World War II Worksheets, Crosswords, and Coloring Pages

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On Sept. 1, 1939,  Germany  invaded Poland, prompting the beginning of  World War II . Great Britain and France responded by declaring war on Germany.

Germany was ruled by a dictator named Adolf Hitler who was a leader of the Nazi political party. The German allies, countries who fought with Germany, were called the Axis Powers. Italy and Japan were two of those countries.

The Soviet Union and the United States would both enter the war two years later, allying with British and French resistance against the Nazis. These, along with China, were known as the Allied Powers. 

The United States, the United Kingdom, France, and the Soviet Union battled the Axis Powers in Europe and North Africa. In the Pacific, the U.S., along with China and the U.K. fought the Japanese across Asia.

With Allied troops closing in on Berlin, Germany surrendered May 7, 1945. This date is known as VE (Victory in Europe) Day.

The Japanese government didn't surrender until August 15, 1945, after the Allied Powers dropped atomic bombs on the cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. This date is called VJ (Victory in Japan) Day.

All told, some 20 million soldiers and 50 million civilians died in the global conflict, including an estimated 6 million people, mostly Jews, killed in the Holocaust.

World War II was the defining event of the mid-20th century, and no course in U.S. history is complete without a survey of the war, its causes, and its aftermath. Plan your homeschooling activities with these World War II worksheets, including crosswords, word searches, vocabulary lists, coloring activities, and more.

World War II Vocabulary Study Sheet

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Introduce students to terms associated with World War II using this vocabulary study sheet. This exercise is a great way to discuss the leaders of World War II and spark interest in additional research.

World War II Vocabulary

See how well your students remember the terms associated with World War II using this vocabulary activity. Students must answer 20 questions about World War II, choosing from a variety of war-related words. It’s a perfect way for elementary-age students to become familiar with key terms associated with the conflict.

World War II Wordsearch

In this activity, students will search for 20 words associated with the war, including the names of Axis and Allied leaders and other related terms.

World War II Crossword Puzzle

Use this crossword puzzle to help students learn more about World War II by matching the clue with the appropriate term. ​Each of the key terms used has been provided in a word bank to make the activity accessible for younger students. 

World War II Challenge Worksheet

Challenge your students with these multiple-choice questions about the people who played a major role in WWII. This worksheet builds upon vocabulary terms introduced in the word search exercise.

World War II Alphabet Activity

This worksheet allows younger students to practice their ordering and thinking skills by alphabetizing a list of names and terms associated with World War II that were introduced in earlier exercises.

World War II Spelling Worksheet

Use this exercise to help students improve their spelling skills and reinforce knowledge of important historical figures and events from the war.

World War II Coloring Page

Spark your students' creativity with this coloring page, featuring an Allied air attack on a Japanese destroyer. You can use this activity to lead a discussion about important naval battles in the Pacific, such as the Battle of Midway.

Iwo Jima Day Coloring Page

The Battle of Iwo Jima lasted from Feb. 19, 1945, until March 26, 1945. On Feb. 23, 1945, the American flag was raised at Iwo Jima by six United States Marines. Joe Rosenthal was awarded a Pulitzer Prize for his photograph of the raising of the flag. The U.S. military occupied Iwo Jima until 1968 when it was returned to  Japan .

Kids will love coloring this iconic image from the Battle of Iwo Jima. Use this exercise to discuss the battle or the famous Washington D.C. monument to those who fought in the conflict.

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world war 2 homework for kids


world war 2 homework for kids


world war 2 homework for kids

10 facts about World War 2

Learn about this hugely important event in british history….

In September 1939, Britain entered into what would become the world’s most devastating war to date. Learn all about the events that changed the lives of millions in our World War 2 facts….

World War 2 facts

1.   world war 2  was a battle between two groups of countries.

– the “ Allies ” and the “ Axis “. The major Allied Powers were Britain, France, Russia, China and the United States. The major Axis Powers were Germany, Italy and Japan.

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2.  Before World War 2 began, Germany was ruled by a man named Adolf Hitler

Together with the  Nazi Party , he wanted Germany to rule Europe. To gain more land and power, on 1 September 1939 German troops invaded Poland. After Hitler refused to stop the invasion, Britain and France declared war on Germany – World War II had begun.

3. During the course of the war, German forces advanced through Europe.

By the summer of 1941 they had invaded France , Belgium , Holland , Luxembourg , Denmark , Norway , Greece , Yugoslavia * and the USSR *.

Did you know that we have a FREE downloadable  Second World War primary resource ? Great for teachers, homeschoolers and parents alike!

