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School uniforms: Do they really improve student achievement, behavior?

This updated collection of research looks at how mandatory school uniforms impact student achievement, attendance and behavior as well as the presence of gangs in public schools.

Students wearing school uniforms

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by Denise-Marie Ordway, The Journalist's Resource April 20, 2018

This <a target="_blank" href="https://journalistsresource.org/education/school-uniforms-research-achievement/">article</a> first appeared on <a target="_blank" href="https://journalistsresource.org">The Journalist's Resource</a> and is republished here under a Creative Commons license.<img src="https://journalistsresource.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/cropped-jr-favicon-150x150.png" style="width:1em;height:1em;margin-left:10px;">

Decades ago, uniforms were mostly worn by students who went to private or parochial schools. But as local school boards have focused more on improving standardized test scores and campus safety, a growing number have begun requiring school uniforms — typically, a polo shirt of a particular color paired with navy or khaki pants, skirts or shorts. Nearly 22 percent of public schools in the United States required uniforms in 2015-16 — up from almost 12 percent in 1999-2000, according to the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES).

Proponents argue that students will pay more attention to their classwork if they aren’t preoccupied with fashion, and that they’ll be better behaved. Meanwhile, school administrators say uniforms help eliminate gang-related styles and logos. They also make it easier to spot a stranger on campus.

Despite their reported benefits, mandatory uniforms are controversial because a lot of parents and students don’t like the idea of forcing children to dress alike, which they say suppresses freedom of expression. Some families complain about the financial burden of purchasing uniforms in addition to their kids’ other clothing. Years ago, parents also complained that it was difficult to find uniforms, but that ceased to be an issue after large chain stores like Target and Wal-Mart began selling them.

As public schools debate the merits of uniforms — some school boards have been bouncing the idea around for years — it’s important for journalists to know what the research says on this topic. School officials do not always consult academic research before they put a plan on the table.

To help journalists ground their reporting and fact-check claims, Journalist’s Resource has rounded up several academic studies worth reviewing. Reporters may also want to examine reports on uniform use from the NCES, which collects and reports data related to school uniforms, dress codes and book bags in public schools.


 “School Discipline, School Uniforms and Academic Performance” Baumann, Chris; Krskova, Hana. International Journal of Educational Management , 2016. DOI: 10.1108/IJEM-09-2015-0118.

Summary: This study examines test scores and student behavior in the United States, Canada and 37 other countries to determine whether uniforms affect student discipline. The researchers found that the highest-performing students are the most disciplined. In addition, “for countries where students wear school uniforms, our study found that students listen significantly better, there are lower noise levels, and lower teaching waiting times with classes starting on time.”

“Dressed for Success? The Effect of School Uniforms on Student Achievement and Behavior” Gentile, Elizabetta; Imberman, Scott A. Journal of Urban Economics , 2012, Vol. 71. doi: 10.1016/j.jue.2011.10.002.

Abstract: “Uniform use in public schools is rising, but we know little about how they affect students. Using a unique dataset from a large urban school district in the southwest United States, we assess how uniforms affect behavior, achievement and other outcomes. Each school in the district determines adoption independently, providing variation over schools and time. By including student and school fixed-effects we find evidence that uniform adoption improves attendance in secondary grades, while in elementary schools they generate large increases in teacher retention.”

“Uniforms in the Middle School: Student Opinions, Discipline Data, and School Police Data” Sanchez, Jafeth E.; Yoxsimer, Andrew; Hill, George C. Journal of School Violence , 2012. DOI: 10.1080/15388220.2012.706873.

Summary: Researchers asked students at an urban middle school in Nevada what they thought of having to wear uniforms. Their public school had adopted a uniform policy after staff members became frustrated with the earlier dress code policy, which resulted in girls wearing revealing clothing and boys wearing shirts with inappropriate messages and images. The study’s main takeaway: The vast majority of students said they dislike uniforms, although some agreed there were benefits. “For example, in reference to gender, more than expected females than males indicated students treated them better with uniforms. Also, fewer females than males got detention for not wearing a uniform or for wearing a uniform inappropriately.”

“Are School Uniforms a Good Fit? Results from the ECLS-K and the NELS” Yeung, Ryan. Educational Policy , 2009, Vol. 23. doi: 10.1177/0895904808330170.

Abstract: “One of the most common proposals put forth for reform of the American system of education is to require school uniforms. Proponents argue that uniforms can make schools safer and also improve school attendance and increase student achievement. Opponents contend that uniforms have not been proven to work and may be an infringement on the freedom of speech of young people. Within an econometric framework, this study examines the effect of school uniforms on student achievement. It tackles methodological challenges through the use of a value-added functional form and the use of multiple data sets. The results do not suggest any significant association between school uniform policies and achievement. Although the results do not definitely support or reject either side of the uniform argument, they do strongly intimate that uniforms are not the solution to all of American education’s ills.”

“Effects of Student Uniforms on Attendance, Behavior Problems, Substance Use, and Academic Achievement” Brunsma, David L.; Rockquemore, Kerry A. The Journal of Educational Research , 1998, Vol. 92. doi: 10.1080/00220679809597575.

Abstract: “Mandatory uniform policies have been the focus of recent discourse on public school reform. Proponents of such reform measures emphasize the benefits of student uniforms on specific behavioral and academic outcomes. Tenth-grade data from The National Educational Longitudinal Study of 1988 was used to test empirically the claims made by uniform advocates. The findings indicate that student uniforms have no direct effect on substance use, behavioral problems, or attendance. Contrary to current discourse, the authors found a negative effect of uniforms on student academic achievement. Uniform policies may indirectly affect school environment and student outcomes by providing a visible and public symbol of commitment to school improvement and reform.”

“School Uniforms, Academic Achievement, and Uses of Research” Bodine, Ann. The Journal of Educational Research , 2003, Vol. 97. doi: 10.1080/00220670309597509.

Abstract: “School uniforms are being advocated for a range of social, educational, economic, and familial reasons. In 1998, The Journal of Educational Research (The JER) published an article by D. Brunsma and K. Rockquemore that claims that uniforms correlate negatively with academic achievement, but data presented in this article actually show positive correlation between uniforms and achievement for the total sample, and for all but 1 school sector. Examination of structure of argument reveals that the erroneous claim results from misleading use of sector analysis. Simultaneous with The JER article, and on the basis of the same National Education Longitudinal Study: 1988 database, an Educational Testing Service article reported that no correlation exists between uniforms and achievement. The two articles are contrasted in this study. The effect of new communication technology in amplifying political uses of academic research is discussed.”

“Public School Uniforms: Effect on Perceptions of Gang Presence, School Climate, and Student Self-Perceptions” Wade, Kathleen Kiley; Stafford, Mary E. Education and Urban Society , 2003, Vol. 35. doi: 10.1177/0013124503255002.

Abstract: “This study attempts to clarify the relationships between public school uniforms and some of their intended results: student self-worth and student and staff perceptions of gang presence and school climate. The instruments used in the study included a questionnaire on gang presence and identity, the National Association of School Principals Comprehensive Assessment of School Environments, and the Harter Self-Perception Profile for Children. Participants consisted of 415 urban public middle school students and 83 teachers. Findings indicate that, although perceptions did not vary for students across uniform policy, teachers from schools with uniform policies perceived lower levels of gang presence. Although the effect size was small, students from schools without uniforms reported higher self-perception scores than students from schools with uniform policies. Student and teacher perceptions of school climate did not vary across uniform policy.”

“The Effect of Uniforms on Nonuniform Apparel Expenditures” Norum, Pamela S.; Weagley, Robert O.; Norton, Marjorie J. Family & Consumer Sciences , 1998. doi: 10.1177/1077727X980263001.

Abstract: “The uniform industry has grown steadily the past 20 years with increased attention from employers trying to create a professional image among workers as well as school administrators considering uniforms to curtail school violence. Although an important part of human dress for centuries, uniforms have received little attention from researchers of the clothing market. This study examines the impact of uniform purchases on household expenditures for selected nonuniform apparel subcategories based on an economic model of conditional demand. Expenditure equations are estimated using the 1990-1991 Consumer Expenditure Survey. The results suggest that, on average, consumers do not substitute uniforms for other apparel purchases. Rather, uniforms and nonuniform apparel appear to be complements in consumers’ purchases, resulting in greater household expenditures on nonuniform apparel. These results are a first step in understanding the economic effect that uniform purchases, mandated by employers, schools, or others, have on household clothing expenditures.”

Looking for more research on student achievement? Check out our write-ups on how teacher salaries , school vouchers and school shootings impact learning.   

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Denise-Marie Ordway

Do uniforms make schools better?

by: Marian Wilde | Updated: March 1, 2024

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Do uniforms make schools better?

Schools, parents, and students frequently clash over the issue of regulating what students may and may not wear to school. These controversies often pegged to the culture war of the moment touch on everything from gender and sexuality to politics, race, and religion. In 2021, a group of about 50 students in Georgia protested their middle school’s dress code for being discriminatory against BIPOC girls by wearing t-shirts every Friday emblazoned with the words “sexist,” “racist,” and “classist.” In 2022, a fight between students, staff, and police officers broke out at a Pennsylvania high school when hats and hoodies were banned as part of a revision by the school board to the school’s dress code. And in 2023, two Michigan middle schoolers, via their mother, sued their school district after they were banned from wearing “Let’s Go Brandon” sweatshirts.

Are school uniforms the best solution to this contentious debate? If every student is wearing the same outfit, will a host of campus problems be solved? Researchers are divided over how much of an impact — if any — dress policies have on student learning. There are multiple studies with conflicting conclusions, plus books such as 2018’s The Debate About School Uniforms , but the argument wears on, with a list of pros and cons on each side.

Why do some public schools have uniforms?

In the 1980s, public schools were often compared unfavorably to Catholic schools. Noting the perceived benefit that uniforms conferred upon Catholic schools, some public schools decided to adopt a school uniform policy.

President Clinton provided momentum to the school uniform movement when he said in his 1996 State of the Union speech, “If it means teenagers will stop killing each other over designer jackets, then our public schools should be able to require their students to wear school uniforms.”

The pros and cons of school uniforms

According to proponents, school uniforms:.

  • Help prevent gangs from forming on campus

  • Encourage discipline

  • Help students resist peer pressure to buy trendy clothes

  • Help identify intruders in the school

  • Diminish economic and social barriers between students

  • Increase a sense of belonging and school pride

  • Improve attendance

Opponents contend that school uniforms:

  • Violate a student’s right to freedom of expression

  • Are simply a Band-Aid on the issue of school violence

  • Make students a target for bullies from other schools

  • Are a financial burden for poor families

  • Are an unfair additional expense for parents who pay taxes for a free public education

  • Are difficult to enforce in public schools

Uniforms vs. dress codes

Schools and districts vary widely in how closely they adhere to the concept of uniformity.

What’s a dress code?

Generally, dress codes are more relaxed than uniform policies. Sometimes, however, dress codes are quite strict with requirements that are potentially viewed as biased based on race or gender. In 2020, two Black male students in Texas, cousins with West Indian heritage, were suspended for wearing dreadlocks in supposed violation of the district’s hair and grooming policy, part of the dress code. The elder one, a senior, was told he couldn’t attend prom or graduation until his dreads were trimmed. In 2022, girls on the track team at an Albany, NY high school were sent home for wearing sports bras at practice.

Uniforms are certainly easier for administrators to enforce than dress codes, largely because the ACLU (American Civil Liberties Union) can be depended upon to protect a student’s “right to express themselves.” The ACLU believes dress codes are often used to, “shame girls, force students to conform to gender stereotypes… punish students who wear political and countercultural messages. Such policies can be used as cover for racial discrimination… Dress codes can also infringe on a student’s religious rights…” To successfully enforce a dress code, insists the ACLU, the school must prove the student’s attire, “is disruptive to school activities.”

The ACLU’s dress code stance is regularly supported by federal courts , like the 2023 lower court ruling in North Carolina that ended a charter school decree that girls couldn’t wear pants to school. ACLU lawyers claimed this violated Title IX because the dress code “discriminated against female students by limiting their ability to fully participate in school activities, such as using the playground.” The U.S. Supreme Court later declined to take up a case challenging the lower court’s ruling.

Check with your school to see what the dress code is, as they can be fairly specific. In Tulsa, Oklahoma, for example, the dress code prohibits :

  • Symbols, mottoes, words or acronyms that convey crude, vulgar, profane, violent, death-oriented, gang-related, sexually explicit, or sexually suggestive messages.
  • Symbols, mottoes, words or acronyms advertising tobacco, alcohol, or illegal drugs or drug paraphernalia.
  • Symbols, mottoes, words or acronyms identifying a student as a member of a secret or overtly antisocial group or gang or that identifies a student as a member of an organization that professes violence or hatred toward one’s fellow man.
  • Visible and permanent tattoos/brands incompatible with the standards set forth herein shall be covered to prohibit their display.
  • Excessively large or baggy clothes

What’s a uniform?

School uniforms worldwide can widely range from nondescript to bizarre. (Extreme examples from China, Australia, and the UK on this YouTube video ) Most public school outfits in the USA are quite casual, with a “ common type ” for boys often a polo shirt in a solid color, with pants in khaki, black, or navy blue. A girl’s uniform is often a skirt and a white buttoned-up shirt. Dress shoes are frequently required for both genders.

In the United States, low-income families spend an average of $249 on a child’s school uniform annually, far less than the typical Australian student’s $578. But still, the cost is sometimes viewed as unfair because public education is intended to be free, paid by tax dollars, not “a stress for families on lower incomes.” The ACLU believes that public schools should provide free school uniforms , because the expense is unconstitutional, and it increases wealth inequity.

What research says about school uniforms

In 2006, Virginia Draa, professor at Youngstown State University, reviewed the impact of school uniforms at 64 public high schools that had larger percentages of economically disadvantaged and minority students than other urban schools. Her conclusion surprised her: “I really went into this thinking uniforms don’t make a difference, but I came away seeing that they do… I was absolutely floored.” Her analysis determined that the schools with uniforms improved their students attendance, and graduation rates rose an average almost 11 percent.

In 2022, Ohio State University and University of Pennsylvania researchers reached a contrary opinion in their report titled “ School Uniforms and Students Behavior: Is There a Link? ” Their view was that, in general, evidence that school uniforms improve social skills in the students was “inconclusive.” The solitary praise they provided to uniform-wearing was noting there was “some indication that low-income students in schools that required uniforms demonstrated better school attendance than low-income students in schools that did not.”

What to believe? Jury is still out.

What do students think about uniforms?

A student discussion: pros and cons of uniforms

Editor’s note: This video is part of our high school milestones series about communication skills. The students in this video discuss the pros and cons of school uniforms.

A University of Nevada, Reno, survey of 1,848 middle school students, published in 2022, revealed that 90 percent did not like wearing a uniform to school . Only 30 percent believed the uniforms “might reduce discipline issues, a mere 17 percent thought the uniform helped them focus at school, 34 percent believed their school was safer due to the uniforms and 37 percent said, “I worry less about my appearance” due to the uniform requirement.”

An earlier study, also in Nevada, displayed similar unpopularity with newly instituted uniforms among middle school students. However, when the researchers looked into school discipline and local police records and compared them to the prior year’s data, discipline referrals were down 10 percent, there were 63 percent fewer police log reports, and incidences of graffiti, fights, and gang-related activity were all down.

It’s a big issue

A new trend is the mounting pressure to establish dress codes for teachers. Apparently, the same casual mindset toward revealing outfits is cropping up in the ranks of our teachers.

The debate over uniforms in public schools encompasses many larger issues than simply what children should wear to school. It touches on issues of school improvement, freedom of expression, and hot-button culture wars. It’s no wonder the debate rages on.

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Arya ansari.

a Department of Human Sciences, College of Education and Human Ecology, The Ohio State University

b Crane Center for Early Childhood Research and Policy, The Ohio State University

Michael Shepard

Michael a. gottfried.

c Graduate School of Education, University of Pennsylvania

Arya Ansari: Conceptualization, Methodology, Formal analysis, Writing - original draft, Funding acquisition. Michael Shepard: Writing - original draft. Michael Gottfried: Conceptualization, Methodology, Writing - review & editing, Funding acquisition.

Whether or not schoolchildren exhibit better behavior in the context of wearing uniforms has been a long-standing area of debate in education. Nonetheless, there has been little empirical inquiry into the benefits or drawbacks of school uniform policies. To contribute new insights to the dialogue, the present investigation used nationally representative data from the Early Childhood Longitudinal Study Kindergarten Class of 2011 ( n = 6,320) to examine students’ social-behavioral and engagement outcomes across the elementary school years as a function of school uniform policies. In general, students in schools that required school uniforms did not demonstrate better social skills, internalizing and externalizing behavior, or school attendance as compared with students in schools without school uniforms. These associations were true across both public and private schools. There was, however, some indication that low-income students in schools that required uniforms demonstrated better school attendance than low-income students in schools that did not.

Mandatory school uniform policies were first put in place nearly 30 years ago ( Brown, 1998 ), with increased implementation from the 1990s onward ( Han, 2010 ). In the 1995–1996 school year, only 3% of public schools in the U.S. required uniforms, which increased to 20% in 2011–2012 ( Mitchell, 1996 ; U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, 2013 ). School uniforms mandates are even greater in private schools, with roughly six out of every ten requiring that students wear uniforms (57% in 2011–2012; National Center for Educational Statistics, Digest of Education Statistics, 2013 ). This growth in school uniforms (particularly in the public elementary school sector; 20% in elementary school versus 12% in secondary school) has been attributed to the belief that uniform policies level the playing field in schools and help improve students’ academic achievement and social-behavioral engagement ( Brown, 1998 ; Kaiser, 1985 ; Pate, 2006 ; Ryan & Ryan, 1998 ; U.S. Department of Education, 1996 ) along with student and classroom safety ( Kaiser, 1985 ; Zernike, 2002 ). Reflecting these beliefs, both the Clinton and G.W. Bush administrations encouraged widespread adoption of school uniforms ( Boutelle, 2008 ; Zernike, 2002 ).

Notwithstanding these proposed benefits and encouragement to adopt school uniform policies, there are many opponents. Anti-uniform groups argue that mandatory uniforms violate First Amendment rights of students and can lead to an authoritarian learning atmosphere that inhibits learning ( Brown, 1998 ). More broadly, critics argue that student achievement, behavior, and self-esteem will decrease rather than increase ( Brunsma, 2006 ) and that classroom stratification will not only remain, but uniforms could add further financial hardship on low-income families who now must purchase required clothing ( Brunsma, 2006 ; Portner, 1996 ). In general, opponents argue that uniform policies may only serve as a stop-gap policy in addressing issues of economic and educational equality that, ultimately, allows policy makers and practitioners to delay making difficult decisions to reform public education ( DeMitchell, 2006 ).

Despite these ongoing debates, there has been little empirical inquiry into the benefits or drawbacks of school uniforms, and the studies that do exist are limited, dated, and largely focus on academic outcomes ( Bodine, 2003 ; Brunsma, 2004 ; Brunsma, 2006 ; Holloman et al., 1998; Kohn, 1998 ; Murray, 1997 ; Pate, 1999 ; Yeung, 2009 ). This is a glaring gap in knowledge because students’ social-behavioral skills, especially in the earliest years of school, are critical in determining their future social, educational, and economic success ( Heckman & Rubinstein, 2001 ; Heckman et al., 2006 ; Imberman, 2011 ; Jacob, 2002 ; Segal, 2008 ). These findings, combined with the growth in uniform policies across the U.S., necessitate further empirical work to understand whether learning in the context of school uniforms is linked to differential measures of student success. Accordingly, the present study uses nationally representative data to explore whether: (a) elementary school-aged students across the United States demonstrated higher social-behavioral functioning and engagement in schools with uniform policies as compared with students in schools without uniform policies and (b) these associations vary across key subgroups of students. In doing so, the present investigation represents one of the first national snapshots of the outcomes of school uniforms in elementary schools.

