
Essay on Outdoor Activities

Students are often asked to write an essay on Outdoor Activities in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Outdoor Activities

Importance of outdoor activities.

Outdoor activities are essential for our physical, mental, and emotional well-being. They offer numerous benefits such as improving our health, mood, and environmental awareness.

Benefits of Outdoor Activities

Engaging in outdoor activities can help us stay physically fit and reduce the risk of chronic illnesses like heart disease, obesity, and stroke. Being outdoors also boosts our mood and reduces stress levels. It improves our mental clarity, creativity, and overall happiness. Outdoor activities allow us to appreciate the beauty of nature and instill a sense of care for the environment.

Examples of Outdoor Activities

There are many enjoyable outdoor activities to choose from. These include walking, hiking, cycling, swimming, playing sports, gardening, camping, and fishing. Even simple activities like sitting in a park or taking a walk around the neighborhood can have positive effects.

Getting Started

Getting started with outdoor activities is easy. Start with an activity that you enjoy and gradually increase the intensity and duration over time. Remember to wear appropriate clothing and footwear, and stay hydrated. It’s also important to be aware of your surroundings and take necessary safety precautions.

Outdoor activities offer numerous benefits for our physical, mental, and emotional health. Embracing outdoor activities can help us live healthier, happier, and more fulfilling lives. So, make time to get outdoors and enjoy the many benefits it brings.

250 Words Essay on Outdoor Activities

What are outdoor activities.

Outdoor activities are fun things we do outside in the fresh air. These activities include playing sports like soccer and basketball, going for a walk, riding a bike, or even having a picnic in the park. They are a great way to get out of the house and enjoy nature.

Playing outside is not just fun; it’s also really good for our health. It helps us get fit and stay strong because we move our bodies a lot. Being in the sun gives us vitamin D, which is important for our bones. Also, being outdoors can make us feel happy and calm, taking away stress and worries.

Outdoor Activities and Learning

When we spend time outside, we learn new things without even realizing it. For example, when we play a game that involves teams, we learn about working together and helping each other. If we explore a park, we might discover different plants or animals and learn about nature.

Enjoying Outdoor Activities Safely

It’s important to stay safe while having fun outside. This means wearing the right clothes for the weather, like a hat on a sunny day or a warm jacket if it’s cold. We should also tell someone where we’re going if we’re exploring a new place. And always remember to drink plenty of water to stay hydrated.

In conclusion, outdoor activities are a great way to have fun, get healthy, and learn new things. So, let’s go outside and enjoy the adventure that awaits!

500 Words Essay on Outdoor Activities

Outdoor activities: a path to health, happiness, and harmony.

Outdoor activities offer a multitude of benefits that can positively impact our physical and mental well-being. Engaging in outdoor pursuits can enhance our overall health, promote happiness, and foster a deeper connection with nature.

Physical Benefits of Outdoor Activities

Spending time outdoors can significantly improve our physical health. Outdoor activities, such as walking, running, cycling, or gardening, help us burn calories, strengthen our muscles and bones, and boost our cardiovascular health. Regular exposure to sunlight also aids in the production of vitamin D, essential for strong bones and a healthy immune system.

Mental and Emotional Benefits of Outdoor Activities

Outdoor activities have a profound impact on our mental and emotional well-being. Studies have shown that spending time in nature can reduce stress, anxiety, and depression. Being surrounded by natural beauty can help us relax, clear our minds, and restore our inner peace. Outdoor activities also provide opportunities for social interaction, which can combat loneliness and promote a sense of community.

Environmental Benefits of Outdoor Activities

Outdoor activities can inspire us to appreciate and protect the natural world. By spending time in nature, we become more aware of the importance of conservation and sustainability. We learn to tread lightly on the earth and make choices that minimize our environmental impact. Outdoor activities also provide opportunities for us to learn about different ecosystems and the plants and animals that inhabit them.

Easy and Accessible Outdoor Activities

There are numerous outdoor activities that are easy to incorporate into our daily lives. Walking, running, and cycling are simple yet effective ways to get moving and enjoy the outdoors. Gardening is a relaxing and rewarding activity that can be done in even a small space. Birdwatching, hiking, and camping are great ways to explore nature and connect with the environment.

Conclusion: Embracing Outdoor Activities for a Fulfilling Life

Outdoor activities offer a wealth of benefits that can enrich our lives in many ways. Whether it’s a brisk walk in the park, a hike in the mountains, or a day spent gardening, spending time outdoors can improve our physical and mental health, connect us with nature, and inspire us to live more sustainably. Embracing outdoor activities is a key to living a healthy, happy, and fulfilling life.

That’s it! I hope the essay helped you.

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story essay outdoor activities

English Compositions

Short Essay on Importance of Outdoor Games [100, 200, 400 Words] With PDF

In today’s session, you will learn how to write short essays on the Importance Of Outdoor Games. There will be three sets of essays in this session, covering different word limits. 

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Short Essay on Importance of Outdoor Games in 100 Words

Playing outdoor games like cricket, football, basketball and badminton are known to benefit our physical and mental health. It improves blood flow, strengthens our muscles, improves our immunity and stamina, relaxes our body and mind, helps us stay focused and keeps us fit.

Playing outdoors also allows us to get some sunlight which in turn, helps the body produce vitamin D and strengthens our bones. Spending time in nature refreshes our mood and keeps us happy. Playing together with other people also teaches us social skills and helps us understand the meaning and value of team spirit, trust and working together as a unit. Outdoor games help in the overall growth and development of children and also keep people of all ages healthy. 

Short Essay on Importance of Outdoor Games in 200 Words

Today, with the advancement of technology, life has become easier and whatever we need is just a click away. This has made people adopt a sedentary lifestyle and they are reluctant to step out from the comfort of their homes.

People stay glued to their phones, computers and television screens all day long and they seem to have forgotten the joy of going out, playing outdoor games like cricket, hockey, football and badminton, and enjoying with real people. This sedentary lifestyle has resulted in people falling sick more often, lacking energy, lacking social skills and becoming distant from the people in their lives and social circles. 

Playing outdoor games is known to benefit our physical and mental health. It improves blood flow, strengthens our muscles, improves our stamina and immunity, provides relaxation to our body and mind, helps us stay focused and keeps our body weight in check.

Playing outdoors also gives us the opportunity to get some sunlight which in turn, helps the body produce vitamin D and strengthens our bones. Spending time in nature also refreshes our mood and keeps us happy. Playing together with other people also teaches us social skills and helps us understand the meaning and value of team spirit, trust and working together as a unit. 

Outdoor games are fun and help us stay healthy and fit. We all should take time out to go outdoors and play games. 

Short Essay on Importance of Outdoor Games in 400 Words

In today’s world, as technology has made connecting with each other and staying entertained so easy, people have adopted a sedentary lifestyle. Most people stay glued to their phones, computers or television screens all day long and hardly move around.

They seem to have forgotten the joy of going outdoors and playing games with their friends. This sedentary lifestyle has resulted in people falling sick more often, lacking energy and stamina, lacking social skills and becoming distant from the people in their lives and social circles. 

When we were kids, we used to go out every day, meet our friends and play games like cricket, badminton, football, volleyball, tennis, kho-kho and hide and seek. We ran behind each other, laughed crazily and enjoyed our time. Outdoor games kept us active and helped us stay fit and in good health. Today, with technology, our lifestyles have changed and we don’t find the motivation to engage in physical activities. This is something that is going to harm us in the long run. 

Playing outdoors also gives us the opportunity to get some sunlight which in turn, helps the body produce vitamin D and strengthens our bones. Spending time in nature also refreshes our mood and keeps us happy. It is observed that this can benefit people suffering from depression and other mental health issues as well. 

Children playing outdoor games learn new things and develop a problem-solving attitude. It helps in their overall growth and development. Playing together with other people also teaches us social skills and helps us understand the meaning and value of team spirit, trust and working together as a unit. 

Today, governments and private institutions everywhere are encouraging people to become physically more active as well as play outdoor games. More and more parks, grounds and stadiums are being built. Outdoor games are being promoted.

Doctors are advising people to go outside and play as well. It is one of the best things that we can do for ourselves. If one is interested and skilled in playing a certain game like cricket, hockey or football, one can even make that their career and become a professional player. Playing outdoor games is very important and we should encourage everyone to play. 

In this lesson today, I have adopted a very simplistic approach to writing these essays for a better understanding of all kinds of students. Still, if you have any doubts regarding this session, you can mention that in the comment section below. If you want to read more such important essays, keep browsing our website. 

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Essay On Outdoor Games – 10 Lines, Short and Long Essay

Essay On Outdoor Games – 10 Lines, Short and Long Essay

Key Points to Remember When Writing Essay on Outdoor Games 

10 lines on outdoor games, a paragraph on outdoor games, short essay on outdoor games, long essay on outdoor games, what will your child learn from outdoor games essay.

Writing an essay often takes us on a journey of discovery, allowing us to share our thoughts and feelings about a particular topic. Among these topics, the essay on outdoor games in English stands out for its rich content. Essays not only help us to express ourselves but also enrich our knowledge. Especially concerning outdoor games, it reminds us of our childhood, the golden days under the sun, and the many life lessons these games taught us. The benefits of  essay writing  are manifold, from enhancing our language skills to helping us introspect. When the topic is as riveting as outdoor games, it becomes a delightful experience.

When writing about the vibrant world of outdoor games, it’s crucial to hit the right notes to create a captivating and authentic narrative. Here are some key pointers to help you craft your outdoor game essay.

  • Understand the Importance:  First and foremost, recognise the significance of outdoor games in personal development and society. They’re not just about physical activity; they teach life values, perseverance, and teamwork.
  • Be Personal:  Sharing your own experiences can make your essay more relatable. Whether it’s the joy of scoring a goal or the disappointment of a missed opportunity, personal anecdotes bring life to your narrative.
  • Highlight the Benefits:  Emphasise the myriad advantages of participating in outdoor games, from physical health improvements to mental well-being and from team spirit to leadership skills.
  • Address Challenges:  While outdoor games offer many joys, it’s essential to address challenges as well. These could include issues like the over-commercialisation of sports or the lack of facilities in certain areas.
  • Incorporate History and Evolution:  Briefly touch upon the history and evolution of popular games. This adds depth and showcases the timelessness of human engagement with outdoor activities.
  • Use Vivid Descriptions:  Use your words to paint a picture. Describing the vibrant atmosphere of a playground or the tension of a match can make readers feel as if they are right there.
  • Include Varied Perspectives:  While your personal experiences are essential, consider adding insights from other players, coaches, or spectators to provide a rounded perspective.
  • Discuss the Societal Impact:  Delve into how outdoor games influence society, whether by fostering community ties, creating local heroes, or even boosting the economy in some cases.
  • Emphasise Lifelong Lessons:  Reiterate the life lessons outdoor games teach, such as resilience, dedication, patience, and the spirit of sportsmanship.
  • Conclude With a Personal Touch:  Wrap up your outdoor game essay with a reflective note. You could discuss the changing nature of outdoor games today or express hope for future generations to continue cherishing them.

Remember, every essay is a canvas for your thoughts. While these guidelines can help you follow the right direction, your unique voice and perspective will make your outdoor game essay truly stand out.

Outdoor games have long been the heartbeat of childhood memories and are a significant part of many people’s lives. They’re not just activities but experiences, lessons, and stories waiting to unfold. Here are a few lines that capture their essence and magic.

1. Outdoor games provide the perfect escape from our digital-driven lives, allowing us to connect with nature.

2. They instil qualities like teamwork, discipline, and resilience from a young age.

3. These games are an excellent way for children to enhance their physical fitness and agility.

4. Every outdoor game, such as soccer, cricket, or tennis, has its unique rules and charm.

5. Participating in them can lead to improved concentration and mental strength.

6. Outdoor games often act as social gatherings, fostering community ties and friendships.

7. They offer a break from the monotony of routine, filling one’s day with joy and excitement.

8. They also teach us about competition, determination, and the essence of fair play.

9. Celebrating victories and coping with game defeats prepares us for bigger life challenges.

10. Lastly, outdoor games remind us of the simple joys of life, laughter, and play, which often get overshadowed in adulthood.

With their enticing allure, outdoor games have shaped many of our fondest memories. They serve as a bridge connecting us to nature, to our peers, and even to our innermost selves. Let’s delve a bit deeper into their undeniable charm.

Outdoor games  are a beautiful blend of  physical activity , strategy, and camaraderie. Playing under the open sky, feeling the gentle breeze, or even the intense sun adds a unique dimension to the experience. These games are not just about winning or losing; they celebrate spirit, teamwork, and the sheer joy of participation. From casual weekend matches to intense neighbourhood tournaments, outdoor games bring communities together, fostering friendships and creating memories that last a lifetime. They are an integral part of our cultural tapestry, teaching us valuable life lessons while ensuring we have a good time.

