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How To Start A Paragraph: 200+ Important Words And Phrases

by Kerri-Anne Edinburgh | Last updated Nov 29, 2022 | First published on Aug 3, 2022 | 0 comments

There’s a lot to get right when you’re writing an essay. And a particularly important skill is knowing how to start a paragraph effectively. That first sentence counts!

Luckily for you, we’ve compiled HEAPS of advice, example phrases and top connective words to help you transition between paragraphs and guide your reader with ease.

So read on for a pick ’n’ mix of how to start a paragraph examples!

Paragraphs: the lowdown

So why exactly are paragraphs such an important tool for writing effectively ? Well:

  • They’re an important part of keeping your reader captivated
  • They help your reader to follow your argument or narrative
  • And they keep your writing in easily digestible chunks of information!

And an important part of all that is nailing the start of your paragraphs . Honestly!

Start off strong and your reader will know exactly what you’re going to do next and how your information interrelates. Top marks here you come – and for the low, low cost of some clever vocab!

Start your paragraphs off weakly however, without setting up effective signposting and transitions , and they’ll get lost and ( horror !) might have to re-read your essay to make sense of it. Ugh.

how to write a paragraph

What should your paragraphs contain?

If you’re writing an academic essay, there are a lot of popular conventions and guides about what a paragraph should include.

Academic writing guides favour well-developed paragraphs that are unified, coherent, contain a topic sentence, and provide adequate development of your idea. They should be long enough to fully discuss and analyse your idea and evidence.

And remember – you should ALWAYS start a new paragraph for each new idea or point .

You can read more about paragraph break guidelines in our helpful what is a paragraph article! If you’re wondering how long your paragraphs should be , check out our guideline article.

Paragraph structure (the PEEL method)

Academic paragraphs often follow a common structure , designed to guide your reader through your argument – although not all the time ! It goes like this:

  • Start with a “topic sentence”
  • Give 1-2 sentences of supporting evidence for (or against) your argument
  • Next, write a sentence analysing this evidence with respect to your argument or topic sentence
  • Finally, conclude by explaining the significance of this stance, or providing a transition to the next paragraph

(A quick definition: A “topic sentence” introduces the idea your paragraph will focus upon and makes summarising easy. It can occur anywhere but placing it at the start increases readability for your audience. )

One popular acronym for creating well-developed academic paragraphs is PEEL . This stands for Point, Evidence, Explanation, Link . Using this method makes it easy to remember what your paragraph should include.

  • I.e. your point (the topic sentence), some evidence and analysis of how it supports your point, and a transitional link back to your essay question or forwards to your next paragraph.

NOTE : You shouldn’t start all your paragraphs the same way OR start every sentence in your paragraph with the same word – it’s distracting and won’t earn you good marks from your reader.

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phrases to start paragraphs in essays

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How to create clarity for your readers

Paragraphs are awesome tools for increasing clarity and readability in your writing. They provide visual markers for our eyes and box written content into easily digestible chunks.

But you still need to start them off strongly . Do this job well, and you can seamlessly guide your readers through the narrative or argument of your writing.

The first sentence of your paragraph is an important tool for creating that clarity . You can create links with the surrounding paragraphs and signal the purpose of this paragraph for your reader.

  • Transitions show the links and relationships between the ideas you’re presenting: addition, contrast, sequential, conclusion, emphasis, example/citation
  • Connective words help you to join together multiple paragraphs in a sequence
  • Note: there is quite a lot of overlap in vocabulary! Some transitions are also great signposts etc.

Tip : Don’t overuse them! These techniques can make your writing sounds more professional and less like spoken language by smoothing over jarring jumps between topics. But using too many will make your writing stilted.

A common term that encompasses these three tools is “ sentence starter ”. They are typically set apart from the body of your sentence by a comma.

You can learn more about these key skills in our two helpful articles linked above – or explore a range of other writing skills advice, such as how to start an essay , structure an essay , and proofread an essay effectively!

Picking the right tone

It is important that the paragraph-starting phrases and connective words you choose complement the style of your writing and the conventions of the subject you are writing for .

For example, scientific papers usually have much clearer and expected structure and signposting conventions than arts and humanities papers.

If you’re unsure, it’s best to check some of the sources you’ve researched for your essay, explore the relevant academic style guide, or get help from a teacher – ask them for some examples!

Getting your grammar right

Grammatical conventions can be a minefield, but they’re worth remembering if you want to get top marks!

If you’re looking to increase the clarity of your writing and paragraphs, make sure you pick the right spot for your commas and colons .

For example, when you’re starting a new paragraph, many of the common signposting words and phrases require a comma. These include: however, therefore, moreover, what’s more, firstly, secondly, finally, likewise, for example, in general … (and more!).

These phrases should always be followed by a comma if it’s at the start of a sentence, or separated with a comma before and after like this if placed mid-sentence:

However, we cannot say for sure what happened here. We know, for example, that X claims to have lost the icon.

A word about “ this ” (a tip for really great writing)

As you start writing your paragraphs (and even sentences), you might be tempted to kick off with the word “ this” – as in the classic “ this shows that … ”.

But that’s not a great idea.

Why ? Academic essays aim should aim for maximum clarity, and “ this ” is just vague !

What’s important is that the connections that are clear to you , the writer (who is – hopefully – intimately familiar with your argument), are ALSO clear to your reader , who has probably never read your essay before.

Just imagine, your reader might be muttering “this what??” as they read, and then having to re-read the paragraph and the paragraph before to check … which is not ideal for getting good marks.

In complex documents (especially essays and theses) where a lot of information is presented at once, the points you’re referencing might be spread across several paragraphs of evidence and argument-building. So, unless your sentence/paragraph-starting “this” follows on immediately from the point it references, it’s best to try a different phrase.

And all it really takes is a little signposting and clarification to avoid the vagueness of “ this shows that ”. Ask yourself “ this WHAT shows that? ” And just point out what you’re referencing – and be obvious ! 

Here’s some examples:

phrases to start paragraphs in essays

You can also do a similar exercise with “ they ” and other demonstrative pronouns (that, these, those).

Specifying what your pronouns refer to will great help to increase the clarity of your (topic) sentences . And as an added bonus, your writing will also sound more sophisticated!

What type of paragraph are you starting?

When it comes to essay writing, there’s usually an expected structure: introduction, body (evidence and analysis) and conclusion .

With other genres of writing your paragraphs might not conform to such

Consider the structure of your paragraph. What do you want it to do? What is the topic? Do you want to open with your topic sentence?

How to start an introductory paragraph

Nailing the introduction of your essay is simultaneously one of the most important and hardest sections to write . A great introduction should set up your topic and explain why it’s significant.

One of the primary goals of an effective introduction is to clearly state your “ thesis statement ” (what your essay is about, and what you are setting out to achieve with your argument).

A popular (and easy) technique to start an introduction is to begin your first paragraph by immediately stating your thesis statement .

Here’s some examples of how to start a paragraph with your thesis statement:

  • This paper discusses …
  • In this paper, you will find …
  • This essay argues that …
  • This thesis will evaluate …
  • This article will explore the complex socio-political factors that contributed to the decline of the Roman Empire between the reign of Constantine (312-337AD) and the fall of Rome in 476AD .

However, starting your introductory paragraph effectively is not all about immediately stating your thesis!

So head over to our great article on how to start an essay , for lots of more advice and examples on how to kick off your introductions and capture your reader’s attention with style!

how long is a paragraph

How to start a body paragraph

Unless you’re writing an introduction or conclusion, you’ll be writing a “body paragraph”. Body paragraphs make up the majority of your essay, and should include all of your main points, data, evidence, analysis, deductions and arguments.

Each paragraph should have a particular purpose and be centred around one idea . Your body paragraphs might be analytical, evidential, persuasive, descriptive etc.

To help your reader make sense of the body of your essay, it’s important to guide them with signposts and transitions. These usually occur at the start of your paragraphs to demonstrate their relationship to preceding information.

However, that means there are LOTS of different techniques for starting your body paragraphs! So for 200+ words and phrases for effectively starting a body paragraph, simply keep reading!

How to start a concluding paragraph

Concluding paragraphs are a little different to other paragraphs because they shouldn’t be presenting new evidence or arguments . Instead, you’re aiming to draw your arguments together neatly, and tie up loose ends.

You might find them as part of a smaller sub-section within a longer academic dissertation or thesis. Or as part of the conclusion of your essay.

When starting your conclusion it’s always a great idea to let your reader know they’ve arrived by signposting its purpose . This is especially true if your essay doesn’t contain any headers!

Here are some examples of how to kick off your concluding paragraph:

  • In conclusion, this paper has shown that …
  • In summary, we have found that …
  • A review of these analyses indicates that …
  • To conclude, this essay has demonstrated that we must act immediately if we want to halt the drastic dwindling of our global bee population.

How to start a paragraph: 200+ top words and phrases for a winning first sentence

Choosing the best start for your paragraph is all about understanding the purpose of this paragraph within the wider context of the preceding (and following) paragraphs and your essay as a whole.

Where does it fit into the structure of your essay? Is it:

  • Opening a new topic or theme?
  • Providing explanations or descriptions?
  • Continuing a list or sequence?
  • Providing evidence?
  • Presenting a different opinion or counter-argument?
  • Beginning an analysis?
  • Highlighting consequences?
  • Drawing a conclusion?

It’s important to be direct in how you start each paragraph – especially if you’re struggling to get your point across!

The best way to craft a killer first sentence is to be clear on what you want it to do . We’ve covered 12 options below, packed with vocab and examples to get you started …

And don’t forget to consider when you should start a new paragraph , and how long you want your paragraphs to be . Where you place your paragraph breaks will have a big effect on the kind of starting sentence you need !

Finally – remember that the best time to craft effective opening sentences is after you’ve written your first draft and decided on your paragraph breaks! You should already have all your ideas arranged into a logical order.

Showing structure and presenting concepts

This first type of paragraphs are commonly found throughout your essay, whether you’re introducing your ideas, providing evidence and data, or presenting results.

There a lots of useful types of connective words and phrases to help you kick off your paragraphs with clarity:

how to start a paragraph

Most notable are the sequential signposting words , which you can use throughout your essay to guide your reader through the steps of your argument, or a list of related evidence, for example.

If you’re looking for something a little more specific, read on for four sets of example academic phrases to use to start a paragraph!

1.       Starting or continuing a sequence

One of the most important types of transitional phrases to help you start a paragraph is a sequential transition . These signposting transitions are great for academic arguments because they help you to present your points in order, without the reader getting lost along the way.

Sequential connectives and transitions create order within your narrative by highlighting the temporal relationship between your paragraphs. Think lists of events or evidence , or setting out the steps in your narrative .

You’ll often find them in combination with other paragraph-starting phrases ( have a look at the examples below to spot them !)

Why not try out some of these examples to help guide the readers of your essay?

  • Before considering X, it is important to note that …
  • Following on from Y, we should also consider …
  • The first notion to discuss is …
  • The next point to consider is …
  • Thirdly, we know that Y is also an important feature of …
  • As outlined in the previous paragraph, the next steps are to …
  • Having considered X, it is also necessary to explore Y …

2.       Providing evidence, examples or citations

Once you’ve made your claims or set out your ideas, it’s important to properly back them up. You’ll probably need to give evidence, quote experts and provide references throughout your essay .

If you’ve got more than one piece of evidence, it’s best to separate them out into individual paragraphs . Sequential signposting can be a helpful tool to help you and your reader keep track of your examples.

If your paragraph is all about giving evidence for a preceding statement, why not start with one of these phrases:

  • For example, X often …
  • This stance is clearly illustrated by …
  • Consider the example of Y, which …
  • This concept is well supported by …

If you want to quote or paraphrase a source or expert, a great way to start your paragraph is by introducing their views. You can also use phrases like these to help you clearly show their role in your essay:

  • [Author], in particular, has argued that …
  • According to [source], Y is heavily influenced by …
  • [Source] for example, demonstrates the validity of this assertion by …
  • This [counter-] argument is supported by evidence from X, which shows that …

Always remember to provide references for your sources in the manner most appropriate for your field ( i.e. footnotes, and author-date methods ).

3.       Giving emphasis to your point

Not all points and paragraphs in an essay are made equal. It’s natural you’ll want to highlight ideas and evidence for your reader to make sure they’re persuaded by your argument !

So, if you want to give emphasis to what you’re about to discuss, be obvious ! In fact, you may need to be more direct than you think:

  • This detail is significant because …
  • Undoubtedly, this experience was …
  • Certainly, there are ramifications for …
  • The last chapters, in particular, are revealing of X …

4.       Acknowledging uncertainty

In academia it’s common to find a little uncertainty in your evidence or results, or within the knowledge of your field . That’s true whether you’re a historian exploring artefacts from Ancient Greece, or a social scientist whose questionnaire results haven’t produced a clear answer.

Don’t hide from this uncertainty – it’s a great way to point ahead to future research that needs to be done. In fact, you might be doing it in your essay!

Why not try one of these examples to highlight the gaps in your academic field or experiment?

  • Whether X is actually the case remains a matter of debate, as current explorations cannot …
  • Although not proven, it is commonly understood that X …
  • Whilst the likelihood of X is debateable …
  • Given the age of the artifacts, it is impossible to say with accuracy whether Y …
  • Although we cannot know for sure, the findings above suggest that …
  • Untangling the causes of X is a complex matter and it is impossible to say for sure whether …

Showing the relationships between your points

As your essay progresses you will need to guide your reader through a succession of points, ideas and arguments by creating a narrative for them to follow. And important part of this task is the use of signposting to demonstrate the relationship between your paragraphs . Do they support each other? Do they present opposite sides of a debate?

Luckily there are lots of agreement , opposition and contextual connectives to help you increase your clarity:

how to start a paragraph

Read on for four more sets of example academic phrases to help you present your ideas!

5.       Making a new point

If there’s no connection between your new paragraph and the preceding material, you’re probably starting a new topic, point or idea.

That means it’s less likely ( although not impossible ) that you’ll need transitional phrases . However, it’s still important to signpost the purpose and position of this new paragraph clearly for your reader.

  • We know that X …
  • This section of the essay discusses …
  • We should now turn to an exploration of Y …
  • We should begin with an overview of the situation for X …
  • Before exploring the two sides of the debate, it is important to consider …

You can find some great ideas and examples for starting a new topic in our how to start an essay article. Whilst they’re definitely applicable to introductions, these strategies can also work well for kicking off any new idea!

6.       Presenting accepted concepts

If you’re aiming to take a new stance or question an accepted understanding with your essay, a great way to start a paragraph is by clearly setting out the concepts you want to challenge .

These phrases are also an effective way to establish the context of your essay within your field:

  • It is commonly believed that …
  • The accepted interpretation of X is …
  • Until recently, it was thought that …
  • Historically, X has been treated as a case of …
  • Over the past two decades, scholars have approached X as an example of …
  • The most common interpretation of Y is …

7.       Adding similar points

Agreement connectives are an important tool in your arsenal for clearly indicating the continuation or positive relationship between similar ideas or evidence you’re presenting.

If you’re looking to continue your essay with a similar point, why not try one of these examples:

  • Another aspect of X is …
  • Another important point is …
  • By the same token, Y should be explored with equal retrospection for …
  • Moreover, an equally significant factor of X is …
  • We should also consider …
  • Proponents of Y frequently also suggested that …

8.       Demonstrating contrast

In contrast, if you’re looking to present a counter-argument, opposite side of a debate, or critique of the ideas, evidence or results in your preceding paragraph(s), you’ll need to turn to contradiction and opposition connectives.

These phrases will help you to clearly link your paragraphs whilst setting them in contrast within your narrative:

  • A contrary explanation is that …
  • On the other side of this debate,  X suggests that …
  • Given this understanding of X, it is surprising that Y …
  • On the other hand, critics of X point to …
  • Despite these criticisms, proponents of X continue to …
  • Whilst the discussion in the previous paragraph suggests X to be true, it fails to take into consideration Y …

Note : some paragraph-opening sentences can be modified using connective words to show either agreement or contrast! Here are some examples:

  • It could also be said that X does [not] …
  • It is [also] important to note that X … OR It is important, however, to note that X …
  • There is [also/however], a further point to be considered …

Presenting analyses, arguments and results

An important stage of any essay is the analysis – that’s when you bring your own arguments to the table, based on your data and results.

Signalling this clearly, therefore, is pretty important! Happily, there are plenty of connective words and phrases that can help you out:

paragraph starters

Read on for four sets of example academic phrases to use to start your analysis, results and summary paragraphs!

9.       Conducting an analysis and constructing your argument

Once you’ve set out your evidence or data, it’s time to point out the connections within them. Or to analyse how they support the argument you want to make.

With humanities essays it is common to analyse the impact of your evidence as you present it. In contrast, sciences essays often contain a dedicated analysis section after the data has been presented.

You’ll probably need several analytical paragraphs to address each of your points. So, a great way to get started is to dive straight in by signposting the connections you want to make in each one:

  • Each of these arguments make an important contribution to X because …
  • In order to fully understand Y, we need to analyse the findings from …
  • Each model of X and Y changed throughout the experiment because …
  • Exploring this dataset reveals that, in fact, X is not as common as hypothesised …
  • Notwithstanding such limitations, this data still shows that …
  • Of central concern to Y, therefore, is the evidence that …
  • This interpretation of X is …
  • This critique implies that …
  • This approach is similar to that of Y, who, as we have seen above, argues that …
  • The resulting graphs suggest that …
  • Whilst conducting the survey, it was discovered that …

10.   Presenting results

Having completed your analyses of any evidence (and hopefully persuaded your reader of your argument), you may need to present your results. This is especially relevant for essays that examine a specific dataset after a survey or experiment .

If you want to signpost this section of your essay clearly, start your paragraph with a phrase like these:

  • The arguments presented above show that …
  • In this last analysis, we can see that X has shown …
  • As we have seen, the data gathered demonstrates that …
  • As demonstrated above, our understanding of X primarily stems from …

11.   Demonstrating cause and effect

When writing an academic essay you may often need to demonstrate the cause and effect relationship between your evidence or data, and your theories or results . Choosing the right connective phrases can be important for showing this relationship clearly to your reader.

