We have several free ESL writing lessons on this page, including sample essays, sentence patterns, writing assignments, and more! If you like these lessons, consider buying our ESL writing textbooks to get even more content just like this!

Beginner ESL Writing Lessons

Sample Essay: “My Hobby” – Introductory sample essay that students can reference later when writing their own essays

Error Correction Worksheet – Correct the errors in this sample “My Hobby” essay

Sample Essay: “A Funny Story” – Introductory sample essay that students can reference later when writing their own essays

Indentions and Quotations: Error Correction Worksheet – Identify and correct the mistakes in the paragraph

Sentence Pattern: Although / Even though – Introduction to “although” and “even though”, with sample sentences and practice exercises

ESL Writing Assignment: “My Favorite Place” – Students use the grammar and sentence patterns from Unit 3 to write an essay titled “My Favorite Place”

UNIT 4: “Letter to a Relative”

Writing Lesson: Conjunctions – Introduction to the conjunctions and/but/or/so, with an explanation of how to punctuate them correctly

Intermediate/Advanced Writing Lessons

The writing lessons and worksheets below are taken from our book Write Right: Transitions , available for instant download!

Writing a Formal Paragraph

Similes and Metaphors Review – Practice describing people and things using similes and metaphors

Concluding Sentences (Introduction) – Introduction to concluding sentences and their function in a paragraph

Punctuation and Conjunctions

Commas and Conjunctions (“and”) – Explanation of how to correctly use commas with the conjunction “and”

Transitions and Connectors

In addition / Additionally / Moreover / Furthermore / Plus / …as well – Introduction to these commonly used transitions, with several sample sentences

However / Nevertheless / Still / Despite that / Nonetheless / Even so – Review worksheet to practice writing sentences with these transitions

Review of these Transitions and Connectors – Review worksheet to practice using all of the transition words above

More Transitions and Connectors

Though – Introduction to “though” and it’s various uses in a sentence

Despite vs. Although – Explanation of how to use these similar transition words, with several sample sentences

Because vs. Although – Explanation of the difference between these two words, with several examples and a review exercise

Review of Transitions and Connectors

Transitions and Punctuation – Explanation of how to correctly punctuate transitions using commas, periods, and semi-colons. Also includes a review worksheet.

Additional Review of Transitions and Connectors – Review of several transition words/phrases (For this reason / Despite the fact that / No matter / Due to / Consequently / As a result / In spite of / Regardless of / Owing to)

Additional FREE ESL Writing Worksheets, Activities, and Ideas:

Useful phrases and sentence patterns, esl writing activities, writing scenarios.

ESL Activities

ESL Games, Activities, Lesson Plans, Jobs & More

ESL Writing Activities, Games, Worksheets & Lesson Plans

If you’re teaching writing and are looking for some of the best ESL writing activities, along with worksheets, lesson plans and more then you’re in the right place. Keep on reading for everything you need to know about teaching English writing.


ESL writing exercises and games

Let’s check out the top ESOL writing exercises and activities to consider trying out with your students.

ESL Writing Activities and Games for All Ages

Are you ready to get into the ESL writing exercises? Then let’s get to the best English writing ideas. Also, check out some great writing prompts ideas to use in your writing lesson.

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#1: 3 Things ESL Writing Activity

I’m ALL about simple and easy for writing activities in emergency situations when you don’t have a lot of time to prep. 3 Things is ideal because it requires nothing except a pen and paper and also requires no prep time.

The way it works is that students think of 3 random things. Then, they give those words to a partner who has to write a short story using them. It can be serious or silly and kind of depends on the words chosen.

Do you want to give it a try with your students? Check out all the details here: 3 Things English Writing Activity .

#2: Journaling for English Learners

When I teach ESL writing classes, I always have students keep a journal. It can either be with pen and paper or online. It’s a fun way for students to work on writing fluency and have some freedom to write about topics they want to write about, not just the ones that I assign.

If you want to see how I set up this ESL writing exercise, check out the following: Journaling for ESL Students . It makes a nice free write activity.

#3: Postcards ESOL Writing Exercise

If you’re looking for a simple, fun ESL writing activity, then you may want to consider having your students write some postcards. Ideally, you could get your hands of a stack of blank, unused postcards. But, if not, students can design their own and then trade with someone else who can fill in the back.

Learn more about this fun writing activity here: ESL Postcard Writing Activity .

#4: A to Z Alphabet Game

Remember that writing is more than a 5-paragraph essay. It’s any time a student is writing something, even one word. With that in mind, you may want to try out this ESL writing game for beginners.

The way it works is that you name a topic. Jobs or animals for example. Then, students have to think of one word for each letter. I give my students a certain amount of time and the team with the most words is the winner.

Do you want to give this writing activity for beginners a try? Check it out here: A-Z ESL Writing Activity .

#5: Conjunctions and Transitions

Words like but, so, and, however, etc. are key in English writing because they join ideas, sentences and paragraphs together. This makes writing easier to understand and helps it to flow better. Even beginners can learn about using things like and or but.

Here are some of the ideas for teaching these words: ESL Conjunction and Transition Activities .

  • Amazon Kindle Edition
  • Bolen, Jackie (Author)
  • English (Publication Language)
  • 85 Pages - 02/02/2020 (Publication Date)

#6: Whiteboard Games for ESL Writing Practice 

I don’t know why, but students really love to write on the whiteboard. There are a ton of relay type ESL writing activities that you can do. Here are some of the best ones:

ESL Whiteboard Activities .

#7: Dictogloss ESOL Writing Exercise

If you want to challenge your students with some serious listening and writing, then consider this dictogloss ESL activity. The way it works is that you find a passage or write one at an appropriate level for your students.

Then, put the student into pairs and read out the passage at a slightly faster pace than normal. Students have to take notes and then attempt to recreate what they heard by writing. Read the passage again and students add to what they have. Finally, they can compare their version with the original one.

Do you want to give it a try? Read this first: Dictogloss ESL Writing and Listening Activity .

#8: How to Teach English Writing to Beginners

Back when I did the CELTA course, my tutor told me that writing doesn’t have to be a 5 paragraph essay. It can actually be any time the students are writing something in English. With this in mind, here are some of the best activities for absolute beginners to English writing:

Teaching ESL Writing to Beginners .

#9: Fill out an Application Form

One very practical writing activity that we can do with our students is getting them to fill out an application form. If they plan on living in an English speaking country, they’ll certainly have to do this. And, there’s often some very specific vocabulary and expected answers that you can help them with.

More details here: ESL Writing Application Form .

#10: Sentence Structure Activities

Try out these activities to give students some ESL writing practice opportunities.

In speaking, our students can sometimes get away without having great sentence structure. This is because people often speak in sentence fragments and rarely in full sentences.

However, in writing, sentence structure is key and vital to helping our students get their ideas across on paper. Here are some of the best activities to help our students practice this:

ESL Sentence Structure Games and Activities .

ESL writing games and activities

#11: Is that Sentence Correct?

A simple reading and writing activity is this one that focuses on error correction. The way it works is that you make some sentences, some of which have errors and some that do not. Students have to decide which ones are incorrect and them correct them. It’s ideal for review at the end of class or the beginning of the next one.

Learn more about this writing activity here: ESL Error Correction Activity .

#12: Proof-Reading and Editing

A key part of writing well is proof-reading and editing. Everyone does it, even professional writers! Instead of the students relying on me to correct their errors for them, I like to teach them do to edit their own work. It’s a key skill in the writing process but often overlooked by many English teachers.

Check out this activity for helping students with this writing skill: ESL Proofreading and Editing .

  • 146 Pages - 06/18/2020 (Publication Date)

Spending some time working on self-editing skills, instead of relying on the teacher-editing model is a nice way to improve student autonomy in English writing classes.

#13: Focus on Fluency Activity

ESL Warm-Up Activity: Free writing time | IESL Warm-Up Activities and Games

Many ESL writing textbooks (and teachers too) focus on accuracy in English writing at the expense of fluency. However, both are needed if students are to become proficient in English essay writing. After all, no employer is going to appreciate an employee who can write a simple, but perfect email in half a day! Most would expect it to happen in a few minutes. But, this nice free write activity helps students with writing more quickly.

Check out this ESOL writing exercise to help our students out with this: Fluency ESL Writing Activity .

#14: How to Teach ESL Writing on the Let’s Talk TEFL Podcast

#15: word association.

I like to use this quick writing activity if I know that students have studied the topic of the day before. For example, jobs and weather are very common in almost all ESL textbooks and if students are at a high-beginner or intermediate level, I guarantee that they already know some of these vocabulary items.

You can find out how to do it right here: ESL Word Association Activity .

#16 : ESL Surveys

I love to use surveys in my classes. They are a super versatile activity that covers all 4 skills, including writing. It’s also easy to make a survey for just about any topic or grammar point. See why I love them so much?

If you want to know more, then you’ll want to check this out: TEFL Surveys.

  • Smith, Jennifer Booker (Author)
  • 134 Pages - 03/31/2016 (Publication Date)

#17: Opinion Activities and Games

Opinion essays are a classic writing activity for both English learners and students in high school or university. That’s why I like to give my students some chances to practice writing and supporting their opinions in my classes. Do you want to try out some of the best ones? You can find out all the details right here:

ESL Opinion Activities .

#18: Parts of Speech Activities for ESL

English writing is ALL about parts of speech. After all, if you don’t know where the verb, subject, object, adjectives and adverbs go, how can you have any chance of making a coherent English sentence? It’s nearly impossible!

That’s why I like to do some worksheets and practice with my students related to this. If you want to try it out too, here are some of the best ideas:

ESL Parts of Speech Activities .

Top 17 ESL writing games and activities

#19: Spelling Challenge Game

Spelling is an important, but often neglected part of writing. In my opinion, it’s worth spending some classroom time on and one way to do that is with this word challenge game. Because it’s done on the whiteboard, it’s ideal for smaller classes.

Want to find out what it’s all about? You can right here: ESL Spelling Challenge Activity.

