What do you want to become in the future? 7 Sample Answers

Have you ever asked yourself what you wanted to be when you grew up? Everyone has a vision of something they want to accomplish, whether it’s becoming a doctor, starting their own business, or traveling the world. What do you want to become in the future? Knowing your future goals can help you make decisions now that will help you reach those goals. Think about what inspires and motivates you, and let that guide you toward your dreams!

What do you want to become in the future answers

You might have often asked your life, “What do you want to become in the future?” Sometimes you face this question in job interviews. As a job seeker, it’s essential to have a clear understanding of your career goals and aspirations to impress potential employers. Knowing what you want to become in the future showcases your ambition and motivation and demonstrates your preparedness and suitability for the role.

In this article, we’ll delve into the various steps and considerations for discovering your future career path so that you can confidently answer this interview question and take the first step toward your dream job.

Table of Contents

How to discover your future career path

Understanding yourself.

This involves taking the time to reflect on your interests, strengths, values, and skills. Understanding what motivates and drives you can help you make informed decisions about your future career.

Researching Your Options

This involves exploring different industries, job roles, and companies to determine which career paths align with your interests and goals. Researching the job market and staying current with industry trends can help you make informed decisions.

Creating a Career Plan

This involves setting achievable and realistic goals for your future career and outlining the steps you need to take to reach those goals. This can include developing skills, gaining experience, and networking with professionals in your desired field. A well-crafted career plan can help you stay focused and motivated as you work towards your future career aspirations.

How to Answer the Interview question “What do you want to become in the future?”

When answering the interview question, “What do you want to become in the future?” it’s important to be concise and to the point while also showcasing your ambition and passion for your chosen career path. A good answer might follow this structure:

  • State your career goal clearly and concisely, for example, “My long-term goal is to become a marketing manager.”
  • Explain why you want to pursue this career; for example, “I have a passion for marketing, and I am driven by the challenge of developing and executing successful campaigns.”
  • Discuss your relevant experience and qualifications; for example, “I have a strong background in marketing research and analysis, as well as experience in project management. I plan further to develop my data analysis and digital marketing skills.”
  • Mention your plans for achieving your career goal, for example, “I am actively seeking opportunities to gain experience and learn from experienced professionals, and I believe that this role aligns with my long-term career aspirations.”
  • Conclude by reiterating your commitment to your future career: “I am confident in my ability to achieve my long-term career goals, and I am eager to bring my passion and expertise to this role.”

Basic Structure

  • Introduction
  • Long-Term Goals
  • Skills and Qualifications
  • Industry or Company
  • Relevance to the Role

Sample answers to “What do you want to become in the future?”

  • “In the future, I see myself as a senior project manager, leading cross-functional teams and delivering successful projects for a top technology company. I am committed to continuously developing my leadership and organizational skills, and I believe this role will provide the opportunities for growth and challenge that I seek.”
  • “I aspire to be a Chief Financial Officer for a fast-growing company in the next 5-10 years. I am driven by the opportunity to lead a finance team and help shape a company’s financial strategy while contributing to the organization’s overall success.”
  • “My long-term goal is to become a successful entrepreneur and launch my business in the creative industry. I have a passion for design and innovation and am eager to bring my ideas to life while positively impacting society.”
  • “In the future, I hope to be a respected educator and mentor, sharing my passion for science and technology with the next generation of students. I am committed to staying current with my field’s latest developments and providing hands-on learning experiences for my students.”
  • “I want to become a human resources leader, using my passion for people and my expertise in employee relations to help organizations attract and retain top talent. I am committed to promoting a positive workplace culture and ensuring that employees are supported and valued. I believe that this role will allow me to make a meaningful difference in people’s lives.”
  • “I am currently working as a marketing coordinator and have gained valuable experience in the field. My long-term goal is to become a marketing manager, and I am confident that the skills and experience I have gained will allow me to achieve this goal.”
  • “I am interested in working for a technology company, as I am fascinated by the innovative products and services that these companies offer. I am eager to contribute to a company that positively impacts society and is at the forefront of technological advancements.”

In conclusion, answering the question, “What do you want to become in the future?” can be a valuable opportunity to showcase your career aspirations and demonstrate your motivation and commitment to your chosen field. By taking the time to understand yourself, research your options, and create a career plan, you can craft a clear and concise answer that will leave a lasting impression on the interviewer. Ultimately, being honest and passionate about your future career goals can set you apart as a candidate and increase your chances of landing the job.

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Interview questions answered: What do you want to accomplish in your life?

Life’s an amazing adventure , at least for the lucky of us, who weren’t born in a slum or with some incurable disease. And while the question about the existence of eternal life will always remain a mystery, another thing is certain: we are here, on planet Earth, and we have a life to live. But what should we do with it ? What should we aspire to accomplish? Sooner or later, we will ponder this uneasy question. And sooner or later, you will have to answer it , in a job interview, or in a school admission interview.

At the end of the day, the hiring managers (or the admission committee at school), do not expect to hear that you want to put a dent in the universe . But they want to hear about some goals and ambitions, as they reflect your values , and these are of a great interest to your future employer… What’s more, people who aim to achieve something–whether within their work or with their life, are the best employees . Because they have a reason to live, to go to work, and this reflects in their everyday motivation and attitude to work.

Let’s have a look at 7 sample answers to this question, or to its alternatives, such as “ What is your ambition in life? ” or “ What do you want to become in your life? ” My list includes both typical and unconventional (or philosophical) answers , and I hope you will find there something to use in your interview. Or at least it should inspire you to come up with some ideas…

7 sample answers to “What do you want to achieve in your life?” interview question

  • I just want to get the most out of the opportunities I’ve been given . To become the best version of myself . I believe that many things we cannot change–such as our genetics, or the upbringing we had–this has a huge impact on us. Also the place where we were born, whether we were lucky on good parents and role models, and so on. But once we grow up and make our choices , we get plenty of opportunities to change something to better in our own lives, and in lies of people we have contact with, be it at work or in our private life. I do not want to let these opportunities pass, without taking them.
  • I just want to be happy in my life, that’s my ambition, a simple definition, but it encompasses a lot of things. I want to have a healthy family, provide for the people I love, make some difference in a company where I work , stay healthy, and so on. Of course all these things demand some sacrifices, discipline, hard work. But I know that when I commit myself to my goals, I am happy making sacrifices, and doing the hard work. On the contrary, if I go to work with no other reason than to earn money , I won’t be happy…

* May also interest you : Answers to 15 most common interview questions .

  • To be honest, I do not dream of any big accomplishments . It’s just not my way of thinking of life. I try to enjoy the present moment, to give my full attention to an activity I am doing right now –be it answering a phone call of a customer, peeling potatoes, running up the hill, or talking to you here in an interview. It’s not always easy to do, but it’s worth trying in every second of our earthly existence. Ambitions to change something in the world are an invention of our ego , and will eventually make us unhappy, always. Because even the biggest achievement is just an instant gratification and we will always want. That’s not a way to be happy in life. It’s a road to an abyss.
  • I would like to change something to better in the indigenous community . I understand how difficult the life is for many of them, and that politics isn’t in their favor. But here I am, with my mission, trying to achieve equality , or at least make living a bit easier for them. That’s why I chose social work for my studies, spent years living with the indigenous people, and eventually applied for a job with your NGO . My personal mission is my reason to go on living and trying hard each day, because I believe I try to achieve something truly important in my lifespan.
  • I simply want to maximize my potential as an athlete . To train hard, to do all the exercises, quality recovery, right diet, you name it. In order to do it I have to belong to a truly professional team, one that has only the highest ambitions , and do not want to play the second league in the races. That’s why I decided to apply for a scholarship at your university . I know the coaches here, the commitment of people in your athletics squad, and of course the results you achieve with your athletes. I believe that I can achieve my goals while studying and training here.
  • Eventually, at some point of my life, I’d like to run my own business, a prospering hotel or restaurant. That is my long term ambition, to run a place where people won’t come only to eat, or stay. A place where they will come for an unforgettable dining experience . But I am too young to pursue this ambition, and I have no money to start with. At this stage of my professional career, I simply want to learn, gain experiences , and eventually get ready for pursuing my dream in the future. Your hotel is an ideal place to gain such experiences.
  • I can answer your question with one word: balance . I am seeking balance in life, and I am sure that almost everyone does the same , though they may sometimes struggle to express it properly. The right balance of being humble and confident , balance of my work and family life, a good balance of activities during the day, and, before anything else, a mental balance, a certain state of consciousness rid of negative emotions , such as envy, anger, worry, and so on. It’s not an easy goal to achieve, I know. And maybe it is a lifelong journey , something that will always remain just an ambition, and ideal we try to reach but never will. Nevertheless, I will continue trying…

* Do not forget to check also: Where do you see yourself in five years from now?

Show some excitement for your dreams

Regardless of whether you talk about work-related goals, or some higher ambitions, you should speak with enthusiasm in your voice . They won’t believe you otherwise.

They should get an impression that you see a meaning in your life , or at least are certain there is a meaning, and you continue searching for it. And, in an ideal case, you should connect your employment in the company with this meaning . It’s not always possible to do, and it depends on the position you try to get. Check sample answers no. 4 and no. 5 for your inspiration.

* Special Tip : This isn’t the only difficult question you will face while interviewing for any decent job. You will face questions about prioritization, dealing with pressure, dealing with ambiguity , and other tricky scenarios that happen in the workplace. If you want to make sure that you stand out with your answers and outclass your competitors, have a look at our Interview Success Package . Up to 10 premium answers to 31 tricky scenario based questions (+ more) will make your life much easier in the interviews. Thank you for checking it out!

Numbers in the question: 10 things you’d like to accomplish in your life, or what you want to achieve in 3-5 years from now

Interviewers can make the question more difficult by adding a modifier to it. For example a time horizon (3, 5, or 10 years), or an exact number of things you want to achieve in your life (I’ve seen this several times as a topic for an essay students had to write as a part of a school admission process). the first one, time horizon, is the easier of the two. Just be realistic, and remember that Rome wasn’t built in a day, and the same goes with your career. Think about those three or five years–what you can learn, what job you can have, what you can achieve for your employer, your family, for yourself.

If they ask you to name 10 things you’d like to accomplish, I suggest you to aim for variety . You should include on your list some goals for your personal and family life, for your health, for your work, and perhaps also some philanthropy. Needless to say, if you are religious or spiritual, such goals should also make the list. Let me give you just a very brief example (you should elaborate on it in your own essay):

  • Achieve Inner harmony and satisfaction.
  • Happiness and peace in my family.
  • Build active and fruitful relationships with both my friends and colleagues.
  • Never stop learning new things in life.
  • Keep both my physical and mental health as good as possible, for as long as possible.
  • Make a positive difference in a local community, perhaps with some charity work.
  • Run a marathon under 3:30, or achieve some other endurance feat in my life.
  • Leave my mark on the marketing industry, a field I’d love to work in.
  • One day raise my children to become good people.
  • Always stay humble yet confident that I can change something in the world to better.

Do not be afraid to philosophize in your interview

“What do you want to accomplish in your life?” is quite a philosophical question , and you should not hesitate answering it with a philosophical answer, pondering the meaning of life, thinking about your place in the world, etc.

You can even say that you do not dream about any achievements. As long as you base it on your personal philosophy (such as living in a present moment, see sample answer no .3), they will be satisfied with your answer. What is more, unconventional interview answers will help you stand out from the rest of the job applicants. In many cases, standing out is the most important thing in the interviews…

Ready to handle this one? I hope so! Continue your preparation for the interviews with one of the following articles:

  • This job is repetitive. What will you do to stay motivated?
  • How to dress for an interview?
  • What are your weaknesses?
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What I Want to Become in Life (Essay Sample)

📌Category: ,
📌Words: 625
📌Pages: 3
📌Published: 02 July 2022

My experiences throughout life contributed to my background, identity, and future talents that lead me to become who I am today. I consider myself a great student who understands the importance of character, education, and a positive attitude. I am from a strong family that believes in the power of arduous work and prayer. I come from a school that demonstrates fortitude, leadership, and achievement every day which makes me thrive throughout my life on the outside of the school. The years I spent in high school served as an opportunity to discover whom I want to become, what it means to be a student-athlete, and my unique personality.

Whom I wish to become. When I was 11 years old, my Uncle Rico died due to a cardiac arrest; this shocking moment in my life inspired me to become a cardiologist. At age 14, I promised myself to do everything I could to ensure I fulfilled my dream, so I started reading books, researching world-renowned cardiologists, and learning the science of the heart. My goal is to attend a college/university that will help me reach the career of my dreams. This will eventually allow me to attend a college with a promising medical school. My Grade Point Average has earned me the opportunity to be selected as a delegate for my school at the Congress of Future Medical Leaders and I know this opportunity will allow me to widen my perspective on the possibilities at my fingertips.  

What it means to be a student athlete. As a student-athlete, I take part in basketball. Being a student-athlete will undeniably translate to my destiny fulfillment. When I reached a higher level of education, I began to excel in the classroom as well as on the basketball court, I went beyond my limits to achieve success, and becoming a commanding leader at such an early age. Extracurricular activities persuade me to control my time and try to obtain better schooling whilst living a healthy way of life. It also lets me interact and practice communicating well with others with sportsmanship and camaraderie. Those components could be carried into my destiny and could improve by man or woman. Being an athlete allows me to manage time by means of working hard in college and participating in sports. While in college, college students should learn how to allocate their time nicely among their research and extracurricular activities. As I extend my career in basketball, I plan to end up as a significant part of your program.

Regarding my personal qualities, I am a person who is enthusiastic, easy to sympathize with, an excellent leader, and passionate. As I look forward to what God has in store for my loved ones and myself, I see myself flourishing every day. In terms of my leadership skills, I have the potential ability to communicate clearly, motivate my team, handle and delegate responsibilities, listen to feedback, and have the flexibility to solve problems in an ever-changing workplace. My greatest passion is personal growth, which I utilize by defining my goals, prioritizing them, creating a personal growth plan, and implementing my personal growth plan to acquire new skills and knowledge. These could aim at improving my character, enhancing my skill set, or strengthening my abilities such as individuals as myself try to achieve emotional control, get better at communicating, be able to create boundaries, make tough decisions, and achieve personal satisfaction.

In closing, the years I spent in high school served as an opportunity to discover who I am and the path I want to take in life, what it means to be a scholar-athlete and my unique personality. As a result of the goals, I set for myself I strive to improve each day to achieve them. It is my strong belief that God has a plan for my life and my family. The barriers that will become involved in my life will be overcome. I hope to utilize your resources at your university to provide the steps for me to become successful.

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How to Write an Awesome Essay About Your Career Goals

  • Before you begin, ask yourself a few key questions like:
  • What are my short-term and long-term career goals?
  • Where do I see myself in ten years?
  • What events in my life have led me to have these goals?
  • What major will help me reach my goals?
  • What skills do I need to reach my goals?
  • What impact do I want to have on society?

Career Goals Essay Template

Need more inspiration.

After you brainstorm the responses to these questions, look for common themes, or pick out the most interesting stories. You can build your main essay “thesis” or idea around this.

Once you’ve got the main idea, create an outline to put your ideas into essay format. This will give you a general idea of structure.

You can use the career essays template below to give you some ideas. But remember that some rules are meant to be broken, so don’t be afraid to be innovative and think outside the box!

Also, when you’re done, head over to Going Merry to apply for the Career Goals scholarship essay bundle (one essay, one application, multiple scholarships!). You might as well make that essay count. Sign up for Going Merry to apply for scholarships more efficiently.

career goals essay

Here’s a paragraph-by-paragraph breakdown:

Paragraph 1 : Establish the main theme of what you’re going to talk about. It should also grab the reader’s attention. For example, instead of starting your essay with something generic (e.g. Ever since I was a little girl, I wanted to be a zoologist), get creative with it! Try something like My greatest memory as a young girl was going to the zoo for the first time or While most kids play house or school, I always wanted to play zookeeper.

Paragraph 2 : Elaborate on what inspired your career goals. Perhaps it was a relative, a TV show, or simply an experience that you had. Remember that old writing adage, “Show, don’t tell.” In other words, try to demonstrate your interest with story or description. 

