Terrorism in Pakistan has declined, but the underlying roots of extremism remain

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January 15, 2021

This piece is part of a series titled “ Nonstate armed actors and illicit economies: What the Biden administration needs to know ,” from Brookings’s  Initiative on Nonstate Armed Actors .

According to the South Asia Terrorism Portal, Pakistan saw 319 terrorism-related incidents in 2020, and 169 associated deaths of civilians. That represents a decline, from a high of nearly 4,000 such incidents in 2013, with over 2,700 civilian deaths (see figure below).

This fall is largely due to the Pakistani army’s kinetic operations against the Pakistani Taliban — also known as the Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) — which had been responsible for the majority of deaths of civilians and security forces since 2007, the year it formed officially as an umbrella organization of various militant groups. Over the years, American drone strikes targeted and killed successive TTP leaders, including Baitullah Mehsud in 2009, Hakimullah Mehsud in 2013, and Mullah Fazlullah in 2018. The Pakistani military’s Zarb-e-Azb operation (named for the sword of the Prophet Muhammad) began in 2014 — after a TTP attack on the Karachi airport that June — and increased in intensity after the Peshawar Army Public School attack of December that year, which killed more than 130 schoolchildren. Since 2017, having largely routed the TTP (because of limited information access to the area, there are questions about how many terrorists were killed, versus simply displaced across the Pakistan-Afghanistan border), the military’s operation entered a new phase of “elimination” of militant groups. The operation is called Radd-ul-Fasaad, which literally means elimination of all strife.

Figure: Terrorism-related fatalities in Pakistan

While this top-line picture in terms of number of attacks and casualties is clearly a positive one, the TTP has been regrouping since last summer. Various breakaway factions pledged allegiance to the group last July, and there are reports of it making a comeback in at least six districts in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa “ with the intimidation of locals, targeted killings, and attacks on security forces .” The TTP is reported to have killed at least 40 security forces between March and September 2020. Official Pakistani sources blamed India as “behind” the revival. On the other end, the Pashtun Tahaffuz Movement, an ethnic protest movement that claims human rights violations against civilians by the Pakistani military during its operations against the Taliban, has alleged (without systematic proof) that “the Taliban are being allowed to return” to the tribal areas in a “secret deal with the military.”

The TTP, of course, maintains ties with the Afghan Taliban and al-Qaida. Some have speculated that the TTP comeback may be linked with the Afghan peace process and Pakistan’s fencing of the border with Afghanistan, both of which threaten the group’s sanctuary in Afghanistan. (A U.N. report from July 2020 stated there were 6,000 Pakistani fighters in Afghanistan, most affiliated with the TTP.) There has also been some speculation that the Afghan peace process might include, at some point, a separate Afghan-Pakistan deal, with Afghanistan denying safe haven to the TTP potentially in return for Pakistan denying sanctuary to the Haqqanis (though it is unclear whether that will be possible, or acceptable to Pakistan). Pakistan has already raised questions about Afghanistan’s sanctuary for the TTP.

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The Islamic State in Khorasan (ISIS-K), which operates in Afghanistan and is the Afghan Taliban’s rival, has been responsible for recent attacks in Baluchistan, including of 11 Shia Hazara coal miners this January — complicating Pakistan’s already violent sectarian landscape. In discussing this attack, Pakistan’s Prime Minister Imran Khan again blamed India for “backing ISIS” to “spread unrest” in Pakistan. (Pakistan has also long claimed that India uses Afghan soil — on which ISIS-K is based — to destabilize Pakistan.)

Anti-India militant groups continue to have a foothold in Pakistan, but Pakistan has begun taking action against the Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT) in recent years, especially in the wake of its enhanced monitoring by the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) in 2018 for terrorism financing; it is a key goal of Khan’s government to have Pakistan removed from this “grey list,” because it hurts the country’s image and causes it financial harm. Most notably, Pakistan has sentenced Hafiz Saeed, the leader of the LeT, to 11 years in prison for terrorism financing. Another LeT leader, Zaki-ur-Rehman Lakhvi, was also recently sentenced to five years for terrorism financing. The United States has acknowledged these steps, but has argued that Pakistan needs to hold these LeT leaders accountable for more than terrorism financing. Pakistan has taken less action against Jaish-e-Mohammad, the terrorist group responsible for the Pulwama attack of February 2019; its leader, Masood Azhar, is at large. Notably, Pakistan-based militant groups have not been responsible for any violence in Kashmir since the Pulwama attack; in an interview later in 2019, Khan asked Pakistanis not to engage in any violence or “jihad” in India, because it would be blamed on Pakistan and would harm it. That signal seems to have worked.

Placing the blame on India for terrorism in Pakistan is something the country has long done, although not always in as direct a manner as in 2020. Beyond linking the recent ISIS-K attack with India, Pakistan also linked the Baluch Liberation Army’s June 2020 attack on the Karachi Stock Exchange with its eastern neighbor (Pakistan has longed argued India supports the Baluch insurgency). In November, the Pakistani foreign minister, in a splashy press conference, released details of the “ dossier ” Pakistan has compiled linking India to funding, arming, and training terrorists (including the TTP) against Pakistan. Only the summary — not the full dossier — discussed in that meeting has been made public. It found a receptive audience in a Pakistani population already wary of the Narendra Modi government for its actions in Kashmir and the alarming rise in intolerance toward Muslims in India. The Pakistani government says it has shared the dossier with the U.N. and various governments, but those parties have not publicly acknowledged it.