#20: Dictation 

A nice TEFL writing activity that you might want to try out is dictation. It covers not only writing, but also listening, spelling, punctuation, grammar and vocabulary in a big way. Is it obvious why I like it so much?

Try it out with your students today. Learn more here: ESL Dictation Writing Activity .

#21: Write an Interesting Story in English

It can be fun to get students to write their own stories in English. Check out these 6 simple steps to get started:

Writing and Interesting English Story .

#22: TEFL Writing Activities and Games

#23: brainstorm games and activities.

One of my favourite, simple ESL writing activities is to get students to brainstorm words or things related to a certain topic or category. It’s a nice way to get some creative juices flowing and can also be used for a quick warmer or review activity.

There are a number of engaging, student-centred activities to consider. Here are some of my favourites: Brain Storming Games.

#24: Freeze Writing Activity

Group writing activities for TEFL classes are few and far between. However, freeze is one of the best ones to consider. Students have to work collaboratively to make stories, line by line is a fun and engaging way.

Want to give it a try? Find out how: Freeze Activity .

#25: Five-Paragraph Essay Writing

For higher-level students, it can be a worthwhile activity to teach students how to write academic essays. Here’s an outline and some tips for how to do that:

Five-Paragraph Essay Template . 

#26: More Ideas for TEFL Writing

#27: fill in the blank sentences games.

A nice option for beginners in English writing is to use fill in the blanks. This adds a bit of structure to it and makes it much easier for students! Have a look at some of my favourite options:

Fill In The Blank Sentences Games .

#28: Round Robin Story

Try out this simple story writing activity that can be used for speaking & listening, or writing. Learn more:

Round Robin Story .

#29: Five Senses

Try out this simple activity that involves a lot of adjectives. It can be done with speaking or writing.

#30: Story Starters ESOL Writing Exercise

Provide students with a sentence or a short paragraph to serve as a story starter. Students then continue the story, adding their own ideas and developing the plot. This game encourages creativity, storytelling, and writing fluency. Try out one of my favourite ESOL writing exercises!

#31: Picture Prompts

Show students a captivating image or provide them with a set of pictures. Ask them to choose one or a combination of pictures and write a story, description, or dialogue based on the visuals. Pictures can stimulate imagination and inspire students to write.

#32: Sentence Relay

Divide the class into teams. Give each team a writing prompt or topic. The first student from each team writes a sentence based on the prompt, then passes the paper to the next student, who adds another sentence. The relay continues, and students build a coherent piece of writing. The team with the most creative and well-structured writing wins.

#33: ESL Writing Olympics

Create a series of writing challenges that test different writing skills, such as grammar, vocabulary, sentence structure, or creative writing. Set a time limit for each challenge, and award points to students based on their performance. Students can compete individually or in teams, making it a lively and competitive writing activity.

ESL Writing FAQs

There are a number of common questions that people have about teaching English writing. Here are the answers to some of the most popular ones.

What is ESL Writing?

ESL technically refers to English as a Second Language but the more common usage is anyone who is a non-native speaker of English, whether or not it’s their second, third or fourth language. ESL writing focus specifically on writing skills.

How can ESL Students Improve Writing?

There are a number of ways that ESL students can improve their writing skills:

  • Practice, both in class and outside of class is key.
  • Give students a reason to write.
  • Use peer correction.
  • Offer self-editing checklists.
  • Give students some freedom to choose what to write about.
  • Use a variety of writing activities and games.
  • Give students a chance to revise their work based on feedback.
  • Strive to make English writing fun and engaging
  • Make it relevant to real-life.
  • Ensure that your ESL writing classes target the level of the students.

How Can ESL Beginners Learn to Write?

Remember that ESL beginners will not be able to write a 5-paragraph academic essay. Instead, you may want to focus on things like filling in the blanks on a worksheet or writing very simple sentences with a subject, verb, and object.

Why is Writing Difficult for ESL Students?

Writing can be a little bit difficult for ESL students because it not only involves vocabulary and grammar, but things like punctuation, capital letters as well as style and other writing conventions. What does make it easier is that it doesn’t happen in real time like with speaking.

What types of writing assignments are suitable for English learners?

Start with simple assignments like journal writing, personal narratives, and gradually progress to more complex assignments such as essays and reports.

How can I make writing more engaging for English learners?

Make it engaging by using interesting prompts, creative assignments, and real-life scenarios that connect to their experiences and interests.

Should I focus on grammar and vocabulary in writing instruction?

Yes, grammar and vocabulary are essential components of writing. Students should learn to use them correctly to convey their ideas effectively.

What’s the role of peer review in teaching writing to English learners?

Peer review helps students develop critical reading and editing skills, and it allows them to receive feedback from peers before finalizing their work.

How can I help English learners overcome writer’s block?

Encourage them to start with a simple outline, use writing prompts, and create a supportive, low-pressure writing environment in the classroom.

What strategies can I use to assess English learners’ writing effectively?

Use rubrics and clear criteria for assessing content, organization, grammar, and vocabulary. Offer specific feedback to help students understand their strengths and weaknesses.

Did you Like these ESOL Writing Exercises?

  • 72 Pages - 12/09/2019 (Publication Date) - Independently published (Publisher)

Yes? Thought so. Then you’re going to love this book you can easily find on Amazon: ESL Writing Activities, Games & Teaching Tips . It’s the first and only ESL activity book dedicated exclusively to teaching writing and it’s a must-have if you’re teaching these kinds of classes.

You can easily get these ESL writing activities in both digital and print formats. Consider keeping a copy on the bookshelf in your office and using it as a handy reference guide. Or, bring the digital version with you on your phone or tablet to your favourite coffee shop for some serious lesson planning for your English writing classes.

It really is that easy to have ESL writing classes! Check out the book on Amazon, but only if you want to get yourself a serious dose of ESL teaching awesome in your life:

Do you Have an ESL Writing Grading Rubric?

If you’re looking for a bit of guidance on how to evaluate your students’ writing, then you’re in the right place. We strongly recommend using a simple rubric that’ll save you a ton of time. Plus, students will understand why they got the grade that they did. All the details can be found here:

ESL Writing Grading Rubric .

ESL Writing Lesson Plans

If you’re looking for some ready-made writing lesson plans that can help your students improve their skills in a big way, you’ll want to check out our top recommendations:

One Stop English

ESL Library

Writing practice for English learners

ESL Writing Worksheets

The good news for English teachers is that there are a ton of English writing worksheets to help you out with just about anything! Why reinvent the wheel if another English teacher has already done the hard work, right? Here are some of the best ESL writing worksheets:

Busy Teacher

ESL Writing Assignments

If you’re not sure about writing assignment options for your ESL/EFL students, here are some of the best ideas that you’ll want to check out:

Tips for Teaching Writing to English Learners

Teaching writing to ESL learners requires a combination of strategies to develop their skills and confidence. Here are some tips to enhance your ESL writing lessons:

Provide Clear Instructions

Begin each writing task by clearly explaining the objectives, requirements, and expectations to the students. Break down the task into smaller steps to make it more manageable.

Model Writing

Show students examples of well-written texts in the target genre or format. Analyze the structure, language features, and organization. Model the thought process and decision-making involved in writing.

Teach the Writing Process

Introduce students to the writing process, which includes prewriting, drafting, revising, editing, and publishing. Emphasize the importance of brainstorming, organizing ideas, and revising for clarity and coherence.

Develop Vocabulary and Language Skills

Help students expand their vocabulary and language skills by providing word banks, relevant phrases, and sentence starters. Teach them how to use transition words and cohesive devices to enhance the flow of their writing.

Focus on Grammar and Sentence Structure in TEFL Writing Games and Activities

Address common grammar errors and sentence structure issues that students may encounter. Incorporate targeted grammar exercises and provide feedback on their writing to improve accuracy.

Encourage Pre-writing Activities

Engage students in pre-writing activities, such as brainstorming, mind mapping, or outlining, to generate ideas and organize their thoughts before starting to write. This helps students structure their writing more effectively.

Provide Writing Prompts

Offer a variety of engaging and relevant writing prompts to spark students’ creativity and interest. Ensure the prompts are aligned with their language proficiency level and encourage critical thinking and personal expression. Here are some ideas:

Peer Feedback and Revision

Incorporate peer feedback sessions where students exchange their writing with classmates for constructive feedback. Encourage students to revise their work based on the suggestions provided, promoting collaboration and revision skills.

Offer Individualized Support

Provide one-on-one guidance and support to students who may require additional assistance. Offer personalized feedback and suggestions for improvement based on their individual writing challenges.

Celebrate Progress

Recognize and celebrate students’ progress in writing. Highlight their strengths and areas of improvement, and provide specific feedback on their achievements. Encourage a growth mindset and foster a positive writing environment.

Encourage Frequent Writing Practice

Assign regular writing assignments to give students ample opportunities to practice their writing skills. Provide a variety of writing tasks, such as descriptive essays, opinion pieces, narratives, or reflective journal entries.

Use Authentic Materials for ESL Writing Activities

Integrate authentic materials like newspaper articles, short stories, or blog posts to expose students to real-life writing and develop their understanding of different writing styles and genres.

Have your say about these ESL Writing Activities and Exercises

What do you think about these writing ESL activities? Did you try out one of them from this or have another that you’d like to recommend? Leave a comment below and let us know what you think.  We’d love to hear from you.

Also be sure to give this article a share on Facebook, Pinterest, or Twitter. It’ll help other busy English teachers, like yourself find this useful resource for teaching English writing.

Last update on 2022-07-17 / Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API

About Jackie

Jackie Bolen has been teaching English for more than 15 years to students in South Korea and Canada. She's taught all ages, levels and kinds of TEFL classes. She holds an MA degree, along with the Celta and Delta English teaching certifications.

Jackie is the author of more than 60 books for English teachers and English learners, including Business English Vocabulary Builder and 39 No-Prep/Low-Prep ESL Speaking Activities for Teenagers and Adults . She loves to share her ESL games, activities, teaching tips, and more with other teachers throughout the world.