Paragraph 3 : Discuss your short-term career goals and your intended major. How will your intended major help you reach these goals? What skills do you need to learn to reach them? At the end of the paragraph, try discussing how your short-term goals can help you achieve your long-term goals.

Paragraph 4 : Focus on your long-term goals and the impact that you hope to have on society. If you’re not sure what your long-term goals are, don’t sweat it; they’ll probably change anyways. You can instead focus on the difference you’d like to make overall. And don’t worry too much about the size of the impact…remember that just doing what you’re truly passionate about has a massive impact on those around you.

The last paragraph is your conclusion. You can use this paragraph to summarize what you discussed in the previous few paragraphs. If you want to be even more creative, try ending your essay with a question for your readers or a new insight. Good luck!

And now that you’re ready with that essay, put it to good use! You can recycle that same essay, when applying for the Career Goals Scholarship Bundle. We’ve joined together multiple scholarships (all requesting essays on career goals), into just ONE simple application! See more info here , or just sign up to get going.

Check out examples from other students just like you. Here are links to some great career goal essay examples:

  • Example 1  
  • Example 2  
  • Example 3  

Or maybe you’re looking for help with an academic goals essay — we’ve got you covered there too.

Also, check out this helpful list of the 10 most common scholarship essay topics !

Top 10 Most Common Scholarship Essay Prompts Graphic

Sign up for Going Merry today, and upload your career goal essay right to your profile. It’s that easy!

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How to Write an Essay About Your Future Goals

What Is the Meaning of Educational Planning?

What Is the Meaning of Educational Planning?

Explaining where you see your life in five,10 or even 20 years requires thought and planning. Writing an essay about your future goals helps you get a clear vision of what you want to accomplish. In order to clearly communicate your life plans, take time to identify your passions and interests before you begin writing. Doing so, will make structuring the essay a lot easier.

Select three specific goals you wish to accomplish within a certain time period. Explain in the introduction of your essay why you selected those goals and how they are related to one another. Provide a brief and general explanation of how you will accomplish your goals.

Write one to two paragraphs specifically explaining each goal. Describe the rationale for each goal and how the idea originated. Mention individuals and personal experiences that inspired you to set these goals. Discuss how far or close you are to reaching each goal.

Include facts and research information about what it will take to reach each goal. Research should include the steps you need to take in order to accomplish your goal. This research can be standard information acquired from documents. For example, if going to college is one of your future goals, identify which college and include information about admission requirements you must meet. Your research information can also be based on interviewing other people who have reached the goal for which you are presently striving.

Conclude your paper by restating your goals and why they are important to you.

Read your essay to a friend to make sure it's easy to understand. Review and proofread thoroughly if you are submitting your essay for a grade.

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Kai Ingram has over 15 years of experience as a professional writer. She writes on a wide range of topics related to entrepreneurship, international affairs and health and spirituality. She has written for various publications and websites such as the "Atlanta Tribune," The Ms. CEO show and "New Vision in Business" magazine. Ingram has a Bachelor of Arts in social policy and journalism.

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Career Goals Essay For Scholarships (With Examples)

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  • Applying for a Job In-Person
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Scholarship programs often want you to write a career goals essay to see that you have a clear plan for how you’ll apply your education to a specific career path. This helps show a scholarship committee why you’re seeking funds for the next step on the path toward your success.

Answering “what are your career goals” effectively can help increase your odds of impressing landing a scholarship opportunity. If you’re a prospective student applying for scholarships, this article will provide tips on how to write a career goals essay, along with essays on career goals examples to help you get an idea of what scholarship committees are looking for.

Key Takeaways:

When you’re writing a career goals essay, make sure to write about the goals that are relevant to the scholarship.

Be honest and use your own voice to stand out in your scholarship essay.

Go into detail about how the scholarship will help you achieve your goals.

Career Goals Essay for Scholarships

What is a career goals essay?

Why scholarship essays ask about career goals, example career goals essay prompts, career goals essay examples, tips for writing a scholarship essay about career goals, what to write in a career goals essay if your goals have changed, career goals essay for a scholarship faq.

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A career goals essay is a personal written explanation that discusses your background, why you’re interested in participating in the program, and what career you’d like this degree to lead into. A scholarship essay functions to explain why you want to achieve your professional goals and how you intend to get there.

In almost every application process, a portion asks the candidate to answer an essay question. When applying to an educational program, like an MBA, the essay prompt usually relates to your career goals .

Scholarship essays ask about career goals to assess your enthusiasm for the program, learn more about how the scholarship will help you, and ensure that you’ve considered how the program will help you achieve your goals for the future:

Assess your enthusiasm. Passion is important for scholarship administrators, and if you’re able to articulate your enthusiasm for a specific career path , it will show that you’re determined to meet the requirements to reach that goal. The most specific and well-thought-out your essay is, the easier it will be for a reader to understand your devotion and commitment to the program and the field it will allow you to enter.

Learn how the scholarship will help you. Having a firm grasp of your career goals is great, but it’s equally important that you express exactly how the specific program relates to those goals. This shows that you’ve researched the merits of the program and understand exactly how it fits into your professional goals.

Show you’ve considered your future. This goes along with the first two points — show that you know how to set goals and consider the path toward achieving those goals, and you’ll have an easier time convincing the reader that you’ll know how to set goals while participating in the program. They’ll see that you know how to prioritize education because you have a clear vision for navigating your career path.

While some scholarships might come right out and simply ask, “What are your career goals?” most will rework the question into something different that still accomplishes the same goal.

Below are some examples of career goals essay prompts that a scholarship program could pose to its applicants:

Discuss your career goals. Many scholarships prefer the most direct approach when giving an essay prompt to their applicants. This type of question gives the candidate a lot of wiggle room to discuss their passions, motivations, and career goals.

Where do you see yourself in 10 years ? This question is often used as a prompt for a career goals essay because it gives the applicant a timeline to describe their aspirations. It forces them to be realistic about where their career will be and how they will accomplish this within the next ten years.

How will this scholarship contribute to your professional success? A scholarship committee wants to be sure that the money they’re giving will contribute to a student’s overall professional success. This question asks about the applicant’s game plan in the long-term and evaluates how this program is going to assist in their future.

What is your dream job ? Since a dream job is often categorized as a person’s career goals, this is a common question phrasing in scholarship essays. Asking about a candidate’s dream job answers whether this program aligns with the student’s long-term career goals.

What matters most to you and why? Sometimes, a scholarship essay prompt won’t ask about your career or future at all. Instead, they’ll ask a question like this that assesses your motivations , values, and character.

Use these examples of career goals essays for scholarships to help write your own. Pay special attention to how they’re organized, rather than the content, to inspire your own career goals essay:

Career goals essay example 1 – Discuss your career goals

When I was six years old, I was riding bikes with my older sister around our neighborhood. She had just taught me how to ride, and I was excited to have to freedom to explore with her. When she was rounding a particularly difficult bend to see around, a car happened to be coming along at the same time. It struck her. That bike ride changed our lives forever. Over the next year, I went with my sister every Tuesday and Thursday to her physical therapist ’s appointments to help her regain walking strength. Watching her physical therapist patiently assist my sister back to becoming herself awoken something in me. A passion for helping others in the same way eventually turned into a career goal of becoming a physical therapist myself. I decided to get my bachelor’s degree in exercise science. After graduating in 2019, I knew that the next step for me was to attend a graduate program in physical therapy. I was accepted to Lassell University Master of Science in Rehabilitation Services. This presented me with my latest goal along my career path, and I’m eagerly waiting to start. This scholarship would help me afford the wonderful opportunity to be a part of the Lassell University class of 2023, allowing me to continue working towards my ultimate career goal of becoming a physical therapist and helping others to become themselves again.

Career goals essay example 2 – Where do you see yourself in ten years?

In ten years, I will have been successfully running my own construction business for about five years. I’m currently a second-year student at the University of Texas, pursuing a master’s degree in business administration. I decided to get my MBA because I knew it would be a positive asset toward my long-term career goal of owning a construction business. In my high school years, I worked as a construction apprentice for a local business. I loved many aspects of the business, such as building something from nothing. I knew that I wanted to incorporate this work into my long-term career, but I didn’t want to work as an apprentice . This led me to pursue business. In ten years and with the help of this scholarship, I will have graduated with my MBA almost a decade prior . After graduation, I plan to take a business administration internship with a carpentry business to help myself get a footing in the field. After about two years of this, I will have started my own construction business.

Career goals essay example 3 – What matters most to you and why?

The people I surround myself with matter most to me. Whether it be my relatives, friends, or professional acquaintances, I always care the most about the happiness of the people around me. Making the people around me happy matters the most to me because I truly because we find our happiness through others. I believe that this drive to make a positive impression on the people around me is what drove me towards a career as a nurse . I always thought of hospitals as places where people need someone to support them and make their day a little happier. I wanted to be one of those who spend their careers positively impacting people in need. This scholarship will enable me to finally afford nursing school and go after my dream job full force.

Career goals essay example 4 – What are your short- and long-term career goals, and how will earning this degree contribute to achieving those goals? Please provide a minimum of 200 words.

My short-term career goals involve working directly with underprivileged young people to increase the literacy rate in my community. As a student of an underfunded and understaffed school, I’ve seen firsthand how much of an impact early literacy education makes on long-term achievement. It broke my heart to see my peers embarrassed at their struggle with reading at an advanced age, and this shame added another dimension to their lack of opportunity. Being a literacy educator for young people would allow me to serve this community directly to show them not only the necessity of strong written communication skills, but the joy of reading for pleasure. This program focuses specifically on early literacy, and would provide me a direct route to a career in serving the community I hope to serve. As for long-term career goals, I hope to one day create a program where socioeconomically parents can bring their children for literacy education, not only to increase their ability to navigate the world of language, but also to instill confidence and joy in the written word. What drew me to this program was that it also has administrative, legal, and business dimensions that would set me on the path toward achieving this goal.

Here are some tips to keep in mind for writing a career goals scholarship essay:

Write about goals relevant to the scholarship. Although you may have many different kinds of goals for your personal and professional future, a scholarship essay only discusses objectives that are relevant to the program you’re applying for.

Be honest. Applying for a scholarship is stressful because the applicant’s education is usually reliant on receiving these funds in one way or another. Even though it’s tempting to exaggerate your skills or pretend you’re more passionate about something than you are to make yourself a more competitive applicant, it’s a bad move.

Use your own, unique voice. The essay portion of a scholarship application is your chance to stand out by using your voice. Nobody else, regardless of their academic or professional achievements, is you. Make this clear in your career goals scholarship essay by keeping your unique written voice engrained in the words you produce.

Be specific. A big reason that scholarship committees ask applicants to write a career goals essay is to determine how prepared they are in planning their long-term professional goals. They aren’t interested in providing a scholarship to students who aren’t going to follow through with their career plans.

Explain long and short-term goals . Even if the essay prompt asks you to describe where you see yourself in ten years, you still need to tell them the steps leading towards this picture of success.

Include the short-term goals that add up to your larger career objectives in your essay response. Explain how accomplishing the smaller goals gives you an advantage when tackling long-term ones.

Explain how the program and scholarship will help you. Before writing your career goals essay, consider how this program and scholarship will help you in your career. The answer to this question is essential.

Follow the essay formatting guidelines. This may sound obvious, but it’s surprisingly easy to forget this step when your essay is finally flowing and when you’re scrambling to get it submitted on time.

Check, double-check , and triple-check the essay guidelines for content, word count, and formatting requirements. If you miss any of these steps, your essay may be immediately disqualified no matter how good it or the rest of your application is.

Many times career goals essays are written by students who have already completed at least some college or are applying to a post-graduate program and need more money to continue.

There’s a good chance that your career goals have changed since you started or graduated college. For example, say you wanted to be an engineer , so you got your undergraduate degree in engineering but realized you didn’t like it after working in the industry for a few years.

You decided that nursing would be more up your alley, and now you’re applying for a scholarship for a nursing program. While this isn’t unusual, it can make it more difficult to write a career goals essay since your past work doesn’t necessarily match your future goals.

In this case, you’ll simply need to explain why you changed your career path and why this next one is the best choice for you. Share your decision-making process to show that you haven’t taken the switch lightly, and talk about what you’ve already done to try to pursue this path.

How do you write a career goal for a scholarship essay?

You write a career goal for a scholarship essay by sharing your passion, explaining both your long- and short-term goals, and relating your goals to the scholarship.

Explain why you want to pursue the career you’re pursuing, where you hope to be in the future and how you plan to get there, and how the scholarship will help you do this.

How do you describe your career goals in an essay?

You describe your career goals in an essay by explaining what you want to do in your career, why you decided on this career path, and what you’ve done so far to make that a reality.

You can usually work these factors into any prompt you receive, so think through them before you start writing so that you can use them as an outline of sorts.

What are career goals examples?

Examples of career goals include:

Working as a grant writer for a nonprofit organization.

Becoming a department manager and eventually an executive in your field.

Owning your own plumbing company.

Caring for underserved communities as a nurse practitioner .

What are some goals for success?

Some goals for success include growing in your role, building your network, and finding joy in the job. Most careers don’t just happen overnight and require you to set the right milestones that work best for you. Not everyone will have the same goals for success.

How do you start a career goals essay for a scholarship?

You can start a career goals essay for a scholarship by directly answering the prompt. Most scholarship prompts include a word count of between 200 and 500 words, so it’s essential that you immediately respond to the prompt. Attention-grabbing sentences and narratives can be helpful for setting the scene, but an efficient and direct answer will show a clarity of mind that helps enhance the quality of your answer.

BLS – Career planning for high schoolers

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Sky Ariella is a professional freelance writer, originally from New York. She has been featured on websites and online magazines covering topics in career, travel, and lifestyle. She received her BA in psychology from Hunter College.

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Examples of Scholarship Essays for the “Career Goals” Question

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Emily Wong is a writer at Scholarships360. She’s worked as a social media manager and a content writer at several different startups, where she covered various topics including business, tech, job recruitment, and education. Emily grew up and went to school in the Chicago suburbs, where she studied economics and journalism at Northwestern University.

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what you want to do in the future essay

Maria Geiger is Director of Content at Scholarships360. She is a former online educational technology instructor and adjunct writing instructor. In addition to education reform, Maria’s interests include viewpoint diversity, blended/flipped learning, digital communication, and integrating media/web tools into the curriculum to better facilitate student engagement. Maria earned both a B.A. and an M.A. in English Literature from Monmouth University, an M. Ed. in Education from Monmouth University, and a Virtual Online Teaching Certificate (VOLT) from the University of Pennsylvania.

Examples of Scholarship Essays for the “Career Goals” Question

Writing an essay is often the trickiest part of the scholarship application, not to mention the most time-consuming. However, the essay section also allows room for creativity and individuality. If you can communicate effectively, you can use the essay portion to stand out from the crowd. Let’s go over some tips for writing, as well as a couple of scholarship essay examples about career goals.

How to write a scholarship essay 

At this point, you’ve probably gained plenty of experience writing papers for school. However, it may still take a couple of tries to nail the scholarship essay. Since scholarship teams often have to get through a lot of applications, it’s important to stand out while staying concise. Here are some simple guidelines for writing scholarship essays.

See also: How to write a winning scholarship essay (with examples!)

Take five minutes to brainstorm

Before you even start your essay, take some time to gather your thoughts. Think about what you’ll want the paper to focus on. Why did you choose to pursue your career path in the first place? Where do you want to be in five years? How would this scholarship help you further your studies and work toward your goals?

Once you’ve jotted down a few ideas, choose one or two to center your essay on. Identifying the focus of your paper, it’ll make it easier to keep your thoughts organized. In turn, it’ll make it easier for the reader to follow.

Related : How to start a scholarship essay (with examples!)

Stay within the word limit

Unlike the four-page essays that you may have written in English class, scholarship essays are often only a paragraph or two. In order to respect the selection committee’s time, be wary of going too far about the specified word count. A general rule of thumb is to stay within 20 words above or below the limit. That may entail a few rounds of edits to get the wording just right.