Try one of these phrases to start your paragraph to clearly explain the consequences:

  • As a consequence, X cannot be said to …
  • Therefore, we can posit that …
  • Provided that X is indeed true, it has been shown that Y …
  • As such, it is necessary to note that …
  • For this reason, the decision was made to …
  • The evidence show that the primary cause of X was …
  • As a result of Y, it was found that …

12.   Summarising a topic or analysis

In general, summary paragraphs should not present any new evidence or arguments. Instead, they act as a reminder of the path your essay has taken so far.

Of course, these concluding paragraphs commonly occur at the end of an essay as part of your conclusion. However, they are also used to draw one point or stage of your argument to a close before the next begins .

Within a larger essay or dissertation, these interludes can be useful reminders for your reader as you transition between providing context, giving evidence, suggesting new approaches etc.

It’s worth noting that concluding your topic or analysis isn’t always the same as presenting results, although there can be some similarities in vocabulary.

Connect your arguments into summaries with clear linking phrases such as:

  • Altogether, these arguments demonstrate that …
  • Each of these arguments make an important contribution to our understanding of X …
  • From this overview of X and Y, we can conclude that …
  • We can therefore see that …
  • It was hypothesised that X, however, as we have seen …
  • Therefore, we can [clearly] see that …

Time to get writing your paragraphs!

And that’s it! You should now have a much-improved understanding of how to start a paragraph.

Whether you we’re worried about how to start your introductions or conclusions, or were wondering about specific types of body paragraphs, hopefully you’ve found what you need in the examples above .

If you need more writing advice to help you nail top marks for your essay, we’ve got a whole series of articles designed to improve your writing skills – perfect ! Have a read for top tips to for capturing easy marks 😊

You can learn:

  • how to create effective paragraphs
  • about the ideal length(s) for your paragraphs
  • how to start an essay AND how to structure an essay
  • the 70+ top connective words and phrases to improve your writing
  • how to signpost your essay for top marks
  • about improving clarity with easy proofreading tricks

Good luck completing your essay!

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54 Best Transition Words for Paragraphs

54 Best Transition Words for Paragraphs

Chris Drew (PhD)

Dr. Chris Drew is the founder of the Helpful Professor. He holds a PhD in education and has published over 20 articles in scholarly journals. He is the former editor of the Journal of Learning Development in Higher Education. [Image Descriptor: Photo of Chris]

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transition words for paragraphs

Good transition words for starting a paragraph include addition phrases like ‘furthermore’, cause and effect words like ‘consequently’, and contradiction words like ‘however’. Scroll down for a full table of transition words.

Using transition words in your writing can help you improve the readability and flow of your paragraph to the next.

These words help your text flow seamlessly into the next idea, which shows your readers the relationship between paragraphs and phrases.

List of Transition Words for Starting a Paragraph

Transition words can fall into more than one category based on what type of transition in your paragraph you’re planning to make.

For example, you’d want a different transition word if your second paragraph contradicts your first than if it supports it. Take the following examples:

Second body paragraph statement in the first body paragraphFurthermore, What’s more, Similarly, Supporting evidence finds, Likewise.
Second body paragraph statement in the first body paragraphHowever, Nevertheless, Contradictory evidence finds, Despite the above points.

Here is a list of transition words and what category they fall under.

  • Addition – A transition that combines two or more ideas and shows their relationship. Examples include, what’s more, equally important, again, also, and, furthermore, moreover, besides .
  • Cause and Effect – When one idea triggers another. This lets the reader know that they are directly connected. Examples include, consequently, hence, therefore, thus, next, as a result .
  • Clarification – This is to rephrase what was said to clarify a statement and provide emphasis. Examples include, in other words, that is to say, to clarify.
  • Compare and Contrast – This shows a relationship between two ideas that are compared based on differences or similarities. Examples are, after all, although this may be true, in contrast, likewise, on the contrary, similarly, whereas, yet.
  • Emphasis (Boosting) – This shows certainty. Examples include, emphatically, in fact, surprisingly, undeniably, in any case, indeed, never, without a doubt.
  • Providing examples : For example, for instance, as illustrated by, take the following case in point.
  • Exception or Contradiction – This happens when an action with a pre-conceived notion ends with a different action. Examples are, however, nevertheless, in spite of, of course, once in a while, despite.
  • Summarize or conclude – This signals the reader that they are at the end of the paragraph. Examples are, as this essay has shown, as a result, In conclusion, therefore, thus, hence, in short, in brief.
  • Sequential – This expresses a numerical sequence, conclusion, continuation, resumption, or summation. Examples are to change the topic, to conclude with, afterward, incidentally, by the way, initially.

List of Transition Words for New Paragraphs

Emphatically, In fact, Surprisingly, Undeniably, Without a doubt, Indeed, Of course, Surely, Undoubtedly, Without a doubt.
Furthermore, Moreover, Supporting the above points, Similar research has found, In fact ( ).
To demonstrate, Evidence of this fact can be seen in, Proof of this point is found in, For instance, Compelling evidence shows, For a case in point, In fact, Notably, One study found, Supporting evidence shows. ( ).
Consequently, Hence, Therefore, Thus, As a result, accordingly, The consequence is.
In other words, That is to say, To clarify, For example, More evidence can be found, Furthermore.
However, However, Conversely, Despite this, In spite of the above statements, Nonetheless, Nevertheless, A contradictory argument, Regardless.
As this essay has shown, In conclusion, To summarize, The balance of evidence finds, The research compellingly indicates
Firstly, Secondly, Thirdly, Subsequently, Next, Afterwards, Later, Consequently.

Transition Words to Avoid

I recommend avoiding the following transition words:

Your teacher may write: “If you mentioned this before, why are you saying it again?”
This is a cliché transition word for beginning conclusion paragraphs. Instead, try using the callback method discussed in my .
Too colloquial. Try using more formal language such as: “The weight of evidence finds…”
Many teachers don’t like first person language in essays. Use third person language and back claims up with academic research rather than personal opinion (except if it’s a reflective piece).
Teachers like to pick at you if you talk in generalizations. Instead, hedge your statements by saying “Sometimes”, “Often”, or “The majority of” and back this up with references.

Examples in Sentences

The best way to understand transition words is to provide examples. Let’s look at this sentence:

“Amy did not study for her test. Therefore, she did not get a good result.”

When you see the word ‘therefore,’ the reader knows that this is a cause and effect. What happened in the first sentence caused a resulting action.

The transition word provided a seamless flow into the next sentence that describes this effect.

Using the transitional word, ‘therefore,’ shows that the two sentences are part of one idea/process. Even with skimming, the reader can guess what’s the resulting action. This is how transition words hold your ideas together. Without them, it’s like your piece is just a jumble of coherent words.

Transition words don’t have to be placed at the start of a sentence. Let’s look at this sentence:

“Many people came to the event. Cristine, Emily, and David, for instance.”

In this sentence, ‘for instance’ is at the end of the sentence. However, it still gives the reader the necessary information to see how the two sentences are linked.

What are Transition Words?

Transition words for beginning paragraphs help writers to introduce a shift, opposition, contrast, agreement, emphasis, purpose, result, or conclusion from what was previously written. They are essential in argumentative essays.

Transition words are like bridges between the different paragraphs in your pieces. They serve as the cues that help your reader understand your ideas. They carry your ideas from one sentence to the next and one paragraph to the next.

Transitional words and phrases link an idea from a sentence to the following paragraph, so your work is read smoothly without abrupt jumps or sudden breaks between concepts.

Why use Transition Words

Proper communication of your ideas through paragraphs is important in writing. In order for your reader to read your piece with a thorough understanding of each idea and point conveyed in the piece, you have to use transition words and phrases.

With the examples provided, you would see that transitions string together your ideas by establishing a clear connection between the sentences and paragraphs.

Without transition words, your work may seem daunting and stressful to read, and the reader will not understand the idea you’re trying to convey.

Transitional phrases are especially important when writing an essay or thesis statement , as each paragraph has to connect ideas effortlessly.

Therefore, when a paragraph ends, the next idea must have some link to the previous one, which is why transition words play an important role.

Where Else to use Transition Words in an Essay

Transition words are important English devices for essays and papers. They enhance the transitions and connections between the sentences and paragraphs, giving your essay a flowing structure and logical thought.

Transition terms may seem easy to remember; however, placing them in the incorrect manner can cause your essay to fall flat.

Here are some places where essays transition words may fit:

  • To show a connection between evidence and the ending
  • To flow into the next paragraph, use your closing statement at the conclusion of each one
  • At the start of the first body paragraph
  • At the start of the second body paragraph
  • In some of the starting sections of your summary or introductory paragraphs
  • In an overview of your opinions/solutions in the conclusion

When adding your transition words and phrases in your essay, make sure not to accidentally form an incomplete or fragmented sentence. This is common with transitions, such as, if, although, and since .

While transition words are important in any writing piece, you have to make sure that the word or phrase you choose matches the logic of the paragraph or point you’re making. Use these words and phrases in moderation, as too much of them can also heavily bring the quality of your work down.


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Transition Words & Phrases | List & Examples

Published on May 29, 2020 by Jack Caulfield . Revised on August 23, 2023.

Transition words and phrases (also called linking words, connecting words, or transitional words) are used to link together different ideas in your text. They help the reader to follow your arguments by expressing the relationships between different sentences or parts of a sentence.

The proposed solution to the problem did not work. Therefore , we attempted a second solution. However , this solution was also unsuccessful.

For clear writing, it’s essential to understand the meaning of transition words and use them correctly.

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Table of contents

When and how to use transition words, types and examples of transition words, common mistakes with transition words, other interesting articles.

Transition words commonly appear at the start of a new sentence or clause (followed by a comma ), serving to express how this clause relates to the previous one.

Transition words can also appear in the middle of a clause. It’s important to place them correctly to convey the meaning you intend.

Example text with and without transition words

The text below describes all the events it needs to, but it does not use any transition words to connect them. Because of this, it’s not clear exactly how these different events are related or what point the author is making by telling us about them.

If we add some transition words at appropriate moments, the text reads more smoothly and the relationship among the events described becomes clearer.

Germany invaded Poland on September 1, 1939. Consequently , France and the United Kingdom declared war on Germany. The Soviet Union initially worked with Germany in order to partition Poland. However , Germany invaded the Soviet Union in 1941.

Don’t overuse transition words

While transition words are essential to clear writing, it’s possible to use too many of them. Consider the following example, in which the overuse of linking words slows down the text and makes it feel repetitive.

In this case the best way to fix the problem is to simplify the text so that fewer linking words are needed.

The key to using transition words effectively is striking the right balance. It is difficult to follow the logic of a text with no transition words, but a text where every sentence begins with a transition word can feel over-explained.

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There are four main types of transition word: additive, adversative, causal, and sequential. Within each category, words are divided into several more specific functions.

Remember that transition words with similar meanings are not necessarily interchangeable. It’s important to understand the meaning of all the transition words you use. If unsure, consult a dictionary to find the precise definition.

Additive transition words

Additive transition words introduce new information or examples. They can be used to expand upon, compare with, or clarify the preceding text.

Function Example sentence Transition words and phrases
Addition We found that the mixture was effective. , it appeared to have additional effects we had not predicted. indeed, furthermore, moreover, additionally, and, also, both and , not only but also , , in fact
Introduction Several researchers have previously explored this topic. , Smith (2014) examined the effects of … such as, like, particularly, including, as an illustration, for example, for instance, in particular, to illustrate, especially, notably
Reference The solution showed a high degree of absorption. , it is reasonable to conclude that … considering , regarding , in regard to , as for , concerning , the fact that , on the subject of
Similarity It was not possible to establish a correlation between these variables. , the connection between and remains unclear … similarly, in the same way, by the same token, in like manner, equally, likewise
Clarification The patient suffered several side effects, increased appetite, decreased libido, and disordered sleep. that is (to say), namely, specifically, more precisely, in other words

Adversative transition words

Adversative transition words always signal a contrast of some kind. They can be used to introduce information that disagrees or contrasts with the preceding text.

Function Example sentence Transition words and phrases
Conflict The novel does deal with the theme of family. , its central theme is more broadly political … but, however, although, though, equally, by way of contrast, while, on the other hand, (and) yet, whereas, in contrast, (when) in fact, conversely, whereas
Concession Jones (2011) argues that the novel reflects Russian politics of the time. this is correct, other aspects of the text must also be considered. even so, nonetheless, nevertheless, even though, on the other hand, admittedly, despite , notwithstanding , (and) still, although, , regardless (of ), (and) yet, though, granted
Dismissal It remains unclear which of these hypotheses is correct. , it can be inferred that … regardless, either way, whatever the case, in any/either event, in any/either case, at any rate, all the same
Emphasis The chemical is generally thought to have corrosive properties. , several studies have supported this hypothesis. above all, indeed, more/most importantly
Replacement The character of Godfrey is often viewed as selfish, self-absorbed. (or) at least, (or) rather, instead, or (perhaps) even, if not

Causal transition words

Causal transition words are used to describe cause and effect. They can be used to express purpose, consequence, and condition.

Function Example sentence Transition words and phrases
Consequence Hitler failed to respond to the British ultimatum, France and the UK declared war on Germany. therefore, because (of ), as a result (of ), for this reason, in view of , as, owing to x, due to (the fact that), since, consequently, in consequence, as a consequence, hence, thus, so (that), accordingly, so much (so) that, under the/such circumstances, if so
Condition We qualified survey responses as positive the participant selected “agree” or “strongly agree.” , results were recorded as negative. (even/only) if/when, on (the) condition that, in the case that, granted (that), provided/providing that, in case, in the event that, as/so long as, unless, given that, being that, inasmuch/insofar as, in that case, in (all) other cases, if so/not, otherwise
Purpose We used accurate recording equipment our results would be as precise as possible. to, in order to/that, for the purpose of, in the hope that, so that, to the end that, lest, with this in mind, so as to, so that, to ensure (that)

Sequential transition words

Sequential transition words indicate a sequence, whether it’s the order in which events occurred chronologically or the order you’re presenting them in your text. They can be used for signposting in academic texts.

Function Example sentence Transition words and phrases
Enumeration This has historically had several consequences: , the conflict is not given the weight of other conflicts in historical narratives. , its causes are inadequately understood. , … first, second, third…
Initiation , I want to consider the role played by women in this period. in the first place, initially, first of all, to begin with, at first
Continuation , I discuss the way in which the country’s various ethnic minorities were affected by the conflict. subsequently, previously, eventually, next, before , afterwards, after , then
Conclusion , I consider these two themes in combination. to conclude (with), as a final point, eventually, at last, last but not least, finally, lastly
Resumption my main argument, it is clear that … to return/returning to , to resume, at any rate
Summation Patel (2015) comes to a similar conclusion. , the four studies considered here suggest a consensus that the solution is effective. as previously stated/mentioned, in summary, as I have argued, overall, as has been mentioned, to summarize, briefly, given these points, in view of , as has been noted, in conclusion, in sum, altogether, in short

Transition words are often used incorrectly. Make sure you understand the proper usage of transition words and phrases, and remember that words with similar meanings don’t necessarily work the same way grammatically.

Misused transition words can make your writing unclear or illogical. Your audience will be easily lost if you misrepresent the connections between your sentences and ideas.

Confused use of therefore

“Therefore” and similar cause-and-effect words are used to state that something is the result of, or follows logically from, the previous. Make sure not to use these words in a way that implies illogical connections.

  • We asked participants to rate their satisfaction with their work from 1 to 10. Therefore , the average satisfaction among participants was 7.5.

The use of “therefore” in this example is illogical: it suggests that the result of 7.5 follows logically from the question being asked, when in fact many other results were possible. To fix this, we simply remove the word “therefore.”

  • We asked participants to rate their satisfaction with their work from 1 to 10. The average satisfaction among participants was 7.5.

Starting a sentence with also , and , or so

While the words “also,” “and,” and “so” are used in academic writing, they are considered too informal when used at the start of a sentence.

  • Also , a second round of testing was carried out.

To fix this issue, we can either move the transition word to a different point in the sentence or use a more formal alternative.

  • A second round of testing was also carried out.
  • Additionally , a second round of testing was carried out.

Transition words creating sentence fragments

Words like “although” and “because” are called subordinating conjunctions . This means that they introduce clauses which cannot stand on their own. A clause introduced by one of these words should always follow or be followed by another clause in the same sentence.

The second sentence in this example is a fragment, because it consists only of the “although” clause.

  • Smith (2015) argues that the period should be reassessed. Although other researchers disagree.

We can fix this in two different ways. One option is to combine the two sentences into one using a comma. The other option is to use a different transition word that does not create this problem, like “however.”

  • Smith (2015) argues that the period should be reassessed, although other researchers disagree.
  • Smith (2015) argues that the period should be reassessed. However , other researchers disagree.

And vs. as well as

Students often use the phrase “ as well as ” in place of “and,” but its usage is slightly different. Using “and” suggests that the things you’re listing are of equal importance, while “as well as” introduces additional information that is less important.

  • Chapter 1 discusses some background information on Woolf, as well as presenting my analysis of To the Lighthouse .

In this example, the analysis is more important than the background information. To fix this mistake, we can use “and,” or we can change the order of the sentence so that the most important information comes first. Note that we add a comma before “as well as” but not before “and.”

  • Chapter 1 discusses some background information on Woolf and presents my analysis of To the Lighthouse .
  • Chapter 1 presents my analysis of To the Lighthouse , as well as discussing some background information on Woolf.

Note that in fixed phrases like “both x and y ,” you must use “and,” not “as well as.”

  • Both my results as well as my interpretations are presented below.
  • Both my results and my interpretations are presented below.

Use of and/or

The combination of transition words “and/or” should generally be avoided in academic writing. It makes your text look messy and is usually unnecessary to your meaning.

First consider whether you really do mean “and/or” and not just “and” or “or.” If you are certain that you need both, it’s best to separate them to make your meaning as clear as possible.

  • Participants were asked whether they used the bus and/or the train.
  • Participants were asked whether they used the bus, the train, or both.

