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115 Most Interesting Accuplacer Essay Topics For College Students

accuplacer essay topics

Every level of the academic system has a certain prescribed assessment process that is introduced, which has become a necessary aspect of qualifying into the academic space of which any student aspires towards. This is exactly the case for Accuplacer, a series of tests that helps to determine any student’s readiness for college courses.

Almost every student plans to take Accuplacer in any college system they are enrolling in. These courses consist of a three-part testing technique of mathematics, reading, and writing. The writing test is taken specifically on WritePlacer. These tests are carried out through a digitized examining model designed by the school.

With the help and presence of your test score on Accuplacer, as a student, you save yourself the stress of spending exorbitant amounts enrolling for courses in which you are not grounded. One important and relaxing thing to note about the exam is that it’s not timed. Regardless, here are over 100 Accuplacer essay sample topics to explore for excellent test results.

Accuplacer Essay Topics for Test Practice and Guide

As a testing technique that comprises both mathematical questioning, reading, and writing, there are so many essay topics that can emerge from Accuplacer. This is essentially the case for people taking WriterPlacer which is the essay test of Accuplacer. Knowing some of the topics that could emerge from this section gives you an edge while preparing for your test as they all come with the different instructions included in the essay topics. Here are some Accuplacer essay sample topics to look into.

  • What is the situation of capitalism in the world today and how do you think is best to control it
  • Should capitalism be encouraged or curbed?
  • As a CEO of a company, what are the major aspects of a company to pay the most attention to
  • Choose any socio-political issue and elaborately explore its merits and demerits
  • What is a dream job and why should people dream for labor
  • Is dreaming about labor as capitalist as the 21st century?
  • What is your dream job and why do you aspire towards it?
  • Pick one major situation every president should pay deep attention to
  • Vacation goals: why do we need to aspire towards vacation
  • “You can make your work life a Vacation” how true is that?
  • What are the basic demerits of vaccinations without legal approval
  • “You dress how you’re addressed” how true is this statement?
  • How do you manage burnt-out culture in a capitalist system
  • Explore detailing if burn-out is manageable within the capitalist system
  • Argue for or against wellness culture
  • Argue for or against beauty culture
  • Argue for or against the implication of imperialism
  • Imperialism and neo-imperialism, what are their striking difference
  • How important are learning and the teaching of critical race theory in colleges?
  • In what ways can digital humanities enhance academia?

WritePlacer Sample Essay Topics

WritePlacer is a testing category that requires critical thinking and falls well within the Accuplacer testing technique. One of the aspects of your Accuplacer test scoring will be graded based on your essay construction. As Accuplacer is categorized into mathematics, reading, and writing, WritePlacer deals with essaying and how best to tackle these essay topics that will very often appear on the Accuplacer test script. Here are some Accuplacer writing prompts and WritePlacer topics to look into.

  • Given the opportunity to be a president, what is your first call of action?
  • How different is the Presidency from the president?
  • How does the role of the president differ from that of a mayor?
  • How can society be moved forward?
  • Explain why we need to practice sustainable living
  • What are the benefits of short vacations
  • Explain why we choose different careers
  • Why are there so many different careers in the world?
  • How can we better manage insecurities developed due to social media?
  • Do social media truly distort the image of reality?
  • What are the benefits of the influencing jobs and when did it spring off?
  • Argue for or against why people promote unrealistic beauty standards
  • “Books are better than people” How true is this assertion?
  • How important is food security
  • How important is the creation of sewage and drainage systems?
  • Ways through which floods can be managed
  • Hurricane and flood, which strikes the hardest?
  • Argue for or against female privilege
  • If the Army protects the land, what’s the work of the naval force?

Noteworthy Accuplacer Essay Examples for Guide

Still on the sample essay topic for Accuplacer. There are virtually a lot of topic essays that can come up during this test and having a wholesome view of what some of the topics could look like is paramount during your test preparation period. Here are some accuplacer essays and Accuplacer essay practice topics to enhance your test abilities with.