Stay positive!

Feel free to use part of your essay to talk about your life’s challenges. After all, the selection committee often wants to give the award to a candidate who needs it. However, make sure your anecdote doesn’t devolve into a sob story. If you’re going to bring up hardships you’ve endured, try to balance it by talking about how you’ve overcome them. By demonstrating resilience, you can show readers how you would use the scholarship to succeed in your current situation.

Leave time to proofread

Especially for a short scholarship essay, proofreading can take as little as 5-10 minutes. Still, it can be tempting to just hit “submit” after your first draft. However, being too impulsive can leave your essay riddled with typos and grammatical errors.

Try to avoid unnecessary mistakes by finishing your draft at least 24 hours before the scholarship deadline. That way, you can proofread it with fresh eyes before you submit it.

If you’re struggling to close out your essay, read how to end a scholarship essay in five steps .

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How to write a 100-word “career goals” essay.

When writing a 100-word essay, you’ll have to choose your content carefully. Since space is limited, you’ll want to identify the most important details to include beforehand.

First and foremost, make sure to clearly communicate your current pursuits. Talk about your academic and extracurricular activities related to your career goals. Additionally, it’s important to be specific about what you plan to do in the future. Then, if you have extra room, you can talk about how the scholarship will help you reach your goals.

My name is Alison MacBride, and I’m a sophomore at the University of Illinois. I’m currently pursuing a major in Journalism with a minor in Natural Resource Conservation. After completing my program, I plan to combine my areas of interest to become an environmental journalist.

During high school, I volunteered at an eco-conscious farm, where I learned about how our actions affect the earth. Since then, I’ve been set on raising awareness for the environment. This scholarship would go a long way in helping me finish my degree with the skills I need to investigate and report about critical issues.

Word count: 100

How to write a 250-word “career goals” essay

For the 250-word essay, you can go into more detail. Give the readers some context by talking about how you first got interested in your chosen career. Storytelling can be especially effective in engaging your audience. Try to capture their attention by choosing one or two concrete examples and relaying them vividly.

Additionally, you can spend more time talking about the scholarship and how it’ll make a difference in your studies. Go into more detail about how and why you need the award, but remember to keep it positive! For more help, check out how to write a 250 word essay . 

I first decided that I wanted to pursue a career in environmentalism in early high school. The summer after my freshman year, I joined a volunteer program at an eco-conscious farm in my community. In addition to helping out with the operations, I learned about current environmental issues related to farming and other consumer industries.

After learning about the agricultural industry’s impact on the planet, I was inspired to make a difference. The next year, I started a monthly earth magazine at my high school in which we broke down environmental issues and offered tips on how to be more eco-friendly. When I started college, I founded an on-campus publication with the same mission.

In recent years, I’ve been troubled to see how some media outlets downplay the gravity of issues like climate change and deforestation. I’ve admired reporters who publish trustworthy and comprehensible information about environmental issues, and I aim to follow in their footsteps.

When I entered college, I was initially concerned that I wouldn’t have enough money to finish my degree. Fortunately, I’ve been able to cover most of my tuition using merit scholarships and paychecks from my part-time job on campus. Receiving this scholarship would allow me more time to focus on acing my classes and pursuing environmental advocacy work on campus.

Word count: 261

Final thoughts

Planning is essential in making your “career goals” essay clear and concise. Hopefully, these scholarship essay examples about career goals can be your guide to writing a scholarship-winning essay. Good luck!

Additional resources

Maybe you need to write a longer scholarship essay? We can help with our writing a 500 word essay guide ! Be prepared and learn how to write essays about yourself and how to craft an impressive personal statement . Learn the differences between a personal statement and a statement of purpose as the terms might come up on college websites. If you haven’t decided on a college already, check out our guide on how to choose a college . No matter where you are in your educational journey, make sure that you apply for all the scholarships you qualify for!

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Career Essay

Career essay generator.

what you want to do in the future essay

How do you see yourself 5 or 10 years from now? That question kicks start your imagination and make you visualize yourself in your future career. Maybe you are thinking about it now, but you are likely confused about expressing it in words. Unlike other essay writing , writing your career essay is exciting because you are writing about yourself, your plans, passion, and aspiration. Learn how to make your career essay impressive by reading this article.

10+ Career Essay Examples

1. career pursuing essay.

Career Pursuing Essay

Size: 324 KB

2. Career Interest Essay

Career Interests Essay

Size: 642 KB

3. Career Goals Essay

Career Goals Essay

Size: 429 KB

4. Career Research Essay

Career Research Essay

Size: 186 KB

5. Career Scholarship Essay

Career Scholarship Essay

Size: 96 KB

6. Career Personal Essay

Career Personal Essay

Size: 95 KB

7. Career Needs Essay

Career Needs Essays

Size: 73 KB

8. Career Teaching Essay

Career Teaching Essay

Size: 59 KB

9. Formal Career Essay

Formal Career Essay

Size: 42 KB

10. Career Project Essay

Career Project Essay

Size: 29 KB

11. Career Plan Essay

Career Plan Essay

Size: 230 KB

What Is a Career Essay?

A career essay is a text people write to detail their goals or plans for the future. In this essay, people talk about the career they want in the future and the things they have achieved so far. People often ask you to write a career essay when you send an application letter for a scholarship or submit your resume for a job.

How To Write a Rousing Career Essay

You should write your career essay seriously because it might be a deciding factor for your future. That said, in writing your essay, there are a lot of things to consider and a process you need to follow. Your end goal in writing your essay is to convince people that you are determined to walk the talk and make the things you wrote in your descriptive essay to reality.

1. Devise an Engrossing Title

The first thing to think about when writing an essay is coming up with an attention-grabbing title. When people read your essay, they pay the most attention to your title. Also, another benefit of coming up with your title first is that it will serve as a guide for you for the whole essay. 

2. Introduce With a Hook

After devising a title, deliver the next blow with an introduction that piques their curiosity. To do that, begin your essay with a hook. Your hook can be a quote, a question, or you can even provide a statistic. If your introduction is good enough, it will secure the engagement of your readers.

3. Organize Your Ideas

Writing an essay is like taking your readers for a ride. You need to set the vibe and organize the flow of your thoughts. Don’t start too strong it might make the rest of your essay bland. You need to properly build up the development of excitement and make sure the order of your ideas makes sense. 

4. Polish Your Essay

Finalize your essay by proofreading it. When people talk about their passion, they tend to talk too much and include several unnecessary things. Make sure not to do that. Omit all the details that don’t contribute to the overall impact of your reflective essay. Also, don’t forget to review your text for grammatical errors. 

Why is career planning important?

People hustle every day to reach their dream careers. Having a target career gives you a direction and sets your path. Planning your career is essential because being indecisive about it might negatively impact your life. Not having a fixed goal is like not having an end destination. Preparing for it would also make your career action plan achievable.

What is a career genogram?

A career genogram traces back an individual’s family tree and examines the career timeline they pursued. The scope of this genogram reaches the grandparents, extended family, and even the person’s close friends. This graphic representation is helpful when a person has a hard time deciding about his or her career development plan .

What is career assessment?

Career assessment is the process of identifying what career would work best for you. Most assessments are in the form of a questionnaire . It includes questions about your interests, your skills, your hobbies, and your strengths. These are some examples of questions that would help assess your future career. The result of your career assessment might give you ideas on what path to take.

The moment people read your career essay, they often rate how likely you are to succeed. Show them a piece of your mind that would erase all their doubts about your success. They say manifesting works wonders, so manifest the future that you want best by composing a rousing career essay. 


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20 Smart Answers: “Where Do You See Yourself in 5 Years?”

By Status.net Editorial Team on April 10, 2023 — 10 minutes to read

Why Do They Ask This Question?

When you’re asked “Where do you see yourself in 5 years?,” the interviewer wants to gain insight into your career aspirations, personal goals, and how you envision growing within the company or industry. This question also helps interviewers understand whether your long-term goals align with the opportunities that the company or job may provide.

Before you go into the interview, take some time to reflect on what you genuinely want to achieve in the next five years. Consider the following aspects:

  • Areas you wish to specialize in or skills you want to refine
  • Leadership opportunities you’d like to explore
  • Professional certifications or training programs you plan to complete
  • Any goals related to the company’s values or industry trends

Understanding your own goals will help you create a truthful and thoughtful response that showcases your ambition and commitment to personal growth. Moreover, demonstrating how you plan to utilize and develop the skills gained in this role will show the interviewer that you’re a good fit for the company.

It’s important to remember that your answer should be tailored to the specific position or industry you’re interviewing for. You want to show the interviewer that your long-term goals are a natural progression from the job you’re applying for. Feel free to express enthusiasm for the company, industry, or role, but avoid making unrealistic claims or commitments.

Tips for Structuring Your Answer

Being honest in your response means sharing your true career aspirations, while still trying to keep your goals realistic and attainable within the company. Your response might include the following aspects:

  • Specific job titles or roles you aspire to reach
  • Skills you plan to develop or improve
  • Any certifications, trainings, or educational goals you intend to achieve

Be Adaptable

Show flexibility in your answer by acknowledging that change is inevitable and that you’re willing to adapt to the company’s needs as well as your own professional growth. You can tell your interviewer that you’re open to new opportunities within the organization.

  • Highlight your ability to learn new skills and take on new challenges
  • Discuss how you can grow within the company and contribute to its success
  • Emphasize your willingness to embrace change and adapt as needed

Show Your Commitment

  • Express how you see your professional growth aligned with the company’s goals
  • Discuss the ways you intend to contribute meaningfully to the organization
  • Reiterate your excitement to be part of the company’s future

Addressing Uncertainty

It’s natural to feel uncertain about your future, especially when asked to predict where you will be in five years. However, using some strategies, you can form a thoughtful response that communicates your aspirations and adaptability.

Firstly, consider discussing your long-term goals in broad terms. Even if you’re unsure about the specifics, try to focus on the direction you’d like your career to move. For example, mention professional growth opportunities or attribute you’d like to develop. This approach demonstrates ambition without being too rigid.

Example: “In five years, I hope to have built on my skills and gained more responsibility within this company. I’m eager to learn from experienced team members and eventually take on leadership roles.”

Secondly, when you are not entirely sure about the exact positions or steps, you can emphasize a growth mindset. Talk about continuously improving and adapting to changing situations, which would show that you’re flexible and resilient.

  • Constant learning
  • Embrace challenges
  • Adapt to change

Example: “I’m committed to continually expanding my knowledge and improving, which is why I’m enthusiastic about your company’s focus on innovation. Wherever I see myself in five years, I’ll be ready to adapt and grow.”

If future possibilities are vague, mention that you’re open to exploring various paths or contributing to different projects. Clarify that you’re excited to work with the company and discover opportunities to make a meaningful impact.

Example: “I’m excited about the wide range of projects your company is involved in. While I may not know the precise role I’ll fill in five years, I’m eager to contribute to a company like yours and find my unique path.”

Setting Realistic Goals

When crafting your answer to the oft-dreaded question, “Where do you see yourself in 5 years?”, it’s crucial to set realistic goals. Establishing achievable objectives demonstrates not only your ambition but also your clarity about what it takes to advance your career and thrive in the company.

One way to set realistic goals is to consider the job role and how it aligns with your long-term aspirations. Analyze the job description and requirements, and think about how they fit with your personal growth plans. Start by identifying the necessary steps to progress in the company or your field, and incorporate them into your answer. Here are some tips to help you:

  • Reflect on the skills or experience you need to acquire in the next five years. For example, perhaps you’ll need to complete a specific certification or training to advance in your industry. Mention this in your response, acknowledging the importance of self-development and continuous learning.
  • Consider potential career paths within the company. Research and identify possible roles you might transition into, ensuring your answer aligns with the organization’s structure and growth opportunities. This demonstrates a commitment to the company and its future.
  • Think about your personal life and how it may impact your career trajectory. It’s essential to recognize that your personal circumstances could play a role in determining your career path over the next five years. By balancing work and personal life, you can set realistic expectations for yourself and your employer.

As you formulate your response, keep in mind that it’s perfectly normal to not have an exact plan for the next five years. However, it’s crucial to demonstrate a strong work ethic, flexibility, and willingness to learn and grow within your role and the company.

Aligning with Company Vision

It’s also useful to consider the company’s vision and values. Doing so shows interviewers that you have done your research and genuinely care about the potential role you might play in the organization’s future.

Take some time to familiarize yourself with the company’s mission statement and objectives. Visit their website, read up on any press releases, and research the history and recent accomplishments. This information will give you a solid foundation to align your long-term career goals with the organization’s vision.

Next, reflect on your personal values and career aspirations to find a meaningful connection with the company’s ethos. Use your research to identify opportunities for growth within the organization and emphasize how your contribution can serve as a catalyst for furthering their mission.

  • Review the job description thoroughly and understand the key responsibilities and required skills.
  • Reflect on your unique strengths and how they can contribute to the role and the company’s success.
  • Think about possible career milestones within the role and how they align with your long-term goals.
  • Consider the company’s projects or initiatives you would like to be involved in or lead, helping the organization grow and evolve in the future.
  • Prepare to communicate these points with confidence and enthusiasm during the interview.

An example of a well-aligned response could be:

“In five years, I see myself holding a leadership role within your company’s marketing department, where I can contribute to the development and execution of successful marketing strategies. I’m especially excited about the potential opportunity to work on your company’s sustainability initiatives, as I believe strongly in environmentally-conscious business practices.”

Focusing on Skills and Growth

When answering the question “Where do you see yourself in 5 years?”, focusing on skills and growth is an excellent approach. This shows employers that you’re dedicated to improving yourself professionally and highlights your commitment to the role you’re applying for.

Improving Current Skillset

Identify the key skills relevant to the job you’re seeking, and consider how you can enhance these skills over time: this can include further training, mentorship, or hands-on experience.

For example, you might say something like:

“In the next five years, I plan to hone my expertise in project management. I would like to collaborate on more complex projects and learn from experienced professionals in the field. I also plan to pursue a certification in Agile methodologies to streamline processes and deliver higher-quality results.”

This answer demonstrates your ambition, as well as a desire to contribute positively to the organization.

Acquiring New Skills

Besides improving your current skillset, it’s important to consider acquiring new skills. Employers appreciate candidates who are adaptable and committed to their professional development. Think about which additional skills could help you be more effective in your role or support the company’s goals.

“I am eager to learn more about data analysis tools like SQL and Python to inform and optimize our marketing strategies. I believe this will allow me to contribute more effectively to data-driven decision-making within the team and help the company achieve its larger objectives.”

“In the next five years, I plan to become an expert in Python programming and machine learning. I’m committed to taking courses and attending workshops to expand my skillset, which I believe will be an asset to your company’s tech team.”

“My goal is to develop my skills and expertise in this field, and in five years, I hope to have become an expert in my area of work and be recognized as a thought leader in the industry.”

Leadership-Focused Examples

Discussing your aspirations for a leadership role demonstrates your interest in taking on responsibility and driving teams to succeed. Emphasize your ability to guide others and create a positive work environment:

“As someone with a passion for teamwork and collaboration, I see myself in a leadership position in the next five years. I’m eager to mentor junior colleagues and help foster their professional growth, while also contributing to the overall success of the company.”

“In five years, I see myself as a senior member of this organization, having taken on more leadership responsibilities and contributing to the growth of the company.”

Career-Focused Examples

“In five years, I see myself in a mid-level management position within the marketing department. I plan on using the next few years to further develop my skills in marketing strategy and data analysis, and I truly believe this company is the perfect place to grow and achieve those goals.”

“I am excited about the opportunity to learn and grow in this role, and in five years, I hope to have taken on new challenges and responsibilities within the company.”

“I am passionate about making a positive impact in the world, and in five years, I see myself working on projects that have a tangible impact on people’s lives and the environment.”

“In five years, I hope to have built strong relationships with my colleagues and clients, and have a reputation for being a reliable and trustworthy partner in business.”

“I am committed to continuous learning and personal growth, and in five years, I hope to have completed additional training and certifications that will help me progress in my career.”