Outdoor games are an age-old tradition that has been the cornerstone of many childhoods and cultural celebrations. Their significance stretches beyond physical activity, touching the realms of personal growth, societal bonding, and holistic development.

In a world increasingly dominated by screens and virtual interactions, outdoor games offer a refreshing respite. They allow children and adults alike to exercise their bodies, minds, and interpersonal skills. The sprawling fields become arenas where strategies are plotted, bonds are forged, and memories are etched. Games like football, cricket, and basketball are not just  sports ; they are platforms that teach teamwork, leadership, perseverance, and the essence of sportsmanship.

Moreover, outdoor games are instrumental in enhancing mental well-being. The sheer joy of playing in nature, under the vast expanse of the sky, has therapeutic qualities, helping reduce stress and anxiety. Communities come together to cheer for local teams or simply enjoy a friendly match in the park. In these moments, differences fade, replaced by a shared love for the game.

In conclusion, outdoor games are not just pastimes. They embody culture, passion, and life lessons. They remind us of the importance of staying active, being part of a community, and cherishing simple joys.

Outdoor games have been an essential aspect of human civilisation for centuries. They represent a tapestry of cultures, histories, and personal narratives. This essay explores the essence of outdoor games, their various types, and their numerous benefits.

What Are Outdoor Games?

As the name suggests, outdoor games are recreational activities primarily played in open spaces, fields, courts, or any designated playing area outdoors. Unlike  indoor games  that rely on boards or other small tools, outdoor games usually require more prominent space and involve physical activity. They are characterised by their ability to unite people in a communal setting and promote competition and cooperation.

Different Types of Outdoor Games

There’s an incredible diversity in outdoor games, each with its distinct flavour and cultural significance.

  • Soccer (football):  Known as the ‘beautiful game’, soccer is played between two teams aiming to score goals by propelling a ball into the opposing team’s net. With over 270 million players worldwide, it’s arguably the world’s most popular sport.
  • Basketball:  Played on a rectangular court, players aim to shoot a ball through the opponent’s hoop while preventing the opposing team from doing the same. Its origins trace back to Dr. James Naismith in 1891.
  • Cricket:  Particularly popular in countries like India, Australia, and England, cricket involves two teams, one trying to score runs while the other bowls and fields, attempting to restrict the scoring and dismiss the players.
  • Tennis:  A racquet sport where players or pairs hit a ball over a net, trying to ensure the opponent cannot return it. Grand Slam tournaments like Wimbledon and the US Open are hugely popular worldwide.
  • Baseball:  Mainly played in the US and Japan, it involves two teams taking turns to bat and field. The batter aims to hit pitches and score runs while the fielding team tries to prevent this.
  • Rugby:  A team sport with two teams trying to carry or kick the ball over the end line or into goalposts. Known for its physical intensity, rugby has variations like Rugby Union and Rugby League.
  • Hockey:  Played on grass or turf, hockey involves teams using sticks to hit a ball into a net. Field hockey is widespread globally, while ice hockey dominates in countries like Canada and Russia.
  • Volleyball:  A game where two teams send a ball over a net, aiming to ground it on the other team’s side. It can be played on various surfaces, including sand, known as beach volleyball.

Benefits of Playing Outdoor Games

1. physical well-being.

Outdoor games promote physical health by enhancing cardiovascular stamina, muscular strength, flexibility, and coordination  (3) .

2. Mental Health

Playing outdoors reduces stress, anxiety, and depression. The combination of physical activity, sunlight, and social interaction acts as a mood elevator  (2) .

3. Life Skills

Outdoor games teach crucial skills like teamwork, leadership, patience, and perseverance. Their competitive nature also teaches players how to gracefully handle wins and losses.

4. Social Interaction

They act as a platform for social interaction, helping individuals forge friendships and understand teamwork. This is especially significant in a world increasingly dominated by screens  (4) .

5. Cultural Significance

Traditional outdoor games connect individuals to their roots and teach them about their heritage and traditions.

6. Connection with Nature

Playing outdoors provides an opportunity to connect with nature. It instils an appreciation for the environment and the importance of sustainability  (1) .

Delving into an essay about outdoor games will give your child a profound appreciation for these activities beyond just play. They will uncover the multifaceted benefits of outdoor games, from physical and mental well-being to the life skills and cultural insights they impart. Additionally, through this exploration, they will grasp the importance of maintaining a balanced lifestyle, blending the digital age’s conveniences with the age-old joys of playing under the open sky.

In essence, outdoor games are invaluable life lessons encapsulated in play, competition, and camaraderie moments. As we navigate the complexities of modern living, it’s crucial to instil in our children the enduring values and joys these games offer, ensuring a balanced and enriching life experience.


1. Playing outdoors; nidirect; https://www.nidirect.gov.uk/articles/playing-outdoors

2. Glassy. D, Tandon. P; Playing Outside: Why It’s Important for Kids; American Academy of Pediatrics; https://www.healthychildren.org/English/family-life/power-of-play/Pages/playing-outside-why-its-important-for-kids.aspx

3. Top 5 benefits of children playing outside; Sanford Health; https://news.sanfordhealth.org/childrens/play-outside/

4. McCarthy. C; 6 reasons children need to play outside; Harvard Health Publishing; https://www.health.harvard.edu/blog/6-reasons-children-need-to-play-outside-2018052213880 ; October 2020

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Describe an Outdoor Activity You Did in a New Place - IELTS Speaking Cue Card Model Answer

Describe an outdoor activity you did in a new place..

You can say:

where it is

what the activity was

what the place is like

and say if you enjoyed it 

Describe an Outdoor Activity You Did in a New Place - IELTS Speaking Cue Card Model Answer - ielts luminary

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Model Answer 1

Recently, I embarked on an exhilarating hiking adventure in the picturesque Blue Mountains, a renowned natural paradise just outside Sydney, Australia. This experience remains vivid in my memory, not only for the breathtaking scenery but also for the sense of achievement it instilled in me.

The Blue Mountains, named for their distinct azure haze, are a spectacle of rugged cliffs, cascading waterfalls, and lush eucalyptus forests. As I ventured along the winding trails, each turn offered a new visual delight—from the sun-dappled valleys to the majestic Three Sisters rock formation. The air was crisp and invigorating, a refreshing escape from the city's hustle and bustle.

Hiking in this new terrain was both challenging and exhilarating. The steep paths and rocky inclines tested my physical limits, while the tranquil surroundings provided a mental respite. I recall pausing frequently, not just to catch my breath but to immerse myself in the serene beauty around me. The sounds of nature, from the rustling leaves to the distant birdcalls, created a symphony that was both calming and invigorating.

What made this activity particularly enjoyable was the sense of discovery. Each step took me further into an unexplored world, where nature's wonders were on full display. The feeling of being a tiny speck in the vastness of the natural world was both humbling and exhilarating.

Reflecting on this experience, I realize it was more than just an outdoor activity; it was a journey of self-discovery and appreciation for the natural world. The beauty of the Blue Mountains and the challenge of the hike left a lasting impression on me. It was an adventure that not only tested my physical limits but also expanded my appreciation for nature's wonders, making it an experience I will cherish forever.

Why this is a High Scoring Answer

This sample response is an exemplary high-scoring answer for several reasons, each aligning with the IELTS Speaking criteria: Fluency and Coherence, Lexical Resource, Grammatical Range and Accuracy, and Pronunciation.

1.    Fluency and Coherence: The narrative flows smoothly, with natural progression from one idea to the next. The speaker introduces the setting (Blue Mountains), then describes the activity (hiking) and their personal reflections. This coherent structure makes it easy for you, as the listener, to follow the story. Phrases like "This experience remains vivid in my memory" and "Reflecting on this experience" bookend the story, providing a clear beginning and conclusion.

2.    Lexical Resource: The response showcases a rich and varied vocabulary. Terms like "exhilarating hiking adventure," "picturesque Blue Mountains," and "rugged cliffs" paint a vivid picture of the experience. Such descriptive language engages the listener, making the story more impactful. Additionally, the use of words like "serene," "majestic," and "tranquil" demonstrate the speaker's ability to use a wide range of vocabulary to precisely convey their thoughts.

3.    Grammatical Range and Accuracy: The speaker uses a variety of complex sentence structures accurately. For example, "As I ventured along the winding trails, each turn offered a new visual delight" uses a complex clause effectively. The correct use of past tense throughout the narrative shows a strong grasp of grammatical rules.

This answer, rich in descriptive language and personal reflection, is not only a high-scoring response but also a reflection of the depth and quality you can expect from our downloadable exclusive IELTS eBooks . These eBooks are tailored to help you grasp the nuances of the English language and excel in your IELTS journey. They provide detailed insights and strategies, similar to the elements used in this response, to enhance your understanding and performance in the IELTS exam.

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Model Answer 2

Last summer, I had the pleasure of exploring the serene landscapes of Lake Tahoe, a stunning alpine lake straddling the border of California and Nevada. This experience was not just a journey through a new place, but a delightful immersion in outdoor activities that I will treasure for years to come.

Nestled in the Sierra Nevada mountains, Lake Tahoe is renowned for its crystal-clear waters and panoramic mountain views. The tranquility of the lake, coupled with the lush greenery and rugged mountain backdrop, creates a setting that feels almost surreal. My activity of choice was kayaking, a new endeavor for me, which allowed me to experience the lake's beauty up close.

Gently paddling through the calm waters, I felt a deep connection with the natural world. The rhythmic motion of the kayak gliding over the lake was both calming and invigorating. With each stroke, I moved further away from the shore, leaving behind the noise of daily life and entering a world of peace and serenity. The mirrored surface of the water reflected the azure sky and the surrounding peaks, creating a visual spectacle that was simply breathtaking.

What made this activity truly enjoyable was the blend of physical exercise and mental relaxation it offered. The challenge of navigating the kayak through the water was a rewarding physical test, while the stunning scenery provided a feast for the senses. The experience was a perfect blend of adventure and tranquility, offering a unique way to connect with nature.

Reflecting on my time at Lake Tahoe, I realize it was more than just an outdoor activity; it was an opportunity to explore new horizons and find solace in the embrace of nature. The experience was not only a test of my physical abilities but also a journey into the heart of natural beauty, leaving me with memories that will last a lifetime.

This response to "Describe an outdoor activity you did in a new place" beautifully illustrates the key elements that contribute to a high score in the IELTS Speaking section.

1.    Fluency and Coherence: The narrative is presented in a fluid and logical manner. It starts by setting the scene at Lake Tahoe, transitions into the kayaking experience, and concludes with personal reflections. This clear structure makes the story easy to follow and engaging, as seen in the transition from the general description of Lake Tahoe to the specific activity of kayaking.

2.    Lexical Resource: The speaker uses a wide range of vocabulary that is both appropriate and varied, enhancing the quality of the narrative. Phrases like "serene landscapes," "crystal-clear waters," and "rhythmic motion of the kayak" demonstrate a rich vocabulary. Such language not only describes the experience vividly but also keeps you, as the listener, captivated.

3.    Grammatical Range and Accuracy: The response showcases a variety of complex sentence structures used accurately. For instance, "Nestled in the Sierra Nevada mountains, Lake Tahoe is renowned..." is a well-constructed complex sentence. The consistent use of the past tense and appropriate conjunctions also highlights the speaker's grammatical proficiency.

This response is a prime example of the engaging, well-structured, and linguistically rich content that you can find in our downloadable exclusive IELTS eBooks . These resources are designed to help you develop the skills needed to deliver such high-quality responses. By exploring our eBooks, you will gain insights into crafting narratives that are not only fluent and coherent but also demonstrate a broad lexical range and grammatical accuracy, all delivered with clear pronunciation.

Model Answer 3

One of my most memorable experiences was a day spent sandboarding in the vast, golden dunes of the Sahara Desert. This adventure not only introduced me to a new place but also allowed me to engage in an exhilarating activity that was both challenging and rewarding.

The Sahara Desert, known for its expansive sandy landscapes and towering dunes, presents a surreal, almost otherworldly beauty. The sheer magnitude of the desert, with its endless sea of golden sand, creates an awe-inspiring backdrop for any activity. My chosen adventure, sandboarding, was a thrilling way to explore this unique environment.

Navigating the dunes on a sandboard was a test of balance and agility. Each descent was a blend of excitement and apprehension as I slid down the steep, sandy slopes. The rush of adrenaline was palpable with every swift, sandy slide, making me feel both exhilarated and alive. The warm desert wind against my face and the soft sand beneath my feet added to the visceral experience.

