impactful cover letter for a career change

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Great Talks Most People Have Never Heard

Not long ago, I came across a little-known speech titled, “You and Your Research”.

The speech had been delivered in 1986 by Richard Hamming, an accomplished mathematician and computer engineer, as part of an internal series of talks given at Bell Labs. I had never heard of Hamming, the internal lecture series at Bell Labs, or this particular speech. And yet, as I read the transcript, I came across one useful insight after another.

After reading that talk, I got to thinking… what other great talks and speeches are out there that I’ve never heard?

I’ve been slowly searching for answers to that question and the result is this list of my favorite interesting and insightful talks that are not widely known. You may see a few famous speeches on this list, but my guess is that most people are not aware of many of them—just as I wasn’t when I first started looking around.

As far as I know this is the only place where you can read transcripts of these speeches in one place.

Famous Speeches and Great Talks

This list is organized by presenter name and then speech topic. Click the links below to jump to a specific speech. On each page, you’ll find a full transcript of the speech as well as some additional background information.

  • Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie, “The Danger of a Single Story”
  • Jeff Bezos, “Statement by Jeff Bezos to the U.S. House Committee on the Judiciary”
  • Jeff Bezos, “What Matters More Than Your Talents”
  • John C. Bogle, “Enough”
  • Brené Brown, “ The Anatomy of Trust “
  • John Cleese, “Creativity in Management”
  • William Deresiewicz, “Solitude and Leadership”
  • Richard Feynman, “Seeking New Laws”
  • Neil Gaiman, “Make Good Art”
  • John W. Gardner, “Personal Renewal”
  • Elizabeth Gilbert, “Your Elusive Creative Genius”
  • Albert E. N. Gray,  “The Common Denominator of Success”
  • Bill Gurley, “Runnin Down a Dream”
  • Richard Hamming, “Learning to Learn”
  • Richard Hamming, “You and Your Research”
  • Steve Jobs, “2005 Stanford Commencement Address”
  • Peter Kaufman,  “The Multidisciplinary Approach to Thinking”
  • C.S. Lewis, “The Inner Ring”
  • Admiral William H. McRaven, “Make Your Bed”
  • Arno Rafael Minkkinen, “Finding Your Own Vision”
  • Charlie Munger, “2007 USC Law School Commencement Address”
  • Charlie Munger, “A Lesson on Elementary, Worldly Wisdom”
  • Charlie Munger, “How to Guarantee a Life of Misery”
  • Charlie Munger, “The Psychology of Human Misjudgment”
  • Nathan Myhrvold, “ Roadkill on the Information Highway “
  • Randy Pausch, “Achieving Your Childhood Dreams”
  • Randy Pausch, “Time Management”
  • Anna Quindlen,  “1999 Mount Holyoke Commencement Speech”
  • John Roberts, “I Wish You Bad Luck”
  • Sir Ken Robinson, “Do Schools Kill Creativity?”
  • J.K. Rowling, “The Fringe Benefits of Failure”
  • George Saunders, “Failures of Kindness”
  • Claude Shannon, “Creative Thinking”
  • BF Skinner, “How to Discover What You Have to Say”
  • Jim Valvano, “Don’t Give Up”
  • Bret Victor, “Inventing on Principle”
  • David Foster Wallace, “This is Water”
  • Art Williams, “Just Do It”
  • Evan Williams,  “A Journey on the Information Highway”

This is an on-going project. If you know of another great talk, please contact me .

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English Speech Topics for Students


  • Updated on  
  • Apr 2, 2024

english speech topics for students

Writing an exciting and thoughtful speech requires selecting a good topic, researching it thoroughly, and forming individual opinions to express the same. School students are usually asked to speak on a contemporary topic to help them become good public speakers as well as learn the art of expressing oneself in front of an audience. While many speech competitions often allot topics beforehand, you might also have heard of extempore where topics are given on the spot for speech. This blog brings you a list of common English speech topics as well as some helpful tips and tricks that can assist you in effectively expressing your thoughts and opinions in front of an audience. Before starting, we would like to give you one piece of advice: you can also Humanize AI to humanize these topics for better readability and human touch, if required. Let’s begin!

Checkout our 200+ Essay Topics for Students in English

This Blog Includes:

List of best english speech topics for students, 1-minute speech topics, 2-minute speech topics, 3-minute speech topics, easy topics for speech in english, english speech topics on environment, english speech topics on technology, english speech topics on independence day, english speech topics on diwali, english speech topics on corruption, english speech topics on feminism, english speech topics on mother’s day, english speaking topics on capitalism, engish speech topics on gandhi jayanti, english speech topics on reading, english speech topics on communism, english speech topics on deforestation, english speech topics on social issues, english speech topics on important days & events, english speech topics on greatest leaders in india & around the world, english speech topics on indian culture, english speech topics on proverbs, english speech topics on human rights, english speech topics on education, english speech topics on the importance of water, miscellaneous speech topics, types of persuasive speech topics, tips for writing and speaking a speech.

Speeches are all about one’s thoughts. It should not be copied from somewhere. It is all about what the speaker thinks of any given topic. However, take a look at the following list of English Speech topics on different contemporary issues as well as concepts.

  • The Best Day of My Life
  • Social Media: Bane or Boon?
  • Pros and Cons of Online Learning
  • Benefits of Yoga
  • If I had a Superpower
  • I wish I were ______
  • Human Rights
  • Environment Conservation
  • Women Should Rule the World!
  • The Best Lesson I Have Learned
  • Paperbacks vs E-books
  • How to Tackle a Bad Habit
  • My Favorite Pastime/Hobby
  • Why should every citizen vote?
  • Fear of Missing Out (FOMO): Is it real or not?
  • Importance of Reading
  • Importance of Books in Our Life
  • My Favorite Fictional Character
  • Introverts vs Extroverts
  • Lessons to Learn from Sports
  • Beauty is in the eye of the beholder

Quick Read: English Speaking Books

Quick Read: Essay on Peer Pressure

Quick Read: Essay on Health and Fitness for Students

  • Importance of Kindness
  • Is there Value in Homework?
  • Things I learned in Lockdown
  • How can food be recycled?
  • Should Art be a part of the school curriculum?
  • Should schools teach sign language?
  • Women make better presidents/prime ministers
  • Why books are better than movies?
  • Life was better when technology was simple
  • Impact of technology on our health
  • Should children’s reality shows be banned?
  • Learning in the Wake of COVID-19
  • Hard Work vs Smart Work
  • What Makes Learning Fun?
  • The Coolest Inventions You’ve Seen
  • Nuclear Energy
  • Importance of AI in Education
  • Importance of Extracurricular Activities
  • Should exams be banned?
  • How to Tackle Bullying in Schools?

  • Speech about dreams
  • Speech about life
  • Speech on time
  • Speech on discipline
  • Speech on happiness
  • Speech on kindness
  • Speech on value of time
  • Speech on health and fitness
  • Speech on Doctor
  • Speech on Nurse
  • Graduation Day Speech
  • World Health Day Speech
  • Sex Education Speech
  • Importance of Education
  • Is it beneficial to learn a Second Language?
  • Music has healing power
  • Success in life
  • Self Confidence
  • 18th birthday
  • Love is more powerful than hate
  • Social Impact of Covid-19
  • How can Online Learning be Fun?
  • Make Public Transport Free
  • Should violent video games be banned?
  • Speech on Learning

Exploring English Speech Topics? You must also take a look at Extempore Topics !

  • Climate Change
  • Ozone Layer Depletion
  • Reducing Water Levels
  • Deforestation
  • Global Warming
  • Waste Management
  • Water-Saving Techniques
  • Reducing the Green Cover of Earth
  • Endangered species need protection
  • Importance of fishing regulations
  • Importance of investing in alternative fuels
  • Impact of ocean acidification on marine organisms
  • The misuse of the term “sustainable development” by environmentalists
  • Microbial benefits
  • E-Waste Management
  • Natural Disasters and their impact on economic growth
  • Energy alternatives – Only solution to the environmental damage
  • Extinction of rare species
  • World Environment Day
  • Disaster Management
  • Over and Improper Use of Natural Resources
  • Air, Water and Soil Pollution
  • Efficiency of Recycling

Also Read: How to Write Dialogue: Format, Tips and Examples

  • Technology and Mental Health
  • Privacy in the Digital Age: Navigating the Challenges of Data Collection and Surveillance
  • The Impact of Technology on Society
  • Artificial Intelligence: The New Normal
  • The Role of Social Media in Communication and Social Interactions
  • Sustainable Technology: Innovations for a Greener Future
  • The Rise of E-commerce
  • Gaming Technology: Entertainment, ESports and Interactive Experiences
  • The Digital Divide: Bridging the Gap for Equal Access to Technology
  • The Ethical Dilemmas of Emerging Technologies

Also Read: English Vocabulary: Meaning, Types, Tips to Improve

  • The Journey of Independence Day
  • The Significance of Independence Day
  • Indian Independence Day
  • Remembering the Founding Fathers
  • The Spirit of Independence
  • Independence Day and Volunteering
  • Independence Day Speeches
  • India’s Road to Freedom
  • Independence Day and National Identity
  • Independence Day in the Digital Age
  • Independence Day and Women’s Empowerment
  • Diwali: The Festival of Lights and Its Significance in Hindu Culture
  • Diwali and the Victory of Good Over Evil
  • Diwali and the Art of Giving
  • Diwali and the Spirit of Forgiveness
  • Diwali and Cultural Exchanges
  • Diwali and the Essence of Joy
  • Diwali and Social Responsibility
  • Diwali and Artistic Expressions
  • The Rituals and Traditions of Diwali
  • Diwali and the Symbolism of Light
  • The Economic Consequence of Corruption
  • Corruption and International Aid
  • Media and Corruption
  • Fighting Corruption
  • Corruption in Politics
  • The Role of Transparency and Accountability in Curbing Corruption
  • The Role of Technology in Combating Corruption
  • Whistleblowing and Protecting Mechanism
  • Corruption in Business and Corporate Practices
  • Understanding Feminism
  • The Future of Feminism
  • Feminism and Parenting
  • Feminism and Online Activism
  • Feminism and Environmental Activism
  • Feminism and Reproductive Rights
  • The Gender Pay Gap: Examining Inequalities in the Workplace
  • Feminism and its Evolution
  • Feminism and Body Positivity
  • Feminism and Media Representation: Encouraging Authentic and Diverse Portrayals of Women
  • Expressing Gratitude and Love to Mothers
  • The Influence of Mothers in Shaping Our Values and Beliefs
  • Motherhood and Education
  • Mother’s Day and Volunteerism
  • Mother-Daughter Relationship
  • The Role of Mothers in Shaping Society
  • Mother’s Day Crafts and DIY Gifts
  • Learned Lessons from Mothers
  • Mother’s Day Around the World: Cultural Traditions and Celebrations
  • Capitalism: An Introduction to the Economic System and its Principles
  • The Future of Capitalism
  • Pros and Cons of Capitalism
  • Capitalism and Globalisation
  • Capitalism and Consumerism
  • Capitalism and Financial Crisis: Undertaking the Risk and Mitigation Measures
  • Capitalism and Environmental Sustainability
  • Capitalism and the Role of Government
  • Corporate Social Responsibility in Capitalism
  • Capitalism and the Digital Economy
  • Mahatma Gandhi: The Father of the Nation and His Ideals
  • Remembering Gandhi: Reflecting On His Life and Legacy
  • Gandhi’s Influence on the Indian Independence Movement
  • Satyagraha: The Power of Truth and Nonviolent Resistance
  • Gandhi’s Philosophy of Swaraj
  • The Role of Women in Gandhi’s Freedom Struggle
  • Gandhi’s Teaching on Education and Moral Values
  • Gandhi’s Lasting Legacy
  • Gandhi’s Vision for a Just and Inclusive Society
  • The Relevance of Gandhi’s Principles in Today’s World
  • The Influence of Reading on Emotional Intelligence and Empathy
  • Reading and Mental Health
  • Benefits of Reading
  • Reading and Empowerment
  • The Role of Reading in Academic Success and Lifelong Learning
  • Promoting a Reading Culture: Encouraging Reading Habits in Society
  • Reading Biographies and Memoirs
  • Reading and Social Connections
  • The Joy of Reading: Escaping Into the Different Worlds and Characters
  • Reading and Personal Identity
  • The Current State of Communism
  • Communism: An Introduction to the Ideology and Its Historical Context
  • The Evolution of Communist Movements
  • The Role of the State in a Communist Society
  • The Fall of Communist Regimes
  • Communism and Religious Freedom
  • Communism and Gender Equality
  • Communism and Workers’ Rights
  • The Criticisms of Communism
  • Deforestation: Causes, Consequences and Global Impact
  • Deforestation and Climate Change
  • Deforestation and Carbon Sequestration
  • Deforestation and Individual Actions
  • Deforestation and Wildlife Trafficking
  • Deforestation and Sustainable Development
  • Deforestation and Indigenous Communities
  • Deforestation and Biodiversity Loss
  • Deforestation and Forest Fires
  • The Importance of Forests

Quick Read: Speech on Nuclear Energy

  • Women Empowerment
  • Education of Girl Child
  • Unemployment
  • Casteism 
  • Reservation
  • Importance of Maintaining Hygiene
  • Child Labour
  • Social Distancing
  • Organ Donation
  • Importance of the Right to Education
  • Child Trafficking
  • Cultural Diversity
  • Struggles of Immigrants
  • Impact of Globalisation
  • Adult education
  • Independence Day
  • Mother’s Day
  • World Cancer Day
  • World Population Day
  • World Health Day
  • Ambedkar Jayanti
  • Gandhi Jayanti
  • Human Rights Day
  • Zero Discrimination Day
  • Women’s Day
  • Thanksgiving
  • Anti-Terrorism Day
  • Hindi Diwas 

Check out this list of all the important national and international days in 202 4 !

  • Mahatma Gandhi
  • Jawaharlal Nehru
  • Raja Rammohan Roy
  • George Washington
  • Albert Einstein
  • APJ Abdul Kalam
  • Nelson Mandela
  • Kailash Satyarthi
  • Diversity in India
  • Speech on Holi
  • The Role of Yoga and Meditation in Indian Culture and Its Global Impact
  • The Importance of Traditional Indian Clothing
  • Indian Folklore
  • Indian Festivals
  • The Art of Indian Dance
  • Traditional Indian Medicine (Ayurveda)
  • Indian Epics and Mythology
  • Social Customs and Etiquettes in Indian Society
  • Indian Sports and Games

Also Read: Speech on Indian Culture

  • Honesty is the best policy
  • When there’s a will, there is a way
  • Actions speak louder than words
  • Knowledge is Power
  • Ignorance is Bliss
  • Don’t judge a book by its cover
  • Hard work is the key to success

Explore these proverbs & their meanings through this blog on Difficult Phrases !