  • How important is wellness culture
  • What are the major distinctions between self-care culture and wellness culture
  • In what ways do self-care and wellness culture align
  • How can you describe the phrase “divine timing”
  • How important is formal learning in the 21st century?
  • How is digital learning competing with traditional learning?
  • What are the primary benefits of schooling online?
  • Explore the major areas in which digital learning is important
  • Digital literature and hard print literature, which is leading the pace?
  • Is there the possibility for the “death of the novel?”
  • What does the phrase “death of the novel” entail?
  • How beneficial is education
  • What are the sustainable ways to promote thrifting
  • Dangers of fast fashion to sustainable development in the human society
  • How can the addiction to fast fashion be controlled?
  • What are some of the benefits of sports items in schools
  • Argue for or against students going to school with cell phones
  • How has digital technology affected the children psyche
  • What is the significance of cell phones especially towards teenagers in high school

Accuplacer Essay Prompts for College and Post-High School Students

With Accuplacer, the questions on its essay version take up different interesting shapes while answering them. It can either be the need to defend a choice, to argue, or some other techniques to write with. The point is in understanding how these different essay answering methods appear to properly equip you for the testing period. Here are more Accuplacer essay prompts.

  • Argue for or against the war in underdeveloped countries
  • How important is reading to the mind
  • Do poor reading habits affect brain development?
  • Demerits of using cellphones in class
  • Argue for or against alcoholism and the abuse of alcohol
  • How destructive is drug abuse towards young college students?
  • Importance of health insurance in the healthcare system
  • Explore the expensive healthcare system in America
  • How important is consensus to the development of any society?
  • What are the striking differences between art and literature
  • How could the widespread erosion in the American south be controlled
  • The importance of drainage and sewage systems
  • Hurricane and the possible ways to manage it better
  • How does beauty culture promote westernization and a vague knowledge of beauty?
  • What are the follow-up consequences of policing women’s bodies?
  • How can global warming be resolved?
  • What are the different sustainable goals that have the potential to curb climate change?
  • How can climate change be explained to people without knowledge on the subject?
  • What is the importance of animals to both man and the earth and how can this be promoted in human society?

Comprehensive Writing Sample Topics

Most students panic when they realize that they will be required to do some writing as part of their Accuplacer testing technique. But, this writing isn’t usually exhaustive as it’s designed to be summarized as a 5 paragraph essay. The essay can only be from 300-600 words, this is mostly because you don’t have the whole day to do it. Here are some other writing sample topics to look into.

  • Should joining the military be coercive or individually motivated?
  • What are the side benefits of being in the military?
  • Argue for or against the need to eat healthily
  • Why should more people embrace veganism?
  • Importance of kindness towards others
  • Is stopping school after high school advisable?
  • How can student loan debt be controlled?
  • Importance of borrowing a student loan?
  • What are the benefits of attending college?
  • What virtues does college imbue in one?
  • Importance of choosing a major while in college
  • Importance of taking your time to choose a major
  • How can insecurity be reduced in a country?
  • In what ways does education enhance one?
  • Importance of the teaching profession
  • Why education should be free
  • Argue for or against free education
  • Is Private tutorship important?
  • Benefits of having a private tutor

Additional WritePlacer Prompts for Good Essays

As one of the categories within Accuplacer, WritePlacer requires as much attention as every other aspect of the test. It’s a part of the testing that requires a lot of critical thinking, understanding style, and having the ability to develop solid sentence structures that conveys the meaning of your essay to the reader/examiner. Your WritePlacer topic could take different angles and here are some other WritePlacer prompts.

  • Can obstacles or disadvantages spiral into something good?
  • How can you channel positivity into improving your general lifestyle?
  • What are the ways to improve healthy eating in general?
  • How can one manage college and personal activities?
  • Should dissent be encouraged within the academic setting?
  • What is the social importance of dissent?
  • What is a gag order and how can it affect freedom of speech within any institution?
  • Argue for or against capitalism
  • Should socialism be promoted as against capitalism?
  • Is teaching different from lecturing?
  • Of what purpose is lecturing instead of teaching?
  • What does it cost to promote peace in society?
  • Do we need more social platforms or less?
  • Argue for or against the benefits of social media
  • Argue for or against provocative dressing
  • How can harmony be promoted in college?
  • Importance of friendship in college
  • Should more than one major be encouraged?
  • Importance of hybrid learning

Are you preparing for your college essay test and will require the best writing help? Look no more for there are trustworthy university professors and teachers who are experts in this field and are willing to provide you with assistance. Whether you want our experts to take my test exercise and other easy, quick, fun, and informative essay service, they are more than ready to help you prepare for excellent test scores.

