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NCERT Solutions for Class 6 English Chapter 1 Who Did Patrick’s Homework

September 22, 2021 by phani

Working With the Text  (Page 11)

Answer the following questions of Class 6 English Chapter 1 (Refer to that part of the text whose number is given against the question. This applies to the comprehension questions throughout the book.)

1. What did Patrick think his cat was playing with? What was it really? (2) Ans:  Patrick thought that his cat was playing with a little doll. It was, in fact, a very small-sized man, an elf.

2. Why did the little man grant Patrick a wish? (2) Ans:  Patrick had saved the tiny man’s life from the cat by not handing him back to the cat. So he promised to fulfil one wish of Patrick.

3. What was Patrick’s wish? (3) Ans:  Patrick hated doing homework. His greatest wish was that the little man should do all his homework till the end of the session.

4. In what subjects did the little man need help, to do Patrick’s homework? (5, 6) Ans:  The little man needed Patrick’s help in maths, English and history.

5. How did Patrick help him? (7) Ans:  Patrick sat beside the little man and guided him. He brought books from the library and read out to him.

6. Who do you think did Patrick’s homework – the little man, or Patrick himself? Give reasons for your answer. (9, 10) Ans:  It was Patrick himself who actually did all the homework. He had to help the elf again and again with guidance and books.

Working with Language

A.The pill in the blanks in the sentences below with the words or phrases from the box. (You may not know the meaning of all the words. Look such words up in a dictionary, or ask your teacher.)

  semester       between you and me                look up

1.   Some people find household__________________ a bore, but I like to help at home. 2. Who stole the diamond is still a_____________________ . 3.  This_________________ we are going to have a class exhibition. 4.  _______________ , the elf began to help Patrick. 5.Can you__________________ this word in the dictionary? 6.I started early to be on time, but I was_____________________ . There was a traffic jam! 7.She says she’s got a lot of books, but______________________ I think most of them are borrowed. Ans. 1. chores     2. mystery              3. semester                4. True to his word

  • lookup out of luck          7. between you and me

B.Use the clues given below to complete this crossword puzzle.

NCERT Solutions for Class 6 English Chapter 1 Who Did Patrick's Homework Working with Language 1

  • work that must be done every day, often boring
  • a basket with a lid
  • have a short, high-pitched cry

NCERT Solutions for Class 6 English Chapter 1 Who Did Patrick's Homework Working with Language 2

1. In the story, Patrick does difficult things he hates to do because the elf pre­tends he needs help. Have you ever done something difficult or frightening, by pretending about it in some way? Tell your classmates about it. Or Say what you feel about homework. (The words and phrases in the boxes may help you.) Do you think it is useful, even though you may not like it? Form pairs, and speak to each other.

For example: You may say, “I am not fond of homework.” Your partner may reply, “But my sister helps me with my lessons at home, and that gives a boost to my marks.”                                  (not) be fond of       (not) take to                  (not) develop a liking for                                 (not) appeal to      (not) be keen on               (not) have a taste for                                              support        assist         with the aid of                                              help        be a boon             give a boost to

Ans: 1. I am not very fond of keeping my room clean and tidy. 2. But my sister does all this for me. 3. I have not developed a liking for non-veg. 4. But my elder brother does not support me. 5. I have taken to playing football. 6. I have developed a liking for chess also. 7. I appeal to my friends to play some game. 8. Sports can be a boon in career making. 9. They give a boost to my confidence. 10. My deskmate is keen on getting ‘A’ grade. 11. I hope he will assist me also in preparing my lessons.

Writing  (Page 13) A. This story has a lot of rhyming words, as a poem does. Can you write out some parts of it like a poem, so that the rhymes come at the end of separate lines? For example: Patrick never did homework. ‘Too boring”, he said. He played baseball and Hockey and Nintendo instead. Ans. The man of the tiniest size was true to his word and wise Patrick saved the elf from the cat The elf promised to do all that Patrick loved sports and hated homework He wasted his time and studies shirk

B. Look at these sentences. 1.‘Too boring,” he said. 2. Cleaned his room, did his chores. When we speak we often leave out words that can easily be guessed. We do not do this when we write unless we are trying to write as we speak (as in the story). So, if we were to write carefully, we would say:

  • Homework is too boring, he said.
  • He cleaned his room and did his chores.

C. Rewrite the following incomplete sentences carefully, so that the reader does not have to guess what is left out. 1.more and more books. 2.too difficult. up late, missed the bus. 4.solved the mystery.

Ans: 1. The writers and poets read more and more books. 2. This personal question is too difficult to answer. 3. When I got up late yesterday morning, I missed the school bus. 4. Lord Krishna solved the mystery of life after .death.

NCERT Solutions for Class 6 English Chapter 1 Who Did Patrick's Homework Page 13 Writing

  • What is it about?
  • Do you find it funny? If so, why?
  • Do you think a cartoon is a serious drawing? Why or why not?

1. It is about a father’s concern for the betterment of his child. 2. Yes, the cartoon is really funny. Father orders the child to labour (to work hard) with his studies. But he forbids the boy to read the laws against child labour. 3. A cartoon is chiefly meant to make us laugh. It is also a serious drawing in one sense. It draws our attention to some problem that affects us all.

                                              MORE QUESTIONS SOLVED


1. What was Patrick’s chief interest? Ans:  Patrick’s chief interest was to play hockey, football and video games.

2. What warning did the teachers give to Patrick? Ans:  The teachers noticed that Patrick never did his homework. So they warned him that he would remain a fool, an illiterate person.

3. How did Patrick get his wish granted by the elf? Ans:  Patrick saved the life of the elf from a cat. So the elf promised to fulfil one wish of his saviour.      ‘

4. What made Patrick believe that he was lucky? Ans:  Patrick hated homework and loved sports. He called himself lucky when the tiny man agreed to do all his homework.

5. Why did the little man’s face wrinkle and frown? Ans:  The little man was an elf. He had not studied maths or English. So he was angry when called upon to do Patrick’s homework.

6. The little man kept his word. But there was one glitch. What was it? Ans:  The little man did not go back on his promise. But his problem was that he did not know maths, English or human history.

7. The little elf was a nag. How did it tell upon Patrick’s health? Ans:  The little elf agreed to do Patrick’s homework. But he had a problem. He was always seeking Patrick’s help. Overwork tired him and caused swelling in his eyes.

8. What changes came in Patrick’s behaviour in the end? Ans:  In the end, Patrick became a model boy. He cleaned his room, did all his daily work, became cheerful and polite.


1. Who did Patrick’s homework? Why and how? Ans:  Patrick had no interest in studies. He hated doing homework. He was lucky to get a helper. It was an elf. He had saved the elf from a cat and the elf promised to do all Patrick’s homework for 35 days. But the poor elf was blank in English. and maths. He sought Patrick’s help and guidance. Patrick brought books from the library and worked hard to solve all sums. He got good marks. Actually, it was Patrick himself who did all his homework.

2. How did Patrick get supernatural help? Was the elf intelligent enough to answer questions in all the subjects? Ans:  One day Patrick found his cat playing with a doll. He rescued the tiny doll, who in fact was an elf. He promised to grant his saviour one wish. Patrick told him to do all his homework for 35 days. The elf had to keep his word. But he was quite ignorant of language and maths and even other subjects. He called out to Patrick to come and guide him.

3. Give the characteristic features of the elf which helped Patrick. Ans:  Patrick saved a little doll from his cat. That doll was, in fact, a very small sized man, an elf. He was timid. He felt grateful to his saviour. In return, he prom­ised to grant Patrick a wish. He could not say ‘no’ to any of Patrick’s requests. He agreed to do Patrick’s homework. But he was illiterate. He sought Patrick’s guidance at eveiy step.

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NCERT Solutions for Class 6 English Honeysuckle Chapter 1 Who Did Patrick’s Homework


  • 6th June 2023

NCERT Solutions for Class 6 English Honeysuckle Chapter 1 Who Did Patrick’s Homework is given here. These Solutions covers answers for all the questions given in the chapter. These solutions will help students to prepare well and face the English exam with full confidence. You can also download the PDF of these solutions for free.

Class 6 English Honeysuckle Chapter 1 Questions and Answers

Working with the Text

Answer the following questions (Refer to that part of the text whose number is given against the question. This applies to the comprehension questions throughout the book.)

Question 1: What did Patrick think his cat was playing with? What was it really? (2)

Answer: Patrick thought that his cat was playing with a little doll. The cat was actually playing with an extremely tiny man, who wore a woollen shirt with old fashioned britches and a high tall hat.

Question 2. Why did the little man grant Patrick a wish? (2)

Answer: Patrick saved the little man’s life from the cat as he did not hand him over to the cat. Out of gratefulness, the elf promised to grant a wish to Patrick.

Question 3. What was Patrick’s wish? (3)

Answer: Patrick hated doing homework. His greatest wish was that the little man should do all his homework till the end of the session.

Question 4. In what subjects did the little man need help, to do Patrick’s homework? (5, 6)

Answer: The little man needed Patrick’s help in maths, English and history.

Question 5. How did Patrick help him? (7)

Answer: Patrick helped him by working harder than ever. He even stayed up at nights.

Question 6. Who do you think did Patrick’s homework – the little man, or Patrick himself? Give reasons for your answer. (9, 10)

Answer: In reality, Patrick did all the homework by himself. He had to help the little man over and again with proper guidance and brought books from the library to do the homework.

Working with language

Question A:

Fill in the blanks in the sentences below with the words or phrases from the box. (You may not know the meaning of all the words. Look such words up in a dictionary, or ask your teacher.)

out of luckmysterytrue to his wordchores
semesterbetween you and melook up

1. Some people find household ————— bore, but I like to help at home. 2. Who stole the diamond is still a ————— 3. This ———— we are going to have a class exhibition. 4. —————, the elf began to 5. Can you ————— this word in the dictionary 6. I started early to be on time, but I was ————. There was a traffic jam! 7. She says she’s got a lot of books, but ———help Patrick. I think most of them are borrowed

Answer A: 1. chores 2. mystery 3. semester 4. True to his word 5. look up 6. out of luck 7. between you and me

Question B. Use the clues given below to complete this crossword puzzle.

NCERT Solutions for Class 6 English Honeysuckle Chapter 1 Who did Patrick's Homework image 1

Across 1. very tired 2. had an angry look on the face 3. short trousers 4. a fault in a machine that prevents it from working properly 5. a small and naughty boy-fairy

Down 6. work that must be done everyday, often boring 7. a basket with a lid 8. gave a short, high-pitched cry

NCERT Solutions for Class 6 English Honeysuckle Chapter 1 Who did Patrick's Homework image 2

Question 1. In the story Patrick does difficult things he hates to do, because the elf pretends he needs help. Have you ever done something difficult or frightening, by pretending about it in some way? Tell your classmates about it.

Say what you feel about homework. (The words and phrases in the boxes may help you.) Do you think it is useful, even though you may not like it? Form pairs, and speak to each other.

For example: You may say, “I am not fond of homework.” Your partner may reply, “But my sister helps me with my lessons at home, and that gives a boost to my marks.”

(not) be fond of(not) take to(not) develop a liking for
(not) appeal to(not) be keen on(not) have a taste for
supportassistwith the aid of
helpbe a boongive a boost to

A.  I do not like homework. B.  But my sister helps me. Now, it gives a boost to my marks. A.  This idea doesn’t appeal to me. I am afraid it will be cheating. B.  No. It’s not cheating. My sister supports me by explaining the difficult points only. A.  I see. So, you slowly develop a liking for it yourself. B.  Exactly. I have taken to doing my homework very regularly. A.  Well, I will also try to develop a taste for it. Does the idea of having some help-books appeal to you? B.  Sure. They say it can be a boon if used properly. A.  I am keen on trying it soon. B.  Good. I am sure, you will soon take to doing your homework.

Question A. This story has a lot of rhyming words, as a poem does. Can you write out some parts of it like a poem, so that the rhymes come at the end of separate lines? For example: Patrick never did homework. ‘Too boring”, he said. He played baseball and Hockey and Nintendo instead.

  • The man was too small in size He was true and wise.
  • The elf promised to do all that As Patrick saved the elf from the cat.
  • Patrick love to play not work.  Always keep pending homework.

Question B. Look at these sentences.

1.‘Too boring,” he said. 2.Cleaned his room, did his chores. When we speak we often leave out words that can easily be guessed. We do not do this when we write, unless we are trying to write as we speak (as in the story). So, if we were to write carefully, we would say:

  • Homework is too boring, he said.
  • He cleaned his room and did his chores.

Question C. Rewrite the following incomplete sentences carefully, so that the reader does not have to guess what is left out. 1. more and more books. 2. too difficult. 3. got up late, missed the bus. 4. solved the mystery.

Answer C: 1. The writers and poets read more and more books. 2. This personal question is too difficult to answer. 3. When I got up late yesterday morning, I missed the school bus. 4. Lord Krishna solved the mystery of life after death.