The Purpose of Uniforms

School uniforms historically have been used in a variety of circumstances (e.g., military personnel, medical professionals, athletic teams) to signify to both wearers and observers of their expected roles. It has been argued that uniforms serve dual purposes: (a) to differentiate nonmembers from members and (b) to signal to the actor and the audience that certain set of behaviors are expected ( Joseph, 1986 ). Uniforms symbolize group membership and can define group boundaries, promote group goals, and reduce role conflict ( Stanley, 1996 ). They may also promote conformity to group norms, which may reduce group infighting and discrimination ( Huss, 2007 ). Thus, administrators and policy makers have viewed uniforms as a means of altering the climate of a school in cases of violence, disruptive behaviors, or social stratification.

Enacting school uniform policies can be viewed from theoretical persepctives that higlight the role of the environments that students interact with as a key influence on their development. For example, according to Social Learning Theory, individuals are argued to respond to a combination of: (a) cognitive factors, such as knowledge, expectations, and attitudes; (b) behavioral factors, such as skills, practice, and self-efficacy; and (c) environmental factors, such as social norms, access in community, and influence on others (Grusec, 1994). These cognitive, behavioral, and environmental factors are hypothesized to interact with each other in a process known as reciprocal determinism (Grusec, 1994). Thus, theoretically, it is argued that school uniforms may change the school environment, resulting in a shift in the reciprocal determinism equation that could improve the trajectory of the student body. Social learning theory also rests on the notion that individuals create meaning for things that they interact with both through their personal interactions and their interaction with others ( Huss, 2007 ). That is, individuals create meaning based off their own experience as well as through learning the expectations and meanings other people give to these same objects. Grounded in this perspective, many administrators and policy makers have equated school uniforms with private schools, which are perceived as secure, safe, and orderly places of learning ( Huss, 2007 ).

School Uniforms in Practice

One major consideration pro-school uniform groups cite is student safety. Past school uniform policies have been introduced as a way to equalize the school culture/setting to support students and reduce gang attire and activity, increase school safety, and decrease clothing theft ( Daugherty, 2002 ; Kaiser, 1985 ; Stanley, 1996 ; Zernike, 2002 ). Thus, from risk-taking perspective, school uniforms are often viewed as a way of mitigating risks to vulnerable populations, including fear of intimidation and discrimination. But beyond safety considerations, school uniforms have other proposed benefits: Increased student discipline, increased respect for teachers, promotion of group spirit, higher academic standards maintained through uniformity, decreased strain on parental budgets, and a decrease in student’s concerns for social status through fashion ( Kaiser, 1985 ). These benefits may also increase academic achievement, as a third of teachers either agreed or strongly agreed that student misbehavior disrupted their teaching ( Robers et al., 2012 ).

On the other hand, opponents of school uniforms argue that there is not enough empirical evidence to support its implementation and that students may seek out other ways to individuate themselves even in schools with uniforms, such as becoming disruptive in class or rebel against authority (Gentile & Imberman, 2011). In the limited research that does exist, there is some indication that uniforms may restrict students’ ability to express themselves, and thus, results in lower-levels of self-esteem ( Wade & Stafford, 2003 ). Accordingly, through seeking conformity in clothing, schools may actually be undermining efforts to understand and appreciate diversity in the student body ( Howe, 1996 ). Opponents of school uniforms also cite a variation of the Hawthorn effect that may account for any observed differences in student outcomes where uniforms are mandatory ( Posner, 1996 ). More specifically, it is argued that differences in student outcomes are caused by a change in the way adults perceive uniformed students and not the way in which students behave or learn. If this hypothesis is correct, then meaningful change may be brought about without mandating uniforms among the student body.

Empirical Evidence regarding School Uniforms

As noted above, despite the extensive public discourse surrounding the implementation of school uniforms in the United States, there has been limited research that has examined its effectiveness. However, the handful of studies that have examined the benefits of school uniforms, although dated, present inconclusive evidence. For example, evidence from two school districts in Florida utilizing a pre-post test design found that elementary school-aged students significantly improved their academic test scores in the year post-uniform implementation ( Pate, 1999 ). In contrast, with samples of elementary ( Brusnma, 2006 ) and high school students ( Brunsma & Rockquemore, 1998 ), other researchers have found that students in schools with uniform policies demonstrated lower levels of (or declines in) academic achievement as compared with students in schools without uniforms. And, yet, other studies have documented no consistent differences in students’ academic outcomes as a function of school uniform policies ( Draa, 2005 ; Stevenson & Chunn, 1991 ; Yeung, 2009 ).

Although still limited, the evidence for school uniforms is equally mixed when considering students’ non-academic outcomes. Studies ranging from elementary to high school from school districts in Ohio and Virginia and in the southwest U.S. reveal that school attendance was better in schools with uniforms than those without uniforms ( Draa, 2005 ; Gentile & Imberman, 2011; Hoffler-Riddick & Lassiter, 1996 ) and that school uniform implementation resulted in a decline in disciplinary infractions and a higher sense of school belonging ( Han, 2010 ; Hoffler-Riddick & Lassiter, 1996 ; Pate, 2006 ; Peters, 1996 ). Secondary school teachers’ perceptions of students’ peer relations, engagement in violent behavior, and integrity have also been found to improve when uniforms were worn ( Huss, 2007 ; Wade & Stafford, 2003 ; Sanchez et al., 2012 ; Tucker, 1999 ). Other research, however, reveals largely null or negative associations between school uniforms and elementary and secondary school students’ attendance and social-behavior ( Brunsma & Rockquemore, 1998 ; Gentile & Imberman, 2011; Han, 2010 ).

The Present Study

When taken together, despite theoretical assertions and the policy rehteoric surronding school uniforms and their benefits for the student body, the extant literature has yielded inconclusive evidence. Thus, whether school uniforms help level the playing field in schooling, which is important for children from ethnically and economically diverse backgrounds, or whether uniforms amplify disparities and serve as obstacles to being in school is unclear. Accordingly, the present investigation sought to add to our knowledgebase by leveraging a contemporary and nationally representative sample of elementary school-aged students to evaluate whether K-5 students’ school behavior and engagement outcomes differ in schools with and without uniforms. As part of this effort, we also consider the extent to which any patterns vary for students across the income and skill distributions and across school sectors. Given the inconclusive evidence discussed above, we did not make directional hypotheses. But in addressing these research questions, we build upon the limited, dated understanding of whether school uniforms are associated with students’ social, behavioral, and engagement outcomes in the crucial early years of development.

Data for the present investigation were drawn from the Early Childhood Longitudinal Study – Kindergarten Class of 2010–11 (ECLS-K: 2011; Tourangeau et al., 2015 ). The ECLS-K is a nationally representative sample of students who were followed from kindergarten entry through the end of fifth grade. To ensure a nationally representative sample, the ECLS-K: 2011 first sampled within geographic regions, then public and private schools, and finally students were stratified by race/ethnicity. For our purposes, we used data from the surveys administered to parents, teachers, and school administrators. Given the nature of the data on school uniform policies (for more details, see below), we limited our sample to children who: (a) remained in the same schools between kindergarten and fifth grade and (b) had administrator reported data of school uniform policies from the kindergarten wave of data collection. This restriction resulted in a final sample of 6,320 students.

Table 1 presents descriptive statistics for all focal covariates, separated by school uniform policy and Table 2 presents descriptive statistics for all study outcomes.

Weighted descriptive statistics for focal covariates, stratified by schools with and without uniform policies

Weighted descriptive statistics for focal outcome variables.

Note . Estimates correspond to means and those in brackets correspond to standard deviations.

School uniforms.

During the spring of kindergarten, school administrators were given a survey that included a question about whether students were required to wear uniforms. Although similar questions were asked again in first and second grade, these surveys were: (a) only asked of administrators of students who switched to new schools (and only a handful of children changed between schools with and without uniforms) and (b) no uniform data were available for students who switched schools after second grade, hence our focus on students who remained in the same elementary schools between kindergarten and fifth grade. Accordingly, we used these reports from kindergarten to create a binary variable that indicated whether students attended elementary schools with or without a uniform policy.

Student outcomes.

In the fall and spring of kindergarten and again in the spring of each subsequent grade, teachers reported on students’ socio-emotional skills. These questions were derived from the Social Skills Rating System (SSRS; Gresham & Elliott, 1990 ). This tool is based a 4-point scale (0 = never to 3 = very often ) that includes four subscales: Interpersonal skills (5 items; α = .86–.87), self-control (4 items; α =.80–.82), internalizing behavior problems (4 items; α = .76–.79), and externalizing behavior problems (5 items; α = .86–89). Teachers also reported on students’ approaches to learning with a measure developed by NCES (6 items; α = .91–.92). Similar to Claessens and colleagues (2009), we collapsed these indicators into three dimensions: Internalizing behavior problems , externalizing behavior problems , and social skills (a combination of approaches to learning and socioemotional skills).

In addition to children’s socio-emotional development, students’ teachers also reported on students’ school absences every year (0 = no absences , 1= 1–4 absences , 2 = 5–7 absences , 3 = 8–10 absences , 4 = 11–19 absences , and 5 = 20 or more absences ). To increase interpretability, we recoded the scale values to equal the midpoint of the response options (e.g., 1–4 absences was recoded as 2.5 absences). Students who were never absent (scale value of 0) and those who were absent for 20 or more days of the school year (scale value of 5) were coded as being absent for 0 and 20 days, respectively. Note that, during kindergarten through third grade, children had one primary teacher across subject areas who reported on children’s school attendance. In fourth and fifth grade, however, students had different teachers for different subject areas. In these grades, both students’ English language arts teacher and their science or math teacher responded to questions of absenteeism. Because the correlations of absenteeism across subject areas were high, we created a composite of fourth, and then, fifth grade absences.

Analysis Plan

All analyses were estimated within Stata ( StataCorp, 2009 ). These models included robust standard errors to safeguard against violations of normality and missing data were accounted for with 50 imputed datasets using chained equations. All models were also weighted to be nationally representative and error term were clustered at the school level. To minimize the possibility of spurious associations, all models controlled for a large number of child and family covariates. These indicators capture children’s characteristics (i.e., gender, race/ethnicity, English language learner status, and an indicator for whether a parent rated the child as having poor health), children’s educational experiences (i.e., enrollment in full-day kindergarten, school type, and the number of hours that the child spent in center-based prekindergarten and before/after school care during the kindergarten year), household characteristics (i.e., household structure, number of siblings, poverty status, parent education, parent employment, number of books in the home, home learning activities), and school-going practices and routines (i.e., whether the child took a school bus to school, how far the child lived from school, in miles, number of breakfasts and dinners that the family regularly had together at home). In addition, all models (except for models predicting absenteeism) adjusted for lagged dependent variables from kindergarten entry. Given the large number of outcomes, we also make a p -value adjustment for multiple comparisons using the Benjamini adjustment (Benjamini & Hochberg, 1995).

With the above analytic framework in mind, we employed several different methodological specifications to determine whether students demonstrated different outcomes based on school uniform policies. Our first model was based within an OLS regression framework. Importantly, the above is after taking into account a student’s own school entry skills and the control measures. Thus, our first set of analyses considered whether, conditional on covariates, students in schools with uniforms demonstrated greater improvements in outcomes between kindergarten and fifth grade as compared with students who attend schools without uniforms. Notwithstanding the rich control measures included in this study, it is important to note that schools with uniform policies may differ in other observed and unobserved ways, which would make it difficult to isolate the outcomes of school uniform policies from the effects of other factors. To limit this possibility, we estimated three additional models.

Our second specification addressed the possibility of variation at the state-level that may influence the associations between school uniform policies and student outcomes. We did so by implementing state-fixed effects for the full sample of children. Consequently, our state-fixed effects models hold constant all state-wide factors that were the same for students in schools with and without school uniform policies in the same state. Although state-fixed effects account for state-to-state variation, there may be variation at a more granular level in the implementation of school uniforms. Therefore, our third specification was based within a county fixed effects framework, which may be particularly important in a study of school uniform policies, as decisions about school uniforms can stem from county factors. Therefore, county fixed effects help to control for county-to-county variation that exists in school uniform policies and student outcomes. As before, both the state- and county-fixed effects models adjusted for lagged dependent variables and the full set of covariates discussed above.

Even though state- and county fixed effects account for observed and unobserved differences at key levels, and thus, increase confidence in the reported associations, there may be concerns about the overlap between schools with and without uniform policies. Accordingly, our fourth and final specification was based within a propensity score matching framework ( Rosenbaum & Rubin, 1983 ). Although propensity scores do not change the causal identification strategy, this methodology does consider whether there is overlap in the unmatched sample and the functional form assumptions that are driving our findings. For our matching models, we used the nearest neighbor method (with up to four matches) with a caliper of .05, allowing a sufficient overlap between students in schools with and without school uniforms. Given this specification, we successfully matched approximately 65% of students (the number of matches varied across the 50 imputed datasets). Importantly, before matching, the average standardized mean difference between conditions was approximately 18% of a standard deviation, but after matching, the average standardized mean difference was roughly 3% of a standard deviation (see Table 1 ). Moreover, none of the covariates were significantly different across conditions after matching, suggesting that balance was successfully achieved (descriptives available from authors). Accordingly, regression models were re-estimated within these matched samples and included all covariates when predicting outcomes (doubly robust estimation; Funk et al., 2011 ).

Once the main effects of school uniforms were examined in these various ways, we then examined potential variation in the benefits of school uniforms as a function of child and school characteristics. Specifically, we examined variation in associations as a function of child socioeconomic status and initial skills, and as a function of the type of school children attended. It is important to note that, given the small number of private schools of different types, we collapsed our school type indicator into public versus private for our moderation analyses. To estimate heterogeneity in associations, we estimated a new set of regression models that included interaction terms between the focal indicator for school uniforms and the moderators of interest. Our focal moderation analyses were estimated with the full set of covariates.

We begin with a descriptive presentation of the types of schools that had school uniform policies along with the students who attended those schools. We then present our main effect analyses before we turn to a discussion of heterogeneity in outcomes and close with set of supplemental analyses. With that said, and as can be seen in Table 1 , roughly 28% of students across the U.S. attended schools that required a uniform. When looking across different types of schools, we find that 78% of Catholic schools that students attended had a uniform requirement as compared with only 54% of other religious schools and 43% of other private schools. And, among public school students, only 21% attended schools with a uniform policy. In terms of the student body, we find that schools with uniforms served a larger number of Black (20%) and Hispanic (40%) children and English Language Learners (27%) than schools without school uniforms (8–18%). In contrast, White children were more likely to be served in schools without uniforms (64% vs. 31%), whereas schools with uniform policies served a larger share of children from low-income families (52%) than schools without uniform policies (41%). Other descriptives stratified by schools with and without uniform policies are presented in Table 1 .

Students’ Behavior and School Uniforms

Having established the descriptive snapshot of the schools with school uniform policies along with the student body, we next examined whether students demonstrated different outcomes based on school uniform policies. Two overall patterns are evident in Table 3 with regard to the associations between school uniforms and children’s social skills, behavioral problems, and school absences. First, the associations between school uniforms and students’ outcomes were almost entirely null and the effect sizes across outcomes and grade levels were roughly 3% of a standard deviation. In fact, of the 24 associations estimated within our baseline model with an assortment of covariates, only one emerged as statistically significant and none were statistically significant with a Benjamini adjustment, leaving us with little confidence of a statistically-significant link between school uniforms and students’ outcomes. Second, the magnitude of the estimated associations derived from our baseline OLS model did not change substantially when we estimated models with state- and county fixed effects, nor when we implemented propensity scores (see Table 3 ). Taken together, there seems to be no meaningful differences in students’ social-behavioral and attendance outcomes between kindergarten and fifth grade as a function of school uniforms.

Results from models examining the outcomes of school uniforms between kindergarten and fifth grade.

Note. Coefficients in bold were statistically significant at p < .05 with a Benjamini false discovery adjustment. All estimates are weighted and account for the complex sampling design. Models include a full set of controls. All continuous predictors and outcomes have been standardized to have a mean of 0 and standard deviation of 1 and, thus, coefficients can be interpreted as effect sizes. Estimates in brackets correspond to standard errors.

Heterogeneity in Student Outcomes

Having established the average associations between school uniforms and student outcomes, our next set of analyses examined heterogeneity in these associations as a function of children’s school entry skills, socioeconomic status, and the type of school students attended. In the main, there was no consistant evidence of variation in outcomes as a function of school type nor students’ baseline skills. There was, however, some indication that the links between school uniforms and absenteeism varied as a function of socio-economic status. More specifically, the attendance benefits of school uniforms were approximately 20% of a standard deviation larger for low-income students as compared with more affluent students. Accordingly, even though school uniforms had no links to attendance for higher-income students, in first ( p <.01), fourth ( p < .05), and fifth ( p < .05) grade, low-income students who attended schools with uniforms demonstrated fewer absences than those in schools without uniforms. And although not statistically significant, similar patterns emerged in second and third grade (ES = .10–.13)

Supplemental Analyses of Students’ Experiences in School

In addition to the kindergarten through fifth grade outcomes reported as part of our focal analyses, students also reported on their school belonging (14 items, α = .90; e.g., closeness with teachers and classmates), experiences of bullying (4 items, α = .81; e.g., teasing, name calling), and social anxiety (3 items, α = .88; worrying about what others think) in fifth grade, which are aspects of the school experience that have been at the center of school uniform debates (e.g., Gentile & Imberman, 2011; Han, 2010 ; Howe, 1996 ; Huss, 2007 ; Kaiser, 1985 ; Pate, 2006 ; Sanchez et al., 2012 ). Although all students reported on these additional items, these surveys were not administered to students in the earlier grades. But to highlight the other potential outcomes of school uniform mandates, we estimate supplemental models that consider the links between school uniforms and these self-reported outcomes, net of the covariates outlined above. But because these variables were not collected in kindergarten entry, these models did not include lagged controls.

As can be seen in Table 4 , results from our covariate adjusted models revealed that students in schools with uniform policies reported no differences in their social anxiety, and experiences with victimization, but they did report lower levels of school belonging (ES = 16% of a standard deviation, p < .001) as compared with students in schools without school uniforms. These findings largely replicated when accounting for state- and county-fixed effects along with propensity scores (see Table 4 ) and remained statistically significant with a Benjamini adjustment. And, as before, there was no evidence of heterogeneity.

Results from models examining the associations between school uniforms and students’ self-reported outcomes in fifth grade

School uniform policies have grown in the thirty years since their introduction in the United States, both in the public and private education sectors ( U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics, 2013 ). This growth has fostered debate among pro- and anti-uniform advocates ( Boutelle, 2008 ; Brown, 1998 ; Brunsma, 2006 ; DeMitchell, 2006 ; Kaiser, 1985 ; Pate, 2006 ; Portner, 1996 ; Ryan & Ryan, 1998 ; Zernike, 2002 ). To date, however, these debates have been grounded in both limited and dated empirical evidence, especially in the formative elementary school years ( Bodine, 2003 ; Brunsma, 2004 , 2006 ; Draa, 2005 ; Gentile & Imberman, 2011; Han, 2010 ; Kohn, 1998 ; Murray, 1997 ; Pate, 1999 ; Yeung, 2009 ).

With that said, Social Learning Theory posits that individuals rely on a combination of cognitive, behavioral, and environmental factors to learn how to act in a given situation. This process, known as reciprocal determinism, has been raised by policymakers and adminstrators to suggest that school uniform policies have downstream effects on students because it influences the environment of school children and alters the complex reciprocal determinism equation (Grusec, 1994). Accordingly, the present study sought to add to this literature on the going to school in the context of school uniforms in elementary schools by bringing a longitudinal and national perspective to school uniforms and aspects of students’ development that are relatively understudied, but that are known to drive long-term educational and life success ( Heckman & Rubinstein, 2001 ; Heckman et al., 2006 ). In doing so, several key themes emerged.

First, the results of the present investigation illustrate consistent and largely null findings at the aggregate level as a function of school uniform policies. That is, students who attended schools with and without school uniform mandates, on average, demonstrated similar social skills, externalizing and internalizing problems, and school attendance patterns between kindergarten and fifth grade after adjusting for children’s characteristics and their educational experiences, household characteristics, and school-going practices and routines. Effect size were close to zero, suggesting no meaningful differences as a function of school uniform policies. Importantly, this pattern of largely null findings remained consistent even with the inclusion of state and county fixed effects that accounted for geographic variation as well as when propensity score matching was used. But when looking at students’ own self-reports of their engagement and well-being in fifth grade, we found that students in schools with uniforms reported lower levels of school belonging than students in schools that did not require uniforms.