Archaic transition words

Words like “hereby,” “therewith,” and most others formed by the combination of “here,” “there,” or “where” with a preposition are typically avoided in modern academic writing. Using them makes your writing feel old-fashioned and strained and can sometimes obscure your meaning.

  • Poverty is best understood as a disease. Hereby , we not only see that it is hereditary, but acknowledge its devastating effects on a person’s health.

These words should usually be replaced with a more explicit phrasing expressing how the current statement relates to the preceding one.

  • Poverty is best understood as a disease. Understanding it as such , we not only see that it is hereditary, but also acknowledge its devastating effects on a person’s health.

Using a paraphrasing tool for clear writing

With the use of certain tools, you can make your writing clear. One of these tools is a paraphrasing tool . One thing the tool does is help your sentences make more sense. It has different modes where it checks how your text can be improved. For example, automatically adding transition words where needed.

If you want to know more about AI for academic writing, AI tools, or writing rules make sure to check out some of our other articles with explanations and examples or go directly to our tools!

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Caulfield, J. (2023, August 23). Transition Words & Phrases | List & Examples. Scribbr. Retrieved June 24, 2024, from https://www.scribbr.com/academic-writing/transition-words/

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How to Structure an Essay

essay structure

Essay writing is a fundamental skill, a basic task, that is expected of those who choose to pursue their undergraduate and master’s degrees. It constitutes a key requirement for students to complete a given course credit. However, many students and early career researchers find themselves struggling with the challenge of organizing their thoughts into a coherent, engaging structure. This article is especially for those who see essay writing as a daunting task and face problems in presenting their work in an impactful way.  

Table of Contents

  • Writing an essay: basic elements and some key principles  
  • Essay structure template 
  • Chronological structure 
  • Problem-methods-solutions structure 
  • Compare and contrast structures 
  • Frequently asked questions on essay structure 

Read on as we delve into the basic elements of essay writing, outline key principles for organizing information, and cover some foundational features of writing essays.  

Writing an essay: basic elements and some key principles

Essays are written in a flowing and continuous pattern but with a structure of its own. An introduction, body and conclusion are integral to it. The key is to balance the amount and kind of information to be presented in each part. Various disciplines may have their own conventions or guidelines on the information to be provided in the introduction.  

A clear articulation of the context and background of the study is important, as is the definition of key terms and an outline of specific models or theories used. Readers also need to know the significance of the study and its implications for further research. Most importantly, the thesis or the main proposition should be clearly presented.  

The body of the essay is therefore organized into paragraphs that hold the main ideas and arguments and is presented and analyzed in a logical manner. Ideally, each paragraph of the body focuses on one main point or a distinct topic and must be supported by evidence and analysis. The concluding paragraph should bring back to the reader the key arguments, its significance and food for thought. It is best not to re-state all the points of the essay or introduce a new concept here. 

In other words, certain general guidelines help structure the information in the essay. The information must flow logically with the context or the background information presented in the introductory part of the essay. The arguments are built organically where each paragraph in the body of the essay deals with a different point, yet closely linked to the para preceding and following it. Importantly, when writing essays, early career researchers must be careful in ensuring that each piece of information relates to the main thesis and is a building block to the arguments. 

Essay structure template

  • Introduction 
  • Provide the context and share significance of the study 
  • Clearly articulate the thesis statement 
  • Body  
  • Paragraph 1 consisting of the first main point, followed by supporting evidence and an analysis of the findings. Transitional words and phrases can be used to move to the next main point. 
  • There can be as many paragraphs with the above-mentioned elements as there are points and arguments to support your thesis. 
  • Conclusion  
  • Bring in key ideas and discuss their significance and relevance 
  • Call for action 
  • References 

Essay structures

The structure of an essay can be determined by the kind of essay that is required.  

Chronological structure

Also known as the cause-and-effect approach, this is a straightforward way to structure an essay. In such essays, events are discussed sequentially, as they occurred from the earliest to the latest. A chronological structure is useful for discussing a series of events or processes such as historical analyses or narratives of events. The introduction should have the topic sentence. The body of the essay should follow a chorological progression with each para discussing a major aspect of that event with supporting evidence. It ends with a summarizing of the results of the events.  

Problem-methods-solutions structure

Where the essay focuses on a specific problem, the problem-methods-solutions structure can be used to organize the essay. This structure is ideal for essays that address complex issues. It starts with presenting the problem, the context, and thesis statement as introduction to the essay. The major part of the discussion which forms the body of the essay focuses on stating the problem and its significance, the author’s approach or methods adopted to address the problem along with its relevance, and accordingly proposing solution(s) to the identified problem. The concluding part offers a recap of the research problem, methods, and proposed solutions, emphasizing their significance and potential impact. 

Compare and contrast structures

This structure of essay writing is ideally used when two or more key subjects require a comparison of ideas, theories, or phenomena. The three crucial elements, introduction, body, and conclusion, remain the same. The introduction presents the context and the thesis statement. The body of the essay seeks to focus on and highlight differences between the subjects, supported by evidence and analysis. The conclusion is used to summarize the key points of comparison and contrast, offering insights into the significance of the analysis.  

Depending on how the subjects will be discussed, the body of the essay can be organized according to the block method or the alternating method. In the block method, one para discusses one subject and the next para the other subject. In the alternative method, both subjects are discussed in one para based on a particular topic or issue followed by the next para on another issue and so on.  

Frequently asked questions on essay structure

An essay structure serves as a framework for presenting ideas coherently and logically. It comprises three crucial elements: an introduction that communicates the context, topic, and thesis statement; the body focusing on the main points and arguments supported with appropriate evidence followed by its analysis; and a conclusion that ties together the main points and its importance .  

An essay structure well-defined essay structure enhances clarity, coherence, and readability, and is crucial for organizing ideas and arguments to effectively communicate key aspects of a chosen topic. It allows readers to better understand arguments presented and demonstrates the author’s ability to organize and present information systematically. 

Yes, while expert recommend following an essay structure, early career researchers may choose how best to adapt standard essay structures to communicate and share their research in an impactful and engaging way. However, do keep in mind that deviating too far from established structures can hinder comprehension and weaken the overall effectiveness of the essay,  By understanding the basic elements of essay writing and employing appropriate structures such as chronological, problem-methods-solutions, or compare and contrast, researchers can effectively organize their ideas and communicate their findings with clarity and precision. 

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Powerful academic phrases to improve your essay writing .

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  • How to Cite Social Media Sources in Academic Writing? 

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100 Words and Phrases to use in an Essay

Thomas Babb

Writing a compelling essay involves much more than simply putting your thoughts on paper. It demands the use of a precise vocabulary that not only enriches your content but also structures it in a way that is both logical and engaging. The right words and phrases can transform your essay from a basic assignment to an insightful and persuasive piece of writing.

This guide introduces you to 100 essential words and phrases recommended by expert English tutors that will help you convey your ideas more effectively. From adding information to expressing contrasts, and from illustrating examples to summarising your points, these carefully selected terms will enhance the clarity and impact of your essays.

Adding Information

When crafting an essay, integrating additional details effectively can enrich the written content and present a well-rounded argument. Here's how you can use each phrase under this category:

1. Furthermore - Use this to add weight to a point already mentioned, providing further evidence without redundancy.

2. Moreover - Similar to "furthermore," it introduces information that not only adds to the argument but enhances it.

3. Similarly - This indicates that the upcoming point shares notable characteristics with the previous one, aiding in drawing parallels.

4. Additionally - Introduces extra information or arguments that augment the current discussion.

5. Also - A simpler form of "additionally" that integrates extra facts smoothly.

6. Likewise - Indicates similarity and supports points by showing how they relate to each other in terms of qualities or actions.

7. In addition - This phrase is useful for contributing additional supportive details in a clear manner.

8. As well as - Functions to include another subject or item into your discussion without diverging from the main topic.

9. Not only... but also - A powerful structure for emphasizing not just one, but two important points, enhancing the depth of the argument.

10. Alongside - Implies that the information being added runs parallel to the already established facts, reinforcing them.

These phrases, when used correctly, help to build a strong, cohesive narrative flow in your essays, guiding the reader through a logical progression of ideas. For more on enhancing your writing with effective information addition, explore resources like Oxford Royale's Essay Writing Tips .

Introducing Examples

Introducing concrete examples is crucial in illustrating and supporting your claims effectively in an essay. Here’s how to use each word or phrase linked to this category:

11. For instance - Introduces a specific example that illuminates a broader point, helping to clarify complex ideas.

12. For example - Functions similarly to "for instance," offering a direct illustration to support or demonstrate a claim.

13. Such as - Prepares the reader for an example that is part of a larger category, typically used to list items or concepts.

14. Like - Introduces comparisons or examples in a casual and relatable manner.

15. Particularly - Highlights an example that is especially relevant to the argument, focusing attention on significant details.

16. In particular - Similar to "particularly," but often used to introduce a standout example that underscores a critical point.

17. Including - Serves to add examples to a list that may already be understood to be part of the topic being discussed.

18. Namely - Specifies and introduces exact and often multiple examples or details directly related to the point.

19. Chiefly - Points to the most important or significant examples or reasons in support of an argument.

20. Mainly - Indicates that the examples provided are the primary ones to consider, focusing on the most relevant instances.

Effective use of these phrases not only clarifies your points but also strengthens your arguments by making abstract concepts tangible. For detailed guidance on how to incorporate examples effectively in your essays, refer to academic resources like Harvard College Writing Center .

Demonstrating Contrast

IB English tutors suggest that Using contrast effectively in your essays can highlight differences that clarify your points or show alternative perspectives. Here’s how to use each phrase to demonstrate contrast:

21. Conversely - Signals a stark contrast to what has just been discussed, often introducing an opposing viewpoint.

22. However - A versatile tool to introduce a contradiction or counterpoint, breaking from the previous line of reasoning.

23. Nevertheless - Indicates persistence of a stated fact or opinion despite the contrasting information that follows.

24. On the other hand - Used to present a different perspective or an alternative to the argument previously mentioned.

25. Although - Begins a sentence where the main clause contrasts with the lesser significant, conditional clause.

26. Even though - Similar to "although," but often emphasizes a stronger degree of contrast between the conflicting elements.

27. But - A simple and direct way to introduce a contradiction to the preceding statement.

28. Yet - Suggests a contrast that is surprising or unexpected based on the previous statements.

29. Instead - Introduces an alternative action or thought in response to what has been previously discussed.

30. Rather - Used to correct or propose a different idea from what was initially stated or understood.

These phrases are essential for essays where comparing and contrasting ideas, arguments, or perspectives is necessary to deepen understanding or enhance the argument’s complexity. To learn more about using contrast in writing, visit educational resources such as Purdue Online Writing Lab .

Showing Cause and Effect

A-Level English tutors point out that effectively indicating cause and effect relationships in your essays helps clarify the reasons things happen and the consequences that follow. Here’s how to use each word or phrase to illustrate these relationships:

31. Consequently - Signals a direct result from the action or situation mentioned, highlighting the effect or outcome.

32. Therefore - Used to introduce a logical conclusion or result that follows from the reasoning presented earlier.

33. Thus - Indicates a conclusion or result that is a natural consequence of the facts previously mentioned.

34. Hence - Similar to "thus," it conveys a consequence that is a logical extension from the argument or data presented.

35. Accordingly - Shows that an action or decision is a logical response to the circumstances or facts discussed.

36. As a result - Directly points out the outcome or effect resulting from a specific cause or set of conditions.

37. This leads to - Introduces a sequence where one event or fact causes another, often used to chain multiple effects.

38. It follows that - Used when deducing a conclusion that logically arises from the preceding argument or evidence.

39. Leading to - Connects an initial action or decision directly with its consequences, highlighting a progression of events.

40. Contributing to - Indicates that the action or event adds to a situation, leading to a particular result or effect.

Mastering the use of these phrases can enhance the persuasive power of your writing by clearly linking actions and their consequences.

Adding Emphasis

Effectively emphasising key points in your essays can make your arguments more compelling and memorable. Here’s how to appropriately use each word or phrase to add emphasis:

41. Significantly - Indicates that something is of great importance or consequence, drawing the reader's attention to the gravity of the point being made.

42. Importantly - Prioritises the following information as crucial for understanding the argument or situation.

43. Indeed - Reinforces the truth of a statement, often used to confirm and agree with a previously mentioned point that might be surprising or emphatic.

44. Absolutely - A strong affirmation that leaves no doubt about the veracity or importance of the statement.

45. Definitely - Communicates certainty about a fact or opinion, strengthening the author's stance.

46. Certainly - Similar to "definitely," it expresses a high degree of assurance about the information being provided.

47. Undoubtedly - Suggests that there is no doubt about the statement, reinforcing its truth and relevance.

48. Without a doubt - A more emphatic form of "undoubtedly," eliminating any ambiguity about the point’s validity.

49. Particularly - Highlights specific information as especially significant within a broader context.

50. Especially - Used to indicate that something holds more significance than other elements, often emphasizing exceptional cases or instances.

Using these expressions strategically can enhance the persuasive impact of your writing by underscoring the most critical elements of your argument. To see more words and further explore techniques for adding emphasis in academic writing, visit resources like Cambridge Dictionary Blog .

Explaining and Clarifying

In academic essays, clearly explaining and clarifying complex ideas is essential for effective communication. IGCSE tutors and GCSE tutors suggest that each of these phrases can be used to enhance understanding:

51. That is to say - Used to introduce a rephrasing or elaboration on something that has just been stated.

52. In other words - Helps clarify a statement by expressing it in different terms for better understanding.

53. To put it another way - Similar to "in other words," it offers an alternative explanation or perspective to ensure clarity.

54. To clarify - Directly states the intent to make something clearer or to resolve any misunderstandings.

55. To explain - Introduces a detailed explanation aimed at enhancing understanding of a complex issue or point.

56. This means that - Connects a statement or idea to its implications or necessary interpretations.

57. This implies - Suggests a deeper, often unspoken consequence or meaning behind the given information.

58. Put simply - Introduces a simpler or more straightforward version of what has been discussed, making it more accessible.

59. In simpler terms - Another phrase to ease comprehension by breaking down complex concepts into basic language.

60. Thus - Concludes an explanation by summarizing the logical result or conclusion derived from the argument made.

Using these phrases effectively can help articulate intricate arguments in a more digestible format, aiding the reader’s understanding and engagement.

Summarising and Concluding

Expert IB tutors and A-Level tutors recommend that effectively summarising and concluding your essays is crucial for reinforcing your main points and providing a satisfying closure to any persuasive essay. Here’s how to use each word or phrase to effectively wrap up your discussions:

61. In conclusion - Signals the beginning of the final summary, clearly stating that the argument is drawing to a close.

62. To sum up - Introduces a concise summary of the key points discussed, often used before the final conclusion.

63. Ultimately - Indicates a final, overarching conclusion derived from the arguments and evidence presented.

64. Finally - Marks the introduction of the last point or an additional important point that concludes the discussion.

65. Lastly - Similar to "finally," it is used to introduce the final argument or point in the list.

66. To conclude - Directly states the intent to wrap up the essay, leading into a summary of the main findings.

67. In summary - Offers a recap of the essential elements discussed, reinforcing the thesis without introducing new information.

68. All things considered - Provides an overall conclusion, taking into account all the points made throughout the essay.

69. In the final analysis - Suggests a thorough consideration of all aspects discussed, leading to a concluding viewpoint.

70. After all - Implies that the conclusion takes into account all arguments and evidences previously presented.

Mastering the use of these concluding phrases ensures that your essay ends on a strong note, summarising key points and reinforcing your argument.

Discussing Similarities

Highlighting similarities effectively can enhance your argument by showing connections and parallels between ideas or topics. Here’s how to use each phrase to discuss similarities in your essays:

71. Similarly - Indicates that what follows is in alignment with the previous statement, reinforcing the connection between two points.

72. Likewise - Also used to show agreement or similarity, it confirms that the upcoming point supports the previous one in terms of characteristics or outcomes.

73. Just as - Introduces a comparison, suggesting that the situation or argument is equivalent to another.

74. As with - Used before mentioning another example, indicating that it shares properties or conditions with what has been discussed.

75. Equally - Implies that two or more elements are on the same level in terms of importance, quality, or characteristics.

76. Analogous to - Introduces a more formal comparison, indicating that one situation is comparable to another, often used in more scientific or technical discussions.

77. Comparable to - Suggests that two things can be likened to each other, providing a basis for comparison.

78. In the same way - Confirms that the action, process, or idea mirrors another, reinforcing the similarity.

79. Just like - A more casual phrase used to draw a direct comparison, making the similarity clear and understandable.

80. Similarly important - Asserts that the importance or relevance of two or more aspects is equal, emphasising their comparative significance.

Utilising these phrases allows you to effectively link concepts and arguments, showing how they complement or mirror each other, which can strengthen your overall thesis. For further reading on comparing and contrasting ideas effectively, the University of North Carolina Writing Center offers excellent resources.

Providing Alternatives

Offering alternatives in your essays can demonstrate critical thinking by showing different possibilities or approaches. Here’s how to use each word or phrase to introduce alternative ideas:

81. Alternatively - Introduces a different option or suggestion, providing another route or perspective.

82. On the contrary - Used to present a direct opposition to the previously mentioned idea, emphasising a contrasting point.

83. Rather - Suggests a preference for one choice over another, typically used to propose a different approach or opinion.

84. Conversely - Indicates a reversal of what has been previously stated, introducing an opposing viewpoint.

85. Instead - Specifies a substitute or replacement, clearly stating that one option is to be considered in place of another.

86. On the flip side - Introduces a contrasting scenario or viewpoint in a more informal manner, often used in conversational or less formal writing.

87. Rather than - Presents a comparison between two choices, highlighting a preference for one over the other.

88. As an alternative - Explicitly states the introduction of a different option or method, providing variety to the discussion.

89. Either...or - Sets up a choice between two distinct options, forcing a decision that impacts the argument’s direction.

90. Neither...nor - Used to deny two possibilities simultaneously, often restructuring the argument by excluding common options.