What I cherished most about this activity was the contrast it offered: the tranquility of the vast desert against the thrill of an action-packed sport. Sandboarding in the Sahara was not just about the physical challenge; it was about embracing the solitude and majesty of one of the world’s most iconic landscapes. The experience was a perfect amalgamation of adventure and introspection.

Reflecting on my time in the Sahara, I realize that sandboarding was more than an outdoor activity; it was an exploration of personal limits and a celebration of the natural world's grandeur. The experience left an indelible mark on me, offering a unique perspective on both nature's beauty and the thrill of adventure sports.

This sample response on sandboarding in the Sahara Desert is a standout example of what a high-scoring answer in the IELTS Speaking section looks like, for several reasons:

1.    Fluency and Coherence: The speaker presents their experience in a well-structured and logical manner. The narrative begins with an introduction to the activity and location, progresses through the details of the experience, and concludes with personal reflections. This coherence makes the story easy to follow and engaging, as illustrated by transitions like "Navigating the dunes on a sandboard was a test of balance and agility."

2.    Lexical Resource: The response demonstrates a rich and varied vocabulary, key to impressing the examiner. Terms like "vast, golden dunes," "expansive sandy landscapes," and "the thrill of an action-packed sport" paint a vivid picture of the experience. This use of descriptive language not only enhances the story but also keeps the listener engaged.

3.    Grammatical Range and Accuracy: The speaker skillfully uses a variety of sentence structures. Complex sentences, such as "Each descent was a blend of excitement and apprehension as I slid down the steep, sandy slopes," are used effectively and accurately. The correct and varied use of tenses and sentence forms throughout the narrative demonstrates a strong command of English grammar.

By exploring experiences like these in our exclusive IELTS eBooks , you'll discover how to articulate your thoughts in a similarly effective manner. Our eBooks guide you through crafting narratives that are coherent, linguistically rich, grammatically accurate, and clearly pronounced – all vital skills for achieving a high score in the IELTS Speaking section.

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  • Speaking Cue Card Answers

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Why Is It Important to Spend Time Outdoors: Essay

Why is it important to spend time outdoors: essay introduction, health effects of spending time outdoor: essay body, exercise & outdoor activities: essay body, mood & concentration benefits of outdoor activities: essay body, essay about outdoor activities: conclusion, works cited.

Do you like spending time in nature with family and friends? Then you will definitely enjoy writing an essay about outdoor activities! But why is it important to spend time outdoors? Essay example on this page has the answer: check it out!

Spending time outside the serenity one is used to have positive effects on the physical and the mental health. Research shows that spending leisure time in those activities not confined to your area improves both the physical and mental well-being.

Outdoor activities includes walking, fishing, running, playing, mountain hiking, biking, horseback riding, boating and fishing, kayaking, picnicking and swimming. It is also healthy to spend time in nature settings for example watching the rivers flowing, adventuring the forests and game parks (Sisson 1).

Research proves that engaging in outdoor activities is significant to the growth and development of the body and the mind. However, this can be achieved through other means like indoors, but with a lot of trouble and expenses (Komaroff 1)

Many people like serenity of spending leisure free time in nature so that they can reduce or eliminate the stress and fatigue of engaging in day-to-day activities. The natural scenery and fresh air outside have the positive effects for both adults and the kids. The overall quality of children’s life improves when they are actively engaged in outdoor activities.

Engaging in outdoor activities means that a person will get enough sunlight. Sunshine acts as a source of vitamin D. When the sunlight hits the skin, the process starts from the involvement of the liver and kidneys; this eventually results in the development of the biologically active form of the vitamin. Many other vitamins do not have powers to fight back the diseases as compared to the vitamin D that has been proved more powerful.

Research proves that vitamin D protects the body against serious diseases like cancer, heart failures, stroke and the diseases of the mind like depression more than other vitamins do. A good source of vitamin D is the exposure of the arms and legs to sunlight for ten to fifteen minutes. Age and the skin color affect the rate at which the skin receives Vitamin D from sunlight.

Older people above 65 years of age generate vitamin D four times the people in their twenties while the dark skinned people produce about half the levels of vitamin D in their blood compared to the white skinned people. Ultra Violet light is the one that generates vitamin D when in contact with the body. However, the UVB light might be blocked by the sunscreens (Komaroff 1).

Research shows that engaging in outdoor activities enables human beings especially children to get more exercise. Researchers from Britain argue that a child who engages in outdoor activities is double active than those engaging in indoor activities. This research was undertaken using machines that track the movement of 1,000 children throughout the day.

It is advisable that one engages in those activities that keep the body in motion for a good body exercise for example walking, hiking, biking, gardening, and cleaning up the yard among other vigorous activities. A good exercise is good for the growth and development of a child (Komaroff 2).

Research shows that human beings become happy if they exercise in outdoor activities. Natural light tends to boost people’s mood and the only place one can access natural light is by moving out of the enclosures. Physical activities relax and cheer up people. Spending time outdoors makes an individual more proactive, cheerful and initiates a happy mood.

Researchers call the practice of exercising the body in the presence of nature as the “green exercise”. Such exercises are significant to the growth and development of the mind. Researchers from England argue that engaging in a green exercise for at least five minutes improves self-esteem, enjoyment and mood (Komaroff 2). Outdoor activities have the mental benefits such as the overall stress reduction.

Thinking capacity also tends to improve through improvement of attention that enhances connectivity in the brain and allows people to have good focus. Workouts also give one an opportunity to be joyous (Sisson 2). Spending time outdoor improves concentration. Children with emotional and mental disorders tend to experience the feeling of depression, lack of concentration and are not hyperactive.

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder in children causes lack of concentration when they are subjected to too much work indoors. Research shows that such children will have better focus and improved concentration if subjected to the outdoor activities. Studies show that children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) perform better in examinations after a scenery walk through a park than after an indoor walk in the neighborhood.

Other studies show that outdoor exercises have positive effects on children with ADHD. Adults who have a shorter span of concentration also experience this condition and engaging in outdoor activities may solve this (Komaroff 3). Spending time in an open natural setting drastically decreases the symptoms of ADHD, mental and behavioral disorders in children.

Workouts in a natural environment offer an emotional and behavioral release for the people with depression while the challenges faced during the adventure in outdoor activities help in regaining trust, self-confidence and improved self-esteem (Sisson 2).

Researchers from the University of Pittsburgh showed that patients with spinal surgery might heal faster when exposed to the natural light. When they are under medication, they tend to experience pain and stress. Another study reported that when a patient views outside through the window it has a positive impact on the healing process. This is due to the fresh air coming in from the window (Komaroff 3).

Other studies have also shown that, spending leisure time in nature decreases prevalence to diseases such as blood pressure, heart failure, and sympathetic nerve activity. The anti-cancer protein and natural killer cells increase over time to prevent the infection and the growth of the cancer cells.

Body exercises done outdoors in green and blue natural, water like swimming enhance the growth of such body protective cells. Studies have also proved that engaging in outdoor activities increases body energy, more positive hyperactivity, less depression, anger reduction, less confusion, and reduced stress as compared to the indoor workouts (Sisson 1).

Spending time outdoor means going outside the enclosed setting to a natural space where one gets enough time to adventure what is new in the natural setting. Researches proof that engaging in outdoor activities is beneficial for the growth and development of the physical and mental wellbeing of an individual. In children, spending time outdoor prevents the emotional and behavioral disorders.

A lot of research has been done to counter the claims that indoor activities play the same role as those by the outdoor activities in the physical and mental health of an individual such as the cost and the trouble associated with indoors. For a healthy living, both the children and the adults must be engaged in the outdoor activities in the natural setting such as rivers, mountains and forests.

Komaroff, Anthony. A Prescription for Better Health: Go alfresco. Boston : Harvard Health Publications, 2012. Print.

Sisson, Mark. The Rich and Measurable Benefits of Spending More Time in Nature . Oxnard: Mark’s Daily Apple, 2012. Print.

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IvyPanda. (2020, March 11). Why Is It Important to Spend Time Outdoors: Essay. https://ivypanda.com/essays/benefits-of-spending-time-outdoor/

"Why Is It Important to Spend Time Outdoors: Essay." IvyPanda , 11 Mar. 2020, ivypanda.com/essays/benefits-of-spending-time-outdoor/.

IvyPanda . (2020) 'Why Is It Important to Spend Time Outdoors: Essay'. 11 March.

IvyPanda . 2020. "Why Is It Important to Spend Time Outdoors: Essay." March 11, 2020. https://ivypanda.com/essays/benefits-of-spending-time-outdoor/.

1. IvyPanda . "Why Is It Important to Spend Time Outdoors: Essay." March 11, 2020. https://ivypanda.com/essays/benefits-of-spending-time-outdoor/.


IvyPanda . "Why Is It Important to Spend Time Outdoors: Essay." March 11, 2020. https://ivypanda.com/essays/benefits-of-spending-time-outdoor/.


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The Power of Storytelling: How Sharing Your Outdoor Experiences Can Inspire and Empower Others

  • Empowering Stories in Nature
  • Inspiring Outdoor Narratives
  • Oudoor Adventure Storytelling
  • Outdoor Community Stories
  • Sharing Nature Experiences

Yanni Noyola

Introduction: Our personal stories have the power to connect, inspire, and empower those around us. By sharing our outdoor experiences, we not only document our own journeys but also create a ripple effect that can touch the lives of others. In this blog post, we'll explore the importance of storytelling in the outdoor community and how your experiences can have a lasting impact on others.

The Importance of Storytelling: Storytelling is a fundamental aspect of human communication, helping us make sense of the world and our place in it. In the context of outdoor adventures, stories serve to document our experiences, preserve our memories, and share our knowledge with others. They also create a sense of connection and belonging, allowing us to relate to one another and find common ground.

How Sharing Your Outdoor Experiences Can Inspire Others:

  • Encouraging adventure: Hearing about others' outdoor adventures can ignite a sense of curiosity and wanderlust, inspiring others to step out of their comfort zones and embark on their own journeys.
  • Building community: When we share our experiences, we contribute to a collective narrative that fosters a sense of belonging and camaraderie within the outdoor community.
  • Promoting diversity and inclusion: By sharing our unique perspectives and backgrounds, we help create a more diverse and inclusive outdoor community, breaking down barriers and challenging stereotypes.
  • Educating and informing: Our stories can serve as valuable resources for others, providing practical advice, tips, and insights that can help them better navigate their own outdoor pursuits.
  • Offering hope and healing: The personal challenges and triumphs we experience in nature can offer hope and inspiration to those facing their own struggles, demonstrating the transformative power of the outdoors.

Finding Your Storytelling Platform: There are numerous platforms available for sharing your outdoor experiences, including blogs, social media, podcasts, and video platforms like YouTube. Consider which medium best suits your skills and interests, and don't be afraid to experiment with different formats and styles.

Tips for Crafting a Compelling Story:

  • Be authentic: Share your experiences truthfully and openly, embracing both the highs and the lows of your journey.
  • Engage your audience: Use vivid language, descriptive details, and relatable anecdotes to draw your audience into your story.
  • Structure your narrative: Organize your story in a way that flows naturally and builds suspense or tension, leading to a satisfying resolution.
  • Share your insights and lessons learned: Reflect on the personal growth and insights you gained during your outdoor experiences, offering valuable takeaways for your audience.
  • Encourage interaction and dialogue: Invite your audience to engage with your story by asking questions, soliciting feedback, or offering opportunities for them to share their own experiences.

Conclusion: The power of storytelling lies in its ability to connect, inspire, and empower others. By sharing your outdoor experiences, you can have a lasting impact on the lives of others and contribute to a stronger, more inclusive outdoor community. So, embrace your inner storyteller and share your journey with the world – you never know who you might inspire along the way.

Finding Your Tribe: How Joining an Outdoor Adventure Community Can Empower You and Amplify Your Voice

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Describe an outdoor activity you did IELTS Cue Card

Describe an outdoor activity you did IELTS Cue Card


Describe an outdoor activity you did

You should say:

  • What the activity was
  • When and where you did it
  • Who you did it with
  • And explain why you enjoyed it

Being a travel enthusiast, I regularly participate in outdoor activities. One such activity I did was unique and, hence, worth mentioning. The activity was going to a hill station on a cycle. I did it four years back and went to a hill station called Kasauli from my hometown.

I did it with my school friends and enjoyed it for various reasons. A few months before the trip to my country, there was a lockdown due to the coronavirus, so I had to remain indoors. So, this cycling trip was a pause for me because when the administration lifted the lockdown, we sighed in relief and planned this activity. We 12 friends went on our respective cycles.