When taken together, these null—and in some cases negative—findings are both similar to prior studies that have documented null or negative associations ( Brunsma & Rockquemore, 1998 ; Gentile & Imberman, 2011; Han, 2010 ), but stand in contrast with other studies that show benefits of school uniforms for children’s socio-emotional development ( Huss, 2007 ; Wade & Stafford, 2003 ; Sanchez et al., 2012 ; Tucker, 1999 ). Although we can only speculate why these differences emerge between the current investigation and some of the extant literature, one must consider the fact that many of the prior studies done on school uniforms have been restricted to specific school districts (e.g., Draa, 2005 ; Gentile & Imberman, 2011; Hoffler-Riddick & Lassiter, 1996 ), whereas the current study presents a national perspective. But with regards to the Social Learning Theory perspective, there is no evidence to suggest school uniforms changed the environment of school children, at least with respect to their social behavior.

One might also wonder why there were largely null associations for broader indicators of social behavior (as reported on by teachers) as compared with negative associations for students’ own self-reports. Of most relevance is the fact that these benchmarks were different: Teachers reported on broader indicators of students’ social and behavioral adjustment, whereas students reported on more specific outcomes related to their school experiences. Thus, including indicators from both the teacher and student perspective presents a more well-rounded and balanced portrait of the outcomes of school uniform policies. But with respect to the lower levels of school belonging in schools with uniforms, one possibility worth considering is that students’ fashion choices are likely to be only one potential source of belonging. Accordingly, what these results make clear is that the argument that school uniforms create cohesion among students and give students a sense of identity is not true, at least in this study sample ( Brown, 1998 ; Kaiser, 1985 ; Pate, 2006 ; Ryan & Ryan, 1998 ; U.S. Department of Education, 1996 ).

The second key theme that emerged from the present investigation was that the magnitude of associations between elementary schools with (versus without) a school uniform mandate and students’ social and behavioral problems did not consistently vary as a function of children’s socio-economic status nor their school entry skills. That is, school uniforms did not address issues of economic and educational equality that have been at the center of much of the pro-uniform debates and the very reason many school officials and school systems require students to wear uniforms ( DeMitchell, 2006 ). Just as importantly, even with the large differences in the rates of school uniform mandates between public and private schools ( National Center for Educational Statistics, Digest of Education Statistics, 2013 ), we documented no differences in the outcomes of school uniform policies and student outcomes across different school sectors. Put another way, the associations between school uniforms and students’ socio-emotional, behavioral, and engagement outcomes were comparable (and in most instances close to zero) in both public and private schools. Taken together, what the results suggest is that the outcomes of school uniforms are far more similar than different for students of different backgrounds and for students enrolled in different types of schools across the United States.

With that said, one of the only consistent patterns that did emerge (and the third and final key theme) was that low-income children demonstrated fewer absences between first and fifth grade in schools with uniforms as compared with low-income children in schools without uniforms. The above is noteworthy given that absenteeism is at its highest point in the early elementary school years ( Ansari & Pianta, 2019 ) and there is long-standing evidence to suggest that low-income children are doubly at risk: They are more likely to be absent from school (Morrissey et al., 2013) and they are more likely to experience reduced learning due to absences as compared with their more advantaged peers ( Gershenson et al., 2017 ). Given the above, there has been longstanding interest in identifying in which contexts school absences are lowest, particularly for groups of vulnerable children (e.g., Rogers & Feller, 2018 ; Robinson et al., 2018 ). Accordingly, what the results of the present study suggest, is that school uniforms may be one context in which low-income students have fewer instances of absences; with that said, the mechanism for reduced absenteeism was not feelings of school belonging.

Despite these contributions to the extant literature, the results of the present investigation should be interpreted in light of some limitations. First and foremost, students were not randomly assigned to attend schools with and without uniforms. Consequently, our findings should be interpreted with caution as there might be unobservable confounds. With that said, a correlation is necessary for a causal effect and what our findings underscore is that there is no correlational support, on average, for school uniform policies; and in a few instances, the associations that did emerge between school uniform policies and student outcomes were in the opposite direction (i.e., negative). Second, although the present study presents a national snapshot of the outcomes of school uniforms between kindergarten and fifth grade, what is missing is an examination of longer-term outcomes in secondary school and beyond. In other words, our study cannot determine the potential associations for student outcomes of interest for middle or high school students. Additional research is needed to better understand the associations between school uniform policies and student outcomes in the older grades and. Third, because administrators in the ECLS-K were not asked about school uniforms on a yearly basis, the present study could not consider within school changes in uniform policies. Likewise, very few students changed between schools with and without uniforms and, consequently, we also could not examine within child change (i.e., child fixed effects models). For the above reasons, we limited or sample to students who remained in the same school between kindergarten and fifth grade to reduce any bias that may stem from school mobility or other unknown confounds. The above is of note because it limits the generalizability of our findings. Finally, our study relied largely on teacher reports of children’s socio-emotional skills because information from other sources was not consistently available across the elementary grades. The above is of note because our benchmarks for children’s socio-emotional development are based on teachers’ perceptions and may be biased. With that said, it is important to keep in mind that: (a) there are few, if any, large-scale and nationally representative studies that have more objective measures of socio-emotional development and (b) as part of our supplemental analyses, we also examined students’ own reports of their ties to their schools.

With these limitations and future directions in mind, the results of the present investigation bring a contemporary and national perspective to the ongoing debates surrounding school uniforms. In the main, despite the argument that school uniforms have the potential to improve students’ social-behavioral and engagement outcomes ( Daugherty, 2002 ; Kaiser, 1985 ; Stanley, 1996 ; Zernike, 2002 ), and shifting the process of reciprocal determinism (Grusec, 1994), the findings from the present study suggest otherwise: There is no conclusive evidence to suggest that students in schools with uniform mandates demonstrated stronger social-behavioral and engagement outcomes than students in schools without such mandates, and there was little evidence of heterogeneity. In fact, when examining students’ own reports of their school experiences, those in schools that required uniforms demonstrated higher levels of victimization and lower-levels of school belonging. If replicated with different samples and methods in the future, what these results suggest is that school uniforms may not be the most effective way to improve students’ social, behavioral, and engagement outcomes.

Research Highlights

  • We examine elementary-aged students’ social-behavioral and engagement outcomes as a function of school uniform policies.
  • Students in schools that required school uniforms did not demonstrate better social behavior or school attendance than students in schools without school uniforms.
  • Associations were true across both public and private schools, but low-income students in schools with school uniforms demonstrated better school attendance.


The authors acknowledge the support of the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (R03 HD098420-02). Opinions reflect those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect those of the granting agency.

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School uniform policies linked to students getting less exercise, study finds

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School children watching a sports game from indoors

School uniform policies could be restricting young people from being active, particularly primary school-aged girls, new research suggests.

Social norms and expectations tend to influence what they feel they can do in these clothes. Unfortunately, when it comes to promoting physical health, that’s a problem Esther van Sluijs

The University of Cambridge study used data about the physical activity participation of more than a million five-to-17-year-olds internationally. It found that in countries where a majority of schools require students to wear uniforms, fewer young people tend to meet the average of 60 minutes of physical activity per day recommended by the World Health Organisation (WHO).

Regardless of uniform policies, across most countries fewer girls than boys reach those recommended exercise levels. Among primary school students, however, the difference in activity between girls and boys was found to be wider in countries where most schools mandated uniforms. The same result was not found in secondary school-aged students.

The authors suggest that this could be explained by the fact that younger children get more incidental exercise throughout the school day than older students; for example, through running, climbing and various other forms of active play at break and lunchtimes. There is already evidence that girls feel less comfortable in participating in active play if they are wearing certain types of clothing, such as skirts or dresses.

Importantly, the results do not definitively prove that school uniforms limit children’s physical activity and the researchers stress that “causation cannot be inferred”. Previous, smaller studies however provide support for these findings, indicating that uniforms could pose a barrier. For the first time, the research examines large-scale statistical evidence to assess that claim.

The study was led by Dr Mairead Ryan, a researcher at the Faculty of Education and Medical Research Council (MRC) Epidemiology Unit, University of Cambridge.

“Schools often prefer to use uniforms for various reasons,” Dr Ryan said. “We are not trying to suggest a blanket ban on them, but to present new evidence to support decision-making. School communities could consider design, and whether specific characteristics of a uniform might either encourage or restrict any opportunities for physical activity across the day.”

The WHO recommends that young people get an average of 60 minutes of at least moderate-intensity physical activity per day during the week. The study confirms previous observations that most children and adolescents are not meeting this recommendation, especially girls. The difference in the percentage of boys and girls meeting physical activity guidelines across all countries was, on average, 7.6 percentage points.

Existing evidence suggests that uniforms could be a factor. Previous concerns have, for example, been raised about girls’ PE uniforms and school sports kits. A 2021 study in England found that the design of girls’ PE uniforms deterred students from participating in certain activities, while the hockey player Tess Howard proposed redesigning gendered sports uniforms for similar reasons, after analysing interview and survey data.

Children often get their exercise away from PE and sports lessons, however.

“Activities like walking or cycling to school, breaktime games, and after-school outdoor play can all help young people incorporate physical activity into their daily routines,” Ryan said. “That’s why we are interested in the extent to which various elements of young people’s environments, including what they wear, encourage such behaviours.”

The study analysed existing data on the physical activity levels of nearly 1.1 million young people aged five to 17 in 135 countries and combined this with newly collected data on how common the use of school uniforms is in these countries.

In over 75% of the countries surveyed, a majority of schools required their students to wear uniforms. The study found that in these countries, physical activity participation was lower. The median proportion of all students meeting the WHO recommendations in countries where uniform-wearing was the norm was 16%; this rose to 19.5% in countries where uniforms were less common.

There was a consistent gender gap between boys’ and girls’ physical activity levels, with boys 1.5 times more likely to meet WHO recommendations across all ages. However, the gap widened from 5.5 percentage points at primary school level in non-uniform countries to a 9.8 percentage point difference in countries where uniforms were required in most schools.

The finding appears to match evidence from other studies suggesting that girls are more self-conscious about engaging in physical activity when wearing uniforms in which they do not feel comfortable.

“Girls might feel less confident about doing things like cartwheels and tumbles in the playground, or riding a bike on a windy day, if they are wearing a skirt or dress,” said senior author Dr Esther van Sluijs, MRC Investigator. “Social norms and expectations tend to influence what they feel they can do in these clothes. Unfortunately, when it comes to promoting physical health, that’s a problem.”

The authors of the study argue that there is now enough evidence to warrant further investigation into whether there is a causal relationship between school uniforms and lower activity levels. They also highlight the importance of regular physical activity for all young people, regardless of their gender.

“Regular physical activity helps support multiple physical, mental, and well-being needs, as well as academic outcomes,” Dr Ryan said. “We now need more information to build on these findings, considering factors like how long students wear their uniforms for after school, whether this varies depending on their background, and how broader gendered clothing norms may impact their activity.”

The findings are reported in the Journal of Sport and Health Science .

Reference Ryan, M et al.  Are school uniforms associated with gender inequalities in physical activity? A pooled analysis of population-level data from 135 countries/regions . Journal of Sport and Health Science; 15 Feb 2024; DOI: doi.org/10.1016/j.jshs.2024.02.003

Creative Commons License.

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  • Public health
  • Mairead Ryan
  • Esther van Sluijs
  • School of the Humanities and Social Sciences
  • School of Clinical Medicine
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  • Medical Research Council (MRC) Epidemiology Unit

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research about wearing school uniform

School uniforms that hurt: an Australian perspective on gendered mattering

  • Open access
  • Published: 14 February 2024

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research about wearing school uniform

  • Melissa Joy Wolfe   ORCID: orcid.org/0000-0001-9951-9942 1  

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School uniforms are proliferating as a staple in figurations created of successful students around the world. In Australia the uniform as compulsory formal school wear is a growing phenomenon in both public and private education sectors. School uniforms have often been adopted as unproblematic, by schools, parents, policymakers, and students themselves. It remains unclear from the previous limited and often contradictory research, precisely how uniforms materially affect student academic and social outcomes. Research that considers how students themselves not just perceive but feel about their uniforms is scarce. I focus on the affective response of students to their school uniforms at one government co-educational selective science high school. A  PhEmaterialist approach deprivileges human agency, accounting for matter as dynamic, affective and of consequence in activities, performances, and events. The school uniform as matter is explored as a dynamic and powerful affective force in education and is situated as an integral part of a school’s iteration of binary gender differentiations. Uniforms matter twofold, as a conception that materializes what matters and the differential affect on the bodies that wear them. Bodies respond affectively to the uniform with a sense of comfort or discomfort, consciously and unconsciously. Bodies that do not fit easily with the required uniform hurt as students undergo everyday activities at school. This paper considers the affect of the uniform, with a filmic response from one high achieving ‘smart’ girl through a fine-grain analysis of her feelings of belonging and dis/comfort with and through her school uniform.

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School uniforms are one dynamic contributing to creating hierarchal differences in schools by reinforcing dominant patriarchal power structures (Friedrich & Shanks, 2021 ). Uniforms include the school dress for cisgender Footnote 1 girls (see Wolfe & Rasmussen, 2020 ), trousers for cisgender boys, and a range of spuriously named gender-neutral uniform items. Such clothing as polo shirts, blazers, and shorts have emerged from traditional figurations of male clothing both at school and beyond and are not gender-neutral as often claimed. This paper interrogates how school uniforms assist in re-creating a cis-heteronormative gender binary (Neary & McBride, 2021 ) that supports patriarchal power structures. Student body-minds (Pitts-Taylor, 2016 ) become within the material-discursive in school, including with the wearing of school uniform, that materialises dominant figurations of a white cisgender heterosexual schoolboy as ‘the matter’ and ‘measure’ equaling what it is to be a successful student.

School uniforms continue to proliferate and are a staple in dominant figurations of successful students materialising around the world (Bodine, 2003 ; Gentile & Imberman, 2012 ). In Australia, as in the United States (Ansari et al., 2022 ), the uniform as compulsory formal school wear is a growing phenomenon in both government (public) and private education systems—with even the most disadvantaged schools introducing compulsory, and often expensive uniforms that include, what I call the man uniform , the blazer. The blazer, despite dominant assertions of gender neutrality, iterates a patriarchal hierarchy, materialising the wearer as invested in and performing middle-class masculinity (Connell, 2008 ).

In this paper, I unpack the dynamism of school uniforms while feeling-thinking-making (Wolfe, 2022a ) possibilities for a posthuman figuration (Braidotti, 2022 ) as a new imaginary for a successful student. My posthuman figuration emerges as ‘grounded and perspectival’ illuminating ‘the complexity of ongoing processes of subject formation’ (Braidotti, 2019 , p. 84) with one student (Jane Footnote 2 ) through our filmed discussion. My posthuman figuration for a successful student becomes through a non-binary ‘projective anticipation’ (Braidotti, 2022 , p. 213), where I apply ‘epistemic insights of feminist theory’ (Braidotti, 2022 , p. 213) as critique and speculate on possibilities that trouble everyday material life conditions of students to create new opportunities.

The overarching question I investigate is ‘What do school uniforms do’? My speculative critique evolves as a cartographic mapping, ‘a politically infused and theoretically framed map of power relations’ (Braidotti, 2022 , p. 116), where I attempt to scrutinise situated material life conditions for the students who emerge with this research. I do this using text responses from a questionnaire and filmed intraviews (Kuntz & Presnall, 2012 ). The filmed intraviews with students illustrate affective experiences in-process, as Re/active Documentary (Wolfe, 2017b ), and aim to create possibilities of reworking negative experience to make more affirming understandings of the affective experiences undergone.

This paper focuses on the affective response of one student, Jane, to and with their school uniform, at one government co-educational selective science high school, using a PhEmaterialist Footnote 3 lens. The school uniform is deemed a dynamic force rather than a neutral entity. As Neary ( 2021 , p. 2) states, ‘gender binary is core to how cis-heteronormativity operates in schools’. The school uniform is dynamic and actively acts, assisting in creating binary gender differentiation in school. Barad ( 2007 ) would call this dynamism the making of agential cuts Footnote 4 that exclude and categorise, making difference. I ask how the uniform impacts students’ capacity to , when ‘ capacity to ’ (Wolfe, 2022b ) is created relative to students’ intra-active Footnote 5  (Barad, 2007 ) experiences, opportunities, relations, and resources, ‘as becoming otherwise with the world’ (Wolfe, 2022b , p. 2). Neary and McBride ( 2021 , p. 11) correctly claim that ‘the architecture of gender which excludes and ‘others’ trans and gender-diverse young people in schools is the very same frame that restricts the interests, abilities, and pathways of all young people’.

This paper focuses on a conversation with Jane, a white high-achieving 15-year-old schoolgirl, through a fine-grain analysis of her articulated feelings of belonging and dis/comfort with her gendered school uniform/s. I was captivated by Jane's response because her overt verbal/kinesthetic feeling-thinking-making (Wolfe, 2022a ) conversation about her uniform evidenced a push–pull affective coercion that appeared almost unspeakable. In her discussion, she acknowledges her affective feelings that led to the refusal of ‘comfy’ pants Footnote 6 as nonsensical. However, she justifies her actions with the painful feeling that the ‘stigma’ of wearing pants to school is too much to bear. The mapped discussion appears as affectively tricky for Jane, as she speaks the unspeakable, interrupting the dominant successful student figurations she is inclined to aspire towards. What is speak-able is what can and cannot be comfortably said.

Proliferating uniforms

School uniforms are often adopted as unproblematic by schools, parents, and students themselves, and there remain limited empirical studies, and conflicting results, on the consequences of learning and academic success related to uniform wearing (Ansari et al., 2022 ). The dogma surrounding uniforms as egalitarian (Bodine, 2003 ) is a discourse seemingly ignorant to the school uniforms’ infusion with intersections of class, race, sexuality, and gender inequity. This study evidenced an egalitarian discourse through comments like, ‘I think it's good in that we are all identifiable and we’re all wearing the same thing. There’s no, sort of, means for marginalisation or anything like that’ (15-year-old white male student).

School uniforms continue to emerge as a nexus of power  with other measures within the hidden curriculum (Robbins, 2018 ). Uniforms are often uncritically promoted by schools as increasing students’ academic success, school attendance, and belonging at school, and purported to enhance good in society by creating good citizens (Friedrich & Shanks, 2021 ). The school uniform has been identified as improving student self-respectability, discipline, school attendance, reputation, wealth, success, and status (see Baumann & Krskova, 2016 ; Gentile & Imberman, 2012 ; Hidalgo et al., 2013 ; Robbins, 2018 ; Stanley et al., 2011 ). These discourses all materialised in differing measures from the student responses from the broader questionnaire data in this study. The claims for what a school uniform produces, however, have mostly been measured/produced within a patriarchal, heteronormative, cisgendered, and white-Western apparatus invested in iterating itself.

The research that exists on school uniforms considers uniforms primarily as either a tool for improving discipline (Chacko, 2019 ) and academic performance– or as a physical restriction on bodies (McCarthy et al., 2019 ), usually focused on compulsory skirt and dress-wearing for females as ‘ritualized girling’ (Happel, 2013 , p. 94). Girls are claimed to be sexualised and have sexist, restrictive movement (material) due to modesty requirements (discursive) not applicable to trousers/pants. Other researchers have claimed that ‘dress code enforcement and the high school environment are objectifying’ (Lim et al., 2021 , p. 2) and ‘when examining students’ reports of their school experiences, those in schools that required uniforms demonstrated higher levels of victimization and lower-levels of school belonging’ (Ansari et al., 2022 , p. 286). Studies also imply that the type of uniforms impacts girls’ physical activity, and that girls often prefer their ‘sports’ uniform (McCarthy et al., 2019 ) as it allows for the comfort of movement (as discussed below by Jane).