  • The Role of International Organisations in Promoting and Protecting Human Rights
  • The Universal Declaration of Human Rights: A Milestone in Human History
  • Gender Equality: Breaking Barriers and Empowering Women
  • Ensuring a Safe and Sustainable Environment for the Next Generation
  • The Right to Education: Empowering Minds
  • Bridging the Gap Between the Rich and Poor
  • Human Rights and Armed Conflicts
  • Global Fight to Combat Human Trafficking
  • Human Rights and Climate Change
  • Religious Freedom: Tolerance and Coexistence in a Diverse Society

To know what to mention in such speech topics, explore the Great Personalities in the World !

  • Importance of teacher in your life
  • SAT scores for college application
  • Student bullies should be expelled
  • Consequences of cheating in exams
  • Homeschooling is better than normal schooling
  • Importance of value education
  • Importance of sports and physical exercises
  • Schools vs colleges
  • What is the difference between a school, college and university in the USA?

Check Out: Synonyms List

  • The Water-Energy Nexus
  • The Essence of Water: Exploring the Live-giving Properties of H2O
  • Water as a Driver of Economic Growth and Prosperity
  • Water Security: Ensuring Equal Access and Quality for All
  • Water and Agriculture
  • The Role of Water in Ecosystems
  • Water and Blue Economy
  • Water Diplomacy: Promoting Collaboration for Transboundary Water Management
  • Water and Cultural Significance: Exploring Symbolisms and Rituals
  • Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH): Foundational for Human Health and Dignity
  • Article 370
  • Women rights
  • The Constitution of India
  • Youth of India
  • Culture of India
  • Importance of Unity
  • Generation Gap
  • Importance of Value Education
  • Old Age Homes
  • Family Values
  • Leadership skills
  • Rise of Smart Classes
  • Grading System
  • Importance of Practical Education
  • Benefits of Co-Education
  • Importance of Co-Curricular Activities
  • The uselessness of Power-Point Presentations
  • Rise of Technology
  • Excessive usage of the Internet
  • Speech on Fear
  • Speech on Dependence on Technology
  • Importance of Social Media
  • Speech on India of My Dreams
  • Indian Education System
  • Speech on My India

While exploring persuasive English speech topics, you must make sure that they are stimulating, engaging, concise and clear. There are three main types of Persuasive Speech topics which are:

1. Factual Persuasive Speech : These topics include facts, figures and statistics to thoroughly analyse the given topic and assess whether it’s true or false.

2. Policy Persuasive Speech : Discussing policies, laws and reforms, these speech topics critically examine the advantages and disadvantages of the given policy or law and suggest the improvements that can be made.

3. Value Persuasive Speech : Mainly focusing on social or political issues, these speech topics present the critique and argument of whether certain actions are morally right or not.

While speaking on a particular topic, there are certain things that you must keep in mind to make your speech expressive and effective. Let’s take a look at some useful topics that help you in acing any topic you are speaking on.

tips for writing and speaking

  • Always research the topic. If you are participating in an extempore, then make sure to go through the common and popular topics as well as the unconventional ones that you might get. Preparation is the key to delivering an impressive speech. For inspiration, look up various speech examples to see how effective speakers engage their audience
  • Whether you are given a topic on the spot or you are prepared for the speech, it is always pivotal that you seem interested in speaking about it. Relate the given issues to your own life and this will help you in giving it your twist.
  • Pay extra attention to your body language and enunciation. While a gesticulative approach will make you seem outward, having timid body language can cause a wrong impression.
  • Ponder upon the different viewpoints on a topic . Try to present a holistic view of the given topic but don’t forget to present your opinion on it as well. Along with this, don’t try to take sides unless the topic demands you to.
  • Involve your audience, if possible. This way, you will be able to interact with the people and it will also be useful in fighting the fear of public speaking.
  • Don’t mug up a speech. It becomes evident when someone just speaks on a topic continuously and the audience might realise that you have memorized it or you might forget a certain part which will let the whole speech fade away from your brain.
  • Instead, make notes about the topic in your mind, remember certain keywords and try to maintain a particular flow in your speech.
  • Incorporate humour in your speech in a way that you do not offend anyone or overdo it but get a positive reaction from the audience. Humour is a great way of lightening the mood as well as ensuring the whole speech is interactive and engaging.
  • When you need more specialized assistance, a  US essay writing service  can be a valuable resource for crafting your speech.

While preparing for English Speech topics, you must also check out IELTS Speaking Topics !

Juvenile delinquency is acceptable. Prostitution should be legal. Underage driving should be punishable by law. Beauty pageants for children should be banned. Prisoner’s right to vote. Voting rights should not be universal. Guns should be banned from college campuses.

A three-minute speech is undoubtedly a wonderful starting point for public speaking. This is because you need to communicate with your audience more effectively when you just have a short amount of time. In addition, the speech ought to be concise, pertinent, and clear.

Life is the gift of God in the form of trust that we will make it meaningful in whatever we can. We are all unique individuals. No one is born like you and no one will ever be, so cherish your individuality. Many times, I come across people accusing God of things that they don’t have. They always cursing their lives.

 2-minute speeches are  short and crisp speeches of about 260-350 words .

Related Reads

Thus, we hope that this list helps you in preparing for different English speech topics. Gearing up for IELTS ? Sign up for an online demo session with our experts at Leverage Edu and we will assist you in preparing for its different sections as well as improving your reading, listening, speaking and writing skills to ensure that you ace the exam with flying colours!

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Short Motivational Speeches

Short Motivational Speeches

Motivational speeches are excellent tools to teach, inspire, and even just to tell others what to do. However, not many of us have the time to devote to writing long or complicated motivational speeches. The ability to write a short, sweet, and inspiring motivational speech is a very useful one, and it’s one that will come in handy throughout your life, especially in places of leadership.

In this guide, we’ll introduce you to several useful motivational topics, the most important parts of a good motivational speech, and meaningful situations that motivational speeches can be used in.

Importance of Motivational Speeches

Motivational speeches are not something you have to give. Regardless of whether you’re a leader, someone else in a position of power, or otherwise, motivational speeches are completely optional. If you don’t have the time, energy, or inclination to give a motivational speech, it’s likely that nothing will change. However, you may be missing out on a powerful inspirational tool for employees, friends, or others.

If you’ve listened to a motivational speech yourself, you’ve probably felt the impact it can have on you firsthand. They can be the source of great change in your motivation, faith, and thoughts. As such, motivational speeches are particularly useful for bosses, directors, and other leaders. If they’re something that you can employ for yourself, they’re not an opportunity that you should neglect.

Why Do We Need Motivation?

Motivation plays a vital role in our everyday lives. However, motivation isn’t a given, either. We often need a bit of a push to keep us motivated, or we sometimes need a reminder of why we’re working so hard in the first place. When we lose our motivation, our performance in various areas is lost, too.

Furthermore, motivation is something that binds us together. Every single human being on Earth has felt motivated to do something at some point in their life, all the way back to the first humans who were motivated by the urge to hunt and mate. A well-crafted motivational speech is relatable, inspiring, and reminds us about these things that we fight for.

For the workplace especially, motivation is critical. If employees aren’t inspired to work at their full working capacity, the business isn’t making all the money it could be. Certain causes and non-profit organizations are also in the business of motivating people to turn their lives around.

Many aspects of our lives depend on motivation . Some examples of this are:

While keeping your employees, charges, friends, or peers motivated isn’t your responsibility, sometimes it can be in your best interest. We’ll explore that further in the rest of this article.

Crafting a Motivational Speech

A motivational speech requires several key components to be successful and effective. In the following sections, we’ll go over the most important steps involved in creating a successful, impactful, and succinct motivational speech.

Finding a Topic

Finding a topic for your motivational speech is the very first thing you should do. Your topic should relate to your problem at hand or the issue you’re looking to address, of course. For example, if you’re an employer who is hoping to inspire your employees to work more productively, that should be your topic and your inspiration. If you’re a guest speaker looking to encourage smokers to quit, that will be your source.

Picking a topic for your motivational speech isn’t particularly complicated. The purpose of your speech will be to address a problem , after all. However, how you proceed from there is much more difficult. The next step will be to explain your purpose to your audience. How you do this is primarily up to you. If you’re the straightforward type, it can be as simple as telling your audience that the purpose of your speech is to get them to do something.

However, if you desire to be more creative, you also have the option of being a bit more subtle. You can try different things like:

  • Revealing your purpose at the end of your speech
  • Hinting at but not revealing your purpose
  • Forcing your audience to deduce your purpose from personal stories or other clues
  • Letting your audience take their own wisdom or purpose from your speech or story

Telling a Story

A significant part of a motivational speech is the inclusion of a story. After all, the draw of a motivational speech is a story for the listeners to compare themselves to and take something away from. If a story isn’t included in your motivational speech somehow, it’s no different than a lecture.

Since we’re concerned with creating short and succinct motivational speeches here, you must be careful which stories you choose. If you don’t have a relevant story to share that’s short enough for your purposes, doing online research or asking friends for something is also a good idea. The story doesn’t necessarily have to be yours to be effective. You just have to make it relatable and relevant.

Barring length, which we’ve already addressed, not every story is effective for a motivational speech. The audience needs to be able to relate to the story, and the story itself needs to relate to the topic at hand, or else there’s no point in telling it. Additionally, if your story doesn’t further the point you’re trying to make, it will simply use up more of the time you have to speak.

If possible, using a personal story or a story of someone close to you is best, because this is the type of story that you will relate to the most. When you relate to the story emotionally, you will be a much more effective speaker, and the audience will recognize this and respond to it. If you don’t have an applicable personal story, find something online that moves you and inspires you on its own, then work that into your speech.

As a last resort, you can consider making up a fictional story to tell your audience, but this isn’t always an applicable strategy. For example, if an employer were to make up a story to tell their employees, it wouldn’t be particularly useful, applicable, or even helpful. In the worst case, the employees might take the story as a threat of what might happen to them if they didn’t show greater performance.

Whether you’re looking to scare your employees or not is up to you, but that’s not the purpose of a motivational speech. A motivational speech is meant to inspire people to take positive action, not scare them into behaving with veiled threats.

Finding Your Audience

Your audience is as much an integral part of your speech as the body of the speech itself is. If your audience cannot relate to your speech, it will have less of an effect or it won’t have one at all. In the same way, trying to relate too hard to your audience can be a death sentence, too. Age is a particularly difficult one to follow, but there are hundreds of more variables that presenters need to keep in mind, too, such as:

  • Knowledgeability of the audience
  • Cultural factors and cues
  • Financial availability of the audience
  • Geographical factors

The delivery method you use to relate to your audience plays a role, as well. Particularly infamous is when older speakers try too hard to engage and relate to younger audiences. Avoid the trap of using too much hip lingo and trying to act like a younger generation; the same can apply for older generations, too. As long as you represent yourself well and speak respectfully and engagingly with your audience, your delivery will go over well.

To relate to your audience, rather than falling prey to the traps we mentioned above, consider what your audience needs instead. What is your audience getting out of your speech? Is your audience a group of employees who were forced to come to this speech, or is it a group of students who voluntarily came to listen to you?

Your speech is as much about your audience as it is about you. What can you offer to the audience by speaking to them? What do you want to offer to the audience? Is your speech being given to solve an existing problem, or is its purpose to impart wisdom? These questions and more are essential things to ask yourself as you decide how to deliver your speech.

Tie Things Together

It’s very important to make sure the different parts of your speech all tie together when you’re crafting it. The greater points in your speech should relate to your story, your story should relate to your audience, and your final points should relate to everything mentioned above. This is doubly important since your motivational speech is meant to be short and sweet.

If your speech is all over the place or doesn’t tie together, your audience will not respect it and are unlikely to learn anything from it. Moreover, if your speech doesn’t make sense, your audience will likely zone out long before you’re done giving it.

Just as important as tying everything together is tying things together well. While overdoing things with your speech is a no-no, leaving it boring and clinical isn’t always appropriate, either. Your opening, ending, and overall tone should be compatible with your audience and the message you’re trying to convey.

Start Strong

The importance of the opening to a speech can never be underestimated. What kind of opening works best depends mostly upon your audience, however. Finding this perfect opening sequence is a crucial part of catching your audience’s attention early on and holding that attention for the duration of the speech.

Picking a great opening to your speech is an excellent way to make it memorable, engaging, and interesting to your audience. If you really want to make an impact on your audience, this is the way to do it. Several effective strategies for crafting an effective opening are:

  • Asking your audience some thought-provoking questions
  • Citing a surprising or unbelievable statistic or fact
  • A meaningful or inspiring quote
  • A short and sweet anecdote

Since your motivational speech will be short, its opening is all the more important. You have even less time to introduce your audience to the topic, get them hooked, and pave the way for the rest of the speech. It’s also worth noting that, if your audience needs background on a topic or idea in order to understand it, it’s important to provide that right away in a short motivational speech.

Be Succinct

Even in a longer motivational speech, it’s important to get right to the point and get your message across to your audience. No audience appreciates their time being wasted, so your motivational speech should be brief, to-the-point, and as condensed as possible without losing understanding, ease of conveyance, or meaning.

Your speech needs to be structured, easy to understand, and meaningful. This means avoiding excessive prose or sentences that don’t add to your point. Your structure should be clean, logical, and easy to follow regardless of the topic. Don’t decorate your speech much or at all. The purpose of your speech is to prove a point or to address a problem, after all.

When creating your speech, you should always be honest and real. If you write things into your speech that you don’t believe or subscribe to, your audience will know. If you can’t relate to or at least empathize with your own concepts, you may want to think about adjusting the subject of your speech. A normal speech might be able to get away with this, but a motivational speech depends very much upon being honest and touching the heart.

Your speech should feature a call to action, as well. What problem are you trying to solve? Is the issue you’ve identified wildlife preservation? If that’s the case, perhaps your call to action should be for people to volunteer and donate their time towards saving our wildlife. Whenever you’re giving a motivational speech, make sure there is a course of action mentioned within to give your audience an easy route to follow.

Encourage your audience to engage with what you’ve talked to them about thus far. If your audience is a group of employees under your care, call them to work harder, find a solution to a problem, or improved conditions in the workplace for the benefit of the place as a whole. If your audience is a group of recovering smokers, call for quitting by reminding them of how their health is at stake.

Be Evocative

When you’re looking to engage and hook your audience, playing to their emotions is essential. Throughout your speech, you should be sure to use emotional language, use stories that evoke emotion, and help your audience relate to you emotionally as much as possible.

When your audience connects with you and your speech emotionally, that creates your best possible chance to hold your audience’s attention, change the way they think, and influence the way they act going forward from the speech.

Emotions are an undeniable catalyst for inspiring action. Since this is the end goal of a motivational speech, you should thus try to evoke strong emotions in your audience whenever possible. Whether your speech plays on happiness, sadness, anger, or outrage, speaking to these emotions is an excellent way to craft your speech.