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  • ACCUPLACER WritePlacer Essay

Prepare for the ACCUPLACER Essay

Learn everything there is to know about the essay section of the ACCUPLACER English test. Prepare for the test with our TestPrep-Online comprehensive ACCUPLACER English practice pack.

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How Is the ACCUPLACER Writing Test Graded?

Accuplacer writeplacer essay writing tips, start preparing for the accuplacer english test, the accuplacer english essay: what you need to know.

The ACCUPLACER Writing Test , or WritePlacer Test, evaluates writing skills such as focus of the text, sentence structure, and organization. The purpose of the ACCUPLACER Writing Test is to measure how well a student can develop an argument, using evidence-based support as well as the appropriate mechanical conventions. The student is given one hour to complete the test. The essay itself should be no more than 300-600 words. When preparing for the ACCUPLACER WritePlacer , it is very important to understand the expected outline of an essay. This will help you map out your ideas and stay on topic. Straying from the topic, or not sticking to the word count results in an immediate zero. To help you feel fully prepared for the ACCUPLACER essay, our ACCUPLACER English Pack offers information about the section, tips for writing, and standard examples of ACCUPLACER essay prompts.

The essay test is graded using a computer software known as Intellimetric . Intellimetric bases its grading method on an analysis of a large body of graded essays. The system analyzes factors such as conventions, language use, development, and organization, as well as essay length and relevance. You should try your best to write an organized, well-developed essay just as you would in an English class.  A CCUPLACER essays are graded on a scale of 0-8, with "clear and consistent mastery" of essay-writing required to get an 8, the highest score.  Though many are skeptical about this method of grading, there is one very clear benefit: With a computer graded essay, students can receive their grade immediately, and thus have more motivation to improve. In addition, students preparing for the ACCUPLACER essay can better understand what factors to employ into their writing. Our ACCUPLACER English Practice Pack includes past ACCUPLACER essay samples as well as typical ACCUPLACER writing prompts.

Unlike the Reading Comprehension section and the Sentence Skills section of the ACCUPLACER test, the essay portion is timed , which means you need to use your time wisely. Though you may feel that a good essay requires you to “wow” the grader, remember that at the end of the day, the grader is not a human, but a computer. It is not looking to be wowed by you; it is simply looking to grade you. Below are some tips to help you achieve a great score on the ACCUPLACER Essay :

  • Stick to a standard format , including an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion. This will help you to maintain a consistent idea and will prevent you from straying from the topic. The ACCUPLACER Essay is a test of your formal writing skills, not of your creativity.
  • Keep your argument in line ; the ACCUPLACER WritePlacer is grading you on how well you can deliver and develop an argument. Make sure that you do so thoroughly by remembering the main points of your essay, and not going off on a tangent. Each paragraph should be relevant to the thesis, and each sentence within a paragraph should be relevant to the paragraph's topic sentence.
  • Use evidence . Don’t worry, the evidence does not have to be science-based, but it does have to be, well, evident. The ACCUPLACER Essay wants to see how you bring a claim forward. Make sure that you do so not as a magician conjuring things from thin air, but as a detective, showing the basis of your argument. What you choose to argue is not important, but how you make your argument is.
  • Read the prompt carefully —remember that your work is graded on relevance. If you do not answer the question that is asked, then it will not be graded, no matter how good the essay is.

Back to top

At TestPrep-Online we offer you the ACCUPLACER English Practice Pack. In addition to a grammar guide with exercises, sample questions, and full practice tests, the pack also includes essay assignments with full high-scored essay samples from which you can learn how to write effectively. Grammar that you learn while preparing for the other parts of the ACCUPLACER English section can help you write an essay with better mechanics. Your preparation for the ACCUPLACER Reading section can help you improve the organization and development of your ACCUPLACER Essay. Start now! Want tips for the ACCUPLACER math test as well? Try our ACCUPLACER Premium Pack, which has all the material you need to prepare for every section of the ACCUPLACER. 