I highlight here how the school uniform, as a thing of dynamic force (Bennett, 2010 ), has been employed to sell elite private and public schools alike, reinforcing imagery of particular and gendered successful student figurations (see Figures 1 and 2 ) that arguably create ideations of success to the heteronormative nuclear family. It remains unclear from the previous limited and often contradictory research precisely how uniforms materially affect student outcomes, either academically or socially (Ansari et al., 2022 ). Research investigating how students feel when wearing their school uniforms is scarce.

figure 1

Original Image, 2022, showing a billboard on top of an inner suburban building advertising a school. A white teacher and a white female student look and smile at a white male student doing work. All wear blazers.

figure 2

Original Image, 2022 image, shows a billboard advertising a school in the middle of a country field (outer suburban). A 6-member smiling hetero (brown) family is shown. The two older children wear blazers

Australia context

In Australia, there exists a growing anti-compulsory dress movement who is lobbying governments and schools, led by the ‘Girls Uniform Agenda’ (GUA) (Mergler & Cariss, 2017 , p. 1) . GUA argues that girls must be allowed to wear pants and shorts. GUA highlights how girls suffer discrimination due to the requirement to wear dresses and skirts. They stress how skirts impede girls’ movement (stopping them from exercising, including modesty concerns) and highlight that dresses cause girls to be cold in winter. Both these concerns were also raised by girls in my study. GUA correctly exposes some inequities created by insisting on girl-specific uniforms and has had some important on-the-ground success with lobbying schools. Other research also makes claims about the negative health implications of school uniforms that impede movement (Watson et al., 2015 ). Consequences materialising from reductive gender differentiation, such as the wearing of gendered school uniforms, include the gender pay gap, gendered violence, and a reduction in girls’ participation in STEM and elite sports (Mergler & Cariss, 2017 ).

What is essential to highlight in this debate, is the assumption that below the school dress in question, there lies a pre-determined cisgender female student (see Wolfe & Rasmussen, 2020 ). The notion that schoolgirls wear dresses and schoolboys wear trousers frames a reductive conception of gender as binary and hierarchal (girls as lesser) that iterates gender inequity and can cause gender-diverse and transgender students considerable distress (McBride & Neary, 2021 ).

Affect is not something we have; it is an action and an ongoing process; of affecting and being affected simultaneously within events, such as wearing a school uniform. To affect and be affected is one capacity, not two (Deleuze, 1988 ; Spinoza, 1994 ). Jane (in my student discussion below) wears the allocated uniform. Jane (with the uniform) is affected and, in turn, affects the world, in an affective push–pull action, through performative responses, a feeling-thinking-making. The capacity of things (to affect or be affected) becomes established through the event (intra-action) (such as the student wearing the school uniform) emerging as a mattering. Capacities emerge on a continuum that is never sedimented once and for all.

The premise that reality is created through affective relations as they emerge in the event/s of living frames this research. Consideration of relations at school include, what Manning ( 2016 ) has called, prehension of affect. Prehension of affect accounts for non-linguistic somatic liminal transmissions in the present, but where the present is troubled by the past (experience) and the future (possibilities/opportunities). Affective forces, in situ, may or may not be noticed cognitively by research participants but are always felt (Manning & Massumi, 2014 ). Prehension is the somatic body affectively problem solving an indeterminate state (Manning & Massumi, 2014 ) to make difference as determinate—through feeling-thinking-making (Wolfe, 2022a ).


A PhEmaterialist approach debunks a privileging of human agency by accounting for matter as dynamic, affective, and of consequence in activities, performances, and events. In this sense, the school uniform, as matter, is explored as a dynamic and powerful affective force in education. Student bodies intra-act (Barad, 2007 ) to become performatively as mattering with the uniform, as boy and girl students. Uniforms matter twofold, as a conception that materialises what matters and the differential affect on the bodies that wear them. Bodies respond affectively to the uniform with a sense of comfort or discomfort, consciously and unconsciously. The uniform diffracts with the student as a fluxing and pulsing non-linear affective continuum between comfort and discomfort, pride and shame (Mayes & Wolfe, 2020 ). Bodies that do not, or cannot, fit easily with the required uniform hurt as students undergo everyday activities at school (Wolfe, 2017a ).

In an earlier study (Wolfe, 2016 ), a cisgender female student reported that the tights and long socks that she had to wear as part of her elite girls’ school uniform were painful as they pulled at the hair on her legs—the consequence was that she learned to shave her legs to avoid physical pain, her mattering diffracted in compliance. In a more publicly reported and overt example, Australian photographer James Robinson, a former elite private school boy, broke into his old school and set his blazer alight after kissing his same-sex partner. He photographed both actions as an exposé against the homophobia and misogyny he experienced while attending the elite boys’ school (Juanola, 2021 ). The (masculine, successful, hetero) blazer mattered in disenabling this queer student’s capacity to exist at this school. The blazer’s public destruction illustrated a reclaiming of the reduced capacity and abuse he had felt attached to wearing the blazer.

A PhEmaterialist lens pushes beyond discursive frames and considers a feeling-thinking-making (Wolfe, 2022a ) within events where entities are ‘transformed and continually re-made through the concerted co-constitutive acts of objects–bodies–spaces [my emphasis]’ (Taylor, 2013 ). Applying Barad's theorising to Jane’s account of her feelings about her uniform allows me to consider the ethics of schooling practices associated with uniforms ‘as particular apparatuses of measurement that materialize the bounded things they measure’ (Wolfe & Rasmussen, 2020 , p. 187), in this case, the successful schoolgirl and schoolboy.

School uniforms as a dynamic force, as twofold mattering

School uniforms matter as a dynamic force that materialise multiple meanings. Students often uncritically absorb meanings in everyday school life, which may incite them to demonstrate the correct gender performance to receive acceptable recognition. Conventions include such tropes as the student wearing the school dress is female; the student wearing the school blazer is successful. The materiality of the uniform is ‘as much force as entity, as much energy as matter, as much intensity as extension’ (Bennett, 2010 , p. 20). The fluxing dynamism of the uniform is scrutinised with Jane's (cisgender/white/female/teenage) comments later in this paper, where her becoming with the uniform illustrates that ‘an actant never really acts alone’ (Bennett, 2010 , p. 21).

Applying Barad's ( 2007 ) conception of twofold mattering, I trouble the mattering of school uniforms. Barad ( 2007 , p.3) states that ‘matter and meaning are not separate elements … and no event, no matter how energetic, can tear them asunder’. Matter is twofold: substance (matter) and significance (matter). School uniforms do not just affectively impact the body (comfort/discomfort) but also affectively incite ways to be a student. School uniforms focus on what a body ‘is’ limiting a student body’s capacity to become . School uniforms manifestly differentiate students and create binary sex, uncritically linked to gender (Youdell, 2006 ), where the Vitruvian man (Braidotti, 2019 ) forms the measure of the ideal student. I have previously written with Mary Lou Rasmussen on dress-wearing as intra-action (Wolfe & Rasmussen, 2020 ). What we pinpointed within the uniform debate, and what I extend here, is the assumption that before the uniform, a schoolboy and schoolgirl pre-existed (always signified as ‘naturally’ cisgender). Thus, uniforms re-inscribe the heterosexual matrix. The material-discursive uniform becomes with the creation of the schoolgirl and schoolboy. Uniforms themselves as matter are not problematic but ‘a thing that needs to be noticed in the event and how this comes to matter’ (Wolfe & Rasmussen, 2020 ).


This article draws on data created through an individual filmed ‘intraview’ (Kuntz & Presnall, 2012 ) Footnote 7 with one of 13 secondary students. One question I asked participants was how they felt about their school uniform. This article focuses on one schoolgirl’s response. It outlines the affective negotiation of her school uniform requirements where she ‘both contest[s] and reproduce[s] institutional and peer regulation of girls’ dress’ (Raby, 2010 , p. 334).

Jane discusses how she feel-thinks the school uniform is a thing that does . The uniform has force in the becoming process that appears as an affective involuntary problem-solving activity. I refer to this problem-solving as feeling-thinking-making (Wolfe, 2022a ) which is consequential for Jane in negotiating her becoming with the world.

Jane’s feeling-thinking-making discussed emerges from the doing of research in process that perpetually moves, a creation of quantitative and qualitative modes and meanings interweaving through and within the diffractive apparatus that is this research. Accessing the filmic dialogues illustrates the point of my Re/active Documentary methodology (Wolfe, 2017b , 2018 ) that research data are unstable, as they change in matter and meaning through every viewing/reading. The research process focuses on how relations form through the research action of feeling- thinking of the intra-view as a re/action, a making sense. New and multiple patterns of mattering re/emerge with the imminent feeling-thinking-making (becoming) in the event of research, including the dissemination event.

Film Clip of Jane watch here

The research site.

Blue Sky Secondary School Footnote 8 (BSS) is a selective entry, urban government science school (Year 10–12) in a southern state of Australia. Students gain access to the school based on the results of a written test, an interview, and workshop participation.

Research design

The project consisted of a mixed method online questionnaire ( n  = 130) as (Year 10) students entered the school, 13 30-min filmed intraviews mid-way through the first year with all students who volunteered, and two one-hour focus groups (11 students from intraviews) 12 months after the intraviews. This paper focuses on one of the intraviews conducted and is a fine-grain analysis of Jane’s response to how she feels about her school uniform. I encourage the viewing of this film clip.

Jane’s response to her school uniform is considered through a smattering of other student responses on the material affect of school attire on their bodies as she deliberates on the dis/comfort created through a differentiation of gender. The ‘schoolgirl’ uniform at BSS consisted of a skirt, shirt, tie, tights, socks, dress, sweater, scarf, blazer, sports uniform, and regulation shoes. The ‘schoolboy’ uniform consisted of trousers, shorts, socks, a sweater, a scarf, a blazer, a sports uniform, and regulation shoes.

Situated research

The cognitive in education and educational research continues to matter at the expense of affective considerations. The sensing body has been associated with unreason, which has no place in our Cartesian-constrained schools (Wolfe, 2022a ). Thus, affective impacts of schooling have remained undervalued and under-researched. The recent affective turn in education (Dernikos et al., 2020 ), focusing on relations, illustrates how reason is affective (Massumi, 2015 ). I think with Massumi's ( 2015 , p. 6) proposition of rethinking rational choice as a relation of affect where ‘rational self-interest’ (linked to survival instinct) and ‘affective agitation’ (how a student is affected within the ecology of schooling/society) are indistinct and ‘at the heart of every act’. Jane’s conversation discussed below illustrates how Jane's choice not to wear trousers was made through affective reasoning (incitation connected to belonging), not as an autonomous individual (Wolfe, 2022a ). Thus, thinking with Massumi ( 2015 ), I ask educators to consider matters regarding student choice, not as an individual act but as profoundly entangled in the communal.

In this research, ‘entanglements are highly specific configurations’ (Barad, 2007 , p. 74) and deserve unpacking to fully appreciate the possibility of enabling capacities in situ. Thus, I address the consequence of what materialises (objects–bodies–spaces) with the school uniform in these instances while calling attention to how matter matters, for whom, and in what ways.

Jane is halfway through Year 10 when she participates in a 30-min filmed intraview. She has already completed an anonymous online survey regarding her affective experiences at school. Jane previously attended a Steiner school (primary school) and then completed Y7-9 at a government girls’ school before her acceptance into this specialist science school.

The intraview occurs in the school's pristine boardroom, dominated by a glistening and expansive table. I am nervous about scratching the polished table and move carefully around it with my equipment. There are large windows that overlook a native Australian garden. The atmosphere exudes disciplinary governance. My white male camera assistant and I (white cisgender woman) find we speak in reverential hushed voices. The too-big-for-the-room table is encircled with the chairs of school decision-makers, while the framing walls purposefully boast the school's academic and sporting achievements. I feel the authoritarian weight of the room and request that other intraviews be conducted elsewhere. We carefully position ourselves, cramming the camera, lighting, and the interview chair as far as possible from the overbearing table, shrinking ourselves into a corner of the room.

This space of schooling rarely welcomes students, but it is a space that governs them. It is where school administrators create and enact policies and procedures. I worry about the limited feeling-thinking that can transpire for my participants in this space of their governance as I consider ‘the affective-material life of the spaces we teach and research in, both how materialities activate thought and how thought activates materiality’ (Niccolini et al., 2018 , p. 324). I conduct two of the 13 interviews in this space and request the other intraviews to ‘move’ around the school. Lenz Taguchi's ( 2012 , p. 275) states how the ‘material-discursive condition of this space of the interview is difficult to separate from any other event of talking involving a child and an adult that takes place in school’. Jane is not a child, but the unequal student/teacher power relationship remains in this space, that incites her to success and to ‘get it right’ (Quinlivan, 2017 ).

Wearing the boys’ uniform

Cisgender girl students participating in this study described their school uniform, using terms including ‘heavy’, ‘clogged, ‘crowded’, ‘suffocating’, ‘cold’, ‘scratchy’, ‘constricting’, ‘unconvenient’[sic], ‘restrictive’ and ‘uncomfortable’. All the boys and several girls (in their Year 10 intraview) responded that overall uniforms were a ‘good thing’. The boys explicitly linked the formal uniform with representations of success in academics and life. They recognised the uniform as overtly representing pride, elitist identity, and privilege connected to their selective entry science school. One male student explained how the uniform prevented marginalisation and that it was ‘a good thing’ that the girls could choose to wear the boys’ uniform.

In contrast, some girls were unaware they could choose to wear the boys’ uniform until we discussed it in the intraview. From the dialogues recorded, it is not difficult to understand how and why wearing the boys’ uniform could be problematic for pre-identified cisgender girls (Chacko, 2019 ). There were no debates regarding boys wearing the girls’ uniform. This silence is deafening.

The girls were much more critical than the boys of their assigned uniform, identifying covertly gendered differences of discomfort while also seemingly resigned to their uncomfortable fate. This fatalistic acknowledgment is juxtaposed with their uncritical denial of sexism or discrimination at school. As I have written about elsewhere, students are rarely taught to consider structural inequalities, resulting in ignorance of gender equity issues (Wolfe, 2022a , 2022c ). Young women have been sold the promise that they live in a postfeminist (Ringrose, 2012 ) era of equity and choice for all (McRobbie, 2009 ).

Unlike other studies, this study found that girls mostly did not have the same passionate attachment to their uniform as ‘a class-based embodied disposition’ (Pomerantz & Raby, 2018 , p. 12) of comfort and belonging evident from the conversations with the boys. This may be because they were specifically asked how they felt about their school uniform. Two of the seven girls interviewed claimed they ‘liked’ their school uniform while one was ‘fine with it’, but they mainly did not discuss the uniform as a representation of a successful elite student, as the schoolboys had. The other five girls were more critical but focused on the affective aesthetics of the uniform—how they felt, looked, and how their bodies could or could not move with the uniform. Jane (below) does refer to the inappropriateness of not turning up to school in ‘trackies’ Footnote 9 and looking like a ‘bogan’ Footnote 10 but then discusses liking and wearing ‘trackies’ for sport. Her multiple perceptions of ‘trackies’ reveals the importance of place and space in making a sense of belonging in relation to class.

A recent Australian study found that a large proportion of children ‘would prefer to wear their sports uniform instead of their traditional uniform’ (McCarthy et al., 2019 , p. 1) and that this would enable them to be more active. Most schools have a policy precluding students from wearing sports uniforms on non-sports days (McCarthy et al., 2019 ), which seems nonsensical and illustrates educational processes that are not inclusive of how students feel in school. But the sports uniform is also not gender-neutral, as claimed. My research school did not formally specify a girl or boy uniform until you go to the manufacturer’s listing.

Push–pull conversations: ‘it’s that stigma, like it’s bad saying that, but it's true’

Melissa How do you feel about your school uniform? What do you like about it, and would you prefer to have something else, or would you prefer other options? Jane Yep, with my school uniform, I would –I'd probably prefer something more comfier [sic] because I feel like it's—our education is kind of more important than what image we give off. Obviously, I don’t—wear—come in wearing trackies and looking like bogans or something, but I don’t know, I feel like comfort, I know when I'm more comfier [sic] I learn better, and so maybe instead of having to wear- I know you can wear pants as a female, but there's kind of like a stigma that surrounds it, I guess. You can’t – people say, oh, just don’t worry what people think but that's kind of –that's hard, you're always going to worry, well I know myself, I am, and to just say, today, it's a really cold day, I’d probably prefer if I could wear pants and not—not be judged but I'd feel uncomfortable, I guess, and instead I can wear a skirt with stockings and I just don’t like stockings, I just find them itchy, so I guess modifying the uniform so that everyone is comfy and maybe even just not having a uniform at all and just having just like—because clothes, you can express yourself through and so I think that's really important, especially since it's boring just to—everyone to be the same and it just—it will allow people to just feel more free and more comfortable in themselves, especially coming from my primary school where we didn’t have a uniform because it was Steiner, I know people didn’t wear outrageous clothes, it was just like what you were comfy in and what you wanted to learn in and just not to focus on the outside, just to focus on your inside and just about your learning.

In the first instance, Jane immediately discusses the discomfort of her uniform on her body. She refers to the absurdity of the imagery of the ideal student as one wearing a uniform. Jane highlights that uniforms can inhibit learning if they cause discomfort. She articulates her understanding that image is important to schools as reinstating conservative, hierarchical representations of class (don’t wear ‘trackies’ and be a ‘bogan’ or be ‘outrageous’) but desires a more comfortable option than offered. She acknowledges that she can choose to wear trousers, but the stigma is too much to bear. She expresses her desire to wear pants to be comfortable ‘without being judged’ and focus on the inside, not the outside, and be ‘comfy’. The uniform trousers become with assemblages, and agential cuts are made, entangled with the affective violence (Hook & Wolfe, 2018 ) of shame and stigma for the wrong body; the female body. Jane's response illustrates a somatic feeling-thinking-making process in-action , where she is affectively summoned to productively adopt normative aspirational dispositions, including binary gender that becomes with the uniformed body. The girls’ uniform becomes in a process that is Barad's ( 2007 ) twofold mattering as substance and meaning.

Melissa When you were going to the Steiner school, would you have worn pants most of the time? (I was interested that Jane once happily wore trousers but now chooses not to, despite her discomfort in wearing them.) Jane Yep. I would have worn pants, maybe—they had the school top you could wear if you wanted to, and I probably put that on and just a jumper, and it was just — I was comfy, I just didn’t feel like this is the boys’ uniform, this is the girls’ uniform and one of us has to be uncomfortable and cold—my legs freeze.

Jane is now made to feel the gendered distinction of what it is to be a girl student. Cold. There is a distinct girls’ uniform, which is uncomfortable, but she still feels compelled to wear it.

Melissa And your girls’ school? (Jane also attended another high school before attending her current school, so I am interested in their uniform policy and students’ responses to uniforms) Jane At my old girls’ school, we had the—yeah, just like this uniform with the skirt and everything, but here it's a lot warmer because we can actually stay inside at lunchtime, where at my old school, we had to be outside, and it was freezing so people would just wear trackies under their skirts and pull them down. Melissa So they weren’t allowed to wear pants at the girls’ school, or-? (I ask for clarification on the school’s policy on girls wearing trousers) Jane You were, but then again, it's that stigma, like it’s bad saying that, but it's true. You kind of—I don’t know, yeah. It's just that people would then judge you. It's so mean, but that's just what happened, yeah.

Jane vocalises the power of the imminent threat of stigma (shame). The consequence of that the girl students obediently wear their silently assigned skirts and dresses, despite ‘freezing’. She states, ‘it's bad saying’, showing that she understands she is transgressing the rules of recognition of speaking the unspoken of affective violence, what Jane calls ‘so mean’, on the bodies assigned as a girl.

Melissa And here, you can wear pants too? (Jane is my first intraview conducted at the school, and I seek clarification) Jane Yeah, there’s pants available here as well. Melissa And not many people do? (I ask this question as I have not seen any girls in trousers.) Jane I know with the sport uniform, I wear the trackies because they're really, really comfy and warm, but I just haven’t tried on the other pants because I'm just not sure. I don’t know; they just don’t look comfy.

Jane wears the tracksuit pants designated for sport, which she claims are really ‘comfy and warm’. These ‘trackies’ were previously discussed in relation to an identity of a ‘bogan’, but this identity does not seem to follow the ‘trackies’ when worn in sport. Jane is ‘unsure’ about wearing the other school trousers (previously called the boys’ uniform). This ambiguity is connected to how they ‘look’ and how they may make her feel uncomfortable due to ‘stigma’ and shame. Even without wearing them, the idea alone makes her uncomfortable. The materiality of the trousers matter as meaning, and they signify a masculinity which in the gender binary sits in opposition to the successful schoolgirl. She has not tried on the school trousers (to verify if they are physically uncomfortable) as the thought of wearing them is too much and possibly unspeakable.