4.  Millions of Germans were imprisoned and killed because they didn’t fit the image of the ‘perfect’ German

Hitler wanted to create what he thought was the “best” and strongest race – and to the Nazi Party, this excluded certain groups, such as Jews , Gypsies and those with physical and mental disabilities . In an attempt to eliminate a “racial enemy” outside of Germany, such groups were also persecuted in the countries invaded by German forces.

5.  The group most heavily targeted by the Nazis were the Jews

Around six million Jewish people were killed during World War 2 in one of history’s most terrible events – the Holocaust. Racist in his views, Hitler blamed Jewish people for Germany losing World War I and claimed they were dangerous to German people and society.

6.  Around the same time that Germany fought for power in Europe, Japan wanted to control Asia and the Pacific

In 1937 (before World War 2 had officially begun) under Emperor Hirohito , Japan attacked China, bringing the two nations into years of conflict.

7.  The US didn’t join the war until 1941, when Japan attacked the United States

– at their Naval Base at Pearl Harbor in Hawaii . On 8 December 1941 (the very next day), the US declared War on Japan and, in turn, its German allies.

8.  Some countries remained ‘neutral’ in World War 2

Such countries were Spain , Sweden and Switzerland – who  chose not to join either side.

9.  The Germans surrendered on  8 May 1945

In 1944, an Allied army crossed from Britain to free France from Nazi rule. One year later, Allied armies invaded Germany, forcing the Germans to surrender. After  nuclear attacks on Japan’s major cities Hiroshima and Nagasaki , Japan also surrendered to Allied forces in August the same year. World War 2 had ended.

10.  Around 64 million people died in World War 2

Find out more about the countries involved in World War 2 with our Germany , Japan and USA facts . Plus, learn about the life of Anne Frank , a young German girl who wrote a world-famous diary… 

With thanks to Dr. Matthew Thomas from the National Army Museum and Ian Kikuchi from the Imperial War Museum , London.

*yugoslavia was a country established in 1918 in south-east europe, which included modern-day serbia, montenegro, croatia, slovenia and bosnia-herzegovina., *ussr (union of soviet socialist republics, or the soviet union) was a former country which included modern-day russia, ukraine and estonia, as well as other socialist states., what did you think of our world war 2 facts let us know by leaving a comment below., leave a comment.

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this is so sad

that is so cooooooool


I knew seven of them already but the three I learned were interesting

Totally awesome

I loved it!!!

good website

it was so amazing

so sad so manny people died

This is ok, it did help me with my work, but the layout could be better

interesting facts! really nice

Nice, this really helped me with my school work, Thanks!!

This is nice, really helped me with school work, Thanks!! :D

you are sooo cool

wow so exciting

soooooo cool cool

so you are good

cool and interesting

Very Interesting

it was amazing learning about this.



this was a great website

Love them really helped my research

Coolest website ever

Good job on the article, maybe include some more information on events though.

Let's take action!

sad stuff guys

Sad but cool

It was a transcendental event for humanity that we must avoid repeating because today there is greater military power and with several countries that have nuclear bombs. It would be a universal disaster without losers and winners.

this website is pretty good!

Really good facts helped a lot on my project :]

good job homework is easy and fun

Hey thanks nat geo! the facts were really interesting and helped alot with my project :) cya soon in another comment section:P

This is very nice it help me so much.

Thank you Nat Geo, you helped me with my project!

amazing but sad

I learned so much from this and it really helped me with my task

3/ & in Africa they invaded Egypt, Tunisia, Sudan, British Somaliland; & and Britain in the Channel Islands; 6/ & Italy wanted to control large tracts of Africa to include Tunisia, Egypt, Sudan, Djibouti & British Somaliland. 8/ Portugal was neutral and so was Eire: if the former held sympathies for Britain the latter was a non belligérant sympathiser of Nazi Germany to the extent of mourning Hitler’s death, generously welcoming German children after the War Marshall Plan funds asssisting the war weary countries, and responding to an invitation to join NATO with a “....only if you give back our six counties”. Who needs enemies with friends like that ?

you guys are nice

Good info it is very useful

Loved the facts!

This was very helpful, thank you!

my great-grandmother fought in WW2 aged only 15, and survived ! :)

Facts are true

Those facts are very important and I think it is very interesting.