Besides involving your audience’s emotions , it should involve their thoughts, too. Your speech should be designed around making your audience think in addition to making them feel. Present questions that your audience must think about twice to decide what they really believe, and keep them thinking even after your speech is finished.

This might seem like a tall order when you’re only creating a short speech, but making your audience think is essential. It can provide several benefits, such as:

  • Making your audience think about how they might be able to address your problem
  • Making your audience think about your points, come up with counterpoints, or consider solutions
  • Forcing your audience to consider how the issues you’ve presented might affect them

Write to Speech

The way you write work that will not be spoken out loud can be very different than work that is meant to be spoken. Often the case is that work that’s not meant to be spoken doesn’t work as well when it’s spoken out loud. Thus, when you’re writing something that will be spoken as its end result, you should pay attention to this and make sure it works when spoken, too.

An excellent way to practice this and prepare your speech to be spoken out loud is to rehearse your speech as you write it. Saying your speech to yourself before the day of is an excellent way to catch wordy trip-ups or other issues before they matter.

If you can, take things a step further and practice your speech in the mirror, too, as this is an excellent way to improve your own charisma as you work. Charisma only works to improve your audience’s involvement in your speech, so maximizing this skill should always be encouraged.

Do Your Research

There is absolutely no substitute for doing a thorough research when you’re crafting your motivational speech. If you skimp on your research and site unreliable or made-up facts during your presentation, your uncertainty will show through in your demeanor. What’s more, if a member of the audience catches a bad fact that you deliver, they might tune out, or worse, call you out on it during or after the speech.

You should also be prepared to cite things like clinical trials, the results of experiments, and any important metrics when giving your speech. Even if you don’t mention these citations out loud during the speech itself, you should be prepared to give them after the speech if any audience members are interested.

Being caught without your sources is an excellent way to fall into uncertainty or be discredited by your listeners. In the same way, make sure that you pull your statistics from reputable sites, as well. Sources and statistics are completely useless to you if they’re unreputable or fake, to begin with.

Watch Your Language

When you’re crafting your speech, the language you use within it needs some special attention. The language you use might vary depending on your audience, but there are also a few more rules that you should follow. For example, try to avoid jargon within your speech as much as you can. If you must resort to specialized words or if you desire to teach them to the audience, make sure to provide background.

Leaving your audience unsure of what you’re talking about is an excellent way to lose them and waste the remainder of your speech. If your audience doesn’t feel like they can keep up with you, they will quickly zone out and think about other things.

Always respect your audience by using the best level of language that they can understand, but that still respects their intelligence. After all, you would use far different language when talking to a three-year-old than you would when talking to a teenager, right?

Delivering Your Speech

Once you’ve created the perfect short motivational speech, you’re still not quite done. If you want your speech to have maximum impact, the way you deliver it is just as important as the way you write it. There are many things you can do to maximize the delivery of your speech, and we’ll go over the best of these methods in this section.

Practice, Practice, Practice

Like we stated above, practicing your speech yourself is an excellent way to fine-tune how well you give it. Doing this in front of a mirror provides an extra bonus, or alternatively, you can give your speech in front of a video camera or in front of friends or family that you trust. Over time, practicing this way will improve the way you act and feel as you deliver your speeches, even going as far as boosting your own confidence.

Confidence while giving a speech is essential. Even if you have trouble with crowds, you should at least be confident in your delivery and confident in your material. While you practice your speech, though, be very careful not to craft a fake demeanor to use while you give your speech. Your audience will notice this, and they will be far more receptive to your speech and your message if you’re genuine and honest instead.

Prepare and Prepare Again

Even beyond practicing, there really is no replacement for preparing for any contingencies for your speech. You might lose your notecards on the day of, other speakers might run over time, or key people might fail to show up. You should be prepared for these scenarios and more when you’re going in to present your speech. Consider making preparations like:

  • Making extra sets of notecards
  • Preparing a shorter version of your speech
  • Preparing a longer version of your speech
  • Having questions on hand to address the audience with when your speech is over
  • Preparing for different noise levels in your venue

No one is a naturally perfect speaker. Excellent speakers are as good as they are because they take the time to prepare and practice again and again. While you may be able to give an average or good talk even if you skimp on practice and preparation, you will never be able to give an excellent talk this way.

The Delivery

Delivering your speech is an integral part of making it impactful, motivating, and relatable. If you sound unimpressed with or uninspired by your own speech, after all, your audience will inevitably feel the same. You should sound knowledgeable and confident in your material, but still passionate and even emotional about your chosen topic.

An excellent way to practice delivering the speech you want is to record yourself speaking, then play it back. You can deliver your speech in front of friends or family, too, but hearing it from your own mouth is especially helpful. Doing this is an excellent way to take a closer listen to your tone of voice, your vocal excitement and passion, and how well you’re getting your point across.

Examples of Short Motivational Speeches

1. matthew mcconaughey – this is why you’re not happy.

2. Peter Dinklage ‘Don’t Wait’

3. Lou Holtz ‘The 3 Rules to a Less Complicated Life’

4. Will Smith Self-Discipline Motivational Speech

5. Oprah Winfrey Motivational Speech

6. Jim Carrey Motivational Speech

A short motivational speech is a wonderful thing. Even a short speech can have an incredible, lasting effect on its listeners if it’s crafted and delivered the right way. What’s more, a motivational speech is an excellent way to address problems, brainstorm solutions, and get everyone involved in something and on the same page.

Of course, a motivational speech first and foremost duty is to motivate, and when done right, it doesn’t lack at this, either. If you take the proper time and care to craft your speech properly, in addition to knowing and respecting your audience, choosing a good story, and isolating a relevant topic, you will most assuredly be successful in crafting an effective speech that will absorb and motivate your chosen audience.

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7 of the Most Profound and Famous Short Speeches Ever Heard

There are many famous short speeches that have been a turning point in history. Here is a list of some of the most notable speeches ever.

Famous Short Speeches

Speech is power: Speech is to persuade, to convert, to compel. – Ralph Waldo Emerson This quote brilliantly summarizes the power of a good speech. There is no dearth of famous short speeches that have irrevocably influenced mankind and history.

Although the list may seem endless, and there will always be some or the other disagreement of which of these should figure in the list of popular speeches of all time, given below is a compilation of famous speeches by famous people including former presidents, politicians, a great visionary, and a world-renowned dramatist.These have gone down in history as something that people find relevant and influential even today. It is not necessary for a speech to be long to be famous, even a short one can be great, if it has an ability to mesmerize and inspire the audience. What follows, is a list of some of the most notable short speeches of all time. These were given at historical junctions, and had a significant impact at that time, and hold true even today. As these speeches continue to inspire many, they will go down in the annals of time.

Franklin D. Roosevelt’s Pearl Harbor Address

One of the most famous speeches given by a sitting American President, although it lasted just a little over seven and a half minutes, it managed to stir a nation’s patriotism to the very bone and was a significant point in American history. President Roosevelt gave the famous speech to a joint session of Congress, the day after the Japanese bombing of the Pearl Harbor in Hawaii. An excerpt from the speech is as follows:

December 7th, 1941, a date which will live in infamy… No matter how long it may take us to overcome this premeditated invasion, the American people in their righteous might, will win through to absolute victory… I ask that the Congress declare that since the unprovoked and dastardly attack by Japan on Sunday, December 7th, 1941, a state of war has existed between the United States and the Japanese empire.

Ronald Reagan’s Speech Following the Challenger Disaster

American President Ronald Reagan made his famous short speech on national television following the disastrous explosion of the Challenger Space Shuttle. On 26 January, 1986 after only 73 seconds into its flight, the space shuttle broke apart, causing the death of all the seven crew members on board, including a classroom teacher who had been chosen to be the first ever non-astronaut classroom teacher to travel into space. President Reagan spoke of the traumatic accident saying:

Today is a day for mourning and remembering. Nancy and I are pained to the core by the tragedy of the shuttle Challenger. We know we share this pain with all people of our country. This is truly a national loss… Nineteen years ago, almost to the day, we lost three astronauts in a terrible accident on the ground. But we’ve never lost an astronaut in flight. We’ve never had a tragedy like this. And perhaps we’ve forgotten the courage it took for the crew of the shuttle. But they, the Challenger Seven, were aware of the dangers, but overcame them and did their jobs brilliantly. We mourn seven heroes: Michael Smith, Dick Scobee, Judith Resnik, Ronald McNair, Ellison Onizuka, Gregory Jarvis, and Christa McAuliffe. We mourn their loss as a nation together. One of President John F. Kennedy’s most famous speech, was given on 26 June, 1963, to consolidate United States’ support for West Germany a little less than two years after the Communist East Germany erected the Berlin Wall. One of the most famous phrases in history “ Ich bin ein Berliner “, was in fact a last-minute brain child of Kennedy, who came up with the idea of saying it in German, while he was walking up the stairs at the Rathaus (City Hall). It was a great motivational speech for West Berliners, who lived in the constant fear of a possible East German occupation. Given below is an excerpt from this historic speech:

Two thousand years ago the proudest boast was ‘Civis Romanus sum [I am a Roman citizen]’. Today, in the world of freedom, the proudest boast is ‘Ich bin ein Berliner’… All free men, wherever they may live, are citizens of Berlin, and, therefore, as a free man, I take pride in the words ‘Ich bin ein Berliner!’

Bill Clinton’s “I Have Sinned” Speech

The famous, or rather infamous “I have sinned” speech, was delivered by President Bill Clinton at the annual White House prayer breakfast on September 11, 1998, in the presence of several ministers, priests and his wife, First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton. It was hand-written by the President Clinton himself and was delivered on the day of the publication of the first report by Independent Counsel Ken Starr, which threatened to impeach the President Clinton on the grounds of perjury and his sexual affair with former White House intern, Monica Lewinsky.

I agree with those who have said that in my first statement after I testified I was not contrite enough. I don’t think there is a fancy way to say that I have sinned. It is important to me that everybody who has been hurt know that the sorrow I feel is genuine: first and most important, my family; also my friends, my staff, my Cabinet, Monica Lewinsky and her family, and the American people. I have asked all for their forgiveness… But I believe that to be forgiven, more than sorrow is required – at least two more things. First, genuine repentance – a determination to change and to repair breaches of my own making. I have repented. Second, what my bible calls a ”broken spirit”; an understanding that I must have God’s help to be the person that I want to be; a willingness to give the very forgiveness I seek; a renunciation of the pride and the anger which cloud judgment, lead people to excuse and compare and to blame and complain…

Martin Luther King’s “I Have a Dream” Speech

“I have a dream” speech by Martin Luther King Jr., which was delivered on 28 August, 1963 at the steps of the Lincoln Memorial during the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom , was a path-breaking moment for the Civil Rights Movement in America. Given to an audience of more than 200,000 people, this speech was ranked as the top American speech by a 1999 poll of scholars.

I say to you today, my friends, that in spite of the difficulties and frustrations of the moment, I still have a dream. It is a dream deeply rooted in the American dream. I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed: “We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal.” I have a dream that one day on the red hills of Georgia the sons of former slaves and the sons of former slave-owners will be able to sit down together at a table of brotherhood. I have a dream that one day even the state of Mississippi, a desert state, sweltering with the heat of injustice and oppression, will be transformed into an oasis of freedom and justice. I have a dream that my four children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character. I have a dream today. I have a dream that one day the state of Alabama, whose governor’s lips are presently dripping with the words of interposition and nullification, will be transformed into a situation where little black boys and black girls will be able to join hands with little white boys and white girls and walk together as sisters and brothers. I have a dream today. I have a dream that one day every valley shall be exalted, every hill and mountain shall be made low, the rough places will be made plain, and the crooked places will be made straight, and the glory of the Lord shall be revealed, and all flesh shall see it together.

William Shakespeare’s Speeches

The Bard has left behind his legacy in ways more than one. Most of the non-political popular speeches have been written by William Shakespeare. While there are many, like Hamlet’s “To be or not to be…”, and Portia’s speech in Merchant of Venice “The quality of mercy is not strain’d…” to name a few, the Bard’s most famous speech till date is the speech by Jaques in “As You Like It”, which goes as…

All the world’s a stage, And all the men and women merely players: They have their exits and their entrances; And one man in his time plays many parts, His acts being seven ages. At first the infant, Mewling and puking in the nurse’s arms. And then the whining school-boy, with his satchel And shining morning face, creeping like snail Unwillingly to school. And then the lover, Sighing like furnace, with a woeful ballad Made to his mistress’ eyebrow. Then a soldier, Full of strange oaths and bearded like the pard, Jealous in honour, sudden and quick in quarrel, Seeking the bubble reputation Even in the cannon’s mouth. And then the justice, In fair round belly with good capon lined, With eyes severe and beard of formal cut, Full of wise saws and modern instances; And so he plays his part. The sixth age shifts Into the lean and slipper’d pantaloon, With spectacles on nose and pouch on side, His youthful hose, well saved, a world too wide For his shrunk shank; and his big manly voice, Turning again toward childish treble, pipes And whistles in his sound. Last scene of all, That ends this strange eventful history, Is second childishness and mere oblivion, Sans teeth, sans eyes, sans taste, sans everything.

Steve Jobs ‘Stay Hungry, Stay Foolish’ Speech

One of my personal favorites, and a speech that today’s youth identify themselves with, is the Apple CEO Steve Jobs’ commencement speech on 12 June, 2005 at Stanford, which was replete with inspirational quotes. His last words in the address “ Stay hungry, stay foolish ” is one of the most famous quotes and is echoed the world over even today, and spurred on a bestselling book of the same name. It summed up his life in three parts, which he narrated in the form of three stories. This is a small excerpt from this notable short inspirational speech:

I am honored to be with you today at your commencement from one of the finest universities in the world. I never graduated from college. Truth be told, this is the closest I’ve ever gotten to a college graduation. Today I want to tell you three stories from my life. That’s it. No big deal. Just three stories… When I was young, there was an amazing publication called The Whole Earth Catalog, which was one of the bibles of my generation. It was created by a fellow named Stewart Brand not far from here in Menlo Park, and he brought it to life with his poetic touch. This was in the late 1960s’, before personal computers and desktop publishing, so it was all made with typewriters, scissors, and polaroid cameras. It was sort of like Google in paperback form, 35 years before Google came along: it was idealistic, and overflowing with neat tools and great notions.

Stewart and his team put out several issues of The Whole Earth Catalog, and then when it had run its course, they put out a final issue. It was the mid-1970s, and I was your age. On the back cover of their final issue was a photograph of an early morning country road, the kind you might find yourself hitchhiking on if you were so adventurous. Beneath it were the words: “Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish.” It was their farewell message as they signed off. Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish. And I have always wished that for myself. And now, as you graduate to begin anew, I wish that for you.

Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish.