Jane emerges within specific material-discursive apparatuses, in the event, in memory, past/present future -created with her. In this conversation with me, this smart girl feel-thinks-makes sense of the world around her. And she actively articulates Massumi’s ( 2015 , p. 6) ‘rational self-interest’ (ensuring she belongs) and ‘affective agitation’ (the various forces affecting her) through her feelings of the fear of non-recognition if she wears the boys’ allocated trousers. She openly describes her discomfort with the material uniform itself, but the more significant pain is the prospect of wearing ‘pants’ due to the ‘stigma’ attached. Despite her apparent fear, she questions why girls must be uncomfortable. She has already reflected on her prior experience (stigma free) of wearing trousers in primary school. She understands the binary gender inequity that the requirement to wear the uniform creates, ‘this is the boys’ uniform, this is the girls’ uniform, and one of us has to be uncomfortable’. She aligns the required formal uniform within a politics of recognition, stating that her schooling should be more about education than an image (successful schoolgirl in a dress)- while continuing to perform as incited.

Jane recognises the affect of her girls’ uniform as feelings of discomfort, such as being cold or having itchy legs. She refuses to ameliorate the discomfort of the girl uniform by wearing trousers ( boy uniform) as the greater hurt, feelings of nonbelonging or anticipated exclusion, of moving outside her assigned performative gender categorization of girl is too shameful. Jane articulates tensions felt as the relational push–pull of the ‘field of potential’ (Massumi, 2015 , p. 44) she is becoming with. There is a multiplicity of choices/actions she can take. She desires to break free from the girl uniform that hurts, but she also feels the need to remain within the binary gender category that she is invested in. The tension recounted here is not one to be solved but instead considered ‘as an activating force …opening spaces for maneuvering within difference’ (Niccolini et al., 2018 , p. 325) within the particular entanglement of uniforms with binary gender and power structures.

Shame is evoked by an identified girl wearing the allocated ‘boy’ uniform of trousers, as it marks a transgression of the heterosexual matrix that is reproductive of gender stabilisation. Normative restrictions secure the normative boundaries of sex with an unspoken ‘threat of psychosis, abjection, psychic unlivability’ (Butler, 1993 , p. xxiii). Performing girl in Australian schools includes ‘frocking up’ Footnote 11 in order ‘to solicit a becoming…in the struggle for recognition’ (Butler, 2004 , p. 44) as a successful girl student.

In this paper, I have discussed ways the figure of the schoolgirl emerges through relationships with other bodies and matter encountered within schooling assemblages. The aim was to highlight how uniforms matter in more ways than academic opportunities for girl students. My concern remains with how school uniforms reinforce binary gender, which may constrain girls’ capacity to fulfil all they can become. School uniforms affect girls’ well-being by impacting their sense of self, identity, and belonging at school and contributing to everyday binary gendering that not only privileges some bodies but creates gender hierarchies of inequity (Wolfe & Rasmussen, 2020 ). The ontoepistemological (Barad, 2007 ) experience of one girl student has been unpacked, with attention to the prehension of affect within a situated ecology. The unpacking illustrates how schoolgirl subjectivity is co-produced through the measurement that is school uniform wearing. The paper recounts the ambivalence Jane feels-thinks , elucidating the push–pull of the field of potential . She expresses conflicting desires. Firstly, to break free from the uniform that hurts, and secondly, to remain in her gendered position within the recognised binary category, which she is deeply invested in.

I am arguing for education stakeholders to evaluate how everyday material-discursive forces of school uniforms, as a feeling-thinking-making of schooling, has material consequences on young lives and results in privileging some bodies over others by making categories—in this case, the binary figuration of the schoolgirl and the schoolboy. Braidotti's ( 2019 , p. 84) posthuman figurations ‘start by questioning who “we” might be’, as a call for more ethical visionary alternatives to existing figures. School uniforms carry everyday discourse and meanings that support reductive hierarchies of difference and are dynamic and affective. The (assumed) neutral school uniform increases or decreases the capacities of the diverse bodies that wear it in various ways. I offer a speculative vision for a posthuman figuration of a non-binary successful student as an affirmation of possible futures. I ask educators to feel-think how this would matter and what this would do.

My research continues to refeel-rethink-remake everyday assumed neutral school practices to envision new flourishing places and spaces for equity. I attend to feeling-thinking-making about uniforms to illustrate absurdities associated with gender creation that appear as common-sense, reproduced in schools as affective violence on students, and how this is silently felt and materialises inequities. Rarely has research accounted for the actual dynamic materiality of the uniform as a thing or contested the multiple ways it emerges with gendered hierarchies within the relational field of schooling. I restate that most school uniforms are based on Western white male wear—shirt, tie, blazer, pants, polo shirt, shorts, and school shoes. The gender-neutral uniform for female students is traditionally the boys’ uniform—a tie, shirt, shorts, polo shirt, trousers, and blazer. At BSS school, uniforms distinguish students as elite (selective science school) and as male or female through various items of clothing (blazer, trousers, dresses, skirts, tights, shorts, ties). The basis of the uniform is male, and although girl students are patronisingly ‘allowed’ to wear trousers (noted explicitly as the boys’ uniform), this does not appear as common knowledge and is problematised through Jane's recounted feelings. What is glaringly absent, as the unspoken, is the notion that some boys might desire to wear dresses (see Wolfe & Rasmussen, 2020 ). The school dress here signifies ‘lack’ for the wearer, or what we are not (ideal successful student), as uncomfortable.

Many schools run programmes and activities to mitigate gender bias and discrimination in schools, including LGBTQI + clubs and special inclusive events (girls in STEM). But everyday material-discursive practices within classrooms (Wolfe, 2019 ), sporting spaces (Wolfe, 2017a ), and seemingly benign places such as toilets (Slater et al., 2019 ), along with compulsory school uniforms (Neary & McBride, 2021 ; Wolfe & Rasmussen, 2020 ) continue to reinstate a gender binary and hegemonic discursive modes of being and belonging (Kenway & Bullen, 2011 ). Uniform wearing, as an unspoken affective becoming process, activates a student body problem-solving activity that is consequential. The school uniform is a thing of material-discursive force rather than a passive entity with known attributes. School uniforms assist in materialising girl and boy students as distinct and opposite, situating girl students as lesser.

Data availability

Data can be accessed at my webpage as noted in the article. https://www.affectionsthatmatter.com.au

Cisgender: When a person’s gender identity and gender expression align with their assigned sex at birth.

‘PhEmaterialism where the Ph refers to posthuman, the Fem from feminisms, and materi­alism from the new materialist movement’ (Ringrose et al., 2019 , p. 1). The capital E stands for Education in the broadest sense (Ringrose & Niccolini, 2020 ).

The participants, researcher, entities and virtual readers of this study materialise only through the entangled research encounter and education assemblage that is a field of forces. Cuts of inclusion and exclusion are made and as Barad ( 2007 , p. 345) states, ‘The key point is that agential separability is enacted only within a particular phenomenon [emphasis in original]’. The entities thereafter remain forever entangled.

Karen Barad’s ( 2007 ) concept of intra-action differs from interaction as entities are not considered distinct prior to the encounter but where distinct entities only emerge through the contextual encounter of ongoing intra-action. This means that entities are only ever fixed through the relations of becoming with the world that reiterate this stability. Before the intra-action event entities are indeterminate.

Pants refer to long pants, otherwise known as trousers or slacks.

Kuntz and Presnall ( 2012 , p. 733) reconceptualised the interview to the intra-view, as ‘a wholly engaged encounter , a means for making accessible the multiple intersections of material contexts that collude in productive formations of meaning [my emphasis]’. Thinking the intra-view with my re/active documentary methodology (Wolfe, 2017b , 2018 ), my filmed intra-views are considered an ongoing making-data event . ‘The intra-views were not already there waiting to be filmed but are produced through the situated filming event and then again through onto-epistemologically specific, but multiple, reactive events as they circulate in the here and now’ (Wolfe, 2022a , p.14). Therefore, I encourage the reader to also watch the film clip.

Pseudonym used.

Track suit pants are usually part of the sports school uniform for all students.

In Australia, a bogan generally refers to a working-class person who behaves in an unrefined manner. However, a bogan also has roots and affiliations with the term larrikin (a disregard for convention which is often culturally admired).

Colloquial Australian term for putting on a dress to impress.

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Wolfe, M.J. School uniforms that hurt: an Australian perspective on gendered mattering. Aust. Educ. Res. (2024). https://doi.org/10.1007/s13384-023-00682-0

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Received : 28 March 2023

Accepted : 24 November 2023

Published : 14 February 2024

DOI : https://doi.org/10.1007/s13384-023-00682-0

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The Pros and Cons of School Uniforms for Students

 SolStock / Getty Images

Student Safety

Focus on education, attendance rates, discipline issues, dress code enforcement, cost for families, impact on self-esteem.

The debate over whether students should wear school uniforms has been going on for more than a decade. Some people argue that uniforms have a positive impact on the school environment by promoting inclusivity, confidence, and a sense of belonging. Others fear that school uniforms prevent kids from expressing themselves through their clothing choices.

The research on school uniforms is often mixed. While some schools have found uniforms to be beneficial, other research has found that they have little effect. Some studies have even reached the conclusion that requiring school uniforms can be harmful for students.

Let's take a closer look at some of the potential benefits, as well as the challenges, of requiring students to wear uniforms.

Some people think that school uniforms can help make schools safer for kids. When Long Beach, CA, required all students in grades K–8 to wear uniforms, reports of assault and battery decreased by 34%.

Additionally, assault with a deadly weapon decreased by 50%, fighting incidents declined 51%, and sex offenses dropped by 74%. Possession of weapons dropped by 52%, possession of drugs went down 69%, and vandalism was lowered by 18%.  

The Sparks Middle School in Nevada reported a decrease in gang activity after instituting a uniform policy. They also reported a drop in fights, graffiti, property damage, and battery. Overall, there was a 63% drop in police reports.

Other proponents of school uniforms report that it prevents students from concealing weapons under clothing. And some also believe intruders would be recognized faster, making the students and staff safer in the event someone from the community tries to enter the school.

Not all studies have found that uniforms reduce discipline issues, however. In fact, a peer-reviewed study found that school uniforms increased the average number of assaults by about 14 per year in the most violent schools.  The Miami-Dade County Public Schools Office of Education Evaluation and Management found that fights in middle schools nearly doubled within one year of making uniforms mandatory.  

For many students, clothing can be a major source of stress. Not having certain brand name clothing or not wearing fashionable items could lead to feelings of insecurity. 

Some people feel students are better able to concentrate on school when they all wear the same clothing. Researchers in Australia noted that students who wear uniforms had improved discipline and academic performance.  

Not all studies have found that uniforms improve grades, however. In fact, at least one study found that school uniforms had a negative effect on achievement.  

Kids may show up to school more often when they’re wearing uniforms. A study by researchers at the University of Houston found that the average attendance rate for girls in middle and high school increased by 0.3 to 0.4 percent after school uniforms became mandatory.   A study by Youngstown State University also found that attendance rates increased and suspensions decreased once students began wearing uniforms.   

Students may also be more likely to show up to school on time when they have to wear uniforms. If they don’t have to spend time choosing what to wear every morning, students are able to get out the door more quickly. This means fewer late arrivals.

Proponents of uniforms report that it can improve behavior in students. One school that found this to be true is the John Adams Middle School in Albuquerque, NM. When they mandated school uniforms, discipline referrals dropped from 1,565 in the first semester of the previous year to 405.    

An Australian study also concluded that students wearing uniforms were more disciplined and they listened significantly better. Classes were also more likely to start on time.  

Not all studies have found this, however. Some research has found that disciplinary issues and bullying didn’t decrease after instituting a mandatory uniform policy.

Many school officials spend a lot of time policing dress codes . Enforcing policies can require a lot of resources as teachers may send kids to the office, and administrators have to determine whether clothing is too baggy, inappropriate, or revealing.

Kids who violate dress codes may spend a lot of time in the office awaiting consequences, or they may receive suspensions for repeated violations. School uniforms can keep kids in the classroom more and prevent staff from wasting time trying to enforce policies.

Parents may spend less money on school clothes when kids wear uniforms. There is less pressure to buy expensive name-brand clothing, and school uniforms might be more affordable.

Opponents of school uniforms, however, say that requiring parents to buy specific articles of clothing goes against the idea that students should be given free education. When public schools force parents to buy uniforms, this could be placing a hardship on some families.

Proponents of uniforms report that they have a positive impact on student self-esteem .   Wearing the same clothing as everyone else means that students don’t have to worry about whether their clothing choices will be acceptable to their peers.

But opponents argue that uniforms may have a negative impact on some students’ body image. Research conducted at Arizona State University found that students without uniform policies actually reported higher self-perception scores than students with uniform policies.  

When all students wear the same clothing, they may be more likely to compare themselves to their peers as clothing fits differently on everyone’s body.

The Problem With Uniform Research

Although there are many studies that examine the potential benefits and drawbacks of uniforms, many of them revealed correlation, rather than causation. Just because grades went up or behavioral problems went down, there’s no way of knowing that the reason for the change was due to uniform policy. There are many other factors that may have influenced these issues.

A Word From Verywell

Before any school adopts a uniform policy, it may be wise to review the literature. While there certainly may be a lot of benefits to making uniforms mandatory, there are also some potential drawbacks and challenges you might face. Parents, teachers, and administrators may want to weigh the pros and cons before instituting any type of clothing policy for students.

Stanley S. School uniforms and safety . Educ Urban Society. 1996;28(4 ): 424-435. doi:10.1177/0013124596028004003

Nevada Today. College of Education researchers conduct study on impacts of school uniforms .

Granberg-Rademacker JS, Bumgarner J, Johnson A. Do school violence policies matter? An empirical analysis of four approaches to reduce school violence . Southwest J Criminal Justice . 2007;4(1):3-29.

Sun Sentinel. 9 more schools to have students wear uniforms .

Baumann C, Krskova H. School discipline, school uniforms and academic performance . Int J Educ Manage . 2016;30(6):1003-1029. doi:10.1108/IJEM-09-2015-0118

McBrayer S. The school uniform movement and what it tells us about American education: A symbolic crusade, by David L. Brunsma . J Catholic Educ . 2007;11(1). doi:10.15365/joce.1101122013

Gentile E, Imberman S. Dressed for success? The effect of school uniforms on student achievement and behavior . 2011. doi:10.3386/w17337

Draa VAB. School uniforms in urban public high schools . Dissertation: Youngstown State University; 2005.  

Lumsden L, Gabriel Miller G. Dress codes and uniforms . Research Roundup: National Association of Elementary School Principals . 2002;18(4):1-5.

Wade KK, Stafford ME. Public school uniforms: Effect on perceptions of gang presence, school climate, and student self-perceptions . Educ Urban Society . 2003;35(4):399-420. doi:10.1177/0013124503255002

By Amy Morin, LCSW Amy Morin, LCSW, is the Editor-in-Chief of Verywell Mind. She's also a psychotherapist, an international bestselling author of books on mental strength and host of The Verywell Mind Podcast. She delivered one of the most popular TEDx talks of all time.

Nevada Today

College of education researchers conduct study on impacts of school uniforms, student opinions, discipline referrals and school police data studied.

Two elementary schoolers smiling and holding up a math flash card

University of Nevada, Reno College of Education researcher Jafeth Sanchez studied student opinions and effects of school uniforms in three Washoe County School District middle schools in northern Nevada with colleague Gus Hill.

Research on school uniforms is minimal, especially research on students' opinions about uniforms, and the use of student uniforms is a growing conversation across the country. Two researchers from the University of Nevada, Reno College of Education studied opinions of students in three middle schools in the Washoe County School District in northern Nevada during the first-year implementation of a uniform policy at the schools. Although 90 percent of the students indicated they did not like wearing uniforms, various benefits to wearing uniforms were reported, including decreases in discipline, gang involvement and bullying; and increases in safety, ease of going to school, confidence and self-esteem.

Jafeth Sanchez, research assistant professor, and George "Gus" Hill, associate professor, designed a 49-question survey to which approximately 1,350 students responded during the schools' first year of implementing a uniform policy. The students were seventh- and eighth-graders at Vaughn and Pine Middle Schools in Reno and at Sparks Middle School in Sparks.

They also examined data on discipline referrals and school police reports before and after the uniform policy was put in place at one of the schools. Females perceived or experienced more benefits than males. Based on grade level, more seventh-graders than eighth-graders reported agreement with statements about the benefits of wearing school uniforms. Results also revealed that Latino students perceived more benefits from uniforms than Caucasian students perceived.

Students' top-rated statements with responses of "Agree" and "Strongly Agree" were: I still have my identity when I wear a uniform (54 percent); My family likes that I wear a uniform to school (53 percent); I think uniforms save money on clothes (50 percent); I worry less about how others look (42 percent); and, There is less gang activity at school (41 percent).

At Sparks Middle School, discipline and school police records were also studied. Compared to the year prior, discipline referrals were reduced by about 10 percent the first year the uniform policy was implemented. Additionally, school police data showed a 63 percent reduction in police log reports during the first year of implementation. Other decreases were noted in reports of gang-related activities and student fights, along with graffiti, property damage, battery and administrative assists.

Since the uniform policy was implemented at Sparks Middle School in 2008-2009, and at the other two schools in 2009-2010, many other Washoe County School District middle schools have implemented a uniform policy, and the district is looking at the possibility of a comprehensive school uniform policy that will establish guidelines for schools interested in school uniforms.

"If a simple change in attire can positively influence more than 30 percent, or even 25 percent of a school's student population, then perhaps administrators, teachers, students and community members find it worth the effort," Sanchez said. "Essentially, students reported positive impacts by simply changing the clothes they wore to school, and comparatively, there wasn't much of a downside."

The researchers emphasized that the school uniform implementations were a collaborative and informative effort among school staff, district administrators and parents.

For more information about the school uniform study, contact Sanchez at 775-682-9078 or [email protected] , Or, see the article that focused on the Sparks Middle School study published in the Journal of School Violence published last fall, "Uniforms in the Middle School: Student opinions, Discipline Data, and School Police Data," co-authored by the two University researchers and Andrew Yoxsimer, principal at Sparks Middle School during the study who is now a Washoe County School District implementation specialist. ____________________________________________________________

Since it was published in April 2013, this story highlighting school-uniform research completed by University of Nevada, Reno College of Education faculty has received more than 60,000 unique page views on Nevada Today, the University's online news site. The story currently ranks number one on Google, Yahoo and Bing for the search term "school uniform study," resulting in a large number of regular inquiries to one of the study's researchers, Jafeth Sanchez, assistant professor of educational leadership. Below is a list of the most frequently asked questions Sanchez receives around the topic of school uniforms. People interested in accessing more data are also invited to review the complete study, " Uniforms in the Middle School: Student opinions, Discipline Data and School Police Data ," which is published in the Journal of School Violence . School Uniform Study FAQ What influenced you to write the paper? Uniform requirements often elicit strong reactions from parents, students, educators and scholars on both sides of the issue. Yet, research on current school uniform efforts is minimal, especially when considering students' opinions. The purpose of this study was to give students a voice and to find out if students actually benefit from school uniforms, as originally intended by the school's leadership team and others involved in the policy implementation process. What do students think about school uniforms? If you ask students if they like to wear a uniform, 99 percent of them will say no. If you have them reflect on specific, possible benefits, their answers tend to change. Considering all students' responses, there were many responses against wearing school uniforms, but a substantial number of students indicated benefits to wearing school uniforms. Are you for or against school uniforms? My personal opinion is that uniforms can be an effective tool for supporting a positive school climate and overall changes, but it will vary by school context. If uniforms are implemented, they need to be evaluated to identify the effectiveness of the policy. Uniforms are not a "silver bullet" solution to school improvement efforts. I believe it requires holistic change in many areas. Consequently, I am not for or against uniforms, but I am for assessing the policy implementation of uniforms. What is the correlation with academic grades? My data did not include academic ties, and the state testing framework was changed at the end of 2012, so the data cannot be linked. My data only collected student perceptions, so I can only address questions related to those findings. What are the benefits of school uniforms? The study found benefits between genders, grade levels and related to racial/ethnic groupings. The study was based on approximately 604 student responses out of 700 students at the school, with an 86 percent response rate. At the time, the school had approximately 64 percent of the students qualifying for free/reduced lunch. There were discipline effects examined. Exact numbers are included in the study, where I also note that 30 to 40 percent of the student population reported benefits, so it may be useful from a practical perspective. The year after initial data collection, two additional schools implemented uniforms, so I surveyed those schools' students, as well, totaling approximately 1,850 students. Findings were very similar to the original article's findings. Findings among the three schools were also almost identical. However, I have not formally published that data in a professional journal. From a practical perspective, if a simple change in attire can positively influence over 30 percent, or even 25 percent, of a school's student population, then perhaps administrators, teachers, students and community members interested in implementing a school uniform policy might believe it is worth the effort. It is essential to note that the school uniform implementation at the school studied was a collaborative and informative effort among school staff, district administrators and parents. The uniform initiative was not abruptly implemented. Do you think without more school uniforms there is more bullying? I can only speak to this based on my findings, rather than offer an opinion. In my research, students indicated that there was a reduction in the bullying that they specifically saw occur at their school. In their responses, it appeared that bullying decreased with uniforms. In addition, there were large reductions in school police reports, referrals, and other disciplinary aspects. Do school uniforms impose on a student's individual identity? There was a specific question in my study that asked students to respond in agreement or disagreement: "I still have my identity when I wear a uniform." The majority of students agreed and strongly agreed with this statement; consequently, most students reported that they still had their identity, which is a clear link to their freedom of expression. What have you seen result from schools mandating students wear uniforms? Three things: 1.     After school uniform implementation, there was a reduction in discipline. 2.     One-third of students reported benefits to wearing school uniforms. 3.     Results revealed that Hispanic/Latino students believed they attained more benefits from uniforms than White/Caucasian students. In reference to gender, more than expected females than males indicated specific benefits with wearing school uniforms. What was the biggest improvement you have seen in students who wear uniforms? While most students surveyed did not like wearing uniforms, 30 percent of the students believed that wearing uniforms might reduce discipline issues and reported various benefits that may seem worthwhile in enhancing students' quality of their school experience. 