Just sad on how many people died

this was really helpful for school work!!!! And Hitler was the worst.

thank you for teaching me more stuff about ww2 so i can bring it back to school as homework

I think I have learnt about more world war 2 facts because we're learning about it

That I did not know but is was pretty scary and sad

this has told me alot more about ww2 than i knew. thank you!:)

These facts really have helped me on my homework!

awesome research

I love this work

There are lots of different facts

they were really interesting as we are doing world war 2 as our topic when we go back to school

I love history and learning about World War 2 all of these facts were very interesting. I love to look at World War 2 facts because it is so much fun to learn about history it is sooooooooooooooooo mkuch fun to do. Thavnks for making this website and I loved it . Thanks again for making this website it is so much fun to learn abut history!!!!!!!!!!!

this is good info

Excellent work with your facts.

thanks for the info

Thanks for the help

Cheers for the facts

I love to learn about ww2 very interesting!

very intresting

good info I liked it

very good info it helped me

gooooooood information

very good info

I learnt so much today

wow i did not know that

Thanks for the information. Helped a lot

I learned so much

cheers for the key facts !

i have some newspaper clippings from then they are very interesting

Wow.... It's very cool .but it must have been had living those days

It must of been really bad to live in those days

my Grandpa Percy was in the wold war 2

That is sad news in the war.

Just amazing

i love history

I think that the world should be peaceful

Helped me with projects


this was great help when i did my project and i got an A

I loved this article because it gave me a lot of information

I love this website, so much info

Awesome I really needed this

Thanks i really needed this


Has a lot of useful information and a lot of facts, I would give it a ten out of ten

Nice Information Very Helpful

great information

Wow! Thanks, NatGeoKids.

good detail.

this helped me so much

wow interesting

World War 2 was a terrible and historic event of our planet.

I think it could be better with what the people did when they were at home and what was the daily routine

i have no idea wht I am

man this people didnt know the war was going on and they where working tss

Sweet! My topic is WW2 so I need to do some research! UUUUUHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Ty soldiers rip

awesome dude so cool man cant believe it dud hahahahaha


this is awesome,how did they make this.....

I think it was really neat that you could get all the info.

very interesting

this is a cool acritcle

It was really really interesting .

amazing story i have read

war war why does it has to be war

This is so cool helped me with my power point and homework . Its awesome , cool , fantastic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Shibin high

This really helps

I dont no what to say wow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Very helpful

Cool! Really helped with my homework. I really hate Hitler now!

Great Really Helped Me With My Work

exellent page

This was awesome it really helped me with my homework



wow I have leaned so much

This is very useful .

I am writing a story about World War Two and needed some facts, this was very helpful, thankyou! :D


i love reading about ww2




Helped me a lot with my fictional writing thanks ngkids

helps me with my project.

awesome i used this for an essay and i smashed it with an A+

Anyone wanna be friends?

Hey guys anyone wanna be friends?

This is really good for my school project. =)(=

Cool and amazing

Helped me A LOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It helped me alot

I like this. It tastes funky

Hitler was a crazy psychopath

I hate hitler but i love this avatar ehehe <3

Cool and great

it is the best for children

I need 200 facts for my game board in 1 day my eyes hurt its homework Britans darkest hour :blitz ,V

this helps me a lot

64 million! whoa thats a lot of numbers.


This really Helped me!!!! thx

I wish that it was 20 facts but hey thanks ngk

It helps me

Oh my goodness, National Geographic, you helped with my topic and homework once more. This article gives me so much information and tells me specificly what World War Two is all about.

i love it thank you soo much helps me with my homework of world war two thankks keep it up

This helped me with my year 6 homework!

go on Britain

lots of geat facts! Cool stuff!

Hitlers mean!

I think it is great and the facts are amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

why would Hitler take all of those innocent lives? I dont think he was kind at all!

i think the website is very helpful

I really got my vision of World War 2! We are so lucky to be alive!RIP soldiers!

wow!!!!!!!!!!!!! didnt know that

that helped alot


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World War II

  • The Good Fight: How World War II was Won by Stephen E. Ambrose. 2001.
  • World Almanac Library of the Holocaust: Fighting Back by David Downing. 2006.
  • New Perspectives: Hiroshima and Nagasaki by R. G. Grant. 1998.
  • Days that Shook the World: D-Day June 6, 1944 by Sean Sheehan. 2003.
  • Events that Shaped the Century by the Editors of Time-Life Books with Richard B. Stolley. 1998.

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US Army soldier reads to girl

World War II at Home

With school closures due to the COVID-19 outbreak, the Museum is committed to serving students, teachers, and parents who are now conducting school online. Teaching from home can present unique challenges, but The National WWII Museum offers a wide array of online resources to help you teach your students or children about the history of World War II from the comfort of your own home. Below you will find a collection of lesson plans, essays, webinars, and at-home activities designed to help educators and homeschooling parents reach their teaching goals while they are away from their classrooms.