Question D:  Look at this cartoon by R. K. Laxman. Read the sentence given below the cartoon. Discuss the following questions with your partner.

  • What is it about?
  • Do you find it funny? If so, why?
  • Do you think a cartoon is a serious drawing? Why or why not?

NCERT Solutions for Class 6 English Honeysuckle Chapter 1 Who did Patrick's Homework image 3

Answer: 1. It is about a father’s concern for the betterment of his child.

2. Yes, the cartoon is really funny. Father orders the child to labour (to work hard) with his studies. But he forbids the boy to read the laws against child labour.

3. A cartoon is chiefly meant to make us laugh. It is also a serious drawing in one sense. It draws our attention to some problem that affects us all.

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NCERT Solutions for Class 6 English Chapter 1 Who Did Patrick’s Homework

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NCERT Solutions for Class 6 English

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  • A Pact With The Sun Supplementary Reader
  • Chapter 1 A Tale of Two Birds
  • Chapter 2 The Friendly Mongoose
  • Chapter 3 The Shepherd’s Treasure
  • Chapter 4 Tansen
  • Chapter 5 The Monkey and the Crocodile
  • Chapter 6 The Wonder Called Sleep
  • Chapter 7 A Pact with the Sun
  • Honeysuckle
  • Chapter 1 Who Did Patrick’s Homework
  • Chapter 1 A House A Home
  • Chapter 2 How the Dog Found Himself a New Master
  • Chapter 2 The Kite
  • Chapter 3 Taro’s Reward
  • Chapter 3 The Quarrel
  • Chapter 4 An Indian American Woman in Space – Kalpana Chawla
  • Chapter 4 Beauty
  • Chapter 5 A Different Kind of School
  • Chapter 5 Where Do All the Teachers Go
  • Chapter 6 Who I Am
  • Chapter 6 The Wonderful Words
  • Chapter 7 Fair Play
  • Chapter 8 The Banyan Tree

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NCERT Solutions for Class 6 English Honeysuckle Chapter 1 Who Did Patrick’s Homework

who did patrick's homework question answer class 6 english

NCERT Solutions for Class 6 English Honeysuckle Chapter 1 Who Did Patrick’s Homework? and the poem 1 A House, A Home with Hindi Translation Summary in Hindi and English. The question answers of chapter 1 is revised on the basis of new rationalised textbooks published by NCERT for academic year 2024-25.

NCERT Solutions Class 6 English Chapter 1 Question Answers

  • Class 6 English Chapter 1: Who Did Patrick’s Homework?
  • Class 6 English Poem 1: A House, A Home
  • Class 6 English Chapter 1: Summary in English & Hindi
  • Class 6 English Chapter 1 Hindi Translation
  • Class 6 English Chapter 1 Important Questions
  • Download NCERT Book Chapter 1
  • Class 6 English Solutions Page

The question answers are based on the latest CBSE Syllabus updated for new academic session 2024-25. Hindi Translation of the chapter 1 is also given to understand better. NCERT Solutions for other subjects are also given based on latest NCERT Books. Ask more questions with your friends via Discussion Forum .

Class: 6English
Chapter 1:Who Did Patrick’s Homework?
Content:Question Answers, Summary, Hindi Translation
Content Type:Text, Images and PDF
Session:CBSE 2024-25

6 English Chapter 1 Question – Answers Who Did Patrick’s Homework? are given below. It includes Question-Answers, working with the text, speaking, writing, working with the language, etc. Download latest NCERT Books and apps based on new CBSE Syllabus .

PATRICK never did homework. “Too boring,” he said. He played hockey and basketball and Nintendo instead. His teachers told him, “Patrick! Do your homework or you won’t learn a thing?” And it’s true, sometimes he did feel like an ignoramus. But what could he do? He hated homework.

Word Meaning
Bore (verb) Annoy, unpleasant, drill
Learn (verb)To gain knowledge
True (adjective)Correct, accurate
Ignoramus (adjective)Fool, know nothing
Hate (verb)Detest, abhor, dislike

Important Questions based on paragraph: » Question 1: Why not Patrick did his homework regularly? What he thinks about himself? Answer: Patrick never did his homework regularly because this is boring job. » Question 2: Why Patrick get surprised? Answer: Patrick get surprised when he saw a doll size tiny man.

Then one day he found his cat playing with a little doll and he grabbed it away. To his surprise it wasn’t a doll at all, but a man of the tiniest size. He had a little wool shirt with old-fashioned britches and a high tall hat much like a witch’s. He yelled, “Save me! Don’t give me back to that cat. I’ll grant you a wish, I promise you that.”

Word Meaning
Grab (verb)Snatch, clutch
Surprise (Noun)Unexpectedly, suddenly
Tiny (adjective)Extremely small
Britches (Noun)Knee-length trousers
WitchA woman who is believed to have magical powers
YellTo shout, scream, cheer

Important Questions based on paragraph: » Question 3: Why Patrick feels lucky? Answer: Patrick feels lucky because the tiny man was ready to do his homework. » Question 4: What he want from that man? Answer: Patrick want that the tiny man do his all his home work before the end of semester.

Patrick couldn’t believe how lucky he was! Here was the answer to all of his problems. So he said, “Only if you do all my homework till the end of the semester, that’s 35 days. If you do a good enough job, I could even get A’s.”

BelieveTo take as true, real

Important Questions based on paragraph: » Question 5: What was the little man reaction on Patrick demand? Answer: The tiny man was angry but he was ready to do Patrick’s work.

The little man’s face wrinkled like a dish cloth thrown in the hamper. He kicked his legs and doubled his fists and he grimaced and scowled and pursed his lips, “Oh, am I cursed! But I’ll do it.”

WrinkleShrink, shrivel, contract
HamperLaundry basket
KickStrike with the foot
FistClosed hand
GrimaceDistort face muscles
ScowledHave an angry or gloomy look, contract the brow in displeasure
CurseSwear word, evil proclamation, imprecation, misfortune

Important Questions based on paragraph: » Question 6: What was the little elf problem when he was doing Patrick’s homework? Answer: The little elf problem was he didn’t always know what to do and he needed help. » Question 7: Why elf want dictionary while doing Patrick’s homework? Answer: The elf want dictionary because he did not know many words.

And true to his word, that little elf began to do Patrick’s homework. Except there was one glitch. The elf didn’t always know what to do and he needed help. “Help me! Help me!” he’d say. And Patrick would have to help — in whatever way. “I don’t know this word,” the elf squeaked while reading Patrick’s homework. “Get me a dictionary. No, what’s even better, look up the word and sound it out by each letter.”

GlitchSnag, malfunction
WayPath, lane, road, track, method, manner, direction
SqueakedMake a creaking sound, chirp, twitter

Important Questions based on paragraph: » Question 7: Why Patrick was out of luck when it came to Maths? Answer: Patrick was out of luck when it came to Maths because elf had no idea about mathematics. » Question 8: What type of help elf want from Patrick? Answer: Elf want that Patrick should guide him and arranged books from library and read them.

When it came to Maths, Patrick was out of luck. “What are times tables?” the elf shrieked. “We elves never need that addition, subtraction, division and fractions? Here, sit down beside me, you simply must guide me.” Elves know nothing of human history, to them it’s a mystery. So the little elf, already a shouter, just got louder. “Go to the library, I need books. More and more books. And you can help me read them too.”

LuckFortune, fate, success
ShriekScream, cry, shout
GuideInstructor, director, escort, manual
MysteryPhenomenon, riddle, mystery novel
ShoutYell, scream

Important Questions based on paragraph: » Question 9: Why Patrick feels weary? Answer: Patrick feels weary because little elf nagged him and he was working harder. » Question 10: Why Patrick goes school with puffed and bleary eyes? Answer: Patrick goes school with puffed and bleary eyes because he stayed up nights.

As a matter of fact, every day in every way that little elf was a nag! Patrick was working harder than ever and was it a drag! He was staying up nights, had never felt so weary, was going to school with his eyes puffed and bleary.

FactActuality, reality, deed, proof (in Law)
DragPull, carry, be pulled, follow
StayRemain, live, wait, continue, stop, support
WearyExhausted, fatigued, tired, tedious
PuffedSwollen, inflated
BlearyDim, hazy

Important Questions based on paragraph: » Question 11: How could elf got free? Answer: Elf got free because there was no more homework and this was last day of school.

Finally, the last day of school arrived and the elf was free to go. As for homework, there was no more, so he quietly and slyly slipped out the back door.

ArriveReach, succeed
QuietlySilently, noiselessly; peacefully, tranquilly
SlylyCunningly, craftily, guilefully, stealthily

Important Questions based on paragraph: » Question 12: Why Patrick’s classmates, teachers and parents feel wonder about Patrick? Answer: Patrick’s classmates, teachers and parents feel wonder about Patrick because he got A’s. He was now the model kid.

Patrick got his A’s; his class mates were amazed; his teachers smiled and were full of praise. And his parents, they wondered what had happened to Patrick. He was now the model kid. Cleaned his room, did his chores, was cheerful, never rude, like he had developed a whole new attitude.

AmazeWonder, surprise
PraiseGlorification; compliments
WonderMarvel, miracle, amazement, astonishment, ponder
ModelIdeal, serving as an example, worthy of emulation
ChoresRoutine job, unpleasant task
RudeBold, forward, impolite; primitive, natural
AttitudePosture, policy, treatment, sentiment

Important Questions based on paragraph: » Question 13: What secret writer share about Patrick? Answer: Writer share the secret about Patrick It wasn’t the elf; Patrick had done it himself!

Class 6 English Honeysuckle Chapter 1 – Important Questions

What did patrick think his cat was playing with what was it really.

Patrick thought that his cat was playing with a little doll. But in reality, it was a very small sized man, an elf.

Why did the little man grant Patrick a wish?

The little man granted Patrick a wish as Patrick had saved his life from the cat.

What was Patrick’s wish?

Patrick hated doing homework. So he made a wish that the little man should do all his homework till the end of the session.

In what subjects did the little man need help, to do Patrick’s homework?

The little man was weak in Maths, English and History. So, he needed Patrick’s help in these subjects.

How did Patrick help him?

Patrick sat beside the little man and guided him to do homework. Moreover, he brought books from library and read out to him.

Who do you think did Patrick’s homework — the little man, or Patrick himself? Give reasons for your answer.

It was Patrick himself who actually did all the homework. Because he had to assist the elf again and again with guidance and books.

You see, in the end, Patrick still thought he’d made that tiny man do all his homework. But I’ll share a secret, just between you and me. It wasn’t the elf; Patrick had done it himself!

ShareDivide, be divided, participate
SecretMystery, stealth
StillAs yet, even now, despite, but

Answers: Passage I 1. Nintendo is a video game. 2. Patrick found homework boring because he had no interest in studies. 3. Teachers wanted to change his way and trying to make him literate. Answers: Passage II 1. The little man didn’t have the knowledge of the subjects like Maths, English and History. So, he was not in position to solve problems in these subjects without help. 2. Patrick brought books from the library and sat by the side of the elf to use dictionary to find the words. 3. Patrick had save elf’s life. So, he agreed to do Patrick’s homework. Answers: Passage III 1. Cheerful 2. Patrick showed an extraordinary change in his behaviour. He began to clean his room and talk politely. 3. Patrick himself did all the homework.

How do you think Patrick’s personality in this story unit1 chapter 1 of class 6th honeysuckle was?

At the starting of the story Patrick was naughty, he used the delay of his work and was more focused on the other things but later when he met an elf. The elf made him do his work by screaming at him all the time. By the end of the semester, he has done his work all by himself and scored an A grade. So, by the end of the story without realizing the fact he changed himself.

What do you think is the reason for Patrick’s change in behavior in story unit 1 chapter 1 from class 6th Honeysuckle?

I think the behavior change comes after he saved the Elf from his cat. He wanted to do the Elf to complete his work but on the contrary, Elf made him done the work and study. After sacrificing his play and sleep he has changed his behavior towards his studies.

Do you think the story unit 1 chapter 1 from class 6th Honeysuckle of Patrick and Elf is inspiring?

I think the story of Patrick and Elf is inspiring. As Elf came into his life and he changes his behavior towards studies.

What do you think about the language of the story unit 1 chapter 1 from class 6th Honeysuckle?

I think the story language is quite simple and straight for the kids to understand the importance of studies.

What do you think a Home is made of in the poem unit 1 chapter 2 from class 6th Honeysuckle?

I think the poem wants to say the Family is the one who made a Home from the house.

Do you think the poem unit 1 chapter 2 from class 6th Honeysuckle is complicated?

I think the poem is pretty simple and straight. Poet said the things that he wishes the reader to understand with beating around the bush.

Class 6 English Chapter 1: Who Did Patrick’s Homework?