On the way, we clicked many photographs. Apart from this, there was a waterfall on the way since it was a scorching heat, so we bathed in the fall. After that, we felt hungry, so we ate Pizza at a food outlet. The other meal we had was cheese chilli, which was mouth-watering, and although the trip was tiring, we enjoyed it a lot.

After reaching Kasauli, we roamed the city, purchased some handicrafts, and returned in the evening. The good time I had that day will remain etched in my memories.

Here are some examples of follow-up questions that the examiner might ask during your speaking part 3 related to the cue card “ Describe an outdoor activity you did  ”.

1. Is having outdoor activities important to people?

Yes, outdoor activities are essential to people because they help them unwind. In this modern era, people compete fiercely to move their lives toward an aggressive growth trajectory until they get stressed. In such a scenario, outdoor activities work like a charm because when people indulge in such pursuits, they forget their worries and get into a flow.

2. Do people go outdoors more or less now than before?

People’s tendency to go outdoors has reduced as compared to the past because there were fewer indoor recreation options in the previous years. However, due to technological developments, we have many options for indoor activities like watching movies, watching TV, and playing board games and digital games.

3. What can people do outdoors besides exercising?

Apart from exercising, people can join laughing clubs and form small associations of like-minded people who can discuss society’s pressing problems .

4. When do people usually go outdoors to get close to nature?

People who love to be in nature prefer to go in the mornings because that is when the air is clean and pristine, and there is abundant sunshine. So people relax in the arms of nature.

5. What can people do to get close to nature?

To get close to nature, people should go to gardens and parks and indulge in activities like gardening, which aligns them with nature. Apart from this, they should plant trees and flowers and nurture them to get close to nature.

6. Do people like outdoor activities in the wintertime?

In winter, people have to spend their mornings and evenings indoors because of the cold temperature. So, at that time, they prefer to go out in the afternoon when there is plenty of sunshine to get relief from the chilling weather. While doing this, they feel relaxed and get vitamin D.

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How the Great Outdoors Can Help You Write

Sometimes you sit down to write and the only thing you can see is a blank page staring back at you. This is known as creative block or writer’s block , and it may mean you need a breath of fresh air. Literally, getting outside in the fresh air will help clear your brain and boost your mental activity. Scientists have found that spending time in nature can make us healthier, happier and more creative. The next time you’re having trouble getting the words to flow, take it outside. These tips on how to get more outdoor time may help encourage some amazing creative writing ideas while you’re soaking up nature.

Take a hike, or a bike, or a swim:

Research shows that moving your body helps to bring oxygen to your brain and that nourishes your creative thinking skills. The next time you’re faced with a writing project, spend some active time outside. Stop by a park and climb the jungle gym, take a short walk in the sunshine, bike ride around the block. Stepping away from your project and into nature can help awaken your creativity, and a boost of healthy activity is a bonus. You can even set fitness goals and track your fitness.

Use some sense:

To stir your creative juices, engage your senses outdoors. Feel the breeze on your face, sit and listen to the rain on the roof, look up at the sky and let your imagination float with the clouds. Strengthening your senses will help you write in more detail about the things you hear, the things you see, even what you smell. If you need some encouragement, check out our 7 outdoor writing activities that will have your kids outside and discovering nature.

Plan outside time with a friend:

When your creativity is feeling drained, look for some healthy social interaction with a friend, a family member or a neighbour. Spending time outdoors with someone who makes you feel good will no doubt help you feel happier and boost your brainpower. You can even try bouncing a few of your writing ideas off of them. Or, for some crazy fun, you can try taking some photos with you and try these 8 fun storytelling games using image prompts .

Plan an outdoor adventure:

The best part about the great outdoors is that there is so much to explore. There are probably parts of your neighbourhood or your community that you have never taken the time to visit. Take advantage of neighbourhood nature centres, zoos and bird sanctuaries. Take some binoculars with you, a notebook and a pencil for bird watching and spying on wild animals – things that could make great subjects for your next writing project.

Play some backyard tunes:

The simple act of turning on music may be enough to jump-start your writing skills. So, head outside for an outdoor dance party and crank up whatever gets you going – classical, jazz, hip hop. Mix it up and let your mind groove to some different beats while your body soaks in nature. Don’t be afraid to get up and dance in your backyard. Music can invigorate your creativity and dancing can get your blood flowing.

Separate yourself from your screen:

When the creative juices start slowing down, take a healthy break from the internet and your computer screen and go outdoors. Put some distance between yourself and the wi-fi. Shut down your computer, turn off your tablet, pick up a pen and paper and head to a sunny spot on the lawn or a park bench. You will feel an amazing sense of calmness and clarity when you unplug and take your writing tools to a natural setting.

Pack a power picnic:

There are times when we forget that our brain and our body need to work together for us to be productive. Both your brain and your body need nutrients to achieve your best writing performance. Before you sit down to write, pack up a healthy picnic lunch or even just some healthy snacks and find a shady spot outside to power up your brain. For a list of brain foods that will nourish your body and keep your mind active visit  Brain Food for Writers: 6 Healthy Snack Suggestions .

Go out and play:

If your writing is blocked, gather some friends, grab a ball or an outdoor game and play like you mean it. Play anything that gets you moving and laughing and thinking out of the box. Playing can stimulate your brain and exercise encourages creative thinking. Take a look at these fun garden games to excite your children . Another fun game kids love is capture the flag, where one team tries the grab the flags from the other team. A game you might like to purchase is,  Capture the flag REDUX  which adds a modern touch to this classic game. Keeping your brain engaged is a brilliant way to inspire you and improve creativity.

When all else fails, take a nap:

It just may be that you brain is exhausted and needs a break. Sleep is a healthy, natural way to recharge it and taking nap in nature is as good as it gets. Hang a hammock or spread a blanket on the lawn, close your eyes, listen to the birds chirp and the bees buzz and drift off to write in your dreams.

How the Great Outdoors Can Help You Write

Patti Hall is a freelance blog writer for Starlux Games and an outdoor enthusiast. Prior to writing for Starlux, Patti discovered their Capture the Flag REDUX game in an attempt to keep her ten-year-old twin boys from jumping on the furniture and get them out of the house more. She lives in Evansville, Indiana, with her husband, six kids, and four cats where she loves to write, paint furniture and grow vegetables in her garden.

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Essay on Outdoor Games


Children love playing outdoors. It is good for children to stretch their arms and legs instead of sitting in front of the television all day. Through this essay on outdoor games, we will understand the importance of playing outdoors for children.

Outdoor games mainly refer to those games which we play outside in the open air. Since it is played outside, several factors like weather and time must be taken into consideration. It is not possible to play outdoor games when it is raining heavily or when it gets dark as children may fall sick or injure themselves. In this short essay on outdoor games, we will look at the benefits and types of outdoor games so that it will be effortless for children to write an essay on outdoor games in English.

Essay on Outdoor Games

Benefits of Outdoor Games

Just like the way children get to warm up themselves by playing outdoors, there are many advantages associated with outdoor games. We will discuss them here in this essay on outdoor games. The greatest benefit is to their physical health. While playing outdoors, they will be exposed to sunlight which is a rich source of vitamin D. This naturally improves their stamina and strengthens their bones and muscles.

As much as outdoor games help children to stay physically fit, they also keep them emotionally happy, free from tension or stress. We don’t have to worry about their lifestyle as outdoor games are meant to keep all problems at bay. This short essay on outdoor games also emphasises that outdoor games and activities help in the overall development of children. Along with learning to work in a team, these games build confidence in them.

Besides, outdoor games are a way for them to connect with their surroundings and nature, which will enable them to be conscious of protecting our environment . So, let us make our children admire the beauty of nature and help them attain mental peace and happiness through outdoor games.

Varieties of Outdoor Games

Any game or activity done in a group outside a house or in a large playground can be considered an outdoor game. The essay on outdoor games in English will discuss some of the favoured outdoor games of children.

Cricket, Badminton, Football, Marco Polo, Kabaddi , and Catch the Thief are widely played by children of all ages. These games keep them refreshed and relaxed, and they will be able to better focus and retain what they have learnt in class. So, let us make them aware of the significance of outdoor games through this essay on outdoor games. In this way, they will be able to write a simple paragraph about my favourite game.

By making them play outdoor games, we can develop their personality. For more such essays for kids, visit our website.

Frequently Asked Questions on Essay on Outdoor Games

What is the importance of outdoor games.

Outdoor games are essential for the holistic growth of our children. They must make it a routine to engage in outdoor activities and games to build their physical stamina and keep their minds stress-free.

How will this essay on outdoor games be useful for children?

With the help of this essay, children will be able to understand the different types of outdoor games and the benefits of playing them. This will also help them to write an essay on the topic.

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10 Great Stories to Read Outdoors

Unfortunately, long daylight hours coupled with wonderful weather can put a stop to regular Storytime sessions, and outdoor play often takes the place of reading. In anticipation of the summer holidays, reading books and magazines can fall by the wayside.

It’s a real pity, as you can get so much more engagement from children when you read outdoors. Does anyone else have happy memories of those rare, precious days at school when your teacher suggested going outside for stories? It was the ultimate form of escapism – not just into the welcoming world of fiction, but away from the stuffy heat and confines of a classroom. There’s lots of solid research on the benefits of outdoor learning and reading is a key part of that.

You can increase engagement, enjoyment and learning even more dramatically by choosing stories that are set in the great outdoors too. This is an effective way to fire up the imagination. You can also springboard into activities that are linked to your story or stories. Use them to dig deeper into curriculum themes or areas that interest your child.

In Storytime Issue 46, there are several stories we recommend you read outdoors, plus there are many more in our Storytime Back Issues . We’ve listed our favourites here with some ideas for activities too.

Chorkung’s illustration for our firefly fable.

1. The Famous Firefly ( Storytime Issue 46 ) This fable features a firefly who dreams of fame, but learns an important lesson about being thankful for what you have. Its beautiful illustrations by Chorkung are set in the garden during daytime and nighttime, so it shows a contrasting world of nocturnal and diurnal animals, and a whole host of creatures you can discuss. You can also talk about glow worms (which we have in the UK) and fireflies, and find out more about them. A great story to read in a green space.

2. Playgrounds ( Storytime Issue 46 ) A poem by Laurence Alma-Tadema, which celebrates how skilled children are at turning any environment into a place of play – the garden, the seaside, the snow – and how adept they are at using their imaginations. You can read this poem just about anywhere and it still works, but read it in the local or school playground and it really comes to life. How about reading it alongside a Design Technology project to design the perfect playground? You could read it alongside Robert Louis Stevenson’s The Swing , which featured in Storytime Issue 3.

3. Alphabet Ocean ( Storytime Issue 46 ) This is the ideal poem to pack in your case if you’re going to the seaside. Read it on the beach and imagine you’re swimming deep in the ocean and can see all the amazing creatures listed in our verse. Alternatively, take it on a trip to an aquarium and see the animals in our poem brought to life. Use it as a spotter’s guide. Can you find the whole A to Z we’ve written about in real life? Tick them all off.

4. Magic of the Rainforest ( Storytime Issue 46 ) You might not have access to the Amazon, but an overgrown bit of garden or a forest coupled with a child’s imagination can transport you to anywhere. This story from South America’s famous rainforest follows the adventures of a little girl who gets lost in the jungle. She encounters some amazing fruits and animals. When you read outdoors, imagine you’re in the jungle too, then learn more about the rainforest and the creatures who live there. How does it differ from where you live? Follow a fruit trail and see what you find at the end.

5. The Great Snail Race ( Storytime Issue 39 ) In a funny and clever tale from Laos, the local trickster is fooled by a smart snail. Read this story outside, then go on a snail hunt. When everyone has their own snail, host your own snail race or make little snail houses – a whole community of them. Perhaps they’ll get together and do something clever, just like in the story.

6. Doris the Singing Cow ( Storytime Issue 36 ) Next time you go to the farm, take this story with you. It’s about a cow who auditions in a talent show and the farmyard friends who support her. It will put a new perspective on the animals you encounter and it’s a fun and imaginative way to begin a farm animal topic. Alternatively, read Henny Penny from Storytime Issue 19 .

The Butterfly and the Rose – great to read outdoors.

7. The Butterfly and the Rose ( Storytime Issue 35 ) Make sure you’re surrounded by flowers when you read this one. You might just spot the butterfly and rose from this fable to really bring it to life for your audience. It’s not just a sweet story, it’s a springboard for learning about the crucial role pollinators play in the garden. Perhaps you could plant your own butterfly and rose garden?