For Teachers

From the collection to the classroom.

From the Collection to the Classroom : The online educational hub for The National WWII Museum’s own curriculum covering four separate volumes on the history of World War II including: The War in the Pacific, The War in Europe, The Home Front, and Liberation & Legacy. Each curriculum kit contains essays, lesson plans, links to oral histories, maps, timelines, and several other teaching tools you can use to help students learn about the war that changed the world.

All lessons and essays are free to access and download. Teachers, please create a free account to access the full selection of resources, including archival footage, “What Would You Do?” scenario videos, as well as other online resource materials.

Real World Science

Real World Science : Real World Science is part of an effort by The National WWII Museum, and funded by the Northrop Grumman Foundation, to use the war that changed the world to teach how society turns to Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) when it faces big problems. Gain access to over forty different lesson plans to help students learn how to connect science, history, and literacy through a series of fun activities.

Distance Learning Program Archive

Distance Learning Program Archive : Find all past webinars and Electronic Field Trips within this video archive. Videos can be sorted by category, so if you teach social studies, science, or English, there is something for you! Be sure to check out our recent Electronic Field Trip about the Manhattan Project, where student reporters visit the first industrial-scale nuclear reactor in Washington state and the Los Alamos National Laboratory in New Mexico. You can also find this same archive along with other great content, on the Museum’s YouTube Channel .

WWII Flipgrid Disco Library

WWII Flipgrid Disco Library : The Museum has recently partnered with Flipgrid and is one of the first few Museum content partners on their Disco Library . We have 31 topics and counting on a range of subjects related to the war. If your field trips have now been canceled, you can still have your students interact with a Museum educator by having them upload video questions to Flipgrid . We’ll be moderating that grid and posting responses to select questions daily.

Get in the Scrap!

Get in the Scrap! : Inspired by the scrapping efforts of students during World War II, Get in the Scrap! is a national service learning project for students in grades 4-8 all about recycling and energy conservation. Your students have the power to affect positive change on the environment; much like students 70 years ago played a positive role on the Home Front in securing victory in WWII.

For Students

Live webinars.

Live Webinars : Over the next several weeks, join The National WWII Museum for a series of K–12 webinars broadcasting live each Thursday at 12:00 p.m. central time. Students and their families will meet Museum Educators who will teach important lessons from definitive moments in World War II. You’ll also participate in live demonstrations, Q&A, and decision-making scenarios. Set your calendar and make plans to join us!

The 320th Barrage Balloon Battalion: The African American Heroes of the D-Day Invasion February 17 | 12:00 p.m.–1:00 p.m. (CT)

The Woman Behind the Camera in World War II March 31 | 12:00 p.m.–1:00 p.m. (CT)

Meet the Young Adult Author Deborah Hopkinson April 28 | 12:00 p.m.–1:00 p.m. (CT)

Korematsu v. United States: Japanese American Incarceration in WWII May 12 | 12:00 p.m.–1:00 p.m. (CT)

The History of European Antisemitism May 18 | 4:00 p.m.–5:30 p.m. (CT)

Highlights from The National WWII Museum Education Collection September 17 | 12:00 p.m.–1:00 p.m. (CT)

Niels Bohr: At the Crossroads of History September 24 | 12:00 p.m.–1:00 p.m. (CT)

Beneath the Bayou October 1 | 12:00 p.m.–1:00 p.m. (CT)

Red Tail, WASP and Firefly: The Aviators of WWII October 8 | 12:00 p.m.–1:00 p.m. (CT)

WWII and the Early Civil Rights Movement October 15 | 12:00 p.m.–1:00 p.m. (CT)

The Origins of WWII October 22 | 12:00 p.m.–1:00 p.m. (CT)

Meet the Author: Alan Gratz October 27 | 12:00 p.m.–1:00 p.m. (CT) (On a Tuesday)

On Deck of Patrol Torpedo Boat 305 November 12 | 12:00 p.m.–1:00 p.m. (CT)

Electing Roosevelt: 1940 and 1944 November 19 | 12:00 p.m.–1:00 p.m. (CT)

Free Pearl Harbor Student Webinars November 30–December 4

From Christmas Lights to Bomb Fuses December 10 | 12:00 p.m.–1:00 p.m. (CT)

Dr. Seuss and WWII: Analyzing Political Cartoons December 17 | 12:00 p.m.–1:00 p.m. (CT)

Highlights from The National WWII Museum Education Collection January 14 | 12:00 p.m.–1:00 p.m. (CT)