“I am excited about the potential for innovation and new technologies in this field, and in five years, I hope to have contributed to the development of new products or services that can benefit our customers.”

“In five years, I see myself in a leadership role within the company, mentoring and coaching others to help them achieve their full potential.”

“In five years, I hope to have made a significant impact in this company and have grown both professionally and personally. I see myself taking on more responsibility and leadership roles, while continuing to develop my skills and expertise in my field. Ultimately, I would like to be seen as a valuable asset to the company and contribute to its continued success.”

“In five years, I see myself having made a meaningful impact in this industry and having established myself as a thought leader and expert in my field. I am someone who is constantly looking for ways to innovate and improve, and I hope to have brought new ideas and approaches to the table that have helped move the industry forward. I also hope to have built a strong network of contacts and collaborators who share my passion for this work.”

“In five years, I see myself having built a successful and fulfilling career in this industry, while also maintaining a healthy work-life balance. I believe that it’s important to have a sense of purpose and meaning in one’s work, but also to prioritize personal relationships and hobbies outside of work. I hope to have found that balance and to be living a life that feels both rewarding and fulfilling.”

Your answer doesn’t need to be set in stone or overly specific; instead, focus on showcasing your skills, growth potential, and flexibility in the ever-evolving professional landscape.

To summarize:

  • Align your goals with the company’s objectives
  • Emphasize your desire for growth and development

Crafting the perfect response takes time, so give yourself an opportunity to reflect and practice before your interview.

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  • Types Of Societies
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  • Emigration To The Us
  • The History Of Salt
  • Zoo Conservation Programmes
  • The Robots Are Coming
  • The Development Of Plastic

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  • Describe A Puzzle You Have Played
  • Describe A Long Walk You Ever Had
  • Describe Your Favourite Movie
  • Describe A Difficult Thing You did
  • Describe A Businessman You Admire
  • Memorable Day in My Life
  • Describe Your Dream House
  • Describe A Bag You Want to Own
  • Describe a Famous Athlete You Know
  • Aquatic Animal

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Recommended Reads

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  • Booster Program
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Describe a Perfect Job You Would Like To Have in the Future: IELTS Cue Card

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Updated on 05 February, 2024

Mrinal Mandal

Mrinal Mandal

Study abroad expert.

Mrinal Mandal

If you plan to move abroad for study, immigration, or work, you will most certainly take the International Language Testing System or IELTS exam, which includes a speaking test.

Below are two sample essays for a speaking task–  Describe a perfect job you would like to have in the future. You can go through these to understand the key areas where candidates can gain marks.

Table of Contents

Q. describe a perfect job you would like to have in the future, download e-books for ielts preparation, q. what professional role would you like to play in the coming years, download ielts sample papers, important ielts exam resources.

Since my childhood, I was always asked this question– what I would want to be once I grow up, and I would always be confused. Over the years, I observed the functioning of different jobs and tried to find what suited me the best. Now that I am old enough to decide, I know the answer to this question. 

The perfect job for me would be to become a doctor and give back to my people. I derived the inspiration for taking this role up because of my father, who has served as a doctor for 30 years. I remember him being late at night, hitting emergencies, treating people, and giving his all. Moreover, seeing him perform his job with utmost dedication for the betterment of others always inspired me.

I am currently studying MBBS– the degree to become a doctor in India and can't wait to step into a hospital. As a doctor, I aim to expand my ability to reach people in the farthest corners of the country and treat them. In fact, I have been interning in a village, where I have aided in childbirth and assisted in minor medical emergencies.

With my strong interest in Biology and the will to do something meaningful with my life, I am sure of this career path.

Explore More IELTS Speaking Cue Cards:


I have always been very creative and thoroughly interested in human psychology. I am also passionate about what people think and how they make decisions. Growing up, I wasn't aware of the different professions one could pursue. Moreover, my family has always been academically driven, so there was always pressure to do well in my studies.

With this motivation to pursue higher studies and use my interest to create value, in the coming years, I plan on excelling in the field of marketing and advertising. I firmly believe that this field consists of both my love for art and creativity and mapping human behavior when it comes to business and consumerism. 

As a marketeer, I aim to work for companies or products and increase sales while promoting business growth. It would be a tremendous learning experience to navigate what the audience wants and what we can do to get them the ideal product. I also aim to participate in harnessing social media as an excellent means to spread the word about the company and attract the target audience. Additionally, analytics also plays a massive role in marketing and advertising, and I want to explore this stream as well. 

In terms of marketing and advertising roles and skills, I would like to explore the luxury brands industry, given their expansive reach across nations.

More Resources to Read About IELTS Cue Cards:

Reading sample test

IELTS Exam Overview

IELTS is required to be taken by international students and workers who wish to study or work in a country where English is the primary language of communication. Know the complete details.

IELTS Exam Syllabus

With the right knowledge of the IELTS exam syllabus and pattern, cracking the popular English test won’t be difficult.

  • IELTS Exam Pattern

The IELTS exam pattern encompasses four major sections, i.e. listening, speaking, writing, and reading.

Register For IELTS

IELTS is the most popular and crucial test for evaluating English language proficiency throughout the world. Learn how to register for the IELTS exam.

IELTS Exam Eligibility Criteria

It becomes necessary for candidates to meet the eligibility for IELTS exam and demonstrate their language proficiency while being assessed on four parameters, namely, Writing, Reading, Speaking and Listening.

IELTS Exam Fees

The IELTS exam fee in India varies based on the types of IELTS tests. The link below shows detailed information on the IELTS exam fees.

IELTS Exam Dates 2022

The IELTS exam dates are allotted on a first-come and first-serve basis. Choose your date and timings beforehand to avoid the delay. You can register for the test both in online and offline mode.

IELTS Test Centres in India

Fully aware of the growing popularity of the language test, we bring to you a list of IELTS exam centers in India. The list will enable aspirants in better planning before registering for the test.

Band Score for Reading

IELTS reading band score decides the knowledge and proficiency of the English language of the applicants.

IELTS Listening Band Score

The listening section evaluates the comprehension level of candidates. The scores also depend on the understanding of different accents and dialects.

IELTS Score Validity

The IELTS score validity for General and Academic is two years across the globe. The IELTS result validity for Canada is two years.

  • Types of IELTS Exam

There are two types of IELTS tests – i) Academic IELTS and ii) General Training IELTS. Candidates are often confused about making the right choice of IELTS test that can meet their requirements regarding their education or job.

Books for IELTS Preparation

Picking the best IELTS books for preparation is essential for scoring well. It may seem tough at first but cracking the examination successfully is not impossible.

  • IELTS Writing Task 2 Topics

Writing task 2 in IELTS is descriptive essay writing. The applicants are supposed to write an essay in response to the statement or situation given in the essay.

Tips for IELTS Writing

Before appearing for the test, let’s take a look at the below-mentioned IELTS writing tips and tricks to score well in the writing section.

Reading Section IELTS

Reading is the second part of the IELTS test and takes 60 minutes. It consists of three or sometimes four reading passages to increase difficulty, and there are a total of 40 questions to answer.

IELTS Speaking Preparation

Please note that your performance on the speaking test is assessed based on the following criteria- fluency and coherence, grammatical range and accuracy, lexical resource, and pronunciation.

Phrases for IELTS Speaking

There are many phrases for IELTS speaking that a candidate should practice beforehand. If you aim for band 9, you should know these phrases.

  • IELTS Band Score Chart

IELTS is one of the most used English Language Proficiency Tests. The exam is scored in bands. Your IELTS band score determines the performance level of your test.

  • IELTS Band Score

Understanding the IELTS band score is not difficult. The results of the examination are reported on a scale of 9 bands.

  • IELTS Slot Booking

To book the IELTS exam, the candidates can either visit their nearest test center or book the slot online by visiting the official website of IDP. If they choose to go with the second option, they should follow the steps given below.

IELTS Academic Writing Task 1

IELTS Academic writing is meant for students who are applying for top-ranked universities and colleges in English-speaking countries. The writing task one is an academic summary writing based on diagrammatic and graphical representation.

  • IELTS Writing Task 2

Writing Task 2 is the second part of the writing section of IELTS, where aspirants are presented with a point of view, argument, or problem and asked to write an essay in response to the question.

Writing Task 1 IELTS

In IELTS Academic Writing Task 1 starts with a diagram, a visual representation of information. It can be a table, map, graph, process, diagram, or picture.

IELTS Essay Samples

The essay for IELTS is part of Writing Task 2. It is the same for the General Training and Academic of the IELTS. You will get a topic and have to write an essay on the same.

IELTS Cue Cards

The IELTS speaking cue cards come into play for the second part when the candidate will be choosing cue cards and then speaking on a topic for two minutes at least.

Mrinal Mandal is a study abroad expert with a passion for guiding students towards their international education goals. He holds a degree in mechanical engineering, earned in 2018. Since 2021, Mrinal has been working with upGrad Abroad, where he assists aspiring students in realizing their dreams of studying abroad. With his expertise and dedication, he empowers individuals to navigate the complexities of international education, making their aspirations a reality.

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Future Essay | Essay on Future for Students and Children in English 

February 14, 2024 by Prasanna

Future Essay: Times are a-changing alongside individuals, ways of life, occupations, societies and all the other things that make up our reality. In spite of the fact that we can never rigorously anticipate the future and where we are going, there surely have been numerous endeavors at it. So what does the future have coming up for us at any rate? Flying vehicles, levitation, and incredible gadgets? Conceivably. Perhaps we’ll even turn into a ‘state-of-the-art existence’ gaining total harmony. That’d be exhausting. In any case, before you get all overjoyed about buying an iPod that gives telephone, web, and transportation benefits however will make you a sandwich also, truly contemplate what’s to come.

There will be serious changes. Our populace will increment at an unmanageable rate. We will fabricate prevalent urban communities that will become massively greater and get such a lot of force. Our reality will before long surrender to contamination as it ascends to a wild level. Or then again perhaps we can attempt to imagine approaches to save regions from this problem and not slice through our rainforests? It has been anticipated that vehicles will be customized to auto-drive utilizing a mix of radar and a GPS unit to work. You will get in, advise your vehicle where to go, and it will drive you there. You will not need to make the slightest effort. How advantageous.

At any rate, we need to begin doing things presently to influence our future positively. We are the ones in particular who can transform it, and we have the capacity to do it.

You can also find more  Essay Writing  articles on events, persons, sports, technology and many more.

Short Essay on My Future 350 Words in English

Everybody has dreams of having a bright future. Climate they are to turn into a researcher and find new and astounding things, or become a star ballplayer and be the most generously compensated part in the class, individuals long for their future. I have dreams for the future very much like every other person. Dreams of easy street, with heaps of cash, hot young ladies, and quick vehicles! What’s more, I will take the necessary steps to accomplish it.

School is my initial step to accomplish my fantasy. Presently I am an understudy in secondary school. I put forth a valiant effort to keep my evaluations up, in light of the fact that I realize that they will help me to school. I fantasize about going to UCSD to get alone wolves degree in science, at that point returning to Stockton to go to UOP and getting a Doctorate certificate in Pharmacy. When I get this degree, I will associate with 28, so I trust that it will all be great.

After I have a doctorate, I intend to find a new line of work working for an organization under their examination division. I trust I can help in discovering new, more compelling methods of managing medications to licenses. Or then again I might actually plan self-organization drugs for that at-home kind of individuals. Or on the other hand, maybe I could improve bundling plans for the medicine. The prospects are unending!

Outside of my work, I intend to purchase a huge home. I fantasize about settling down in a metropolitan region, somewhere that is not very large. A Stockton kind of town, however not Stockton. Perhaps Monterey or Carmel. Ideally, when I get a house, I’ll have a spouse and can begin a family. I fantasize about having a child to carry on the family name.

As should be obvious, I have huge designs for my future. I intend to make a big deal about myself, and not to surrender. I have a significant dread of disappointment, and I will not allow it to get to me. My folks expect a great deal out of me, and I think I have worked effectively up until now. My fantasies are what make all the difference for me; they are an item for me to take a stab at. I will get that object one day.

Prediction of Future Essay

God has abnormal and puzzling methods of working. He has a Divine Plan for every one of his youngsters on the earth. He will likely make us all great individuals.

To accomplish his point, God gets his kids through different tests at each phase of their life. Despite the fact that from the start this may not appear thus, with time we understand that even our disappointments are just groundwork for better progress later on.

We frequently fall flat at our tests in life which normally prompts dissatisfaction and disillusionment. However, God conceals the future from us. He realizes that regularly the section of some additional time, our long stretches of difficulty will vanish, yet he doesn’t tell us this. The justification for this is that God needs us to get more grounded in the soul.

He gets us through troublesome occasions so the enduring we go through makes us more tolerant, delicate, suffering and confident. Enduring additionally makes us more sympathetic towards our kindred creatures. At the point when we see our neighbor in a difficult situation, we can comprehend his predicament just when we also have gone through a comparative destiny.

God conceals the future from us so we might have the option to treasure the beneficial things that will come.

We figure out how to esteem our endowments more when they come to us in little portions. It is a known part of human instinct that we esteem those things most which we need to battle for. In the event that we realized our future we would step turning out hard for anything in our lives. We would sit back-surrendered to our destiny and contaminate ourselves. We would turn out to be very futile in reality.

By concealing our future from us God plays with us. He appreciates seeing us develop ourselves as people. He needs every one of his youngsters to be autonomous and God dreading. He cherishes us a great deal and needs us to adore him as well. In this way he stays the regulator of our fates and consistently treats us with incredible love and sympathy.

Future of the World Essay

Consistently new innovation shows up, going from scaled-down CDs that contain whole reference books to monster space telescopes that can send photos of inaccessible stars back to Earth. Innovation has the best effect on the everyday lives of normal individuals. At this point we can work and deal with privacy concerns without leaving the house, individuals even beginning online sentiments in the talk rooms, each man who has sufficient cash can investigate the space. Throughout the previous hundred years, the greatest spray of logical and innovative transformation has been finished.

Later on robots will supplant a lot of callings. Maids, sitters, debilitated attendants, emergency clinic medical caretakers, secretaries, servers, vendors, road cleaners, cabbies will be supplanted by robots. As unmistakable from wiped out attendants and clinic medical caretakers, robots will invest all energy with patients. Robots will assist patients with moving, it will observe intently after conditioning of wellbeing and communicate information to the specialist. The greater part of the care activities will be conveyed by robots. Indeed, even our home will be a “large robot”. It is an awesome illustration of things to come house in the short story of Ray Bradbury, “There Will Come Soft Rains”. Robots in the house will be brilliant to make our lives as agreeable as it is conceivable. They will take care of our youngsters, cook food, clean the house, cover our bills and take care of our pets. Robots will comprehend human discourse and they will actually want to get all requests by the Internet. Robots will take up arms.

To consider innovation is to consider what’s to come. It is, unavoidably, to guess and to anticipate, to envision how our lives may be influenced by new devices, new techniques, and new powers. Most contentions about innovation are in this way truly contentions about what’s to come. They offer a voice to various kinds of assumptions regarding progress and change, and to various kinds of instincts about the personality of human existence. The specific innovation being discussed is regularly auxiliary to these bigger much-questioned subjects, and the public discussion is formed by various methods of envisioning the future at any rate as much as by the particular specialized capability of another gadget or strategy.

Thus, thinking about the future of the world is to generalise the use of technologies and the benefits that will be caused to human beings. But with advantages, there will be disadvantages too. We should not be completely dependent upon the technologies for our work. This will make us lazy and we will end up being non-reactive and non-productive humans. So, our future is in our hands.

Future Essay

FAQ’s on Future Essay

Question 1. How to write a future essay?

Answer: Do some conceptualizing and sort out the main objectives, Compose a presentation that obviously expresses your most significant objective, Compose three body passages, Compose a decent end, Alter and edit your future vocation objectives article.

Question 2. What is a future plan?

Answer: Everyone has a plan or an objective for his/her future. Some want to become a doctor, some engineers, some pilots, some want to join politics, etc. No matter whatever your future plan is you need to work hard to achieve your aim. Before you move forward in your life, you should set your goals and be very confident in life to get it.