« NCERT Solutions for Class 6 English Honeysuckle Chapter 2 How the Dog Found Himself a New Master

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NCERT Solutions for Class 6 English Who Did Patrick’s Homework

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NCERT Solutions for Class 6 English  Chapter wise Solutions


  • Chapter 1 Who Did Patrick’s Homework
  • Chapter 2 How the Dog Found Himself
  • Chapter 3 Taros Reward
  • Chapter 4 An Indian American Woman in Space
  • Chapter 5 A Different Kind of School
  • Chapter 6 Who I Am
  • Chapter 7 Fair Play
  • Chapter 8 A Game of Chance
  • Chapter 9 Desert Animals
  • Chapter 10 The Banyan Tree
  • A House, A Home
  • The Quarrel
  • Where Do All the Teachers Go?
  • The Wonderful Words

A Pact With The Sun

  • Chapter 1 A Tale of Two Birds
  • Chapter 2 The Friendly Mongoose
  • Chapter 3 The Shepherd’s Treasure
  • Chapter 4 The Old-Clock Shop
  • Chapter 5 Tansen
  • Chapter 6 The Monkey and the Crocodile
  • Chapter 7 The Wonder Called Sleep
  • Chapter 8 A Pact with the Sun
  • Chapter 9 What Happened to the Reptiles
  • Chapter 10 A Strange Wrestling march

Who Did Patricks Homework

Page no: 11.

Working with Text

Answer the following questions. (Refer to that part of the text whose number is given against the question. This applies to the comprehension questions throughout the book.)

1. What did Patrick think his cat was playing with? What was it really?

Ans: Patrick thought that his cat was playing with a little doll but it was really a man of the tiniest size.

2. Why did the little man grant Patrick a wish?

Ans: The little man granted Patrick a wish because he wanted to get free from cat.

3. What was Patrick’s wish?

Ans: Patrick wanted the little man to do all his homework till the end of the semester, which was for 35 days.

4. In what subjects did the little man need help, to do Patrick’s homework?

Ans: The little man needed Patrick’s help in English, Maths and human history.

5. How did Patrick help him?

Ans: Patrick helped him by consulting a dictionary, guiding the little man in doing sums in arithmetic and read out portions from history book.

6. Who do you think did Patrick’s homework – the little man, or Patrick himself? Give reasons for your answer.

Ans: It was not the little man but Patrick himself had did his homework as little man did not know anything, in English, maths and human history. Patrick had to consult dictionary, guide him with maths and help him to read too. He stayed up at nights and worked hard. Therefore, it was Patrick who did the homework.

Working with Language

A. Fill in the blanks in the sentences below with the words or phrases from the box. (You may not know the meaning of all the words. Look such words up in a dictionary, or ask your teacher.) out of luck, mystery, true to his word, chores, semester, between you and me, look up

1. Some people find household ______ a bore, but I like to help at home.

2. Who stole the diamond is still a ______.

3. This ______ we are going to have a class exhibition.

4. ______, the elf began to help Patrick.

5. Can you ______ this word in the dictionary?

6. I started early to be on time, but I was ______. There was a traffic jam!

7. She says she’s got a lot of books, but ______ I think most of them are borrowed.

Ans: 1. Chores

4. True to his word

6. out of luck

7. between you and me.

B. Use the clues given below to complete this crossword puzzle.

1. very tired

2. had an angry look on the face

3. short trousers

4. a fault in a machine that prevents it from working properly

5. a small and naughty boy-fairy

6. work that must be done every day, often boring

7. a basket with a lid

8. gave a short, high-pitched cry

Working with Poem

1.  Do you agree with what the poet says? Talk to your partner and complete these sentences.

(i) A house is made of  —————————————————––———.

(ii) It has  —————————————————————————————.

(iii) A home is made by  —————————————————––———.

(iv) It has  —————————————––———————————————.

 (iv) It has  unselfish acts, sharing, and caring for the loved ones.

(i) A house is made of  brick, stone, cement, hard wood, window glass, and a yard.

(ii) It has  eaves, chimneys, tile floors, stucco, roof, and lots of doors.

(iii) A home is made by  family members.

(iv) It has  unselfish acts, sharing, and caring for the loved ones.

NCERT Solutions for Class 6 English Chapter 1 Who Did Patrick’s Homework

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Who Did Patricks Homework - NCERT Solutions for Class 6 English Chapter 1 - PDF

Who Did Patricks Homework - NCERT Solutions for Class 6 English Chapter 1 - PDF

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Who did Patrick homework? This question has captivated countless students and educators alike. Explore this intriguing narrative with our comprehensive 'Who Did Patrick's Homework' study materials. This memorable story is featured in NCERT Class 6 English Chapter 1, and our resources ensure you grasp all its elements. Dive into the heart of the narrative, sift through the intricate details, and answer the pivotal question: Who did Patrick's homework?

Our easy-to-navigate study materials offer in-depth 'Who Did Patrick's Homework' MCQs, allowing you to test your understanding and prepare for exams efficiently. Furthermore, we provide a detailed 'Who Did Patrick's Homework' question and answer section, suitable for students seeking to build a profound understanding of the story. Gain insights into how Patrick, the story's central character, navigates his homework troubles in this engaging tale.

We extend our resources to include a complete breakdown of the Class 6th English Chapter 1 question and answer. Here, we delve into each aspect of the story and offer comprehensive answers for your convenience. This also extends to Class 6 English Chapter 1 Questions and Answers in PDF format, making studying on-the-go an absolute breeze.

Our NCERT solutions for Class 6 English Chapter 1 ensure you are well equipped for all your academic needs. These solutions, carefully crafted by expert educators, offer detailed explanations and analyses of the story 'Who Did Patrick's Homework.' Both the NCERT Class 6th English Chapter 1 solutions and the NCERT solutions for Class 6 English Chapter 1 cater to diverse learning styles, promising an enriching study experience for every learner.


Who did patricks homework Summary

- by Carroll Moore

Patrick was like any other boy who loved outdoor games like basketball, hockey, Nintendo etc. He was a good player but was not interested in studies. Because of his less interest in studies, he did not do his work and was warned by his teacher.

One day Patrick saw his cat playing with a doll. But when he looked at it closely, he found that it was a small man-elf (a supernatural human). He was wearing a woollen shirt, a tall hat and breeches. He was scared of a cat as he felt the cat might kill him while playing and needed help badly. He wanted Patrick to save him, and instead, he promised to grant him a wish.

Patrick felt happy and called himself a lucky one. He asked the elf to do his homework. Though the elf was not good at it, he offered to do this for him for 35 days equals to one semester. However, a problem started when the elf told that he knew nothing of maths and history. He needed help to do these subjects. Patrick accepted and brought many books to read and discuss. He sat near the elf and put in ahead to complete the work.

Exactly after 35 days when the semester was over, the elf went away. Patrick scored grade ‘A’ in all the subjects. Everyone recognised him. He became a very better person who was hardworking and a good boy.

Patrick thought it is an elf who helped him score so high, but in reality, it was Patrick himself who did all the homework and improved his score.


who did Patrick's homework question answer

(Working with the Text)

Question 1. What did Patrick think his cat was playing with? What was it really?

Answer: Patrick thought that his cat was playing with a little doll, but it was really a man of the tiniest size.

Question 2. Why did the little man grant Patrick a wish?

Answer: The little man granted Patrick a wish because he wanted to get free from cat.

Question 3. What was Patrick’s wish?

Answer: Patrick wanted the little man to do all his homework till the end of the semester, which was for 35 days.

Question 4. In what subjects did the little man need help, to do Patrick’s homework?

Answer: The little man needed Patrick’s help in English, Maths and human history.

Question 5. How did Patrick help him?

Answer: Patrick helped him by consulting a dictionary, guiding the little man in doing sums in arithmetic and read out portions from history book.

Question 6. Who do you think did Patrick’s homework-the little man, or Patrick himself? Give reasons for your answer.

Answer: It was not the little man but Patrick himself had did his homework as little man did not know anything, in English, maths and human history. Patrick had to consult dictionary, guide him with maths and help him to read too. He stayed up at nights and worked hard. Therefore, it was Patrick who did the homework.

Questions ( Page No. 11-12)

(Working With Language)

Question 1. Fill in the blanks in the sentences below with the words or phrases from the box. (You may not know the meaning of all the words. Look such words up in a dictionary, or ask your teacher).

Out of luck, mystery, true to his word, chores, semester, between you and me, look up.

a.      Some people find household ________ a bore, but I like to help at home.

b.     Who stole the diamond is still a _________.

c.      This ________ we are going to have a class exhibition.

d.     __________, the elf began to help Patrick.

e.     Can you ________ this word in the dictionary?

f.       I started early to be on time, but I was _________.

g.      She says she’s got a lot of books, but ________ I think most of them are borrowed.

a.      Some people find household  Chores  a bore, but I like to help at home.

b.     Who stole the diamond is still a  mystery .

c.      This  semester  we are going to have a class exhibition.

d.     True to his word , the elf began to help Patrick.

e.     Can you  look up  this word in the dictionary?

f.       I started early to be on time, but I was  out of luck .

g.      She says she’s got a lot of books, but  between you and me  I think most of them are borrowed.

Use the clues given below to complete this crossword puzzle.

Questions ( Page No. 13)

Question 1. In the story Patrick does difficult things he hates to do, because the elf pretends, he needs help. Have you ever done something difficult or frightening, by pretending about it in some way? Tell your classmates about it.

Say what you feel about homework. (The words and phrases in the boxes may help you.) Do you think it is useful, even though you may not like it? Form pairs and speak to each other.

For example:

You may say, “I am not fond of homework”. Your partner may reply, “But my sister helps me with my lessons at home, and that gives a boost to my marks”.

(not) be fond of, (not) take to, (not) develop a liking for, (not) appeal to, (not) be boon on, (not) have a taste for.

Support, assist with the aid of helf be a boon give a boost to.

a.      I am not very fond of keeping my room clean and tidy.

b.     But my sister does all this for me.

c.      I have not developed a liking for non-veg.

d.     But my elder brother does not support me.

e.     I have taken to playing football.

f.       I have developed a liking for chess also.

g.      I appeal to my friends to play some game.

h.     Sports can be a boon in career making.

i.        They give a boost to my confidence.

j.       My desk mate is keen on getting ‘A’ grade.

k.      I hope he will assist me also in preparing my lessons.

Questions ( Page No. 13-14)

Question 1. This story has a lot of rhyming words, as a poem does. Can you write out some parts of it like a poem, so that the rhymes come at the end of separate lines?

Patrick never did homework. “Too boring,” he said.

He played baseball and hockey and Nintendo instead.

The man of the tiniest size

was true to his word and wise

Patrick saved the elf from the cat

The elf promised to do all that

Patrick loved sports and hated homework

He wasted his time and studies shirk

Question 2. Look at these sentences.

a.      “Too boring”, he said.

b.     Cleaned his room, did his chores.

When we speak, we often leave out words that can easily be guessed. We do not do this when we write, unless we are trying to write as we speak (as in the story).

So, if we were to write carefully, we would say:

a.      “Homework is too boring”, he said.

b.     He cleaned his room and did his chores.

Answer: Read the sentences carefully.

Question 3. Rewrite the following incomplete sentences carefully, so that the reader does not have to guess what is left out.

a.      More and more books.

b.     Too difficult.

c.      Got up late, missed the bus.

d.     Solved the mystery.

a.      The writers and poets read more and more books.

b.     This personal question is too difficult to answer.

c.      When I got up late yesterday morning, I missed the school bus.

d.     Lord Krishna solved the mystery of life after death.

Question 4. Look at this cartoon by R.K. Laxman. Read the sentence given below the cartoon. Discuss the following questions with your partner.

a.      What is it about?

b.     Do you find it funny? If so, why?

c.      Do you think a cartoon is a serious drawing? Why or why not?

a.      It is about a father’s concern for the betterment of his child.

b.     Yes, the cartoon is really funny. Father orders the child to labour (to work hard) with his studies. But he forbids the boy to read the laws against child labour.

c.      A cartoon is chiefly meant to make us laugh.

It is also a serious drawing in one sense.

It draws our attention to some problem that affects us all.

As your comprehensive guide to NCERT Class 6 English Chapter 1, our materials encompass all you need to fully grasp the captivating story, Who Did Patrick's Homework. Our resources include meticulously crafted NCERT solutions for Class 6th English Chapter 1, providing answers to even the most challenging questions. What was Patrick's wish? How did Patrick help the elf? Who did Patrick's homework? Each of these questions and more are thoroughly addressed in our solutions.

The Who Did Patrick's Homework question and answer section is designed to deepen your understanding of the story. Our English Class 6 Chapter 1 materials do not merely focus on answering questions; we also offer insights into the narrative and characters, further enhancing your appreciation of the text.

If you're looking to revise on the go, our Class 6 English Chapter 1 questions and answers in PDF format are perfect. This resource, alongside the Class 6 English lesson 1 question and answer section, ensures you are fully prepared for any examination scenario. Delve into what Patrick thought his cat was playing with, and examine the answers to Who Did Patrick's Homework short questions and answers.