Meet the Author: Sharon Cameron January 28 | 12:00 p.m.–1:00 p.m. (CT)

The Color of Blood: Charles R Drew, MD., Ph.D. February 11 | 12:00 p.m.–1:00 p.m. (CT)

American Liberators of the Holocaust February 25 | 12:00 p.m.–1:00 p.m. (CT)

Development of Drugs and Vaccines: Lessons from World War II March 11 | 12:00 p.m.–1:00 p.m. (CT)

STEM Innovation: from the Computer to Artificial Intelligence March 25 | 12:00 p.m.–1:00 p.m. (CT)

The Holocaust: One Teen's Story of Persecution and Survival April 8 | 12:00 p.m.–1:00 p.m. (CT)

Tinkering with Found Objects: A STEAM Webinar April 14 | 12:00 p.m.–1:00 p.m. (CT)

S. Neil Fujita: Cover To Cover April 22 | 12:00 p.m.–1:00 p.m. (CT)

Miss a webinar? Check out all previous webinars on the Museum’s YouTube channel .

At Home Science for Kids

Check out this PDF for fun at-home activities that tie STEM concepts to WWII history. These activities are great for kids in 3rd to 8th grade, but can be adapted up or down.

WWII At Home STEM Activities

Elementary Lessons and Activities

Simple to follow, at-home lessons and activity resources for students in grades Kindergarten through 6th grade. Most activities are interdisciplinary, linking history with various other subjects (ELA, Math, Arts).

Code School Activity Guide

Greetings from Far Away-Writing Informal Letters with V-Mail

Stamping Out the Enemy-War Savings Stamp Math

Service on Celluloid

Service on Celluloid : Listen to a podcast brought to you by The National WWII Museum that takes a deep look at depictions of World War II on film over the last 70-plus years. In-house experts at the Museum, along with special guests, hold lively debates on the historical merits of treasured classics and smaller films alike. Pairing the films with the podcast episodes makes for a fun at-home activity that teachers, students, and parents can all engage with.

Interactive Video Series

Check out this interactive video series for students! Each video features a different topic, and interactive features in which students can drag and drop, answer questions, and interact with the content. Videos will be released November 2020, February 2021 and April 2021. Note: for optimal viewing experience, we recommend accessing these programs on a desktop computer, laptop, or tablet device.

All Around the World: Exploring the Ecosystems of World War II November 5 | 12:00 p.m.–1:00 p.m. (CT)

Online Resource Sites

Along with lesson plans and educational resources, The National WWII Museum also offers online microsites full of primary source materials and archival images.

Guests of the Third Reich

Guests of the Third Reich : A special exhibit website that details the stories and experiences of American Prisoners of War (POWs) in Europe. Including maps, photographs, and journals kept by American POWs, this website provides first-person perspectives on capture, life in the camps, and the eventual liberation of American servicemembers imprisoned by Nazi forces.

See You Next Year!

See You Next Year! : Access over 40 digitized highschool yearbooks from WWII that reveal the subtle and outright ways the war affected life on the Home Front. These yearbooks provide unique glimpses into the lives of American high school students who confronted and worked to support the realities brought forth by WWII.

Barbed Wire to Battlefields: Japanese American Experiences in WWII

Barbed Wire to Battlefields: Japanese American Experiences in WWII : This microsite details the personal accounts of Americans of Japanese descent who fell under the suspicion of the general American public and formal incarceration by the federal government in the days following Japan’s attack on Pearl Harbor. As roughly 120,000 Japanese Americans endured incarceration in internment camps across the country, 33,000 Japanese Americans still answered the call to serve the United States in World War II. Photographs, oral histories, and archival materials help to tell these stories.

We’re here to help you in these challenging and new circumstances. Follow us on our social media platforms to connect directly with the WWII Media and Education Center staff!

Follow us on Twitter: @WWIIEducation .

Are you a K-12 teacher? Join our closed Facebook page created just for teachers to share and discuss resources related to the history of World War II: K-12 Education at The National WWII Museum .

For more information or questions about our online resources and programs, email us at [email protected] .

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World War II

world war 2 homework for kids

What was World War II?

World War II involved many countries around the globe fighting against each other, including the UK. It lasted six years, from 1939-1945.

The War became a global conflict after the German military, led by Adolf Hitler , invaded Poland in 1939 because he wanted to take some of their land for Germany . France and Britain declared war on Germany because they didn’t think what Germany was doing was right, then Italy joined with Germany, and gradually other countries in Europe and around the world became involved with either the Allies or the Axis powers.

Life during the Second World War was very difficult. Today, we mark special days to remember the many millions of people who fought and died during World War II.