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28+ Easy English 2-Minute Speech Topics For Students

A concise 2-minute speech should begin with a compelling introduction that states your topic’s relevance and importance while briefly introducing yourself. Allocate about a minute for two clear and well-structured main points supported by relevant examples or evidence. Utilize transitions to smoothly guide your audience through these points, ensuring a logical flow. Conclude by summarizing your main ideas, underlining their significance, and leaving the audience with a memorable closing thought or call to action. Practising with a timer and refining your delivery will help you maintain confidence and coherence within the time limit.

give a short speech of

Easy English 2-minute Speech Topics for Students (30 Topic Ideas)

Here are some 2-minute speech topics suitable for students; they are easy to prepare, and we have included sample speeches for the most.

  • The Power of Kindness: Discuss how small acts of kindness can significantly impact individuals and the community. Here is an example: The Power of Kindness
  • The Power of Self-Compassion : The power of self-compassion lies in its ability to transform setbacks into opportunities for growth, fostering resilience, kindness, and a deeper connection with oneself and others. The Power of Self-Compassion
  • The Benefits of Reading: Highlight the advantages of reading regularly, from expanding vocabulary to fostering creativity. Here is an example: The Benefits of Reading
  • Embracing Failure as a Stepping Stone: Talk about how failures can be valuable learning experiences and growth opportunities. Embracing Failure as a Stepping Stone
  • Cyberbullying Awareness : Raise awareness about the adverse effects of cyberbullying and encourage online kindness. Cyberbullying 2-minute speech
  • The Importance of Recycling: Explain why recycling is crucial for the environment and how students can contribute. Importance of Recycling
  • Overcoming Stage Fright: Share strategies for managing stage fright and public speaking anxiety. Remove Stage Fear
  • The Impact of Social Media on Relationships: Discuss how social media affects friendships, family relationships, and personal interactions. Related: Negative Impacts on Social Media
  • Balancing Academics and Extracurricular Activities: Offer tips for maintaining a healthy balance between schoolwork and extracurricular pursuits.
  • Discovering Your Passion: Encourage students to explore their interests and find their passions outside of academics.
  • The Role of Students in Environmental Conservation: Inspire students to protect the environment through active actions actively.
  • Building Healthy Study Habits: Provide practical advice on effective study habits and time management for academic success. Healthy Study Habits
  • Promoting Mental Health Awareness: Discuss the importance of addressing mental health issues and reducing stigma.
  • The Significance of Volunteering: Talk about the benefits of volunteering for personal growth and community betterment. The Significance of Volunteering
  • Media Literacy in the Digital Age: Educate students about critical thinking when consuming online information and media.
  • Exploring Cultural Diversity: Celebrate the richness of cultural diversity and the importance of embracing different perspectives.
  • Healthy Eating for Students: Share tips for making nutritious food choices and maintaining a healthy lifestyle.
  • Setting SMART Goals: Teach students how to set specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound goals.
  • The Impact of Music on Mood: Discuss how music can influence emotions and provide stress relief for students.
  • The Importance of Time Management: Explain why managing time efficiently is essential for academic success and well-being.
  • The Influence of Role Models: Highlight the positive impact of role models on shaping students’ aspirations and behaviour.
  • Ethical Considerations in AI: Discuss the moral challenges and considerations surrounding the development and use of artificial intelligence, including issues related to bias, privacy, and accountability.
  • Impact of AI on Employment: Explore the potential impact of AI on the job market, discussing both the potential for job displacement and the creation of new opportunities.
  • Applications of AI in Healthcare: Highlight the various ways artificial intelligence is used in the healthcare industry, from diagnostics to personalized medicine.
  • AI and Climate Change: Discuss how AI technologies can address environmental challenges, such as climate change, through improved resource management, energy efficiency, and monitoring.
  • The Role of AI in Education: Explore how AI transforms education through personalized learning, adaptive assessments, and intelligent tutoring systems.
  • AI and Creativity: Challenge the notion that AI is purely analytical and explore how it can enhance and contribute to creative art, music, and literature processes. 2-minute speech on AI and Creativity
  • The Future of AI: Discuss emerging trends and technologies in AI, such as quantum computing, explainable AI, and the potential for superintelligent systems.
  • AI and Cybersecurity : Explore the role of AI in enhancing cybersecurity measures, from threat detection to proactive defence strategies.
  • AI in Autonomous Vehicles: Highlight the advancements in AI that contribute to the development of autonomous vehicles and discuss the potential benefits and challenges.
  • Bias in AI: This section delves into the issue of bias in AI algorithms, discussing how biases can emerge and the efforts to address and mitigate them.
  • What makes learning fun: Learning becomes enjoyable when infused with curiosity, allowing individuals to freely explore new ideas and concepts. Engaging activities and interactive experiences stimulate the mind, fostering a sense of discovery and accomplishment. When learners feel empowered to connect with the material personally, whether through hands-on experimentation or meaningful discussions, acquiring knowledge transforms into a delightful journey of growth and understanding. 2-minute speech on What Makes Learning Fun?

More Easy English Speech Topics For Students from various categories

These topics are suitable for 1-minute / 2-minute, or even 5-minute speeches.

  • 21 English Speech Ideas on Personal Development
  • 21 English speech ideas based on Climate Change and Environmental Conservation
  • 21 English Speech Ideas on Equality and Social Justice
  • 21 English Speech Ideas Based on Global Health
  • 21 English Speech Ideas on Mental Health Awareness
  • 21 English Speech Ideas on Social Media and Society
  • 21 English Speech Ideas from Technology and its Impact

Remember to check our Checklist for your speech preparation and Overcome stage fright (12 practical ideas)

To discover current and relevant topic ideas, it’s beneficial to stay updated with news sources and media outlets, engage with discussions on social media platforms and online communities, explore academic journals and publications in your field, listen to podcasts and watch YouTube channels focused on emerging trends, attend conferences and events for cutting-edge insights, utilize tools like Google Trends to identify popular subjects, consider local and global issues, and seek input from peers and professors for research gaps and debates. Ensuring the credibility of your sources and considering a range of perspectives will help you select a timely and engaging topic that aligns with your interests and audience expectations.

Which topic is best for a 2-minute speech?

When preparing a 2-minute speech, selecting a topic that interests you and appeals to your listeners is most important. Consider the occasion and your audience to ensure your speech is appropriate for the event. To deliver your message effectively within the time limit, keep your speech concise, focused, and engaging. Remember that the purpose of a 2-minute speech is to convey your message clearly and effectively.

Is a 2 minute speech good?

A 2-minute speech is effective for various occasions, such as introductions, presentations or short talks.

Related Topics:

  • Checklist for your speech preparation
  • 2 Minute Speech on Climate Change
  • Global Warming Speech
  • 2 Minute Speech on Science and Technology
  • Speech on Gender Equality
  • Speeches on Leadership
  • 101 Topic Ideas for a Motivation Speech Preparation
  • More Speech preparation articles
  • 12 Ideas to Remove Stage Fear while Speaking
  • Speech about Women’s Empowerment
  • Speech about Pollution
  • Speech about Education
  • 2 Minute Speech Topics for Students (Easy English)
  • The Benefits of Reading
  • The Power of Kindness
  • Importance of Recycling
  • Artificial Intelligence: Friend or Foe
  • speech about education
  • Science and Technology

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7 Things to Do When You Have to Give a Short Speech

You can find a lot of advice on how to give a big speech in front of a big audience. but more often, you're probably asked to take just a few minutes to address a smaller group. here's how to give a short speech that will leave your audience wanting more..

Colleagues having a casual stand-up meeting

I once went to a small fundraising event for a nonprofit. They did so much good in my neighborhood that I truly thought they could do no wrong.

Then one of the organizers asked someone to stand up "to say a few words," and her presentation turned into the longest, least organized, most lifeless talk I've ever heard. Those who were standing near the back of the room slipped out. For the rest of us, the goodwill slipped away.

You can find a lot of advice out there on how to give a speech in front of a big audience, but how often do most of us do that? More often, you're likely asked to take a few minutes to address a smaller group--sometimes with little or no warning.

The next time that happens to you, here are seven things to keep in mind.

(Want to read more, make a suggestion, or be featured in a future column? Contact me or sign up for my weekly email .)

1. Strip it down.

There's an unfortunate temptation in a short speech to try to cram everything you have to say into a short time. Instead of trying to make the time fit the speech, however, recognize that you have to make your remarks fit the time allotted. If you've got five minutes to talk, you shouldn't have more than three main points.

Key: If your short speech is longer than this article, it's too long.

2. Plan and rehearse.

This applies whether you have five days notice before your speech or 30 seconds. If you're surprised to be called on to speak, your planning might consist only of conjuring up your three main points while someone else is trying to get everyone's attention and introduce you, but that's better than nothing. Ideally, you want to plan everything you're going to say, rehearse in front of other people, and rewrite over and over.

Key: Don't fall into the trap of thinking that short remarks require less preparation. In fact, giving a good short speech can be harder than giving a long one.

3. Cut yourself off.

In the history of the entire world, I don't think anyone has ever said, "I wish that speech had been longer." So keep track of time, and by all means don't ramble. If you've run out of time to make a major point, either work it into the questions people have for you afterward, or send a follow-up note to the members of the audience.

Key: Take the length of time you've been asked to speak for, and cut it down by 20 percent.

4. Use milestones

For a five minute speech, you want to organize in roughly one-minute intervals, and you want to offer milestones to the audience at the top of each minute. You get one minute for your introduction, during which you explain what you plan to say. Then you get 60 seconds each for your three main points. That last 60 seconds can be used either for a short conclusion, or as a buffer in case you run long.

Key: Use verbal cues to keep the audience on track. Phrases that seem obvious on the written page can be much more helpful in oral remarks: "That was the first point. Now we'll talk about the second of my three points."

5. Show. Don't tell.

For a short speech, I generally like to have something physical to show the audience--a couple of photos, a prop, anything that gives the audience's eyes something to focus on. Think of the difference between announcing, "Yesterday, we signed an important deal," versus holding up a ballpoint pen and saying, "With this pen, we made history yesterday when we signed Spacely Sprockets to a five-year contract." (Or else, raise your coffee cup and proposing a toast, rather than just making an announcement.) It can be a little bit corny, granted, but it's much more memorable.

Key: If you use props, you almost always want to use them early in your remarks. Don't distract the audience and have them wondering what the projector is for, or why you are holding a teddy bear or a vacuum cleaner (or whatever your prop may be).

6. Make it personal

You do not need to bare your soul, but in almost every short speech there is an opportunity to connect on a personal level with your audience. Don't be afraid to allow emotion to enter into your voice if appropriate. If the news is good, say you're happy and proud; if you have to share something sad or infuriating, make your tone and your expressions match the news.

Key: A few short words can be enough to make a connection. Simply saying with sincerity something like, "On a personal note, I'm so incredibly proud of this group" or "I can't tell you yet how we will overcome this challenge, but I can tell you for damn sure we will find a way"--depending on the circumstance--can be enough.

7. Speak up.

All of your preparation, cutting, organizing, and emotion goes for naught if people can't hear you. If you have good audio equipment, use it. If not, at least start out by asking whether people can hear your voice. One trick: Ask the audience to raise their hands if they can hear you well. If you see a patch of people somewhere without their hands up, you know there's an issue you need to address.

Key: Remember that ensuring everyone can hear is your responsibility. Project your voice, and if you find that people in the back can't hear what you have to say consider moving to the center. If you run into trouble and can't find a solution, cut your remarks short, and find a way to follow up later.

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If I Am To Speak Ten Minutes, I Need a Week for Preparation; If an Hour, I Am Ready Now

Woodrow Wilson? Abraham Lincoln? Rufus Choate? Thomas B. Macaulay? William Howard Taft? Mark Twain? Anonymous?

Dear Quote Investigator: A biography of President Woodrow Wilson included an entertaining quotation about the preparation time needed for speeches of varying lengths. Here is an excerpt from the book: [1] 1946, The Wilson Era: Years of War and After 1917-1923 by Josephus Daniels, Quote Page 624,The University of North Carolina Press, Chapel Hill, North Carolina. (Verified with scans)

A member of the Cabinet congratulated Wilson on introducing the vogue of short speeches and asked him about the time it took him to prepare his speeches. He said: “It depends. If I am to speak ten minutes, I need a week for preparation; if fifteen minutes, three days; if half an hour, two days; if an hour, I am ready now.”

This biography was published in 1946, i.e., many years after the death of Wilson in 1924. Could you search for earlier support of this quotation?

Quote Investigator: QI has located a match for a close variant quotation in 1918 that was attributed to Woodrow Wilson. The details are given further below.

There is a family of statements expressing this central idea, and it has been evolving for more than one hundred years. Tracing this family is difficult because of the high variability of the wording.

The first relevant instance found by QI was spoken in 1893 by the Governor of California. He ascribed the words to Abraham Lincoln, but this linkage was weak because Lincoln died decades earlier in 1865.This rudimentary version mentioned two different speech lengths instead of four: [2] 1893, Appendix to the Journals of the Senate and Assembly of the Thirtieth Session of the Legislature of the State of California, Volume 1, First Biennial Message of Governor H. H. Markham to the … Continue reading

Lincoln once made a most apt suggestion applicable to such cases. When asked to appear upon some important occasion and deliver a five-minute speech, he said that he had no time to prepare five-minute speeches, but that he could go and speak an hour at any time.

In 1895 a minister named J. N. Hall gave a speech at a meeting of the Men’s Sunday Evening Club as reported in a Rockford, Illinois newspaper. Hall ascribed an instance of the saying to Rufus Choate who was an orator and Senator from Massachusetts who died decades earlier in 1859. This version was tripartite; however, the third part referred to talking all day instead of speaking for an hour: [3] 1895 December 3, Rockford Daily Register Gazette, It’s Second Birthday: Men’s Sunday Evening Club Properly Celebrates, Quote Page 5, Column 2, (GNB Page 3), Rockford, Illinois. … Continue reading

There is a great deal in condensation in these days of compressed yeast and potted ham, and I am reminded of an incident told of Rufus Choate, who being asked to make a speech on a certain occasion said, “If it is to be a minute speech I shall need four weeks in which to prepare, if a half hour speech, then two weeks, but if I am to talk all day I’m ready now.”

The QI website also has an entry for a popular related quotation: “If I had more time, I would have written a shorter letter”. Here is a link .

Here are additional selected citations in chronological order.

In 1900 a doctor employed an instance of the schema while speaking at a convention of the New Hampshire Medical Society. The crafter of the statement was unidentified: [4] 1900, Transactions of the New Hampshire Medical Society at the One Hundred and Ninth Anniversary, (Held at Concord, New Hampshire on May 31 and June 1, 1900), “Nutrition” by J. G. Quimby … Continue reading

Discussion opened by H. L. Stickney, M.D. of Newport. Mr. President and Fellows: Some one has said that “if you want me to speak two minutes you give me a notification of two weeks; if you want me to speak five minutes, I should have a notification of one week, but if you want me to talk all day, here I am.”