Question 3. Can we predict the future?

Answer: Based on your past and present status, you can somewhat predict your future but nor accurately. Basically, the future is unpredictable. We cannot be certain about the future. But yes if we want to build our future as per our requirement, we need to really work hard for it.

Question 4. Why is a career important in our life?

Answer: A career is something vital in one’s life. Whatever profession you decide to follow, it will affect your life extraordinarily. Your profession will characterize your status in the general public notwithstanding your way of life. All in all, your vocation will decide your group of friends and connections.

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What I Want To Be In Life (Essay Sample) 2023

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There is a reason why life coaches are in demand these days: everyone wants to live purposefully and make their days count.

It is true that discovering one’s purpose and source of happiness may be challenging. But it’s also true that by knowing what you want to do in life and constantly reflecting on them, winning in life can be realized.

What do you want in life? If you also have a similar paper to do on what you really want in life, Hire an Essay Writing Service to help gather your thoughts for you. Feel free to explore the rest of our site for essays on other interesting topics.

Essay Example on What I Want to Achieve In Life

Life is about striving. Everyone wants something that gives purpose and happiness. That’s why I believe it is important to reflect from time to time about what our life purpose is and what we are doing to pursue it.

Whenever I reflect on what I want to be in life, I examine the present roles I have and think about my desires.

What I Want To Be In Life Essay. Young Woman Write Their Desires

What do I want in life? This paper will serve as a blueprint for my future plans. This will point me in the right direction, goals, and approach given my current resources.

It is my hope that looking back on this life plan will keep me motivated to accomplish tasks and pursue victory in all that I do.

Reflecting on My Role as a Student

As a learner, I strive hard to excel in my academics. I am aiming for great grades to build my credibility.

I also want to leverage my academic successes to expand my professional network based on the career path I have chosen. I want to accomplish a BSN or Bachelor’s Degree in Nursing. I want my knowledge to be used to provide compassionate care for critical patients.

My conviction is that good health should be on the top of everyone’s list of priorities. I am passionate about supporting others regarding this. I plan to do this not only by getting good grades but also by studying for my licensure. I will aim to top the NCLEX-PN and approach it with a can-do mindset.

Reflecting on My Role as a Family Member

I currently support my dad, mom, and siblings in small ways. I assist them in our own business whenever I can. I look after my nieces and nephews, as well as making time during the weekends for my siblings.

I plan to gift my first salary to my parents in the future. I want to show them that I appreciate their love for me. By continuing my studies and performing my duties at home, I believe that I can keep my family happy.

I know that this goal keeps me motivated. It also strengthens me whenever life gets complicated. Therefore, I should always keep the welfare of my family in mind in everything that I do. I hope to make them proud someday when my dream is finally realized.

Reflecting on My Role as a Member of My Community

I believe one important aspect in a person’s overall success is a person’s ability to give back. It is also important to recognize the role of community in maximizing one’s potential. I find that the people I admire the most are generally good citizens of their hometowns and countries.

I am considering volunteering at the local hospital to add value to my neighborhood. It will not only benefit my nursing career. It will also make me become more sensitive in addressing the community’s actual needs.

I believe that building relationships with those nearest me is essential to having a peaceful home and a more purposeful way of living.

There are several things that I strive for in life. I can see now that there are many steps I have to take to achieve completion. The road ahead will be laden with challenges, but I am prepared to face them with a positive perspective. I know that becoming successful does not happen overnight.

What I Want To Be In Life Essay, Goals for Life

As I keep my eye on the prize, I will make it a point to remember one thing: it’s not about the money. It’s about making an impact on the world through the profession I’ve chosen. I will pay attention to the opportunities before me and put to work all the things my mother and father taught me.

I will work hard and always remember my purpose as I run after my dreams. I am determined to change lives through my skills and passion. I will make the most out of my school days and learn as much as I can to prepare for the years ahead.

In a couple years, I will reread this piece as a way of checking in on myself and my plans. I have high hopes that whatever I will be doing then will be aligned with what my heart is telling me today.

Someday, I want to be able to tell my kids that I identified a goal, ran hard after it, and made it happen. I hope I make them proud.

What Do I Desire Most In Life (a Short Sample)

When I think about what I want to do in life, I always go back to my True North: my passion. More than becoming a registered nurse, I really want to help people. I want to be in a position where I can easily access resources to do this. I also want to be equipped with the practical and technical skills to help people get better.

More than good grades, the best ways for me to get there is through hard work, a good rhythm, and a solid support system. This is why I am so grateful for my parents. With them as my motivation, I have focus and every incentive to succeed in my goals.

While not everyone agrees with the path I have decided to take, I am convinced that it’s the right life goal for me. Whether or not I am able to get financial aid, I will do my best to graduate with honors and make my teachers and friends proud.

Most people will have an opinion on how I choose to do things, but I am choosing whose opinions matter the most. I will filter out the rest according to how they align with my values.

How to Write a Conclusion Paragraph on What I Want to Be?

Look over what you have written so far and note the most salient points. String those thoughts together in a summary, synthesizing benefits and challenges, and coming up with a final reflection.

5 Examples of Needs and Wants In Life

Here are five different answers that people can give when asked about their needs and wants:

  • a job they love,
  • financial security,
  • fulfillment,
  • a family of their own,
  • and inner peace.

Note that while these are general answers, you are more likely to uncover a variety of combinations depending on life experience.

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what you want to do in the future essay

future plan essay

Future Plan Essay: Writing Guide For Students

What does the future have in store for you? How do you plan for the future? What are your goals and aspirations? These are just some of the questions you have to ask yourself if you have to write a future plan essay. For most students, this assignment is something completely new. However, we can guarantee that you will most certainly have to write a future plan essay at some point in high school or college. But how do I write my future plan essay? Let’s find out!

What Is a Future Plan Essay?

What do I need to know or learn to write my future essay? Truth be told, you don’t need anything other than essay writing skills. In most cases, you have these already. This is probably not the first academic paper in your life, so don’t worry about it too much. To write a future goals essay, you just need to ask yourself a couple of basic questions. Keep in mind that this essay is about you. It’s not a technology in the future essay.

And remember, your paper should be interesting and original. You can’t just copy the goals of other people and use them in your future essay. Why? Because in most cases, your professor will check to see if your essay contains plagiarized content. You should be honest in your future planning essay. Of course, you need to write the essay in proper academic format. It is, after all, an academic paper.

Future Plan Essay Sample

After completion of my MSc in IT and Management in the US, my intention is to follow a career pathway that would engage my interest in the latest state of the art cutting-edge IT programs and appliances, allow me to use the knowledge that I have already gained, and assist the company or organization that I would be working for by being an excellent individual contributor and reliable and successful professional team member. If possible, I would also like a post which offers job security, long term career prospects, and the chance of promotion. I have already received one very promising offer which is taking up a civil service position in the Nigerian government, subject to my MSC. This would fulfil one of my ambitions which is to help serve my country. Also, if I have an MSc in IT and Management, it would allow me enter at a middle grade level where I could work hard and in time, diligently work my way through the ranks.

I could also become an independent consultant within the IT field as this is an area which is very much in demand, and it would give me the opportunity to work for a variety of companies with different systems and requirements that would broaden my experience. As I have a car, it would be feasible for me to drive within the city, or even travel to other locations and spend a week or more there in order to complete an assignment. There is an enormous appeal for me to be involved in the wide spectrum of work on offer in consulting, and I know that it would engage my interest in all thing IT, bolster my enthusiasm to learn even more about new applications, and empower my creativity.

Another more unusual route I could take would be to help orphans in Nigeria, as very sadly, there are now more than ever. They are in great need, particularly at this time of extreme violence and uprisings, and some do not have any relatives at all to take care of them. I have had the idea to help these unfortunate children ever since I was 17 and lost my father. So working in an orphanage would be very rewarding to me as I love children, and I can relate to the loss of a parent. I remember very well how difficult it was for my mother to raise me on her own, and know that some of the orphans have been put their by family members who cannot cope. A few years ago when volunteered to train juniors to help them with IT I was very successful, and feel that I could help to introduce the orphans to a computer and the way it works. As children are so quick at picking up IT, I think that I could really make a substantial difference to their lives by giving them one on one attention whenever possible, and giving them both physical and psychological support. This will be of great help to them later when they are older and will need to find a job in Nigeria’s touch marketplace.

Because Nigeria is one of the leading African countries it has to lead the way in IT, and take advantage of the latest innovations. In order to do that it desperately needs competent people to bring about an IT revolution that will help modernize so many different fields across the country, and thus transform the economy and improve social networks and personal needs. I aim to do all I can after graduating with my Masters to help bring about this much needed success in my country, whether it is helping orphans become the next generation of IT specialists, or working for a government department, or assisting the private and public sectors as an independent consultant.

Things to Keep in Mind When Writing a Future Goals Essay

When writing the future plans essay, there are a couple of things you need to keep in mind. First, you should always start the future plans and goals essay with some brainstorming. In other words, don’t jump straight to writing. Think long and hard about your goals and dreams. Write them down.

Where do you see yourself in 5 years? What are your dreams and aspirations? How do you aim to achieve your goals?

These are just some of the questions you should be asking yourself if you want to write a great essay about your future. And don’t forget to write everything as a story. The essay on future goals must have an introduction and a conclusion.

Do You Need Future Career Goals Essay Examples?

Now, to write a future career essay, you may need professional help . It’s basically a work of fiction. You are simply imagining how you will achieve your goals. However, it would be a very good idea to read some future career goals essay examples before you start writing the paper. This is a very important part of planning for the future essay. You can easily see how an experienced writer tells his story and how he or she organizes his paper. It’s easier to follow an example than it is to write something from scratch without having a clear idea about how the final products should look like. Again, make sure you don’t copy and paste content from samples you find online. It would be plagiarism.

The easy and safe way to get some original content is to request a sample from an academic writer. You can then be certain that the essay will be written from scratch just for you. But does my future goals essay really need to be perfect? If you want an A+ or at least an A, then YES!

How do I Write My Future Goal Essay?

So, how do I write my future plans essay quickly? Here are the simple steps you need to take to write an essay on future plans in life:

  • Do some brainstorming and figure out the most important goals. Where do you see yourself in a couple of years? How do you plan on getting there? Write these important ideas down.
  • Write an introduction that clearly states your most important goal. In an essay about future, your audience must understand immediately what you are talking about.
  • Write three body paragraphs . Each paragraph will discuss an important idea. For instance, discuss the next three stages of your life or the next three important milestones in your life. The essay about the future should be like a story, so you need to walk your audience through the steps you plan on taking to achieve your goals.
  • Write a good conclusion. The future plans after high school essay conclusion should be brief and very concise. End your paper with a strong conclusion and make it memorable.
  • Edit and proofread your future career goals essay. Get a good night’s sleep and read the essay out loud the next day to make sure it is perfect. Ensure that both the introduction and the conclusion are strong and clear.

Any other great ideas for my future career essay? How can I make my future life essay even better? Well, one thing you can do is write a “letter to my future self essay”. What would you tell your future self? What do you want your future self to never forget? This is an excellent idea, but you have to do some serious brainstorming to pull it off. Finally, keep in mind that the future plan essay is about your goals. It’s not about how you think things will look in the future. Don’t mistake this assignment for a future technology essay.

All About Me Essay

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What Do You Want to Do With Your Life? Essay Example

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You are free to use it as an inspiration or a source for your own work.

From the time I was very young I was interested in music. Actually, this was more than just interest; I was fascinated by rhythm, melody, and sound. One of my earliest memories is of a gift my grandmother gave to me. It was a tiny wooden drum with a rubber drumhead stretched over it. It came with a small wooden mallet for striking the drum, but I usually just used my hands to tap out rhythms. I also heard rhythms and melodies in the sounds of the world around me. If I was near a stream, the water running over the rocks would form musical notes, and the rhythm of the movement would sound like the heartbeat of nature. As I got older I began to play the piano, and I was naturally adept at learning to play songs that were considered to be too challenging for most children my age. Although my immediate family did not include any musicians, I found that they encouraged my interests. I was provided with private piano lessons when I was in primary school, and the school also had music classes. I was placed in music classes that included students that were mostly older than I was, because I had skills that surpassed most of the students my own age.

This continued for years, as I made my way through secondary school and into upper-level classes. I also found myself learning to play other instruments, including the saxophone, and in high school I began to learn symphonic percussion. As I look back on those times I can see that I had a greater natural ability than many people, and it came to me fairly easy to learn to play these different instruments. I never got as good on the wind instruments as I was on piano, but I still enjoyed playing them, and I also found great joy in playing percussion. By the time I was a teenager I began to develop an interest in popular music like rock and rap music. Because of this I started to play guitar and drum set, and I also started using computer software to create drum beats for hiphop and rap songs. I began to imagine that someday I would be3come a professional musician, and also a music producer. It was a dream of mine to learn how to make songs and records, instead of just knowing how to play instruments.

I never really left this dream behind entirely, but by the time I completed high school I began to face the reality that it was not likely I would become a music producer. I started to consider what kind of future I would have if I did not learn any useful skills, and I was also convinced by my parents that I should learn how to conduct myself in the business world. My family had been owners and operators of business going back many generations, even when that was difficult because of the economic, social, and political conditions they lived through. There was no one in my family that had ever pursued a dream like becoming a musician or an actor, and it was clear to me that my family would only support and encourage me if I pursued an education that would prepare me for the real world as they saw it. With that in mind I determined that I should acquire a broad education in various disciplines and fields to prepare me for life in the modern world, and that I should also emphasize courses related to business so that I could have a successful and financially secure future.

I came to the United States solely for the purpose of attending school, and because I and my family felt the best educational opportunities would be available here. It is possible that I will return to my native country in the future, and it is also common for students from my generation to attend school overseas before returning home. We live in the age of globalization, and I believe it is important to gain an education that also teaches me how to function in different cultures and to learn about the world outside my homeland. I did decide to attend college primarily because that is what is expected of me by my family, but that does not mean that I do not wish to be here. I am grateful for the opportunity to attend school here, because I know that this is a privilege and opportunity that many people do not have. Just because I did not follow my dream of being a musician does not mean I am unhappy about the way my life is going, because getting a good education has also been a motivating force for me.

It is an interesting question to ask whether I will remain committed to my field of study or lose interest, as I do not see those possibilities as being real options.  I was raised to believe and understand that a commitment is a commitment, and when someone sets out to do something, and makes a promise to do it, then that promise cannot be broken. Getting a business education and having a career in some form of management position may not be a driving passion the way music is, but I understand that life is not always a matter of pursuing dreams. I know that I have a responsibility to myself and my family to follow through with my commitments and to honor my good fortune I life by doing my best. Giving up is simply not a choice for me.

I may not be able to immediately find the kind of work I want the moment I graduate, but I am confident that with hard work and dedication I will certainly gain good employment. I have the drive and the focus to start at the bottom of an organization and work my way up, and I will not be satisfied with simply staying at the bottom. I also believe in handling my responsibilities, so it does not matter to me if I have to work in a different job while I look for employment in my field. I can wait tables or tend bar, or work in some other field that will allow me to pay my bills and support myself while I look for a job, but I also believe that I will do well in school and will be a good candidate for many companies by the time I graduate.

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Write Your Admissions Essay

Whether you’re working on an essay for college admission or a scholarship application, or just want to improve your writing skills, the tips below can be a big help.

Read the directions carefully. Make sure you understand the application or assignment completely.

Spend some time brainstorming. Think of topics that highlight your strengths, creativity, struggles you’ve overcome, or an issue you’re passionate about.

Have a plan. Outline some notes for yourself including the message you want your essay to get across.

Brainstorm for ideas! List all your attributes/dreams and barriers that you might have overcome or are addressing now.

Write a rough draft. It doesn’t have to be perfect or even good, but it’s the best place to start.

Write a better draft. Include anything you missed and remove anything that doesn’t help make your point.

Don’t be afraid to start over. If the topic isn’t working or it’s just not going in the right direction, feel free to start from scratch.

Ask for help. Your high school English teacher, a friend who consistently writes ‘A’ papers, or a tutor can all be great sources of help.