Top 10 facts

  • World War II lasted from 1939 to 1945.
  • World War II began when German troops invaded Poland on 1 September 1939 .
  • The UK declared war on Germany on 3 September 1939. It was announced by Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain.
  • While many countries were involved in the war, they each took sides – either with the Allies, or the Axis.
  • The main Axis countries were Germany, Italy and Japan .
  • The main Allied countries were Great Britain, the United States , France and the Soviet Union ( Russia ).
  • British Prime Ministers during World War II were Neville Chamberlain until 1940, then Winston Churchill .
  • The Battle of Britain , between the German Luftwaffe and the Royal Air Force, was the first ever battle to be fought only in the air. It was made up of lots of air battles that lasted from 10 July to 31 October 1940.
  • World War II ended in Europe on 8 May 1945 – this is also known as VE Day (Victory in Europe Day).
  • World War II carried on for a few months after it ended in Europe, and officially ended when Japan formally surrendered to the Allies on 2 September 1945 (also called VJ Day).
  • 1 September 1939 Germany invaded Poland
  • 3 September 1939 The UK and France declared War on Germany

world war 2 homework for kids

  • 14 May 1940 The Home Guard was created (The Local Defence Volunteers)
  • 26 May-4 June 1940 The evacuation of British and French troops from Dunkirk, France
  • June 1940 German troops occupied the Channel Islands.
  • 10 June 1940 Italy declared war on Britain and France, and allies with Germany
  • 10 July-31 October 1940 The Battle of Britain
  • 7 September 1940 The Blitz begins in London
  • 8 September 1941-27 January 1944 The Siege of Leningrad
  • 7 December 1941 The Japanese attacked an American naval base at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii
  • 8 December 1941 The United States declared war on Japan, and joined with the Allies
  • 6 June 1944 D-Day, when troops from Britain and the US landed in France to fight against the Germans
  • 16 December 1944-25 January 1945 The Battle of the Bulge
  • 8 May 1945 VE Day (Victory in Europe Day), when Germany surrendered
  • 15 August 1945 VJ Day (Victory in Japan Day), when Japan surrendered
  • 2 September 1945 Japan formally surrendered, and officially ended World War II

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Did you know?

  • Even though World War II involved countries all over the globe, there were two sides fighting against each other – the Axis powers and the Allied powers.
  • The UK was part of the Allies.
  • Two types of aeroplane were used in the Battle of Britain – bombers that dropped bombs on towns and cities and fighters that attacked other aeroplanes.
  • The main aeroplanes flown by the RAF were fighters called the Spitfire and the Hurricane . They tried to destroy German bombers before they could attack British towns and cities.
  • The Luftwaffe (Germany’s air force) used both bombers and fighters. They used the bombers to attack towns and cities, and the fighters to stop the RAF fighters from destroying German bombers.
  • The German’s most famous fighter aeroplane was the Messerschmitt and their main bombers were the Heinkel, the Junkers and the Dornier.
  • British Prime Minister Winston Churchill, US President Franklin Roosevelt and Soviet Union leader Joseph Stalin were known as the ‘big three’. They were all leaders of Allied countries.
  • The Siege of Leningrad – when all the roads going in and out of Leningrad were closed off so nobody could come in or go out, even to get food – lasted for 900 days (about two and a half years).
  • The code name for D-Day was ‘Operation Overlord’.
  • D-Day is a name the military use when planning an event – the ‘D’ doesn’t stand for anything.
  • The code name for the evacuation of Allied troops from Dunkirk was ‘Operation Dynamo’.
  • Hitler’s plan to invade Britain in the summer of 1940 was called ‘Operation Sea Lion’.

Browse through the gallery and see if you can spot the following:

  • Spitfire planes
  • The bombing of Cologne in Germany
  • Omaha Beach in Normandy
  • A D-Day commemorative statue
  • Soldiers' graves in Normandy
  • The evacuation of troops from Dunkirk
  • Winston Churchill during WWII
  • Neville Chamberlain declaring war on Germany
  • Supermarine Spitfire aeroplanes
  • Hawker Hurricane aeroplane
  • A Luftwaffe aeroplane
  • Adolf Hitler
  • Benito Mussolini
  • Franklin D Roosevelt
  • Hideki Tojo
  • Joseph Stalin
  • World War II British Army uniform

world war 2 homework for kids

The main countries and leaders that made up the Allied powers were:

  • Great Britain – led by Prime Minister Winston Churchill
  • The United States – led by President Franklin D Roosevelt
  • France – led by Charles de Gaulle
  • The Soviet Union – led by Joseph Stalin
  • China – led by Chiang Kai-shek

The three main countries and leaders that made up the Axis powers were:

  • Germany – the Nazis, led by Adolf Hitler
  • Italy – the Fascists, led by Benito Mussolini
  • Japan – known at that time as the Empire of Japan, led by Hideki Tojo; the emperor of Japan during World War II was Emperor Hirohito.