You can find her on social media at: YouTube Facebook Pinterest TikTok LinkedIn Instagram

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Best-selling author and English teacher Jackie Bolen has been talking ESL activities and games since 2015. The goal is to bring you the best ideas, lesson plans, and activity recommendations for your TEFL classes.

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esl essay writing activities

  • Teaching Tips

14 ESL Writing Activities to Spice Up Your Next Class

Picture of Ben Bartee

  • October 27, 2020
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Writing is one of the four basic English proficiencies next to reading, speaking, and listening. Developing a well-honed ability to write fluidly, naturally, and confidently — while using well-crafted grammatical structure and a wide array of vocabulary — carries several benefits for English learners.  

A developed writing ability is essential for scoring well on standardized tests that include essay sections and a well-chosen ESL writing activity can increase the ability to express increasingly complex ideas succinctly and fully, thus improving communication skills across all four proficiencies.

How to Use ESL Writing Activities

As an ESL teacher, part of your teaching scope likely includes improving the writing skills of your students. Fun, engaging activities can be effective tools for achieving the gains in their writing abilities that you hope to see in the classroom. 

When to Use ESL Writing Activities

Depending on the type of activity, writing activities can be used:

  • At the beginning of a lesson to pique students’ interest and generate excitement about the upcoming lesson.
  • Mid-lesson to assess students’ absorption and retention.
  • At the conclusion of a lesson to review previously learned vocabulary/grammar.

Setup for ESL Writing Activities

Some ESL writing activities featured here require virtually no setup. Others require a whiteboard and/or projector with computer access. A handful require some preparation before class and pre-printed materials for handout.

Here are a few of the premier ESL writing activities for students divided by age and skill level.

ESL Writing Activities For Young Learners

Flash card writing.

Young learners are often best engaged with visual cues, so ESL flashcards are great tools for the classroom at the primary level.

To conduct the flash card activity, do a warm-up session by going through each card and, together as a class, writing the correct spelling on the board letter by letter.

Then, heat things up by dividing students into teams and having one member of each team write the vocabulary term on the board as quickly as possible when you prompt them with the corresponding flashcard.

The first student to finish earns a point for his or her team. Incentivize the students, if necessary, with a prize for the team with the most points at the end.

What’s Happening?

Building on the theme of combining imagery with writing for younger ESL learners, consider showing students a picture (the more vibrant, colorful, and detailed, the better) and asking them to write what they see. Consider using images with recently learned phrases as a review method.

Write a Letter to Santa (or Spiderman, Harry Potter, or Whomever)

Letter writing is an essential aspect of a young student’s English. Make it fun by having them write to their favorite superhero, celebrity, or best friend.

If your students need extra guidance, prompt them by suggesting what to write about; if writing to Santa, for example, encourage them to discuss what they would like for Christmas.

Help them frame their letter logically by providing a structure guide and helpful suggestions as necessary.

Postcards to Pen Pals

Capture young learners’ imagination by introducing them to a fictitious young boy or girl (or one inspired by real life) who is their same age and who lives in an exotic far-off land.

If your students are interested in a particular region or city, such as San Francisco, adjust your character’s geographic location accordingly.

Have them write a short composition to their new faraway friend that will fit on a postcard about who they are, what they like doing, etc. You can even make your own DIY postcards in the office using colored cardboard or other material.

This is a great opportunity to teach basic introductions and conclusions in English writing, a foundational component of almost any form of writing.

ESL Writing Activities For Adults

Write a business email.

Many adult learners are businesspeople, office workers, or other teachers themselves, so chances are all or most of your students have to send emails at some point in a work-related capacity.

Learning how to use professional, natural-sounding business language is a practical, valuable skill that adult ESL learners will appreciate —  in fact, you may find that sounding “native” in both written and spoken word is a major goal of many English students, particularly adults.

Using a projector, create a relatable and entertaining work-related scenario and write an email to a boss or co-worker together about the situation.

Then, have your students craft their own email either in response to the example you provided or in a fresh scenario.

Illustrative Descriptions

Fluent English writers and speakers have the ability to translate visual experiences into the written word, an advanced skill set that can serve your students well in a variety of real-world English-speaking contexts.

Consider using a well-known piece of local imagery with important cultural meaning (such as a portrait of a well-known historical figure or leader) and help your students to write verbal descriptions of the visual cue.

Paraphrasing Activity

Paraphrasing is the ability to quickly recreate sentences with different grammatical structure and vocabulary while retaining the meaning and content of the original sentence.

The ability to paraphrase off the cuff is an important skill that can come in handy for adult learners who interact with other English speakers. Practicing paraphrasing encourages a greater understanding of the nuances of the language and developing alternative ways to construct sentences.

Offer your students a sentence, then ask them to capture the essence of what is communicated and reconstitute the critical elements into a new sentence structure.

Personal Ads for Dating Sites

Due to human nature, social conditioning, or a combination thereof, adult ESL learners’ ears tend to perk up when the topic of conversation moves to the birds and the bees.

If your adult students don’t use personal dating apps like Tinder, chances are they did at some point or their sons and daughters do.

Have your students write a personal ad – either about themselves or about one another in pairs – to be placed on a fictional dating app. Depending on the context of the learning environment, you can spice the activity up by encouraging uncouth language if/when you feel it is appropriate.

ESL Writing Activities for Beginners

Acrostic poem.

This simple writing activity encourages creativity in use of the English terminology as well as recall of vocabulary. To create an acrostic poem activity for your students, write a short series of letters such as BIRD on the board, one on top of the other. Each of the four letters is its own line of poetry like this:

Create an example first for your students, such as:

  • Barbara and
  • I went to the garden where
  • Red flowers grow
  • Down by the creek

Then encourage students to think of their own poems to create.

Fill in the Letters

Mastering the letters and their phonetic sounds is a foundational element of ESL writing for beginners.

Present your students with words containing missing letters. You can either use pre-constructed worksheets from other teachers, create your own, or write the words with missing letters on the whiteboard.

After your students complete the words, take the time to sound out the terms again to strengthen students’ phonetic grasp on common English sounds and their corresponding letters. This will build their capacity to conceptualize letters when constructing words and sentences.

Letter/Word Chains

Print a series of words with one giant letter on each page. For example, if the word is HOUSE, then print an H, O, U, S, and E, each on its own respective page.

Scramble the papers up, then call an equal number of students to pages to the front – in this example, five. Say the word they should spell (house) and then watch them scramble to organize themselves in the correct order – helping them when necessary.  

Although beginning ESL students don’t put pen to paper in this activity, it is nonetheless a writing activity in that it instills proper spelling and a basic grasp on phonetics that are critical at this stage of language development.

Students also enjoy and may benefit from the social, team-building aspect of this writing activity.

If single words are too easy, you can up the difficulty level by printing entire words on separate pages that form complete sentences.

ESL Writing Activities for Intermediate Students

Western ESL teachers might remember Mad Libs from their youth, a game in which a handful of nouns, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs are extracted from a prewritten story and left up to the participants to fill in.

Mad Libs and its variants like Mad Takes can be wildly entertaining for ESL learners.

Fantasy Dialogue Using Pop Culture

Most of your students, especially in the mid-secondary school age range with a typical skill level for that group, will find this writing activity engaging.

Create a fantasy meeting between two well-known pop culture figures – for example, in Thailand, this would be something like Lady Gaga meeting Harry Potter if selecting from Western celebrities.

You can make the activity more exciting by setting the dialogue against an unusual background – for example, backstage at a concert in Bangkok.  

Writing Descriptions of Visual Stimuli

Flash an image of a busy street corner in a major city in your student’s country, or of a well-known piece of historic architecture or famous landform – anything that your students are likely to know well.

Write the question words on the board:

Then ask your students to craft their own descriptions of the images you show for the question words. Some might not fit well – for example, the answer to who? may not appear obvious in an image of an island with no inhabitants. Encourage creative, “out of the box” answers in this regard and reward them with positive feedback.

The Directions Game

Giving and receiving directions is an intermediate English skill that ESL learners who want to travel will need to have. Additionally, this activity is useful to include at the outset of a lesson because the competitive nature captures students’ interest.

Draw a handmade map or grab one off of the internet. Divide the students into two teams. Then, have one student from each team come to the whiteboard with marker in hand.

Ask how to go from point A to point B on the map. Each student, with the help of his or her team, must quickly write coherent directions (turn left, turn right, go east, go west, etc.) from start to finish.

The first team to complete intelligible directions wins.

ESL Writing Activities for Advanced Students

What happens next.

This writing activity has the potential for several modifications to spice it up, but the essential idea is that the class, as a group, creates a story line by line.

The simplest version of Collective Story Time is to begin, as the teacher, with the introductory sentence on the whiteboard or projector: “Billy went to the skatepark.” The next sentence is completed by a student chosen at random, who then passes the baton to another student of his or her choice.

Depending on the age, maturity level, and preferences of students, you might put content limitations in place or interject with your own sentences from time to time to keep the story on a productive track.

Social Media Posts

Nearly everyone uses social media; they identify with it; they engage with it. Instead of fighting students to stay off of their phones in class, why not consider crafting your own Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram posts together as a class?

Use projection technology to supersize the browser or app and brainstorm a Tweet or post about a popular topic or the latest news in your learners’ home country.

Getting to the Point/Cutting Out the Fat

In English writing, more is not always better. The stage at which ESL students begin to develop advanced writing skills and become more confident is the right time to begin to introduce the concept of brevity and its benefits.

Start by offering your own writing sample that is chock full of redundancies, extraneous details, and non-sequiturs. Point some of them out yourself so that they know what to look for. Ask your students to shorten the story by half while keeping the original meaning and the critical details.

Transcription Practice (Dicto-Comp)

For some advanced ESL students who are either working already or will soon join the workforce, the ability to translate spoken English into written form quickly and accurately is an important skill.

Help them develop this skill set by selecting a text that is commensurate with their comprehension level. If you can’t find a suitable sample on the web, consider writing one yourself. The text should be about 500 words.

Students will listen and transcribe what they are hearing as quickly as possible. Emphasize the equal importance of accuracy and speed.

Read a few sentences at a time, pausing when you think appropriate.