ACCUPLACER® and WritePlacer® are trademarks and property of COLLEGE BOARD. The trademark holder is not affiliated with TestPrep-Online or this website.

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ACCUPLACER Writing Practice Test

Prepare for your test with realistic questions.

The ACCUPLACER Writing test is a computer-adaptive test comprised of 25 questions that assess your English and writing skills. To help you prepare for this section of the ACCUPLACER, this page contains everything you need to know, including what topics are covered, how many questions there are, and how you can study effectively.

Click “Start Test” above to take a free ACCUPLACER Writing practice test!

What’s on the Test?

Online accuplacer test prep course.

If you want to be fully prepared, Mometrix offers an online ACCUPLACER test prep course. The course is designed to provide you with any and every resource you might want while studying. The ACCUPLACER course includes:

  • 74 Review Lessons Covering Every Topic
  • 1,250+ ACCUPLACER Practice Questions
  • Over 240 Video Tutorials
  • More than 550 Electronic Flashcards
  • Money-back Guarantee
  • Free Mobile Access

The ACCUPLACER prep course is designed to help any learner get everything they need to prepare for their ACCUPLACER exam. Click below to check it out!

Ad for a Mometrix online course

How many questions are on the test?

There are 25 questions in total on the ACCUPLACER Writing subtest.

How do you pass the ACCUPLACER Writing test?

There is no “pass/fail” scoring system for this subtest. Your score will be placed on a score range of 200-300. Your placement on that range will indicate your English and writing knowledge and abilities.

To achieve a high score, you will need to spend an adequate amount of time studying for the test.

What is a good score on the ACCUPLACER Writing test?

Your test score will be placed on a score range of 200-300. Within that range are five score bands:

A good score to aim for is the 263-275 score band.

ACCUPLACER Practice Test Home

by Mometrix Test Preparation | Last Updated: June 28, 2024

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Click here for 20% off of Mometrix ACCUPLACER online course. Use code: SACCU20

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ACCUPLACER Practice Test

Writeplacer Sample Essay 2

Below is a sample essay response for our WritePlacer Practice Essay 2 . Be sure to write your own practice essay before you review this example. After the sample essay there is a short commentary which explains why this essay would receive a perfect score.

Essay Commentary

This response would earn the top score of 8. Even though the WritePlacer essay is scored holistically (meaning as a whole, not by its parts), let’s look at a detailed explanation of how this essay scored well in each of the essay criteria:

Purpose and focus The writer begins the essay by discussing their past, and introduces the hypocrisy of some of our systems. While people are often encouraged to be individuals, they are also often punished for not following rules. The writer uses this to establish their claim that even though conformity is easier, individuality is more important. The writer furthers that claim consistently throughout the response, using various different types of support. The writer makes sure to tie each of their body paragraphs back to their thesis. The conclusion introduces a counter-claim that the writer then effectively refutes. The writer takes a clear stance, focuses on that stance throughout the essay, and effectively proves their point.

Organization and structure The writer organizes and structures their essay very effectively. The introduction effectively presents the topic and makes a claim, and each of the body paragraphs work to prove that claim. The writer also does a good job of transitioning between paragraphs, like when they end the third paragraph with, “and innovation is driven by individuality” in order to transition into the next paragraph about a different kind of innovator.

Development and support The writer chooses to use three different types of evidence to support their claim. The writer opens with a personal anecdote, then presents an example of a historical/scientific figure, then presents an example of a modern innovator of technology. These three examples provide a more complete view of the writer’s claim, and shows that the writer’s point is important to the individual, but also to the world. The writer effectively weaves these examples with transitions and uses their claim as the focal point.

Sentence variety and style The writer articulates their point by effectively varying sentence style and structure. Throughout the essay, the writer mixes simple and complex sentences together to keep the reader active and interested.

Mechanical Conventions There are no issues with the writer’s mechanical conventions in this response. While not perfect, there are no noticeable mistakes in spelling, punctuation, or any other areas of conventions and mechanics.

Critical thinking While the writer takes a clear stance in favor of individuality, they also admit that the question is complex. By acknowledging the importance of conformity, the writer is able to more effectively convince the audience of their claim. Instead of blindly ignoring the opposing perspective, the writer uses it to strengthen their own argument. This displays a high level of critical thinking.