8. Daffodils ( Storytime Issue 31 ) What story could be better to read in spring than this classic by William Wordsworth? Reading it in the setting that inspired by the poem will help increase understanding of the words. Furthermore, you can demonstrate what the poet meant in his use of particular words and phrases. When you’ve finished, plant mini daffodils or make them from paper. Learn about the life cycle of a flower.

9. Betushka and the Wood Fairy ( Storytime Issue 29 ) A magical story from the Czech Republic, set in a forest and featuring a fairy who loves to dance. Find a clearing in the woods and read this story, then wait for the magic to happen. Bird song plays an important role in this tale, so listen out for birds. See if you can spot any. Can you name them? Can you learn more about the country where this story came from?

10. Three Billy Goats Gruff ( Storytime Issue 10 ) This is a great fairy tale to read on the lawn, on the playing field or in the park – anywhere grassy – as you can very easily read the story and ask your children or class to participate and act it out. You don’t need a bridge – the imagination can do that part – or make one very easily by setting down a flattened cardboard box on the grass, or by using a wooden step or low stool. A towel can double for the river.

As well as the stories in Storytime , there are hundreds of books that are great to read outdoors. Ever tried The Secret Garden in a secret garden? We recommend it! Pick a location or theme and spend a day in the fresh air mixing up fiction and activities. In fact, use summer as your opportunity to bring stories to life, rather than putting them to one side. You’ll see your child’s reading skills come on in leaps and bounds.

What stories do you like to read outdoors? Or what are your favourite outdoor locations for reading in? Share your favourite outdoor reading spots with us on Twitter , Facebook or Instagram . We’d love to hear your ideas and share them with our other readers. You could even use the hashtag #readoutdoors. The more inspiration for fresh-air fiction the better!

Let’s all read outdoors more this summer.

Happy reading!

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IELTS Speaking Part 2 – Topic: Describe an outdoor activity you like to do

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IELTS Speaking Part 2

Describe an outdoor activity you like to do You should say: • What it is • Where you like to do it • How you do it And explain why you like to do it

My favorite outdoor activity is jogging. It’s a kind of running at a slow or leisurely pace that helps to build up your physical fitness .

I much prefer to go jogging in open spaces like parks or lakesides. There, you can enjoy fresh air and watch people doing various types of physical activity such as running, aerobic exercises, playing badminton, and so on.

I normally go jogging in the morning with my close friend either at weekends, or in the afternoon, after a tiring school day. We often chat together while we’re jogging, sharing with each other stories about school or sometimes discussing stuff that is going viral on the Internet.

I love jogging because it’s beneficial to our health, that goes without saying , and it does not  require as much stamina as fast running. Moreover, unlike other forms of exercise, jogging is quite easy to do and it allows me to watch people and things as I pass by. I think it’s really relaxing and inspiring to see the world around us, watching everyone keeping active doing  their own thing and feeling part of it all when I’m out jogging.


– at a slow /leisurely pace [expression] at a slow speed/ unhurriedly Example: You can even read at a leisurely pace , as these books have no due dates and can be returned at any time.

– build up [phrasal verb] make somebody stronger and fitter Example: I am training to build up my fitness for the race.

– physical fitness [n] general state of health and well-being Example: Researchers have suggested that physical fitness may play a key role in improving the brain health and academic performance of youngsters.

– various [a] many/ several different Example: She spoke to various members of the club.

– stuff [n] items or products in general – informal – without specifying what they are Example: The shop sells i-pads, laptops and stuff like that.

– go viral [idiom] spread quickly and widely among Internet users Example: “Gangnam Style” is a video that went viral several years ago, even though most of us don’t understand a word of it.

– beneficial [a] helpful, useful Example: The improvement in sales figure had a beneficial influence on the company as a whole.

– goes without saying [idiom] be generally accepted or understood Example: It goes without saying that you will improve your skills with practice.

– require [v] need (something) Example: Skiing at 80 miles per hour requires total concentration.

– stamina [n] physical or mental strength that enables you to do something difficult for a long period of time Example: You need a lot of stamina to run a marathon.

– doing their own thing [expression] following their own interests, without worrying about what other people think Example: When young people leave home to live abroad, they enjoy doing their own thing , because they have more freedom to follow their interests.

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Learn english through outdoor play.

Motivation is one of the most important factors in language learning. Children who are enthusiastic about learning English are more likely to work hard.

The most powerful type of motivation is when children enjoy learning and the learning experience is fun and interesting.

Any language ‘work’ you do at home that is fun, varied, attention-grabbing or creative will help your child prepare for their exams and develop their English language skills in a natural, stress-free way.

Outdoor language learning activities

Watch your children playing. What do they enjoy doing?

  • Reading stories
  • Physical play and sports
  • Drawing pictures
  • Going on treasure hunts
  • Using their imagination
  • Playing games
  • Collecting shells, flowers, leaves. 

Try doing these types of activities in English and make a note of what your child responds to best. 

English learning tips

Writing activities:.

  • Ask your child to collect some items that interest them. For example, a shell, a flower or a pebble. Ask them to create their own exhibition and to write a caption for each item.
  • Ask your child to shoot a short, silent video. For example, my favourite places, or my favourite things to do outdoors. Ask your child to write 10–20 English words to describe their video. If they feel confident, they could then record a voiceover to their video, using the words from their list.
  • Outdoor adventures can be a great inspiration for creative writing. Ask your child to take some photos of things that interest them. Then ask them to use one or more of the pictures to write a short story. 
  • Ask your child to write and illustrate a one-week ‘weather diary’ or ‘outdoor activities diary’.

Reading activities:

  • Give your child a list of things to find. For example, a tree, a bird, a petal, something ‘yellow’, something ‘old’, something that starts with every letter of the alphabet (A–Z). Ask them to take a photograph of each item. This is a great game to play on a walk.
  • Ask your child to research an outdoor food recipe - something that could be cooked on a barbeque/campfire, or something that could be prepared for a picnic.
  • Your child might like to create their own outdoor reading den. Encourage your child to read storybooks outside, particularly books about outdoor adventures and nature. 

Speaking and listening activities

  • Decide on an obstacle course, with objects that have to be avoided (for example, trees, bushes, footballs). One family member will walk through the obstacle course while blindfolded. Another family member will guide them using English words (e.g. left, right, stop, take one step back ). 
  • Play guessing games such as I spy something that starts with the letter … and 20 questions (ask your child to think of something, then ask up to 20 questions to guess what it is). 
  • Try playing the game Simon says . Give your child an instruction. For example, ‘Simon says jump ’, ‘ Simon says touch your toes ’, ‘ Simon says pretend to be a duck ’. If the sentence starts with ‘Simon says’ your child should act out the instruction. If the sentence doesn’t start with ‘Simon says’ your child should ignore the instruction and stay completely still.

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Examples of Outdoor Activities to Get Your Students Writing

As a teacher, there are only so many things you can do indoors to help your students write. That is why more and more teachers are taking their classrooms outdoors to help get the creative juices flowing. There is something about nature that brings out the best in people; maybe it is the fresh air or the gorgeous scenery. Whatever it is, if you are willing to try some outdoor writing activities with your students, you will be amazed at the results. Here are just a few ideas of outdoor writing activities you can do with your students — or encourage them to do on their own.

Bring on the adjectives

This outdoor writing activity is all about teaching your students how to describe things properly. Take a little walk with your students just outside the classroom. It doesn’t have to be far, but it should be somewhere that has plenty of different items for the students to choose from. Tell each student to pick one item and describe it in detail. Students should describe every curve, every scratch, every color and every texture in the item. Once the descriptions are written, have the students pair up. Then, have the students take turns guessing which object the other student wrote about based solely on the description.

Strength in symbolism

One idea, from the American Camp Association, helps students explore the symbolism that can be found in nature. Once again, begin by taking your students on a short walk. This time, have them search from the beginning of the walk for an item that symbolizes them. Along the way, point out different items that you see that could symbolize you and give them a reason why. This will help them get thinking in the right direction. Once you get back to the classroom, have them write about what symbol they chose for themselves and why. You will be pretty impressed with some of the items the students find.

Free writing

Free writing is a very common practice in any writing class. It is simply when a student is given a time frame in which they must write nonstop. Students can write whatever comes to mind, and they do not have to worry about spelling or grammar. Edutopia believes that taking free writing sessions outdoors will encourage students to dig deeper inside themselves. The sounds and sights of nature seem to bring out the best in people, and this is shown in their writing.

Daily journal entries

This is one of the outdoor writing activities that can be done several times a week. Take the students somewhere outside where there is plenty of room for them each to be on their own. Then, give them ample time to simply write about their thoughts. What is going on in their life? What do they worry about? What are they happy about? Make sure the students know that the journals are for their eyes only and they are free to write down anything that comes to mind. The point of this activity is simply for the students to practice writing down their feelings so they can use this skill in future writing assignments that will be graded. Being able to successfully express feelings is an attribute every great writer should have.

Teaching poetry can be very tricky because the writer needs to have an inspiration for the poem to be about. What better inspiration is there than the outdoors? You can choose a different poem type each week and have the students practice writing about the things they see all around them. Poetry teaches many skills such as descriptive writing, using synonyms appropriately (when trying to rhyme), and developing creativity.

There are many different types of writing, all with different types of rules to follow. Whether it is serious writing, comedy writing, easy writing or tedious writing, one thing that it all has in common is that it can be influenced by the outdoors. With a little creativity as a teacher, you can come up with a wide variety of outdoor writing activities to help your students develop into the best writers they can be.

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Daily Southtown | Religion roundup: Outdoor concert, rosary…

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Daily southtown | religion roundup: outdoor concert, rosary relay, parish picnic and more.

Immanuel United Church of Christ in Evergreen Park invites friends and members of area UCC churches to its Evergreenia Concert on the Lawn June 8. Other churches involved are Christ Memorial in Blue Island, Peace Memorial in Palos Park and Salem and Pilgrim Faith in Oak Lawn. (Melinda Moore/Daily Southtown)

Evergreen Park

Immanuel United Church of Christ, 9815 S. Campbell Ave.: Evergreenia Concert on the Lawn on June 8. The picnic starts at 4:30 p.m. and the community concert begins at 5:30 p.m. The theme is “summertime.” The church invites members and friends of nearby UCC congregations to the event: Pilgrim Faith and Salem in Oak Lawn, Christ Memorial in Blue Island and Peace Memorial in Palos Park. Immanuel UCC will provide hot dogs and hamburgers, but attendees are asked to bring a side dish or dessert to share. Participants also should bring blankets or folding chairs and beverages of their choice. Sign up in the church narthex with the number of attendees and what food item will be brought. Information: 708-424-3755.

Incarnation St. Terrence Parish, 4300 W. 119th Place:   Annual Global Rosary Relay for the sanctification of priests is set for 6:30 p.m. June 7. Attendees should arrive by 6:15 p.m. After the rosary for priests is prayed, the first Friday Devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus will begin at 7 p.m. That service is designed to increase love for Jesus and to make reparation for past and present offenses against his love. It includes quiet, prayerful time. Information: https://incparish.com/

St. John the Evangelist Parish, 2640 Park Drive: Annual parish picnic on June 2. The church has a single service at 9 a.m. that day with the picnic following. Games for people of all ages will be available, but attendees may bring their own. Everything will take place inside because of the cicadas. Friends are welcome.

Wednesday Morning Devotion starts at 9:30 a.m. June 5 and repeats the first Wednesday of each month. It will be held over Zoom and led by a member of the Lydia chapter for Daughters of the King. To join the meeting, find the link on the church website. Information: www.mysje.org or 708-798-4150.

Palos Heights

Palos Bible Church, 12701 S 70th Ave.: The Great Jungle Journey Vacation Bible School Kids! Club starts in late June. It’s open to children 3 years old to fifth grade. Sessions are 5:30 to 8 p.m. Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays June 17, 19, 21, 24 and 26. A family fun night is set for June 28. Register in advance at palosbible.churchcenter.com/registrations. Sign up using the grade the child just completed. Information: 708-448-2223.

Wayside Chapel at The Center, 12700 Southwest Highway: Anniversary dinner and renewal of vows at 4:30 p.m. June 16. Couples are welcome to celebrate their July, August or September anniversaries. Begin with fellowship in the Great Hall at 4:30 p.m., followed by a candlelight dinner and then renewal of wedding vows in the chapel. Cost is $100. Reservations are required before June 10. Call 708-361-3650.

What’s going on at your church? Let us know by sending us an email including time, date, place and public contact information at least two weeks before the event or reservation deadline at [email protected].