Where to Start as an ESL Teacher

Devising effective ESL writing activities — and, equally importantly, adapting them to match the needs, interests, and social context of your students – requires a good bit of trial and error. Inspiration from other teachers’ examples and outside resources can help.To get started developing high-quality writing activities for your students, take a look at our list of free lesson plans . They are full of effective teaching strategies that are backed by years of practical success in ESL classrooms around the globe.

Picture of Ben Bartee


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Writing Topics For ESL Students

30 Writing Topics and Writing Prompts For ESL Students

When learning a new language like English, developing writing skills is essential. Many beginner ESL students find it difficult to write essays, especially if they have to come up with the essay topic themselves.

List Of ESL Writing Topics

Here is a list of ESL writing topics and writing prompts your students can write about.

Tips For Teaching ESL Writing

Error correction.

Although it is necessary to highlight and correct students’ errors, it can be quite demotivating for a student to only hear all the things they got wrong.

After correcting errors, give students an opportunity to re-write their essays and correct their mistakes. Once students have completed their final draft, be sure to let them know what you liked about their essay, and you can even share this praise with other students, teachers, and even the student’s parents.

Ask About Students’ Interests

A great way to encourage this is to ask about things students are interested in and then tailor the writing topic to them.

Provide Enough Writing Prompts

To help students write longer essays, be sure to give them enough writing prompts to cover the different aspects they should cover in their writing.

Structure The Essay

To help ESL students become better at writing in English, teach them a particular structure you would like them to follow when writing their essays.

Thanks for reading. I hope you found some useful ESL writing topics and writing prompts you can use in your next writing class. 

The Best ESL Writing Games and Activities.

ESL teacher are always looking for innovative ways to enhance your students’ writing skills?

Whether you’re teaching young beginners or advanced adult learners, these writing games are perfect for adding a fun twist to your ESL curriculum.

Just before we jump into these 17 ESL Writing Games and Activities we have the four skills covered on the site. Speaking, Reading, Writing and Listening.

The Best ESL Games and Activities – 4 Booklets in 1

Get ready to explore these engaging games that promise to transform your writing lessons into captivating educational adventures!

17 of the Best ESL Writing Games and Activities.

We have given full breakdown for these writing games and activities in each section including resources, numbers and time to play to help you speed up and make sure if these games suit your class and students.

1. Story Starters

Description of story starters esl writing game :.

Distribute different story starters to each student.

Students use the given sentence to start their story and continue writing, developing their own plot and characters.

2. Group Story Writing

Overview : Group Story Writing fosters collaboration and creativity. Each student contributes a sentence to a communal story, passing it around the classroom.

Description of Group Story Writing ESL Writing Game :

The paper is then passed to the next student, who adds their own sentence.

3. Writing Prompts Jar

Overview : The Writing Prompts Jar is an engaging way to inspire writing. Students pick a prompt from a jar and write a short piece based on it.

Description of Writing Prompts Jar ESL Writing Game :

They then write a short story , poem, or descriptive piece based on the prompt.

4. Picture-Inspired Writing

Overview : Picture-Inspired Writing uses visual stimuli to spark creativity. Students write a story or description based on an image.

Description of Picture-Inspired Writing ESL Writing Game :

Students write a narrative, poem, or descriptive piece inspired by their image.

5. Dialogue Development

Description of dialogue development esl writing game :.

This game enhances understanding of conversational language and the nuances of spoken communication.

6. Postcard Writing

Description of postcard writing esl writing game :.

Students choose a real or imaginary destination they’ve ‘visited.’

7. Word Limit Stories

Overview : Word Limit Stories challenge students to create a story using exactly a set number of words, such as 50 or 100. This game enhances precision in language use and creativity within constraints.

Description of Word Limit Stories ESL Writing Game :

Students write a short story that precisely meets the word count requirement.

8. Haiku and Poetry Creation

Description of Haiku and Poetry Creation ESL Writing Game :

Encourage them to focus on imagery, emotion, and brevity.

This game is great for practicing syllable counting and creative expression in a structured format.

9. Two Perspectives Writing

Description of two perspectives writing esl writing game :.

It’s an excellent exercise for exploring narrative voice, character development, and the subjectivity of experience.

10. Email Exchange

Description of email exchange esl writing game :.

Assign each student or pair a specific scenario for their email.

11. Diary Entry

Overview : Diary Entry encourages students to write a diary entry from the perspective of a character from a book or a historical figure, enhancing creativity and empathy.

Description of Diary Entry ESL Writing Game :

They write a diary entry from that person’s perspective, reflecting on a day or a significant event in their life.

12. Descriptive Writing Challenge

Description of descriptive writing challenge esl writing game :.

Other students can guess what is being described, adding an interactive element to the exercise.

13. Instructional Writing

Description of instructional writing esl writing game :.

Emphasis is on clarity, sequence, and the use of imperative sentences.

14. Sequencing Writing Game

Description of sequencing writing game esl writing game :.

This game encourages students to think about story structure, cause and effect, and chronological order in writing.

15. Role Play Writing

Description of role play writing esl writing game :.

Assign each student or pair a character or role.

This game enhances creative writing skills and the ability to write from different perspectives.

16. Acrostic Poems

Description of acrostic poems esl writing game :.

Assign each student a word or let them choose one related to a current theme or topic.

Students write an acrostic poem where each line starts with a letter from the word.

17. Collaborative Writing Blog

Overview : Starting a class blog where students contribute posts on various topics is an excellent way for them to practice writing in a real-world context. It enhances their ability to express ideas clearly and coherently.

Description of Collaborative Writing Blog ESL Writing Game :

Topics can range from personal experiences to opinions on current events.

This activity also allows for peer feedback and collaborative editing.

Don’t Forget you can access the pages for all our ESL games and activities from the links below or click on the image to download them all in one PDF file for $2.99 or the price of a coffee ( a good coffee we admit! )

Further Writing Games and Activities

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Fun writing activity: The consequences game

Are you struggling to make essay writing more engaging for B2 and C1 exam students with fun writing activities? Often, the challenge with teaching writing lies in making learning these skills enjoyable. That’s where creative writing activities like this one come into play. We’ve developed a dynamic activity called the consequences essay-writing game, designed to spark creativity and improve writing skills in a collaborative way. This game makes essay writing enjoyable and helps students construct well-linked arguments using common linking words.

esl essay writing activities

Why should you do fun writing activities?

In both B2 and C1 levels for Cambridge exams, writing an essay is obligatory. It comes up in Trinity and IELTS exams too. When writing essays, you are expected to express your ideas clearly and logically, making good use of a range of vocabulary and grammatical structures. The essays should be well-organised, with clear introductions, development of ideas, and conclusions. Linking words make sure that the essay flows and that the ideas are coherent.

So how can you do this in a fun way? With the consequences game, the writing is collaborative. Each student takes turns to continue an essay that another student or group started. The twist is that they can’t read the whole essay to know what was written before. This is a common creative writing task used to write stories, but it can be easily adapted. Each section of the game starts with a different linking word, so students are exposed to the useful language while having fun at the same time.

This type of fun writing activity helps to break up the monotony of potentially uninspiring writing lessons. Students will engage more with the task and care about their writing more. As an added bonus, it’s best when done collaboratively, so students will be using their speaking skills throughout the duration of the task also.

How the consequences game works

The game begins with several different essay topics. Each topic comes with a unique introduction and linking words. Then follow these steps carefully:

  • Read the introduction.
  • Continue the essay by writing the first paragraph.
  • After writing each section, fold down the previous section so that only the most recent section is visible.
  • Pass the essays to the next person or group.
  • Take turns writing sections of the essay, using the provided linking words to maintain cohesion.

As the game progresses, players build upon each other’s contributions, but without knowing how the essay started, it can lead to entertainingly disjointed essays. Encourage imagination and silliness for added fun.

After completing the essay, you can review and discuss the final product, analysing the effectiveness of their linking words and the cohesiveness of the essay.

The materials

This consequences game revolves around five topics, each with a set of linking words to guide students in creating compelling essays:

  • Climate change : Starting with the introduction, “Climate change is one of the most pressing issues of our time, affecting every aspect of the planet’s ecosystems.”
  • Social media : This topic begins with, “Social media has revolutionised the way we communicate, but its impact on society still needs further analysis.”
  • The future of work : With the introduction, “As automation and artificial intelligence continue to advance, the future of work is going to experience significant transformations.”
  • Education : Starting with “Educational methods, which play a crucial role in shaping individuals and societies, are continuously evolving.”
  • Art and culture : Beginning with, “Art and culture are not only entertainment. They also influence the values and dynamics of entire societies.”

By incorporating these topics into the consequences game, students learn to express their ideas with typical topics found in advanced language exams.

For more insights on using linking words effectively in your essays, don’t forget to check out our other linking words post on Breakout English .

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ESL Essay Writing: 7 Important Tips

“Every good story has a beginning, a middle and an end.”

This is true for a good essay, too.

An essay needs a coherent structure to successfully articulate its arguments. Strong preparation and planning is crucial to providing that structure.

Of course, essay writing can be challenging for ESL students. They must order their thoughts and construct their arguments—all in their second language.

So, here are seven ESL essay writing tips that will allow your students to weave together a coherent and persuasive essay, plus teacher resources for writing activities, prompts and lessons!

1. Build the Essay Around a Central Question

2. use the traditional 5-paragraph essay structure, 3. plan the essay carefully before writing, 4. encourage research and rewriting, 5. practice utilizing repetition, 6. aim to write a “full circle” essay, 7. edit the essay to the end, esl essay writing resources.

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Encourage your students to build all their writing around one central question.

That central question is the engine of the writing—it should drive everything!

If a word or sentence is not assisting that forward motion toward the explication of that question and its possible answers, then it needs to be reworded, rephrased or just plain cut out and discarded.

Lean writing is merciless. Focusing on a central question throughout the prewriting, writing and rewriting stages helps develop the critical faculties required to discern what to keep and what to throw away.

Providing a clear structure for the student to approach essay writing can do a lot to build their confidence. The 5-paragraph essay, or “hamburger” essay, provides that clear structure for ESL writers.