The question, Who do you think did Patrick's Homework, is answered in our Class 6th English lesson 1 materials, offering a comprehensive overview of the entire chapter. Our resources also address What was Patrick's wish Class 6, and How did Patrick help him, providing clear, concise answers for easy understanding.

Finally, in our Class 6 English Honeysuckle Chapter 1 question and answer section, we unravel the intricate details of this enchanting tale. From Who Did Patrick's Homework Class 6, to the specifics of Class 6th English book chapter 1, we leave no stone unturned in our quest to provide a holistic understanding of this engaging story. Embrace an enlightening academic journey with our comprehensive NCERT English Class 6 Chapter 1 solutions today.

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NCERT Solutions for Class 6 English Chapter 1 Who Did Patrick’s Homework?

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NCERT Solutions for Class 6 English Honeysuckle Chapter 1

NCERT Solutions for Class 6 English Chapter 1 Who Did Patrick’s Homework? offer a thorough analysis of this captivating tale, which forms part of the CBSE syllabus . This chapter acquaints students with the escapades of Patrick, a young lad who loathes homework. His life takes an unexpected twist when he rescues a tiny elf, setting off a chain of events that alter his views on education and duties.

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The NCERT solutions provide in-depth explanations of the text, ensuring that students grasp the moral and thematic core of the narrative. They are crafted to aid students in honing their language skills, improving their comprehension, and preparing effectively for exams. The NCERT solutions for Class 6 English strictly align with CBSE syllabus of class 6 English , making them an invaluable asset for students aspiring to excel in their English studies.

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Class 6 English Chapter 1 Questions and Answers from Textbook

Answer the following questions..

1. What did Patrick think his cat was playing with? What was it really?

Ans. Patrick thought his cat was playing with a doll. It was a man of the tiniest size.

2. Why did the little man grant Patrick a wish?

Ans. The little man granted Patrick a wish so as to save his life from the cat.

3. What was Patrick’s wish?

Ans. Patrick’s wish was to make the elf do his homework till the end of the semester.

4. In what subjects did the little man need help to do Patrick’s homework?

Ans. The little man needed help in mathematics and history.

5. How did Patrick help him?

Ans. Patrick helped him by bringing more and more books from the library.

6. Who do you think did Patrick’s homework – the little man or Patrick himself? Give reasons for your answer?

Ans. Patrick himself did his homework.

The reasons are :

  • He worked harder than ever.
  • He stayed up at night and went to school with puffed and bleary eyes.

Class 6 English Honeysuckle All Chapters

  • Unit 1 Who Did Patrick’s Homework?
  • Unit 1 Poem A House, A Home
  • Unit 2 How the Dog Found Himself a New Master!
  • Unit 2 Poem The Kite
  • Unit 3 Taro’s Reward
  • Unit 3 Poem The Quarrel
  • Unit 4 An Indian – American Woman in Space: Kalpana Chawla
  • Unit 4 Poem Beauty
  • Unit 5 A Different Kind of School
  • Unit 5 Poem Where Do All the Teachers Go?
  • Unit 6 Who I Am
  • Unit 6 Poem The Wonderful Words
  • Unit 6 Fair Play
  • Unit 8 Fire: A Game of Chance
  • Unit 7 Poem Vocation
  • Unit 9 Desert Animals
  • Unit 8 Poem What if
  • Unit 10 The Banyan Tree

Class 6 English Chapter 1 Who Did Patrick’s Homework? Summary

Who Did Patrick’s Homework?” is a story about a boy named Patrick who dislikes doing homework. One day, he saves a tiny elf from his cat. As a token of gratitude, the elf promises to do all of Patrick’s homework. However, the elf struggles with the tasks and requires Patrick’s help to understand the subjects. As they work together, Patrick learns and improves in his studies. In the end, he realizes the importance of doing his homework himself and becomes a better student.

Class 6 English A Pact with the Sun Chapters

  • Unit 1 A Tale of Two Birds
  • Unit 2 The Friendly Mongoose
  • Unit 3 The Shepherd’s Treasure
  • Unit 4 The Old-Clock Shop
  • Unit 5 Tansen
  • Unit 6 The Monkey and the Crocodile
  • Unit 7 The Wonder Called Sleep
  • Unit 8 A Pact with the Sun
  • Unit 9 What Happened to the Reptiles
  • Unit 10 A Strange Wrestling Match

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Choose Infinity Learn for NCERT Solutions for Class 6 English Chapter 1 for comprehensive, easy-to-understand explanations aligned with CBSE guidelines, interactive learning, and expert support.

  • Expertly Crafted Solutions: Infinity Learn provides solutions crafted by subject matter experts, ensuring a deep understanding of NCERT and CBSE syllabus.
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FAQs on NCERT Solutions for Class 6 English Chapter 1 Who Did Patrick’s Homework?

Who did patrick's homework question answer class 6.

In Class 6 English, the story 'Who Did Patrick's Homework?' tells us that Patrick's homework was actually done by a little elf whom he had helped.

How did Patrick meet the elf?

Patrick met the elf when he saved him from his cat. The elf was stuck under a book, and Patrick helped him escape, leading to their meeting.

What did Patrick help him?

Patrick helped the elf by saving him from his cat and then agreed to assist the elf with some tasks in return for the elf doing his homework.

Who did Patrick's homework story in short?

The story 'Who Did Patrick's Homework?' is about a boy named Patrick who finds an elf. The elf agrees to do Patrick's homework in exchange for help with his chores.

What was Patrick's chief interest Class 6?

In Class 6, Patrick's chief interest was playing and having fun. He was not fond of doing homework and looked for ways to avoid it.

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NCERT Solutions for Class 6 English Chapter 1 Who Did Patrick’s Homework PDF Download

The answers in the NCERT Solutions for Class 6 English Chapter 1 Who Did Patrick’s Homework are explained in a very easy language so that students can understand each and every point of the question. Through this, students can also understand the difficult and complex Questions of English Chapter 1 Who Did Patrick’s Homework so that they can score well in final exams. 

NCERT Solutions for Class 6 English Chapter 1 Who Did Patrick’s Homework PDF

Students who want to score high in Chapter 1 Who Did Patrick’s Homework can refer to the NCERT Solutions for Class 6 English Chapter 1 Who Did Patrick’s Homework PDF as in it all the concepts are covered in a fine way. Through the NCERT Class 6 English Solutions, students can practise more and more Questions so that they can build a strong foundation for Chapter 1 Who Did Patrick’s Homework. Students can also access the Chapter 1 Who Did Patrick’s Homework Questions of Class 6 English NCERT Solutions through the Selfstudys website as it is available in the PDF. 

Where Can Students Find NCERT Solutions for Class 6 English Chapter 1 Who Did Patrick’s Homework?

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Everything Students Need to Know About the NCERT Solutions for Class 6 English Chapter 1 Who Did Patrick’s Homework PDF

It is advisable for students to know about the NCERT Solutions for Class 6 English Chapter 1 Who Did Patrick’s Homework PDF so that they can solve Questions and refer to the answers; some of the important features are discussed below: 

  • All Questions are Covered: In the NCERT Solutions for Class 6 English Chapter 1 Who Did Patrick’s Homework, all the Questions are solved which are given in the textbook. By referring to the NCERT Solutions of Chapter 1 Who Did Patrick’s Homework, students can improve their comprehensive understanding.  
  • Different Types of Questions are Included: Through the NCERT Solutions for Class 6 English Chapter 1 Who Did Patrick’s Homework theory, students can learn to solve different types of Questions: fill in the blanks, essay writing, letter writing, grammar Questions, etc. 
  • Diagrams are Included: A diagram is a symbolic representation of the concepts using visualisation techniques; these diagrams of Class 6 English Chapter 1 Who Did Patrick’s Homework are included in the NCERT Solutions.
  • Tables are Included: The tables of Chapter 1 Who Did Patrick’s Homework English are made up of rows and columns which are included in the Class 6 NCERT Solutions. 
  • Explained in Simple Language: The Chapter 1 Who Did Patrick’s Homework Questions are explained in a simple and easy language in the Class 6 English NCERT Solutions; through this students can easily understand the difficult Questions. 
  • Available in the PDF: The Class 6 English Questions and answers of the NCERT Solutions are available in the PDF so that students can access from their comfort zone. 

What Are the Advantages of NCERT Solutions for Class 6 English Chapter 1 Who Did Patrick’s Homework?

The NCERT Solutions for Class 6 English Chapter 1 Who Did Patrick’s Homework provides several advantages to students; those advantages are discussed below: 

  • Covers in a Comprehensive Way: The NCERT Solutions for Class 6 English Chapter 1 Who Did Patrick’s Homework revision covers all the topics in a comprehensive way so that students can understand the concepts in a proper way. 
  • Improves Vocabulary: Students can improve their vocabulary skills by solving Questions from the NCERT Solutions for Class 6 English Chapter 1 Who Did Patrick’s Homework theory as it provides ample amount of vocabulary words. 
  • Enhances Grammar Skills: The NCERT Solutions for Class 6 English Chapter 1 Who Did Patrick’s Homework PDF covers the grammar concepts including sentence structures, tenses and parts of speech. So by practising Class 6 English Questions of Chapter 1 Who Did Patrick’s Homework, students can enhance their grammar skills. 
  • Develops Comprehension Skills: Comprehensive exercises of Chapter 1 Who Did Patrick’s Homework are given in the Class 6 English NCERT Solutions. So accordingly by practising Chapter 1 Who Did Patrick’s Homework Questions of Class 6 English NCERT Solutions. 
  • Helps in Exam Preparations: The NCERT Solutions of Class 6 English Chapter 1 Who Did Patrick’s Homework helps students while preparing for the exam as it includes Questions and answers. 
  • Provides Guidance: Through the English NCERT Solutions of Class 6 Chapter 1 Who Did Patrick’s Homework, students can gain proper guidance and support to solve Questions. 

How to Maximise Students Learning with the Help of NCERT Solutions for Class 6 English Chapter 1 Who Did Patrick’s Homework PDF?

To maximise learning with the help of NCERT Solutions for Class 6 English Chapter 1 Who Did Patrick’s Homework PDF, students can follow the given steps: 

  • Encourages Regular Practise: Teachers should encourage students to practise regularly with the help of NCERT Solutions for Class 6 English Chapter 1 Who Did Patrick’s Homework. By practising Chapter 1 Who Did Patrick’s Homework Questions on a regular basis, students can understand the concepts in a better way. 
  •  Create a Structured Learning: It is advisable for students to create a structured plan to solve Questions from the NCERT Solutions for Class 6 English Chapter 1 Who Did Patrick’s Homework revision. This can help students to stay organised and systematic accordingly they can enhance the learning process of English Chapter 1 Who Did Patrick’s Homework. 
  • Encourage Peer Groups: Teachers should encourage peer groups where students can work together to solve Chapter 1 Who Did Patrick’s Homework Questions from the Class 6 English NCERT Solutions. Through this students can share ideas with each other regarding the Chapter 1 Who Did Patrick’s Homework of Class 6 English. 
  • Provides Feedback: In the Class 6 English NCERT Solutions of Chapter 1 Who Did Patrick’s Homework, feedback is given so that students can judge their performance regarding the chapter. Through the feedback, students can identify the strengths and weaknesses of Chapter 1 Who Did Patrick’s Homework so that they can improve day by day. 
  • Encourages Self Learning: With the help of Class 6 English NCERT Solutions, students can encourage the self learning process which is much needed to understand the Questions and concepts in a better way. 
  • Improves Positive Learning: Through the Class 6 NCERT Solutions of Chapter 1 Who Did Patrick’s Homework, students can encourage positive learning which is much needed to remain consistent throughout the preparation.

How to Rectify Mistakes After Solving Questions from the NCERT Solutions for Class 6 English Chapter 1 Who Did Patrick’s Homework PDF? 

Rectification of mistakes is very important after solving Questions from the NCERT Solutions for Class 6 English Chapter 1 Who Did Patrick’s Homework PDF as it is important in the learning process; steps to rectify mistakes are discussed below: 

  • Review the Answers: Students should review the answers of NCERT Solutions for Class 6 English Chapter 1 Who Did Patrick’s Homework so that they can get an idea about the correct answers and can compare them with their own answers. 
  • Identify the Mistakes: It is advisable for students to understand the mistakes after solving Chapter 1 Who Did Patrick’s Homework Questions of Class 6 English through the NCERT Solutions. The mistakes of Chapter 1 Who Did Patrick’s Homework English can be incorrect answers, grammatical errors or can be spelling errors. 
  • Understand the Concepts: If in case, the mistakes are because of misinterpretation of Class 6 Chapter 1 Who Did Patrick’s Homework concepts then they need to understand the concepts first before solving Questions from NCERT English Solutions. 
  • Practise Same Sets of Questions Again: To rectify the mistakes after solving Questions of NCERT Solutions for Class 6 English Chapter 1 Who Did Patrick’s Homework revision, students need to practise the same sets of Questions so that the same sets of mistakes are not repeated. 
  • Keep a Record: Students should keep a record of all the mistakes which were made earlier while solving Chapter 1 Who Did Patrick’s Homework Questions from the Class 6 NCERT English Solutions so that they can keep a track of the progress. 
  • Seek Help: If in case, students are not able to rectify the mistakes of English Chapter 1 Who Did Patrick’s Homework from the Class 6 NCERT Solutions, then they need to seek help or guidance from the concerned teachers. 