In 1915 a textbook chapter titled “The Art of Public Speaking” by Grenville Kleiser presented an instance of the expression with an anonymous ascription: [5] 1915, Kleiser’s Complete Guide to Public Speaking, Compiled and Edited by Grenville Kleiser, Section: The Art of Public Speaking by Grenville Kleiser, Start Page vii, Quote Page ix, Funk & … Continue reading

A man should take ample time in which properly to prepare his speech. “How long do you wish me to speak?” asked a man who was invited by a society to attend its annual dinner. “Why do you ask?” inquired the secretary. “Because,” said the orator, “if you want me to give a ten-minute address I must have at least two weeks in which to prepare myself, but if you want me to talk for an hour or more, I am ready.”

In 1918 the saying was attributed to President Woodrow Wilson in the pages of a trade publication for the flour milling industry. The third part of this version used the phrase “talk as long as I want” instead of “an hour”: [6] 1918 April, The Operative Miller, Volume 23, Number 4, (Short freestanding item), Quote Page 130, Column 1, Operative Miller Press, Chicago, Illinois. (Google Books Full View) link

“How long does it take you to prepare one of your speeches?” asked a friend of President Wilson not long ago. “That depends on the length of the speech,” answered the President. “If it is a ten-minute speech it takes me all of two weeks to prepare it; if it is a half-hour speech it takes me a week; if I can talk as long as I want to it requires no preparation at all. I am ready now.”

In 1922 a textbook titled “Public Speaking Today: A High School Manual” included a variant of the expression which was attributed to Thomas Babington Macaulay, a British statesman and historian who died in 1859: [7] 1922, Public Speaking Today: A High School Manual by Francis Cummins Lockwood and Clarence DeWitt Thorpe, Quote Page 155 and 156, Published by Benj. H. Sanborn & Company, New York. (Google Books … Continue reading

“It takes longer,” says Professor Alden in his Art of Debate, “to prepare a short speech than a long one on almost any subject.” It takes longer to round out a fifteen-minute speech than one an hour long on the same subject. “How long does it take you to work up your speeches?” Macaulay was asked. “That depends,” he replied, “on the length of the speech; if it is a two-hour speech I can prepare it in two days; if it is an hour speech, two weeks; but if it is a ten-minute speech it takes two months.” In the short speech every word must count.

Also in 1922 a college fraternity publication reported on an interfraternity dinner held in Chicago. A speaker stated that a professor he knew had employed a variant of the expression: [8] 1922 July, Banta’s Greek Exchange: A Journal Published in the Interest of the College Fraternity World, The Chicago Interfraternity Dinner, Remarks of Mr. Don R. Almy (Sigma Alpha Epsilon), … Continue reading

…that reminds me of a professor that I knew in college in that very much over praised institution that you have heard about here tonight; the boys used to go to him frequently and ask him to address the class of Umpty-ump, or the Wearers of the C, or some other distinguished gathering, and he used to say to them, “Well, now, if you want me to talk fifteen minutes, I must have two weeks to prepare; if you want me to talk half an hour, why I can get along with one week; but if I can talk about the Elmira Reformatory and talk as long as I want to, I am ready now.”

In 1931 “The Rotarian” magazine printed a variant with a reverse ordering. The longest speech length was mentioned first: [9] 1931 December, The Rotarian, Volume 39, Number 6, Talking for Action by L. B. Smelser, Start Page 17, Quote Page 56, Column 2 and 3, Published by Rotary International. (Google Books Full View) link

Some wise speaker once said that if he had fifteen minutes to prepare, he could speak two hours; if he had a day, he could speak an hour; but that if he had two weeks in which to prepare he could make his speech in fifteen minutes.

In 1938 a humor column called “In Lighter Vein” of the “Christian Science Monitor” newspaper printed an instance with an attribution to Woodrow Wilson that closely matched the text of the 1918 citation: [10] 1938 May 20, Christian Science Monitor, In Lighter Vein, Quote Page 21, Column 6, Boston, Massachusetts. (ProQuest)

The Longer the Quicker “How long does it take you to prepare one of your speeches?” asked a friend of President Wilson. “That depends on the length of the speech,” answered the President. “If it is a 10-minute speech, it takes me all of two weeks to prepare it; if it is a half hour speech, it takes me a week; if I can talk as long as I want to, it requires no preparation at all. I am ready now.”

In 1943 the “Boston Herald” of Massachusetts printed a version that was closer to the modern version ascribed to Wilson. The third part mentioned a two-hour speech instead of a speech of unlimited duration: [11] 1943 July 14, Boston Herald, Doolittle Tokio Raid Told in War Book by Alice Dixon Bond, Quote Page 12, Column 4, Boston, Massachusetts. (GenealogyBank)

Someone once asked Woodrow Wilson how long it took him to prepare for a ten-minute speech. He said, “Two weeks.” “How long for an hour speech?” “One week,” he answered. “And for a two-hour one?” his interrogator went on, “I am ready now,” replied the late president.

In 1948 a biography titled “The Wilson Era: Years of War and After 1917-1923” included an instance of the saying credited to Wilson as mentioned previously by the questioner: [12] 1946, The Wilson Era: Years of War and After 1917-1923 by Josephus Daniels, Quote Page 624,The University of North Carolina Press, Chapel Hill, North Carolina. (Verified with scans)

The above citation appears in three key reference works: “Respectfully Quoted” (1989), [13] 1989, Respectfully Quoted: A Dictionary of Quotations Requested from the Congressional Research Service, Edited by Suzy Platt, Section: Oratory, Quote Page 244, Library of Congress, Washington D.C. … Continue reading “Cassell’s Humorous Quotations” (2001), [14] 2001, Cassell’s Humorous Quotations, Compiled by Nigel Rees, Section: Woodrow Wilson, Page 408, Published by Cassell, London and Sterling Pub. Co., New York. (Verified on paper) and “The Yale Book of Quotations” (2006). [15] 2006, The Yale Book of Quotations by Fred R. Shapiro, Section: Woodrow Wilson, Quote Page 831, Yale University Press, New Haven. (Verified on paper)

In 1985 the “New York Times” published remarks by a diplomat named Andor C. Klay who presented an anecdote featuring President William Howard Taft: [16] 1985 December 10, New York Times, Required Reading; Presidential Speeches, (Excerpt from remarks by Andor C. Klay upon receiving the Abraham Lincoln Award of the American Hungarian Federation, … Continue reading

Kohanyi requested President William Howard Taft to attend the 20th anniversary banquet of Szabadsag and make a speech there: “Just a brief one, Mr. President, since we can imagine how busy you must be – perhaps five minutes.” The President smiled and declined: “Do you realize my friends, that to prepare even a five-minute speech would take several hours to plan, to draft, to rewrite, to pass through channels for clearances? I’m afraid that I just haven’t got the time.” Kohanyi pressed: “Well, as far as that goes, we would be delighted to have you speak for an hour.” The monumental body of the heaviest statesman of his time straightened up: “Gentlemen, I am ready, now!”

By 1998 a version of the saying had been connected to the popular humorist Mark Twain on the website of a company providing assistance to public speakers: [17] Website: LJL seminars, Article title: Gathering Information & Materials, Article Author: Lenny Laskowski, Date on website: Copyright Notice 1997, Date from Internet Archive Wayback Machine: … Continue reading

In fact, Mark Twain is one of the earliest known professional speakers and when asked one day if he could prepare a speech for an upcoming engagement, he responded ,”If you want me to speak for an hour, I am ready today.” “If you want me to speak for just a few minutes, it will take me a few weeks to prepare.”

In conclusion, QI believes that Woodrow Wilson probably did employ an instance of this expression. However, the family of sayings had already been established a couple decades before the first ascription to Wilson was published. Wilson was from an academic milieu and the 1922 citation in a fraternity periodical suggested that the saying was in circulation within academia. QI hypothesizes that Wilson was using a pre-existing template.

The attributions to Abraham Lincoln, Rufus Choate, and Mark Twain were all very weak because they occurred many years after the death of the named individuals.

The evolution of this family of sayings does not point to a single authorship, and QI would label the set anonymous.

(Special thanks to Christine Haynie whose inquiry led QI to construct this question and initiate this exploration.)

1, 12 1946, The Wilson Era: Years of War and After 1917-1923 by Josephus Daniels, Quote Page 624,The University of North Carolina Press, Chapel Hill, North Carolina. (Verified with scans)
2 1893, Appendix to the Journals of the Senate and Assembly of the Thirtieth Session of the Legislature of the State of California, Volume 1, First Biennial Message of Governor H. H. Markham to the Legislature of the State of California, Thirtieth Session, (Delivered on January 3, 1893 in Sacramento, California), Start Page 3, Quote Page 5, Published by A. J. Johnston, Superintendent of State Printing, Sacramento, California. (Google Books Full View)
3 1895 December 3, Rockford Daily Register Gazette, It’s Second Birthday: Men’s Sunday Evening Club Properly Celebrates, Quote Page 5, Column 2, (GNB Page 3), Rockford, Illinois. (GenealogyBank)
4 1900, Transactions of the New Hampshire Medical Society at the One Hundred and Ninth Anniversary, (Held at Concord, New Hampshire on May 31 and June 1, 1900), “Nutrition” by J. G. Quimby and M. D. Lakeport, (Discussion section: Speaker: H. L. Stickney), Start Page 245, Quote Page 253, Printer Ira C. Evans, Concord, New Hampshire. (Google Books Full View)
5 1915, Kleiser’s Complete Guide to Public Speaking, Compiled and Edited by Grenville Kleiser, Section: The Art of Public Speaking by Grenville Kleiser, Start Page vii, Quote Page ix, Funk & Wagnalls Company, New York. (Google Books Full View)
6 1918 April, The Operative Miller, Volume 23, Number 4, (Short freestanding item), Quote Page 130, Column 1, Operative Miller Press, Chicago, Illinois. (Google Books Full View)
7 1922, Public Speaking Today: A High School Manual by Francis Cummins Lockwood and Clarence DeWitt Thorpe, Quote Page 155 and 156, Published by Benj. H. Sanborn & Company, New York. (Google Books Full View)
8 1922 July, Banta’s Greek Exchange: A Journal Published in the Interest of the College Fraternity World, The Chicago Interfraternity Dinner, Remarks of Mr. Don R. Almy (Sigma Alpha Epsilon), Start Page 144, Quote Page 146, Published by George Banta Publishing Company (The Collegiate Press), Menasha Wisconsin.(Google Books Full View)
9 1931 December, The Rotarian, Volume 39, Number 6, Talking for Action by L. B. Smelser, Start Page 17, Quote Page 56, Column 2 and 3, Published by Rotary International. (Google Books Full View)
10 1938 May 20, Christian Science Monitor, In Lighter Vein, Quote Page 21, Column 6, Boston, Massachusetts. (ProQuest)
11 1943 July 14, Boston Herald, Doolittle Tokio Raid Told in War Book by Alice Dixon Bond, Quote Page 12, Column 4, Boston, Massachusetts. (GenealogyBank)
13 1989, Respectfully Quoted: A Dictionary of Quotations Requested from the Congressional Research Service, Edited by Suzy Platt, Section: Oratory, Quote Page 244, Library of Congress, Washington D.C. (HathiTrust)
14 2001, Cassell’s Humorous Quotations, Compiled by Nigel Rees, Section: Woodrow Wilson, Page 408, Published by Cassell, London and Sterling Pub. Co., New York. (Verified on paper)
15 2006, The Yale Book of Quotations by Fred R. Shapiro, Section: Woodrow Wilson, Quote Page 831, Yale University Press, New Haven. (Verified on paper)
16 1985 December 10, New York Times, Required Reading; Presidential Speeches, (Excerpt from remarks by Andor C. Klay upon receiving the Abraham Lincoln Award of the American Hungarian Federation, November 24, 1985), (Online New York Times Archive at; accessed Mar 1, 2014)
17 Website: LJL seminars, Article title: Gathering Information & Materials, Article Author: Lenny Laskowski, Date on website: Copyright Notice 1997, Date from Internet Archive Wayback Machine: Snapshot on February 12, 1998 showed that the excerpt was present on the website, Website description: “Public Speaking Seminars, Customer Service Programs, Serving business needs around the world” (Accessed on March 1, 2014)
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How to Prepare and Give a Speech

Last Updated: June 24, 2024 Fact Checked

This article was co-authored by Deb DiSandro . Deb DiSandro is the Owner of Speak Up On Purpose, an organization dedicated to improving and teaching public speaking. Deb has over 30 years of experience as a national speaker and has presented at the Erma Bombeck Writer’s Conference and the National Society of Newspaper Columnists. She was awarded the National Speakers Association Member of the Year 2007 and has been published in Writer's Digest, Daily Herald, Women's Day, and Better Homes & Gardens. There are 17 references cited in this article, which can be found at the bottom of the page. This article has been fact-checked, ensuring the accuracy of any cited facts and confirming the authority of its sources. This article has been viewed 1,154,557 times.

Being asked to prepare and give a speech can seem really intimidating when you've never done it before. Don't worry! You'll be a public speaking pro in no time if you follow these simple tips.

Planning Your Speech

Step 1 Identify the topic of your speech.

  • You may even be able to redirect or add points to your speech with a smaller audience if you notice a number of them are interested in a particular subject or niche.

Writing the Speech

Step 1 Write a succinct, single-sentence statement about your subject.

  • Try starting the speech writing process by free-writing. Write as much as you can about your subject as fast as you can. Don't worry about judgment or crafting perfect sentences. Once you have your points on paper, you can start refining them and putting them in order.
  • Use an anecdote or a quote. Sometimes, someone else has already said it better than you ever will. A quote, provided it hasn't been overused, can help you get things started. Just be sure to look for a quote that is surprising or unique, and always credit your source. [5] X Research source
  • Be cautious about opening with a joke unless you know your audience well. You may think that a joke is funny, but your audience may find it humorless or even offensive.

Step 2 Choose 3 to 5 supporting points for your topic.

  • You can start by looking at generic sources like an encyclopedia or Wikipedia, but you need to fact check your ideas with more authoritative sources after you generally understand your subject.
  • Draw on your own experience. If you have a long history with your topic, your experiences and personal stories can be great resources. Just keep these stories succinct so that you don't ramble and lose the audience's attention.

Step 3 Choose how to keep your speech on point.

  • Use 1 card for the introduction. This card should include your opening statement.
  • Use 1 or 2 cards for each supporting point. Then, create 1 card for the conclusion which ties back to the main idea of your speech.
  • Write brief sentence fragments or even single words on your cards. These words or fragments should contain key phrases that remind you of what you want to say.
  • If you feel insecure or don't know the subject well, write out the words of your speech exactly as you want to say them.

Step 4 Decide whether you want to use visual aids.