Generally, this structure employs five separate paragraphs for the entire essay. Each paragraph serves a specific purpose, melding together to form a coherent whole:

  • Paragraph 1: The introductory paragraph. This includes the thesis statement, orientating the reader to the purpose of the essay.
  • Paragraphs 2 to 4: The body paragraphs. These make individual points that are further backed up by various forms of evidence.
  • Paragraph 5:  The conclusion paragraph. This provides a summation of the arguments and a final statement of the thesis.

While students do not need to rigidly follow this format forever, the simple structure outlined above can serve as excellent training wheels for your writers.

Using the 5-paragraph structure as outlined above makes planning clear cut.

Once they have their theses and are planning their paragraphs, share with the students the ridiculously useful acronym P.E.E. This stands for Point, Explanation and Evidence.

Each body paragraph should make a point or argument in favor of the central thesis, followed by an explanation of this point and relevant evidence to back it up.

Students can make note of all their points, explanations and evidence before they start writing them in essay form. This helps take away some of the pressure ESL writers feel when faced with a blank page.

Extol the necessity for students to constantly refer to their planning. The mind-mapping techniques popularized by Tony Buzan can be useful at the planning stage and make for easy reference points to ensure focus is maintained throughout the essay.

Having a visual reference such as this can help ensure that your student-writers see each piece of the whole as well as that elusive “bigger picture,” so it becomes a case of seeing the forest and the trees!

Just as planning is crucial, so too is research.

Often ideas or connections do not occur until the writing process has begun. This is a good thing! Essay writing is a creative act, so students can have more ideas along the way and work them in as they go.

The key is to always be able to back up these ideas. Students who have done their research on their subject will be much more confident and articulate in expressing their arguments in their writing.

One way you can help students with context and research is to show relevant video content via FluentU . This language learning program uses authentic videos made by and for native speakers to help students learn English.

You can watch videos as a class or assign them directly to students for individual viewing. Videos come equipped with interactive bilingual subtitles and other learning tools such as multimedia flashcards and personalized quizzes so you can see how each student is doing.

No matter how your students do their research, the important thing is that they explore and understand their topic area before beginning the big task of writing their essay.

Even with thorough planning and research, writing oneself into a linguistic cul-de-sac is a common error. Especially with higher-level students, unforeseen currents can pull the student-writer off course.

Sometimes abandoning such a sentence helps. Going back to the drawing board and rewriting it is often best.

Students can be creative with their sentence structures   when expressing simpler ideas and arguments. However, when it comes to more complex concepts, help them learn to use shorter sentences to break their arguments into smaller, more digestible chunks.

Essay writing falls firmly in the camp of non-fiction. However, that doesn’t mean that essay writers can’t use some of the techniques more traditionally associated with fiction, poetry and drama .

One technique that’s particularly useful in essay writing is repetition. Just as poetry relies heavily on rhythm, so too does argument. Repetition can provide that sense of rhythm.

This is because written language has its origins in oral language. Think of the great orators and demagogues and their use of repetition. Speechwriters, too, are well aware of the power of repetition.

The writing principle of the “rule of 3” states that ideas expressed in these terms are more convincing and memorable. This is true of both spoken and written words and the ideas they express. Teach your students to use this method in their essay writing.

The very structure of the 5-paragraph essay lends itself to planning for this repetition, in fact. Each idea that is explored in a body paragraph should be outlined first in the introductory paragraph.

Then, the single body paragraph devoted to the idea will explore it at greater length, supported by evidence. And the third rap of the hammer occurs in the summation of the concluding paragraph, driving the point securely and convincingly home.

As mentioned at the start of this post, every good essay has a beginning, a middle and an end.

Each point made, explained and supported by evidence is a step toward what the writing teacher Roy Peter Clark calls “closing the circle of meaning.”

In planning for the conclusion of the essay, the students should take the opportunity to reaffirm their position. By referring to the points outlined in the introduction and driving them home one last time, the student-writer is bringing the essay to a satisfying full circle.

This may be accomplished by employing various strategies: an apt quotation, referring to future consequences or attempting to inspire and mobilize the reader.

Ending with a succinct quotation has the double benefit of lending some authoritative weight to the argument while also allowing the student to select a well-written, distilled expression of their central thesis. This can make for a strong ending, particularly for ESL students.

Often the essay thesis will suggest its own ending. If the essay is structured around a problem, it’s frequently appropriate to end the essay by offering solutions to the problem and outlining potential consequences if those solutions are not followed.

In the more polemical type of essay, the student may end with a call to arms, a plea for action on the part of the reader.

The strategy chosen by the student will depend largely on what fits the central thesis of their essay best.

For the ESL student, the final edit is especially important.

It offers a final chance to check form and meaning. For all writers, this process can be daunting, but more so for language students.

Often, ESL students will use the same words over and over again due to a limited vocabulary. Encourage your students to employ a thesaurus in the final draft before submission. This will freshen up their work, making it more readable, and will also increase their active vocabulary in the long run!

Another useful strategy at this stage is to encourage students to read their work aloud before handing it in.

This can be good pronunciation practice , but it also provides an opportunity to listen for grammatical errors. Further, it helps students hear where punctuation is required in the text, helping the overall rhythm and readability of the writing.

To really help your students become master essay writers, you’ll want to provide them with plenty of opportunities to test and flex their skills.

Writing prompts and exercises are a good place to start:

Descriptive writing activities encourage students to get creative and use their five senses, literary devices and diverse vocabulary. Read on for eight descriptive writing…

Giving good ESL writing prompts is important because inspiring prompts inspire students to write more and writing more is how they improve. Read this post to learn 50…

You’ll likely also want to teach them more about the mechanics of writing :

Are you looking for ESL writing skills to share with your ESL students? In this guide, you’ll find different ESL writing techniques, such as helping students understand…

Introducing ESL journal writing to your students is a great way to get them practicing their English skills. Here are nine essential tips to make this activity creative,…

Essays are a great way not only for students to learn how the language works, but also to learn about themselves.

Formulating thoughts and arguments about various subjects is good exercise for not only the students’ linguistic faculties, but also for understanding who they are and how they see the world.

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esl essay writing activities

Teaching Writing to ESL/EFL Students: Tips and Activities for Any Level

  • Linda D'Argenio
  • August 19, 2022

teaching writing to ESL students

Teaching writing to non-native speakers of a language presents a plethora of unique challenges and can feel overwhelming for new and seasoned teachers alike. However, teaching writing to ESL students can be dynamic and meaningful when approached with a bit of ingenuity.

If you’re new to teaching, you’ll want to get initial training and qualification with a TEFL certificate . You can explore our online TEFL courses to get started!

Why is it important to teach writing to ESL students?

In order to effectively participate as contributing members of society, individuals need to be able to communicate their thoughts in written form, whether they are using the English language as their vehicle or not.

Writing is an essential component of productive language, and ELs will need to demonstrate their ability to write in English if they hope to be competitive in a globalized world . Building competency in English-language writing supports reading comprehension, vocabulary expansion, and oral fluency , so there’s so much to be gained. And even if your students don’t plan to use the lingua franca on a regular basis, the skills gleaned from learning to write in another language transfer to all facets of life, making students more aware and more effective communicators in their native language(s) .

Teaching ESL writing aids in self-expression , which might be particularly meaningful for individuals who are hesitant to express themselves verbally. You might have the next Henry David Thoreau or Gabriel García Márquez in your class!

Why do ESL students struggle with writing?

Writing in another language is no easy feat, so it’s only natural that your ESL/ EFL students encounter difficulties when asked to do so.

First, it’s essential to recognize that writing conventions differ from one language group to another . Students from various linguistic backgrounds might declare that writing in English (particularly in an academic setting) is “boring,” something they perceive as formulaic. Often, these students come from backgrounds that value writing in a way that might seem “tangential” to native English readers.

In “Cultural thought patterns in inter-cultural education,” Robert B. Kaplan (1966) put forth a model for examining written discourse patterns, which illustrates how different thought patterns influence how speakers of other languages express themselves in written form.

esl essay writing activities

You can observe that English is illustrated as being very straightforward, which aligns with the directness of spoken English. Kaplan poses here that other language groups tend to branch off in different directions in written form, pulling in supporting elements that might not be directly correlated to the main idea and that present as “off-topic” for native English speakers.

Secondly, it’s crucial to keep in mind that writing requires a vocabulary lexicon that can adequately support sharing . Often, even the most proficient English learners struggle to select the language they need to convey their point. When tackling writing instruction, make sure to consider how you’re supporting vocabulary development to support the conventions you’re teaching.

Lastly (and perhaps most importantly), writing is a form of self-expression, and self-expression through writing isn’t valued the same way in all cultures . There is a great deal of value placed on sharing one’s opinions in the U.S., for example, but this is not the reality all over the world. Some of your students might have been taught that they receive and process information, but that they are not in the position to make statements of their own or have the authority to teach others. Therefore, putting their thoughts down on paper might feel formal, high-stakes even, for your students.

What are some tips for teaching ESL writing?

Regardless of the age and proficiency level of your students, or whether you’re teaching writing in an ESL or EFL classroom, there is a myriad of strategies that you have at your disposal.

Don’t underestimate the value of conducting needs assessments

When it comes down to how to teach writing skills, even if you are teaching a group that is considered a certain proficiency level, recognize that there is always going to be a range of experience and ability present. Spend time getting to know what your students have been exposed to and in what ways before deciding on your approach. Teach to the middle to ensure no one is left behind.

Check out the following sample needs assessment to get started:

Think about how you can lower learners’ affective filters

A large portion of all successful teaching comes from relationship-building. In addition to getting a true sense of your learners’ experience and abilities, try to understand their attitudes towards writing as a process and any challenges that might be borne from those attitudes. How can you increase your students’ comfort level? How can you engage the individuals sitting in front of you?

Check out these 5 ways to build rapport with your students when teaching English.