World War II began when the UK and France declared war on Germany, after German troops led by Adolf Hitler had invaded Poland on 1 September 1939 to claim land there as their own. Hitler had already invaded Austria and Czechoslovakia, so the war began over his plan to take more land for Germany.

The Siege of Leningrad is a famous event during World War II. For 900 days – from 8 September 1941 to 27 January 1944 – the city of Leningrad in Russia was surrounded by German troops. That meant everyone inside the city had to stay there, and that there wasn’t any way for food or other provisions like medicine to get in. Many hundreds of thousands of people died during this time (600,000-800,000) because there wasn’t enough food or heating to go around, but the people who lived in Leningrad refused to surrender to the Germans.

In 1940, the French port of Dunkirk was the location of a big turning point for the Allies in World War II. Hitler’s armies bombed Dunkirk heavily, and many Allied troops were waiting on the beach to be rescued because they didn’t have the resources they needed to fight back. From 26 May to 4 June, over 550,000 troops were ferried to safety across the English Channel – the code name for this was ‘Operation Dynamo’. Some British civilians (people who weren’t in the army) even used their own boats to help save as many people as they could. The rescue operation helped to boost morale in Britain, where they really needed some good news. This helped in going into the next major event in World War II, the Battle of Britain .

The Royal Air Force were the stars of the Battle of Britain , which is the first military battle to be fought entirely in the air. In ‘Operation Sea Lion’, Hitler planned to invade Britain and add another country to his list of conquests. But, first he had to fight off the RAF, which is where he ran into trouble. Britain’s RAF beat Germany’s Luftwaffe, but after a long series of battles from 10 July-31 October 1940. The whole thing is called the Battle of Britain because it’s what made Hitler eventually change his mind about trying to invade the UK, and he went after Russia instead. The RAF pilots showed tremendous courage and bravery as they kept fighting the Luftwaffe even when it looked like they might lose.

June 6, 1944 is also known as D-Day. On that day, the Allied forces launched a huge invasion of land that Adolf Hitler’s Nazi troops had taken over. It all began with boats and boats full of Allied troops landing on beaches in the French region of Normandy. They broke through the German defences and carried on fighting them back through Europe for the next 11 months until they reached Berlin, where Hitler was then hiding.

The Battle of the Bulge took place from 16 December 1944-25 January 1945, and was the last major effort by Hitler to defeat the Allies. He had hoped to break up the parts of Western Europe that the British, American and French troops secured by splitting the area in half – this would mean that the armies wouldn’t be able to get supplies across to each other, and would make them easier targets for Hitler and his armies to fight against. But, all Hitler did was to make the Allied line of troops ‘bulge’ in the middle as he fought to push them back, and the line didn’t break completely. So, he didn’t accomplish his goal, and the Allies won the battle.

Names to know

Neville Chamberlain (1869-1940) – British Prime Minister from 1937-1940; Chamberlain was Prime Minister when Britain declared war on Germany. Winston Churchill (1874-1965) – British Prime Minster from 1940 to 1945, then again from 1951 to 1955; Churchill was Prime Minister during most of World War II.  Churchill is famous for his speeches that inspired people to keep on fighting. Adolf Hitler (1889-1945) – German dictator during World War II, and leader of the Nazi political party Benito Mussolini (1883-1945) – Italian dictator during World War II, and leader of the Fascists; Mussolini was also known as ‘Il Duce’ (‘the leader’), and joined forces with Hitler as one of the Axis powers. Franklin D Roosevelt (1882-1945) – United States President during most of World War II Joseph Stalin (1878-1953) – leader of the Soviet Union during World War II Hideki Tojo (1884-1948) – Japanese leader and military general during World War II

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Just for fun...