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Reviewing School Uniform through a Public Health Lens: Evidence about the Impacts of School Uniform on Education and Health

Johanna Reidy

  • Department of Public Health, Wellington School of Medicine, University of Otago, Wellington, New Zealand

This study uses a public health lens to review evidence about the impacts of wearing a school uniform on students’ health and educational outcomes. It also reviews the underlying rationales for school uniform use, exploring historical reasons for uniform use, as well as how questions of equity, human rights, and the status of children as a vulnerable group are played out in debates over school uniforms. The literature identified indicates that uniforms have no direct impact on academic performance, yet directly impact physical and psychological health. Girls, ethnic and religious minorities, gender-diverse students and poorer students suffer harm disproportionately from poorly designed uniform policies and garments that do not suit their physical and socio-cultural needs. Paradoxically, for some students, uniform creates a barrier to education that it was originally instituted to remedy. The article shows that public health offers a new perspective on and contribution to debates and rationales for school uniform use. This review lays out the research landscape on school uniform and highlights areas for further research.

Despite regular judicial, community, and press scrutiny, there is little consensus on the function of school uniforms, or agreement about evidence of their impact on education and health. Breaches of school uniform policy have resulted in court cases (e.g., [ 1 , 2 ]), and courts note that in focusing on the rights and wrongs of a particular uniform policy, the underlying issues driving uniform design and policy are neglected [ 3 ]. Meanwhile, at the beginning of the school year in many English-speaking countries there are numerous press articles about the cost burden to families of providing school uniforms [ 4 – 8 ], whether they are value for money [ 9 – 11 ], and whether garment design is fit for modern life [ 12 – 17 ]. Discussion seems stymied in a superficial argument about whether school uniforms are good or bad. Rarely do discussions point to empirical evidence about school uniform garment design and policy about uniform use. This situation begs questions as to availability of evidence for school uniform use, its effects on educational or health outcomes, and the underlying rationales for school uniform use.

This article applies a public health lens to review evidence about why we have uniforms and what effects they have on educational and health outcomes. A public health perspective was chosen to review evidence because it is explicitly designed to analyze impacts of broad socio-political forces and determinants of health on individual experiences. Further, public health sees education and health as mutually reinforcing and intrinsically linked. The one determines the success of the other. Consequently, much public health policy aims to optimize wider social policy settings to improve health and education [ 18 ], and encourage equitable outcomes especially for the most vulnerable populations [ 19 ]. It is also why the World Health Organization (WHO) promotes health in all government policies to improve overall population health ([ 20 ]). Therefore, attention to students’ physical and psychosocial health and wellbeing is important for enhancing educational outcomes. This includes evidence for the choice of school uniform garments and individual schools’ policy about uniform and how these affect student wellbeing. The evidence considered here suggests that uniform is of public health concern because its use and effects are prevalent, have impact and are amenable to improvement. Uniform use is prevalent and widespread globally. In their study of 39 PISA countries, Baumann and Kriskova [ 21 ] identify five main geographic/sociocultural groupings where uniform wearing is common: an Anglo-Saxon cluster (United Kingdom, NZ, Australia, United States), Asia, East Asia (South Korea, Japan), the Americas (e.g., Mexico), and Europe. These authors also note that uniform prevalence is increasing. Regarding impact, evidence shows uniforms can impact directly and indirectly on the individual and on society in equity, health and educational domains for better and for worse. The reviewed literature suggests that any harms are amenable to intervention via evidence-based action. Meadmore and Symes [ 22 ] argue that uniforms are not as frivolous as they appear and warrant systematic attention. This article applies that systematic attention through a public health lens. It explores three questions: What is the evidence for the impact of school uniform on students’ academic and health outcomes; what social, cultural and political rationales are made for uniform use; and what human rights may be affected by school uniform choice? For conciseness, “school uniform(s) garments” will be referred to as uniform(s). The practice of wearing/using/mandating a school uniform will be referred to as uniform policy.

Databases that include health and education research were searched for peer-reviewed articles in English using the key word “school uniform” in the title keywords or abstract. The date range searched was from 2000 to (present), being October 2020. The results are detailed in Table 1 .


TABLE 1 . Database searches October 2020.

Oft -cited peer-reviewed sources that did not appear in the literature searches were also included in the literature review ( n = 25), as well as texts that were found in the initial work for this review. Texts were de-duplicated, yielding 197 texts. Records were screened for relevance and excluded 79 for being out of scope because of time constraints (not in English, PhD theses, conference proceedings). This yielded 118 full text articles to be assessed, of which 26 were excluded because they were off-topic for this review (e.g., industry information about supply chains; school uniform as a basis for a thought experiment; fetishism; reports on forensics; technical information about fabric properties). 92 studies were included in this review.

Note this study examines the breadth of evidence for uniform wearing. Study quality was not part of the analysis.

Articles fell into three broad groups: surveys/studies that elicited stakeholder feedback on some aspect of garment design or policy; or experience of uniform wearing; analyses of large datasets or administrative data; and political, philosophical/ethnographic, and legal analyses of rationale and impact of uniform use.

The first group comprised empirical research that examined data on some aspect of garment design or policy or uniform wearing experience. There was a mixture purposive samples and convenience samples. Studies varied in the number of participants, the number of sites from which participants were taken. Studies elicited views from stakeholders: students, parents, teachers, administrators, social workers, school counselor. Views were gathered via survey and/or focus group. Some surveys formed part of a case study. There were also stand-alone case studies and ethnographies, an RCT and an auto-ethnography.

12 studies examined garment properties for Sun protection, safety, design. The mix of stakeholders varied: students only ( n = 15); students and family/parents/caregivers ( n = 8); multiple stakeholders (students, parents, teachers, and administrators, and/or social workers) ( n = 17). There were three randomized control trials. There were a mixture purposive samples and convenience samples. Studies varied in the number of participants, the number of sites from which participants were taken. The second group comprised analyses of large datasets ( n = 5), and one meta analysis on factors affecting educational outcomes. The third group were non-empirical studies. They included: policy summaries; legal analyses; historical commentaries on uniform’s development; socio-political analyses; political think-pieces; and one economic analysis.

Here, evidence has been arranged according to a public health lens of analysis. First, this section examines the proximate educational and health impacts of uniform garments and uniform policy on students to determine whether there are immediate health or education impacts of uniform use or policy. Second, rationales for uniform use are examined, as well as distal factors that influence student experience. This section examines the broader institutional, and socio-cultural contexts which inform uniform use.

Part 1: Literature for Educational and Health Impacts of Uniform

Does uniform influence educational outcomes.

Starting with the evidence for the impact of uniform on educational outcomes (the core in Figure 1 ), there is little convincing evidence that uniform improves academic achievement. Studies from the United States in the early 2000’s [ 23 , 24 ] note a positive correlation between uniform wearing and academic achievement (e.g., Bodine [ 25 ]). Later, in 2012 Gentile and Ibermann found a positive effect on grades and retention [ 26 , 27 ]. Stockton et al. [ 28 ] noted there was a greater perception of increased attendance and achievement after uniform was introduced. However, studies of large datasets and meta-analyses fail to find a link between uniform and academic achievement. Brunsma and Rockquemore’s (2003) response to Bodine’s assessment of their administrative data review in the late 1990’s reiterated that no overwhelming link exists between uniform wearing and academic outcomes (there were methodological disagreements about which data to choose and how they should be analyzed). Later studies by Yeung [ 29 ] and Creasy and Corby [ 30 ] noted multiple factors for academic achievement—but not uniform. In a synthesis of 800 meta-analyses on effects of all hitherto published variables of educational outcomes, Hattie [ 31 ] demonstrated negligible to no association between uniform and academic achievement itself. However, he notes that the ‘heat and impact of the discussion are as if [uniform] were obviously effective’ (p106) [ 32 ]. In a 2017 update to that study uniform was not listed among the 252 effects on educational outcomes [ 33 ].


FIGURE 1 . Organization of evidence about uniform use.

Nonetheless, it appears that uniform may contribute to an environment that fosters academic achievement. Baumann and Kriskova [ 21 ] examined information from the PISA study on student experience of discipline within the classroom environment (listening, noise level, quietening/settling, schoolwork, starting work). This study involved a very large sample of students from across the globe. These researchers found a statistically significant difference related to settling to work between uniform wearing and non-uniform wearing samples. Thus, Baumann and Kriskova [ 21 ] recommend keeping uniforms where already used and introducing them where not used. Similarly, Firmin et al. [ 34 ] found introducing uniform reduced distractions. Writing about the United States, DaCosta’s [ 35 ] study of students noted improved concentration and increased security in the school where uniform was introduced. A South African study reported that uniform helped to maintain classroom discipline [ 36 ].

However, settling to work and classroom discipline are two of many facilitators of learning outcomes [ 21 ], along with class size, funding levels, homework, and, importantly, factors related to the quality of the teacher (qualifications, personality, incentives, mentoring for new teachers). Given that teacher skill and relationship between student and teacher are established as influential factors on learning outcomes [ 33 ], some argue that expecting teachers to enforce school uniform rules detracts from teaching, learning, and good relationships [ 30 , 37 ], notwithstanding the classroom management benefits of uniform-wearing described by Baumann and Kriskova [ 21 ]. Indeed, Da Costa [ 35 ] reports, the introduction of school uniform created opposition and non-compliance, distracting students and teachers from education. There are indications that uniform could create psychological barriers to education for vulnerable students, especially when it is a new phenomenon. Gromova and Hayrutdinova [ 38 ] found that for ethnic-minority newcomers to a school, uniform can simply be another strange element to get used to in a new environment.

One study argues that organisational and classroom management enhanced by uniforms may be achieved at the expense of other educational goals and values. Baumann and Kriskova’s [ 21 ] research ranks Korea and Japan highest in terms of settling to work and removing distractions. Yet Park’s [ 39 ] study found in Korea uniform was linked to stifling creativity, in spite of good academic performance. This is indicative only (a small study from one country), but highlights how much is not known about the impact of uniform on other domains of education.

Another effect of school uniform is that schools socialize students to certain explicit and implicit values and social norms and inculcate social skills that will help them get on in the world. Within that framework, school uniform provides what Vopat [ 40 ] describes as teachable moments (unplanned, yet important learning opportunities) to reflect on norms of society. There is no data that directly addresses non-academic learning outcomes from uniform. However, Vopat’s idea of teachable moments hints at why some administrators prefer a uniform [ 41 , 42 ], and a more formal one at that [ 41 ].

In some contexts, uniform is also instrumental to other goals: school security and students’ physical safety, aids student focus on learning. In South Africa, Wilken and van Aardt [ 36 ] observed that uniforms can make certain students targets of attack outside the school grounds. In South Africa and the United States uniforms are used to easily identify intruders on school premises and to reduce gang violence and theft of designer items outside of school [ 35 , 36 ]. However, in the United States one study found negligible evidence of uniform enhancing security [ 43 ], while another study found introducing uniform created only a lower perception of gang presence [ 44 ].

Overall, it appears that while uniform is a factor that removes distractions from classroom learning, thereby enhancing operational management, it has no direct impact on academic achievement and is not among factors that demonstrably improve educational outcomes. It may enhance school security, and influence schools’ broader educational and socialization goals.

Does Uniform Influence Health Outcomes?

Unlike for educational outcomes, there is a far more direct link between uniform garments and uniform policy and health outcomes. Health impacts can be divided into physical and psycho-social effects, though there is a significant overlap between the two. Physical impacts of school uniform relate to how uniforms facilitate physical activity during the day, whether uniform garments protect the wearer against known environmental hazards, whether the garments promote health and safety, and whether the garments are comfortable to wear. Psycho-social impacts are linked to fitting in (or not) with peers.

One effect uniforms have on physical wellbeing is their limitation or allowance of exercise. Encouraging regular physical activity is part of the WHO’s health promotion concept of health in all policies and settings. Globally, governments are trying increase physical activity among children and young people to reduce child obesity rates [ 45 ]. Additionally, physical activity enhances learning outcomes and improves wellbeing ([ 46 ]), therefore policies that promote planned and incidental physical activity positively influence educational and health outcomes. However, it appears that school uniform design and policy can pose a barrier to incidental exercise, particularly for girls. McCarthy et al. [ 47 ] found primary school girls were more active on sports uniform days and met government recommended daily physical activity levels on those days. Norrish et al.’s [ 48 ] study on the effect of uniform on incidental physical activity among ten-year-olds found that school uniform design could limit physical activity (measured by student self-report and pedometers). Correcting for choice of activity (ballgames, skipping vs imaginary play, verbal games), girls did significantly more activity during breaks on sports uniform days. Likewise, Watson et al. [ 49 ] and Stanley et al. [ 50 ] reported that recommended physical activity for school-aged children was not being met, especially for girls, where restrictive school uniform limited physical activity and created an explicit barrier to lunchtime play. Further, in an age of active transport policy, Hopkins et al. [ 51 ] found that school uniform style and lack of warmth was a barrier to cycling to school for some female secondary students, and Ward et al. [ 52 ] found both garment design and schools’ uniform policy hampered active transport among older teenagers. There are strong indications that uniform garments and policy about which garments can be worn directly impact on students’ physical health outcomes, for female students in particular.

While there is evidence on how uniform facilitates physical activity, there is little evidence on the psychological effects of uniforms on how students feel about doing physical activity in uniform. Unflattering or revealing (sports) uniforms may deter students from participating in sport. Focusing on physical activity, Watson’s et al.’s [ 49 ] study noted the complex social factors that affect physical activity, and how a unisex sport uniform could enhance the feeling of comfort and confidence. For instance, Pausé’s [ 53 ] auto-ethnography highlights the psychological barrier an unflattering sports uniform can pose to fat children’s participation in and enjoyment of physical activity as a good in itself (as opposed to a means to lose weight).

Physical health can be protected against known environmental health hazards by uniform garment design and policy implementation. However, school uniform policy (at national or school level) does not routinely address these hazards. In Australasia, ozone layer degradation results in high UV radiation levels in warmer months. Prolonged UV exposure results in skin damage and over the long term increased rates of moles and skin cancers across the population. Yet Gage et al. [ 54 ] found that uniformed schools had lower total body coverage than non-uniformed schools, albeit with greater neck coverage due to collared uniforms. This is despite evidence that hats with a brim and sun-safe clothing (covered arms and legs) can improve sun protection [ 55 ] while not increasing objective measures of body temperature [ 56 ]. Indeed, modeling from Australia indicates that slightly longer garments significantly alter mole patterns [ 57 ]. Of course the effectiveness of uniform garments (or indeed any garments) for sun protection depends on proper implementation of policy. For instance, in New Zealand Sunsmart is a voluntary school policy to optimize protection of children’s skin from sun damage and sunburn. However, Reeder et al. [ 58 ] found that Sunsmart policies were not consistently implemented, even among Sunsmart-accredited schools.

Uniform has also been used as part of measures to combat disease. In Thailand and other countries with endemic dengue, school uniform design, the use of insecticide-treated clothing [ 59 – 62 ], and how uniform is worn [ 63 ] have been investigated extensively in relation to dengue prevention, especially how to stop insecticide washing out of fabric. However, while the use of insecticide-treated clothing is supported by parents in these countries, willingness to pay for the uniform is linked to parental monthly income. Governmental willingness to subsidize treated uniforms is linked to overall cost, irrespective of effectiveness or potential health gain [ 64 , 65 ]. It appears that good garment design that protects against environmental hazards cannot be separated from good policy implementation and a financial subsidy if garment cost is high.

Interestingly, while environmental hazards and their impact on health were considered, no peer reviewed articles were found related to safe garment design e.g., Inflammable materials, removing strangling risks. The only information found on uniform policy and garment safety did not relate to garments but accessories (not uniform proper). It was from the United Kingdom, where the Health and Safety Executive found that schools had incorrectly applied health and safety legislation to ban certain non-uniform items of jewellery that had no link to causing physical harm [ 66 ].

Is it possible to achieve optimal uniform garment design? Researchers have examined different elements of uniform design, some related to health outcomes. There is a particularly interesting body of research emerging about properties of school uniform garments. Researchers have investigated how to standardize sizing [ 67 ], improve garment quality and durability [ 68 ], optimize materials, enhance style, include high visibility/reflectiveness for road safety, and ensure physical comfort irrespective of outside temperature [ 68 – 71 ]. This demonstrates that it is technically possible to design a uniform that meets cost imperatives, is physically safe, comfortable, and enjoyable to wear. These studies showed garment materials do not necessarily prioritize the wearer’s physical comfort. Functionality (durability, ease of care, ease of drying, stain and wrinkle resistance) is often preferred over comfort or safety (Kadolph, 2001 in 36). For example, polycotton is used instead of cotton because it is colourfast and fast-drying, despite not breathing well in hot weather.

It appears that no consensus exists on best practice for uniform design, who should be involved in design decisions, and considerations in policy development and implementation (e.g., health and educational impacts of garment design and policy, gender neutral options, non-physically restrictive garments). There is no data that discusses this point directly though some studies involve parents and students [ 68 , 71 ], and DaCosta [ 35 ] recommends involving students in co-designing the uniform, to develop a uniform that provides choice and flexibility. Gereluk proposes principles for a non-discriminatory environment [ 72 ], which provides helpful guidance on how to accommodate minority concerns into majority spaces. In doing so, he helpfully lists general elements to consider that can be applied to uniform design and policy. These are: health and safety; whether (any religious/cultural garment) is oppressive to (the wearer) or others; whether it significantly inhibits the educational aims of the school; whether (whatever item is not part of the uniform) is essential to one’s identity.

There is evidence that uniforms can be psychosocially protective of health. Uniforms remove “competitive dressing”—the pressure to wear certain (expensive) brands, colors, or styles [ 36 ]. Uniform removes most socio-economic signs of difference [ 73 ]. Wilken and van Aardt [ 36 ] and Jones (for higher socio economic status students) [ 74 ] report that school uniforms take away stress and family arguments about what to wear on school days. The positive psychological effect of removing competitive dressing probably only holds for students with a certain level of material wealth (see discussion below on equity of access to education and uniform cost). Thus, Catherine and Mulgalavi [ 75 ] found in Pakistan that school uniform had a positive effect on students’ self-esteem, particularly if they had the full and correct uniform. It seems for very poor students, school uniform requirements may simply become something else to worry about, but for others uniform removes a barrier to fitting in.