Think about how the writing task can act as a building block for other assignments

Learning how to write in another language can be intimidating, and even more so if your students don’t enjoy writing in the first place. When wondering how to teach writing to ESL/EFL students, think about how you can integrate writing more often and more seamlessly into your lesson plans. Instead of approaching writing in isolation, teach writing skills alongside other “more engaging” activities that students tend to enjoy more. Have your students participate in role-playing and storytelling activities that require writing but don’t make writing the focus of the activity. This is your chance to be sneaky and get your students to build their writing skills without even knowing!

Present opportunities to examine authentic, written language

Providing students with examples of the target language is non-negotiable, but challenge yourself to move beyond the sample texts in your curriculum where possible. Students might feel bored by the selected works in their textbooks – they need to recognize that written language is all around them. Pull from authentic texts that cover an array of topics that you know matter to your students to keep them enticed.

Try incorporating pop culture into your ESL classroom to spice up writing activities!

Lead with function over form in instruction, and then alter your focus

Students can be discouraged to find their paper covered with red ink, highlighting their fallacies. While it is important to provide corrective feedback, consider the purpose of the assignment before marking up the composition. Was the output comprehensible? Did it touch upon everything that you asked for? Focusing on both function (the purpose of the assignment) and the accuracy in form simultaneously can feel overwhelming. Choose your objectives carefully, make them known to the learners, and provide corrective feedback accordingly .

Choose writing activities that pertain to your students’ learning goals. For example, the following clip, from a BridgeUniverse Expert Series webinar , covers how to teach Business English students to write an email in English:

Consider formative assessment and reflective strategies

Whenever possible, assess student work periodically, examining the process with various checkpoints and iterations throughout, instead of just evaluating the final product. Writing is an iterative process, and students benefit greatly when offered opportunities to reflect on their process. Create opportunities for students to participate in self- and peer-revision processes, which in turn will result in more conscientious and focused writers.

What are some ESL writing activities and lesson plans for beginners?

It can feel challenging to come up with writing activities for learners with beginner proficiency, but with proper scaffolding , writing can be inclusive and participatory.

Try group writing processes in class to get students comfortable

Writers with beginner proficiency might default to a deficit mindset, believing that writing is inaccessible for them due to a dearth of vocabulary or experience, so when you start to look at how to teach writing in the ESL/EFL classroom, your first job is to inspire confidence and get students into a growth mindset. To get them comfortable with the writing process, engage them in group writing activities.

  • Choose a familiar topic (or have your students choose a topic together), and explain that you are going to “group-author” a paragraph.
  • Have the students share what they know about the topic, and you, as the teacher, act as the scribe, jotting down their thoughts in a central location.
  • Continue gathering their ideas until everyone has shared, remembering to emphasize that this is a process and that there is no wrong contribution.
  • Examine the individual contributions and note overlap: How can a few thoughts be grouped together? In the process, ask students to elaborate on what they meant and provide examples.
  • Organize these preliminary thoughts to the best of your ability, involving the students and getting them to notice organizational structures and decipher between the main idea and details.
  • After celebrating what you can refer to as the “first draft,” provide specific and limited ways to improve the piece. Did they include everything they thought was relevant to the topic? Could the paragraph benefit from additional cohesive devices? Do the subjects and verbs agree? Provide ample support in the form of examples, formulas, and sentence frames alongside the piece. Invite students to examine the paragraph and seek out these common mistakes (in partners or individually).
  • Create your “final draft” together, and ensure that it’s displayed prominently in the space.

By engaging them in the writing process in this way, you are instilling habits that will aid them in writing autonomously when the time comes.

ESL students

Make the most of brainstorming – both individually and with others

Have you ever had students tell you that they don’t know what to write? Students, particularly those at the beginner level, need ample time to think about the content before diving into the actual writing process . Emphasize the importance of brainstorming as a way to collect their thoughts and aid them in their writing. Engage students in different kinds of brainstorming activities, going beyond “write down what comes to mind.”

Consider Think-Pair-Share as a framework for brainstorming, where students take time to think independently about the topic, share their ideas with their peers, and then share aloud to a larger group. Typically, the sharing is done orally, but you could also consider the independent writing portion of the activity as “sharing” with a larger audience, just in written form.

What are some ESL writing activities and lesson plans for intermediate and advanced students?

Facilitate a two-way journal experience with your students.

Create a way for individual students to exchange their ideas with you in an informal way with a two-way journal . Have the students maintain a writing journal that you periodically collect to write comments and ask questions. The objective of this exchange is not to formally evaluate your students’ writing, but to gather intel about your students’ progress and connect with them as individuals. Within these exchanges, not only are you building and sustaining rapport, but you are also augmenting critical thinking and meta-cognitive skills with strategies like noticing and annotation.

Cultivate peer revision routines

Learning to write in a non-native language is as much a social process as it is a cognitive process. Involving students in peer revision activities can be incredibly beneficial in that students can learn from their peers (potentially those who are stronger writers than themselves) and develop the ability to think more critically about their own writing. While getting students to effectively participate in peer revision activities requires a lot of frontloading and the establishing of routine, it is the gift that keeps on giving. If you’re interested in facilitating peer revision with your students, consider the following as general guidelines:

  • Start by determining your focus for the activity. What are you asking the students to do? Make it clear to the students what you’re looking for, and provide supports that they can use in the process (e.g., a checklist or rubric).
  • Demonstrate how students would use the rubric, and go through the revision process as a group.
  • Provide sample pieces to examine, and engage the students in discussion around the samples.
  • Make sure that students are aware of what is considered appropriate and useful feedback through modeling. Have them practice, and give them feedback on their feedback.
  • Monitor the peer review sessions and jump in as needed, ensuring the quality of feedback for all involved parties.
  • Reflect on the peer feedback activity in whole-group format, asking students to share what they got from reading their peers’ work, defining areas that they excelled in and areas for improvement.

Timed writing

Once your students feel comfortable with the writing process and the structure at hand, consider different contexts that they’ll be writing in. Perhaps they are planning to take the TOEFL or the Pearson Test of English (PTE) and hope to study abroad, or maybe they’re about to enter the workforce and work collaboratively with others.

In either case, your students will need to demonstrate their ability to communicate their ideas in written form while adhering to time constraints . Plan timed writing activities for your students on a variety of topics and with different parameters. In a standardized test prep context, have students write under the same conditions as the test that they’re preparing to sit for.

Take a Micro-credential course in Teaching TOEFL Test Prep or Teaching PTE Test Prep to help students ace these high-stakes exams.

In a workforce development setting, illustrate a scenario in which an email from management warrants an urgent (and polished) response. In either context, examine the output and discuss strategies that the students used. Student output from timed activities provides fertile ground for examining accuracy in form. Walk students through noticing activities, and challenge them to remember their tendencies in subsequent timed writing tasks.

Teaching writing to ESL/EFL students requires commitment and perhaps a bit of innovation on the part of the teacher, but if done well, it can prove immensely useful in a globalized world, aiding individuals in self-expression and beyond.

In addition to writing, there’s another subject that can sometimes fill teachers with dread: grammar! Here are 7 simple strategies for teaching grammar to English language learners , so you can tackle this topic with confidence .

esl essay writing activities

Linda D'Argenio

Linda D'Argenio is a native of Naples, Italy. She is a world language teacher (English, Italian, and Mandarin Chinese,) translator, and writer. She has studied and worked in Italy, Germany, China, and the U.S. In 2003, Linda earned her doctoral degree in Classical Chinese Literature from Columbia University. She has taught students at both the school and college levels. Linda lives in Brooklyn, NY.

Free ESL Writing Worksheets For Your Lessons

Struggling to find ESL writing worksheets for your class?

Fret no more! We’ve compiled a list of free worksheets with exercises and practices that’ll turn your students into writing pros in no time — no matter what age or level they are!

Free ESL writing worksheets for your lessons

Why Should You Spend Time Teaching Writing Skills?

Writing skills are crucial to being a well-rounded speaker of any language. We write every day when we send emails and text messages.

Your students will need good writing skills so that they can write essays and responses to texts as they advance in their English studies.

Putting words to paper forces students to think about the components of language — how everything fits together and how words are spelled.

How Can You Incorporate Writing Skills Into Your Lessons?

You can of course assign reading and writing to your students as homework, but it’s also a good idea to have students do timed writing in class.

And you’ll love hearing the classroom go silent for 20 minutes or so while everyone’s hard at work.

You can do mini writing assignments throughout each unit, and then devote half or all of a class to a longer assignment (be it an essay, a speech, or a fictional story) at the end.

Free Printable ESL Writing Worksheets

Our worksheets archive is currently under development. Please get in touch if you want to contribute resources to share with your fellow teachers.

Worksheet TopicFile Download
Sample academic essay |
Writing practice: Creating complex sentences
Writing practice: Creating concise sentences
Writing practice: Using transition words |
Sample cover letter
Sample emails |
Creative writing practice: Newspaper articles
Creative writing practice: Restaurant review |


Writing practice worksheets terms of use, finish the story writing worksheets.