Incorporating these phrases allows you to explore and present multiple facets of an issue, enriching the essay’s depth and persuasiveness. For tips on effectively presenting alternative arguments, visit Harvard College Writing Center .

Expressing Conditions

Effectively expressing conditions in your essays can help outline scenarios where certain outcomes or arguments hold true. Here’s how to use each word or phrase to specify conditions:

91. If - Introduces a conditional statement, setting up a scenario where a specific result depends on a preceding condition.

92. Unless - Specifies an exception to a general rule or statement, indicating that a condition will change the outcome if not met.

93. Provided that - Sets a stipulation or requirement for a scenario to occur, emphasizing that certain conditions must be satisfied.

94. Assuming that - Suggests a hypothesis or a precondition that needs to be accepted before proceeding with an argument or conclusion.

95. In case - Prepares for a situation that might occur, setting up precautions or actions based on potential scenarios.

96. Even if - Acknowledges that even under certain circumstances, the primary argument or conclusion still holds.

97. Only if - Restricts the conditions under which a statement or outcome is valid, narrowing down the scenarios to very specific ones.

98. Whether - Presents alternatives, usually offering a choice between possibilities within the condition stated.

99. As long as - Indicates that a condition is contingent upon the duration or continuation of a specified situation.

100. Given that - Introduces a premise as a fact, assuming its truth for the sake of argument or to advance the discussion.

Final Thoughts

In crafting compelling essays, the strategic use of specific words and phrases can significantly enhance both the clarity and persuasiveness of your writing. By mastering the use of these 100 essential terms, students can effectively structure their essays, convey complex ideas, and articulate contrasts and comparisons with precision. Each category of phrases serves a unique purpose, from adding information to providing alternatives, which empowers writers to construct well-rounded arguments and engage their readers more deeply.

As you continue to refine your essay-writing skills, remember that the power of your arguments often lies in the details—the precise words and phrases you choose to express your thoughts. The power of a well crafted essay introduction and precise essay conclusion should also not be overlooked. By integrating these tools into your writing repertoire, you are better equipped to present clear, persuasive, and engaging essays that stand out in academic settings.

How can I improve my essay planning process?

Effective essay planning begins with a clear understanding of the essay question. Break down the question to identify key terms and the required response. Create an outline to organise your main points and supporting arguments logically. Consider using a mind map to visually plot connections between ideas, which can spur creative thinking. Allocate time for research, writing, and revision within your plan. Practising essay plans for different questions can enhance your ability to organise thoughts quickly and efficiently, a crucial skill especially under exam conditions.

What makes an essay introduction effective?

An effective introduction grabs the reader's attention, sets the tone, and provides a clear thesis statement. Start with a hook such as a provocative question, a startling statistic, or a compelling quote. Provide some background information to set the context, ensuring it's directly relevant to the essay's question. The thesis statement should be concise and outline your main argument or response to the question. This setup not only intrigues but also informs the reader about the essay's focus, establishing your understanding and control of the subject.

How do I choose the best evidence for my essay?

The best evidence is relevant, credible, and supports your thesis directly. Use primary sources where possible as they provide first-hand accounts that you can analyse directly. When primary sources are not available, rely on peer-reviewed journals and reputable publications. Diversify your sources to avoid over-reliance on a single type of evidence, and critically evaluate sources for bias and reliability. Properly integrating this evidence into your argument involves summarising, paraphrasing, and quoting sources while always linking back to your main argument.

How can I make my essay arguments more persuasive?

To make your arguments more persuasive, begin with a clear, assertive thesis statement. Structure your essay so each paragraph introduces a single point supporting your thesis. Use credible evidence and explain how this supports your argument. Address potential counterarguments to show the depth of your understanding and strengthen your position by demonstrating why your approach is preferable. Employing a confident but respectful tone and precise language also enhances the persuasiveness of your essay.

What are common pitfalls in essay writing to avoid?

Common pitfalls in essay writing include poor structure, weak thesis statements, and lack of coherence. Avoiding these starts with a robust plan and clear outline. Stay on topic by linking each paragraph back to your thesis statement. Avoid plagiarism by properly citing all sources. Overly complex sentence structures can confuse readers, so strive for clarity and conciseness. Finally, neglecting proofreading can leave typographical and grammatical errors, which diminish the quality of your work, so always review your essay thoroughly.

How do I manage time when writing an essay under exam conditions?

Time management in exams is crucial. Allocate about 10% of your time for planning, 80% for writing, and 10% for revising. Quickly outline your main points to structure your essay from the start. Write your body paragraphs first, as these contain the bulk of marks, then your introduction and conclusion. Keep an eye on the clock and pace yourself to ensure you have enough time to adequately develop your arguments and conclude effectively.

What are the best practices for editing and proofreading essays?

After writing your essay, take a break before you start editing to give you a fresh perspective. Read your essay aloud to catch awkward phrasing and sentences that don't flow logically. Check for consistency in tense and point of view throughout the essay. Use spell-check tools, but do not rely on them solely—manually check for homophones and commonly confused words. Consider having someone else read your work to catch errors you might have overlooked and to provide feedback on the clarity of your arguments.

How can I develop a strong thesis statement?

A strong thesis statement is clear, concise, and specific. It should express one main idea that is debatable, meaning there is potential for argument. Reflect on the essay prompt and decide on your position regarding the topic. Your thesis should guide the reader through your arguments and indicate the rationale behind your viewpoint. It serves as the backbone of your essay, so ensure it is robust and directly linked to the question asked.

How do I handle counterarguments in my essays?

Handling counterarguments effectively involves acknowledging them and then refuting them with stronger evidence or reasoning. Present them fairly and objectively, then use logical, fact-based arguments to demonstrate why your position remains valid. This not only shows critical thinking but also strengthens your original argument by showing you have considered multiple perspectives.

What is the role of a conclusion in an essay?

The conclusion of an essay should effectively summarise the main arguments discussed while reaffirming the thesis statement. It should synthesise the information presented rather than introducing new ideas. Provide a final perspective on the topic or suggest implications, further research or practical applications to leave the reader with something to ponder. A strong conclusion can reinforce your argument and leave a lasting impression on the reader.

How can I ensure my essay flows logically?

To ensure logical flow, each paragraph should seamlessly connect to the next with clear transitions. Focus on structuring paragraphs around one main idea that supports your thesis. Use transitional words and phrases to show the relationship between paragraphs. Consistency in your argumentation style and maintaining a clear focus throughout the essay will help keep your writing coherent.

What techniques help maintain reader interest throughout an essay?

To maintain reader interest, start with a strong hook in your introduction and use engaging content like relevant anecdotes, striking statistics, or interesting quotes throughout your essay. Vary your sentence structure and use active voice to keep the narrative dynamic. Also, ensure your topic is relevant and your arguments are presented with passion and clarity.

How can I integrate quotes effectively in essays?

To integrate quotes effectively, introduce the quote with a sentence that sets up its relevance to your argument, then follow the quote with analysis or interpretation that ties it back to your main point. Do not rely heavily on quotes to make your points; use them to support your arguments. Ensure that every quote is properly cited according to the required academic style guide.

What are the differences between descriptive and argumentative essays?

Descriptive essays focus on detailing a particular subject to give the reader a clear image or understanding of the topic through vivid language and sensory details. In contrast, argumentative essays aim to persuade the reader of a particular viewpoint or position using evidence and reasoning. The former is more about painting a picture, while the latter is about convincing through argument.

How can I use feedback to improve my essay writing skills?

Feedback is invaluable for improving essay writing skills. Actively seek out feedback from teachers, peers, or tutors and focus particularly on recurring themes in their comments. Reflect on this feedback critically and apply it to your future essays. Regularly revisiting and revising your work based on constructive criticism allows you to develop a more refined and effective writing style over time.

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Thomas Babb

Written by: Thomas Babb

Thomas is a PhD candidate at Oxford University. He served as an interviewer and the lead admissions test marker at Oxford, and teaches undergraduate students at Mansfield College and St Hilda’s College. He has ten years’ experience tutoring A-Level and GCSE students across a range of subjects.

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Sentence Starters: Ultimate List to Improve Your Essays and Writing

Ashley Shaw

Ashley Shaw

How to start a sentence

This blog post is going to be about … No. Too boring.

Today, I am going to talk to you about ... No. Too specific.

This is a blog post for all writers ... Nope. Too generic.

Has this ever been you while writing? I get it. Writing a good sentence can be hard, and when you have to string a whole lot of them together, the task can become daunting. So what do you do?

From the first sentence you write to the very last, you want each one to show your style and motivate your reader to keep reading. In this post, we are going to think about how you start your sentences.

sentence starter tip

What Is a Good Sentence Starter for an Essay Introduction?

What is a good sentence starter for a body paragraph, 25 useful transitions, can i repeat a sentence starter, how can i rephrase "in conclusion".

The first paragraph of a paper can make or break your grade. It is what gets your audience into the topic and sets the whole stage. Because of this, it is important to get your readers hooked early.

The first sentence of a paper is often called the hook. It shouldn’t be anything ordinary. It should have strong language and be a little surprising, with an interesting fact, story, statistic, or quote on the topic.

Because it is designed to pull the reader in and surprise them a little, it is often good to avoid pre-written sentence starter examples when writing your hook. Just get into it here, and worry about the flow later.

Here are some examples:

Spider webs were once used as bandages.

I taught myself to read when I was three. At least, that’s the story my parents tell.

Recent studies suggest that the average person lies at least once in every conversation.

“The world is bleeding and humans wield the knife,” or so says environmental scientist So Andso.

(P.S. Except for example 1, which is true, I just made all of these up to demonstrate my point. So, please don’t quote me on these!)

Once you jump right in with your hook, it is time to start working on ways to move sentences along. Here is where you may need some sentence starter examples.

In your first paragraph, you basically want to connect your hook to your thesis. You’ll do this with a few sentences setting up the stage for your topic and the claim you will make about it. To do that, follow the tips found in the next section on body paragraphs and general sentence starter tips.

Many of the tips I am about to discuss can be used anywhere in a paper, but they are especially helpful when writing body paragraphs.

Let’s start with one of the most important types of sentence starter in essay writing: transition words.

How Do I Use Transitions in an Essay?

Definition of Transitions

If you want to start writing terrific sentences (and improve your essay structure ), the first thing you should do is start using transition words.

Transition words are those words or phrases that help connect thoughts and ideas. They move one sentence or paragraph into another, and they make things feel less abrupt.

The good thing about transition words is that you probably know a lot of them already and currently use them in your speech. Now, you just need to transition them into your writing. (See what I did there?)

Before we get into examples of what a good transition word is, let’s look at a paragraph without any transitions:

I went to the store. I bought bacon and eggs. I saw someone I knew. I said hello. I went to the cashier. They checked me out. I paid. I got my groceries. I went to my car. I returned home.

Yikes! That is some boring writing. It was painful to write, and I am sure it is even worse to read. There are two reasons for this:

  • I start every sentence with the same word (more on this later)
  • There are no signposts showing me how the ideas in the paragraph connect.

In an essay, you need to show how each of your ideas relate to each other to build your argument. If you just make a series of statements one after the other, you’re not showing your instructor that you actually understand those statements, or your topic.

How do we fix this? Transition words. Roughly 25% of your sentences should start with a transition word. If you can hit that number in your essay, you’ll know that you’ve made meaningful steps towards demonstrating your understanding.

Of course, hitting that number isn’t enough—those transitions need to be meaningful. Let’s look at the different types of transitions and how you can use them.

What Are Words Like First , Next , and Last Called?

You probably already use some transitions in your essays. For example, if you start a paragraph with firstly , you’ve used a transition word. But transitions can do so much more!

Here are 25 common transitional words and phrases that you could use in your essay:

  • Additionally / In Addition
  • Alternatively / Conversely
  • As a result of
  • At this time
  • Consequently
  • Contrary to
  • First(ly), Second(ly), etc.
  • In contrast
  • Nonetheless
  • On the other hand
  • Particularly / In particular
  • In other words

Common Transitional Words

This list isn’t exhaustive, but it is a good start.

These words show different types of relationships between ideas. These relationships fall into four main categories: Emphasis , Contrast , Addition , and Order .

What Are Emphasis Transition Words?

These phrases are used when you want to highlight a point. Examples from my above list include clearly , particularly , and indeed . Want to see some more? Follow my bolded transitions: Undoubtedly , you understand now. It should be noted that you don’t need to worry.

How Do You Use Addition Transitions?

These words add on to what you just said. These are words like along with , moreover , and also . Here are some more: Not only are you going to be great at transitions after this, but you will also be good at writing sentences. Furthermore , everyone is excited to see what you have to say.

How Can I Use Transitions to Contrast Ideas?

This is the opposite of addition, and you use it when you want to show an alternative view or to compare things. Examples from my list include words like nonetheless , contrary to , and besides .

Here are some more: Unlike people who haven’t read this article, you are going to be really prepared to write great sentences. Even so , there is still a lot more about writing to learn.

How Do I Order Ideas in My Essay?

A good first step is using order transition words.

This set of transitions helps mark the passage of time or gives an order to events. From the list, think of things like first and finally . Now for some extras: At this time yesterday , you were worried about starting sentences. Following this , though, you will be an expert.

The four types of transitions

Now that you get the concept of transitions, let’s go back to that poorly written paragraph above and add some in to see what happens:

This morning , I went to the store. While I was there, I bought bacon and eggs. Then I saw someone I knew. So I said hello. After that , I went to the cashier. At that time , they checked me out. First , I paid. Next , I got my groceries. Following that , I went to my car. Finally , I returned home.

(Notice the use of commas after most of these transitions!)

This isn’t the best paragraph I’ve ever written. It still needs a lot of work. However, notice what a difference just adding transitions makes. This is something simple but effective you can start doing to make your sentences better today.

If you want to check your transition usage, try ProWritingAid’s Transitions report . You’ll see how many of each type of transition word you've used so you can pin-point where you might be losing your reader.

prowritingaid transitions report for essay

Sign up for a free ProWritingAid account to try it out.

What Are Some Linking Phrases I Can Use in My Essay?

As well as individual words, you can also use short phrases at the beginning of your sentences to transition between ideas. I just did it there— "As well as individual words" shows you how this section of the article is related to the last.

Here are some more phrases like this:

As shown in the example,

As a result of this,

After the meeting,

While this may be true,

Though researchers suggest X,

Before the war began,

Until we answer this question,

Since we cannot assume this to be true,

While some may claim Y,

Because we know that Z is true,

These short phrases are called dependent clauses . See how they all end with a comma? That's because they need you to add more information to make them into complete sentences.

  • While some may claim that chocolate is bad for you, data from a recent study suggests that it may have untapped health benefits .
  • Since we cannot assume that test conditions were consistent, it is impossible to reach a solid conclusion via this experiment .
  • As a result of this, critics disagree as to the symbolism of the yellow car in The Great Gatsby .

The bolded text in each example could stand on its own as a complete sentence. However, if we take away the first part of each sentence, we lose our connection to the other ideas in the essay.

These phrases are called dependent clauses : they depend on you adding another statement to the sentence to complete them. When you use a sentence starter phrase like the ones above in your writing, you signal that the new idea you have introduced completes (or disrupts) the idea before it.

Note: While some very short dependent clauses don’t need a comma, most do. Since it is not wrong to use one on even short ones (depending on the style guide being used), it is a good idea to include one every time.

Definition of a dependent clause

Along with missing transitions and repeating sentence structure, another thing that stops sentences from being great is too much repetition. Keep your sentences sharp and poignant by mixing up word choices to start your sentences.

You might start your sentence with a great word, but then you use that same word 17 sentences in a row. After the first couple, your sentences don’t sound as great. So, whether it is varying the transitional phrases you use or just mixing up the sentence openers in general, putting in some variety will only improve your sentences.

ProWritingAid lets you know if you’ve used the same word repeatedly at the start of your sentences so you can change it.

ProWritingAid's Repetition Report

The Repeats Report also shows you all of the repeats in your document. If you've used a sentence starter and then repeated it a couple of paragraphs down, the report will highlight it for you.

Try the Repeats Report with a free ProWritingAid account.

Now that you have your introduction sentences and body sentences taken care of, let’s talk a little about conclusion sentences. While you will still use transitions and clauses as in the body, there are some special considerations here.

Your conclusion is what people will remember most after they finish reading your paper. So, you want to make it stand out. Don’t just repeat yourself; tell them what they should do with what you just told them!

Use the tips from above, but also remember the following:

Be unique. Not only should you vary the words you use to start different sentences, but you should also think outside of the box. If you use the same conclusion sentence starter everyone else is using, your ideas will blend in too.

Be natural. Some of the best writing out there is writing that sounds natural. This goes for academic writing, too. While you won’t use phrases like "at the end of the day" in essay writing, stilted phrases like "in conclusion" can disrupt the flow you’ve created earlier on.

Here are some alternatives to "in conclusion" you could use in an essay:

  • To review, ... (best for scientific papers where you need to restate your key points before making your final statement)
  • As has been shown, ...
  • In the final analysis, ...
  • Taking everything into account, ...
  • On the whole, ...
  • Generally speaking, ...

If you’re looking for more ways to rephrase "in conclusion," take a look at our complete list of synonyms you can use.

in conclusion alternatives

There may not be a set word or words that you can use to make your sentences perfect. However, when you start using these tips, you’ll start to see noticeable improvement in your writing.

If you’ve ever heard people talk about pacing and flow in academic writing, and you have no idea what they mean or how to improve yours, then this is your answer. These tips will help your writing sound more natural, which is how you help your ideas flow.

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20 Editing Tips From Professional Writers

20 Editing Tips from Professional Writers

Whether you are writing a novel, essay, article, or email, good writing is an essential part of communicating your ideas., this guide contains the 20 most important writing tips and techniques from a wide range of professional writers..

phrases to start paragraphs in essays

Be confident about grammar

Check every email, essay, or story for grammar mistakes. Fix them before you press send.

Ashley Shaw is a former editor and marketer/current PhD student and teacher. When she isn't studying con artists for her dissertation, she's thinking of new ways to help college students better understand and love the writing process.