What are the Challenges Faced While Solving Questions from the NCERT Solutions for Class 6 English Chapter 1 Who Did Patrick’s Homework?  

The challenges faced by students while solving Questions from the NCERT Solutions for Class 6 English Chapter 1 Who Did Patrick’s Homework are discussed below; some of the challenges are discussed below: 

  • Understanding the Concepts: Students may face difficulty while solving Questions of NCERT Solutions for Class 6 English Chapter 1 Who Did Patrick’s Homework revision if they are not able to understand the concepts effectively. 
  • Lack of Confidence: Lack of confidence can affect a student's performance while solving Questions of NCERT Solutions for Class 6 English Chapter 1 Who Did Patrick’s Homework theory. To overcome this challenge, students can practise Chapter 1 Who Did Patrick’s Homework Questions regularly, can seek help from concerned teachers, etc. 
  • Management of Time: If students are weak in management of time, then they may face difficulty while solving English Chapter 1 Who Did Patrick’s Homework Questions from the Class 6 NCERT Solutions. To overcome this students should make a study schedule and need to allocate sufficient time to practise Chapter 1 Who Did Patrick’s Homework English concepts. 
  • Spelling Mistakes: This is one of the big challenges while solving Chapter 1 Who Did Patrick’s Homework Questions from the Class 6 English NCERT Solutions is to take care of spellings as small mistakes in spelling can lead to losing marks. 
  • Lack of Understanding the Questions: If students are not able to understand the Chapter 1 Who Did Patrick’s Homework Questions then they may face difficulty in solving Class 6 English NCERT Solutions. 
  • Lack of Interest: In case students don’t have interest towards the Chapter 1 Who Did Patrick’s Homework English then they may face difficulty in solving Questions of NCERT Class 6 Solutions.

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Who Did Patrick’s Homework? Extra Questions and Answers Class 6 English Honeysuckle

July 28, 2020 by Prasanna

Here we are providing Who Did Patrick’s Homework Extra Questions and Answers Class 6 English Honeysuckle, Extra Questions for Class 6 English was designed by subject expert teachers.

Who Did Patrick’s Homework Extra Questions and Answers Class 6 English Honeysuckle

Who did patrick’s homework extra questions and answers short answer type.

Question 1. Did Patrick like doing homework? Answer: No, Patrick didn’t like it. According to Patrick, homework was too boring.

Question 2. What were the indoor and outdoor games Patrick liked to play? Answer: He liked to play two outdoor games, hockey and basketball and one indoor game, Nintendo.

Question 3. Did the elf-like to do what Patrick had asked? Answer: No, but he had to do it because he had granted a wish to Patrick.

Question 4. What was the tiny man wearing? Answer: The tiny man wore a woollen shirt with old fashioned britches and tall hat.

Question 5. Why did Patrick hate to do a home work? Give your views in details. Answer: Patrick never liked to do his homework. He hated to do his homework because for him it was too boring. Instead of doing his homework, he used to play hockey basketball and Nintendo.

Question 6. How did Patrick get the elf to do his homework? Answer: One day Patrick saw his cat playing with a doll when Patrick grabbed it he found out that it was not a doll but a man of tinniest size. The elf yelled at Patrick to save from the cat and he will grant him a wish. Patrick saved him from the cat and, wished that elf should do his homework for one semester that is for 35 days.

Question 7. What did Patrick think his cat was playing with? What was it really? Answer: Patrick thought that his cat was playing with a doll, but in reality it was an elf (man of tinniest size).

Question 8. Why did the little man grant Patrick a wish? Answer: The little man granted a wish to Patrick because Patrick saved him from cat.

Question 9. What was Patrick’s wish? Answer: Patrick wished that the elf will do all his homework till the end of semester, which was of 35 days.

Question 10. In what subjects did the little man need help, to do Patrick’s homework? Answer: To do Patrick’s homework the little man needed help in English, Mathematics and Human history.

Question 11. How did Patrick help him? Answer: Patrick helped him by bringing books from library, consulting a dictionary, guiding the little man in doing sums of arithmetic and read out portions from history book.

Question 12. Who do you think did Patrick’s homework- the little man, or Patrick himself? Give reasons for your answers. Answer: Patrick himself did his homework as little man did not know anything, in English, math’s and human history. Patrick had to consult dictionary, guide him with math’s rules and helped him to read too. He stayed up at nights and worked hard. Therefore, it was Patrick who did the homework.

Who Did Patrick’s Homework Extra Questions and Answers Long Answer Type

Question 1. While helping the elf in doing the homework, Patrick did his own homework. Do you think self- help is the best help? Answer: Patrick was a lazy boy who love to play hockey, basketball and Nintendo, but when the elf gave him the wish that he would do all his homework for a semester. Patrick became very happy. To his surprise the elf did not know anything about his homework. The elf asked Patrick to help him in English, Mathematics and Human history. To help them Patrick has started going to library, tried to solve the sums, read human history to explain everything to elf.

So that elf do his homework. But Patrick not even once realized that he was studying everything and helping the elf in doing his homework. At the end of the semester Patrick got A grade and had developed a changed attitude and behaviour. All this . was the result of Patrick’s sheer hard work that he did while helping the elf. Now he was a completely changed boy, developed a whole new positive attitude. His teachers and parents were now proud of him. We can say that self-help is best help because if elf would have done Patrick’s homework than Patrick would not be a changed boy. He might have been same as earlier but now he has developed a liking towards study and his home work.

Question 2. Children don’t like doing homeworks, Explain by giving examples from the chapter about the importance of doing homework. Answer: Homework is a really important task of learning days. It is a kind of revision for the work done in the class; It helps in preparing and understanding the chapter. Patrick did all his homework while he was helping the elf. He studied human history, practiced math and English too.

During this entire period he had developed a liking towards study. Now he was not feeling that homework is too boring. All the concepts and topics were now clear to him, had developed a whole new attitude. He got A grades. All this happened because of homework he did. So it is very important for all the students to do their homework.

Who Did Patrick’s Homework Extra Questions and Answers Reference to Context

Question 1. Then one day he found his cat playing with a little doll and he grabbed it away. To his surprise it wasn’t a doll at all, but a man of the tiniest size. He had a little wool shirt with old fashioned britches and a high tall hat much like a witch’s. He yelled, “Save me! Don’t give me back to that cat. I’ll grant you a wish, I promise you that.”

(i) The elf was grabbed by a (ii) Elf promised Patrick to if he saves his life. (iii) Who yelled ‘Save me’? (iv) The hat worn by elf was (v) Synonym of short trouser is Answer: (i) Cat (ii) Grant a wish (iii) Elf (iv) High (v) Britches

Question 2. “I don’t know this word,” the elf squeaked while reading Patrick’s homework. “Get me a dictionary. No, what’s even better, look up the word and sound it out by each letter.” When it came to maths, Patrick was out of luck. “What are times tables?” the elf shrieked. “We elves never need that. And addition and subtraction and division and fractions? Here, sit down beside me, you simply must guide me.” Elves know nothing of human history, to them it’s a mystery. So the little elf, already a shouter, just got louder. “Go to the library, I need books. More and more books. And you can help me read them too.”

(i) The elf took help of Patrick in reading (ii) Elves never Practise (iii) Patrick guided him ….. Mathematics (iv) History was ……… for elves. Answer: (i) to look up for meaning (ii) Maths (iii) in (iv) Mystery

Question 3. Finally, the last day of school arrived and the elf was free to go. As for homework, there was no more, so he quietly and slyly slipped out the back door. Patrick got his A’s; his classmates were amazed; his teachers smiled and were full of praise. And his parents? They wondered what had happened to Patrick. He was now the model kid. Cleaned his room, did his chores, was cheerful, never rude, like he had developed a whole new attitude.

(i) The elf was free to go because (ii) The word similar to the meaning ‘sly’ is (iii) Patrick was the model kid as (iv) Antonym of cheerful is (v) The best achievement of Patrick was that he scored A grade. Answer: (i) It was the last day of the school (ii) Secretively or cunningly (iii) he had developed a new attitude (iv) Sad (v) Had

who did patrick's homework question answer class 6 english

Who Did Patrick’s Homework Class 6 English Important Questions and Answers

Important Questions for Class 6 English Honeysuckle Chapter 1 Who Did Patrick’s Homework is given in this article. The answers to these important questions is prepared by our expert teachers as per the latest NCERT book and CBSE guidelines. Practicing these questions before the exam will help students to get excellent marks in the exam. Students can also download PDF of Class 6 English Chapter 1 Who Did Patrick’s Homework important questions and answers from the links below.

Class 6 English Honeysuckle Chapter 1 Who Did Patrick’s Homework Important Questions

Below we have complied the Class 6 English Chapter 1 Who Did Patrick’s Homework important questions with answers. These important questions are divided into two parts. They are – short questions and long important question. CBSE important Questions for Class 6 English will help to score more marks in your CBSE Board Exams.

Short Answer Type Questions

1. What was Patrick’s chief interest? Answer:  Patrick’s chief interest was to play hockey, football and video games.

2. What warning did the teachers give to Patrick? Answer:  The teachers noticed that Patrick never did his homework. So they warned him that he would remain a fool, an illiterate person.

3.How did Patrick get his wish granted by the elf? Answer:  Patrick saved the life of the elf from a cat. So the elf promised to fulfil one wish of his saviour.      ‘

4. What made Patrick believe that he was lucky? Answer:  Patrick hated homework and loved sports. He called himself lucky when the tiny man agreed to do all his homework.

5. Why did the little man’s face wrinkle and frown? Answer:  The little man was an elf. He had not studied maths or English. So he was angry when called upon to do Patrick’s homework.                                                                                  .

6.The little man kept his word. But there was one glitch. What was it? Answer:  The little man did not go back on his promise. But his problem was that he did not know maths, English or human history.

7.The little elf was a nag. How did it tell upon Patrick’s health? Answer:  The little elf agreed to do Patrick’s homework. But he had a problem. He was always seeking Patrick’s help. Over work tired him and caused swelling in his eyes.

8.What changes came in Patrick’s behaviour in the end? Answer:  In the end, Patrick became a model boy. He cleaned his room, did all his daily work, became cheerful and polite.

9. Instead of doing his homework, what did Patrick like to do?

Answer:  Instead of doing his homework, Patrick liked to play hockey, basketball and Nintendo. He found doing homework very boring and he always tried to avoid it.

10. What kind of help did the elf needed from Patrick in doing his homework?

Answer:  The elf wanted Patrick to sit beside him and guide him in English, by looking up the words in the dictionary and, in Maths by doing addition, subtraction, division and fractions. He sent him to the library for more books.

11. How can you say the little elf was true to his words?

Answer:  We can say that the little elf was true to his words because he started doing his work without wasting time as he had promised.

12. When did the elf leave him?

Answer:  The elf being true to his words, left him when the last day of school approached as there was no more homework to be completed.

13. What was the elf’s reaction when Patrick told him to do his homework for 35 days.

Answer:  The little elf’s face was wrinkled. He kicked his legs, and doubled his fists. He grimaced and scowled and shouted loudly.

14. Why did Patrick consider himself lucky?

Answer:  Patrick considered himself to be lucky because he had found a solution to all his problems. The solution was easy. The little elf would solve all his problems regarding homework.

15. Why were Patrick’s parents amazed? Answer:  Patrick’s parents were amazed because he got grade ‘A’ in all the subjects and his teachers were full of appreciation for him.

16. What was the reaction of the little man when he came to know about doing Patrick’s homework?

Answer:  When the little man came to know about doing homework, his face got wrinkled as he was to complete the work till the end of the semester for 35 days. He kicked his legs. His face had expressions showing anger and disapproval.

17. Patrick helped the little man in doing his homework. How?

Answer:  Patrick helped the little man by visiting the library to get books and read them. He looked for words in a dictionary to find their meanings. Patrick was working harder and harder in his study till late nights. He started going to school regularly.

Long Answer Type Questions

1. Who did Patrick’s homework? Why and how?

Answer:  Patrick had no interest in studies. He hated doing homework. He was lucky to get a helper. It was an elf. He had saved the elf from a cat and the elf promised to do all Patrick’s homework for 35 days. But the poor elf was blank in English and maths. He sought Patrick’s help and guidance. Patrick brought books from the library and worked hard to solve all sums. He got good marks. Actually it was Patrick himself who did all his homework.

2. How did Patrick get supernatural help? Was the elf intelligent enough to answer questions in all the subjects?

Answer:  One day Patrick found his cat playing with a doll. He rescued the tiny doll, who in fact was an elf. He promised to grant his saviour one wish. Patrick told him to do all his homework for 35 days. The elf had to keep his word. But he was quite ignorant of language and maths and even other subjects. He called out to Patrick to come and guide him.