  • Beginning Finish the Story - The Snow Day
  • Beginning Finish the Story - The Fair
  • Beginning Finish the Story - Summer Camp
  • Beginning Finish the Story - The Birthday Party
  • Beginning Finish the Story - The Halloween Costume
  • Beginning Finish the Story - The 4th of July
  • Intermediate Finish the Story - The Beach Trip
  • Intermediate Finish the Story - The Great Find
  • Intermediate Finish the Story - Which Way?
  • Intermediate Finish the Story - Finding Muffin
  • Intermediate Finish the Story - The Zoo
  • Advanced Finish the Story - The Troublemaker

Question Response Writing Worksheets

  • Beginning Question Response - Your Favorite Color
  • Beginning Question Response - Your Favorite Day
  • Beginning Question Response - Your Favorite Number
  • Beginning Question Response - In Your Family
  • Beginning Question Response - Your Favorite Sport
  • Beginning Question Response - Your Favorite Clothes
  • Beginning Question Response - Your Favorite Music
  • Beginning Question Response - How You Relax
  • Beginning Question Response - Lunch Time
  • Beginning Question Response - With Your Friends
  • Beginning Question Response - Collecting Stamps
  • Beginning Question Response - Your Birthplace
  • Beginning Question Response - Starting Your Day
  • Intermediate Question Response - Your Favorite Food
  • Intermediate Question Response - Your Favorite Movie
  • Intermediate Question Response - Your Favorite Song
  • Intermediate Question Response - TV Programs
  • Intermediate Question Response - Your Favorite Time
  • Intermediate Question Response - Which Country?
  • Intermediate Question Response - The Wisest Person
  • Intermediate Question Response - Someone You Admire
  • Advanced Question Response - A Great Accomplishment
  • Advanced Question Response - The Most Exciting Thing
  • Advanced Question Response - Oldest Memory
  • Advanced Question Response - The Most Productive Day of the Week
  • Advanced Question Response - An Interesting Person
  • Advanced Question Response - What Have You Built?
  • Advanced Question Response - What You Like to Read

Practical Writing Worksheets

  • Beginning Practical - Grocery List
  • Beginning Practical - TO Do List
  • Beginning Practical - At the Beach
  • Beginning Practical - The Newspaper
  • Intermediate Practical - Absent From Work
  • Intermediate Practical - Your Invitation
  • Intermediate Practical - Paycheck
  • Intermediate Practical - The New House
  • Advanced Practical - Soccer Game Meeting
  • Advanced Practical - Note About Dinner
  • Advanced Practical - A Problem
  • Advanced Practical - A Letter to Your Landlord
  • Advanced Practical - A Product

Argumentative Writing Worksheets

  • Intermediate Argumentative - Cat, Star, or Book?
  • Intermediate Argumentative - Soccer or Basketball?
  • Intermediate Argumentative - Giving and Receiving
  • Intermediate Argumentative - Does Practice Make Perfect?
  • Advanced Argumentative - Five Dollars or a Lottery Ticket?
  • Advanced Argumentative - The Most Important Word
  • Advanced Argumentative - An Apple
  • Advanced Argumentative - Too Many Cooks

Writing Worksheets

  • Beginning Writing Worksheet
  • Intermediate Writing Worksheet
  • Advanced Writing Worksheet

Using Precise Language

  • Using Precise Language - An Introduction
  • Using Precise Language Practice Quiz

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Fun ESL Writing Activities ( See Activities )

Fun ESL Writing Activities

There are many kinds of ESL Writing tasks, such as free writing, creative writing, and guided writing (i.e., an essay).

Jump to ESL Writing Activities

I like to get my students started with free writing at the beginning of each class to encourage creativity and relieve pressure of making mistakes.

Steps to Free writing

  • Suggest the topic for Free writing.
  • Suggest the time limit (e.g., start with five minutes for higher level students and three minutes for lower level students). Try to increase the time each week.
  • Get Ready, Get Set, START WRITING !

Four Rules of Free writing

1. keep writing don’t stop .

Write as much as possible! Aim for quantity over quality. If you can’t think of anything, then simply write, “I can’t think of anything to write.”

2. No dictionaries! 

Looking words up in the dictionary takes a lot of time. If you don’t know a word, they write the word in your language, try to explain it in a different way, or skip it and move on.

3. Don’t worry about mistakes! 

The goal is to write as much as possible without worrying about grammar mistakes or vocabulary. Don’t worry about spelling, word usage, etc. Just write!

4. No talking! 

Free writing is a time for you to write. Don't talk until the Free speaking time is finished.    

Ideas for Free writing

  • Tell each student to write one word on the board. Then, tell the students to create a story using the words. It’s not necessary to use all the words.
  • Students write about their weekend to practice using past tense verbs.
  • Give students a topic each week similar to Free Speaking  (e.g., Hometown, Food & Restaurants, etc.).

Try Our Fun ESL Writing Activities


About The Teacher

About The Teacher

Inside My Wallet

Inside My Wallet

Secret Information

Secret Information

Warmers & fillers.

Correct The Errors

Correct The Errors

ESL Boggle Game

ESL Boggle Game

ESL Spelling Bee

ESL Spelling Bee

Four Squares Incorrect Sentences

Four Squares Incorrect Sentences

Give A Reason Because

Give A Reason Because

Rhyming Words Activity

Rhyming Words Activity

Running Dictation

Running Dictation

Telling Jokes With Homonyms

Telling Jokes With Homonyms

Top English Words

Top English Words

Translation Game

Translation Game

True Definition

True Definition

What's The Question?

What's The Question?

Matching Opposites

Matching Opposites

Tic Tac Toe

Tic Tac Toe

Activities by topic.

Brainstorming ESL Essay Writing  Topics

Brainstorming ESL Essay Writing Topics

Brainstorming ESL Writing  Topics

Brainstorming ESL Writing Topics

ESL Creative Writing Activity

ESL Creative Writing Activity

ESL Essay Writing Worksheets

ESL Essay Writing Worksheets

ESL Persuasive Speech Topics

ESL Persuasive Speech Topics

Using Mind Maps For ESL Writing

Using Mind Maps For ESL Writing

Teacher submitted activities.

A Lesson On Shopping And Money

A Lesson On Shopping And Money

Paragraph Writing: The Marvelous Toy

Paragraph Writing: The Marvelous Toy


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Easy ESL Writing Activities

Here are 5 ESL writing activities that work well as warmers or fillers for high beginner+ students. Practice sentence patterns and articles, do some editing, teach English, nudge students towards writing accuracy.

ESL Writing Activities and Worksheets

1. practice articles (10-15 minutes).

Do I use a or the ? That’s a tricky questions for students learning English writing. Takes students years to learn those rules by heart.

I find short exercises spread over time helps students get a feel for articles. This ESL writing worksheet has two sets of questions with answers on the second page.

2. Even More Articles (10-15 minutes)

Are you students begging for more practice questions with definite and indefinite articles? Well, here they are: more ESL practice questions with answers .

3. Editing Practice (8-12 minutes)

Editing practice, I think, is underused and underappreciated in the writing class. It compels students to concentrate on text and become mindful of errors.

Mindfulness is one path to better writing. Here are three  editing questions – short paragraphs – along with answers.

4. Complex Sentences (8-12 minutes)

If your students don’t know how to write a complex, they probably should.  This writing worksheet has two sets of questions with examples.

If your students haven’t seen a complex sentence in a while, you might need a 15 minute review lesson – like this review of complex sentences   – before setting them loose on this worksheet.

5. Appositive Sentences (10-12 minutes)

I usually include a unit on appositive sentences in my writing courses. Appositives add style and help students squeeze lots of information into a sentence without resorting to bulky relative clauses.

Here is the appositive writing worksheet .  If required, here is an English lesson on appositives .  

That’s it for now.


Teach Essential Writing Skills

If you like this writing exercise, why not buy the ebook?

Teach Essential Writing Skills is jammed pack with useful and practical lesson ideas for the ESL writing class. Click the book image to learn more.

teach essential writing skills

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  • How-to Videos

Writing Games and Activities

Most of these ESL writing activities and games can be integrated right into your lesson. Most can be used with whatever content you are teaching them on that day. Many incorporate not only writing, but speaking and other skills as well. Follow the link to watch the activity on video.

  • Pass the marker Most levels ; writing vocabulary, speaking, listening
  • Sprite Elementary+ ; writing vocabulary, speaking, listening
  • Sentence relay Elementary+ ; writing sentences, speaking
  • Essay writing Elementary+ ; writing basic essays, drawing
  • Comics I Middle school+ ; writing comics
  • Comics II Middle school+ ; writing comics
  • Mind maps Middle school+ ; writing
  • Dictations Elementary+ ; writing sentences, listening
  • Writing rearrange Most levels ; writing sentences, speaking
  • Writing relay Elementary-middle school ; writing, speaking, listening
  • Give them a letter Most levels ; writing vocabulary, speaking, listening

Specific writing activities

  • What would you do if...? Middle school+ ; writing, speaking
  • Past, Present, Future Lower intermediate+ ; writing, grammar, speaking

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  • Games & Activities

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9 Exciting EFL/ESL Activities for Writing & Spelling

Writing is one of the toughest parts of EFL/ESL teaching. While some students enjoy writing at length, the majority don’t, and it’s hard to inspire them to put pen to paper.

esl essay writing activities

Why, then, do all EFL/ESL writing activities seem so boring? Random emails to a faceless so-called “friend” in the textbook, or an essay on something nobody’s interested in. If you’re as frustrated with those exercises as I am, you’re in luck. I’ve compiled a list of 9 exciting writing activities for your classroom.

1. Collaborative stories

Estimated time: 20-30 minutes per round Energy level: 2/5 Materials: A4 paper (1 sheet per student) and writing materials

Instructions Give each student a sheet of A4 paper. Ask them all to write the first sentence of a story. It can be about anything. Give them around 1 minute to do this. When they’re finished, they should pass the paper to the student to their left (or around the class in a way you see fit). They then add a sentence to the story they receive. Again, allow 1 minute. This can continue for as long as you like – passing the stories on until time runs out or you feel the stories coming to a close. When they’re done, students can read stories out loud.

2. Pen Pals

This is a tried and tested way of getting students invested in writing letters or emails.

3. Bananagrams

If you don’t want to pay, or have a class with lots of students, you can just as easily print off and cut out some paper letters. I’ve even made a PDF for you to download.

How to play There are a two main ways you can use Bananagrams for EFL/ESL. 1. Free word creation – give your students letters and challenge them to come up with as many words as possible, the longest words possible, or use unfamiliar letters like Q, Z and J. 2. Bananagrams main game – the rules come with the game or you can watch how to play in the video below. With less advanced students, I allow them to make words separate from each other rather than having to connect them all.

4. Letter to Santa, a local celebrity, or the Queen

For added incentive, have your students write to someone who might actually respond. If you’re teaching ESL in an English-speaking country, writing to a local sportsperson or author might earn you a letter in return.

Having said all that, the Queen is getting old. At the time of writing (February 2022), she’s 95 years of age. When you’re reading this, she may sadly no longer be with us. If that is the case, you can write to the new monarch (King Charles), or any of the other royals!

5. Written Narrative Telephone

You’ll need a class size of 4 or more to play this game.