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Body Paragraph

Ai generator.

phrases to start paragraphs in essays

Whether you’re crafting an essay , report , or any other form of written communication, the body paragraphs serve as the heart of your composition. They provide the substantive content that supports your main ideas, arguments, or points. Understanding how to construct compelling body paragraphs is essential for conveying your message effectively and persuasively. In this guide, we’ll delve into the definition of body paragraphs, explore the step-by-step process to create them, address common FAQs, and highlight their significance in written communication.

What is a Body Paragraph?

A body paragraph is a section of an essay that develops a single main idea, supported by evidence, examples, and explanations. Each body paragraph typically starts with a topic sentence, followed by supporting details, and concludes with a sentence that reinforces the paragraph’s main point or transitions to the next idea. Effective body paragraphs help to structure and advance the essay’s argument.

Body Paragraph Format

Body paragraphs form the core of an essay, providing the details and evidence that support the thesis statement . A well-structured body paragraph enhances clarity, flow, and persuasiveness in writing . Here’s a guide to constructing effective body paragraphs:

1. Topic Sentence

The topic sentence introduces the main idea of the paragraph. It should be clear, concise, and directly related to the thesis statement.

  • Example : “Regular exercise significantly improves mental health.”

2. Explanation

Expand on the topic sentence by providing a brief explanation or elaboration. This helps to clarify the main idea and set up the evidence.

  • Example : “Engaging in physical activities releases endorphins, which are natural mood lifters.”

3. Evidence

Present specific evidence to support the main idea. This can include quotes, statistics, examples, or research findings.

  • Example : “A study by the Mayo Clinic found that participants who exercised regularly reported a 30% decrease in symptoms of depression and anxiety.”

4. Analysis

Analyze the evidence to show how it supports the topic sentence. Explain the significance and implications of the evidence.

  • Example : “This decrease in mental health symptoms highlights the profound impact of physical activity on psychological well-being, suggesting that regular exercise can be an effective non-pharmaceutical treatment for mental health issues.”

5. Transition

Conclude the paragraph by linking back to the thesis or transitioning smoothly to the next paragraph. This helps maintain coherence and flow in the essay.

  • Example : “Therefore, incorporating regular exercise into one’s routine can be a crucial step towards improving mental health. Next, we will explore the benefits of exercise on cognitive function.”

Examples of Body Paragraph for Essay

1. the benefits of reading.

Reading regularly enhances cognitive functions. When individuals read, they engage multiple areas of the brain, improving neural connectivity. A study by the University of California found that regular readers exhibit higher levels of brain activity, particularly in areas related to language comprehension and analytical thinking. This increased brain activity suggests that reading not only improves comprehension skills but also enhances critical thinking and problem-solving abilities. Moreover, reading has been linked to a reduced risk of cognitive decline in older adults, further highlighting its long-term benefits. Therefore, incorporating reading into daily routines can significantly boost cognitive health and preserve mental sharpness over time.

2. The Impact of Technology on Education

Technology has revolutionized education by providing greater access to information and resources. With the advent of the internet and digital tools, students can access a vast array of educational materials from anywhere in the world. According to a report by the Pew Research Center, 92% of teachers reported that the internet has a major impact on their ability to access content, resources, and materials for their teaching. This accessibility not only enhances the learning experience but also enables personalized learning, where students can learn at their own pace and according to their interests. Furthermore, educational technologies such as online courses and virtual classrooms have made education more inclusive, reaching students in remote and underserved areas. Consequently, the integration of technology in education has democratized learning, making it more accessible and tailored to individual needs.

3. The Importance of Environmental Conservation

Environmental conservation is crucial for sustaining biodiversity and ensuring the health of our planet. Ecosystems are interdependent, and the loss of one species can have a ripple effect on others. For instance, the decline of bee populations, which are vital pollinators, has significant implications for plant reproduction and agricultural productivity. According to the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), 75% of the world’s food crops depend, at least in part, on pollination by bees and other insects. This interdependence underscores the importance of protecting species to maintain ecological balance and food security. Additionally, conserving natural habitats helps mitigate climate change by preserving forests that act as carbon sinks. Therefore, concerted efforts in environmental conservation are essential for the well-being of all life forms on Earth and the stability of our ecosystems.

4. The Advantages of Learning a Second Language

Learning a second language enhances cognitive abilities and cultural understanding. Bilingual individuals often exhibit improved memory, problem-solving skills, and multitasking abilities. Research from Pennsylvania State University indicates that bilingualism can delay the onset of Alzheimer’s disease by up to five years. This cognitive boost is attributed to the mental exercise of switching between languages and processing complex linguistic structures. Moreover, learning a new language fosters cultural empathy and global awareness. It allows individuals to better understand and appreciate cultural differences, promoting tolerance and reducing prejudice. In an increasingly interconnected world, these skills are invaluable, making bilingualism a significant asset both personally and professionally.

5. The Role of Physical Exercise in Health

Physical exercise plays a pivotal role in maintaining overall health and well-being. Regular physical activity helps control weight, reduce the risk of chronic diseases, and improve mental health. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) states that adults who engage in moderate-intensity exercise for at least 150 minutes per week lower their risk of heart disease, stroke, and diabetes. Additionally, exercise promotes the release of endorphins, which are natural mood lifters, reducing symptoms of depression and anxiety. Engaging in physical activities also enhances sleep quality, boosts energy levels, and improves muscle and bone strength. Consequently, incorporating regular exercise into one’s lifestyle is essential for physical and mental health, leading to a better quality of life.

Examples of Body Paragraph for Argumentative Essay

1. the case for universal healthcare.

Universal healthcare is essential for ensuring that all citizens have access to necessary medical services. In countries with universal healthcare, individuals do not have to worry about the financial burden of medical expenses, which can lead to better overall public health outcomes. For instance, a study conducted by the Commonwealth Fund found that countries with universal healthcare systems, such as Canada and the United Kingdom, have higher life expectancy and lower infant mortality rates compared to the United States. This data suggests that when people have access to healthcare without financial barriers, they are more likely to seek preventive care and treatment for illnesses, leading to healthier populations. Moreover, universal healthcare can reduce economic inequality by alleviating the financial strain on low-income families who might otherwise be unable to afford medical care. Therefore, implementing a universal healthcare system is a necessary step towards a healthier, more equitable society.

2. The Need for Renewable Energy

Investing in renewable energy sources is crucial for combating climate change and ensuring sustainable development. Fossil fuels, such as coal and oil, contribute significantly to greenhouse gas emissions, which are the primary drivers of global warming. According to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), renewable energy sources like wind, solar, and hydropower produce little to no greenhouse gases during operation. This makes them a much cleaner alternative to traditional energy sources. Additionally, the renewable energy sector has the potential to create millions of jobs worldwide. The International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) reports that the renewable energy industry employed over 11 million people globally in 2018, a number that is expected to grow as investment in this sector increases. By transitioning to renewable energy, we can significantly reduce our carbon footprint while also fostering economic growth and job creation. Therefore, prioritizing renewable energy investments is imperative for a sustainable future.

3. The Benefits of Online Education

Online education provides greater accessibility and flexibility for students, making it an invaluable tool in modern education. Traditional classroom settings can be restrictive for individuals who have other commitments such as work or family. A report by the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) shows that the number of students enrolled in at least one online course has steadily increased over the past decade, reaching over 6 million in the United States alone. This rise in online education enrollment demonstrates its growing popularity and effectiveness. Furthermore, online education allows for a personalized learning experience where students can learn at their own pace and revisit material as needed. Studies from the U.S. Department of Education suggest that students in online learning conditions performed modestly better, on average, than those receiving face-to-face instruction. Therefore, embracing online education can enhance learning opportunities and outcomes for a diverse range of students.

4. The Importance of Animal Testing in Medical Research

Animal testing remains a necessary practice for advancing medical research and ensuring the safety of new treatments. Many medical breakthroughs, including vaccines and life-saving treatments, have been developed through research conducted on animals. For instance, the polio vaccine, which has nearly eradicated the disease globally, was developed through extensive animal testing. Without such testing, it would have been impossible to ensure the vaccine’s effectiveness and safety. Moreover, regulatory agencies like the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) require animal testing to evaluate the safety of new drugs before they can be approved for human trials. This process helps protect human participants from potential adverse effects. While it is crucial to continue seeking alternative methods, current scientific capabilities still rely on animal testing to a significant extent. Therefore, until reliable and effective alternatives are found, animal testing remains an essential component of medical research.

5. The Impact of Social Media on Society

Social media has a profound impact on society, influencing everything from communication to mental health. Platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram have revolutionized the way people interact, share information, and stay connected. However, research indicates that excessive use of social media can lead to negative mental health outcomes. A study published in the Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology found that individuals who limited their social media use to 30 minutes per day reported significant reductions in feelings of loneliness and depression. This suggests that while social media can facilitate connection, overuse can exacerbate feelings of isolation and anxiety. Additionally, the spread of misinformation on social media platforms poses a significant threat to public discourse and democratic processes. Therefore, it is essential to promote responsible use of social media and implement measures to combat misinformation to mitigate its negative impacts on society.

Examples of Body Paragraph for Informative Essay

1. the history of the internet.

The internet has a rich history that dates back to the early days of computer networking. The concept of a global network began in the 1960s with the creation of ARPANET, funded by the United States Department of Defense. ARPANET, which stands for Advanced Research Projects Agency Network, was the first network to implement the TCP/IP protocol suite, which became the foundation of the modern internet. In the 1980s, the development of personal computers and the World Wide Web, invented by Tim Berners-Lee in 1989, revolutionized how information was shared and accessed. The introduction of web browsers, like Mosaic and Netscape, in the early 1990s made the internet more user-friendly and accessible to the general public. This period marked the beginning of the internet’s rapid expansion and integration into everyday life, leading to the interconnected digital world we experience today.

2. The Benefits of a Balanced Diet

A balanced diet is essential for maintaining good health and well-being. Consuming a variety of foods ensures that the body receives the necessary nutrients it needs to function properly. For example, fruits and vegetables are rich in vitamins and minerals, which support immune function and reduce the risk of chronic diseases. Protein-rich foods, such as lean meats, beans, and nuts, are crucial for muscle repair and growth, while whole grains provide sustained energy and help regulate blood sugar levels. According to the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, a balanced diet that includes a wide range of nutrients can improve overall health and reduce the risk of conditions like heart disease, diabetes, and obesity. Furthermore, staying hydrated by drinking plenty of water is also a key component of a balanced diet, as it aids digestion and helps maintain body temperature. Therefore, incorporating a variety of nutrient-rich foods into one’s diet is fundamental to achieving and maintaining optimal health.

3. The Role of Technology in Modern Education

Technology plays a pivotal role in modern education, transforming the way students learn and teachers instruct. With the advent of digital tools and online resources, educational opportunities have expanded significantly. For instance, interactive software and applications make learning more engaging and personalized, catering to individual student needs. According to a report by the National Education Association (NEA), technology in the classroom has been shown to improve student motivation and academic performance. Moreover, online learning platforms, such as Coursera and Khan Academy, provide access to a vast array of courses and educational materials, enabling lifelong learning beyond the traditional classroom setting. These resources allow students to learn at their own pace and revisit difficult concepts as needed. Consequently, the integration of technology in education not only enhances learning experiences but also prepares students for a digital future.

4. The Importance of Environmental Conservation

Environmental conservation is crucial for preserving the planet’s biodiversity and natural resources. Human activities, such as deforestation, pollution, and overfishing, have led to significant environmental degradation. For example, the destruction of rainforests not only results in the loss of countless species but also contributes to climate change by reducing the Earth’s capacity to absorb carbon dioxide. The World Wildlife Fund (WWF) reports that approximately 27% of the Amazon rainforest has been destroyed in the past 50 years, posing a severe threat to global biodiversity. Conservation efforts, such as protecting natural habitats, promoting sustainable practices, and reducing carbon emissions, are essential to mitigate these impacts. By implementing and supporting conservation initiatives, we can help ensure that natural ecosystems remain intact for future generations. Therefore, environmental conservation is a responsibility that must be shared by individuals, communities, and governments worldwide.

5. The Advantages of Learning a Second Language

Learning a second language offers numerous cognitive, social, and professional benefits. Research indicates that bilingual individuals often have better cognitive flexibility, which is the ability to switch between tasks and think about multiple concepts simultaneously. A study published in the journal Psychological Science found that bilingualism can enhance executive function, which includes skills such as problem-solving, memory, and attention control. In addition to cognitive advantages, knowing a second language can improve cultural awareness and communication skills. This is particularly valuable in today’s globalized world, where cross-cultural interactions are common. Professionally, bilingualism can open up job opportunities and enhance career prospects in various fields, such as international business, translation, and diplomacy. Therefore, investing time and effort in learning a second language can yield significant personal and professional rewards.

Examples of Body Paragraph for Research Paper

1. the effects of climate change on polar bear populations.

Climate change has significantly impacted polar bear populations, primarily through the loss of their sea ice habitat. Polar bears rely on sea ice as a platform for hunting seals, their primary food source. According to a study by the National Snow and Ice Data Center (NSIDC), the Arctic sea ice extent has declined by approximately 13% per decade since the late 1970s. This reduction in sea ice forces polar bears to travel greater distances and expend more energy to find food, leading to malnutrition and decreased survival rates, especially among cubs. Moreover, a report by the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) indicates that the shrinking ice habitat also increases the likelihood of human-polar bear conflicts as bears venture closer to human settlements in search of food. These findings underscore the urgent need for comprehensive climate policies to mitigate the effects of global warming and protect polar bear populations.

2. The Role of Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare

Artificial intelligence (AI) has revolutionized healthcare by enhancing diagnostic accuracy and improving patient outcomes. AI algorithms can analyze vast amounts of medical data, identifying patterns that may not be evident to human clinicians. For instance, a study published in Nature Medicine demonstrated that an AI system could diagnose skin cancer with greater accuracy than dermatologists, achieving a sensitivity rate of 95% compared to 86.6% for human experts. This capability allows for earlier detection and treatment of diseases, potentially saving lives. Additionally, AI-driven predictive analytics can help in managing chronic conditions by forecasting disease progression and suggesting personalized treatment plans. According to a report by Accenture, AI applications in healthcare could save the U.S. healthcare economy up to $150 billion annually by 2026 through efficiencies and improved outcomes. These advancements highlight the transformative potential of AI in making healthcare more efficient, accurate, and accessible.

3. The Impact of Social Media on Political Polarization

Social media has played a significant role in exacerbating political polarization by creating echo chambers and facilitating the spread of misinformation. Algorithms on platforms like Facebook and Twitter often promote content that aligns with users’ existing beliefs, reinforcing their viewpoints and isolating them from opposing perspectives. A study by the Pew Research Center found that 62% of Americans get their news from social media, where they are more likely to encounter sensationalized and biased information. This selective exposure can deepen ideological divides and reduce the likelihood of constructive political discourse. Moreover, research published in Science revealed that false news stories on social media spread six times faster than true stories, further fueling division and mistrust. These findings indicate that social media not only mirrors but also amplifies societal divisions, necessitating interventions to promote media literacy and responsible content sharing.

4. The Benefits of Bilingual Education Programs

Bilingual education programs offer significant cognitive and academic benefits to students. Studies have shown that bilingual individuals possess enhanced executive function, which includes skills such as problem-solving, multitasking, and memory. For example, research conducted by the American Psychological Association (APA) indicates that bilingual children outperform monolingual peers in tasks that require switching attention and inhibiting distractions. These cognitive advantages translate into academic success, with bilingual students often achieving higher scores in standardized tests. Additionally, a longitudinal study by the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) found that students enrolled in dual-language programs were more likely to graduate high school and attend college compared to their monolingual counterparts. These outcomes suggest that bilingual education not only supports cognitive development but also enhances long-term educational achievement. Therefore, expanding access to bilingual programs can provide substantial benefits to students and society as a whole.

5. The Economic Impact of Renewable Energy Adoption

Adopting renewable energy sources has significant positive impacts on the economy, including job creation and energy security. The transition to renewable energy requires a substantial workforce to manufacture, install, and maintain technologies such as solar panels and wind turbines. According to the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA), the renewable energy sector employed over 11 million people globally in 2018, with job numbers expected to rise as investment in this sector increases. This job creation can stimulate economic growth, particularly in regions struggling with unemployment. Furthermore, renewable energy reduces dependence on imported fuels, enhancing national energy security and price stability. A report by the U.S. Department of Energy highlights that increased use of domestic renewable energy sources can protect the economy from fluctuations in global fossil fuel markets. Thus, the economic benefits of renewable energy adoption extend beyond environmental considerations, offering substantial advantages for employment and national security.

Examples of Body Paragraph for Students

1. the importance of time management for students.

Effective time management is crucial for students to achieve academic success and maintain a healthy work-life balance. Properly managing time allows students to prioritize tasks, ensuring that important assignments and study sessions are completed efficiently. For instance, a study by the University of California, Berkeley found that students who practiced time management techniques, such as using planners and setting specific goals, achieved higher grades and reported lower stress levels. By breaking down larger tasks into smaller, manageable steps, students can avoid last-minute cramming and reduce anxiety. Moreover, time management skills are not only beneficial for academic purposes but also for extracurricular activities and personal life. Students who balance their schedules effectively can participate in sports, hobbies, and social events, contributing to their overall well-being and personal development. Therefore, mastering time management is essential for students to succeed academically and enjoy a balanced lifestyle.

2. The Benefits of Extracurricular Activities

Participating in extracurricular activities offers numerous benefits that enhance students’ educational experiences and personal growth. Engaging in activities such as sports, clubs, and arts programs helps students develop essential skills that are not typically taught in the classroom. For example, involvement in team sports teaches valuable lessons in teamwork, leadership, and perseverance. According to a report by the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), students who participate in extracurricular activities are more likely to have higher academic achievement and better attendance records. These activities also provide opportunities for students to explore their interests and talents, which can influence their future career choices and aspirations. Additionally, extracurricular involvement fosters a sense of belonging and community, helping students build friendships and support networks. Thus, engaging in extracurricular activities is instrumental in promoting well-rounded development and enriching the overall educational experience for students.