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Rock climbing, boat races, wildlife and more kid-friendly summer adventures in Des Moines

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The 80/35 Music Festival, the Des Moines Arts Festival and the Iowa State Fair are just some of the hallmarks of family-friendly fun in Des Moines, but these events are short-lived.

Fill your calendar with these 15 kid-friendly adventures ready to be had in the Des Moines metro so that this summer never feels boring.

Free things to do with kids in the Des Moines metro

Plenty of events are available this summer that won't break the budget. Check out these suggestions for free events.

Attend events all summer with Des Moines Performing Arts

Des Moines Performing Arts presents a series of free outdoor events through August. That includes "Ants" in June, an interactive performance that invites children to explore their landscape, to morning time dancing at Cowles Commons in June and August and music-making in a “visual extravaganza” with Squonk Brouhaha in August.

Need a break? Play the USA TODAY Daily Crossword Puzzle.

Where: See desmoinesperformingarts.org/outdoor for a full list of events and locations

Spot wildlife at the Neal Smith National Wildlife Refuge

Go wildlife watching or enjoy a hike through Iowa’s prairie at the Neal Smith National Wildlife Refuge . Here, visitors can watch for bison, elk, deer, birds and other animals in a refuge that protects 6,000 acres of land . Pack a picnic for an afternoon spent in nature or tour the refuge from your car for convenience.

Where: 9981 Pacific St., Prairie City

Go park-hopping in Des Moines

Take advantage of what the dozens of parks in the Des Moines metro have to offer and make a day out of it. Go swimming at Raccoon River Park, and visit on June 8 for the annual Raccoon River Palooza for live music, local food trucks, cardboard boat races and more.

Athene North Shore Recreation Area at Easter Lake Park is the perfect recreational spot to make sure everyone in your group can have fun , including people with limited mobility, sensory input conditions and low vision.

Or visit Riverview Park, which calls back to an amusement park of decades past for a retro-appearing playground perched near the water.

Where: Raccoon River Park, 2500 Grand Ave., West Des Moines; Easter Lake Park, 2830 Easter Lake Drive, Des Moines; Riverview Park, 710 Corning Ave., Des Moines

Snap new family photos at the Pappajohn Sculpture Park

Wander around the nearly four-and-a-half acre downtown Des Moines park , home to sculptures of renowned artists all year. One popular selfie spot is the Jaume Plensa’s sculpture “Nomade,” a grand figure made of letters that lights up at night.

Where: 1330 Grand Ave., Des Moines

Indoor kid-friendly activities in the Des Moines metro

Weather driving the family inside? Try these ideas.

Fun soars to new heights with Climb Iowa, trampoline parks

Embrace your adventurous side at Climb Iowa , which offers an indoor climbing experience at two locations that are open to first-timers. I

f climbing sounds a bit too grueling, then let loose by bouncing around with trampoline parks in the Des Moines metro, including Sky Zone in Grimes and Urban Air in Ankeny.

Where: Climb Iowa 3605 S.E. Miehe Drive, Grimes and 150 E. Fourth St., Des Moines; Sky Zone, 1300 S.E. Gateway Drive, Suite 103, Grimes; Urban Air, 2829 S. Ankeny Blvd., Ankeny

Visit a planetarium with the Science Center of Iowa

The Science Center of Iowa offers visitors plenty to do. Visit the 50-foot, 360-degree domed screen of the night sky in the planetarium or marvel at structures of Legos while you test your aptitude for engineering at the museum.

Des Moines Public Library cardholders can check out an Adventure Pass with their card, which allows up to two adults and two children entrance to the Blank Park Zoo, the Greater Des Moines Botanical Garden, the Science Center of Iowa and the Des Moines Children’s Museum.

Where: 401 W. Martin Luther King Jr. Parkway, Des Moines

Compete in games at Smash Park

Though Smash Park has outdoor offerings, there’s still plenty of fun to be had inside, including an arcade, pickleball courts and plenty of weekly events like trivia to keep your visit from ever feeling routine.

Where: 6625 Coachlight Drive, West Des Moines

Outdoor kid-friendly activities in Des Moines

When the weather is great and you need to get out of the house, these ideas are prefect for a family outing.

Go on roller coasters and water rides at Adventureland Resort and Lost Island

Celebrate 50 years with Adventureland this season and ride the reopened indoor wooden roller coaster , the Underground, and grab a bite at the new Oink’s restaurant and bar.

In Waterloo, Lost Island Themepark transports guests into five realms of spirit, air, water, earth and fire for an immersive amusement park experience with rides for thrill seekers and little ones.

Looking to cool off this summer? Adventure Bay and Lost Island Water Park offer waterslides, lazy rivers and other aquatic attractions.

Where: Adventureland, 3200 Adventureland Drive, Altoona; Lost Island Themepark, 2600 E. Shaulis Road, Waterloo

Meet new friends at Blank Park Zoo

See wildlife of all sizes at Blank Park Zoo , accredited by the Association of Zoos and Aquariums. Rhinoceroses, giraffes, lions and tortoises are just of the animals visitors can see. Parents may also want to sign their little ones up for Ruby’s Readers Book Club, in which Ruby the Reading Red Panda hosts story times and activities once a month.

Where: 7401 S.W. Ninth St., Des Moines

Bring a piece of a farm back home during you-pick events

Across Iowa are flower farms that will soon host you-pick events for families to take home vibrant blooms. Some flower farms in Des Moines include Rose Farm in Norwalk, Jester Hill Farm in Madrid and Bochner Farms in Indianola.

Where: Visit the websites of Iowa flower farms for address information

See a movie outside with drive-in theaters

Load up your car with your loved ones for a movie night under the stars with Iowa’s remaining drive-in theaters . The state’s oldest, Valle Drive-In in Newton, reopened the first weekend of May. Other drive-in theaters are the Voy 61 Drive In Theater in Delmar, Superior 71 Drive-In Theater in Spirit Lake and Blue Grass Drive-In in Blue Grass.

Where: Valle Drive-In, 4074 Highway F48, Newton; Voy 61 Drive In Theater, 1228 U.S. Highway 61, Delmar; Superior 71 Drive-In Theater, 1482 300th Avenue, Spirit Lake; Blue Grass Drive-In, 774 W. Mayne St., Blue Grass

Root for the Iowa Cubs

Catch an Iowa Cubs home game at Principal Park. There are several I-Cubs promotions and events all season that families may want to know about, including that on Sundays, kids can run the bases. On June 9, the I-Cubs will host their first sensory-friendly game , making it the perfect opportunity for people of all abilities to attend a game.

Where: 1 Line Drive, Des Moines

Paddle across Iowa’s lakes and rivers

Go canoeing at Saylorville Lake in Des Moines or kayaking at Raccoon River Park in West Des Moines for an afternoon out on the water. Do practice these safety tips if you plan to get out on the water, according to the Iowa Department of Natural Resources. That includes always wearing a life jacket.

Where: polkcountyiowa.gov has a list of places you can paddle at

Take a ride on the Boone & Scenic Valley Railroad

Book a roundtrip through the Des Moines River Valley with the Boone & Scenic Valley Railroad . Visitors can purchase which train service they’d like, including the Fraser train, which is a nearly two-hour trip that takes you across the 156-foot-tall Bass Point Creek High Bridge. If you’re looking for something a bit more thrill-seeking, book your family for Rail Explorers’ Scenic Valley Trail . This experience allows people to pedal down the tracks on a four-wheeled, motor-assisted rail bike.

Where: 225 10 th St., Boone

Go back in time at Living History Farms

Learn about what Midwestern rural life was at Living History Farms , the outdoor museum that features depictions of farms from several hundred years ago and a 19th-century town to explore for an educational, and immersive, family trip.

Where: 11121 Hickman Road, Urbandale

Paris Barraza is a trending and general assignment reporter at the Des Moines Register. Reach her at  [email protected] . Follow her on Twitter @ParisBarraza.

story essay outdoor activities

Best options in Chattanooga for 5 popular outdoor activities

Between America's sprawling public lands system and our nearly universal love for road trips, outdoor recreation isn't exactly a new phenomenon in the U.S. However, according to reports from the Census Bureau , millions more Americans have been getting outside since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, breaking records and generating billions of dollars in revenue for many outdoor industries.

It's easy to understand why outdoor recreation has become so popular in a post-pandemic world—spending time outside can do so much more than just help you catch a tan. Studies show that participating in outdoor activities can improve focus, reduce stress, and lead to higher energy levels. That's to say nothing of the physical benefits, like lower risk for cardiovascular disease .

Though more Americans are spending time outside than ever before, many people who live in large cities still struggle to find outdoor spaces and activities near them. But contrary to popular belief, you don't need to drive far from home or spend hours prepping for a strenuous workout to enjoy the great outdoors. Instead, set aside some time to meander through your nearest botanical garden, or spend your lunch break picnicking at a local park. Adding even a few extra minutes of fresh air to your day can help boost your mental and physical health.

Whether you want to explore hiking trails, relax on a sandy beach, or try your hand at an unfamiliar sport, your new favorite outdoor destination could be right around the corner. To help you decide where to go and what to do, Stacker compiled a list of the best places for popular outdoor activities in Chattanooga using data from Yelp as of April 12, 2024. Locations and businesses were selected using Yelp's ranking system, which calculates an adjusted rating value that takes into account the number of ratings as well as the rating score itself.

Read on to discover where you should plan your next day out, and don't forget to grab that sunblock.

Boating: Tennessee Riverpark

- Rating: 4.8/5 (8 reviews) - Address: 4301 Amnicola Hwy Chattanooga, Tennessee - Categories: Parks, Fishing, Boating - Read more on Yelp

Fishing: Chickamauga Lake

- Rating: 3.0/5 (1 reviews) - Address: Chattanooga, Tennessee - Categories: Boating, Fishing - Read more on Yelp

Hiking: Sunset Rock Climbing

- Rating: 4.9/5 (17 reviews) - Address: 314 West Brow Road Chattanooga, Tennessee - Categories: Hiking, Climbing, Rock Climbing - Read more on Yelp

Disc Golf: The Sinks Disc Golf Course

- Rating: 4.5/5 (2 reviews) - Address: 4502 North Access Road Chattanooga, Tennessee - Categories: Disc Golf - Read more on Yelp

Park: Ross' Landing Park

- Rating: 4.9/5 (7 reviews) - Address: 1401 Sauls Aly Chattanooga, Tennessee - Categories: Parks, Cultural Center - Read more on Yelp

This story features data reporting by Karim Noorani, writing by Cu Fleshman, and is part of a series utilizing data automation across 170 metros.

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Actors James Gandolfini and Edie Falco in scene from the HBO TV series 'The Sopranos.'

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View of American M1A1 Abrams tanks as they cross the desert during the Gulf War, Iraq, 1991.

The 28 best things to do in D.C. on Memorial Day weekend and next week

Celebrate Memorial Day at a parade or street festival, gather at D.C. Black Pride or an outdoor dance party, or mark AAPI History Month with food and trivia.

This long weekend brings days full of solemn tributes, parades and music at Arlington National Cemetery and a concert on the Capitol’s West Lawn. (We have a roundup of events across the area , not all of which are also included in this column.) But it’s also the unofficial beginning of summer, with the multiday D.C. Black Pride Festival; a house music party with Crystal Waters in Franklin Park; the Funset’s big dance party at the Dew Drop Inn; blues music until the wee hours at Glen Echo Park; and events celebrating Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month, including a trivia night at the Smithsonian and a night market atop Union Market.

We asked readers about their favorite dive bars, and have narrowed the list to 12 finalists. Vote for your top choice here .

Thursday, May 23

Jazz in the Garden ticket lottery

For the third consecutive year, the National Gallery of Art is limiting admission to its summer Jazz in the Garden concert series to those who win a weekly lottery for admission. If you’d like to attend the first event of 2024 — an evening with Grammy-nominated Nathan and the Zydeco Cha Chas, whose music is as bouncy as the name would suggest — you have until noon Friday to request up to four free tickets. You’ll find out Monday whether you need to pick up a picnic after work on Friday, May 31. Registration available on nga.gov. Free .

Kristin Hersh at the Kennedy Center

Kristin Hersh’s first band, Throwing Muses, became an icon of college radio back in the days when “college radio” and “alternative” actually meant something, thanks to Hersh’s fraught, ripped-from-a-diary lyrics and the group’s fusion of post-punk and folk. Her dozen albums of solo material — including last year’s “Clear Pond Road” — are more stripped down, singer-songwriter style, but keep the rough edges intact. Both the Muses and later group 50 Foot Wave have re-formed and recorded in recent years, but Hersh’s current focus is on her solo work. If recent shows in Europe are any guide, this free performance on the Kennedy Center’s Millennium Stage will feature some of her old band’s songs, including “Cottonmouth” and “Sunray Venus.” 6 p.m. Free .