Use spell check and proofread carefully; however, don’t simply rely on your computer grammar or spell check. Whatever you do, don’t submit an essay with a grammatical error or typo. Double and triple check your work, and ask someone you trust to review it with fresh eyes.

Save your essay. You may be able to rework it and use it for other scholarships or admissions applications.

Be careful. Don’t write an essay that’s generic; it needs to describe you and give the reader a chance to KNOW you personally. Your goal is to stand out from the rest of the applicants by reflecting on experiences and providing your unique perspective. Sell yourself.

Is your essay tailored toward the mission of the institution/business you’re applying to? This will determine if you’re an ideal candidate.

Give examples. Be specific. You don’t need to repeat what’s already on your resume.

Long words and obscure vocabulary aren’t necessary, as they may come across as fake and showy. Big words do NOT make a good essay. Advanced vocabulary is fine only if it comes naturally to you.

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My Future: My Expectations in Life

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Published: Sep 1, 2020

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Image of Dr. Oliver Johnson

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what you want to do in the future essay


What I Want To Become in Future Essay

Everyone has a dream to become something in life, and they work hard to achieve it. Dreaming is very good because it helps us to choose the right path and make us successful. It does not allow your time to be wasted and helps in performing at its best.

Table of Contents

Short and Long Essays on What I Want To Become in Future

Essay 1 (250 words) – what i want to be in: a choreographer.


Everyone has some dreams and wants to become something, the only difference is how much we chase our dreams or move forward on the path of our dreams. When I was little, I used to watch various dance reality shows and always wanted to dance like him and then one day I decided to become a choreographer.

My inspiration

When I was in my primary classes, I performed in my school’s annual function, and I was awarded for that. It was a wake-up call for me as I was young then. I still hear the thunder of those applause. Like everyone cheered me up and I felt really happy. Dance has always fascinated me and I was more excited to go to my dance class than to go to school.

My parents admitted me to a dance class, where I learn new styles and techniques every day. I listen to my teachers and practice them everyday. My mother also works very hard for me, she takes me for dance class, then takes me for tuition class. When she comes back home, she even cooks for us and I never want to let my parents’ expectations go down.

My parents always say that no work is small or big, it depends on our thinking. If you decide to make yourself a good person, then you can become like Mother Teresa. It all depends on our hard work and dedication. We should learn everything but focus on one thing, so that you remain dedicated towards your profession and that is the key to success.

Essay 2 (400 Words) – What I Want to Be an Astronaut

Dr. A.P.J. There is a famous quote by Abdul Kalam, “A dream is not what you see in your sleep, a dream is that which does not let you sleep”, and it is absolutely true. I have dreamed of becoming an astronaut, and making my nation and parents proud.

Why do I want to be an astronaut ? (Why I want to be an Astronaut)

When I was little, my grandmother and I used to sleep on the terrace and I used to ask her many questions while looking at the sky, like how far is the sky?, why do the stars seem so small?, etc. The sky attracted me all the time and I was never satisfied with my grandmother’s answer, and I always wanted to see the sky and the stars with my naked eye.

Then one day my parents told me that, I need to become an astronaut to see and know about such things. It’s all like a dream for me, and I really want to see the sky and the stars in the future. I have heard about Kalpana Chawla, Sunita Williams etc and I want to be like them.

How can I achieve my goal ? (How can I achieve my Goal)

The only way to become an astronaut is to study thoroughly, and I always focus on getting good marks from my academics towards my studies, which will help in getting admission in further colleges. Apart from all this I am always watching various TV related to space. I try to learn from the show and many other things as well.

My father always helps me and he brings me various interesting books related to space. He helps me to increase my knowledge and always motivates me. My parents support me so much that it seems as if it is their dream. My school teachers also support me, and I always participate in my school’s internal science competition. This contest helps me create new gadgets and show off my creativity, and I love doing so.

I am sure that one day I will definitely become an astronaut, because I am very eager to fulfill my dreams and this is my passion. When a person is very passionate about his dreams then no one can stop him.

We all should see our dream as a goal, because we are human and God has given us a brain which makes us far better than animals. As animals and insects also eat, sleep, but the only difference between humans and animals is that they have no purpose. So don’t be like a beast and use your brain and set a goal and move towards it.

Essay 3 (600 words) – What I want to be an Engineer

The dream should be big, it is not necessary, if you want to achieve any goal, then you need to work hard to achieve that goal. Usually students change their goals from time to time just like me. When I was little, the autorickshaw attracted me a lot and in fact it was like a puzzle and I would always ask my mother to ride it. When I was a little older, I saw a real airplane and now I am curious to ride it. Eventually my parents realized that I loved machines, and I was very curious whenever my father wanted me to take me to his garage.

How to become an engineer ? (How to be an Engineer?)

There is one more reason behind my becoming an engineer and that is my father. He is an engineer and he always helps people and people even thank him, then I used to feel proud of him, and I decided that one day I will also become an engineer. My parents never forced me, but asked me to choose my own goals.

To become an engineer, you have to focus on your academic studies which will help you in choosing the college for further studies. One, you have to choose the science stream for your class 11th and 12th and pass an entrance exam that will help you choose your college. There are many such colleges in India. It is not like getting admission in any other college, for this you have to take an IIT. You have to take admission in college. Nowadays the level of competition has become much higher and better.

What I Do to Achieve My Dreams

I study for four hours daily and complete my assignments and projects on time. Actually discipline is very essential for our life, and if you make it your habit to get things done, it will always help you in your success. I have a routine and I follow it regularly. Whenever I have doubts regarding any topic, I take the help of my teacher and solve it. It is very important for everything to be clean to keep oneself steady and centered. How do I help others as an engineer?

I have decided to invent automatic machine which will help people and make their work easier. Usually people spend a lot for cleaning the house, and my mother suffers a lot due to the lack of cleaners in my house. So I have decided to gift an automatic house cleaner for my mother along with others. I want to make a machine for the students which can guide them in their studies.

Usually, whenever we search for something on Google, we constantly see it on the screen of our phone or laptop, which is very harmful for us in many cases. That’s why I want to develop a tool that will teach you like a teacher and also show you pictures automatically, and provide you all the information you need.

No field is small, if anything matters, it’s how you think about it. Some people want to earn money from their profession while some people want to help others with their profession. The only thing you need to think about is how loyal you are to the work you do with yourself. Read when it’s time to study, and play when it’s time to play, and you’re sure one day you’ll be successful. There are many such examples in our history, such as Newton, Thomas Edison, Dr. A.P.J. Read the story of Abdul Kalam’s struggles, it will definitely inspire you to succeed. Try to be a good person apart from your profession, because it will help you in making you successful by changing not only your work but also your attitude.

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25 Inspiring College Essay Topic Ideas

June 24, 2024

If you’ve ever wondered what other people write about in their college application essays, you’re not alone. Just as reading a range of novels can expose you to unique takes on similar themes, seeing others’ college essay topic ideas can open you up to new possibilities, spark creativity, and enhance your brainstorming process. Since we read hundreds of essays per year, we wanted to round up a collection of past topics from actual students to inspire your essay-writing endeavors. Moreover, we’ve paired those topics with targeted brainstorming questions that will set you off on your own path to success. Ready? Let’s dive in.

How do I find the right college essay topic ideas?

Like a well-hidden geocache , the right college essay topic ideas can only be uncovered with some effort. In general, the right college essay topic:

  • is interesting and/or exciting to you
  • demonstrates a quality, value, or perspective that can’t be found elsewhere on your application

While deciding, focus on asking yourself the right types of questions. For example, let’s say you’re down to two topics: a moral/ethical dilemma you recently faced, or the nonprofit you started last year. In this scenario, most students may assume they *should* write about the nonprofit–after all, it’s the more “impressive” of the two, right?

However, let’s divorce ourselves from “should.” Instead, ask yourself: if I write this essay, what will admissions officers learn about me that they can’t learn about elsewhere? Through starting this nonprofit, what have I learned about myself? Can I show my reader what I value, or how I handle problems? Or will I basically be re-hashing what is already in my activities list or honors section ?

Alternatively, the ethical/moral dilemma you recently faced completely threw you for a loop. It made you rethink a closely held belief and forced you to confront how you handle challenging situations.

Ask yourself: what will admissions officers learn about me that they can’t learn about elsewhere? What have I learned about myself? Can I handle this subject tactfully—without complaining, blaming others, or coming to a conclusion that feels forced/too neat? Can I be vulnerable?

Be honest with yourself, and a clear winner will emerge.

How do I find “unique” college essay topic ideas?

Every year, our students wonder how to ensure that their essay stands out, often asking us questions along these lines:

How do I make sure that my essay topic is different from everyone else’s?

If I write about my sports injury, will it sound like every other sports essay?

If I write about my parent’s illness, will that be just another sob story?

We get it—it’s natural and normal to be curious about what admissions officers want to hear, or wonder whether particular college essay topic ideas will strengthen your application more than others. While there is some strategy involved with topic selection, the way you write about and reflect on any given topic is usually much more important than the topic itself.

To that end, college essay topics/themes we see on a regular basis include:

  • Coming-of-age, most often a realization that changed their perspective or inspired personal growth
  • A challenging situation or moral dilemma
  • A passion or intellectual curiosity
  • A meaningful aspect of their family/identity/cultural background
  • An important community

We see these topics frequently because they are universal to the teenage experience. This does not make them bad or mean you should avoid them. On the contrary, it makes them classic, timeless, and relatable (remember, you’re trying to create a personal connection with your reader!).

Accordingly, use the above college essay topics/themes as a way to start collecting ideas for your own personal statement, and know you are in very good company if you write an essay on one of them.

Bottom line: you make a college essay topic “unique” by writing about yourself, in your own style and voice, with plenty of detail and specifics. You share what you learned and how you grew. That’s it!

Where can I find examples of college essay topic ideas?

Sometimes, you just need a list of examples. Let’s go back to our geocaching reference above. What the heck is a geocache, anyway? What will you find inside one? Do people use certain types of containers? Perusing a few examples will help you build an idea of what to expect when you go exploring. Okay, I could be looking for anything from Tupperware containers to film canisters
or fake rocks

Accordingly, in providing you with this list of college essay topic ideas, we want to validate and inspire you. These are real college essay topics developed by real college applicants, so it’s very likely you can connect or identify with at least a few of them. If a topic resonates with or sounds interesting to you, try writing down some thoughts on the associated brainstorming question and see where it takes you.

Inspiring College Essay Topic Ideas

  • Central Story : A parent’s struggle with addiction, and the author’s struggle to cope with the changes happening at home
  • Reflection/Resolution : How the author found themselves again—and learned to cope—by leaning into activities that they loved
  • Brainstorming Question : Has your parent or guardian ever faced a significant health problem, such as a chronic illness, terminal diagnosis, or addiction? How did it impact you?
  • Central Story : After volunteering at a homeless shelter for years, the author realized he had been avoiding personal connection with the men he served meals to
  • Reflection/Resolution : Prioritizing connection, even if uncomfortable, and finding new, tangible ways to understand and assist this population
  • Brainstorming Question : Have you ever had a perspective-changing volunteer opportunity? If so, what was your perspective before you started, and what is it now?

College Essay Topic Ideas — Continued

  • Central Story : Navigating interactions with customers at a part-time job
  • Reflection/Resolution : Finding ways to connect with and appreciate patrons, and understand how important her job was
  • Brainstorming Question : Do you work in a customer service role? What have been your most memorable interactions, positive or negative? How have they impacted you?
  • Central Story : After years of being a competitive ballet dancer and having aspirations to dance in college, the author is struck with the realization that she does not actually want to be a professional ballerina
  • Reflection/Resolution : Coming to terms with her decision, and embracing who she is without ballet
  • Brainstorming Question : Have you ever had a college-related or professional goal that changed? Why did it change, and how did you deal with it?
  • Central Story : How a difficult incident during a baseball game changed the author’s relationship with the sport, and pushed him toward new realizations about his future
  • Reflection/Resolution : Embracing his own power to make a difference by immersing himself in research, and discovering new fields that he is interested in pursuing in college
  • Brainstorming Question : Has a particular situation ever shocked or deeply upset you? What realizations did you have about yourself? About others?
  • Central Story : The author’s fiction writing journey and realization that women of color are underrepresented or presented as one-note in most literature
  • Reflection/Resolution : The author’s commitment to crafting characters that not only represented her but reflected her values and beliefs, and creating a writing community in the process
  • Brainstorming Question : Do you have a hobby or passion that you could spend hours a day/week engaging in? How did you get started, and what experiences have been most special/important to you?
  • Central Story : How a strategy-based board game gave the author the skills needed to take a volunteer opportunity to the next level
  • Reflection/Resolution : What the author learned about himself in the process, and the importance of being open to what all types of experiences can teach you
  • Brainstorming Question : What’s your go-to “fun” activity? What (perhaps surprising) skills have you learned from it? Have you been able to apply them in other areas of your life?
  • Central Story : The author’s intensive preparation for synchronized swim team tryouts
  • Reflection/Resolution : How the author dealt with the disappointment of not making the team, and learned important lessons about failure and resilience
  • Brainstorming Question : Have you ever tried—and failed—at something that took weeks, months, or even years to prepare for? What was that like? How did you cope, and what did you learn about yourself in the process?
  • Central Story : The author’s longing for a stable community after experiencing a housing crisis
  • Reflection/Resolution : How volunteering at a local nonprofit committed to building homes helped him find the community he was searching for, and inspired his future career path
  • Brainstorming Question : What activity is most meaningful to you? How is it enabled you to make an impact on others? How has it impacted you personally?
  • Central Story : The author’s first encounter with coral bleaching, and ensuing environmental activism
  • Reflection/Resolution : How he found balance between activism and his personal life so that he could bring his best self to every project
  • Brainstorming Question : Do you participate in any activities that feel consuming on multiple levels? How do you find balance? Has that been a difficult journey?
  • Central Story : The author’s love of connecting with friends and family through baking, even when the time commitment involved became difficult to navigate
  • Reflection/Resolution : How the author learned to juggle multiple types of commitments, leading to increased joy and intention
  • Brainstorming Question : What personal hobbies are most meaningful to you, and why? Have you ever struggled to find time for your favorite hobby amidst other obligations? How did you navigate that?
  • Central Story : How the author struggled with coming out
  • Reflection/Resolution : How joining a supportive LGBTQ community helped the author make peace with her identity, and also begin helping others who may be struggling with their identity
  • Brainstorming Question : Is there an aspect of your sexual or cultural identity that you’ve struggled to accept? What has that journey been like for you? What actions have you taken along the way, and what have you learned about yourself in the process?
  • Central Story : The author’s determination to help other students feel less isolated and more involved at school, which stemmed from his own early experiences as an immigrant
  • Reflection/Resolution : How the author implemented actual changes that resulted in more connection, school spirit, and personal fulfillment
  • Brainstorming Question : Have you ever tried to solve a particular issue in your community? What issue did you try to solve, and why? What steps did you take to solve it, and what was the outcome?
  • Central Story : How the author’s early love of Spanish led to learning additional languages
  • Reflection/Resolution : How learning languages has allowed for deeper cultural exploration and appreciation, along with an exploration of the author’s own personal history and goal to pursue linguistics in college
  • Brainstorming Question : Do you already know what you want to pursue in college? How did you come to that conclusion, and what experiences have informed or influenced it along the way?
  • Central Story : How the author’s perfectionism often caused her to avoid trying new things, which she realized after a massive project went sideways
  • Reflection/Resolution : The author began trying new activities outside her comfort zone that introduced her to new interests and inspired further exploration
  • Brainstorming Question : Do you ever feel like you hold yourself back? In what ways? How have you tried to overcome those hurdles?
  • Central Story : The author’s lifelong interest in his favorite animal
  • Reflection/Resolution : What attributes of this animal the author is most fascinated by, how those attributes connect to his own life/experiences, and what he’s learned about himself in the process
  • Brainstorming Question : What are your “favorites”—favorite color, favorite animal, favorite song, favorite movie, favorite place, etc? Why are they your favorite? What can your “favorites” tell us about you?
  • Central Story : How the author’s boredom with piano stemmed from always following sheet music strictly as written
  • Reflection/Resolution : How learning a new musical term—and experimenting with it—enabled the author to find the joy in music again
  • Brainstorming Question : Have you participated in any activities that lost their appeal at some point? How did you react, and what was the outcome?
  • Central Story : The author’s love for a certain childhood craft
  • Reflection/Resolution : How rekindling her love for this craft led to a fascination with repetition and patterns that ultimately inspired her college major
  • Brainstorming Question : As a child, what activities did you love most? Do you still engage in any of them? If so, why are they so important to you?
  • Central Story : The toxic environment within the author’s first school play, which made her start to lose her passion for music
  • Reflection/Resolution : How quitting theater and investing her energy in different, more supportive activities allowed her to reclaim her love of singing
  • Brainstorming Question : Have you ever quit an important sport, club, or other activity? What led to that decision, and how did you move forward?
  • Central Story : How the author’s love of fashion—and its history—led to a particularly optimistic sewing project
  • Reflection/Resolution : How the process of trial and error during her project—as well as her continued work on it—represents her resilience, passion, and love of learning
  • Brainstorming Question : Have you ever undertaken a project that didn’t go according to plan? What ups and downs did you encounter, and how did you navigate them?
  • Central Story : How the author confronted her perception of entrepreneurship as well as her own role within her company
  • Reflection/Resolution : How asking difficult questions, conducting research, and being willing to pivot led the author to adjust her mindset and personal philosophy
  • Brainstorming Question : Have you ever realized that you might need to adjust a previously held belief or perspective? How did you come to that conclusion, and what did you do about it?
  • Central Story : The author’s reluctance and nervousness to return to India, where she spent her childhood
  • Reflection/Resolution : How reconnecting with her culture, especially its literature, led her to embrace herself more fully and even helped inform her future career path
  • Brainstorming Question : Do you ever feel torn between two different worlds or cultural identities? How have you navigated and/or tried to come to terms with that?
  • Central Story : How the author’s self-doubt and fear began to negatively impact her sports performance
  • Reflection/Resolution : How a teammate’s influence enabled the author to start trusting herself, leading to increased self-confidence and new levels of risk-taking
  • Brainstorming Question : Have you ever dealt with an ongoing struggle that started to take over your life? What enabled you to start adopting a healthier outlook?
  • Central Story : The author’s realization that her method of communication in leadership roles may be hindering, rather than helping, progress
  • Reflection/Resolution : How adjusting her communication methods, focusing on collaboration, and readjusting her perspective led to a new definition of personal and professional success
  • Brainstorming Question : Have you ever realized that your way of doing things may be negatively impacting a particular group or team? If so, what did you do about it?
  • Central Story : An ethical dilemma that the author experienced while serving on her school paper
  • Reflection/Resolution : How the author arrived at her decision, and what she learned about her own decision-making process
  • Brainstorming Question : Have you ever been confronted with a moral or ethical dilemma? If so, how did you arrive at a decision? Do you regret or stand behind that decision—why or why not?