3. Give the characteristic features of the elf which helped Patrick.

Answer:  Patrick saved a little doll from his cat. That doll was, in fact, a very small sized man, an elf. He was timid. He felt grateful to his saviour. In return he prom­ised to grant Patrick a wish. He could not say ‘no’ to any of Patrick’s requests. He agreed to do Patrick’s homework. But he was illiterate. He sought Patrick’s guidance at every step.

4. What were the changes that occurred in Patrick’s behaviour? How did his parents and teacher’s react to these changes?

Answer:  There was a great change in Patrick’s behaviour after completion of his homework. He became a model of kids. He got grade ‘A’ in all the subjects. His teachers became happy and they were full of appreciation for Patrick. His parents were amazed and could not believe the change. He cleaned his room, did his household chores. He was now a cheerful kid and was not rude to anyone. He had developed a whole new attitude. He became more responsible towards his work and study.

5. It is said that God helps those who help themselves. Do you agree?

Answer:  Yes, I agree that it’s true because God cannot come for our rescue directly. We have to help ourselves. God only shows us the right path and we have to follow it with full devotion. The tiny man or the elf showed him the way how to complete his homework. But it was Patrick who did his homework on his own and followed the instructions. This is the only way to learn in life thus, Patrick solved his problems in a way himself.

6. How did the little man react about Mathematics?

Answer:  The little man did not like Mathematics, in fact, he never needed time table so he did not use it. The little man had no interest in addition, subtraction, division and fractions. So he got angry, and asked Patrick to sit beside him and help him in solving the sums of mathematics.

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Important Questions for CBSE Class 6 English Honeysuckle Chapter 1 - Who Did Patrick's Homework?

  • Class 6 Important Question
  • English: Honeysuckle
  • Chapter 1: Who Did Patrick'S Homework?


CBSE Class 6 English Honeysuckle Chapter 1 Who Did Patrick's Homework? Important Questions - Free PDF Download

The important questions for Class 6 English Chapter 1 PDF help students to prepare for their examination in an orderly manner. These Class 6 English ch 1 important questions are written in a simple and easy to comprehend way. Who did Patrick’s homework important questions are prepared by the subject-matter experts at Vedantu to help students to learn the chapter and the correct answer-writing approach for the exam. By going through these questions students will be able to develop a conceptual understanding of the chapter and prepare well for the examination.

Who did Patrick’s homework important questions PDF is available for free download on the official website and mobile app of Vedantu. You can refer to the questions in this PDF online as well as download these important questions for Class 6 English Chapter 1 on any smart device for your offline reference. 

Vedantu is a platfo rm that provides free CBSE Solutions and a summary of the chapters covered in and yes we make sure to make these sets of questions available to every student. You can download the PDF of the important questions on who did Patrick’s homework from Vedantu, and prepare them at your own pace. The summary provided below, consists of some basic information on the author and the main plot of the chapter, with an explanation of the story. Now, let us take a look at the summary of the chapter so that you can solve the PDF of the important questions for class 6 English chapter 1. 

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CBSE Class 6 English Honeysuckle Important Questions


Chapter No

Chapter Name


Chapter 1

Who Did Patrick's Homework?


Chapter 2


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Chapter 5


Chapter 6


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Chapter 9


Chapter 10

Study Important Questions Class 6 English Honeysuckle Chapter 1 - Who did Patrick's Homework?

A. very short answer questions:      1 mark.

1. Word – Meaning from the given chapter

i) Wrinkled

ii) Scowled

Ans: Frowning in anger

Ans: In a secretive manner

Ans: Blurry

2. Fill in the Blanks

i) Patrick _____ (always/never) did his homework.

ii) Homework for Patrick was _____ (interesting/boring).

Ans:  boring

iii) When it came to maths, Patrick was _____ (very lucky/ out of luck).

Ans: out of luck

iv) The Elf knew nothing about the _____ (history/geography) of humans.

Ans: history

3. True – False.

i) Patrick was a very obedient child and always did his homework.

ii) The Elf did not grant Patrick’s wish.

Ans:  False

iii) The Elf did Patrick’s homework without taking help of Books.

iv) Patrick scored an A and became a model child.

4. Match the Following

Column I

Column II

i) Nintendo

a) Short trouser

ii) Ignoramus

b) Frown

iii) Grimaced

c) An ignorant person

iv) Britches

d) A video game

Column I

Column II

i) Nintendo

d) A video game

ii) Ignoramus

c) An ignorant person

iii) Grimaced

b) Frown

iv) Britches

a) Short trouser

5. Give the meaning of phrasal verbs

i) Be fond of 

Ans: To like something

ii) With the aid of 

Ans: To take support or help of something or someone

B. Short Answer Questions:     2 Marks

1. Why Patrick did not like doing his homework?

Ans: Patrick did not like doing his homework because according to Patrick homework was boring and took a lot of time.

2. What did Patrick’s teacher always told him?

Ans: Patrick’s teacher always asked him to study and complete his homework. The teacher also told that Patrick would stay dumb if he did not focus on his studies.

3. What was Patrick’s cat playing with?

Ans: Patrick’s cat was playing with a tiny little weird looking doll that wore hat and britches.

4. Why couldn’t Patrick believe his luck?

Ans: When Patrick saw what his cat was actually playing with, he couldn’t believe his luck, because it was not a doll but a talking elf.

5. What did Patrick ask the Elf to do?

Ans: Patrick asked the Elf to help him in his homework or finish his homework completely. Patrick also asked the elf to finish his household chores.

C. Short Answer Questions: 3 Marks

1. Why was Patrick’s wish granted by the Elf?

Ans: Patrick present Elf with a deal to grant him a wish to finish his homework until the end of his semesters and in return he would save him from the cat that was tormenting it.

2. Did the Elf help Patrick in doing his homework? Give a reason for your answer.

Ans: Elf was reluctant to help Patrick but he wanted to escape the trouble and had to agree. He promised to do his homework for about 35 days which made Patrick score A in all his subjects at school.

3. Name the subjects in which Elf asked Patrick for his help.

Ans: The Elf required some assistance from Patrick to solve subtraction, addition and tables in mathematics. He further required help to find words in a dictionary in English and also asked Patrick to read human history since he was unaware about it.

4. Read the following lines and answer the given questions

Patrick never did homework. “Too boring,” he said. He played baseball and hockey and Nintendo instead.

i) What was too boring for Patrick?

Ans:  For Patrick, homework was too boring to do.

ii) What did Patrick often do instead of doing his homework?

Ans: Instead of doing his homework, Patrick wasted his time playing Nintendo, baseball and hockey.

5. Write a stanza of the poem “A house, A Home” given at the end chapter 1.

Ans: “A house, A Home”

What is a house?

It’s brick and stone

And wood that’s hard.

Some window glass

And perhaps a yard

It’s eaves and chimneys

And tile floors

And stucco and roof

And lots of doors

D. Long Answer Questions:     5 Marks

1. Write about the character of Patrick. 

Ans: Patrick didn’t tick the boxes of an ideal and obedient student. He never obeyed neither his parents nor his teachers. He always got up late, followed by never finishing his homework or studying. He spent his time lying around or playing hockey, baseball and video games. He was also very selfish and only offered his help to the elf if he in turn would help him finish his homework. A change took over him when his semesters were over. He changed himself completely and became obedient, hard working and caring. 

2. Write about the character of the Elf. 

Ans: The Elf in the story “Who did Patrick’s Homework” is a tiny man, who wears hats and britches and possesses magical powers. Patrick saw him when his cat was playing with the elf thinking it to be a doll. The elf was helpless and asked Patrick to save it from the cat to which the elf promised to grant him wishes. The elf was a “man of his words” and did Patrick’s homework for 35 days. Despite being tired, he continued to help Patrick. The elf was very happy when the last day arrived and he left the place secretively.

3. Write the summary of the story “Who Did Patrick’s Homework?

Ans: Carol Moore pens down a funny story of child named Patrick. Through the story she teaches her readers about the importance of being an obedient person. Initially Patrick is a careless child you paid no attention in the class and just spent his day playing outdoors. One day he saw his cat playing with a doll which turned out to an elf. He made the best out the situation and asked him to complete his homework or else he would not help him. The elf was reluctant to help him but had to agree to save himself. He started doing his homework and promised to do it for 35 days. He asked for Patrick’s assistance in subjects like Maths, English and History. After the elf leaves we see a change taking over Patrick and he becomes a dutiful child.

4. Did the elf do Patrick’s homework? Or Patrick himself completed his homework? Give reasons for your answer. 

Ans: Elf promised to do Patrick’s homework for 35 days. He took over the task soon but he required Patrick’s assistance in subjects like English and Mathematics. He asked him to sit besides and guide him. Patrick helped him find words in an English dictionary and with tables, addition and subtraction in Mathematics. He also helped him understand about human history about which he had no idea of. Since Patrick read and understood the concept of various subjects, it can be interpreted htta he did all his homework himself and the elf was just a fragment of his imagination.

5. What is a house and what is a home? Answer in relevance with the poem “A house, A Home”.

Ans : Just a physical structure, built with bricks and stones is called a house. It can also have other details like a chimney or a lawn. Home is a warm place where family or your loved ones lives. It is an extension of the house and carries emotional value with it. Parents, children, relatives, pets and other people having close emotional attachment live there, under the same roof. They also care and love each other.

Important Questions for Class 6 English Chapter 1

Chapter 1- who did patrick’s homework, summary and explanation .

Patrick was an active boy who loved outdoor games like basketball and hockey. He even enjoyed playing Nintendo games. He was a very interesting player who was enthusiastic when it came to playing games but somehow Patrick showed less interest in studies. His teacher noticed his behavior, warned him to focus on his studies and complete his homework regularly. Otherwise, he would become an ignorant person. Sometimes Patrick felt he was ignorant towards studies and wanted to change himself but he could not. 

One day Patrick noticed that his cat was playing with a little doll, but when he observed closely he found that it was a small elf. The little elf was wearing a woolen shirt, a tall hat, and breeches. The little elf was scared of the cat and asked for help. He requested Patrick to save him and promised that in return he would grant a wish. 

Patrick saved the elf from the cat. He was very happy now. As per the deal, the elf has to grant Patrick a wish. Patrick asked the elf to do his complete homework, to help him in getting A’s in every subject. The elf did not like it but in the end, he agreed to do it. 

The elf started doing the homework. But there was one problem, the elf did not have any knowledge of any subject. Very often the elf needed Patrick’s help in doing the homework properly. 

When completing English homework the elf would ask Patrick for a dictionary. He would request Patrick to read and spell the word loudly. It was the same thing with subjects like Maths and History. The elf knew nothing so Patrick had to sit down beside the elf and guide him in completing his homework properly. Many times Patrick did a lot of work like he had to visit the Library, to get the books and read them to the elf. Then the elf would write those points in his answer book. 

This routine continued till the end of the semester and Patrick’s homework was finally completed. The last day of school arrived and as per the deal, the elf was free to go. Patrick submitted his homework and he got A’s in every subject. His classmates were amazed and his teacher was proud of him. His parents were both happy and surprised by the sudden change in their son’s behavior. Patrick had indeed changed himself and now he was a very hardworking and generous boy. 

Patrick thought that it was the elf that helped him in getting good grades but in reality, it was Patrick himself who did all the hard work and changed his scores. 

After reading the explanation, students can go through the Class 11 English Chapter 6 Important Questions PDF provided by Vedantu and attempt to answer the questions. In case of doubts regarding the chapter, students can reach out to us as we offer a free consultation for doubt clarification.

The story of who did Patrick’s homework is presented as magical realism in a beautiful manner. The boy Patrick who was always lazy when it came to completing his homework gets inspired and is pushed to work hard by an imaginary elf. By working hard he is not only able to complete his homework and get grades but also change himself into a very hardworking person. This story beautifully conveys the message that self-help always helps in completing a task. 

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Class 6 English Honeysuckle Chapter 1 Question Answers - Who Did Patrick's Homework?

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Class 6 English Honeysuckle Chapter 1 Question Answers - Who Did Patrick`s Homework?

Quick Chapter Summary

The story “Who Did Patrick’s Homework?” is about a boy, Patrick, who hates doing homework. He is interested in sports activities instead.

  •  One day, he saves an elf from the claws of his cat. Out of gratitude, the little man promises to grant a wish, and Patrick asks him to do all his homework until the end of the semester.
  • The elf asks for his help while doing the homework. In the end, it demonstrates how Patrick gets involved in his studies in due course of time and scores well in his exams.

Short Answer Type Questions

Q 1. What was Patrick’s chief interest?

Ans:  Patrick’s chief interest was playing hockey, football, and video games.

Q2. What warning did the teachers give to Patrick?

Ans:  The teachers noticed that Patrick never did his homework. So they warned him that he would remain a fool, an illiterate person.

Q 3. How did Patrick get his wish granted by the elf?