Mr. and Miss D.C. Black Pride Pageant at the Westin Hotel

Before the D.C. Black Pride festival officially gets underway on Friday, the annual Mr. and Miss D.C. Black Pride Pageant warms the crowd up. Beyond the competition, there are performances by entertainers including Miss Black America Jazell Barbie Royale, Miss Gay Arlington Raven Samore and Mr. So Seductive Marcus B. Lee. 5 to 9 p.m. $25 .

Friday, May 24

D.C. Black Pride at the Westin Hotel

“Black Pride Forever” is the theme of this year’s D.C. Black Pride festival, a celebration that has grown from a Memorial Day party called “The Children’s Hour” at a Petworth nightspot called the ClubHouse to a four-day parade of dance parties, workshops, brunches and outdoor parties. The Westin Hotel near Mount Vernon Square is the main event space, hosting Friday’s opening reception, headlined by comedian Paris Sashay (5 to 10 p.m., free); Saturday’s Black Trans Pride town hall and social (2 to 5 p.m., free), Sounds of Black Pride DJ dance party (3 to 6 p.m., free), and annual Mary Bowman Poetry Slam (6 to 9 p.m., free); and workshops ranging from self-care to the history of drag culture (free). Through Monday. See a full schedule of events on dcblackpride.org .

Red Hot Blues and BBQ Festival

First, the bad news: The barbecue portion of the Red Hot Blues and BBQ Festival is sold out. But even if you won’t be picnicking with sliced meats from Federalist Pig, the four-day festival will be of interest to dedicated blues fans. Most of the action is centered at Glen Echo Park, where bands are performing on Friday (powerhouse vocalist Carly Harvey) and Saturday (up-and-coming Louisiana guitarist D.K. Harrell) for dancers in the historic Spanish Ballroom and the former amusement park’s bumper car pavilion, before DJs spin into the wee hours of the morning. Dance lessons are included in ticket prices. Sunday features singer Stacy Brooks in the bumper car pavilion, followed by dancing until 2 a.m. at Adams Morgan’s Bossa. The festival wraps up Monday with dancing around the Dupont Circle fountain, free for all comers. The weekend also features dance lessons, picnics and, on Sunday, an afternoon blues jam spearheaded by the Archie Edwards Blues Heritage Foundation. A negative coronavirus test is required to attend blues festival events at Glen Echo Park. Friday through Monday. Free-$30 for individual dances and events; $85 passes for all live music .

‘Point Break’ at AFI Silver

Does the world need a 4K Ultra HD version of “Point Break”? That’s not the … point. But this weekend is your chance to see Kathryn Bigelow’s camp bromance in a way you’ve never seen it before, with Patrick Swayze and Keanu Reeves in all their skydiving, tube-catching, bank-robbing glory. Not because it’s good for you, but because you know you want to. Friday at 7 p.m., Saturday at 9:15 p.m. $8-$13 .

Saturday, May 25

Black Birders Walk at Kenilworth Aquatic Gardens

Sunday is the beginning of Black Birders Week , an annual event celebrating Black bird lovers and nature enthusiasts, with a focus on getting new and underrepresented communities out to enjoy wildlife. The Smithsonian is getting an early jump on the festivities with a guided morning walk through Kenilworth Aquatic Gardens, where more than 250 species of birds have been observed in the park. Participants are encouraged to bring binoculars if possible, though the park will have some pairs to share. 9 a.m. Free .

ViVa! Vienna! Festival

This Memorial Day weekend marks the 40th anniversary of the ViVa! Vienna! festival, an annual community event sponsored by the Rotary Club of Vienna that brings funnel cake and merry-go-round rides to the pedestrianized streets around Vienna Town Green. Kids will love the traditional amusement rides, vendors selling treats like cotton candy and entertainment from the Vienna Singing Princesses, while adults can spend time in the BrewFest beer garden with brews from Caboose Brewing Co. and Settle Down Easy Brewing Co. and listen to cover bands on multiple stages. Shuttle buses will ferry visitors to the festival from the Vienna Metro station and an overflow parking lot. Saturday and Sunday from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. and Monday from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Free admission; tickets required for BrewFest, raffle and rides .

Rockville Hometown Holidays Music Fest at RedGate Park

The city of Rockville’s free, family-friendly music festival brings in 1990s alt-rock radio fixture Everclear and a Bon Jovi/Journey tribute band to headline its two-day run. (BonJourneyNY’s set starts at 5:30 p.m. Saturday, and Everclear plays Sunday at 5:45 p.m.) Beyond the main acts, the pair of stages at Hometown Holidays host all sorts of music, from Colombian folk fusion to go-go to big band. Meanwhile, kids can jump in a moon bounce, create crafts or build sandcastles in a sand dune. Beverage booths and a food court provide refreshments, with poutine, gyro platters, bubble tea and shaved ice among the offerings. Saturday and Sunday from noon to 7 p.m. Free .

Capital House Music Festival at Franklin Park

The annual Capital House Music Festival brings a variety of grooves — deep, soulful, funky, Baltimore — to Franklin Park for a day-long party. The headliner is Crystal Waters, whose breakthrough hit “Gypsy Woman (She’s Homeless)” was written about a homeless woman singing in front of the Mayflower Hotel, but there’s much more, with music coming from DJs and vocalists including Teddy Douglas, Tantra, Chosen, Michele Miruski and Kini Sullivan West. Donations benefit the Sam “the Man” Burns Legacy Foundation, named in honor of the late D.C. DJ. 11 a.m. to 9 p.m. Free; donations requested .

Pixar Putt at the Wharf

Bring the kids along for a Pixar-themed mini golf pop-up at the Wharf — featuring characters from classics like “Toy Story,” “Cars” and “Monsters, Inc.” — unless it’s after 7 p.m. on Fridays or Saturdays, when the course is reserved for golfers 18 and up. Daily through Aug. 4. $30-$32.50 for adults; $27.50-$30 for children under 12.

Heavy D Day Party at Songbyrd

The girls, the girls, they loved Heavy D, the smooth, charismatic hip-hop star known as “the Overweight Lover.” The string of hits that Heavy D and the Boyz produced in the late ’80s and early ’90s, including “We Got Our Own Thang” and “Now That We Found Love,” were romantic but danceable, endearing him to a generation of female fans — and guys who wanted to dance like Heavy D, too. Six DJs are teaming up at Songbyrd to pay tribute to Heavy D, a.k.a. Dwight Myers, who died in 2011 at the age of 44, including some of D.C.’s most veteran party rockers: Quartermaine, 2-Tone Jones, Oso-Fresh, Roddy Rod, Jahsonic and RBI, playing tunes by Heavy D and compatriots Pete Rock & CL Smooth and Al B. Sure. 1 to 5 p.m. $10-$15 .

Ahadadream at Flash

London-based DJ and producer Ahadadream has been creating percussive club music for a few years, with his tracks regularly working their way into sets by Skrillex and Fred Again, but it’s only in the last year that his reputation has really taken off: He’s been named part of Beatport Next 2024 , and one of “ Dance’s Future Stars ” by BBC Radio 1 DJ Pete Tong. Hear Ahadadream’s propulsive sound, which draws influences from South Asia, the Middle East and Britain’s underground dance scene while always keeping the drums moving forward, for the first time on the rooftop at Flash during Nu Androids’ Sundown sessions. 4 p.m. $35 .

Alive & Outside: The Block Party at the Sandlot Georgetown

With an “attitude of gratitude,” the Sandlot is celebrating the possibility of hanging out outside, together, with people in a world three years out from pandemic lockdowns. Listen to a local DJ lineup and grab a bite and beverage from a food truck. Note that the event is 21 and up. 3 to 9 p.m. $20-$30.

Arab American Culture Festival at Dew Drop Inn

From music school Quartertonez Music and dance troupe Malikat Al Dabke , this celebration of Arab heritage has vendors and performances from countries across the Arab world. Stick around for the after-party, which runs from 10 p.m. to 1 a.m. 4 to 9 p.m. $25 suggested donation; after-party ticket $25.

KolschFest at Silver Branch Brewing

A bright, refreshing, gently fruity kolsch beer is perfect for summer heat, and with Memorial Day serving as the unofficial start of summer, two local breweries are featuring their kolsch at events this weekend. First up is Silver Branch, whose all-day Kolschfest features singalong music from the Polka Terps and glasses of freshly brewed kolsch ($7.50 for one, $35 for six), as well as a special food menu. Noon to 10 p.m. Free admission .

Sunday, May 26

Flowers of Remembrance Day at Arlington National Cemetery

For most of the year, the only people allowed to set foot on the plaza next to the Tomb of the Unknowns at Arlington National Cemetery are the 3rd U.S. Infantry Regiment, “the Old Guard,” who keep a vigil at the site 24 hours a day. But since 2022, the cemetery has allowed the public to enter the plaza to lay flowers at the tomb on Memorial Day, a solemn tradition dubbed Flowers of Remembrance. Visitors who wish to lay flowers are asked to register in advance on memorialdayflowers.org ; flowers will be provided, and visitors should not bring their own. At 10 a.m., cemetery historians give a talk about the history of Decoration Day (now Memorial Day), followed by a walking tour. Registration is not required. 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Free .

National Memorial Day Concert at the U.S. Capitol

PBS’s National Memorial Day Concert, which is broadcast live from the Capitol’s West Lawn, celebrates its 35th anniversary this year. Actors Joe Mantegna and Gary Sinise are the hosts, and the National Symphony Orchestra performs alongside guests including Tony-winning singer Cynthia Erivo and Gary LeVox of Rascal Flatts. Tickets aren’t necessary for this free concert, but you’ll want to arrive early to get a good spot — lines are often long because of the security screenings and bag searches. The public is also able to attend the concert’s dress rehearsal on Saturday. Gates open at 5 p.m., and the concert begins at 8. Free .

D.C. Black Pride events

Black Pride events continue across the city, including the Pride by the River cookout, bringing music, grilling and games to Anacostia Park ( noon to 8 p.m., free ); the Brunch and Babes drag brunch at Hook Hall, raising money for the Veterans Pride Suicide Prevention Coalition ( 11 a.m. to 4 p.m., $60 ); and readings of new, short LGBTQ plays at the Undercroft Theatre, presented by the African American Collective Theater ( 4:30 and 7:30 p.m., $20-$30 ).

The Funset at Dew Drop Inn

Is there a better outdoor weekend dance party than the Funset, which finds huge crowds grooving to hip-hop, funk, disco, yacht rock and ’80s tunes outside the Dew Drop Inn, or pulling up at rows of picnic tables to catch up with friends or feast on a dish from a food truck? You need to experience it for yourself. This week’s party is the second edition of a gathering dubbed “Chuck and Barry,” after Washington icons Chuck Brown and Marion Barry Jr., which provides a good idea of the direction the DJs are taking. Jahsonic, Jerome Baker III, Harry Hotter and Kenny M join host DJ Smudge on the decks. 5 p.m. Free .

AANHPI Heritage Month Celebration at Purple Patch

Purple Patch owner Patrice Cleary, a native of the Philippines, is responsible for some of the most delicious Philippine cooking in the area . But community is just as important as cuisine to the Mount Pleasant restaurateur, which is why she hosts an annual AAPI Heritage Month party at Purple Patch. Bring the family for karaoke, music, DJs, face painting and activities for the kids, and the best lumpia around. Proceeds benefit the American Heart Association. 6 p.m. Free .

Lvrs & Frnds Vintage Night Market at the Black Cat

You can find the usual items at the Black Cat’s market — band tees, handmade jewelry, vintage clothes, vinyl records, scented candles — but you might also go home with a tarot reading, flash tattoo, tooth gem, sage bundle, spiritual bath or tarot reading. You can also make your own zine or craft, dance to a DJ, or grab a drink at the venue’s bar. Note that the market is 18 and up. 5 to 9 p.m. $10 in advance; $15 day of event.

17 Year Anniversary Party at Jimmy Valentine’s Lonely Hearts Club

The neighborhood has seen some changes since Jimmy Valentine’s Lonely Hearts Club opened on Bladensburg Road NE back in 2007. The bar itself, once unmarked, now lets neighbors know it’s nearby. But the vibe — cool, grungy, diverse, laid back, with a tendency toward cheap drinks and weird art — remains intact. To mark its anniversary, Jimmy’s features a lineup of DJs, including Hugo Z, G.E.N.E., Cassia, Neko and Rainier, and Russell Sullivan, spinning from 10 p.m. until late. Doors open at 8 p.m. Free .