Final Thoughts — College Essay Topics

After identifying an interesting and personally significant essay topic, you’ll want to focus on further brainstorming as well as execution. Not sure what to do next? College Transitions’ highly skilled essay coaches can help— click here to see available packages or schedule a free consultation.

Additional resources you may find useful:

  • Common App Essay Prompts
  • How to Brainstorm a College Essay
  • 10 Instructive Common App Essay Examples
  • College Application Essay Topics to Avoid
  • How to Start a College Essay
  • How to End a College Essay
  • Best College Essay Help
  • College Essay

Kelsea Conlin

Kelsea holds a BA in English with a concentration in Creative Writing from Tufts University, a graduate certificate in College Counseling from UCLA, and an MA in Teaching Writing from Johns Hopkins University. Her short fiction is forthcoming in Chautauqua .

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EssayBanyan.com – Collections of Essay for Students of all Class in English

What I Want to Become in Life Essay

Everyone has a dream to become something in their life and we work hard to follow our dreams. It is very good to have dreams because they help us to choose the correct path and make us successful. It never allows us to waste our time and perform the best.

Short and Long Essays on What I Want To Become in Future in English

Essay on What I Want To Become in Future for students of class 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and class 12 in English in 100, 150, 200, 250, 300, 500 words. Also find short What I Want To Become in Future essay 10 lines.

What I Want To Become in Future Essay 10 Lines (100 – 150 Words)

1) I want to chase my dream of becoming a social worker.

2) My interest in social work was from my childhood.

3) I want to do something good for the people of my country.

4) The great work of social activists attracted me to become a good person in life.

5) I want to help the poor and needy as much as possible.

6) Helping others makes me happy and I want this happiness permanent in my life.

7) By becoming a social worker, I want to make a positive change in society.

8) By helping others I feel pleasure, peace of mind, and satisfaction.

9) While helping my friends and others, I realize that I can take these efforts to a higher level.

10) Seeing the helpless poor and beggars motivated me to become a social worker.

Essay 1 (250 Words) – What I Want to Become: A Choreographer


All of us have some dreams and want to become something, just the difference is how much we follow our dreams. When I was young, I use to watch different reality shows of dance and always wished to dance like them and I decided to be a Choreographer one day.

My inspiration

When I was in my primary classes I performed in my annual function and I was also awarded for it. It was an awakening incidence for me because I was very young. I can hear the hand of applauses even today. How everyone cheered me up and I felt really very happy. Dance always attracted me and I be more ready for my dance classes rather than going to school.

My parents admitted me to a dance class, where I daily learn new styles and techniques. I practice daily and focus on what my teachers say. My mother also works hard for me, because she takes me to the dance class then my tuition. When she comes home, she also cooks for us and I will never let my parents down.

My parents always say that no profession is small or big, it is our determinations. If we decide to be the best human being, we can also be another Mother Teresa. It is all upon our hard work and passion. We should learn everything but should focus on one thing. Always be the best in your profession and this is the key to success.

Essay 2 (400 Words) – What I want to Become: An Astronaut

“A dream is not what you see in sleep, Dream is something which doesn’t let you sleep” a famous quote of Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam and it is absolutely true. I also have also seen a dream to become an astronaut and become the make our nation and parents proud.

Why I want to be an Astronaut?

When I was young I and my grandmother used to sleep on the roof and I use to ask many questions about the sky, like how far is the sky? Why sarks look so small? etc. the sky always uses to fascinate me and I was never satisfied with her answer and wanted to see the sky and stars with my naked eyes.

Then one day my father told me that, I need to become an astronaut to see all such things. It is like a dream for me and I really want to see the sky and stars in the future. I heard about many women like Kalpana Chawla, Sunita Willems, etc. and I also want to be one of them.

How can I Achieve my Goal?

The only way to become an astronaut is to study thoroughly and I always concentrate on my studies to get good marks in my academics which will help me to get admission to a good college. Apart from this I always various TV shows related to space and learn many things.

My father always helps me and he provides various videos and interesting books related to space. They help me to enhance my knowledge and also motivate me. My parents support me so much as if it’s their dream. My school teachers also support me and I always take part in the inter-school science competition. This competition helps me to make new gadgets and show my creativity and I like it very much.

I am sure that I will definitely be an astronaut one day because I follow my dreams and it’s my passion. When a person is very much passionate about his/her dreams, no one can stop him/her.

All of us should see dreams and should have a goal because we are human and God has given us a brain that works far better than other animals. As animals and insects also eat and sleep but the only difference is, they do not have any motto in their life. So, don’t be an animal and use your brain and choose a goal and just go for it.

Essay on What I Want to Become in Life

Essay 3 (500 – 600 Words) – What I want to Become: An Engineer

It is not necessary to have a big dream, if something is necessary then it is how much hard work you do to achieve it. Generally, when most of the students change their goal as per time like me. As when I was young the auto rikshaw use to fascinate me a lot and was really like a puzzle and I always use to complain my mother to ride it. When I grew old, I saw an original airplane and it again provoked me and again I wanted to ride it. Finally, my parents figured that I love machines and want to know then, I use to look very curious whenever my father use to visit a car garage.

How to be an Engineer?

Another reason behind being an Engineer is my father himself. He is an engineer and he always helps people and when people thank him, I feel proud and I decided to be an engineer someday. My parents never forced me I choose my goal as my own interest.

To become an engineer, you have to focus on your academic studies and this will help you to decide your college. One has to take the science stream in their class 11 and 12 and then have to qualify an entrance exam which will decide their college. In India, there are many colleges. It is not about getting admission to any college; one should try to get an IIT college. Because nowadays the level of competition is very high and one should be the best.

What I Do to Achieve My Dream

I daily read through for 4 hours a day and always complete my assignments and projects on time. Actually, discipline is very necessary for our life and if you develop a habit of completing things on time, it will always help you to be successful. I have a routine and I follow it thoroughly. Whenever I have doubts about any subject, I ask my teachers and clear everything. To stay focused it is very necessary to be clear. How I will help others as an Engineer.

I have decided to invent the automatic machine which will help people and will make their work easy. Generally, people invest a lot in house cleaners, and in the absence of my house cleaner, my mother suffers a lot. So, I decided to gift my mother as well as others an automatic house cleaner. I also want to make a machine for students, which will guide them in their studies.

Generally, we have to search for anything on Google, and for this, we have to focus on our phone screens which are harmful in many ways. So, I want to develop a machine which will teach you like a teacher and will automatically show you images and will give you all types of information as per our needs.

No stream or field is small if something matters, it is how you think. Some people want to make money in their profession whereas some want to help others, in the same profession. The only thing you need is to stay loyal to yourself and work hard. Read when it’s time to read and play when it is time to play and believe me you will definitely be successful someday. There are many examples from our history like Newton, Thomas Addison, Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam, etc. read their story and struggle; this will definitely inspire you to become successful in life. Apart from your profession, one should also focus on becoming a good human. Because it is not only your work it’s also your attitude which makes a difference.

FAQs: Frequently Asked Questions

Ans . The aim is the target that we want to achieve in our life.

Ans . It is important to have an aim as it makes us determined to achieve the goal of our life.

Ans . We need to be positive and face the obstacles that hinder us from achieving our aim.

Ans . Yes, dreams can be seen without any effort but the aim needs effort to be fulfilled.

Ans . We can achieve our goal if we are self-determined, enthusiastic, hardworking, optimistic, and punctual in our life.

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Harvard business school announces 3 new application essays.

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Harvard Business School.

Harvard Business School announced a surprising departure from its single, open-ended application essay to three short essays with specific prompts. The HBS website sums up the kind of applicant the school is seeking: “We are looking for future leaders who are passionate about business, leadership, and growth.”

The prompts for the class that will begin in fall 2025 instruct applicants to address each topic in turn.

  • Business-Minded Essay : Please reflect on how your experiences have influenced your career choices and aspirations and the impact you will have on the businesses, organizations, and communities you plan to serve. (up to 300 words)
  • Leadership-Focused Essay : What experiences have shaped who you are, how you invest in others, and what kind of leader you want to become? (up to 250 words)
  • Growth-Oriented Essay : Curiosity can be seen in many ways. Please share an example of how you have demonstrated curiosity and how that has influenced your growth. (up to 250 words)

The prompts ask applicants to go beyond simply asserting their allegiance to the ideals of business, leadership and growth. Each of the three questions asks for evidence: “experiences,” “experiences” and “an example,” respectively.

The prompts do not expect a straightforward list of what happened in the past. Rather, they encourage reflection on how these experiences affected present realities and future goals.

Applicants are asked to reflect on past, present and future as an ongoing process of becoming who they are now and who they wish to become. Even the “Business-Minded Essay” is about past choices and future impact; it also assumes you “plan to serve.” The “Leadership-Focused Essay” does not ask applicants to recite a list of titles, but to discuss who they are and how they relate to others; not what title they aspire to, but “what kind of leader you wish to become.”

Perhaps the most surprising essay prompt is No. 3, which asks about curiosity. It opens the door for applicants to discuss a more personal aspect of their candidacies. The prompt asks not about end result, but about the process of change. Once again, the emphasis is on “growth.”

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In short, the prompts ask about person and process.

How The 3 New Prompts Differ From Last Year’s Single Question

This year’s prompts give applicants more direction than the previous open-ended instruction, which was: “As we review your application, what more would you like us to know as we consider your candidacy for the Harvard Business School MBA program?”

Applicants may find it easier to follow these more detailed instructions and to stay on topic. They no longer need to face an open question and a blank page.

Another aid is the shorter word limit. The essay on being business-minded has a limit of 300 words, and the essays on leadership and growth through curiosity are limited to 250 words each.

A third difference is the specific inquiry about business. Last year’s prompt allowed candidates to choose anything they thought would be important for HBS to consider. Some applicants struggled to decide whether to focus on business or something beyond work. While the “Business-Minded Essay” is still personal, it does ask applicants to reflect on their careers.

One might also speculate that the new, more directive prompts makes it easier for the admissions committee to compare essays across applications, while still leaving room for considerable variation in how applicants choose to address the essay prompts.

Dr. Marlena Corcoran

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what you want to do in the future essay

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Facing a future of fewer and less: “tell them at least what you say to yourself”.

By Robert Jensen , originally published by Resilience.org

June 26, 2024

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In one of his  Sabbath poems , Wendell Berry offers this advice for responding to the young when they ask the old about hope: “What will you tell them? Tell them at least what you say to yourself.”

I remember the first time I told a class at the University of Texas at Austin, where I taught for 26 years, what I say to myself about the future.

This was probably sometime around 2005, and I don’t remember what the topic of discussion was that day, nor can I recall what prompted my remarks. But in a seminar that asked students to ponder the responsibility of intellectuals (a framework that many have borrowed from  Noam Chomsky ), we wandered into a discussion of the ecological crises.

Without planning it, I said something like this:

I grew up in a world of endless bounty and expanding material prosperity, with a belief in perpetual economic growth. My generation was told there would always be more, and the task was figuring out how to share it with everyone in the world. The moral challenge for us was how to solve the inequality problem and figure out how to feed the world. Your generation is growing up in a world that is going to be defined not by expansion but by contraction, and it’s not going to be easy to share more equitably when there is less of everything. I think the moral challenge for you, assuming that you continue to live in an affluent country like the United States, is how to cope with living in the midst of a massive, slow-moving human die-off in other parts of the world. You will have to figure out how to live through a period of human suffering that we cannot imagine.

The room was quiet. I doubt all 30 students in the class agreed with my assessment, but no one scoffed or tried to make a joke. I didn’t see a reason to press the matter, and no one looked eager to continue. After a moment of quiet reflection, we moved on. But one student came to my office later that day to thank me. “I think about that kind of thing all the time,” she said. “It is nice to know I’m not crazy.”

Those thoughts were not crazy then, and they are certainly not crazy today. But a few caveats are necessary.

First, I wasn’t predicting when or how such a state of affairs might come to be. I was simply noting that the trajectory of the human species is moving toward such an outcome, not in some science-fiction future but quite possibly in this century, within the lifetime of my students.

Second, I wasn’t suggesting that people haven’t faced overwhelming moral challenges in the past. Human suffering that most people cannot imagine is part of various epochs in human history, and it is part of life today. But the global nature of catastrophic ecological collapse will be unprecedented.

Third, I wasn’t arguing that the extreme inequality in the distribution of wealth today was trivial or unworthy of our attention. But focusing on that inequality today, which we have an obligation to do, won’t automatically lead to an ecologically sustainable human presence on Earth.

That experience in the classroom led me to be a bit bolder in raising these points in front of progressive groups I was part of. Instead of thinking about discrete environmental problems and discrete solutions, I began to think more about warnings from ecologists, captured in books that explained  our ecological footprint  and the overarching problem of  overshoot —when a population exceeds the capacity of its territory to generate the resources necessary for life, to process its wastes, and to provide adequate space for activities. Instead of looking only at the failures of specific political and economic systems, I started pondering the  “temptations of dense energy”  that are at the heart of out-of-control growth.