  • Keep the visuals to a minimum. You want them to aid your speech, not to overshadow it. Always make sure your speech can stand on its own should technical problems occur.
  • Make sure that the audience can read the content of your visuals. Too big is better than not big enough.
  • Check the facilities of the room in which you will be speaking. If you need Internet or you need a projection screen, be sure that the facility has the equipment. Arrive to the room early to make sure everything is functional for your speech.

Step 5 Prepare handouts, if your subject is detailed and technical.

Practicing Your Speech

Step 1 Set a timer.

  • If you drive a regular commute, you can also practice a memorized speech while driving. Don't look off of notecards while on the road, though.

Step 3 Speak slowly and enunciate clearly.

  • Make sure that your gestures are natural and not too frenetic. Alternatively, don't fix your arms at your sides or keep your hands latched to the podium.
  • If you make the speech to a friend or colleague and they offer constructive criticism, try to be open to what they have to say. Make sure they are familiar with your topic or industry, though, or their criticism may do more harm than good.

Step 6 Practice a few times.

Getting Ready the Day of Your Speech

Step 1 Dress appropriately.

  • Try to arrive at your presentation well before your audience. Take the time to make sure the sound is good and run through your visual aids. If you're at a conference, you may have 15-20 minutes to prep. If you're the sole speaker, you could get there an hour in advance.

Step 4 Set up your equipment and supplementary materials.

During Your Speech

Step 1 Look around the audience.

  • Make eye contact with members of your audience. If eye contact is too intense for you, look just above their heads at a point such as a clock or a painting. Remember to look to both sides of the room. Don't favor just the right or left.
  • Move your eyes around your audience so that everyone feels included in the presentation.

Step 2 Speak slowly and try to breathe normally.

  • Never leave the stage if something goes wrong, even if you feel embarrassed. Make a joke if you can, shake it off, and move forward.

Step 4 Give your audience a chance to interact with you.

  • Be sure to build time for any Q and A into your allotted presentation time. That way, you can control the flow of the Q and A. Then, after the last question, let your audience know, "I'd like to share one final thought with you," and deliver a powerful closer.

How Do You Practice a Speech Effectively?

Samples of Persuasive Speeches

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Samples of Informational Speeches

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Community Q&A

Community Answer

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  • Right before you start speaking, squeeze your butt cheeks together. [15] X Research source Public speaking author Robin Kermode suggests that this can help reduce anxiety. Thanks Helpful 1 Not Helpful 0
  • It is better to select a topic you are comfortable with. By doing so, you will be less anxious and stressed. Thanks Helpful 1 Not Helpful 0
  • Be loud and clear. Avoid the feeling of inferiority. This will boost up your confidence. Thanks Helpful 1 Not Helpful 0

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Things You'll Need

  • Written speech or index cards
  • Friend, teacher or family member for practicing
  • Video recording device
  • Computer or tablet for presentations
  • Charts and easel for presentations
  • Microphone for a large room
  • Glass of water
  • Appropriate outfit

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About This Article

Deb DiSandro

To prepare and give a speech, start by thinking about the topic, audience, and location of the speech. Write a detailed outline that includes your main topics, supporting points, and facts. Then, transfer the speech to note cards or handouts if necessary. Remember to practice your speech a few times in front of a mirror or a friend, and set a timer to ensure that you aren’t taking too long. On the day of the speech, review your note cards and make sure your presentation, handouts, or other supplementary information is in order. For tips on keeping calm during the speech and examples of different speeches, read on! Did this summary help you? Yes No

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Frantically Speaking

15 Powerful Speech Opening Lines (And How to Create Your Own)

Hrideep barot.

  • Public Speaking , Speech Writing

powerful speech opening

Powerful speech opening lines set the tone and mood of your speech. It’s what grips the audience to want to know more about the rest of your talk.

The first few seconds are critical. It’s when you have maximum attention of the audience. And you must capitalize on that!

Instead of starting off with something plain and obvious such as a ‘Thank you’ or ‘Good Morning’, there’s so much more you can do for a powerful speech opening (here’s a great article we wrote a while ago on how you should NOT start your speech ).

To help you with this, I’ve compiled some of my favourite openings from various speakers. These speakers have gone on to deliver TED talks , win international Toastmaster competitions or are just noteworthy people who have mastered the art of communication.

After each speaker’s opening line, I have added how you can include their style of opening into your own speech. Understanding how these great speakers do it will certainly give you an idea to create your own speech opening line which will grip the audience from the outset!

Alright! Let’s dive into the 15 powerful speech openings…

Note: Want to take your communications skills to the next level? Book a complimentary consultation with one of our expert communication coaches. We’ll look under the hood of your hurdles and pick two to three growth opportunities so you can speak with impact!

1. Ric Elias

Opening: “Imagine a big explosion as you climb through 3,000 ft. Imagine a plane full of smoke. Imagine an engine going clack, clack, clack. It sounds scary. Well I had a unique seat that day. I was sitting in 1D.”

How to use the power of imagination to open your speech?

Putting your audience in a state of imagination can work extremely well to captivate them for the remainder of your talk.

It really helps to bring your audience in a certain mood that preps them for what’s about to come next. Speakers have used this with high effectiveness by transporting their audience into an imaginary land to help prove their point.

When Ric Elias opened his speech, the detail he used (3000 ft, sound of the engine going clack-clack-clack) made me feel that I too was in the plane. He was trying to make the audience experience what he was feeling – and, at least in my opinion, he did.

When using the imagination opening for speeches, the key is – detail. While we want the audience to wander into imagination, we want them to wander off to the image that we want to create for them. So, detail out your scenario if you’re going to use this technique.

Make your audience feel like they too are in the same circumstance as you were when you were in that particular situation.

2. Barack Obama

Opening: “You can’t say it, but you know it’s true.”

3. Seth MacFarlane

Opening: “There’s nowhere I would rather be on a day like this than around all this electoral equipment.” (It was raining)

How to use humour to open your speech?

When you use humour in a manner that suits your personality, it can set you up for a great speech. Why? Because getting a laugh in the first 30 seconds or so is a great way to quickly get the audience to like you.

And when they like you, they are much more likely to listen to and believe in your ideas.

Obama effortlessly uses his opening line to entice laughter among the audience. He brilliantly used the setting (the context of Trump becoming President) and said a line that completely matched his style of speaking.

Saying a joke without really saying a joke and getting people to laugh requires you to be completely comfortable in your own skin. And that’s not easy for many people (me being one of them).

If the joke doesn’t land as expected, it could lead to a rocky start.

Keep in mind the following when attempting to deliver a funny introduction:

  • Know your audience: Make sure your audience gets the context of the joke (if it’s an inside joke among the members you’re speaking to, that’s even better!). You can read this article we wrote where we give you tips on how you can actually get to know your audience better to ensure maximum impact with your speech openings
  • The joke should suit your natural personality. Don’t make it look forced or it won’t elicit the desired response
  • Test the opening out on a few people who match your real audience. Analyze their response and tweak the joke accordingly if necessary
  • Starting your speech with humour means your setting the tone of your speech. It would make sense to have a few more jokes sprinkled around the rest of the speech as well as the audience might be expecting the same from you

4. Mohammed Qahtani

Opening: Puts a cigarette on his lips, lights a lighter, stops just before lighting the cigarette. Looks at audience, “What?”

5. Darren Tay

Opening: Puts a white pair of briefs over his pants.

How to use props to begin your speech?

The reason props work so well in a talk is because in most cases the audience is not expecting anything more than just talking. So when a speaker pulls out an object that is unusual, everyone’s attention goes right to it.

It makes you wonder why that prop is being used in this particular speech.

The key word here is unusual . To grip the audience’s attention at the beginning of the speech, the prop being used should be something that the audience would never expect. Otherwise, it just becomes something that is common. And common = boring!

What Mohammed Qahtani and Darren Tay did superbly well in their talks was that they used props that nobody expected them to.

By pulling out a cigarette and lighter or a white pair of underwear, the audience can’t help but be gripped by what the speaker is about to do next. And that makes for a powerful speech opening.

6. Simon Sinek

Opening: “How do you explain when things don’t go as we assume? Or better, how do you explain when others are able to achieve things that seem to defy all of the assumptions?”

7. Julian Treasure

Opening: “The human voice. It’s the instrument we all play. It’s the most powerful sound in the world. Probably the only one that can start a war or say “I love you.” And yet many people have the experience that when they speak people don’t listen to them. Why is that? How can we speak powerfully to make change in the world?”

How to use questions to open a speech?

I use this method often. Starting off with a question is the simplest way to start your speech in a manner that immediately engages the audience.

But we should keep our questions compelling as opposed to something that is fairly obvious.

I’ve heard many speakers start their speeches with questions like “How many of us want to be successful?”

No one is going to say ‘no’ to that and frankly, I just feel silly raising my hand at such questions.

Simon Sinek and Jullian Treasure used questions in a manner that really made the audience think and make them curious to find out what the answer to that question is.

What Jullian Treasure did even better was the use of a few statements which built up to his question. This made the question even more compelling and set the theme for what the rest of his talk would be about.

So think of what question you can ask in your speech that will:

  • Set the theme for the remainder of your speech
  • Not be something that is fairly obvious
  • Be compelling enough so that the audience will actually want to know what the answer to that question will be

8. Aaron Beverley

Opening: Long pause (after an absurdly long introduction of a 57-word speech title). “Be honest. You enjoyed that, didn’t you?”

How to use silence for speech openings?

The reason this speech opening stands out is because of the fact that the title itself is 57 words long. The audience was already hilariously intrigued by what was going to come next.

But what’s so gripping here is the way Aaron holds the crowd’s suspense by…doing nothing. For about 10 to 12 seconds he did nothing but stand and look at the audience. Everyone quietened down. He then broke this silence by a humorous remark that brought the audience laughing down again.

When going on to open your speech, besides focusing on building a killer opening sentence, how about just being silent?

It’s important to keep in mind that the point of having a strong opening is so that the audience’s attention is all on you and are intrigued enough to want to listen to the rest of your speech.

Silence is a great way to do that. When you get on the stage, just pause for a few seconds (about 3 to 5 seconds) and just look at the crowd. Let the audience and yourself settle in to the fact that the spotlight is now on you.

I can’t put my finger on it, but there is something about starting the speech off with a pure pause that just makes the beginning so much more powerful. It adds credibility to you as a speaker as well, making you look more comfortable and confident on stage. 

If you want to know more about the power of pausing in public speaking , check out this post we wrote. It will give you a deeper insight into the importance of pausing and how you can harness it for your own speeches. You can also check out this video to know more about Pausing for Public Speaking:

9. Dan Pink

Opening: “I need to make a confession at the outset here. Little over 20 years ago, I did something that I regret. Something that I’m not particularly proud of. Something that in many ways I wish no one would ever know but that here I feel kind of obliged to reveal.”

10. Kelly McGonigal

Opening: “I have a confession to make. But first I want you to make a little confession to me.”

How to use a build-up to open your speech?

When there are so many amazing ways to start a speech and grip an audience from the outset, why would you ever choose to begin your speech with a ‘Good morning?’.

That’s what I love about build-ups. They set the mood for something awesome that’s about to come in that the audience will feel like they just have to know about.

Instead of starting a speech as it is, see if you can add some build-up to your beginning itself. For instance, in Kelly McGonigal’s speech, she could have started off with the question of stress itself (which she eventually moves on to in her speech). It’s not a bad way to start the speech.

But by adding the statement of “I have a confession to make” and then not revealing the confession for a little bit, the audience is gripped to know what she’s about to do next and find out what indeed is her confession.

11. Tim Urban

Opening: “So in college, I was a government major. Which means that I had to write a lot of papers. Now when a normal student writes a paper, they might spread the work out a little like this.”

12. Scott Dinsmore

Opening: “8 years ago, I got the worst career advice of my life.”

How to use storytelling as a speech opening?

“The most powerful person in the world is the storyteller.” Steve Jobs

Storytelling is the foundation of good speeches. Starting your speech with a story is a great way to grip the audience’s attention. It makes them yearn to want to know how the rest of the story is going to pan out.

Tim Urban starts off his speech with a story dating back to his college days. His use of slides is masterful and something we all can learn from. But while his story sounds simple, it does the job of intriguing the audience to want to know more.

As soon as I heard the opening lines, I thought to myself “If normal students write their paper in a certain manner, how does Tim write his papers?”

Combine such a simple yet intriguing opening with comedic slides, and you’ve got yourself a pretty gripping speech.

Scott Dismore’s statement has a similar impact. However, just a side note, Scott Dismore actually started his speech with “Wow, what an honour.”

I would advise to not start your talk with something such as that. It’s way too common and does not do the job an opening must, which is to grip your audience and set the tone for what’s coming.

13. Larry Smith

Opening: “I want to discuss with you this afternoon why you’re going to fail to have a great career.”

14. Jane McGonigal

Opening: “You will live 7.5 minutes longer than you would have otherwise, just because you watched this talk.”

How to use provocative statements to start your speech?

Making a provocative statement creates a keen desire among the audience to want to know more about what you have to say. It immediately brings everyone into attention.

Larry Smith did just that by making his opening statement surprising, lightly humorous, and above all – fearful. These elements lead to an opening statement which creates so much curiosity among the audience that they need to know how your speech pans out.

This one time, I remember seeing a speaker start a speech with, “Last week, my best friend committed suicide.” The entire crowd was gripped. Everyone could feel the tension in the room.

They were just waiting for the speaker to continue to know where this speech will go.

That’s what a hard-hitting statement does, it intrigues your audience so much that they can’t wait to hear more! Just a tip, if you do start off with a provocative, hard-hitting statement, make sure you pause for a moment after saying it.

Silence after an impactful statement will allow your message to really sink in with the audience.

Related article: 5 Ways to Grab Your Audience’s Attention When You’re Losing it!

15. Ramona J Smith

Opening: In a boxing stance, “Life would sometimes feel like a fight. The punches, jabs and hooks will come in the form of challenges, obstacles and failures. Yet if you stay in the ring and learn from those past fights, at the end of each round, you’ll be still standing.”

How to use your full body to grip the audience at the beginning of your speech?

In a talk, the audience is expecting you to do just that – talk. But when you enter the stage and start putting your full body into use in a way that the audience does not expect, it grabs their attention.

Body language is critical when it comes to public speaking. Hand gestures, stage movement, facial expressions are all things that need to be paid attention to while you’re speaking on stage. But that’s not I’m talking about here.

Here, I’m referring to a unique use of the body that grips the audience, like how Ramona did. By using her body to get into a boxing stance, imitating punches, jabs and hooks with her arms while talking – that’s what got the audience’s attention.

The reason I say this is so powerful is because if you take Ramona’s speech and remove the body usage from her opening, the entire magic of the opening falls flat.

While the content is definitely strong, without those movements, she would not have captured the audience’s attention as beautifully as she did with the use of her body.