In addition to the ambivalence of wearers’ feelings, there are mixed data on the impact of uniform on bullying. In a study of one school in the United States, Sanchez et al. [ 76 ] found introduction of a uniform did not significantly change the school’s culture before and after a school uniform was introduced, though some females said males treated them better when they wore a uniform. Jones (United States) reported a reduction in bullying after uniform was introduced [ 74 ].

Indeed, Cunningham and Cunningham [ 77 ] note that while uniforms can reduce bullying, there will always be triggers such as girls choosing to wear trousers not skirts. Importantly, any dress is about more than clothing, indicating social relations, self-presentation, and formation in society, and is a sensitive topic in adolescence [ 78 ]. Indeed, Swain’s ethnography found that students who complied with uniform rules risked being socially excluded [ 79 ].

It appears that uniforms can be both protective and harmful, depending on context, how the student pushes the boundaries of uniform rules to fit in, and whether the student is part of a marginalised/socially disadvantaged group. Whatever the context, females are half of the population, and their physical and psycho-social health seems to be routinely and arbitrarily disadvantaged by uniform design.

Overall, in terms of health and education impacts it seems any psycho-social benefits will only hold if other psycho-social and physical harms to girls, and minorities are addressed. Table 2 summarizes the health and education impacts of uniform. From a health and education perspective, uniform’s biggest advantage is that it removes some distractions; it helps students to settle in the classroom and removes the worst of competitive dressing. If garments and policy are well designed, they encourage physical activity and can protect against environmental hazards. Nonetheless, poorly designed garments and uniform policies especially affect girls and minorities.


TABLE 2 . Uniform’s positive, neutral, and negative impacts on education and health outcomes.

Part 2: Exploring Social, Cultural and Political Rationales for Uniform Use

Since uniforms do not positively influence academic achievement and can have negative physical and psycho-social health impacts, what drives their use? Further, why are known problems in uniform policy and design not addressed? To answer these questions, it is important to consider the broader context in which uniform is used. The literature that addresses these questions can be divided into three groups. The first group examines the role of uniforms in institutions and the community; the second, the interaction between human rights and uniform; the third (dealt with in part 3 below) the relationship of uniforms to the idea of children as a vulnerable class of people who need special protection. Institutions, human rights laws and societal perceptions of children and childhood constitute important upstream/distal determinants of health and educational outcomes. All the above elements contribute to wider social settings that facilitate or prevent access to what people need to enjoy good health and education. Table 3 summarizes rationales for uniform use.


TABLE 3 . Implicit and explicit rationales for uniform use.

Uniforms as a Reflection of Schools and Communities

Schools are institutional extensions of overlapping communities: geographic, religious, or ethnic. Community norms reflect institutional and wider societal rules. Uniform signals internal culture to students and provides cues to outsiders about the school’s character.

Within schools, uniforms reinforce institutional culture, signaling school values to students [ 80 ], thereby identifying the wearer with objectives beyond the self. Along with school facilities and symbols [ 21 ], a well-disciplined body of students is associated with a certain type of dress. Additionally, some argue that uniforms contribute to a sense of affiliation in students, belonging [ 81 ], and pride in the school, especially after uniform has been recently introduced [ 82 ]. Affiliation is related to solidarity; yet there seems to be a tipping point when solidarity is undermined if the uniform is too expensive and excludes students [ 83 ]. Howell [ 84 ] argues that among charter school students he studied in the United States, uniform is only one element to increase participation and is far less important than other variables like family dynamics. However, claims about uniform fostering solidarity are not supported by empirical research on student feelings about belonging in the school context. Research into school belonging did not find a significant association between school uniform and a sense of belonging to the school community [ 85 ]. Instead, belonging is fostered by a supportive, respectful atmosphere and a sense of achieving.

It has been argued that uniforms communicate messages to those outside the school community. Stephenson [ 86 ] argues the main role of uniform has changed from primarily addressing poverty or removing differences marking class and gender to primarily signaling education standards, and the school’s place in the education market [ 22 , 36 ], showcasing the institutions’ disciplinary philosophy [ 27 ]. Happell [ 87 ] notes that in the United States uniform visually demarcates students and is associated with private education, improving the wider school environment [ 35 ], or maintaining the impression of strictness and safety [ 22 ]. Shao et al. [ 88 ] note that like corporate uniform, school uniform gives cues to the service environment—a more conservative uniform suggests more conservative values, higher socio-economic status, and by association higher academic achievement. Indeed, Bodine [ 89 ] notes that uniform reinforces and delineates social hierarchies and who belongs. Belonging can be inclusive, encouraging broad participation and access, or exclusive by drawing lines between people and putting up practical barriers to access, delineating who is and is not worthy of privilege [ 90 ].

Within institutions uniform is a management tool [ 21 ]. It has the veneer of solidarity, but there is no empirical evidence linking uniform to feelings of belonging to a school. Uniform also signals tradition, and communicates the place in the education market to outsiders, especially a school’s disciplinary and academic climate. The factors affecting a school’s choice to require a uniform is in turn affected by wider forces of socio-political climate and human rights.

Wider Forces: Socio-Political Climate

As illustrated in Figure 1 , the individual health and educational impacts of uniform are nestled in the broader school culture, which in turn is influenced by the wider socio-political context, influenced by the community’s values. A country’s history, power structures, and socio-economic patterns are thus played out through uniforms. Further, dominant societal values are the lens through which human rights and other implicit and explicit values are projected. Uniform wearing can be intrinsic to a greater good, or instrumental in reaching other goals. With this in mind, what data exist on the socio-political factors that influence uniform garment design and policy?

Uniform design and policy slowly changes alongside social and educational policy developments. Thus, New Zealand, uniform design has changed alongside New Zealand’s education policy and socio-political context [ 81 ]. Similarly, in China uniform has gradually incorporated more modern and Western influences in design over time [ 91 ]. In their discussion on the reasons for uniform, Meadmore and Symes argue that uniform wearing is a form of governmentality–the process of unconscious internalization of external values designed to maintain existing power structures. In this way uniform is a “disciplinary tactic” [ 115 ] embodying respectability, cleanliness, modesty, and inoffensiveness. Conformity means meeting the standards of an institution [ 92 ], explicitly in service of an ideal of equality, and implicitly to maintain the societal power dynamics expressed through institutions. Whether a form of governmentality or not, it is clear that uniform is associated with broader societal values.

In some societies, uniform wearing seems intrinsically linked to a greater societal good. Thus, Baumann and Kriskova [ 21 ] argue that high PISA scores are associated with good classroom discipline, which is intrinsically linked to wider societal values. The authors hypothesize that in South Korea and Japan, Confucian values of self-discipline and conformity to ritual inform practical aspects of daily life. Baumann and Kriskova argue that conforming to social norms is part of being a good Confucian; thus, any penalty for breaching uniform standards (a social norm) is explicitly and intrinsically linked to becoming a better Confucian.

Alternatively, uniform wearing can be instrumental in reaching other ends. Hence, when uniform use became common in the Anglosphere in the 1800’s, there seems to have been a (noble) aim of making schools islands of fairness in an unfair world. Craik [ 93 ] states that in England school uniform aimed to equalize social class, creating social camouflage through functional, reasonably priced clothing. However, this rationale ignores wider societal power structures, and that uniform wearing may be mainly instrumental to another goal. Thus, in some post-colonial contexts uniform was part of a transfer of British values and seen as a way to civilize and promote a certain ideology [ 92 ]. In New Zealand, uniforms were inspired by military dress and were intended to encourage empowerment, belonging, and pride, as well as social camouflage [ 92 ]. In South Africa, school uniforms were imposed on the black population as a means of control [ 36 ]. Australian authors have hypothesized that certain types of school uniform historically represented respectability and happiness and promoted social integration. Wearing a school uniform provided a means for migrant children (and their families) to fit in [ 94 ]. Wearing a school blazer has been described as a cultural symbol of reaching and being included in a social ideal of wealth and educational achievement [ 95 ].

Some socio-political rationales are explicit and are part of clear public policy measures to shape society. For instance, Mujiburrahaman [ 96 ] describes uniform as part of Sharia law implementation in schools in Aceh; Moser notes it is part of fostering citizenship and identity in Indonesia’s schools [ 97 ]; and Draper et al. [ 98 ] describe how uniforms that use a hybrid of traditional and modern clothing styles, materials, and manufacturing techniques are part of a cultural revitalization project in Thailand. In the United States, from the mid-1990’s school uniforms have been explicitly promoted as a means to lower danger and violence in schools and remove classroom distractions [ 99 ]. Indeed, in the United States uniforms are often perceived as more neutral than dress codes because everyone wears the same [ 100 ], as opposed to judgements being made about clothing items against a standard. Overall it appears that uniform use is often driven by goals beyond health or education as values in themselves.

Part 3: Human Rights and Uniform Use

Human rights legislation supporting equity and freedom from religious or gender discrimination and protecting the rights of children has been discussed in conjunction with school uniform. In cases of disagreement about garment design or uniform policy and where institutional policy or social norms do not provide a solution, human rights law has been invoked to help reconcile different rights and values.

Human rights are overarching, universal entitlements that preserve the dignity of humans. Theoretically, human rights are interrelated and indivisible and should not be separated from each other [ 101 ]. Practically, the experience with uniform shows that simultaneously giving effect to different human rights is not straightforward. Social context influences how human rights are interpreted and given legal standing. Looking at the United States, Ahrens [ 102 ] notes that in the 1970’s uniform was of great constitutional concern (impinging of First Amendment right of freedom of expression), whereas nowadays few legal or constitutional problems with uniform are discussed, possibly because the overwhelming concern is student safety; the importance of identifying intruders outweighs concern over freedom of expression [ 103 ].

Equality vs. Equity

The human rights notion that all humans are equal is important to school uniform policy. As noted earlier, the idea that equality of access to education is enhanced by “social camouflage” is a principal historic and current rationale for uniform [ 36 , 89 ]. Proponents of uniform argue it creates equality and emphasize the benefits of homogeneity that outweigh any negative impacts: unity, a sense of belonging (although this point has not been demonstrated empirically), and group identity. In their view, the human right to equal treatment is enhanced by removing outward signs of social differences [ 36 , 89 ]. This may explain why in Malaysia, Woo et al. found that while students thought uniform unattractive, they conceded it reduced outward markers of differing socio-economic status [ 73 ].

However, an equality focus in uniform policy sidesteps the issue of who bears the brunt of equality as “sameness”. Equality focuses on same treatment, while equity focuses on outcomes, sometimes requiring different treatment to achieve similar outcomes [ 104 ]. Data show that uniforms are not intrinsically equitable. The cost of uniforms can affect students’ rights to access education. In addition to inequity of physical activity by gender and barriers for minority groups, the cost of uniform garments themselves is a determinant of access to education, and clearly unequally felt across society. The cost barrier that uniform poses to attending school is widespread, particularly in low and middle-income countries. Using Mongolia as an example, Sabic-el Rayess et al, [ 83 ] note that in countries where the very poor cannot afford uniforms, they do not attend school. Likewise, Simmons-Zuilkowski [ 105 ] found that in South Africa enrollment rates among the very poor are lower because of cost of uniforms. In Kenya, Mutengi [ 106 ] found a statistically significant link between uniform cost and education access, and Green et al. [ 107 ], Sitieni and Pillay [ 108 ] and Cho et al. [ 109 ] describe free uniform as part of support and incentive packages for at-risk children to attend school [ 110 ]. In Ghana, Alagbela [ 111 ] and Akaguri [ 112 ] show that uniform cost creates a barrier to education for the very poor. One contradiction to this trend comes from Hidalgo et al. in one study in Ecuador [ 113 ]. The authors found that providing uniform decreased attendance. However, the authors note that the study was not conducted as anticipated; some families promised uniforms were not supplied with them, and many in the study group had already purchased a uniform (it was therefore a sunk cost), so uniform cost was not a factor that decided school attendance. Cost is also a likely concern among all parents in high-income countries. In the United Kingdom, Davies [ 114 ] examined uniform cost and supply and surveyed parents who were happiest when uniform could be sourced from a mixture of designated shops and high street/generic stores and found that uniforms were cheapest when items could be brought from anywhere. However, as in low income countries, uniform creates an unequal cost burden across the population. In the United States, Da Costa [ 35 ] highlights the economic burden on the poor of buying a school uniform. In South Korea and the United States, poorer parents spend a higher percentage of their income on uniforms [ 36 ]. In New Zealand, a survey of parents [ 115 ] found school uniform cost is a significant burden for poorer families. In Scotland, Naven et al. [ 116 ] reported how uniform cost created such a barrier to education that the state changed its clothing grant policy to help ease the financial burden on families.

Of course cost is not the only equity issue in uniform use, but it is an important one. Davies’ [ 114 ] United Kingdom report on uniform supply and cost found that garment quality was a main influence on purchasing decisions, followed by availability and cost. Surveying parents’ and educators’ attitudes to uniforms, for both groups Davies found uniforms were considered worthwhile because they are a long-term investment: generally long-lasting, infrequently replaced, and cheaper over the student’s career than non-uniform alternatives. However, Davies’ and other data (e.g., Gasson et al., Naven et al., Catherine and Mugalavai, Simmons-Zuilkowski) suggest the large initial upfront cost is a barrier for poorer families. Another reason for concern is that sameness does not result in equity or improve human rights protection. Deane [ 117 ] argues that justifications for uniform based on equity are not well considered because the mere wearing of uniform does not create equity, and does not magic away other differences [ 117 ]. In practical terms, equity through uniforms is inevitably an imperfect idea: even if uniform policy allows students to choose to wear any items from a list so long as items comply with style or color rules, expensive branded items, or other garment choices would inevitably signal differences in economic status, wearer style, and individual preferences. It seems for the very poor/marginalized in any society, uniform can be simply another barrier to education because of the focus on equality, not equity. Ironically, those most in need of education may be denied it via a mechanism that was originally instituted to remove barriers to education.

Uniform and Freedom of Religion

In addition to general rights to equal treatment, specifically protected rights are of concern when considering uniform, particularly freedom of religion and the right to non-discrimination because of gender. Uniform rules and the right to freedom of religion is an example of where courts are asked to reconcile seemingly conflicting rights with each other. For instance, the Convention on the Rights of the Child (Art 14) protects freedom of religion [ 118 ]. Nonetheless, this right is not unfettered and can be limited if others’ rights are impinged, and its application depends on how individual countries legislate to support human rights.

Theoretically, uniforms should not impinge on religious freedom. Practically, the situation is not so clear-cut. Complex questions about how religion is represented and how it is recognized are often played out through uniform [ 119 ], especially in liberal democracies. For some, adhering to a school uniform policy means not observing religious requirements. In Australia, where states are required to have a uniform policy, direct and indirect discrimination on the basis of religion is forbidden. Yet there is no clarity on whether a school can have a policy that is silent on students’ religious beliefs and practices [ 120 , 121 ]. Australian courts have found that exceptions to uniform rules can be made to avoid injury to religious sensibilities, doctrines, beliefs, or principles (e.g., allowing wearing yarmulke or hijab). In England (which has a longstanding uniform tradition), the case of Begum sought to balance religious freedom to wear Sharia-appropriate clothes against the right to education, school uniform policy [ 122 , 123 ], and women’s rights. In Begum the court found that social cohesion, protecting minority rights, and ensuring religious freedom must be balanced [1 , 124 – 126 . In Begum , the judgment shows how tricky it is to reconcile all human rights in themselves, let alone apply them within the context uniform policy requirements.

Whatever the social context, outward signs of faith can challenge both uniform rules and wider societal values such as secularity in public institutions. Gereluk [ 72 ] argues for reasonable accommodation and mechanisms to redress potential unequal treatment of minorities. What constitutes “reasonable accommodation” appears to be context-dependent.

Uniform and Gender

Similarly to promoting equity and freedom of religion, human rights protect non-discrimination by gender. The discussion so far has shown that whatever the rationale, uniform garment design has a greater impact on girls, particularly on their physical health. This differential effect has been addressed by human rights legislation. For instance, The New Zealand Human Rights Commission agreed with a complaint of discrimination on gender grounds by two female-identified students [ 127 ] who argued that the requirement to wear a skirt disadvantaged them because it restricted their movement. Settlement was reached when the school added culottes (shorts that look like skirts) to the school uniform. In this example, human rights legislation allowed schools to have uniform codes for males and females, providing uniforms do not disadvantage one gender or group.

Differential treatment by gender is underpinned by historical and some current thought, though it is rarely discussed in relation to uniform. This is possibly because it is linked to deeply entrenched and normalized gender roles. Political and philosophical research addresses this point. Dussel [ 128 ] argues that school uniforms hamper, restrain, and try to domesticate girls’ bodies. Happel [ 87 ] argues that school uniform is linked to gendered performance, where school uniforms underpin sex and gender roles, because they restrict movement and confirm traditional gender identities. Happel [ 87 ] argues that because skirts allow for exposure of underwear, buttocks, and genitals, girls are taught modesty/immodesty through a garment. Girls are thus objectified because they have to curb their behavior because of another’s gaze. In this review no evidence was found of any of the above restrictions caused by boys’ uniform. Notably, girls’ uniforms tend to be more expensive [ 106 , 114 ], illustrating that even here there is a “pink tax” for female-oriented products that perform the same function as a unisex/male alternative [ 114 , 129 ]. Further, normalized gender roles affect gender-diverse students, already a group at risk of exclusion. For gender diverse students, non-inclusive uniform policies are particularly problematic [ 130 ] and affect them disproportionately [ 17 ]. Non-inclusive uniform policy relies upon the idea that clothing is an essential element of gender identity and that any fluidity or flexibility in dress rules risks undermining individual and collective gender identity. There is no evidence of gender identity being so fragile [ 131 ]. In practical terms, Henebery [ 132 ] argues that even if uniforms have unisex options, they are still split by gender, where skirts are limited to biological girls. Interestingly, Bragg [ 133 ] notes that a school uniform policy that strictly enforces male/female uniforms is in stark contrast with the broader and more fluid social understanding and representations of gender that students are exposed to, especially in Western countries.

It appears that uniforms place a physical restriction and price premium on girls, and policy does not routinely consider gender diverse students. This is driven by socio-cultural norms and negatively impinges on their human rights, despite the overarching right to equal treatment irrespective of gender.

Uniform and Children and Young People’s Freedom of Expression

Freedom of expression is another area of human rights that often clashes with uniform. The right to freedom of expression (Art 13 UNCRC [ 134 ]) can be restricted in respect of the rights and reputations of others, protection of national security, and public order. Article 12 (UNCRC, 1989) details that free expression is given weight in accordance with the age and development of the child. Some hold that school uniforms are inherently restrictive, arguing that school uniform hampers expressive rights and normal identity exploration, constitutes intrusive control of group behavior (e.g., 35), and symbolizes oppression [ 131 ]. Conversely, others argue argues that it is nonsensical to say that uniforms crush self-expression when there are many other creative outlets [ 89 ]. There is no empirical evidence on this point. Vopat takes a different approach and considers children’s moral and psychological development. Looking at expression and developmental stage, Vopat [ 40 ] separates self-expression into two categories: mere expression, and substantive expression. Mere expression is simply about what a person likes/dislikes, whereas substantive expression is an outer manifestation of deeply held values or another specific intention. Vopat [ 40 ] argues that small children lack the cognitive ability for substantive expression because they do not have the psychological capacity for it yet. Nonetheless, Vopat [ 40 ] suggests that uniform may be a learning point for students. Children need thinking time to become their moral selves. School uniforms provide explicit teachable moments, opportunities to think using different moral frameworks to examine the utility of different social attire and freedom of expression in context, and children’s understanding of and critical thinking about social appropriateness of dress [ 135 ], which enhances learning outcomes [ 40 ]. Conversely, and despite these learning opportunities, Deane [ 117 ] argues that uniform’s blindness to or suppression of difference implicitly dampens the ability think about and discuss difference; thought is constrained because uniform creates an implicit understanding that strangers should be the same as oneself, and where there is difference, there is danger. Consequently, uniform suppresses recognition and discussion about differences in ethnicity, religion, or class [ 117 ].