In 2008, I gave a talk titled  “The Old Future’s Gone: Progressive Strategy amid Cascading Crises”  to an interfaith social justice group. In 2011, I spoke on “ Nature Bats Last: Notes on Revolution and Resistance, Revelation and Redemption”  at a peace group’s convention. In a 2013  lecture at a Unitarian church , I started using the phrase  “We are all apocalyptic now.”

At the time, I worried that I was pushing too hard or being too dramatic, which now seems ridiculous. But it was ridiculous back then as well; those books I was citing had been published decades before. The famous, and extremely prescient, study of  The Limits to Growth  came out in 1972, when I was starting high school. Warnings had been sounded—and backed up by research—long before I started taking them seriously.

But at the point I finally started paying attention, around the time that the Cold War was ending and the “victory” of U.S.-led capitalism over Soviet-style communism was being celebrated, talking about the limits to growth was passĂ©. Technological fundamentalism—the belief that high-energy advanced technology would solve all problems, including problems created by previous technology—was the delusion of choice on both the political right and left.

That fundamentalism still constrains clear thinking, although with stories about climate change and environmental challenges in the news every day, there is more serious discussion of the threats. Some of those news reports even allow discussion of degrowth . But almost everyone involved in these debates continues to argue that there are solutions that will allow the human enterprise to plod ahead in the 21 st  century at roughly the same scale as we did in the 20 th .

But there are no solutions to the multiple cascading crises of our moment in history—if by solutions we mean ways to sustain 8 billion people on Earth, let alone 8 billion people with a significant number of them continuing to live in high-energy advanced-technology societies. I believe we need to prepare for a future of “fewer and less”—fewer people consuming less stuff.

Expanding the production of renewable energy is important. Research on more efficient technologies is important. But technology won’t save us, and those advances won’t matter all that much unless we can move toward fewer and less.

That’s a vision that isn’t widely popular. Politicians don’t run on platforms that promise to reduce the size of the human enterprise. Universities don’t create departments to plan for such a future. Most people find it hard to imagine, let alone embrace, a future of fewer and less.

Here’s what I want to tell the young, and the old, and anyone else who doesn’t think this is crazy: Whatever hope there may be, we will find it in our deep individual yearning for meaning and our deep evolutionary experience of collective life. We all need to find work in the world that is meaningful to us, and we all should try to find other people who want to help build a fewer-and-less world. Changing our political and economic systems to make a decent human existence possible in a big-picture future is crucial, but so is learning to live within the existing systems in ways that are decent in small ways today. I have no special insight into how to do that, no off-the-shelf plan to offer anyone.

But that’s what I say to myself.

Robert Jensen

Robert Jensen

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Here’s why it would be tough for Democrats to replace Joe Biden on the presidential ticket

University of Michigan Presidential Debate Expert Aaron Kall calls President Joe Biden’s uneven debate performance on Thursday night “probably the worst performance of a candidate, certainly an incumbent candidate, ever.”


President Joe Biden speaks at a presidential debate watch party, Thursday, June 27, 2024, in Atlanta. (AP Photo/Evan Vucci)

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President Joe Biden visits a presidential debate watch party, Thursday, June 27, 2024, in Atlanta. (AP Photo/Evan Vucci)

President Joe Biden speaks during a presidential debate with Republican presidential candidate former President Donald Trump, Thursday, June 27, 2024, in Atlanta. (AP Photo/Gerald Herbert)

President Joe Biden, left, and first lady Jill Biden speak at a presidential debate watch party, Thursday, June 27, 2024, in Atlanta. (AP Photo/Evan Vucci)

President Joe Biden greets supporters at a Waffle House in Marietta, Ga., Friday, June 28, 2024, following a presidential debate in Atlanta. (AP Photo/Evan Vucci)


WASHINGTON (AP) — President Joe Biden’s halting debate performance has led some in his own party to begin questioning whether he should be replaced on the ballot before November.

The latest on the Biden-Trump debate

  • The debate was a critical moment in Joe Biden and Donald Trump’s presidential rematch to make their cases before a national television audience.
  • Take a look at the facts around false and misleading claims frequently made by the two candidates.
  • Both candidates wasted no time sparring over policy during their 90-minute faceoff. These are the takeaways .

There is no evidence Biden is willing to end his campaign. And it would be nearly impossible for Democrats to replace him unless he chooses to step aside.

Here’s why:

Delegates Biden won in the primaries are pledged to support him

Every state has already held its presidential primary. Democratic rules say that the delegates Biden won should support him at the party’s upcoming national convention unless he tells them he’s leaving the race.

The president indicated that he had no plans to do that, telling supporters in Atlanta shortly after he left the debate stage, “Let’s keep going.” Biden campaign spokesperson Lauren Hitt was even clearer, saying Friday: “Of course he’s not dropping out.”

The conventions and their rules are controlled by the political parties. The Democratic National Committee could convene before the convention opens on Aug. 19 and change how things will work, but that isn’t likely as long as Biden wants to continue seeking reelection.

The current rules read: “Delegates elected to the national convention pledged to a presidential candidate shall in all good conscience reflect the sentiments of those who elected them.”


VP Kamala Harris couldn’t automatically replace Biden

The vice president is Biden’s running mate, but that doesn’t mean she can swap in for him at the top of the ticket by default. Biden also can’t decree that she replace him should he suddenly decide to leave the race.

The Democratic National Convention is being held in Chicago, but the party has announced that it will hold a virtual roll call to formally nominate Biden before in-person proceedings begin. The exact date for the roll call has not yet been set.

If Biden opts to abandon his reelection campaign, Harris would likely join other top Democratic candidates looking to replace him. But that would probably create a scenario where she and others end up lobbying individual state delegations at the convention for their support.

That hasn’t happened for Democrats since 1960, when John F. Kennedy and Lyndon B. Johnson jockeyed for votes during that year’s Democratic convention in Los Angeles.

Other potential Democratic candidates would also face challenges

In addition to the vice president, others that had endorsed Biden in 2024 while harboring their own presidential aspirations for future cycles include California Gov. Gavin Newsom, Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer, Pennsylvania Gov. Josh Shapiro, Illinois Gov. J. B. Pritzker and California Rep. Ro Khanna.

Still others who Biden bested during the party’s 2020 presidential primary could also try again, including Sens. Bernie Sanders of Vermont, Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts and Amy Klobuchar of Minnesota, as well as Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg.

If Biden were to abruptly leave the race, conservative groups have suggested they will file lawsuits around the country, potentially questioning the legality of the Democratic candidate’s name on the ballot.

But Elaine Kamarck, a senior fellow in governance studies at the Brookings Institution in Washington, who wrote a book about the presidential nominating process and is also a member of the Democratic National Committee’s rulemaking arm, said that courts have consistently stayed out of political primaries as long as parties running them weren’t doing anything that would contradict other constitutional rights, such as voter suppression based on race.

What to know about the 2024 Election

  • Democracy: American democracy has overcome big stress tests since 2020. More challenges lie ahead in 2024.
  • AP’s Role: The Associated Press is the most trusted source of information on election night, with a history of accuracy dating to 1848. Learn more.
  • Read the latest: Follow AP’s complete coverage of this year’s election.

“This is very clear constitutionally that this is in the party’s purview,” Kamarck said in an interview before the debate. “The business of nominating someone to represent a political party is the business of the political party.”



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  6. Hal Hershfield, Ph.D. and Daniel Pink: Your Future Self: How to Make Tomorrow Better Today


  1. What do you want to become in the future? 7 Sample Answers

    A good answer might follow this structure: State your career goal clearly and concisely, for example, "My long-term goal is to become a marketing manager.". Explain why you want to pursue this career; for example, "I have a passion for marketing, and I am driven by the challenge of developing and executing successful campaigns.".

  2. What do you want to accomplish in your life? 7 sample answers

    Keep both my physical and mental health as good as possible, for as long as possible. Make a positive difference in a local community, perhaps with some charity work. Run a marathon under 3:30, or achieve some other endurance feat in my life. Leave my mark on the marketing industry, a field I'd love to work in.

  3. What I Want to Become in Life (Essay Sample)

    3. 📌Published: 02 July 2022. My experiences throughout life contributed to my background, identity, and future talents that lead me to become who I am today. I consider myself a great student who understands the importance of character, education, and a positive attitude. I am from a strong family that believes in the power of arduous work ...

  4. How To Write a Great Career Goals Essay

    1. Understand the concept of career goals. Before you write your career goals essay, you must first identify your career ambitions. Career goals are a form of personal development. Focus on the professional or educational goals you would like to achieve aside from a high salary. The qualities of your goals are a more accurate measure of success ...

  5. PDF The 5-Step Personal Essay Writing Guide: "Future Career"

    STEP 3: Construct Your Story. The heart of your essay will be the stories and details you use to support your main point. Good examples also bring your main point to life and make your essay memorable. Notice how the essay is built up, in the example: Focus of essay: My dream job is to be a crime scene investigator.

  6. Career Goals Essay: How to Write an Awesome Essay to Impress

    Paragraph 2: Elaborate on what inspired your career goals. Perhaps it was a relative, a TV show, or simply an experience that you had. Remember that old writing adage, "Show, don't tell.". In other words, try to demonstrate your interest with story or description. Paragraph 3: Discuss your short-term career goals and your intended major.

  7. How to Write an Essay About Your Future Goals

    Explaining where you see your life in five,10 or even 20 years requires thought and planning. Writing an essay about your future goals helps you get a clear vision of what you want to accomplish. In order to clearly communicate your life plans, take time to identify your passions and interests before you begin writing.

  8. Career Goals Essay For Scholarships (With Examples)

    Scholarship programs often want you to write a career goals essay to see that you have a clear plan for how you'll apply your education to a specific career path. This helps show a scholarship committee why you're seeking funds for the next step on the path toward your success. Answering "what are your career goals" effectively can help ...

  9. Examples of Scholarship Essays for the "Career Goals" Question

    How to write a 100-word "career goals" essay. When writing a 100-word essay, you'll have to choose your content carefully. Since space is limited, you'll want to identify the most important details to include beforehand. First and foremost, make sure to clearly communicate your current pursuits.

  10. Career Essay

    1. Devise an Engrossing Title. The first thing to think about when writing an essay is coming up with an attention-grabbing title. When people read your essay, they pay the most attention to your title. Also, another benefit of coming up with your title first is that it will serve as a guide for you for the whole essay.

  11. Life In The Future Essay

    Hence life in the future will show us some positive and some negative shades of life and this is true for generations throughout. FAQ's on Life In The Future Essay. Question 1. What does the future of space travel look like? Answer: Space visits would be commercialized by offering people the opportunity to visit other planets. Question 2.

  12. Mapping the Future: Where Do I See Myself in 20 Years

    Projecting oneself two decades into the future is a thought-provoking exercise that conjures up a mix of excitement and uncertainty. As I contemplate where I see myself in 20 years, I envision a life marked by personal and professional growth, a harmonious family life, and a profound sense of purpose. In this essay, I will explore the various ...

  13. 20 Smart Answers: "Where Do You See Yourself in 5 Years?"

    Addressing Uncertainty. It's natural to feel uncertain about your future, especially when asked to predict where you will be in five years. However, using some strategies, you can form a thoughtful response that communicates your aspirations and adaptability. Firstly, consider discussing your long-term goals in broad terms.

  14. Describe a Perfect Job You Would Like to Have in the Future: IELTS

    The perfect job for me would be to become a doctor and give back to my people. I derived the inspiration for taking this role up because of my father, who has served as a doctor for 30 years. I remember him being late at night, hitting emergencies, treating people, and giving his all. Moreover, seeing him perform his job with utmost dedication ...

  15. Future Essay

    Short Essay on My Future 350 Words in English. Everybody has dreams of having a bright future. Climate they are to turn into a researcher and find new and astounding things, or become a star ballplayer and be the most generously compensated part in the class, individuals long for their future. I have dreams for the future very much like every ...

  16. What I Want To Be In Life (Essay Sample) 2023

    Here are five different answers that people can give when asked about their needs and wants: a job they love, financial security, fulfillment, a family of their own, and inner peace. Note that while these are general answers, you are more likely to uncover a variety of combinations depending on life experience.

  17. How To Write A Future Plan Essay

    Write a good conclusion. The future plans after high school essay conclusion should be brief and very concise. End your paper with a strong conclusion and make it memorable. Edit and proofread your future career goals essay. Get a good night's sleep and read the essay out loud the next day to make sure it is perfect.

  18. What Do You Want to Do With Your Life? Essay Example

    Essay Example. HIRE A WRITER! You are free to use it as an inspiration or a source for your own work. From the time I was very young I was interested in music. Actually, this was more than just interest; I was fascinated by rhythm, melody, and sound. One of my earliest memories is of a gift my grandmother gave to me.

  19. Future Discussion: Where I See Myself in Future

    But I learned that is okay; every single person has its own path, pace and methods. People need to stop putting pressure on teenagers and young adults. It is okay to not know what you want, or where do you see yourself in 5 years. This stage of life is for discovering, experiencing and learning everything life has to offer.

  20. Write Your Admissions Essay

    Whether you're working on an essay for college admission or a scholarship application, or just want to improve your writing skills, the tips below can be a ... Outline some notes for yourself including the message you want your essay to get across. ... Mapping Your Future Inc P.O. Box 1017 Lake Dallas TX 75065 Email: ...

  21. My Future Expectations throughout the Semester and Life: [Essay Example

    As for my future after college, I expect for myself to be successful. I hope to have a job that pays very well and has good benefits. Although good pay sounds good, I just want to have a job I know I will love to do. I want to have a good stable career, because I know it will be to my advantage when trying to build a life for myself.

  22. What I Want To Become in Future Essay

    Essay 2 (400 Words) - What I Want to Be an Astronaut. introduction. Dr. A.P.J. There is a famous quote by Abdul Kalam, "A dream is not what you see in your sleep, a dream is that which does not let you sleep", and it is absolutely true. I have dreamed of becoming an astronaut, and making my nation and parents proud.

  23. The Future We Want

    The future we want is a future of economic success, stability, and prosperity. The future we want is a future in which no person feels alone and afraid, where everybody feels appreciated and worthy of love and joy. The future we want is a future in which we appreciate the oldest and youngest, the poorest and richest and the happiest and saddest ...

  24. 25 Inspiring College Essay Topic Ideas

    Accordingly, in providing you with this list of college essay topic ideas, we want to validate and inspire you. These are real college essay topics developed by real college applicants, so it's very likely you can connect or identify with at least a few of them. If a topic resonates with or sounds interesting to you, try writing down some ...

  25. What I Want to Become in Life Essay

    What I Want To Become in Future Essay 10 Lines (100 - 150 Words) 1) I want to chase my dream of becoming a social worker. 2) My interest in social work was from my childhood. 3) I want to do something good for the people of my country. 4) The great work of social activists attracted me to become a good person in life.

  26. Harvard Business School Announces 3 New Application Essays

    The essay on being business-minded has a limit of 300 words, and the essays on leadership and growth through curiosity are limited to 250 words each. A third difference is the specific inquiry ...

  27. Facing a Future of Fewer and Less: "Tell Them at Least What You Say to

    [This essay is adapted from It's Debatable: Talking Authentically about Tricky Topics, published by Olive Branch Press.] In one of his Sabbath poems, Wendell Berry offers this advice for responding to the young when they ask the old about hope: "What will you tell them?Tell them at least what you say to yourself." I remember the first time I told a class at the University of Texas at ...

  28. Here's how Democrats could replace Biden

    Even if Harris coasted to the nomination, she would need a vice presidential candidate of her own, and there would still be a fight among the party's future stars to be her running mate.

  29. Election 2024: Why it would be tough for Democrats to replace Joe Biden

    In addition to the vice president, others that had endorsed Biden in 2024 while harboring their own presidential aspirations for future cycles include California Gov. Gavin Newsom, Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer, Pennsylvania Gov. Josh Shapiro, Illinois Gov. J. B. Pritzker and California Rep. Ro Khanna.

  30. Want to Bet on the Future of Inflation? New ForecastEx Exchange Will

    If you believe the CPI will come out higher than a given value, per the contract, you can purchase a "yes" contract. Or, if you predict the CPI will fall short of a given value, you can opt to ...