Kolsch Service at Lost Generation

Lost Generation, the second local brewery featuring kolsch this weekend, offers the beer closer to the way it’s served in its namesake city of Cologne: Order a kolsch, and servers will keep bringing 7-ounce glasses to your table unbidden until you cover the glass with a coaster. Each one is $3 per pour. 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Free admission .

Monday, May 27

National Memorial Day Parade

Snag a spot along Constitution Avenue NW between Seventh and 17th streets NW to watch the annual National Memorial Day Parade, led this year by World War II veterans in honor of the upcoming 80th anniversary of D-Day. Actors Anthony Anderson and Drew Carey are the hosts for this televised parade, which features active-duty military personnel, marching bands and musicians. 2 to 4 p.m. Free .

Tuesday, May 28

AANHPI Heritage Month Trivia Night at National Portrait Gallery

Some trivia nights might give participants a clue on social media. At the National Portrait Gallery’s monthly After Five Trivia Night, you’re wise to show up early and wander through the galleries, since answers are related to people whose portraits are in the collection. This month, the theme is AAPI history, so you might field questions about Hawaiian surfer Duke Kahanamoku or actress Anna May Wong. Play solo or on a team of up to six in the spacious Kogod Courtyard, where the cafe is open late for food and drinks. 5 to 6:45 p.m. Free .

Wednesday, May 29

Rock the Dock at the Wharf

Outdoor movie season got underway earlier this month, and now outdoor concerts are making their way back to parks and public spaces across the area. Among the earliest adopters is the Wharf’s Rock the Dock, unique among local music series in that it features performers on a floating stage, while the audience perches on terraced seats on the nearby Transit Pier. Concerts are held every Wednesday through Labor Day, and range from reggae to Americana to 2000s party bands. The series kicks off May 29 with the funk and soul vocal trio Pink PaLiSh. While there’s a bar on the pier serving beer and margaritas, listeners are welcome to bring in food from any restaurant at the Wharf. If movies are more of your thing, the Sunset Cinema series starts the following night with “Toy Story 2,” and runs at 7 p.m. every Thursday through Aug. 29. 7 to 9 p.m. Free .

Hi-Lawn’s Spring Night Market

Hi-Lawn’s first night market, held last September, drew more than 4,000 revelers to the spacious and grassy bar atop Union Market. Its next one, a two-day Hong Kong-inspired market honoring Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month and raising money for Chefs Stopping AAPI Hate, should be even bigger. Chefs from Chang Chang; Lucky Danger; Tiger Fork; Magpie and the Tiger; Love, Mokoto; and other local restaurants are cooking street food and sweets, while DJs spin, attendees browse market stalls and sip baiju, and lion and dragon dancers perform. Reservations are required through Eventbrite, but those tickets do not guarantee entry. Admission is on a first-come, first-served basis, so if Hi-Lawn is full — and its capacity is 1,000 — those holding tickets will have to wait until other people leave. In other words, the early bird gets the dan dan noodle. Wednesday and Thursday from 5 p.m. to midnight. Free; RSVP required .

story essay outdoor activities


  1. Write Outside: Outdoor Activities and Writing Prompts for English

    story essay outdoor activities

  2. Write a short essay on Outdoor Games

    story essay outdoor activities

  3. Writing About Outdoor Activities Lesson Plan for 2nd

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  4. Outdoor Activities Essay Example

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  5. Essay On Outdoor Games In English || Short Essay || @edurakib

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  1. Essay On Outdoor Games In English || Short Essay || @edurakib

  2. Essay On "Importance Of Outdoor Games" || PLS Education || Essay, Letter Writing || Application

  3. Outdoor Activities Vocabulary Words

  4. Essay on Importance of outdoor games || Article on Importance of outdoor Games

  5. A visit to a park essay

  6. Outdoor Activities Real Videos


  1. Essay on Outdoor Activities

    500 Words Essay on Outdoor Activities Outdoor Activities: A Path to Health, Happiness, and Harmony. Outdoor activities offer a multitude of benefits that can positively impact our physical and mental well-being. Engaging in outdoor pursuits can enhance our overall health, promote happiness, and foster a deeper connection with nature.

  2. IELTS Essay: Outdoor Activities

    5. Additionally, outdoor activities offer the opportunity for children to engage in a social activity. 6. Most games are, to varying degrees, an individual experience but playing with others outside will foster teamwork and improved interpersonal skills. Write a new topic sentence with a new main idea at the end.

  3. Short Essay on Importance of Outdoor Games [100, 200, 400 Words] With

    Short Essay on Importance of Outdoor Games in 100 Words . Playing outdoor games like cricket, football, basketball and badminton are known to benefit our physical and mental health. It improves blood flow, strengthens our muscles, improves our immunity and stamina, relaxes our body and mind, helps us stay focused and keeps us fit.

  4. Essay On Outdoor Games

    1. Outdoor games provide the perfect escape from our digital-driven lives, allowing us to connect with nature. 2. They instil qualities like teamwork, discipline, and resilience from a young age. 3. These games are an excellent way for children to enhance their physical fitness and agility. 4.

  5. Describe an Outdoor Activity You Did in a New Place

    This response to "Describe an outdoor activity you did in a new place" beautifully illustrates the key elements that contribute to a high score in the IELTS Speaking section. 1. Fluency and Coherence: The narrative is presented in a fluid and logical manner. It starts by setting the scene at Lake Tahoe, transitions into the kayaking experience ...

  6. Adventure Essay for Students and Children in English

    Given below are short and long essays on an adventure for students where we cover every aspect of the topic. The essays are written in English in a simple manner. We have provided 200, 400 and 600 words essay on adventure activities. These essays will give you all the necessary and relevant information you need about adventure.

  7. Why Is It Important to Spend Time Outdoors: Essay

    Spending time outside the serenity one is used to have positive effects on the physical and the mental health. Research shows that spending leisure time in those activities not confined to your area improves both the physical and mental well-being. Outdoor activities includes walking, fishing, running, playing, mountain hiking, biking ...

  8. Culture Essays: Personal Outdoor Adventure Stories

    A Black southerner who grew up during the dying years of Jim Crow journeyed north as a young man to pursue life as a writer and scholar. Fate brought him back, and he fell in love with a troubled ...

  9. Adventure Travel Writing: Best Outdoor Stories Ever Told

    Randy Udall was most at peace in the wilderness. After he died on a solo backpacking trip, his daughter took up his tradition of hiking to a secret place in Wyoming's Wind River Range, where she ...

  10. The Power of Storytelling: How Sharing Your Outdoor Experiences Can

    Medium. Large. X-Large. Solo Traveler Tee - Orange. No reviews. $32.00. Introduction: Our personal stories have the power to connect, inspire, and empower those around us. By sharing our outdoor experiences, we not only document our own journeys but also create a ripple effect that can touch the lives of others.

  11. Personal Narrative: The Great Outdoors

    The Great Outdoors The sun was glistening through the tall, swaying pines. To the right of the trail, a gentle river flowed softly down towards the mouth of the lake. Walking across the rickety wooden bridge, I inhaled a deep breath of refreshingly crisp mountain air. The sun beat down on me as I made my way across the bridge and back onto the ...

  12. My Favorite Outdoor Activity Essay

    Most teenagers don't go outside or even stick a foot out the door. Some teenagers will just sit there all day and watch tv, eat food, and most of the time…. Sleep! Not me.. I like to go outside and hang with my friends. Sometimes when i'm good my mom will take me to the park which leads to my favorite outdoor activity.

  13. Describe An Outdoor Activity You Did IELTS Cue Card

    1. Describe a person you know who likes to talk a lot IELTS Cue Card. 2. Describe a place where you would like to go to relax IELTS Cue Card. 3. Describe a long-term goal you would like to achieve IELTS Cue Card. 4. Describe a uniform you wear (at your school or company) or you wore at school IELTS Cue Card. 5.

  14. How the Great Outdoors Can Help You Write

    Use some sense: To stir your creative juices, engage your senses outdoors. Feel the breeze on your face, sit and listen to the rain on the roof, look up at the sky and let your imagination float with the clouds. Strengthening your senses will help you write in more detail about the things you hear, the things you see, even what you smell.

  15. Writing Task 2: People spend less time on outdoor activities

    Type: Cause and Solution Essay. Sample Answer band 7.5+ In recent days, youth tend to prefer staying indoors, even on holidays or weekends, rather than participating in outdoor activities. This essay will explain the reasons for the problem as well as proposing several solutions. There are a number of factors that drive the situation.

  16. Essay on Outdoor Games

    The essay on outdoor games in English will discuss some of the favoured outdoor games of children. Cricket, Badminton, Football, Marco Polo, Kabaddi, and Catch the Thief are widely played by children of all ages. These games keep them refreshed and relaxed, and they will be able to better focus and retain what they have learnt in class.

  17. Ideas to Teach Literacy Outdoors

    Outdoor Reading or Story Time . Having children read outside or taking story time outside is an easy way to begin. If taking your class outdoors seems daunting, this is an easy way to try it out. ... Outdoor Maths Activities KS1 or Active Maths Ideas. References. Bagot, K, Kuo, F.E, and Allen, F. (2007). 'School playgrounds: nature and ...

  18. 10 Great Stories to Read Outdoors

    It will put a new perspective on the animals you encounter and it's a fun and imaginative way to begin a farm animal topic. Alternatively, read Henny Penny from Storytime Issue 19. The Butterfly and the Rose - great to read outdoors. 7. The Butterfly and the Rose ( Storytime Issue 35) Make sure you're surrounded by flowers when you read ...

  19. Topic: Describe an outdoor activity you like to do

    My favorite outdoor activity is jogging. It's a kind of running at a slow or leisurely pace that helps to build up your physical fitness.. I much prefer to go jogging in open spaces like parks or lakesides. There, you can enjoy fresh air and watch people doing various types of physical activity such as running, aerobic exercises, playing badminton, and so on.

  20. Learn English through outdoor play

    Outdoor adventures can be a great inspiration for creative writing. Ask your child to take some photos of things that interest them. Then ask them to use one or more of the pictures to write a short story. Ask your child to write and illustrate a one-week 'weather diary' or 'outdoor activities diary'. Reading activities:

  21. Examples of Outdoor Activities to Get Your Students Writing

    Bring on the adjectives. This outdoor writing activity is all about teaching your students how to describe things properly. Take a little walk with your students just outside the classroom. It doesn't have to be far, but it should be somewhere that has plenty of different items for the students to choose from. Tell each student to pick one ...

  22. Best Options in Miami for 7 Popular Outdoor Activities

    Whether you want to explore hiking trails, relax on a sandy beach, or try your hand at an unfamiliar sport, your new favorite outdoor destination could be right around the corner. To help you decide where to go and what to do, Stacker compiled a list of the best places for popular outdoor activities in Miami using data from Yelp as of April 12 ...

  23. Best options in Nashville for 7 popular outdoor activities

    To help you decide where to go and what to do, Stacker compiled a list of the best places for popular outdoor activities in Nashville using data from Yelp as of April 12, 2024. Locations and businesses were selected using Yelp's ranking system, which calculates an adjusted rating value that takes into account the number of ratings as well as ...

  24. Religion briefs: Concert, rosary relay, parish picnic and more

    Immanuel United Church of Christ, 9815 S. Campbell Ave.: Evergreenia Concert on the Lawn on June 8. The picnic starts at 4:30 p.m. and the community concert begins at 5:30 p.m. The theme is ...

  25. 15 things to do with kids in Des Moines for summer 2024

    Parents may also want to sign their little ones up for Ruby's Readers Book Club, in which Ruby the Reading Red Panda hosts story times and activities once a month. Where: 7401 S.W. Ninth St ...

  26. Best options in Columbus for 4 popular outdoor activities

    To help you decide where to go and what to do, Stacker compiled a list of the best places for popular outdoor activities in Columbus using data from Yelp as of April 12, 2024. Locations and businesses were selected using Yelp's ranking system, which calculates an adjusted rating value that takes into account the number of ratings as well as the ...

  27. Best options in Chattanooga for 5 popular outdoor activities

    To help you decide where to go and what to do, Stacker compiled a list of the best places for popular outdoor activities in Chattanooga using data from Yelp as of April 12, 2024. Locations and businesses were selected using Yelp's ranking system, which calculates an adjusted rating value that takes into account the number of ratings as well as ...

  28. The 28 best things to do in D.C. Memorial Day weekend and next week

    Bring the kids along for a Pixar-themed mini golf pop-up at the Wharf — featuring characters from classics like "Toy Story," "Cars" and "Monsters, Inc." — unless it's after 7 p.m ...