How to play One person starts as the storyteller. When you play for the first time, it’s a good idea that you, the teacher, start. The storyteller writes a short story (2-3 paragraphs). Give the story to a student and allow them a few minutes to read it. When they have finished reading, take the story away. They now have to rewrite the story as best they can in 5 minutes Once the time is up, they should pass their story to the next student, who has a few minutes to read, then rewrites it again. When it’s been around 5-6 students, stop the game and have students read out the stories.

6. Character descriptions

Writing descriptions is something even beginner students can do. There are ample opportunities for expanding vocabulary and developing written structures for intermediate and advanced learners, too.

Focus not only on physical appearance, but life story, personality, and mannerisms.

When you’ve got lots of amazing characters, why not write a story about them or stick them in a role-play situation?

Find out why I think role plays are a must for all EFL/ESL teachers by reading my article Why All EFL/ESL Teachers Should Use Role Play Activities .

7. Letter Battleships (Battlewords)

How to play The rules are just like in normal Battleships, but instead of ships, you have words. It’s a two player game. Players write words in the bottom section of the sheet with each letter in its own square. The words can be the same lengths as traditional battleships (5, 4, 3, 3, 2), or have more and larger ships (8, 7, 6, 5, 5, 4, 3). Players take it in turns to guess squares using the grid coordinates. If they get a hit, the player says what letter was in the square. To win, a player must be able to say all the words on the other player’s grid.

To get the Battlewords basic sheet and powerpoint document for customisation, click the links:

8. Class newspaper or blog

There’s something for everyone.

9. Countdown

The game is for advanced students (although upper intermediates can manage) and appears on my article 9 EFL/ESL Games and Activities for Advanced Learners .

Estimated time: 3 minutes per round Energy level: 1/5 Materials: Paper & Pen, this website: https://incoherency.co.uk/countdown/practice/

You can get a Countdown program on your phone, tablet or computer without needing to download anything by going to this website .

How to play The aim is to make the longest word you can by using the letters provided in just 30 seconds. First, using the website app, let one of your students pick either “consonant” or “vowel” for each of the nine letters (4-5 of each usually works best). Everyone should write down the nine letters. Start the timer, and while the music is playing, all the students should try to make the longest words possible. They can only use each letter once. At the end of the 30 seconds, each player says how many letters they got, and then reveals their answer (shortest word first). The person with the longest word wins as many points as letters in their word. If they get a nine-letter word (very rare), they get double – so 18 points!

Pens at the ready

I hope you’ve found inspiration from this list. Writing can be a tough thing to teach, but there’s no reason it shouldn’t be fun for both you and your students.

If you’re looking for more games and activities, check out my other lists: 9 EFL/ESL Speaking Games & Activities Perfect for Beginners 9 EFL/ESL Games & Activities for Intermediate Learners 9 EFL/ESL Games and Activities for Advanced Learners 9 High Energy EFL/ESL Games for Boosting Vocabulary 9 Engaging Homework Ideas for EFL/ESL: No worksheets! 9 Exciting EFL/ESL Activities for Writing & Spelling 9 Fun EFL/ESL Games & Ideas With Standard Playing Cards 9 EFL/ESL Games With No Materials or Preparation Needed 9 EFL/ESL 5 Minute Games Every Teacher Needs to Know 9 Superb EFL/ESL Games & Activities Using Just Pen & Paper 9 Classy EFL/ESL Games & Activities for Adults (+ tips) 9 Confidence-Boosting EFL/ESL Speaking Games for All Levels 9 Exciting Flashcard Games for EFL/ESL Classes

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Practical Process Essay and Writing Exercises

Brainstorming, outlining  and  exercises help students to order processes in a logical format and introduce students to process paragraph and essay writing.

1 Writing topic sentences for process essays (with possible answers)

Writing topic sentences for process essays (PDF)

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2 Brainstorming processes for process essays

This is a brainstorming exercise for ideas for a process essay. It is a good icebreaker and a nice way to ease into the topic.

Brainstorming topics  for a process essay (PDF)

3 Process essay outline exercise

This exercise helps students understand how to write an outline for a process essay. Students match the scrambled sentences on the Page 2 to the appropriate part of the essay outline.

4 Process  outline template

Brainstorming essay outline template (PDF)

Related Resources:

11 essential exercises for elementary writing students (PDF)

5 Process essay topic and support sentence exercises

This exercise helps students become familiarized with process essay topic and support sentences. Examples are given at the top of the worksheet and students complete the exercises lower down.

6 Processing an order exercise (elementary)

7 job application process worksheet (elementary), 8 process paragraph graphic organizer.

This process paragraph graphic organizer helps students organize their ideas in a logical order or steps or stages before writing a process essay.

Process paragraph graphic organizer (PDF)

9 Online Order Processing exercise (with answers)

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    Of course, essay writing can be challenging for ESL students. They must order their thoughts and construct their arguments—all in their second language. So, here are seven ESL essay writing tips that will allow your students to weave together a coherent and persuasive essay, plus teacher resources for writing activities, prompts and lessons!

  11. Teaching Writing to ESL/EFL Students: Tips and Activities for ...

    What are some ESL writing activities and lesson plans for intermediate and advanced students? Facilitate a two-way journal experience with your students. Create a way for individual students to exchange their ideas with you in an informal way with a two-way journal. Have the students maintain a writing journal that you periodically collect to ...

  12. Free ESL Writing Worksheets For Your Lessons

    Free Printable ESL Writing Worksheets. Download, edit and print all of the following worksheets for ESL teachers - completely free! Our worksheets archive is currently under development. Please get in touch if you want to contribute resources to share with your fellow teachers. Worksheet Topic.

  13. Writing Practice Worksheets

    In these writing practice worksheets, students practice reading and practical writing. Each worksheet begins with a prompt that gives students a chance to write practically. Each prompt features a real world writing activity. Example answers are provided for students to read and model their answer after. Beginning Practical - Grocery List.

  14. EFLSensei

    There are many kinds of ESL Writing tasks, such as free writing, creative writing, and guided writing (i.e., an essay). Jump to ESL Writing Activities . I like to get my students started with free writing at the beginning of each class to encourage creativity and relieve pressure of making mistakes. Steps to Free writing

  15. Academic Essay and Paragraph Writing Exercises and Worksheets

    Introductory Academic Essay and Paragraph Writing Exercises and Worksheets. Basic or elementary academic writing classes usually focus on brainstorming, outlining, writing topic and support sentences and essay structure. A teacher might also teach the various forms of attention getters, some basic transitions and different kinds of essay ...

  16. 154 Essay writing English ESL worksheets pdf & doc

    A selection of English ESL essay writing printables. essay writing. Worksheets. Powerpoints. Video Lessons. Search. Filters. 154 Essay writing English ESL worksheets pdf & doc. SORT BY. Most popular. TIME PERIOD. All-time. morewk. ESSAY WRITING. linking words and co. 10519 uses. zeugma.

  17. 125 Writing essay English ESL worksheets pdf & doc

    This study sheet is very useful for learning how to build essays and what goes into making one. A step-by-step guide into essays, from introduction to body parag... 97 uses. ktregh. Autumn pack. Reading, speaking, listening writing. Autumn pack worksheet includes Reading, speaking, listening writing activities, the whole lot.

  18. Easy ESL Writing Activities

    Here are 5 ESL writing activities that work well as warmers or fillers for high beginner+ students. Practice sentence patterns and articles, do some editing, teach English, nudge students towards writing accuracy. ESL Writing Activities and Worksheets 1. Practice Articles (10-15 minutes) Do I use

  19. Basic Writing Templates, Exercises and Worksheets

    12 Essential Paragraph and Essay Writing Skills Exercises and Worksheets Elementary paragraph and essay writing skills include brainstorming and outlining, as well as the ability to write attention getters, topic and support sentences. 1 Elementary academic paragraph writing lesson This is a bare bones elementary paragraph writing lesson for English language learners that aims to

  20. Writing Games and Activities

    Most of these ESL writing activities and games can be integrated right into your lesson. Most can be used with whatever content you are teaching them on that day. Many incorporate not only writing, but speaking and other skills as well. Follow the link to watch the activity on video. Pass the marker Most levels; writing vocabulary, speaking ...

  21. 10 Fun Activities to Develop Descriptive Writing in ESL Students

    10 Fun Activities to Develop Descriptive Writing in ESL Students. Sensory Stations: Set up different stations in the classroom representing each sense (sight, sound, taste, touch, smell). Add pictures and/or real objects. Have students explore each station and write descriptive paragraphs based on their sensory experiences.

  22. 9 Exciting EFL/ESL Activities for Writing & Spelling

    I've compiled a list of 9 exciting writing activities for your classroom. Not all these activities will work for your students. Some require a certain level of English or general maturity. Pick ones to suit your class. Collaborative stories. Pen Pals. Bananagrams. Letter to Santa, a local celebrity, or the Queen. Written Narrative Telephone.

  23. Practical Process Essay Writing Exercises

    Practical Process Essay and Writing Exercises Brainstorming, outlining and exercises help students to order processes in a logical format and introduce students to process paragraph and essay writing. 1 Writing topic sentences for process essays (with possible answers) This exercise helps students learn how to write topic sentences for process essays.

  24. Write an essay interactive worksheet

    writing an essay. Liveworksheets transforms your traditional printable worksheets into self-correcting interactive exercises that the students can do online and send to the teacher. ... School subject: English as a Second Language (ESL) (1061958) Main content: Writing (2013230) From worksheet author: ...

  25. Essay Writing worksheet

    Language: English (en) ID: 52427. 31/05/2019. Country code: AR. Country: Argentina. School subject: English as a Second Language (ESL) (1061958) Main content: Essay writing (2012684) From worksheet author: Essay structure - linking words.

  26. Classification Essays

    Liveworksheets transforms your traditional printable worksheets into self-correcting interactive exercises that the ... Classification Essays - Types of Students ... ID: 7650514. 10/04/2024. Country code: VN. Country: Vietnam. School subject: Academic Writing (2585999) Main content: Classification Essay Sample ...