3. The Impact of Nutrition on Academic Performance

Proper nutrition plays a vital role in students’ academic performance and overall health. Consuming a balanced diet that includes a variety of nutrients helps maintain energy levels, improve concentration, and enhance cognitive function. A study published in the Journal of School Health found that students who ate a nutritious breakfast performed better on standardized tests and had higher attendance rates compared to those who skipped breakfast. Healthy eating habits also contribute to better mood regulation and reduced stress, which are important for academic success. For instance, foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids, such as fish and flaxseeds, have been shown to support brain health and improve memory. Schools that implement nutrition education programs and provide healthy meal options can significantly impact students’ learning outcomes. Therefore, promoting proper nutrition is essential for students to achieve their full academic potential and maintain overall well-being.

4. The Advantages of Using Technology in the Classroom

Integrating technology into the classroom offers numerous advantages that enhance the learning experience for students. Digital tools and resources make learning more interactive and engaging, catering to different learning styles and needs. For instance, educational apps and online platforms allow students to practice skills at their own pace and receive immediate feedback. According to a report by the U.S. Department of Education, schools that utilize technology effectively see improvements in student motivation and achievement. Technology also facilitates access to a wealth of information and educational materials, enabling students to conduct research and expand their knowledge beyond the textbook. Furthermore, incorporating technology prepares students for the digital world, equipping them with essential skills for future careers. Thus, the use of technology in education not only enhances academic performance but also prepares students for success in a technologically advanced society.

5. The Importance of Reading for Pleasure

Reading for pleasure is an important habit that benefits students academically and personally. Engaging in recreational reading improves literacy skills, vocabulary, and comprehension. A study by the National Literacy Trust found that students who read for enjoyment are more likely to perform better academically, particularly in language and literacy subjects. Additionally, reading for pleasure enhances creativity and imagination, allowing students to explore new ideas and perspectives. For example, reading fiction can increase empathy by helping students understand and relate to characters’ experiences and emotions. Beyond academic benefits, reading provides a relaxing escape from the pressures of school and daily life, promoting mental well-being. Therefore, encouraging students to read for pleasure is essential for their overall development and success.

More Examples & Samples of Body Paragraph in PDF

1. developing body paragraphs example.

Developing Body Paragraphs Example

2. Strong Body Paragraphs Example

Strong Body Paragraphs Example

3. Body Paragraph Structure and Development

Body Paragraph Structure and Development

4. Basic Body Paragraphs Example

Basic Body Paragraphs Example

5. How to Write Body Paragraphs Example

How to Write Body Paragraphs Example

6. Purpose of a Body Paragraph Example

Purpose of a Body Paragraph Example

Parts of a Body Paragraph

A well-constructed body paragraph is essential for a coherent and persuasive essay. Each body paragraph should support the main thesis of the essay and contribute to the overall argument or analysis. Here are the key parts of a body paragraph:

The topic sentence introduces the main idea of the paragraph. It should be clear, concise, and directly related to the thesis statement of the essay.

  • Example : “Effective time management is crucial for students to achieve academic success.”

The explanation elaborates on the topic sentence, providing context or a brief overview of the main idea. It sets up the evidence and analysis that will follow.

  • Example : “Properly managing time allows students to prioritize tasks, ensuring that important assignments and study sessions are completed efficiently.”

Evidence provides specific support for the main idea. This can include quotes, statistics, examples, or research findings. Evidence makes the argument more credible and persuasive.

  • Example : “A study by the University of California, Berkeley found that students who practiced time management techniques, such as using planners and setting specific goals, achieved higher grades and reported lower stress levels.”

The analysis explains how the evidence supports the topic sentence. It connects the evidence to the main idea and shows the significance or implications of the evidence.

  • Example : “By breaking down larger tasks into smaller, manageable steps, students can avoid last-minute cramming and reduce anxiety, leading to better academic performance.”

5. Transition or Concluding Sentence

The transition or concluding sentence links back to the thesis or sets up the next paragraph. It ensures coherence and flow in the essay.

  • Example : “Therefore, mastering time management is essential for students to succeed academically and enjoy a balanced lifestyle.”

How to Start a Body Paragraph

Starting a body paragraph effectively is essential for maintaining coherence and ensuring that each paragraph contributes meaningfully to the essay. Here are key steps and tips for starting a body paragraph:

1. Craft a Strong Topic Sentence

The topic sentence is the most important part of the body paragraph. It introduces the main idea of the paragraph and ties it to the thesis statement.

  • Example : “Implementing renewable energy sources is essential for reducing greenhouse gas emissions.”

2. Connect to the Thesis Statement

Ensure that the topic sentence clearly relates to and supports the essay’s thesis statement. This connection helps maintain the overall coherence of the essay.

  • Example : “Given the urgent need to address climate change, implementing renewable energy sources is essential for reducing greenhouse gas emissions.”

3. Use Transition Words or Phrases

If the paragraph follows another body paragraph, use transition words or phrases to create a smooth flow of ideas. This helps guide the reader through the argument or analysis.

  • Example : “Moreover, implementing renewable energy sources is essential for reducing greenhouse gas emissions.”

4. Introduce the Main Idea Clearly

State the main idea in a way that is easy to understand and sets up the explanation and evidence that will follow.

  • Example : “Implementing renewable energy sources is essential for reducing greenhouse gas emissions, as it offers a sustainable alternative to fossil fuels.”

How to End a Body Paragraph

Ending a body paragraph effectively is crucial for maintaining the flow and coherence of your essay. A strong concluding sentence can reinforce your main point, connect to the thesis, and provide a smooth transition to the next paragraph. Here are key steps and tips for ending a body paragraph:

1. Summarize the Main Point

Briefly restate the main idea of the paragraph without repeating it verbatim. This reinforces the point you’ve made.

  • Example : “Therefore, renewable energy sources are essential for reducing greenhouse gas emissions.”

2. Connect to the Thesis

Ensure that the concluding sentence links back to the thesis statement, reinforcing how the paragraph supports the overall argument.

  • Example : “This reduction in emissions is a critical step in combating climate change, aligning with the global effort to create a more sustainable future.”

3. Provide a Transition

Use a transitional phrase or sentence to smoothly lead into the next paragraph. This helps maintain coherence and guides the reader through your essay.

  • Example : “As we explore further, the economic benefits of renewable energy adoption also become apparent.”

4. Avoid Introducing New Information

Do not introduce new arguments or evidence in the concluding sentence. The focus should be on wrapping up the current paragraph and preparing for the next one.

How to Write a Body Paragraph

How to Write a Body Paragraph

1. Start with a Topic Sentence

  • Purpose : Introduce the main idea of the paragraph.
  • Example : “One of the most significant advantages of renewable energy is its positive impact on the environment.”

2. Provide an Explanation

  • Purpose : Clarify the topic sentence and provide context.
  • Example : “Renewable energy sources, such as solar and wind power, produce little to no greenhouse gas emissions during their operation.”

3. Present Evidence

  • Purpose : Support the main idea with relevant data, quotes, or examples.
  • Example : “According to a 2020 report by the International Energy Agency, solar power capacity grew by 22% worldwide, reducing CO2 emissions by approximately 1.2 billion tons annually.”

4. Include Analysis

  • Purpose : Explain how the evidence supports the main idea.
  • Example : “This significant reduction in emissions highlights how transitioning to renewable energy sources can mitigate climate change, a pressing global issue.”

5. Conclude with a Closing Sentence

  • Purpose : Summarize the paragraph’s main point and transition to the next paragraph.
  • Example : “Therefore, the shift to renewable energy is not only beneficial for reducing environmental harm but also essential for sustainable development.”

How long should a body paragraph be?

A body paragraph typically ranges from 5-8 sentences or 150-200 words, balancing detail and clarity without overwhelming the reader.

What is the purpose of a topic sentence?

A topic sentence introduces the main idea of the paragraph and sets the tone for the content that follows.

How can I ensure coherence in my body paragraph?

Use transitional words and phrases, maintain a logical flow of ideas, and ensure all sentences relate to the main idea.

What types of evidence can I use?

Use facts, statistics, quotes, examples, and anecdotes from credible sources to support your main idea effectively.

Why is analysis important in a body paragraph?

Analysis explains how your evidence supports your main idea, demonstrating critical thinking and deepening the reader’s understanding.

How do I transition between body paragraphs?

Use transitional sentences or phrases that connect the ideas of consecutive paragraphs, maintaining a smooth flow throughout your essay.

What should a closing sentence do?

A closing sentence should summarize the paragraph’s main point and provide a transition to the next paragraph.

Can I use personal experiences as evidence?

Yes, personal anecdotes can be powerful evidence, especially in narrative or persuasive essays, if they are relevant and support your point.

How many body paragraphs should an essay have?

The number of body paragraphs depends on the essay’s length and complexity, but typically ranges from 3-5 for standard essays.

What common mistakes should I avoid in body paragraphs?

Avoid vague topic sentences, lack of evidence, poor transitions, and irrelevant details that do not support the main idea.


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  • How to begin a new paragraph. Useful linking words and phrases.

It is a good idea to occasionally use linking words and phrases at the start of a new paragraph. They can help to link what you have said in the previous paragraph to what you are about to say in your new paragraph.

These link words and phrases are often referred to as signposts. This is because they help to indicate to the reader when one point ends and other begins, as well as the relationship between each point.

Used with care, they can help to guide examiners and tutors through your essay. As well as bolster the impression of a coherent, flowing and logical piece of work.

Useful linking words and phrases that can be used at the start of new paragraphs:

A contrary explanation is that, …

Although, …

As a consequence, …

As a result, …

As we have seen, …

At the same time, …

Accordingly, …

An equally significant aspect of…

Another, significant factor in…

Before considering X it is important to note Y

By the same token, …

But we should also consider, …

Despite these criticisms, …it’s popularity remains high.

Certainly, there is no shortage of disagreement within…

Consequently, …

Correspondingly, …

Conversely, …

Chaytor, … in particular, has focused on the

Despite this, …

Despite these criticisms, … the popularity of X remains largely undiminished.

Each of these theoretical positions make an important contribution to our understanding of, …

Evidence for in support of this position, can be found in…,

For this reason, …

For these reasons, …

Furthermore, …

Given, the current high profile debate with regard to, …it is quite surprising that …

Given, the advantages of … outlined in the previous paragraph, …it is quite predictable that …

Having considered X, it is also reasonable to look at …

In addition to, …

In contrast, …

In this way, …

In this manner, …

In the final analysis, …

In short, …

It can be seen from the above analysis that, …

It could also be said that, …

It is however, important to note the limitations of…

It is important to note however, that …

It is important however not to assume the applicability of, …in all cases.

It is important however not to overemphasis the strengths of …

In the face of such criticism, proponents of, …have responded in a number of ways.

Moreover, …

Notwithstanding such criticism, ….it’s popularity remains largely undiminished.

Notwithstanding these limitations, ….it worth remains in a number of situations.

Noting the compelling nature of this new evidence, …has suggested that.

Nevertheless, …remains a growing problem.

Nonetheless, the number of, …has continued to expand at an exponential rate.

On the other hand, critics of, …point to its blindness, with respect to.

Of central concern therefore to, …sociologists is explaining how societal processes and institutions…

Proponents of…, have also suggested that…

Subsequently, …

Similarly, …

The sentiment expressed in the quotation, embodies the view that, …

This interpretation of, … has not been without it’s detractors however.

This approach is similar to the, …. position

This critique, unfortunately, implies a singular cause of, …

This point is also sustained by the work of, …

This counter argument is supported by evidence from, …

The use of the term, …

Therefore, …

There appears then to be an acceleration in the growth of

There is also, however, a further point to be considered.

These technological developments have greatly increased the growth in, …

To be able to understand, …

Undoubtedly, …

While such failures must not be discounted, … there were in comparison small, when compared

Whilst the discussion in the preceding paragraph, …

Whether crime rates were actually lower at this time continues to be a matter of debate. Evidence from…

There are an almost limitless number of linking phrases and words one can use. What is important is that they complement the style of your writing.

Use these examples to arouse your creativity.

Remember that you don’t have to use them all the time. Using words like, ‘therefore’ ‘subsequently’ ‘moreover’ etc. for every new paragraph would probably become repetitive and detract from the key component of most academic work – critical analysis.

Finally, remember to succinctly, identify the key paragraphs and/or sections of your essay during your introductory paragraph. Then restate them along side an unambiguous position in your concluding paragraph. Again this will help to communicate a clear and understandable progression and structure, to those who read or mark your essay.

Best wishes. S J Tonge.

144 Responses to “How to begin a new paragraph. Useful linking words and phrases.”

It’s fine but describe it a little better with examples and stuff like that.

Thank you for your kind message. You’re very welcome 🙂

I couldn’t be more thankful! This particular link has helped me on a number of occasions! I actually have it bookmarked on my laptop! Thank you for taking the time to do this for us! For those of you who felt the need to leave a negative comment, STOP BEING SO IGNORANT! Think outside the box and make them work or continue to look for other resources!

Although I’m sure this will help me for future essays, I am looking for ways to start a paragraph instead. Thanks anyway, I will keep this in mind when composing the body of the essay 🙂

thanks so much. i think this will help me to improve my writing skill !

thankyou for this,really helped me alot.

This help Thx love dis!

this thing sucks. im looking for the begining of a paragraph not middle of end. Stupid site!!!!!!!!!

Righting my first high school paper and want to make a big impression this page saved me thanx 🙂

really helpful

Harvey, harvey, harvey, harvey DEarman. i use this site all then time for my personal pleasure

Hello my nam3e is Jeppy Dickdearman and i use this site a lot while writing essays. irt is very useful. daimon barrow also uses it

There are always frustrated guys that believe that formulating destructive criticisms is the way to be perceived as a sort of an illuminated and important being… If they knew…

Please, don’t pay attention to those as… You have done an excellent job!! THANKS!!!!!!!!

By the way.. another word you may use to link paragraphs is “additionally…”

Enjoy time and life and waive the morons… their opinion is useless…

This really gave me a central idea how to start a paragraph with a strong start. So THANK YOU SOOOOOO….. MUCH

Great this is chiken soup for my academic wrting.

this is good. anyone criticizing this is a dumbass and should get a life.

Thank you!!! This article helped me a lot to make my paper flow.

Nice job! It must have taken such a long time for you to do this. It was very helpful.

What are these haters looking for on this page in the first place??

THANK YOU so much. I am going to print this and use it as a mini manual.

Thank you so much for the useful list. I am currently working on my research paper and i definitely needed this! 😉

Thank you soooo much . We are doing a 6th grade debate and I had no idea how to start it. you help me so much

this is the best dont listen to all the dummies!

this helped me so much! thank uuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!!!!!!!!

I find this very helpful and brilliant words for my essay, thanks a lot

thank you so much, this is a useful site which people shouldn’t miss, it has improved my writing skills.

thank you once more and be blessed 🙂

Not so sure these are *all* ways to start a Paragraph, nevertheless the words that aren’t really paragraph openers are stilll great transitional words and phrases. Great work.

Hey bro, this does not suck and it is in fact a great help. you are the one who sucks here, swagalishis. And also, your name sucks as well.

Very useful, brilliant phrases, helped a lot! Many thanks

Thankss!! This helped me a lot! I got a good grade on my essay because of all these words 🙂 P.S Don’t listen to these idiots, they just hating on you because they cant come up with anything better..

If you have nothing positive to say just do not say it at all, or at least try to be polite if you dislike something. Show some kind of maturity.

This actually has helped me a lot . Thanks

Bookmarking this! Thank you so much! Brilliant!

good site had the most fun writing my essay with such tool loved it <3

I will be using some of these on the FCAT writes thank you so much

I don’t think this helped because most of the paragraph starters are ways of linking the new paragraph to the previous paragraph. What if you want a clever way to start a new topic in a new paragraph?

thanks u helped alot

Me again!!!!!

Thanks again for the help!!! Used the list again and got a great grade because of this!!!!

Thank you sooooooo much!!!!

A Nanny Mouse 😀

i was only joking promise this helped me a lot hopefully it will help me in my essay 2morrow

listen to this u dont even help anyone i need sentences not words anyway this helped me

this helped me so much thank you very much

Thank you, ignore any bad comments this is brilliantly clever 🙂

im trying to write a thesis statement for my research paper and this kind of help me thankssss.

thanks this site have helped me a lot with the things that I didn’t know


To the chump before me, you need to get a life because this saved me thank you so much.

You suck!!!!!!!!! It says for words to start a paragraph not words for in the middle of the paragraph. Can you people read!!!!!!!!!!!

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100+ Useful Words and Phrases to Write a Great Essay

By: Author Sophia

Posted on Last updated: October 25, 2023

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How to Write a Great Essay in English! This lesson provides 100+ useful words, transition words and expressions used in writing an essay. Let’s take a look!

The secret to a successful essay doesn’t just lie in the clever things you talk about and the way you structure your points.

Useful Words and Phrases to Write a Great Essay

Overview of an essay.

100+ Useful Words and Phrases to Write a Great Essay

Useful Phrases for Proficiency Essays

Developing the argument

  • The first aspect to point out is that…
  • Let us start by considering the facts.
  • The novel portrays, deals with, revolves around…
  • Central to the novel is…
  • The character of xxx embodies/ epitomizes…

The other side of the argument

  • It would also be interesting to see…
  • One should, nevertheless, consider the problem from another angle.
  • Equally relevant to the issue are the questions of…
  • The arguments we have presented… suggest that…/ prove that…/ would indicate that…
  • From these arguments one must…/ could…/ might… conclude that…
  • All of this points to the conclusion that…
  • To conclude…

Ordering elements

  • Firstly,…/ Secondly,…/ Finally,… (note the comma after all these introductory words.)
  • As a final point…
  • On the one hand, …. on the other hand…
  • If on the one hand it can be said that… the same is not true for…
  • The first argument suggests that… whilst the second suggests that…
  • There are at least xxx points to highlight.