Class 6 English Honeysuckle Chapter 1 Question Answers - Who Did Patrick`s Homework?

Q4. What made Patrick believe that he was lucky?

Ans:  Patrick hated homework and loved sports. He called himself lucky when the tiny man agreed to do all his homework.

Q 5. Why did the little man’s face wrinkle and frown?

Ans:  The little man was an elf. He had not studied maths or English. So he was angry when called upon to do Patrick’s homework.

Q6. The little man kept his word. But there was one glitch. What was it?

Ans:  The little man did not go back on his promise. But his problem was that he did not know maths, English, or human history.

Q 7. The little elf was a nag. How did it tell upon Patrick’s health?

Ans:  The little elf agreed to do Patrick’s homework. But he had a problem. He was always seeking Patrick’s help. Overwork tired him and caused swelling in his eyes.

Q 8. What changes came in Patrick’s behaviour in the end?

Ans:  In the end, Patrick became a model boy. He cleaned his room, did all his daily work, and became cheerful and polite.

Long Answer Type Questions

Q 1. Who did Patrick’s homework? Why and how?

  • Patrick had no interest in studies. He hated doing homework. He was lucky to get a helper. It was an elf. 
  • He had saved the elf from a cat, and the elf promised to do all of Patrick’s homework for 35 days. But the poor elf was blank in English and maths. He sought Patrick’s help and guidance. 
  • Patrick brought books from the library and worked hard to solve all sums. He got good marks. Actually, it was Patrick himself who did all his homework.

Q 2. How did Patrick get supernatural help? Was the elf intelligent enough to answer questions in all the subjects?  

  • One day, Patrick found his cat playing with a doll. He rescued the tiny doll, who, in fact, was an elf. He promised to grant his saviour one wish. Patrick told him to do all his homework for 35 days. 

Class 6 English Honeysuckle Chapter 1 Question Answers - Who Did Patrick`s Homework?

Q 3. Give the characteristic features of the elf that helped Patrick.  

  • Patrick saved a little doll from his cat. That doll was, in fact, a very small-sized man, an elf. He was timid. He felt grateful to his saviour. 
  • In return, he prom­ised to grant Patrick a wish. He could not say ‘no’ to any of Patrick’s requests. 
  • He agreed to do Patrick’s homework. But he was illiterate. He sought Patrick’s guidance at every step.
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FAQs on Class 6 English Honeysuckle Chapter 1 Question Answers - Who Did Patrick's Homework?

1. Who are the main characters in the story "Who Did Patrick's Homework?"?
2. What is the central theme of the story?
3. How does the little man help Patrick with his homework?
4. What challenges does Patrick face because of the little man?
5. What lesson does Patrick learn from the experience with the little man?

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Class 6 English Where do all the Teachers Go Question Answers –  Looking for  Where do all the Teachers Go question answers  for CBSE Class 6 English Honeysuckle Book Poem 5? Look no further! Our comprehensive compilation of important questions will help you brush up on your subject knowledge. Practising Class 6 English question answers  can significantly improve your performance in the exam. Improve your chances of scoring high marks by exploring Poem 5:  Where do all the Teachers Go now. The questions listed below are based on the latest CBSE exam pattern, wherein we have given  NCERT solutions  to the chapter’s  extract-based questions, multiple choice questions and Extra Question Answers.  

Also, practising with different kinds of questions can help students learn new ways to solve problems that they may not have seen before. This can ultimately lead to a deeper understanding of the subject matter and better performance in exams. 

  • Where do all the Teachers Go Extract Based Questions
  • Where do all the Teachers Go Multiple Choice Questions
  • Where do all the Teachers Go Extra Question Answers
  • Where do all the Teachers Go, Class 6 English Poem 5 Explanation, Question Answer

Class 6 English Where do all the Teachers Go Poem 5 – Extract Based Questions

Where do all the teachers go

When it’s four o’clock?

Do they live in houses

And do they wash their socks?

Do they wear pyjamas

And do they watch TV?

And do they pick their noses

The same as you and me?

  • What time do the teachers leave according to the poem?

Ans : Teachers leave at Four o’clock.

  • What does the poet wonder if teachers do at home?

Ans : The poet wonders if teachers wash their socks at home.

  • What type of clothing does the poet question if teachers wear?

Ans: The poet questions if teachers wear Pyjamas

  • What activity does the poet question if teachers do, similar to children?

Ans : The poet questions if teachers pick their noses like children do.

  • What common household activity does the poet wonder if teachers engage in?

Ans : The poet wonders if teachers also engage themselves by watching TV.

Do they live with other people

Have they mums and dads?

And were they ever children

And were they ever bad?

Did they ever, never spell right

Did they ever make mistakes?

Were they punished in the corner

If they pinched the chocolate flakes?

  • Whom does the poet wonder if teachers live with?

Ans: The poet wonders if teachers live with their parents.

  • What does the poet question about teachers’ past?

Ans :  The poet questions if teachers ever committed any mistakes or did anything wrong when they were children.

  • What academic mistake does the poet wonder if teachers ever made?

Ans: If they ever misspelled words.

  • What does the poet question if teachers ever experienced as a form of punishment?

Ans : The poet questions if teachers ever experienced being punished in the corner.

  • What specific action does the poet wonder if teachers were punished for?

Ans : Stealing the chocolate.

Did they ever lose their hymn books

Did they ever leave their greens?

Did they scribble on the desk tops

Did they wear old dirty jeans?

I’ll follow one back home today

I’ll find out what they do

Then I’ll put it in a poem

That they can read to you.

  • What does the poet wonder if teachers ever lost?

Ans : Their hymn books.

  • What food item does the poet question if teachers ever left?

Ans: The poet questions if teachers ever left green vegetables.

  • Where does the poet wonder if teachers ever scribbled?

Ans: On the desk tops.

  • What type of clothing does the poet wonder if teachers wore?

Ans : Old dirty jeans.

  • What does the poet plan to do to learn more about teachers?

Ans: The poet plans to follow one back home and find out what they do.


Class 6 English Honeysuckle Book Poem 5 Where do all the Teachers Go Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs)

Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs)  are a type of objective assessment in which a person is asked to choose one or more correct answers from a list of available options. An MCQ presents a question along with several possible answers.

a) Three o’clock

b) Four o’clock

c) Five o’clock

d) Six o’clock

Ans: b) Four o’clock

c) Wash their socks

Ans: c) Wash their socks

  • What clothing item does the poet question if teachers wear?

d) Uniforms

Ans: b) Pyjamas

a) Play games

b) Watch TV

c) Pick their noses

d) Read books

Ans : c) Pick their noses

  • Who does the poet wonder if teachers live with?

b) With friends

c) With their mums and dads

d) With other teachers

Ans: c) With their mums and dads

  • What childhood behavior does the poet question about teachers?

a) Being quiet

b) Being studious

c) Being bad

d) Being shy

Ans : c) Being bad

  • What mistake does the poet wonder if teachers ever made?

a) Forgot their homework

b) Lost their books

c) Misspelled words

d) Came late to school

Ans: c) Misspelled words

  • What does the poet question about teachers’ childhood punishment?

a) Standing outside

b) Extra homework

c) Punished in the corner

d) Missing recess

Ans: c) Punished in the corner

  • What item does the poet wonder if teachers ever lost?

a) Their pens

b) Their hymn books

c) Their bags

d) Their shoes

Ans : b) Their hymn books

  • What food does the poet wonder if teachers said no to?

c) Green vegetables

Ans: c) Green vegetables

  • What does the poet question if teachers scribbled on?

d) Notebooks

Ans: c) Tables

  • What type of jeans does the poet wonder if teachers wore?

a) New jeans

b) Designer jeans

c) Old dirty jeans

d) Blue jeans

Ans: c) Old dirty jeans

  • What does the poet plan to do to find out more about teachers?

a) Ask them

b) Follow them home

c) Read about them

d) Visit their homes

Ans: b) Follow one home

  • What will the poet do with the information gathered about teachers?

a) Write a letter

b) Make a video

c) Compose a poem

d) Tell a friend

Ans: c) Compose a poem

  • Who will read the poet’s findings to students?

a) The principal

b) The students

c) The parents

d) The teachers

Ans: d) The teachers

Class 6 Where do all the Teachers Go Extra Question Answers

  • Who is the poet of this poem?

Ans: Peter Dixon.

  • Why does the child want to follow his/her teacher?

Ans: The child wants to follow his/her teacher because the teachers do not appear normal human beings to him/her. They seem to be so perfect. He wants to know what the teacher does at home, if they also have parents and children, if they also wear clothes like pyjamas and watch TV like them. The child wants to compose a poem with all this information.

  • What image does the child probably have of the teacher?

Ans: The child imagines his teacher to be perfect in every way, one is smartly dressed all the time, one who knows everything, one who has all good manners, in short, one who never commits any mistake or does chores which ordinary people do.

  • Why does the child want to know if the teacher ‘ever made mistakes’?

Ans: When the teacher teaches in class, he/she knows everything, in fact, he/she corrects the children if they commit mistakes, therefore the child wants to know if, as a child, the teacher ever made any mistakes.

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Extra Questions for Who did Patrick's Homework? Class 6 English Honeysuckle

Chapter 1 who did patrick's homework important questions class 6 honeysuckle english.

Chapter 1 Who did Patrick's Homework? Important Questions Class 6 Honeysuckle English

Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1.  What made Patrick believe that he was lucky?

Patrick hated homework and loved sports. He called himself lucky when the tiny man agreed to do all his homework.

Question 2. Did Patrick like doing homework?

No, Patrick didn’t like it. According to Patrick, homework was too boring.

Question 3. What was the tiny man wearing?

The tiny man wore a woollen shirt with old fashioned britches and tall hat.

Question 4.  Why did Patrick consider himself lucky?

Patrick considered himself to be lucky because he had found a solution to all his problems. The solution was easy. The little elf would solve all his problems regarding homework.

Question 5.  Why were Patrick’s parents amazed?

Patrick’s parents were amazed because he got grade ‘A’ in all the subjects and his teachers were full of appreciation for him.

Question 6. What did Patrick think his cat was playing with? What was it really?

Patrick thought that his cat was playing with a doll, but in reality it was an elf (man of tinniest size).

Question 7. In what subjects did the little man need help, to do Patrick’s homework?

To do Patrick’s homework the little man needed help in English, Mathematics and Human history.

Question 8.  How did Patrick get his wish granted by the elf?

Patrick saved the life of the elf from a cat. So the elf promised to fulfil one wish of his savior.

Question 9. What were the indoor and outdoor games Patrick liked to play?

He liked to play two outdoor games, hockey and basketball and one indoor game, Nintendo.

Question 10. Why did Patrick hate to do a home work? Give your views in details.

Patrick never liked to do his homework. He hated to do his homework because for him it was too boring. Instead of doing his homework, he used to play hockey basketball and Nintendo.

Question 11.  What changes came in Patrick’s behaviour in the end?

In the end, Patrick became a model boy. He cleaned his room, did all his daily work, became cheerful and polite.

Question 12. Why did the little man grant Patrick a wish?

The little man granted a wish to Patrick because Patrick saved him from cat.

Question 13. How did Patrick help him?

Patrick helped him by bringing books from library, consulting a dictionary, guiding the little man in doing sums of arithmetic and read out portions from history book.

Question 14.  What warning did the teachers give to Patrick?

The teachers noticed that Patrick never did his homework. So they warned him that he would remain a fool, an illiterate person.

Question 15. Did the elf-like to do what Patrick had asked?

No, but he had to do it because he had granted a wish to Patrick.

Question 16.  The little elf was a nag. How did it tell upon Patrick’s health?

The little elf agreed to do Patrick’s homework. But he had a problem. He was always seeking Patrick’s help. Over work tired him and caused swelling in his eyes.

Question 17. How did Patrick get the elf to do his homework?

One day Patrick saw his cat playing with a doll when Patrick grabbed it he found out that it was not a doll but a man of tinniest size. The elf yelled at Patrick to save from the cat and he will grant him a wish. Patrick saved him from the cat and, wished that elf should do his homework for one semester that is for 35 days.

Question 18.  What was the elf’s reaction when Patrick told him to do his homework for 35 days.

The little elf’s face was wrinkled. He kicked his legs, and doubled his fists. He grimaced and scowled and shouted loudly.

Question 19. What was Patrick’s wish?

Patrick wished that the elf will do all his homework till the end of semester, which was of 35 days.

Question 20.  What was Patrick’s chief interest?

Patrick’s chief interest was to play hockey, football and video games.

Question 21.  Why did the little man’s face wrinkle and frown?

The little man was an elf. He had not studied maths or English. So he was angry when called upon to do Patrick’s homework.

Question 22.  How can you say the little elf was true to his words?

We can say that the little elf was true to his words because he started doing his work without wasting time as he had promised.

Long Answer Type Questions

Question 1.  How did the little man react about Mathematics?