There is no empirical evidence either way that uniform constrains freedom of expression. There are hypotheses that uniform provides a teaching opportunity about appropriate dress, and socializes people to a particular dress standard. Other ideas suggest that uniform allows students to rebel in safe confines [ 81 ].

Children’s Rights and Minors as a Vulnerable Group

The rights of children sit alongside other rights. These rights protect children because the wider socio-political climate identifies children and minors as a vulnerable class of people who need protection.

However, there is no agreement about what rights of children exactly should be protected, and many wider concerns about children are projected onto uniform [ 89 ]. Through an institution limiting clothing choice or requiring certain clothing, Bodine [ 89 ] argues that uniform protects childhood by protecting children from sending messages with their clothing choices that they do not fully understand. However, exactly what is protected is unclear. Vopat [ 40 ] argues protection should be linked to the child’s moral development and ability to reason, balanced against Article 12 of UNCROC, which includes the duty to consider children’s voice in decisions that affect them. Some [ 87 ] argue that uniform should be done away with altogether because of harm to children’s human rights. Irrespective of children’s vulnerability and human rights, Brunsma and Rockquemore [ 136 ] argue that even if uniforms do not harm, and young children cannot yet exercise their rights, there is no justification for imposing uniforms in an educational context, especially if uniforms do not improve educational goals.

Overall, while human rights are universal, the way they are expressed in particular cultural contexts varies, driven by socio-political forces. It appears that the idea that uniform is inherently equitable is flawed. It does not level social class, and is not blind to religion, gender, and socio-economic status. It does not necessarily consider cultural and individual identity or diversity. Data on human rights and uniform show that uniform policies result in unequal impact of garment design and policy on girls and religious minorities. Data on freedom of expression is equivocal. Whatever the case, wider sociocultural issues are clearly played out through uniforms, and it appears that uniforms can become a proxy for other issues, particularly considering the special status of children and young people. Blanket approaches to uniform policy can be repressive of cultural identity/diversity and ignore entrenched power imbalances [ 22 , 131 ]. By scrutinizing the outcomes of uniform policy, it is clear that many uniform policies have neutral/minimal impact for the majority, but the minority must compromise cultural or religious values to comply with uniform rules. Females make up half the population, yet uniform design limits their ability to participate in incidental physical activity, a proven enhancer of health and educational outcomes.

This review demonstrates that far from being a “trivial relic” [ 22 ], school uniform is an important yet neglected public health issue that affects all students who are required to wear it. As a preliminary review, this study maps the conceptual landscape of school uniform garment design and policy in a public health framework, and brings evidence together to show health and education impacts of school uniform use. The review shows that school uniform is important, but not for commonly believed reasons. First, there persists a belief that school uniform in itself enhances academic outcomes. This is unsupported by evidence—there is no direct link between uniform and academic achievement [ 33 ]. However, uniform does contribute to a more settled classroom environment [ 21 ], which facilitates learning. Second, some studies argue uniform can distract from a good rapport between students and teachers, which is linked to improved learning (30,37). Third, despite common belief, uniform has no empirically supported impact on enhancing a feeling of belonging to a school [ 85 ]. Notably, there is a general paucity of evidence for use and a gap between what is believed about uniform and what is supported by empirical evidence. It appears that uniform use and policy is a neglected area of research: given its widespread use there is surprisingly little empirical evidence about its use or effects at all.

Concerningly, psychological and physical health impacts of uniform have been neglected. Positively, uniform removes the psycho-social barrier of competitive dressing. Indeed, well-designed uniform garments that are comfortable to wear, do not restrict physical activity for all students, that protect against environmental hazards, plus a uniform policy that is inclusive of all students (irrespective of gender/gender identity) can enhance student physical and psychological health [ 47 , 48 , 54 ]. Neutrally, uniform can both increase and decrease bullying. Negatively, inflexible uniform policies and garment design disadvantage girls, gender-diverse students, and overweight students because they do not feel confident in participating in physical activity while wearing uniform garments (47–51,53). From a physical health perspective, empirical evidence demonstrates that girls’ physical health is particularly disadvantaged. Girls make up around half the school-aged population, so the demonstrated link between poor uniform design and worse physical and psycho-social health for girls is of concern. Physically restrictive uniforms can hamper girls’ physical and social participation in school, especially physical activity during breaks and on the journey to school. Poorly designed sports uniform may also deter girls’ and overweight children’s participation in timetabled physical education. For all students, there is no evidence of systematic consideration in uniform policy of health and safety and protection from environmental hazards that permits students to wear garments to suit the weather conditions, or that ensures garments are comfortable to wear.

Further, gender-based inequity is inherent in uniform; girls’ uniforms are more expensive and more restrictive. Inequity exists for religious minorities and gender-diverse students who have to dress to fit the uniform policy rather than dress so they feel physically comfortable. Because garment design reflects the norms of the dominant culture, religious and ethnic minorities, and gender-diverse students often have to compromise beliefs and identity to comply with uniform rules.

This review shows that uniform garment design and policy focus on equality (same treatment) at the expense of equity (different treatment to achieve similar outcomes). While uniform removes the psycho-social pressure on individuals and families of competitive dressing and outward signs of socio-economic differences between students, it does not eliminate inequity. Paradoxically, uniforms can worsen inequity. Worldwide, for the very poorest students, the cost of a uniform may be prohibitive, creating a barrier to education before the students even arrive on school grounds [ 83 , 105 – 107 , 109 – 112 , 114 – 116 , 137 ]. For some students the disadvantages will be cumulative. Using the public health lens of analysis highlights this avoidable inequity.

Why do we compel children to wear uniforms and persist with policies that detract from physical and psycho-social health, and that disadvantage poorer students? This review has highlighted that uniform has become a proxy for many issues. Financial and political economies are projected onto uniform policy and garment design. An organisation’s history, institutional stewardship, values, and traditions are often embodied in uniform, which is possibly why certain designs and materials are so enduring. Uniform signals a school’s place in the education market and gives external and internal indications of the school culture (22, 26, 36). Uniform also appears to enhance school operations (21). In classrooms it helps students settle to task and help identify intruders and improve security (36,43), or the perception of security (44).

A public health lens helps to shed light on uniforms, and their impact on health and education. The public health frame of analysis brings together and organizes data from different disciplines to illuminate questions that are important to population health, illustrating proximate factors and distal factors to individual experiences. It has also shown that uniform merits public health interest: if uniform use is prevalent, its use impacts on health and educational outcomes, and, importantly, school uniform garments and policies regulating their use are amenable to improvement, with an eye to improving equity.

This study’s principal limitation is that data is only drawn from English-language research largely focused on the Anglosphere or where articles were available in English, yet much of the world that wears uniform is not Anglophone. Potentially important data may have been missed. Further this study’s primary data are primarily peer-reviewed articles, which ensures rigor, but leaves out a depth of information from other sources. Further, articles of all types (including commentaries) were included because this research focused on evidence about uniform use, rather than the quality of that evidence. For time constraints conference proceedings and PhD theses were excluded. Note that there were variations in the types of studies done. For instance, the physical impacts of uniform use (e.g., on physical activity of wearers, protection against environmental hazards) were measured using quantitative or qualitative/quantitative mixes of design with larger sample sizes. For instance Norrish et al’s [ 48 ] work on physical activity for girls was one of the few that included objective and subjective measures of the phenomena under investigation, with a repeated measures crossover design (same group tested in two different conditions). Finally, as with other areas of inquiry, philosophical pieces or commentaries often argue against the status quo rather than defend it. It is possible that there exist more positive or neutral impacts of uniform on education and health than have been hitherto documented, especially in empirical research.

Limitations notwithstanding, this research will be of interest to those within the public health community, those involved in uniform regulation and design, and those involved in educational management. It will also be of special interest to the general public, who will be better informed about the evidence for what uniform achieves, and what can be done about making it better. Conceptually, issues related to uniform design are of interest to researchers of other populations (e.g., prisoners, military) with diminished capacity or whose choice of clothing is restricted.

This review has important implications for future research. It has highlighted gaps in knowledge about garment design and uniform policy and their impacts.

Regarding garment design, more information is required on different priorities that inform design choices: durability, serviceability, safety of materials, quality, and comfort to the wearer, particularly with an eye to protection against environmental hazards, and how to make garment styles enduring over time as well as inclusive, comfortable, and health-promoting.

Other issues like cost, value for money, environmental sustainability and ethical sourcing of materials may be of interest. Furthermore, different stakeholder (student, parent, teacher, school administrator) perspectives could be measured to further explore what factors influence garment design, how those different factors inform uniform use policy within schools, extending on multi stakeholder studies similar to that done by Wilken and van Aardt [ 42 ] or McCarthy et al [ 41 ]. Regarding uniform use policy, there is little information about how school rules are developed and what principles might look like to ensure uniform use is education and health promoting. Regarding impacts of design and policy, further studies are required with objective and subjective measures of whatever phenomenon related to uniform is being investigated. In particular, more studies are required on the health and psycho-social impacts of uniforms. For instance studies such as Hopkins [ 51 ], Norrish et al. [ 48 ] and Watson et al. [ 49 ] could be replicated in other jurisdictions and cultural settings.

In terms of public policy, there is little peer-reviewed evidence on supply chains, competition law, and profits that drive uniform costs. There is little evidence about how to reduce the cost barrier of uniforms for the poor; how different societal values are incorporated into uniform design (e.g., environmental protection and school/community tradition, or, given the impacts of uniform on health and access to education, whether any form of government regulation of upfront cost, uniform policy or garment design is required (especially for state-funded schools).

An important practical implication is making the evidence about uniform’s education and health impacts available in a form easily accessible to school administrators and governors to inform their uniform garment and policy decisions. After all, educators are experts in education, not garment design or uniform policy development, so it is unsurprizing that, left alone to organize uniform, they may not develop the most health and education-promoting garments or policies.

Uniform use is deceptively simple. It is so commonplace and ordinary, however, the questions it sparks are complex and are related to deeply held views of what is normal, traditional, and socially acceptable. Yet uniform use has real impacts on health and education, for better and for worse. This review shows that uniforms may be the right diagnosis for creating an equitable learning environment, providing cost-effective garments over a student’s learning career, and easing the psychological pressure of competitive dressing. However, this review shows the importance of getting the prescription right. The efficacy and effectiveness of uniforms as a vehicle for equitable access to education and good health depends on the right prescription for uniform policy and garment design that remove potential negative effects of poor garment design and policy.

A public health lens reveals that much school uniform garment design and use policy negatively affects the poor, girls, religious and ethnic minorities, and gender-diverse students. It is a sad irony that these are the very groups who could benefit most from the equitable access to education that uniform is supposed to facilitate. This review also shows how environmental hazards, health and safety concerns, and garment comfort are neglected for all uniform wearers. There is no natural reason why any of this should be so.

Fortunately, any negative educational and health impacts of school uniform garment design and policy are amenable to change. The clarity that this review provides about the evidence for uniform’s impact on health and education may provide a starting point to ensure uniform is as healthy and education-promoting as possible and to build on the advantages uniform offers. By examining evidence of how uniform and uniform policy impacts on students’ health and wellbeing, perhaps it will be easier to establish a common idea about school uniform’s purpose(s), with a view to improving wearer experience. If the educational and health impacts of uniform are clear it could be possible to improve wearer experience to ensure that garments are desirable, equitable, healthy, and safe [ 22 ], and that both policies and garments enable all students to learn and thrive in modern life.

Author Contributions

The author undertook this entire project.

Time spent on this research was funded from my ordinary teaching salary.

Conflict of Interest

The author declares that the research was conducted in the absence of any commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as a potential conflict of interest.

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Keywords: school uniform, public health, equity, health impacts, education impacts, human rights

Citation: Reidy J (2021) Reviewing School Uniform through a Public Health Lens: Evidence about the Impacts of School Uniform on Education and Health. Public Health Rev 42:1604212. doi: 10.3389/phrs.2021.1604212

Received: 22 April 2021; Accepted: 18 May 2021; Published: 16 June 2021.

Copyright © 2021 Reidy. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY). The use, distribution or reproduction in other forums is permitted, provided the original author(s) and the copyright owner(s) are credited and that the original publication in this journal is cited, in accordance with accepted academic practice. No use, distribution or reproduction is permitted which does not comply with these terms.

PHR is edited by the Swiss School of Public Health (SSPH+) in a partnership with the Association of Schools of Public Health of the European Region (ASPHER)+

*Correspondence: Johanna Reidy, [email protected]

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  1. The benefits of school uniform

    research about wearing school uniform

  2. Advantages and Disadvantages of Wearing School Uniform

    research about wearing school uniform

  3. School uniforms: What does the research tell us?

    research about wearing school uniform

  4. 💐 Why students have to wear uniforms. 6 reasons why it is important to

    research about wearing school uniform

  5. Why Student Should Wear Uniform

    research about wearing school uniform

  6. Benefits of Wearing School Uniform

    research about wearing school uniform


  1. First Day at School with Full school Uniform

  2. What is wearing school uniform?

  3. Application for not wearing school uniform

  4. Conversation between a teacher and a student on school dress school uniform of the students

  5. Importance of wearing school uniform


  1. Reviewing School Uniform through a Public Health Lens: Evidence about

    Research into school belonging did not find a significant association between school uniform and a sense of belonging to the school community . Instead, belonging is fostered by a supportive, respectful atmosphere and a sense of achieving. ... Wearing a school uniform provided a means for migrant children (and their families) to fit in .

  2. School uniforms: Do they really improve student achievement, behavior?

    Yeung, Ryan. Educational Policy, 2009, Vol. 23. doi: 10.1177/0895904808330170. Abstract: "One of the most common proposals put forth for reform of the American system of education is to require school uniforms. Proponents argue that uniforms can make schools safer and also improve school attendance and increase student achievement.

  3. Full article: Perceptions of School Uniforms in Relation to

    Across the nation, school uniform policies are becoming increasingly popular. Between the years 2000 and 2014, the number of schools that had a school uniform policy increased from 12 percent to 20 percent (Musu-Gillette, Zhang, Wang, Zhang, & Oudekerk, Citation 2017).Continuing research on school uniforms may be particularly important for students in the middle grades as young adolescents are ...

  4. School uniform debate: Pros & cons with the latest findings

    The students in this video discuss the pros and cons of school uniforms. A University of Nevada, Reno, survey of 1,848 middle school students, published in 2022, revealed that 90 percent did not like wearing a uniform to school. Only 30 percent believed the uniforms "might reduce discipline issues, a mere 17 percent thought the uniform helped ...

  5. The effectiveness of school uniforms on students' academic achievement

    Students from the previous year, who were not required to wear uniforms, were placed in the control group (n=55). Students, who were now required to wear uniforms, were placed in the experimental group (n=55). A t-test for independent samples was run on the data. No significant difference was found.

  6. School uniforms and student behavior: is there a link?

    Introduction. Mandatory school uniform policies were first put in place nearly 30 years ago (Brown, 1998), with increased implementation from the 1990s onward (Han, 2010).In the 1995-1996 school year, only 3% of public schools in the U.S. required uniforms, which increased to 20% in 2011-2012 (Mitchell, 1996; National Center for Education Statistics, 2013).

  7. School Uniforms and Student Behavior: Is There a Link?

    Whether or not schoolchildren exhibit better behavior in the context of wearing uniforms has been a long-standing area of debate in education. Nonetheless, there has been little empirical inquiry into the benefits or drawbacks of school uniform policies. ... 2011). In the limited research that does exist, there is some indication that uniforms ...

  8. School uniform policies linked to students getting less exercise, study

    The study analysed existing data on the physical activity levels of nearly 1.1 million young people aged five to 17 in 135 countries and combined this with newly collected data on how common the use of school uniforms is in these countries. In over 75% of the countries surveyed, a majority of schools required their students to wear uniforms.

  9. PDF School Uniforms

    wearing uniforms (School uniforms: Prevention or suppression?). In his 1998 State of the Union address, he mentioned the positive impact uniforms ... will make only lawful use of this research brief, and will only use these briefs in compliance with all federal, state and local laws and

  10. School uniforms: What does the research tell us?

    That was the one area in which uniform-wearing children reported significantly different outcomes, and it didn't favor uniforms. Kids who were required to wear school uniforms tended to feel less close to teachers and classmates. So — for these 6300 kids — school uniforms didn't seem deliver any substantial psychological benefits. And ...

  11. School Uniform and Uniformity

    In many countries wearing a school uniform, and control of appearance, is a taken-for-granted part of the school day, despite the lack of evidence that it contributes to learning, supposedly the main purpose of schooling. ... American Educational Research Journal Summer, 40(2), 353-393. Article Google Scholar

  12. Student perceptions of school uniforms: a comparative study of students

    Student perceptions of school uniforms: a comparative study of ... with resistance despite research suggesting that a uniform policy can be a useful tool in improving a school‟s behavioral climate. The attitudes and perceptions held by students ... mainly to keep the children from wearing items that might be considered

  13. School Uniforms, Academic Achievement, and Uses of Research

    Key words: academic achievement, academic research, school uniforms Discourse on school uniforms addresses a range of issues surrounding education and the lives of students ... Every pupil in the school will be required to wear a uniform" (Mishoe, 1970, p. 1). A 1916 report by the Winthrop Board of Trustees reiter

  14. PDF Author: Reyzer, Aimee L. The Impact of School Uniforms on Student

    Other students wear extreme clothing to show status, or that they belong to a gang or clique of students. Han (2004) stated that uniform policies were enacted as ... Research is needed in order to determine whether or not data supports advocates for school uniforms. If the research shows that the literature does not support that uniforms have a ...

  15. School uniforms that hurt: an Australian perspective on gendered

    The research that exists on school uniforms considers uniforms primarily as either a tool for improving discipline (Chacko, 2019) and academic performance- or as a physical restriction on bodies (McCarthy et al., 2019), usually focused on compulsory skirt and dress-wearing for females as 'ritualized girling' (Happel, 2013, p. 94). Girls ...

  16. The Pros and Cons of School Uniforms for Students

    Student Safety. Some people think that school uniforms can help make schools safer for kids. When Long Beach, CA, required all students in grades K-8 to wear uniforms, reports of assault and battery decreased by 34%. Additionally, assault with a deadly weapon decreased by 50%, fighting incidents declined 51%, and sex offenses dropped by 74%.

  17. School uniform study: College of Education researchers conduct study on

    Student opinions, discipline referrals and school police data studied

  18. School Uniforms Pros and Cons

    Research by the Schoolwear Association found that 83% of teachers thought "a good school uniform… could prevent bullying based on appearance or economic background." ... Wearing uniforms also enhances school pride, unity, and community spirit, which can boost interest in education. A study of over 1,000 Texas middle school students found ...

  19. SSPH+

    Nonetheless, it appears that uniform may contribute to an environment that fosters academic achievement. Baumann and Kriskova [] examined information from the PISA study on student experience of discipline within the classroom environment (listening, noise level, quietening/settling, schoolwork, starting work).This study involved a very large sample of students from across the globe.

  20. The School Uniform Policy from the Students' Perspective: Basis for

    This quantitative research delved on knowing the students' perspective on the school's uniform policy in order to provide basis for policy improvement. A total of 355 students of Narra National ...

  21. Fast Facts: School uniforms (50)

    In the 2019-20 school year, 18.8 percent of public schools required that students wear uniforms. There were no measurable differences between 2009-10 and 2019-20 in the percentage of public schools that reported requiring school uniforms. During the 2019-20 school year, greater percentages of elementary schools and middle schools than ...

  22. The Benefits of Schools Uniforms and Why Schools Have Them

    13 Advantages to Wearing School Uniforms. Put these 13 factors together and it's easy to see why school uniforms are important to creating a team of united students and staff. 1. Create cohesion. When students all wear the same clothing every day at school, it levels out the playing field.

  23. A research study of school uniforms on academic achievement, attendance

    Gonnella, Jennifer, "A research study of school uniforms on academic achievement, attendance, and behavior referrals in third, fourth, fifth, and sixth grade students" (2003). Theses and Dissertations. 1311. ... case, the Iowa School District sent three students home from school for wearing black armbands in protest of the Vietnam War. At a ...