So if you have a speech opening that seems slightly dull, see if you can add some body movement to it.

If your speech starts with a story of someone running, actually act out the running. If your speech starts with a story of someone reading, actually act out the reading.

It will make your speech opening that much more impactful.

Related article: 5 Body Language Tips to Command the Stage

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Final Words

So there it is! 15 speech openings from some of my favourite speeches. Hopefully, these will act as a guide for you to create your own opening which is super impactful and sets you off on the path to becoming a powerful public speaker!

But remember, while a speech opening is super important, it’s just part of an overall structure.

If you’re serious about not just creating a great speech opening but to improve your public speaking at an overall level, I would highly recommend you to check out this course: Acumen Presents: Chris Anderson on Public Speaking on Udemy. Not only does it have specific lectures on starting and ending a speech, but it also offers an in-depth guide into all the nuances of public speaking. 

Being the founder of TED Talks, Chris Anderson provides numerous examples of the best TED speakers to give us a very practical way of overcoming stage fear and delivering a speech that people will remember. His course has helped me personally and I would definitely recommend it to anyone looking to learn public speaking. 

No one is ever “done” learning public speaking. It’s a continuous process and you can always get better. Keep learning, keep conquering and keep being awesome!

Lastly, if you want to know how you should NOT open your speech, we’ve got a video for you:

Hrideep Barot

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8 takeaways from Trump's RNC speech — the first since his attempted assassination

  • Trump officially accepted the GOP's presidential nomination for the 3rd time on Thursday.
  • His first speech since the assassination attempt, it was the longest acceptance speech in history.
  • He discussed the incident, and even displayed the chart that he says saved his life.

Insider Today

On Thursday night, former President Donald Trump officially accepted the Republican Party's presidential nomination for the third time.

The speech, delivered at the Republican National Convention in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, lasted roughly one hour, 32 minutes, apparently the longest in American history.

It was the former president's first public address since a gunman attempted to assassinate him at a Pennsylvania rally last Saturday. Following the incident, Trump said that he had re-written his speech and intended to focus on unity.

It was also Trump's first speech since he named Sen. JD Vance of Ohio as his running mate. And it came as the candidacy of his chief opponent, President Joe Biden, appeared to be on its last legs.

The speech was long, at times rambling, and touched on much of the same themes of his previous campaign speeches.

Here are the 8 top takeaways from Trump's Thursday night address.

1. Trump described the assassination attempt in painful detail

Still sporting the large ear bandage that he's been wearing throughout the convention, Trump began his speech by addressing Saturday's assassination attempt.

"I will tell you exactly what happened," Trump said. "And you'll never hear it from me a second time, because it's actually too painful to tell."

The audience fell dead silent as he described the attempt on his life in detail, describing the "loud whizzing sound" of the bullet grazing his ear.

"[I] felt something hit me really, really hard on my right ear, I said to myself ... it can only be a bullet, and moved my right hand to my ear, brought it down. My hand was covered with blood." — Donald Trump describes the moment he was shot — The Recount (@therecount) July 19, 2024

"My hand was covered with blood," Trump said, describing what happened after he brought his hand to his ear. "Just absolutely blood all over the place."

He went further into detail, saying the crowd was unmoving because they saw the blood and believed he might be dead.

"There's an interesting statistic: The ears are the bloodiest part. If something happens with the ears, they bleed more than any other part of the body, for whatever reason," Trump said. "So we learned something."

2. He recognized Corey Comperatore, the man killed at the rally

On stage with Trump the whole time was the fire gear belonging to Corey Comperatore , the former firefighter chief who was killed by the assassin's bullet at the Pennsylvania rally.

"But Cory — unfortunately we have to use the past tense — he was incredible," Trump said. The former president added that he had called Comperatore's wife Helen earlier on Thursday.

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At one point, Trump walked away from the microphone and kissed Comperatore's fire gear, which included a propped-up firefighter jacker and a helmet.

3. He also used the assassination attempt to his advantage

At the end of the day, Trump is still Trump.

As he wound down his discussion of the Pennsylvania rally, Trump turned toward the myriad legal cases he's faced in the last several years.

"We must not criminalize dissent or demonize political disagreement, which is what's been happening in our country lately at a level that nobody has ever seen before," Trump said. "In that spirit, the Democrat Party should immediately stop weaponizing the justice system and labeling their political opponent as an enemy of democracy."

He went on to tout Judge Aileen Cannon's dismissal of the classified documents case against him, which is likely to be appealed.

"If Democrats want to unify our country, they should drop these partisan witch hunts, which I have been going through for approximately eight years," Trump said.

4. Trump said that JD Vance, his new VP pick, is 'going to be doing this for a long time'

Earlier this week, Trump selected Vance — one of the former president's staunchest loyalists in the Senate — to be his running mate.

In his first public comments after that selection, Trump said he was "thrilled to have a new friend and partner fighting by my side."

He also mentioned Vance's wife, Usha, and focused heavily on the fact that they attended Yale Law School.

"It was an honor to select him. Great, great student at Yale. His wife was a great student at Yale. They met at Yale. These are two smart people," Trump said. "So JD, you're going to be doing this for a long time. Enjoy the ride."

Vance, who turns 40 next month, is one of the youngest vice presidential nominees in American history. If Trump is elected, he'll be just a heartbeat away from the presidency, and he's well-positioned to be the GOP's standard bearer in 2028.

5. Despite his 'unity' promises, the speech wasn't that unifying

Trump promised a unity-focused speech.

Though his tone was notably more subdued than prior public appears, he made plenty of incendiary comments about his political rivals, declaring at one point that Democrats are "destroying our country." And he continued to lie about the results of the 2020 election.

"We don't have fierce people," Trump said when discussing foreign wars. "We have people that are a lot less than fierce, except when it comes to cheating on elections and a couple of other things. Then they're fierce."

He also went directly after Biden.

"If you took the 10 worst presidents in the history of the United States — think of it, the 10 worst, added them up — they will not have done the damage that Biden has done," Trump said. "Only gonna use the term once. Biden, I'm not going to use the name anymore. Just one time."

6. Trump called for the firing of UAW President Shawn Fain, underscoring the GOP's struggle to win over organized labor

Trump's speech contained numerous appeals toward union members, arguing that "unions are suffering" as the result of illegal immigration.

At one point, he took a direct swipe at Shawn Fain, the president of the United Auto Workers, who has been harshly critical of Trump and endorsed Biden for president in January.

As he called for the elimination of Biden's electrical vehicle requirements , arguing that the policy was driving manufacturing overseas, he said that the union "ought to be ashamed for allowing this to happen, and the leader of the United Auto Workers should be fired immediately."

Electric vehicle policies have been at the heart of the GOP's attempts to win over auto workers, including when the UAW went on strike last fall. While Fain and the UAW have raised concerns about electric vehicles, they have not wholly rejected Biden's policies on the issues.

"The whole problem that we have is a guy like Shawn Fain blasting Donald Trump," Vance, now Trump's VP pick, told Business Insider in September. "At the very least, just shut your mouth, and take the support from wherever you can get it."

As Trump's speech continued, the UAW fired back, calling him a "scab and a billionaire."

. @realDonaldTrump is a scab and a billionaire and that's who he represents. We know which side we're on. Not his. — UAW (@UAW) July 19, 2024

7. Trump showed the chart he displayed on the day he was shot — arguing it may have saved his life

A major reason why Trump survived the assassination attempt last Saturday is because his head was turned to the side: He was pointed toward a chart produced by the Border Patrol that depicting illegal immigration in recent years.

Displaying it again roughly an hour into his speech, Trump described it as "the chart that saved my life."

"Last time I put up that chart, I never really got to look at it," Trump said. "But without that chart, I would not be here today."

Donald Trump shows the border chart that he says saved his life from the bullet that hit him in the ear. The chart makes it clear that this crisis is Biden's Border Invasion. — Media Research Center (@theMRC) July 19, 2024

8. It was the longest presidential nomination acceptance speech in recorded history

At 92 minutes, Trump's speech on Thursday night appeared to be the longest ever delivered by a major party's presidential nominee.

According to The American Presidency Project at the University of California, Santa Barbara, Trump exceeded a record he set himself in 2016, when he delivered a nomination speech lasting nearly one hour and 15 minutes.

Trump's 2020 speech was similarly lengthy, lasting roughly one hour and 10 minutes.

By contrast, Biden's 2020 acceptance speech lasted less than 25 minutes.

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Fact-Checking Trump’s Speech and More: Day 4 of the Republican National Convention

A team of New York Times reporters followed the developments and fact-checked the speakers, providing context and explanation.

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Former President Donald J. Trump accepted his party’s nomination during the final night of the Republican National Convention on Thursday, delivering a freewheeling, factually challenged and often ad-libbed speech.

Mr. Trump began by describing in detail the assassination attempt that left him with a bandaged ear. Then, he essentially staged a campaign rally, repeating familiar boasts and delving into a cascade of false and misleading claims about his own record and the state of the border, the economy and the world.

Here’s a fact-check of his remarks.

Linda Qiu

“We’ve got Right to Try. They were trying to get that for 52 years.”

— Former President Donald J. Trump

This needs context.

The “right to try” law of 2018 allows terminally ill patients to seek access to experimental medicine that is not yet fully approved by the Food and Drug Administration, but a similar program has been in place since the 1970s.

Jeanna Smialek

Jeanna Smialek

An inflation crisis “is just simply crushing our people, like never before — they’ve never seen anything like it.”

This is false..

Inflation peaked at 9.1 percent in the summer of 2022, but that is considerably lower than its peak of nearly 15 percent in the early 1980s.

Republicans will sometimes point out that the inflation methodology has changed since then — meaning that we are measuring price increases differently — but even accounting for those tweaks, economists have said that inflation was lower in 2022 than it was four decades earlier. Inflation is not, based on the data, crushing people like never before.


John Ismay

“Our planet is teetering on the edge of World War III, and this will be a war like no other.”

This lacks evidence..

While there is an active war between Russia and Ukraine, and between Hamas and Israel, and fighting in Sudan, Myanmar and other countries, there is no evidence that a third world war is imminent.

In terms of previous world wars, according to the Encyclopaedia Britannica, an estimated 8.5 million soldiers were killed in World War I and an estimated 35 million to 60 million people died during World War II.

The concept of World War III has traditionally referred to a potential war between the United States and Russia, which is not imminent. President Biden has often said he is actively trying to avoid such a conflict even as he arms Kyiv in its war with Moscow.

Brad Plumer

Brad Plumer

“We will drill, baby, drill, and by doing that we will lead to a large-scale decline in prices.”

More drilling doesn’t always cause gasoline prices to plunge. Case in point: The United States is actually producing significantly more crude oil today under the Biden administration than it did under the Trump administration, yet gasoline prices are still higher than they were four years ago.

That’s because gasoline costs are also influenced by broader market forces that can cause the global price of crude oil to rise or fall. For instance, a big reason prices increased in 2022 was Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, which disrupted the flow of crude across the globe. All else equal, an increase in U.S. oil drilling should put downward pressure on prices, but those other global factors also play a considerable role.

Angelo Fichera

Angelo Fichera

“If you look at the arrow at the bottom, that’s the lowest level — the one on the bottom, heavy red arrow — that’s the lowest level of illegal immigrants ever to come into our country in recorded history right there, right there. And that was my last week in office.”

Mr. Trump presented an immigration graphic that he credited with saving his life during an assassination attempt at a rally in Pennsylvania days earlier.

Moments before a gunman opened fire at the rally, Mr. Trump turned to gesture at the chart, a move that he said prevented him from being shot in the head . The shooting left his ear bloodied, killed one spectator and seriously injured two others.

In his acceptance speech on Thursday, he referred to a thick red arrow on the chart, titled “Illegal Immigration Into the U.S.,” that points to a significant drop in migrant crossings at the southern border during his presidency.

But despite text on the chart and Mr. Trump’s description at the convention, the arrow is actually pointing to a dip in early 2020 — when migration slowed globally during the coronavirus pandemic and the restrictions that followed — not during his last week in office. And that low did not last.

In March 2020, there were about 30,000 encounters at the southern border recorded by Border Patrol, according to Customs and Border Protection statistics . That dropped in April 2020 by almost half, to about 16,000.

In the months that followed, however, the number of migrants encountered at the border then climbed back up. During Mr. Trump’s last month in office, there were about 75,000 encounters by Border Patrol.

And contrary to Mr. Trump’s claim, even the low in 2020 was not the lowest “in recorded history.” Earlier in Mr. Trump’s presidency, the number of apprehensions at the border had dipped to about 11,000 in April 2017 , before the flow increased again.

Also, since 1925, total annual apprehensions nationwide by Border Patrol have often been lower than they were under Mr. Trump’s presidency, noted Michelle Mittelstadt, a spokeswoman for the nonpartisan Migration Policy Institute.

There is no arguing that the situation at the southern border grew worse during the Biden administration: In December, there were around 250,000 encounters .

In an effort to reverse course, President Biden recently announced severe restrictions on asylum, and illegal crossings have since significantly dropped . Border Patrol reported about 83,500 encounters in June.

“We gave you the largest tax cuts.”

The $1.5 trillion tax cut, enacted in December 2017, ranks below at least half a dozen other tax cuts by several metrics. The 1981 Reagan tax cut was the largest as a percentage of the economy and by its reduction to federal revenue. The 2012 Obama tax cut amounted to the largest reduction in inflation-adjusted dollars: $321 billion a year.

“We built most of the wall.”

During Mr. Trump’s 2016 campaign, he promised to build a wall spanning at least 1,000 miles along the southern border and have Mexico pay for it. That did not happen. Overall, the Trump administration constructed 458 miles of border barriers — most of which upgraded or replaced existing structures. Officials put up new primary barriers where none previously existed along only 47 miles.

“I will end every single international crisis that the current administration has created — including the horrible war with Russia and Ukraine, which would have never happened if I was president, and the war caused by the attack on Israel, which never would have happened if I were president.”

There is no evidence that President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia would not have invaded Ukraine if Donald J. Trump had been president of the United States in February 2022, when Russian forces began a full-scale war on Ukraine.

In fact, Mr. Trump supported one of Mr. Putin’s greatest desires — weakening the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. Senior administration officials told The New York Times that several times over the course of 2018 Mr. Trump privately said he wanted to withdraw from NATO . And Mr. Trump was impeached for withholding Javelin missiles from Ukraine in 2019. Those missiles proved effective in blunting Russian armor advances into Ukraine in 2022.

“And then we had that horrible, horrible result that we’ll never let happen again. The election result. We’re never going to let that happen again. They used Covid to cheat.”

Mr. Trump has continued to falsely claim that the 2020 election was stolen from him. His assertions about widespread cheating are unsubstantiated. Since the election, the former president has used claims mischaracterizing the voting and counting process, cited baseless examples of fraud and peddled conspiracy theories.