The little man did not like Mathematics, in fact, he never needed time table so he did not use it. The little man had no interest in addition, subtraction, division and fractions. So he got angry, and asked Patrick to sit beside him and help him in solving the sums of mathematics.

Question 2.  It is said that God helps those who help themselves. Do you agree?

Yes, I agree that it’s true because God cannot come for our rescue directly. We have to help ourselves. God only shows us the right path and we have to follow it with full devotion. The tiny man or the elf showed him the way how to complete his homework. But it was Patrick who did his homework on his own and followed the instructions. This is the only way to learn in life thus, Patrick solved his problems in a way himself.

Question 3. How did Patrick get the elf to do his homework?

Question 4.  Give the characteristic features of the elf which helped Patrick.

Patrick saved a little doll from his cat. That doll was, in fact, a very small sized man, an elf. He was timid. He felt grateful to his saviour. In return he prom­ised to grant Patrick a wish. He could not say ‘no’ to any of Patrick’s requests. He agreed to do Patrick’s homework. But he was illiterate. He sought Patrick’s guidance at every step.

Question 5. Who do you think did Patrick’s homework- the little man, or Patrick himself? Give reasons for your answers.

Patrick himself did his homework as little man did not know anything, in English, math’s and human history. Patrick had to consult dictionary, guide him with math’s rules and helped him to read too. He stayed up at nights and worked hard. Therefore, it was Patrick who did the homework.

Question 6.  Who did Patrick’s homework? Why and how?

Patrick had no interest in studies. He hated doing homework. He was lucky to get a helper. It was an elf. He had saved the elf from a cat and the elf promised to do all Patrick’s homework for 35 days. But the poor elf was blank in English and maths. He sought Patrick’s help and guidance. Patrick brought books from the library and worked hard to solve all sums. He got good marks. Actually it was Patrick himself who did all his homework.

Question 7. Children don’t like doing homework, Explain by giving examples from the chapter about the importance of doing homework.

Homework is a really important task of learning days. It is a kind of revision for the work done in the class; It helps in preparing and understanding the chapter. Patrick did all his homework while he was helping the elf. He studied human history, practiced math and English too. During this entire period he had developed a liking towards study. Now he was not feeling that homework is too boring. All the concepts and topics were now clear to him, had developed a whole new attitude. He got A grades. All this happened because of homework he did. So it is very important for all the students to do their homework.

Question 8.  How did Patrick get supernatural help? Was the elf intelligent enough to answer questions in all the subjects?

One day Patrick found his cat playing with a doll. He rescued the tiny doll, who in fact was an elf. He promised to grant his saviour one wish. Patrick told him to do all his homework for 35 days. The elf had to keep his word. But he was quite ignorant of language and maths and even other subjects. He called out to Patrick to come and guide him.

Extract Based Questions

Then one day he found his cat playing with a little doll and he grabbed it away. To his surprise it wasn’t a doll at all, but a man of the tiniest size. He had a little wool shirt with old fashioned britches and a high tall hat much like a witch’s. He yelled, “Save me! Don’t give me back to that cat. I’ll grant you a wish, I promise you that.”

(i) By whom the elf was grabbed? (ii) Elf promised Patrick to ____ if he saves his life. (iii) Who yelled ‘Save me’? (iv) The hat worn by elf was ____ (v) Synonym of short trouser is ____

(ii) Grant a wish

(v) Britches

“I don’t know this word,” the elf squeaked while reading Patrick’s homework. “Get me a dictionary. No, what’s even better, look up the word and sound it out by each letter.” When it came to maths, Patrick was out of luck. “What are times tables?” the elf shrieked. “We elves never need that. And addition and subtraction and division and fractions? Here, sit down beside me, you simply must guide me.” Elves know nothing of human history, to them it’s a mystery. So the little elf, already a shouter, just got louder. “Go to the library, I need books. More and more books. And you can help me read them too.”

(i) The elf took help of Patrick in reading ____ (ii) Elves never practise ____ (iii) Patrick guided him ____ Mathematics (iv) History was _____ for elves.

(i) words in the dictionary.

(iv) mystery

Finally, the last day of school arrived and the elf was free to go. As for homework, there was no more, so he quietly and slyly slipped out the back door. Patrick got his A’s; his classmates were amazed; his teachers smiled and were full of praise. And his parents? They wondered what had happened to Patrick. He was now the model kid. Cleaned his room, did his chores, was cheerful, never rude, like he had developed a whole new attitude.

(i) The elf was free to go because _____ (ii) The word similar to the meaning ‘sly’ is ____ (iii) Patrick was the model kid as _____ (iv) Antonym of cheerful is ____

(i) it was the last day of the school

(ii) secretively or cunningly

(iii) he had developed a new attitude

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  1. NCERT Solutions for Class 6 English Chapter 1 Who Did Patrick's Homework

    NCERT Solutions for Class 6 English Chapter 1 Who Did Patrick's Homework. Working With the Text (Page 11) Answer the following questions of Class 6 English Chapter 1 (Refer to that part of the text whose number is given against the question. This applies to the comprehension questions throughout the book.)

  2. NCERT Solutions for Class 6 English Unit 1

    The NCERT Solutions of Class 6 English have been solved by our subject-matter experts to provide the best-in-class solutions for Class 6 students. The story, "Who Did Patrick's Homework?" is about a boy, Patrick, who hates doing homework. He is interested in sports activities instead. One day, he saves an elf from the claws of his cat.

  3. Who Did Patrick'S Homework Class 6 Questions And Answers CBSE

    Contents1 Who Did Patrick's Homework NCERT Solutions for Class 6 English Honeysuckle Chapter 11.1 Who Did Patrick's Homework NCERT Text Book Questions and Answers1.2 Who Did Patrick's Homework Extra Questions and Answers Click here to get access to the best NCERT Solutions for Class 6 English. Each and every question of NCERT Solutions for Class […]

  4. Who Did Patrick's Homework Class 6 English Extra Questions and Answers

    Answer: Patrick himself did his homework as little man did not know anything, in English, math's and human history. Patrick had to consult dictionary, guide him with math's rules and helped him to read too. He stayed up at nights and worked hard. Therefore, it was Patrick who did the homework. Question 3.

  5. PDF Who Did Patrick's Homework

    answer. (9, 10) Answer: In reality, Patrick did all the homework by himself. He had to help the little man over and again with proper guidance and brought books from the library to do the homework. Working with language (Page 11-12) Question A: Fill in the blanks in the sentences below with the words or phrases from the box.

  6. NCERT Solutions for Class 6 English Honeysuckle Chapter 1 Who Did

    Question 3. What was Patrick's wish? (3) Answer: Patrick hated doing homework. His greatest wish was that the little man should do all his homework till the end of the session. Question 4. In what subjects did the little man need help, to do Patrick's homework? (5, 6) Answer: The little man needed Patrick's help in maths, English and history.

  7. NCERT Solutions for Class 6 English Honeysuckle Chapter 1 Who Did

    The solutions contain questions, answers, explanations and images to all the questions present in the prescribed textbook of CBSE board. All the questions are solved by experts with a detailed explanation that help students to complete their assignments & homework. ... Who Did Patrick's Homework Class 6 English NCERT Questions and Answers. To ...

  8. NCERT Solutions for Class 6 English Chapter 1 Who Did Patrick's

    This NCERT Solutions for Class 6 English contains answers of all questions asked in Chapter 1 in textbook, Honeysuckle. Therefore you can refer it to solve Who Did Patrick's Homework exercise questions and learn more about the topic. NCERT Solutions for Class 6 English Chapter 1 Who Did Patrick's Homework. Class - Class 6 Subject - English

  9. PDF Who Did Patrick's Homework?

    Who Did Patrick's Homework? Who Did Patrick's Homework? 1. PATRICK never did homework. "Too boring," he said. He played hockey and basketball and Nintendo instead. His teachers told him, "Patrick! Do your homework or you won't learn a thing." And it's true, sometimes he did feel like an ignoramus. But what could he do? He hated ...

  10. NCERT Solutions for Class 6 English Honeysuckle Chapter 1

    on May 12, 2023, 4:59 AM. NCERT Solutions for Class 6 English Honeysuckle Chapter 1 Who Did Patrick's Homework? and the poem 1 A House, A Home with Hindi Translation Summary in Hindi and English. The question answers of chapter 1 is revised on the basis of new rationalised textbooks published by NCERT for academic year 2024-25.

  11. NCERT Solutions for Class 6th: Ch 1 Who Did Patrick's Homework English

    Answer. It was not the little man but Patrick himself had did his homework as little man did not know anything, in English, maths and human history. Patrick had to consult dictionary, guide him with maths and help him to read too. He stayed up at nights and worked hard. Therefore, it was Patrick who did the homework. Working with Language.

  12. NCERT Solutions for Class 6 English Who Did Patrick's Homework

    NCERT Solutions for Class 6 English Who Did Patrick's Homework Chapter-01 Who Did Patricks Homework Page No: 11. Working with Text. Answer the following questions. (Refer to that part of the text whose number is given against the question. This applies to the comprehension questions throughout the book.) 1. What did Patrick think his cat was ...

  13. Who Did Patricks Homework

    The question, Who do you think did Patrick's Homework, is answered in our Class 6th English lesson 1 materials, offering a comprehensive overview of the entire chapter. Our resources also address What was Patrick's wish Class 6, and How did Patrick help him, providing clear, concise answers for easy understanding.

  14. NCERT Solutions for Class 6 English Chapter 1 Who Did Patrick's Homework?

    The NCERT solutions provide in-depth explanations of the text, ensuring that students grasp the moral and thematic core of the narrative. They are crafted to aid students in honing their language skills, improving their comprehension, and preparing effectively for exams. The NCERT solutions for Class 6 English strictly align with CBSE syllabus of class 6 English, making them an invaluable ...

  15. NCERT Solutions for Class 6 English Chapter 1 Who Did Patrick's

    Through the NCERT Class 6 English Solutions, students can practise more and more Questions so that they can build a strong foundation for Chapter 1 Who Did Patrick's Homework. Students can also access the Chapter 1 Who Did Patrick's Homework Questions of Class 6 English NCERT Solutions through the Selfstudys website as it is available in ...

  16. Who Did Patrick's Homework? Extra Questions and Answers Class 6 English

    Answer: Patrick himself did his homework as little man did not know anything, in English, math's and human history. Patrick had to consult dictionary, guide him with math's rules and helped him to read too. He stayed up at nights and worked hard. Therefore, it was Patrick who did the homework.

  17. Who Did Patrick's Homework Class 6 English Ch 1 ...

    NCERT Class 6 English Honeysuckle book Chapter 1 Who Did Patrick's Homework Summary, Explanation, and Question Answer. Who Did Patrick's Homework - Here is Class 6 English Honeysuckle Book Lesson 1 Who Did Patrick's Homework Summary and Detailed explanation of the lesson along with the meanings of difficult words. All the exercises and Question and Answers given at the back of the ...

  18. Who Did Patrick's Homework Class 6 English Important Questions

    Answer: The elf being true to his words, left him when the last day of school approached as there was no more homework to be completed. 13. What was the elf's reaction when Patrick told him to do his homework for 35 days. Answer: The little elf's face was wrinkled. He kicked his legs, and doubled his fists.

  19. CBSE Class 6 English Honeysuckle Chapter 1 Who Did Patrick's Homework

    iv) The Elf knew nothing about the _____ (history/geography) of humans. Ans: history. 3. True - False. i) Patrick was a very obedient child and always did his homework. Ans: False. ii) The Elf did not grant Patrick's wish. Ans: False. iii) The Elf did Patrick's homework without taking help of Books.

  20. Class 6 English Honeysuckle Chapter 1 Question Answers

    Document Description: Short and Long Answer Questions (with Solutions) - Who Did Patrick's Homework for Class 6 2024 is part of English Class 6 (Honeysuckle) preparation. The notes and questions for Short and Long Answer Questions (with Solutions) - Who Did Patrick's Homework have been prepared according to the Class 6 exam syllabus. Information about Short and Long Answer Questions (with ...

  21. PDF Who Did Patrick Who Did Patrick's Homework?

    Answer: In reality, Patrick did all the homework by himself. He had to help the little man over and again with proper guidance and bring books from the library to do the homework. Working with language (Page 11-12) Question A: Fill in the blanks in the sentences below with the words or phrases from the box. (You may not know the meaning of all ...

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    Where do all the Teachers Go Extra Question Answers; Where do all the Teachers Go, Class 6 English Poem 5 Explanation, Question Answer . Class 6 English Where do all the Teachers Go Poem 5 - Extract Based Questions . A. Where do all the teachers go. When it's four o'clock? Do they live in houses. And do they wash their socks? Do they wear ...

  23. Extra Questions for Who did Patrick's Homework? Class 6 English Honeysuckle

    Answer. Patrick himself did his homework as little man did not know anything, in English, math's and human history. Patrick had to consult dictionary, guide him with math's rules and helped him to read too. He stayed up at nights and worked hard. Therefore, it was Patrick who did the homework. Question 6.