Adding elements

  • Furthermore, one should not forget that…
  • In addition to…
  • Moreover…
  • It is important to add that…

Accepting other points of view

  • Nevertheless, one should accept that…
  • However, we also agree that…

Personal opinion

  • We/I personally believe that…
  • Our/My own point of view is that…
  • It is my contention that…
  • I am convinced that…
  • My own opinion is…

Others’ opinions

  • According to some critics… Critics:
  • believe that
  • suggest that
  • are convinced that
  • point out that
  • emphasize that
  • contend that
  • go as far as to say that
  • argue for this

Introducing examples

  • For example…
  • For instance…
  • To illustrate this point…

Introducing facts

  • It is… true that…/ clear that…/ noticeable that…
  • One should note here that…

Saying what you think is true

  • This leads us to believe that…
  • It is very possible that…
  • In view of these facts, it is quite likely that…
  • Doubtless,…
  • One cannot deny that…
  • It is (very) clear from these observations that…
  • All the same, it is possible that…
  • It is difficult to believe that…

Accepting other points to a certain degree

  • One can agree up to a certain point with…
  • Certainly,… However,…
  • It cannot be denied that…

Emphasizing particular points

  • The last example highlights the fact that…
  • Not only… but also…
  • We would even go so far as to say that…

Moderating, agreeing, disagreeing

  • By and large…
  • Perhaps we should also point out the fact that…
  • It would be unfair not to mention the fact that…
  • One must admit that…
  • We cannot ignore the fact that…
  • One cannot possibly accept the fact that…


  • From these facts, one may conclude that…
  • That is why, in our opinion, …
  • Which seems to confirm the idea that…
  • Thus,…/ Therefore,…
  • Some critics suggest…, whereas others…
  • Compared to…
  • On the one hand, there is the firm belief that… On the other hand, many people are convinced that…

How to Write a Great Essay | Image 1

100+ Useful Words and Phrases to Write a Great Essay 1

How to Write a Great Essay | Image 2

100+ Useful Words and Phrases to Write a Great Essay 2

Phrases For Balanced Arguments


  • It is often said that…
  • It is undeniable that…
  • It is a well-known fact that…
  • One of the most striking features of this text is…
  • The first thing that needs to be said is…
  • First of all, let us try to analyze…
  • One argument in support of…
  • We must distinguish carefully between…
  • The second reason for…
  • An important aspect of the text is…
  • It is worth stating at this point that…
  • On the other hand, we can observe that…
  • The other side of the coin is, however, that…
  • Another way of looking at this question is to…
  • What conclusions can be drawn from all this?
  • The most satisfactory conclusion that we can come to is…
  • To sum up… we are convinced that…/ …we believe that…/ …we have to accept that…

How to Write a Great Essay | Image 3

100+ Useful Words and Phrases to Write a Great Essay 3

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45 Best Transition Words and Phrases For Essays

But how to make sure that everything ties together, and that you present your arguments in a logical, smooth manner? It’s simple. You do it by using transition words and phrases, which can turn your scattered thoughts into a well-organized, and neatly looking piece of prose. “Look on every exit as being an entrance somewhere else.” – Tom Stoppard It is common knowledge that the ability to write a great essay is tremendously helpful to those who are pursuing higher education. So, it wouldn’t hurt to add all the weapons you can find to your essay-writing arsenal, like these transition words.

What are transition words?

Here are the main rules for the usage of transitional words:, using transitional words in essays.

Your regular essay will comprise five paragraphs – an introduction, three paragraphs to present your points, and a conclusion. Your job is to make the prose consistent, and that’s why you need words and phrases to create links between the ideas. The words and phrases below are mostly used in persuasive (argumentative) essays where you need to convince the readers of your opinion confidently. But in fact, they’re useful in almost any type of writing (such as expository essays ) simply to keep the structure intact. If you use them well, they can emphasize contrast, highlight a similarity, and solidify your conclusion. Transition, a formal definition: the process of changing from one situation, form, or state to another.

Transition words are used at the beginning of each new paragraph. For Example:

They can also be used when you present a new point in the same paragraph. for example:, there’s a multitude of transition words that will contribute to a sleeker essay.

Many students make the mistake of repeating the same words repeatedly. This causes them to lose impact and meaning. Among grammarians, this phenomenon is called grammar saturation. The important thing to know is that there are several categories to transition words depending on the type of impact you’d like to create in your writing . Often, there are several words suitable for one transition. Just remember that they don’t always mean the same and you might need some practice to recognize the subtle differences between them. To avoid this, look up synonyms and never use the same transition word more than once in a single piece of prose (especially in the same paragraph). If you need a more in-depth course on this topic, you may read A Writer’s Guide To Transitional Words and Expressions.

Here’s a list of the best transition words that’ll come to your rescue:

When you want to indicate similarity or addition:, examples of use:, when you want to indicate dissimilarity, contrast, or contradiction:, when you want to indicate similarity:, when you want to indicate cause, effect, purpose, consequence, or result:, when you want to emphasize something:, when you want to indicate the time or sequence of events:, when you want to indicate spatial order or reference:, how do these words relate to the format of your essay, introductory transitions, words to use in an introductory paragraph:, connecting the second paragraph to the third:, connecting the third paragraph to the fourth:, connecting the body to the conclusion:.

Pro tip: Words like ‘for’, ‘and’, ‘nor’, ‘but’, ‘or’, ‘yet’, and ‘since’ shouldn’t be used at the beginning of a sentence if you’re writing a formal essay. “The best part of your story is when it changes.” – Bella Bloom Bonus material – a printable PDF chart with link words (always keep it beside you): A complete list of transition words and conjunctions.

Now it’s your turn to use these transition words

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Top 35+ Linking Words and Phrases for beginning New Paragraphs

phrases to start paragraphs in essays

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At the beginning of each paragraph, you should aim to provide a clear topic sentence that tells the reader the subject of the paragraph and also connects the paragraph with the previous paragraph or the main topic of the assignment. The following words and expressions are frequently used as paragraph openers and linking expressions. Read through the list and see if  you can find useful ones for your own writing. Otherwise, you can get your paper written for you by professional essay writers

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phrases to start paragraphs in essays

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Narrative essays are a powerful way to share personal experiences and insights through storytelling. Understanding how to write a narrative essay effectively can transform your anecdotes into compelling narratives that captivate your readers. In this guide, we'll explore what a narrative essay is, how to start a narrative essay, and how to structure it for maximum impact. Additionally, we will provide a narrative essay story example to illustrate these concepts in practice.

What is a Narrative Essay?

A narrative essay is a type of essay that tells a story from the author's perspective. It is characterised by a clear narrative arc, detailed descriptions, and personal reflections. Unlike other academic essays, a narrative essay allows for a more personal and creative approach, making it a favourite for writers who enjoy storytelling.

Structuring Your Narrative Essay

A well-structured narrative essay flows smoothly from one part to the next, keeping the reader engaged throughout. Here is a basic structure to follow, simply adjust it based on your essay prompt:


  • Hook : Capture the reader's interest right away.
  • Background Information : Briefly set the stage for your story.
  • Thesis Statement : Although narrative essays are more personal and less formal, having a thesis or main point is still essential. It provides focus and direction.

Body Paragraphs

  • First Paragraph : Introduce the main characters and setting. Establish the initial situation before the conflict arises.
  • Second Paragraph : Develop the plot. Describe the events that lead up to the main conflict or climax.
  • Third Paragraph : Present the climax. This is the turning point of your story, where the main conflict reaches its peak.
  • Fourth Paragraph : Begin to resolve the conflict. Show the aftermath and the consequences of the climax.
  • Resolution : Explain how the conflict was resolved. Tie up any loose ends.
  • Reflection : Offer insights or reflections on the story’s impact or its broader implications. What did you learn from the experience? How did it change you?

How to Start a Narrative Essay

The beginning of your narrative essay is crucial as it sets the tone and grabs the reader's attention. A strong start can captivate your audience and compel them to keep reading. Here are some detailed tips on how to start a narrative essay effectively:

Hook Your Reader

The opening line of your narrative essay should act as a hook that grabs the reader’s attention right away . This can be done through:

An Intriguing Statement : Make a bold or surprising statement that sparks curiosity. For example: “It was the summer of 1999, and the heat was relentless – but it was also the summer that changed everything.”

A Provocative Question : Pose a question that prompts the reader to think and want to find out more. For example: “Have you ever had a single moment define your entire life?”

A Vivid Anecdote : Start with a short, engaging story or an event that sets the stage for your narrative. For example: “As the old clock struck midnight, I found myself standing at the crossroads of destiny, my heart pounding with both fear and excitement.”

Set the Scene

Once you’ve hooked your reader, it’s important to provide some context to help them visualise the setting and understand the background of your story. This involves:

Describing the Time and Place : Give details about when and where the story takes place. This helps to create a vivid picture in the reader's mind. For example: “The small town of Greenville, nestled in the heart of the countryside, was the backdrop for my most unforgettable summer. The year was 1999, and the streets were quiet under the oppressive summer heat.”

Introducing the Main Characters : Briefly introduce the main characters involved in your story. Describe their appearances, personalities, and roles to make them relatable. For example: “At the centre of my story is Mrs. Thompson, a kind-hearted elderly lady with a penchant for telling captivating tales of her past.”

Introduce the Conflict

Every good story has a central conflict or problem that drives the narrative forward. Introducing this conflict early on gives your narrative direction and keeps the reader engaged. Consider the following:

Presenting the Problem : Clearly state the conflict or challenge that will be central to your story. This sets up the stakes and piques the reader’s interest in how it will be resolved. For example: “Despite the town's peaceful appearance, a deep-seated tension lurked beneath the surface, threatening to disrupt the summer's tranquillity.”

Hinting at the Climax : Foreshadow the turning point or climax of your story without giving too much away. This creates anticipation and encourages the reader to continue. For example: “Little did I know, my simple offer to help Mrs. Thompson with her groceries would lead me into a whirlwind of unexpected adventures and life-altering lessons.”

By following these tips, you can start your narrative essay in a way that captures the reader’s attention, provides necessary context, and introduces the central conflict, setting the stage for a compelling and engaging story.

Narrative Essay Story Example

To illustrate these points, here’s a brief narrative essay story example:

It was the summer of 1999, and the heat was relentless – but it was also the summer that changed everything. I had just turned fifteen, and my parents decided it was time for me to learn the value of hard work by getting a summer job.

The first few weeks at the local grocery store were uneventful. I stocked shelves, bagged groceries, and occasionally helped customers find items. Then, one sweltering afternoon, Mrs. Thompson walked in. She was a regular – a kind, elderly lady who always had a smile and a story. One day, she confided in me that she was having trouble getting to the store due to her arthritis. On a whim, I offered to help by delivering her groceries to her home. This small act of kindness set off a chain of events that I could never have anticipated. As I got to know Mrs. Thompson better, she shared stories of her life, her late husband, and her adventures during World War II. Her stories were captivating and taught me more about resilience and courage than I had ever learned from history books.

By the end of the summer, Mrs. Thompson had become more than just a customer – she was a friend and a mentor. The experience taught me the importance of compassion and community. It wasn’t just a summer job; it was a lesson in humanity that I carry with me to this day.

Writing a narrative essay involves more than just recounting an event; it's about crafting a story that engages and resonates with your readers. By understanding how to write a narrative essay and how to structure it effectively, you can turn your personal experiences into compelling narratives. Remember to start with a strong hook, develop your story with a clear structure, and conclude with meaningful reflections.

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Blogs / Language / 94 Transition Words and Phrases (with Examples)

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94 transition words and phrases (with examples).

It doesn’t matter what type of writing you’re doing. It could be an email to your newsletter list, a social media post, or your latest novel. Either way, mastering narrative flow is crucial. And the best way to get flow into your writing is to use transition words. Transition words make your writing clear and cohesive. And they also make sure readers can follow the structure of your sentences logically.

If you don’t handle transitions well, your writing will feel disjointed and readers will scratch their heads in irritation because your prose will be hard to follow.

If you want to learn more about how to use transition words, or just need a brief refresher, then this article is for you. We’re going to delve into what transition words are, why they’re important, and how you can use them to enhance your writing. You’ll also get to know the different transition words (along with 94 examples) and, if you stick around until the end, I’ve included my top three tips for using transition words effectively.

What Are Transition Words?

Transition words are essential to great writing. They help you connect your ideas so that your sentences, paragraphs, scenes, chapters, and ultimately, your novel make sense. I like to think of transition words as bridges because they link one thing to another.

Transition phrases can be simple, single words like “and,” “but,” “so,” and “because.” They can also be more complex phrases like “in addition,” “on the other hand,” and “as a result.”

Transition words exist to create coherency between your ideas, so they make logical connections between one part of a sentence and the next. They can help you with addition, contrast, cause and effect, and time. By using these transition words, readers will understand the progression of your thoughts.

Transition words will help make your writing easier to read.

Why Are Transition Words Important?

Without transition words, your writing will look choppy and there will not be a logical flow, making it hard for readers to comprehend your meaning. If readers can’t understand the flow of your writing, they won’t be able to enjoy your work, which will lead to them putting your book down.

Transition words act as really effective signposts in your writing because they show readers where you’re adding information, presenting a causal relationship between two concepts, making a contrast between two parts of your sentence, shifting time or setting, etc. For example, words like “however” and “on the other hand” tell the reader you’re about to draw a contrast between two ideas, whereas words like “additionally” and “furthermore” signal you’re about to add to an idea.

Can you see how transition words eradicate abrupt jumps between sentences and paragraphs, making your writing smoother and less jarring? These words are vital because they enhance readability and strengthen the impact of any arguments you make.

If you want to write in a persuasive and interesting way, then you need a bunch of transition words in your writerly arsenal.

The important thing to remember is that without the use of transition words, readers would find it hard to understand the ideas (character, plot, setting) you’re trying to communicate, and that’s why they’re so important.

What Roles Do Transitions Play in Writing?

This article covers four major roles transition words play in your writing. These roles are emphasis, addition, order, and contrast. In the following section, you’re going to learn about each of these roles‌, and I’ll provide examples so you can see how they work in practice.

Let’s start with emphasis transition words.

What Are the Different Types of Transition Words?

Emphasis transition words.

Emphasis transition words are crucial for highlighting important points in your writing. They help draw attention to key ideas, ensuring your readers grasp the significance of specific details. These words can make your writing more persuasive and impactful by underscoring essential elements.

  • Indeed : The results of the experiment were indeed groundbreaking.
  • In fact : She is, in fact, the best candidate for the job.
  • Clearly : Clearly, this issue needs immediate attention.
  • Obviously : Obviously, the project requires more funding to succeed.
  • Undoubtedly : This is undoubtedly the most effective solution we have.
  • To be sure : To be sure, he has proven himself a reliable leader.
  • For this reason : For this reason, we must reconsider our strategy.
  • Notably : Notably, her performance was exceptional.
  • Particularly : He was particularly skilled at solving complex problems.
  • Especially : The dessert was especially delicious.
  • Importantly : Importantly, the data supports our hypothesis.
  • Significantly : Significantly, the changes improved overall efficiency.
  • Above all : Above all, the safety of the students is our priority.
  • Chiefly : The plan succeeded chiefly because of her leadership.
  • Primarily : We delayed the project primarily because of bad weather.
  • Mainly : Technical issues caused the delay, mainly.
  • Principally : Principally, we aimed the initiative at reducing costs.
  • Most importantly : Most importantly, we should focus on customer satisfaction.

These emphasis transition words can enhance your writing by making key points stand out and ensuring your readers understand the importance of the information you are conveying.

Addition Transition Words

Addition transition words help to add information or ideas to your writing, creating a smoother flow and connecting related points. They are essential for expanding on arguments, providing examples, or simply adding more detail to your narrative.

  • Additionally : Additionally, the new policy will improve employee morale.
  • Also : She is a talented singer and also plays the piano beautifully.
  • And : He enjoys reading and writing.
  • Furthermore : The project was successful. Furthermore, we completed it early.
  • Moreover : The results were impressive. Moreover, they exceeded our expectations.
  • In addition : In addition to his skills, he has a great attitude.
  • Besides : She has a beautiful voice. Besides which, she can dance well. So, if the singing career doesn’t work out, she has a backup plan.
  • Too : He likes football. He loves basketball too.
  • As well : She works hard and volunteers as well.
  • Along with : Along with his technical skills, he has excellent communication abilities.
  • Plus : She’s an excellent designer. Plus, she’s very organized.
  • Further : Further, we need to address the budget concerns.
  • Likewise : The team performed well. Likewise, their coach received praise.
  • Similarly : The weather was bad. Similarly, the traffic was terrible.
  • Not only… but also : Not only is she intelligent but also very creative.
  • Equally : He is equally skilled in both painting and sculpture.
  • Additionally : The report was thorough. Additionally, it was easy to read.
  • Apart from : Apart from being an outstanding leader, she is also a kind person.
  • As well as : She’s knowledgeable as well as experienced.
  • Alongside : Alongside the financial report, we need the marketing analysis.

These addition transition words will help you seamlessly incorporate new ideas or details into your writing, ensuring that your prose flows logically and cohesively.

Order Transition Words

Order transition words are essential for organizing your ideas and presenting them in a logical sequence. They guide the reader through your argument or narrative, ensuring clarity and coherence.

  • First : First, we need to gather all the ingredients.
  • Second : Second, preheat the oven to 350 degrees.
  • Third : Third, mix all the ingredients thoroughly.
  • Next : Next, pour the mixture into a baking pan.
  • Then : Then, place the pan in the oven.
  • After : After you’ve baked the cake, let it cool for 20 minutes.
  • Following : Following the cooling process, apply the frosting.
  • Subsequently : Subsequently, cut the cake into equal pieces.
  • Finally : Finally, serve the cake with a scoop of ice cream.
  • At the same time : At the same time, prepare the coffee.
  • Meanwhile : Meanwhile, set the table for dessert.
  • Earlier : Earlier, we had prepared the frosting.
  • Before : Before serving, ensure the cake is completely cool.
  • Afterward : Afterward, clean the kitchen.
  • Initially : Initially, we thought the recipe would be difficult.
  • Later : Later, we realized it was quite simple.
  • Previously : Previously, I had never baked a cake.
  • Simultaneously : Simultaneously, start making the icing.
  • Immediately : Immediately after baking, the aroma filled the house.
  • Finally : Finally, enjoy your delicious homemade cake.
  • Ultimately : Ultimately, the success of the cake depends on the ingredients.
  • Primarily : Primarily, focus on the baking time.
  • First and foremost : First and foremost, ensure you have all the ingredients.
  • Once : Once the cake is ready, everyone will enjoy it.
  • To begin with : To begin with, preheat the oven.
  • In the beginning : In the beginning, gather all the ingredients.
  • Thereafter : Thereafter, follow the steps carefully.
  • Eventually : Eventually, you will master the recipe.
  • In conclusion : In conclusion, baking can be a rewarding experience.