More Resources

WritePlacer Essay

Accuplacer Practice Test


  1. 115 Best Accuplacer Essay Topics To Score High

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  2. 011 Accuplacer Essay Example ~ Thatsnotus

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  3. Accuplacer Written Essay Samples

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  4. Impressive Accuplacer Essay Topics ~ Thatsnotus

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  5. Using 10 minutes to improve a 40-minute Accuplacer® Writeplacer

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  6. ACCUPLACER Writing Practice Test (updated 2024)

    accuplacer essay sample topics


  1. Don’t forget to practice before your test!

  2. Scoring a 6: Accuplacer® Writeplacer®

  3. Accuplacer Writing Practice Question

  4. ACCUPLACER® Informational Video

  5. Don't practice the Accuplacer® Writeplacer® essay alone!

  6. Accuplacer® Essay Practice


  1. PDF Writeplacer Sample Essays

    WritePlacer® assesses the writing skills of new college students. Test scores help colleges determine whether a student is ready for college-level coursework or would benefit from developmental instruction before taking credit-bearing courses. Students taking WritePlacer are presented with a prompt and asked to write an essay of approximately ...

  2. WritePlacer Essay Guide

    Your Accuplacer essay is only required to be 300-600 words in length, so a simple 5 paragraph essay will be more than sufficient. Scores on WritePlacer range from 1 to 8, with 8 being the highest. An essay that is too short to be evaluated, written on a topic other than the one presented, or written in a language other than English will be ...

  3. Accuplacer Essay Sample Topics

    Examples of topics that fall under this category include: Arguing for or against a particular book being included in a high school English curriculum. Arguing for or against all students participating in after-school sports programs. Arguing for or against individuals serving in the military after they graduate from high school.

  4. Download and practice with free sample questions

    See sample questions to help you practice for ACCUPLACER ESL tests. PDF. 212.16 KB. Download sample essay prompts and view scored essays. WritePlacer and WritePlacer ESL guides show you the types of prompts you might see on the WritePlacer tests, as well as examples of responses to those prompts, the scores they received, and why they received ...

  5. 115 Best Accuplacer Essay Topics To Score High

    WritePlacer Sample Essay Topics. WritePlacer is a testing category that requires critical thinking and falls well within the Accuplacer testing technique. One of the aspects of your Accuplacer test scoring will be graded based on your essay construction. As Accuplacer is categorized into mathematics, reading, and writing, WritePlacer deals with ...

  6. PDF WritePlacer® Guide with Sample Essays

    Students taking WritePlacer are presented with a prompt and asked to write an essay of 300 to 600 words. A prompt consists of a short passage. Following the passage is an assignment that requires the student to focus on the issue addressed in the passage. WritePlacer prompts are carefully designed to allow the student to respond quickly and in ...

  7. PDF Accuplacer

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  8. WritePlacer Essay Prep

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  10. PDF WritePlacer Essay Guide

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  14. ACCUPLACER Writing Practice Test (updated 2024)

    Start Test. The ACCUPLACER Writing test is a computer-adaptive test comprised of 25 questions that assess your English and writing skills. To help you prepare for this section of the ACCUPLACER, this page contains everything you need to know, including what topics are covered, how many questions there are, and how you can study effectively.

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  16. WritePlacer Practice Essay 1

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  18. ACCUPLACER Practice Test

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    Oliver Kerr from Schaumburg was looking for sample accuplacer essay topics Nestor Doyle found the answer to a search query sample accuplacer essay topics

  21. Writeplacer Sample Essay 2

    Below is a sample essay response for our WritePlacer Practice Essay 2. Be sure to write your own practice essay before you review this example. After the sample essay there is a short commentary which explains why this essay would receive a perfect score. My parents always told me to express myself, to be an individual and chart my own course ...

  22. PDF Accuplacer Esl (Loep)

    Essays are electronically scored, and scores range from 1 to 6. Essays shorter than the recommended minimum of 300 words may not fully meet the requirements of the writing task. An essay that is too short to be evaluated, written on a topic other than the one presented, or written in a language other than English will be given a zero.