“Just a few short years ago under my presidency, we had the most secure border and the best economy in the history of the world.”

This is exaggerated..

Apprehensions of unauthorized crossings along the southwest border in the 2017 fiscal year, which includes several months of the Obama administration, fell to the lowest point since the 1970s.

But they increased in subsequent years. In the 2019 fiscal year, apprehensions topped 800,000 and were the highest in a decade. And in the 2020 fiscal year, even as the coronavirus pandemic ground global movement to a halt, apprehensions were higher than in 2011, 2012 and 2015.

And when Mr. Trump left office, the coronavirus pandemic had decimated the economy with an unemployment rate of 6.4 percent in January 2021 and gross domestic product had not yet rebounded to pre-Covid levels. But even before all of that, annual average growth was lower under Mr. Trump than under Presidents Bill Clinton and Ronald Reagan.

“We had no inflation.”

The rate of inflation was indeed low under Mr. Trump, but it was not completely nonexistent.

Under Mr. Trump, the rate of inflation measured by the overall Consumer Price Index largely gravitated around 2 percent — with the rate slightly lower and higher some months — according to data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics . That dropped at the onset of the coronavirus pandemic, and inflation reached a low of 0.1 percent in May 2020 before trending upward.

“By the way, you know who’s taking the jobs? The jobs that are created? 107 percent of those jobs are taken by illegal aliens”

Official estimates of employment do not support Mr. Trump’s statement, which makes little sense. And estimates from various groups show that the population of unauthorized immigrants has grown in recent years, but not nearly enough to take all the jobs created during Mr. Biden’s presidency.

The economy has added more than 15 million jobs since January 2021. Two groups that advocate for lower levels of migration and stricter border security have estimated that there are 2.3 million to 2.5 million more unauthorized immigrants in 2023 than in 2020.

Overall, the Bureau of Labor Statistics estimated that 29.9 million foreign-born workers — both authorized and unauthorized — and 131.1 million native-born workers were employed in 2023. That is an increase of 5.1 million in employed foreign-born workers and 8.1 million native-born workers since 2020 .

“Our current administration, groceries are up 57 percent, gasoline is up 60 and 70 percent.”

Grocery prices are up substantially since Joseph R. Biden Jr. took office in early 2021, but not by 57 percent: The Consumer Price Index’s food-at-home index is up about 21 percent . Gas prices are up about 35 percent , depending upon the measure used.

Lisa Friedman

Lisa Friedman

“Under the Trump administration, just three and a half years ago, we were energy independent. But soon we will actually be better than that. We will be energy dominant and supply not only ourselves, but we supply the rest of the world, with numbers that nobody has ever seen.”

This is misleading..

Under the Trump administration, the United States for the first time began to export more oil than it imported. Energy experts say that is not because of Trump’s policies, but because of the fracking boom that began during the George W. Bush administration and soared under President Barack Obama. It’s still happening.

In fact, under President Biden, the United States has become the biggest oil producer in the world and is producing more natural gas than ever before. The phrases “energy independence” and “energy dominance” also fail to take into account wind, solar and other renewable energy, which is growing at a rapid pace.

Alan Rappeport

Alan Rappeport

“We will reduce our debt, $36 trillion, and we will reduce your taxes still further.”

Mr. Trump suggested that the national debt would be paid down by jump-starting economic growth. He made this promise during his first term, promising that $2 trillion of tax cuts would pay for themselves, and ended up approving more than $8 trillion of borrowing. The Republican platform this year makes no mention of debt or deficits but does call for cutting wasteful spending.

Also, the national debt currently stands at $34.9 trillion, not $36 trillion.

“They want to raise your taxes four times.”

Many elements of the 2017 tax cut Mr. Trump signed into law will expire in 2025, and Mr. Biden has proposed some tax increases on high-income earners and corporations. But this does not amount to a quadrupling of taxes.

The 2017 tax cuts are expected to reduce the average tax rate by 1.4 percent in 2025, according to the Urban-Brookings Tax Policy Center, a left-leaning Washington think tank. Most in the top 5 percent of income would see the greatest change, by 2.4 percent. Mr. Biden has also consistently said he does not support raising taxes on people making under $400,000 a year and, in his latest budget, proposed extending tax cuts for those making under that threshold.

Mr. Biden’s proposals would increase the average tax rate by about 1.9 percent, according to a Tax Policy Center analysis . The top 0.1 percent would see the biggest increase of about 13.9 percent, while the low income filers would see a reduction in taxes. That is no nowhere near the 300 percent increase Mr. Trump warned of.

“I will end the electric vehicle mandate on Day 1, thereby saving the U.S. auto industry from complete obliteration, which is happening right now, and saving U.S. customers thousands and thousands per car.”

There is no electric vehicle mandate. The Biden administration has imposed rules requiring carmakers to meet new average emissions limits across their entire product line. It is up to auto manufacturers how to comply. The Environmental Protection Agency has estimated that the rule would mean that by 2032, about 56 percent of new passenger vehicles sold would be electric and another 16 percent would be hybrids. Autoworkers do fear job losses because electric vehicles could require less than half the number of workers to assemble than cars with internal combustion engines do.

There is also no evidence that the rule or other policies aimed at encouraging electric vehicles are leading the automobile industry toward “obliteration.” Many automakers have, in fact, embraced electric vehicle production. General Motors, for example, has been talking about preparing for an “all-electric future” since 2017. The Biden administration has argued that its policies are aimed at moving electric vehicle jobs from China to the United States.

“We’re going to bring back car manufacturing.”

The American auto industry lost jobs under the Trump administration, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. General Motors, Ford and Fiat Chrysler all closed factories during Mr. Trump’s presidency.

“Probably the best trade deal was the deal I made with China, where they buy $50 billion worth of our product.”

The trade agreement that Mr. Trump signed with China in 2020 was quickly derailed by the coronavirus pandemic, and China never fulfilled its obligations to purchase American goods. And Mr. Trump gave an incorrect total for how much American product China was supposed to buy. A 2022 analysis by the Peterson Institute for International Economics found that China had bought none of the extra $200 billion of U.S. exports in the trade pact.

“Democrats are going to destroy Social Security and Medicare.”

President Biden has pledged not to make any cuts to America’s social safety net programs. Mr. Trump suggested this year that he was open to scaling back the programs when he said there was “a lot you can do in terms of entitlements in terms of cutting.” He later walked back those comments and pledged to protect the programs. But if changes to the programs are not made, the programs’ benefits will automatically be reduced eventually. Government reports released earlier this year projected that the Social Security and disability insurance programs, if combined, would not have enough money to pay all of their obligations in 2035. Medicare will be unable to pay all its hospital bills starting in 2036.

Hamed Aleaziz

Hamed Aleaziz

The Biden administration “demolished Title 42.”

The Biden administration kept in place the Trump-era policy, known as Title 42, which allowed border agents to quickly turn back migrants and cut off access to asylum protections for more than a year.

The Biden administration did not move to get rid of Title 42 until spring 2022. The move was later blocked by a federal judge, which forced the administration to keep the policy in place.

During that time, the Biden administration expanded the use of the policy and began expelling Venezuelans to Mexico. It was later rolled back in 2023 by the Biden administration.

“In Venezuela, crime is down 72 percent.”

Mr. Trump claimed that crime had fallen drastically in Venezuela because the country had sent “their murderers” and prisoners to the United States. Annual reports from the Venezuelan Violence Observatory, a research organization based in Caracas, shows a 25 percent decline in the country’s homicide rate from 2022 to 2023 , and a 41 percent decline since 2020 . In comparison, the homicide rate declined even more precipitously while Mr. Trump was president, by almost 50 percent from 2016 .

The Venezuelan Prison Observatory told Univision in 2022, when Mr. Trump first made the claim, that the prisons in the country had not been emptied and rather were at 170 percent capacity. According to the group’s latest annual report, Venezuela’s prison population stood at 33,558 in 2022, about level with its 2021 population of 33,710. Immigration experts have said they could not corroborate Mr. Trump’s claims that other countries were “dumping” their criminal and prison populations into the United States.

“I was the first president in modern times to start no new wars.”

Depending on the definition of “modern times,” President Jimmy Carter started no new wars during his time in office between 1977 and 1981.

“The whole world was at peace. And now the whole world is blowing up around us. Under President Bush, Russia invaded Georgia. Under President Obama, Russia took Crimea. Under the current administration, Russia is after all of Ukraine. Under President Trump, Russia took nothing.”

Under Mr. Trump’s presidency, there was not global peace. While Mr. Trump was in the Oval Office, there was an active war in eastern Ukraine between the Russian and Ukrainian armies, he authorized airstrikes and ground combat operations against fighters of the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria, and he ordered the assassination of an Iranian military leader in Iraq.

“We defeated 100 percent of ISIS in Syria, something that was going to take five years — ‘It’ll take five years, sir’ — and I did it in two months.”

The American-led coalition campaign against the Islamic State began in 2014 . The research firm IHS Markit estimated that the Islamic State lost about a third of its territory from January 2015 to January 2017. Mr. Trump has largely stuck with, and taken advantage of, a strategy that Mr. Obama began , and the Islamic State lost its final territories in March 2019 , two years after Mr. Trump took office, not two months.

“I stopped the missile launches from North Korea.”

North Korea continued to test missiles during Mr. Trump’s time in the White House, a fact that the former president continually dismissed at the time .

“Our opponents inherited a planet at peace and turned it into a planet at war.”

While Russia had not invaded Ukraine and the war between Israel and Hamas had not broken out, it is a stretch to claim that the world was entirely peaceful under the Trump administration.

Average peacefulness declined in 2018 and 2020 , according to the Global Peace Index, an annual measure of violence around the world compiled by the Institute for Economics & Peace. During the Trump administration, the United States was also engaged in military conflicts in Iraq, Syria and Afghanistan and more than 60 American soldiers died in hostile action . When Mr. Trump left office, there were 2,500 troops remaining in Afghanistan.

“We also left $85 billion worth of military equipment” in Afghanistan.

Mr. Trump was once again referring to the total amount that the United States spent on security in Afghanistan over the course of 20 years — not the value of equipment left behind in the 2021 withdrawal.

The United States provided $88.6 billion for security in Afghanistan from October 2001 to July 2021, and disbursed about $75 billion, according to Pentagon figures .

That figure includes the amount spent on training, antidrug trafficking efforts and infrastructure, as well as $18 billion for equipment. CNN previously reported that about $7 billion worth of military equipment that the United States transferred to the Afghan government was left behind during the withdrawal.

“We will replenish our military and build an Iron Dome missile defense system to ensure that no enemy can strike our homeland. And this great Iron Dome will be built entirely in the U.S.A. and Wisconsin.”

The U.S. military’s budget continues to grow year by year, and the Iron Dome missile defense system is effective only against relatively short-range rockets and missiles. Installing an Iron Dome across the country would in no way ensure that an enemy could not strike the United States.

“They spent $9 billion on eight chargers.”

— Former President Donald J. Trump.

This is false .

This is an inflated claim of another false statement Mr. Trump has made on the campaign trail about electric vehicle charging stations. (He recently said that the Biden administration had “opened seven chargers for $8 billion.”)

The Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, which President Biden signed in 2021, allocated $7.5 billion for electric vehicle charging stations, with the goal of installing 500,000 across the country.

So far, only seven chargers have been installed — not a great pace. But the suggestion that the entire amount was used on seven chargers is not accurate. The Biden administration has argued that the pace is the result of wanting to get a complex new national program done right.

“He decided to leave behind the comforts of an unbelievable business empire. To leave behind everything he had ever built. To answer the call to serve our nation. Unlike his predecessor, it was not a decision born out of necessity. Unlike the current president, it was not a decision that would enrich his family.”

— Eric Trump, a son of Donald J. Trump

Former President Donald J. Trump did not divest from his businesses when he assumed the presidency, and his critics argue that his companies did benefit from his being in public office. Mr. Trump’s businesses received nearly $8 million from 20 foreign governments during his time in office, according to documents released by House Democrats this year. Much of that was from China. The nonprofit OpenSecrets has also tracked millions of dollars flowing to Trump properties from political entities and groups in recent years, suggesting that those seeking favor with Mr. Trump may do so through his properties.

“He slashed regulations.”

This needs context ..

As president, Donald J. Trump indeed slashed regulations, rolling back more than 100 environmental protections alone. The bulk of those were aimed at keeping the air and water clean, and cutting planet-warming greenhouse gas emissions from automobiles and power plants.

However, the Trump administration’s attempt to deregulate was also often thwarted by the courts. All told, the Trump administration lost 57 percent of cases challenging its environmental policies, a much higher rate of loss than previous administrations, according to a database maintained by New York University’s Institute for Policy Integrity .

“The U.S. dollar has been diminished.”

The value of the U.S. dollar is stronger than it has been in decades . This year, the dollar index, which measures the strength of the currency against the currencies of six major trading partners, has been hovering at levels last seen in the early 2000s.

Eric Trump’s suggestion that the dollar has been diminished is actually at odds with his father’s recent suggestion that the dollar is too strong, making American exports too expensive abroad.

Former President Donald J. Trump and Senator J.D. Vance, his running mate, have both argued that a weaker dollar would be better for the U.S. economy and have suggested that steps should be taken to depreciate the currency.

“In 2019, I was with him at the United Nations when the first president of history of this country stood there to advocate for religious liberty worldwide.”

— Franklin Graham, the evangelical leader

President Donald J. Trump hosted a United Nations event on religious freedom in 2019 in New York. At the time, he characterized it as the first time a U.S. president had hosted such a meeting. But aside from specific meetings, Mr. Trump’s appearance was certainly not the first time that an American president had championed religious freedom before the United Nations. President Barack Obama did so in a 2012 address to the General Assembly . President George W. Bush pressed the importance of religious liberty in a 2008 interfaith event.

“We’ve lost more Americans from drugs in the past four years than we lost in World War II. Yeah. Our bloodiest war. More than we lost in World War II. Does anybody care? It is pathetic. It is pathetic. And do you hear a single word from Washington about doing anything about it?”

— Tucker Carlson, Trump ally and former Fox News host

Mr. Carlson can certainly argue that lawmakers have not done enough to address the opioid crisis in the United States, but his suggestion that they have done nothing is wrong. The Congressional Research Service listed several major legislative efforts in 2016, 2018, 2019 and 2021.

These laws, according to the research service, “addressed overprescribing and misuse of opioids, expanded substance use disorder prevention and treatment capacities, bolstered drug diversion capabilities, and enhanced international drug interdiction, counternarcotics cooperation and sanctions efforts.”

Annual funding for border security and the Drug Enforcement Administration has tried to directly address drug trafficking. The bipartisan border bill that failed this past spring would have also included increased funding for enforcement efforts and new technology to detect drug smuggling. Former President Donald J. Trump lobbied against its passage.


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