These order transition words will help you structure your writing in a clear and logical sequence, making it easier for your readers to follow your narrative or argument.

Contrast Transition Words

Contrast transition words are used to highlight differences between ideas or to show how they contrast with each other. These words help to create a clear distinction and provide a nuanced understanding of the relationship between ideas.

  • However : She wanted to attend the party. However, she had to work late.
  • But : He studied hard for the test but he didn’t pass.
  • Yet : The sun was shining, yet it felt cold outside.
  • Although : Although it was raining, they went for a walk.
  • Despite : Despite his efforts, he couldn’t complete the project on time.
  • On the other hand : She loves classical music. On the other hand, her brother prefers rock.
  • In contrast : The north side of the island is dry. In contrast, the south side is lush.
  • Nevertheless : He had little experience. Nevertheless, we hired him for the job.
  • Whereas : She likes coffee, whereas her friend prefers tea.
  • Conversely : The medicine made him feel better. Conversely, it made her feel worse.
  • Even though : Even though it was late, they continued their journey.
  • Though : Though he was tired, he continued to work.
  • Instead : She didn’t go to the gym. Instead, she took a long walk.
  • Unlike : Unlike her classmates, she finished her homework early.
  • Otherwise : You need to hurry; otherwise, you’ll miss the train.
  • Rather : He chose to stay home rather than go out.
  • Nonetheless : The team was under-prepared. Nonetheless, they won the game.
  • Alternatively : You can take the bus. Alternatively, you can walk.
  • Still : He apologized, still she was upset.
  • Yet : It was a laborious task, yet she completed it.
  • Though : Though he tried, he couldn’t fix the car.
  • While : She was cooking while he set the table.
  • Conversely : We praised her for her work. Conversely, we criticized him.
  • Otherwise : You should wear a coat, otherwise you might catch a cold.
  • Even so : It was raining. Even so, they went hiking.
  • In spite of : In spite of the warnings, they went ahead with their plan.
  • On the contrary : He thought the project would fail. On the contrary, it succeeded.
  • Rather than : Rather than complaining, she took action.
  • Though : Though she was nervous, she gave a brilliant speech.

These contrast transition words will help you clearly differentiate between ideas and provide a more nuanced and detailed understanding in your writing.

Tips for Using Transition Words

Tip 1: use transition words to enhance clarity and flow.

If you want to write clearly and smoothly, you must add transition words to your writing. If you don’t use transition words, your writing won’t flow, and your author’s voice won’t feel natural.

These words and phrases help guide readers through your novel, ensuring they never feel lost and always understand what you’re saying.

In short, they will reduce confusion and create a seamless reading experience.

And who doesn’t want that?

Tip 2: Match Transition Words to the Tone and Style of Your Writing

Don’t get me wrong, you could pick any transition word that makes grammatical sense in the sentence you’re writing, and that would be fine.

If you want to know a secret to supercharge your writing, then stick with me. Have you ever thought about using these words to match the tone and style of your writing? No? Then pay attention.

Let’s just say you’re writing a historical fiction novel set in upper-class regency England. In this instance, you might find words like “furthermore,” “consequently,” and “nevertheless,” work better, because they convey the upper class tone of the novel and fit with the way characters might talk.

Now imagine you’re writing a gritty, contemporary thriller where the protagonist has a blunt, no nonsense personality. In order for your transition words to match the tone and style of your writing, you might use simpler iterations like “but,” “so,” and “also.”

Tone is nothing more or less than genre expectations, so have a think about what transition words work best for your genre, and you won’t disappoint readers.

Tip 3: Vary Transition Words to Avoid Repetition

If you’ve read any of my previous articles, you know repetition and I don’t get along. And that’s because repetition bores readers. It makes writing monotonous and less engaging, which is the exact opposite of what we’re trying to do here.

By varying your use of transition words, you keep your writing fresh and engaging for readers.

And, now you’ve read this article, you have plenty of transition words to choose from.

Finally, always remember the story comes first. Before worrying about the perfect adjective to use, it’s best to focus on:

  • Creating engaging characters
  • Penning an interesting plot
  • Structuring solid settings

A tool like Fictionary helps you turn your draft into an interesting story readers love. So, with the right adjectives and a strong narrative foundation, your writing can truly shine.

Jane Friedman

Why Your Revision Shouldn’t Start on Page One

Image: an overhead view of a house under construction

Today’s post is by writer and book coach Monica Cox .

There is something invigorating about typing the words THE END on a rough draft. The story has unspooled from your fingers for weeks, months, maybe even years and, finally, you have reached the resolution.

You may feel relief, excitement, or even a renewed dedication to the story. You may even be motivated to dive right into revisions so you can share it with the world as soon as possible.

But rushing to edit can be the biggest mistake a writer makes.

Returning to page one with red pen in hand inevitably leads to reading on the line level. You start fiddling with individual words, phrases, and paragraphs. You are line editing when you haven’t even finished your first read-through. It keeps you focused on the trees and not the forest of your story where the big structural issues tend to hide. These structural issues are the problems in your manuscript you need to address first. No writer wants to realize a paragraph they spent an entire afternoon dissecting and making stellar needs to be deleted, along with the rest of the chapter that doesn’t fit the story anymore once you fixed a plot hole.

Killing your darlings is hard enough, so don’t make it worse by dressing them up for the red carpet first.

To revise most effectively

Step back and take in the 30,000-foot view. See the forest from up high where it’s much easier to spot obstacles, trails, and dreaded dead ends.

To gain some distance, it helps to put it away for a bit after you type THE END. If you can afford to give yourself several weeks off from your story, do it. Use that time to celebrate this beautiful thing you’ve done–you wrote an entire book! Do you know how many people say they want to write a book and don’t ever start, not to mention finish? (Spoiler alert: a lot!)

After you’ve given yourself some time to enjoy the champagne or chocolate, go for a walk, take a nap, or reintroduce yourself to the friends and family you’ve been ignoring while you spent hours on this draft, come back to the manuscript for a full read-through.

But DO NOT sit back down at your computer. Instead:

  • Change the font of your manuscript. Make the writing look physically different from how you drafted it.
  • Read on another device than the one you created it on. Send your manuscript to your e-reader or a tablet. You can even print it out, but only if you promise not to write on it (yet).
  • Read your manuscript where you’d read a book you didn’t write. Wrote at a desk? Read on the sofa.

These changes may seem superficial, but they help transition you from writer to reader. Adopting a reader’s mindset will allow you to see what is missing in a way the writer’s mindset (the god of the story who knows all the things) will not.

The key rule during this first read-through?

DO NOT MAKE EDITS! Remember, you are reading as a reader, not a writer. Read with a legal pad or notebook next to you so you can jot down only notes with page or chapter numbers where you notice problems. 

The problems you should be looking out for? Not word choice or paragraph order. Look for:

  • Point of view: What point of view is your story? Is it consistent throughout? Write down the page number of any place where you’ve inadvertently hopped into another character’s head.
  • Character: Are your character’s wants and needs clear at the start of the story? Does the reader know what’s at stake if they don’t get what they want? Note any place where a character’s action or motivation doesn’t make sense. This might look like: “Why did she decide to make that phone call on page 27?”
  • Obstacles: Are readers clear what is standing in the character’s way?
  • Agency: Is your character making decisions? Do those decisions have consequences? Conversely, are things just happening TO your character?
  • Trajectory: Look at transitions between chapters. Is there an action or decision driving your story forward into the next chapter? If not, make a note of the chapter or page.
  • Pacing:  Jot down where you lose interest, find yourself skimming, or are flat out bored. Yes, you are super familiar with your story, but if you’re glossing over it, chances are a reader will, too.

After this initial read-through, you should have notes indicating where your story went a little sideways, or the character spent three chapters simply reacting and not acting, or you noticed a little head hopping. Look for patterns and group your issues together by category.

Only once you’ve established your big-picture issues will you begin to revise. Pick a category and work your way through your manuscript fixing that issue  before moving on to the next category. If weak story trajectory was a major issue in your rough draft, shore that up first in all the places it was a problem. Then move on to character motivation. Then work through point of view, etc.

Starting on page one attempting to fix all the big picture issues chapter by chapter will only put your brain back into a linear mindset. Don’t fall into the trap! Inevitably it will lead to you reading page by page making line edits and changes that aren’t necessary yet. Focus on those big picture issues one at a time.

Just like a home inspector needs to check the frame, plumbing, and wiring before the contractor walls them in, make sure your story structure is strong and set up for success before you dress up the writing. The style of sink or pendant light doesn’t make a bit of difference if the plumber didn’t put a pipe in the bathroom or the framers didn’t include the beams that will hold up the roof.

Fix your roof, plumbing and electrical first. Then add the walls—those emotional layers, descriptions, checking for realistic dialogue. Only then will it be time to paint and pick your fixtures, i.e., line edit. That’s your final polish and, trust me, it will be oh so much shinier with all the big things in their proper place first.

Monica Cox

Monica Cox is a writer and Author Accelerator Certified book coach who firmly believes the real writing happens in revision. She is a graduate of the Hussman School of Journalism and Media at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and a member of the Women’s Fiction Writers Association and North Carolina Writers Network. She lives in North Carolina with her husband, two teenaged boys, and an ornery but adorable cat. To learn more about her coaching services as well as her mini-course to help writers lost in their editing journey find a way to a finished manuscript, visit her website at www.monicacox.net . You can also connect with her on Instagram , LinkedIn or via her weekly newsletter .


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New Louisiana law requires the Ten Commandments to be displayed in every public school classroom

BATON ROUGE, La. — Louisiana has become the first state to require that the Ten Commandments be displayed in every public school classroom under a bill Republican Gov. Jeff Landry signed into law Wednesday.

The GOP-drafted legislation mandates that a poster-size display of the Ten Commandments in a “large, easily readable font” be in all public classrooms, from kindergarten to state-funded universities.

Opponents question the law’s constitutionality, warning that lawsuits would be likely to follow. Proponents say that the purpose of the measure is not solely religious but that it has historical significance. In the law’s language, the Ten Commandments are described as “foundational documents of our state and national government.”

Louisiana could soon become the first state to require that the Ten Commandments be displayed in every public school classroom — in another expansion of religion into day to day life by a Republican-dominated legislature.

Civil liberties groups announced later Wednesday that they planned to challenge the law in court. In a joint statement, Americans United for Separation of Church and State, the American Civil Liberties Union, the ACLU of Louisiana and the Freedom from Religion Foundation said that "the law violates the separation of church and state and is blatantly unconstitutional."

"The First Amendment promises that we all get to decide for ourselves what religious beliefs, if any, to hold and practice, without pressure from the government," the statement said. "Politicians have no business imposing their preferred religious doctrine on students and families in public schools."

The displays, which will be paired with a four-paragraph “context statement” describing how the Ten Commandments “were a prominent part of American public education for almost three centuries,” must be in place in classrooms by the start of 2025.

The posters would be paid for through donations. State funds will not be used to implement the mandate, based on language in the legislation.

The law also “authorizes” — but does not require — the display of the Mayflower Compact, the Declaration of Independence and the Northwest Ordinance in K-12 public schools.

Similar bills requiring that the Ten Commandments be displayed in classrooms have been proposed in Texas, Oklahoma, Utah and other states. However, with threats of legal battles over the constitutionality of such measures, no state besides Louisiana has made the bills law.

Legal battles over displaying the Ten Commandments in classrooms are not new.

In 1980, the Supreme Court ruled that a similar Kentucky law was unconstitutional and that it violated the establishment clause of the U.S. Constitution, which says Congress can “make no law respecting an establishment of religion.” The high court found that the law had no secular purpose but rather served a plainly religious purpose.

Louisiana’s controversial law, in a state ensconced in the Bible Belt, comes during a new era of conservative leadership in the state under Landry, who replaced two-term Democratic Gov. John Bel Edwards in January.

The GOP also has a two-thirds supermajority in the Legislature, and Republicans hold every statewide elected position, paving the way for lawmakers to push through a conservative agenda during the legislative session that ended this month.

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Ford celebrates 1m Rangers; looks to PHEV production start before year-end

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Ockert Berry

The first generation Ranger

The newest Ranger

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25th June 2024

By: Irma Venter

Creamer Media Senior Deputy Editor

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Ford South Africa (SA) has celebrated the assembly of the one-millionth Ranger at its Silverton plant in Pretoria.

While the first million bakkies has taken 24 years, the second million is set to happen before the decade is out, should production continue at the current rate of roughly 200 000 units a year.

Ford SA operations VP Ockert Berry says there is no luck involved in reaching the almost magical production number, but “rather a focus on four or five things that must be executed correctly in the South African environment”.

“You need the right facilities and tooling.” This, says Berry, provides the local arm of the US car maker with the ability to repetitively assemble the same product at the same quality.

The second is an investment in upskilling people, especially in terms of technical skills and leadership.

“You can’t run an operation of this size from a boardroom,” notes Berry. “You need to be hands-on. You need to constantly communicate with the 5 200 people it takes to produce a Ranger here in Silverton.”

In the same manner, Berry and the Ranger’s main local component suppliers meet virtually each evening to tackle any issues that may have arisen during the day.

The supplier park next door to the plant – a byproduct of the new Ranger programme – houses 12 suppliers, some of them new to the country.

The third weapon in Ford SA’s production arsenal is to have the right product.

“We have a fantastic product with many accolades won here and in Australia and in Europe,” says Berry.

The final ingredients in a successful production recipe are to have above average engineering, engineering support and an operating system that brings everything together seamlessly.

“If you don’t have that guidance, the facility will start running you instead of you running your business,” states Berry.

He believes that the decision by Ford to bring the stamping plant and chassis frame line in-house has been key in improving Ranger build quality.

“We are now buildings vehicles out of our body shop with zero reworks on them and we have no warranty issues with regards to steering, handling, chassis rust, corrosion or dimensional issues on the frames at all. This takes a lot of noise you previously had to manage out of the way.”

Ford SA has produced three Ranger generations to date.

The company started production of its first Rangers in 2000, which coincided with the official return of Ford Motor Company to South Africa.

The first-generation Ranger was produced between 2000 and 2011, which included Ford SA’s first foray into the export market.

Exports started in 2008, with right-hand-drive and left-hand-drive models shipped to markets in Africa.

Production on this generation ended in late 2011, with more than 100 000 Rangers manufactured in what was a multiplatform assembly facility at the time, producing light commercial vehicles as well as passenger cars.

As Ford’s first global pick-up truck, the introduction of the second-generation Ranger saw production at the Silverton plant transition to a high-volume, flexible single platform in 2011.

The initial installed capacity was 110 000 vehicles a year.

This new model also led to investments in the Struandale engine plant in Gqeberha for the component machining and assembly of Duratorq TDCi engines.

The second-generation Ranger chapter drew to a close at the end of 2022, with 873 751 bakkies produced in South Africa in total, and two-thirds shipped to export markets across world.

The launch of the third and current-generation Ranger at the end of 2022 saw installed capacity increase to 200 000 vehicles a year – or 720 vehicles a day – with fresh investments at the Silverton assembly plant and Eastern Cape engine plant.

Ford SA has subsequently announced a further investment to enable production of the Ranger plug-in electric hybrid (PHEV) at Silverton, starting later this year.

Berry says the plant is currently busy with PHEV prebuilds, with the first production unit scheduled towards the end of the year.

He is optimistic that the PHEV is “the right place to play” when considering current market conditions, as it “gives you the best of both worlds”.

Around 60% to 70% of Ford SA’s Ranger production is exported to Europe, which is facing increasingly strict emission regulations.

“We are ready for that game. In my personal view I think PHEV demand will be there for quite some time, with people opting for that rather than battery electric vehicles. In fact, I think demand for the PHEV will be higher than current estimates,” says Berry.

Looking ahead, Berry believes that Ford SA has proved to its parent company in the US that it can build vehicles to the highest quality.

“That doubt is out of their minds. This is important as the competition between Ranger plants is very tough. You don’t just get the right to build product; you earn it.”

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phrases to start paragraphs in essays


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    0. 33962. At the beginning of each paragraph, you should aim to provide a clear topic sentence that tells the reader the subject of the paragraph and also connects the paragraph with the previous paragraph or the main topic of the assignment. The following words and expressions are frequently used as paragraph openers and linking expressions.

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    They help you connect your ideas so that your sentences, paragraphs, scenes, chapters, and ultimately, your novel make sense. I like to think of transition words as bridges because they link one thing to another. Transition phrases can be simple, single words like "and," "but," "so," and "because."

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    At the end of a paragraph to sum up an idea In the conclusion A table of signposting stems: These should be used as a guide and as a way to get you thinking about how you present the thread of your argument. You may need to adapt certain words and phrases for your own purposes.

  24. Why Your Revision Shouldn't Start on Page One

    You start fiddling with individual words, phrases, and paragraphs. You are line editing when you haven't even finished your first read-through. It keeps you focused on the trees and not the forest of your story where the big structural issues tend to hide. These structural issues are the problems in your manuscript you need to address first.

  25. Louisiana law requires the Ten Commandments to be displayed in every

    The displays, which will be paired with a four-paragraph "context statement" describing how the Ten Commandments "were a prominent part of American public education for almost three ...

  26. Ford celebrates 1m Rangers; looks to PHEV production start before year-end

    Ford South Africa (SA) has celebrated the assembly of the one-millionth Ranger at its Silverton plant in Pretoria. While the first million bakkies has taken 24 years, the second million is set to ...