  • Learn to sing songs that were popular during WWII , including 'White Cliffs of Dover' and 'Everything stops for tea'
  • Use interactive maps to see the battles of WWII in Europe, Africa and Asia
  • Take a WWII quiz
  • Design the interior of an Anderson Shelter and try some WWII craft activity ideas with the Biggin Hill Memorial Museum Armchair Explorers Activities
  • Watch the Horrible Histories song about WWII pilots, The RAF Pilots - The Few Song
  • See a Battle of Britain dogfight in action and find out about Britain's pilots in a BBC interactive guide to the "secret" of winning the Battle of Britain

Children's books about World War II

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Find out more:

  • A series of BBC films about WWII for KS2 children  offers a comprehensive overview of World War Two for primary schools
  • Watch a brief video overview of the Second World War
  • Read about the 5 phases of WWII
  • 10 facts about WWII from National Geographic Kids
  • Watch WWII video clips from the BBC archive and find out more about evacuation, the Blitz, rationing, famous WWII songs, news reports, speeches and eye-witness accounts
  • A children's guide to WWII from DKfindout!
  • Interactive articles and timelines about the major events and people of World War Two
  • Video information about rise of the Nazis
  • Read a BBC Bitesize summary of WWII
  • A complete BBC interactive timeline of WWII , including videos of key events
  • Maps, investigations and individual sources about WWII from the National Archives
  • Look at an interactive map of the world and events during World War II
  • Watch short BBC films about the significance of D-Day, the biggest air and seaborne invasion in history
  • Understand more about D-Day: look through information sources about D-Day and read a D-Day guide from the National Army Museum
  • The  CBBC guide to D-Day
  • See photographs of the Dunkirk evacuations
  • Read about what people who lived during World War II remember from those difficult years at the website ‘The People’s War’
  • Find out about 9 iconic aircraft from Battle of Britain , including the Spitfire and the Hawker Hurricane
  • A detailed guide to the Spitfire, the most famous plane of World War Two
  • Find out about all the different types of World War II defences (called pillboxes) that you can still see around Britain
  • Watch a Newsround introduction to the Holocaust
  • The life and times of Winston Churchill , and how Churchill's speeches (and his dentures!) contributed to the war effort
  • Read about life during WWII in kids' historical fiction set during the Second World War
  • Nathalie Sergueiew, 'Treasure', was a WWII spy
  • Look through photos of Victory in Europe (VE) Day celebrations

See for yourself

  • See exhibits from the Battle of Britain and the Blitz at the RAF Museum in London . You can even climb into a Spitfire and experience what it would have been like to fly one!
  • Take a tour of the HMS Belfast, one of the ships used to ferry troops to Normandy on D-Day
  • See the aeroplanes involved in the Battle of Britain, inside on of the hangars that was actually used in 1940, at the Imperial War Museum in Duxford
  • Walk through the Cabinet War Rooms , which were located underground so Winston Churchill and other leaders could kept safe during the Blitz and hold top security meetings
  • Britain built thousands of defensive structures called Pill Boxes all over the country that soldiers could use to defend the country if the Germans invaded. Are there any near where you live?
  • Find out about code-breaking at Bletchley Park
  • See and find out about objects from World War II
  • Hear all the sounds of WWII: Chamberlain and Churchill's speeches, WWII songs and music, news as it was reported in 1939-1945

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©Copyright Mandy Barrow 2013

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Woodlands Junior School, Hunt Road Tonbridge Kent TN10 4BB UK


  1. World War 2 Worksheets For Kids

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  2. Seven Awesome Activities for Teaching World War 2

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  3. Seven Awesome Activities for Teaching World War 2

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  2. World War II

  3. Unbelievable WW2 Facts

  4. KS2 World War Two Blitz Arts and Crafts

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  1. World War II

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    However, at the time it was a popular policy. 1938 was just 20 years after the end of World War One. People in Britain were not ready for another major conflict.

  13. World War II at Home

    Join our closed Facebook page created just for teachers to share and discuss resources related to the history of World War II: K-12 Education at The National WWII Museum. For more information or questions about our online resources and programs, email us at [email protected].

  14. World War Two Facts for Kids

    Top 20 World War Two Facts For KS2 Kids. The war lasted six years and one day. WWII began on September 1st 1939. WWII ended on September 2nd 1945. The war began when Germany invaded Poland. Great Britain declared war against Germany on September 3rd 1939. Germany was led by Adolf Hitler - the leader of the Nazi party.

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    September. 1. Germany invades Poland, starting war. 3. Britain, France, Australia, and New Zealand declare war on Germany. 8. President Franklin D. Roosevelt issues Emergency Proclamation, authorizing expansion of Army and National Guard. 10. Canada declares war on Germany.

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  21. World War Two Facts for Kids

    Top 20 World War Two Facts For KS2 Kids. The war lasted six years and one day. WWII began on September 1st 1939. WWII ended on September 2nd 1945. The war began when Germany invaded Poland. Great Britain declared war against Germany on September 3rd 1939. Germany was led by Adolf Hitler - the leader of the Nazi party.

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