Pakistan’s strategy toward militant groups has long been two-pronged, as it were: to take overt (and successful) action against groups targeting the Pakistani state and citizenry — the TTP — without taking action against the groups it has considered “strategic assets,” including the Afghan Taliban that have sought sanctuary on its soil and anti-India militants that its intelligence agencies have covertly supported. Underlying this approach has been an effort to hedge bets: regarding the Taliban’s possible influence in Afghanistan after an international withdrawal, and regarding militant proxies who may give Pakistan parity on an otherwise lopsided conventional military footing with India. There are signs some of this is changing. For instance, Pakistan has developed a good relationship with Kabul, especially in recent months, but it also knows its leverage over the Taliban keeps it relevant to the Afghan peace process. The FATF listing has induced Pakistan to take its strictest action to date on militant groups, especially LeT. It also helps that Pakistan is keen to shed an image associated with terrorism. Yet the long-term sustainability of actions Pakistan has taken in response to pressure from FATF remains to be seen; will they be reversed when the FATF grey-listing is lifted? And what happens after the international withdrawal from Afghanistan is complete?

The central issue is not one of state capacity, but an unwillingness of the Pakistani state to paint all jihadist groups with the same brush, to recognize the linkages in ideology that connect them all — and to acknowledge how those ideologies find fodder in Pakistan’s laws, educational curricula, politics, and indeed the very nature of how Pakistan has defined itself, as I detailed in my book . This issue holds for Pakistan’s military, and also across its spectrum of major political parties, as has been demonstrated over the last 12 years with all three of them successively holding power. That lack of recognition of how terrorism and extremism are connected, and of the very roots of extremism, is the crux of the problem: Militant groups can always find recruits, from other groups or from the general population. Non-armed right-wing fundamentalist groups, notably the Tehreek-e-Labbaik Pakistan (TLP), share these ideologies, glorify violence (the TLP, after all, celebrated the murder of Salmaan Taseer for daring to propose reform in Pakistan’s blasphemy laws), and enjoy growing support and sympathy.

For a brief time after the Peshawar school attack of 2014, there was some clarity in recognizing the homegrown nature of the Pakistan Taliban, and the country devised a National Action Plan to tackle extremism and terrorism. While it was incomplete and never acknowledged the deeper roots of extremism, it was a start. But it has gone by the wayside as the Pakistani state has turned back once again to blaming India for terrorism in the country. Meanwhile, the underlying roots of extremism — the country’s curricula, the way its politics works, and its laws, which have all primed its citizenry to buy into and sympathize with the propaganda of extremist groups — remain intact. Pakistan’s claims about India deserve to be heard and investigated, as the international community ignoring them only worsens Pakistan’s sense of victimhood, but that does not absolve the state of its own policies that have fostered extremism and allowed terror groups to proliferate on its soil.

As the Biden administration takes office, it is worth recognizing the effectiveness of the FATF tool, and the limited leverage of the United States to effect real change on security matters in Pakistan, at least initially. Ultimately, Pakistan must be the one to connect the dots linking all the terrorist groups on its soil and their ideologies, acknowledge how it has contributed to extremism within its borders, and decide on addressing the roots of that extremism. I would argue that the best way to encourage it to do so is for America to develop a relationship with the country that is separate from Afghanistan, and separate from India: to deal with Pakistan on its own terms. Meanwhile, security concerns in Pakistan are more or less contained, with the FATF listing and the Pakistani state’s action against the TTP being the primary mechanisms for that control, and the Biden administration need not make them the center of its Pakistan policy.

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Zarb E Azb Operation In Pakistan Essay In English

The  Zarb-e-Azb operation was launched by the Armed Forces of Pakistan on June 15 th , 2014. It’s a full-fledged martial attack on North Waziristan, one of the Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA) that form Pakistan’s northwestern border with Afghanistan. Granting to the Defense Minister this operation will be against ‘local and foreign terrorists’ and will stay till ‘the last terrorist has been eliminated’. This operation commenced  in the reaction of an attack on  Jinnah International Airport in Karachi with the complete political, defense and the civilian  support of the state.

Zarb E Azb Operation In Pakistan Essay In English

Operation Zarb-e-Azb, a mutual service of the equipped forces against the different combative groups, including Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP), Lashkar-e-Jhangvi, Jundullah, Al-Qaeda, East Turkistan Islamic Movement (ETIM), the Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan (IMU) and the Haqqani Network, in the area of FATA. About some 30,000 Pakistani soldiers took part in Zarb-e-Azb, illustrated as a ‘comprehensive operation’ to wash out all foreign and local militants trouncing in the North Waziristan Agency and the neighboring regions.

Zarb E Azb Operation In Pakistan Essay In English

Therefore, Operation Zarb-e-Azb was extended, because North Waziristan is a survival place for militants patiently vulnerable the triumph of other martial operations throughout the 2002-2014.Certainly, the capability of militants was hastily found protection in North Waziristan to recover and reclaim their lost force.This is a major cause that Pakistan’s chief operations failed to attain their set objectives above the final decade.The current activity has gone bad to bring real peace to Pakistani cities,nevertheless,the TTP and associated group are even competent to commence main attacks. On November 2, 2014, a huge penalizing suicide bombing was launched in Pakistan-India border near Wagah, Lahore. In this attack, 55 people were killed and 200 wounded.

Zarb E Azb Operation In Pakistan Essay In English,,

            Thus, concluding my article as, the global world has constantly had their uncertainties about Muslims that whether they stand for harmony or are they religious extremists in favor of war. The distorted meaning of “Jihad” that is prominent amongst the international world is damaging due to the Taliban.To undo this damage we need to show our peaceful side, the side that supports peace in our country. This war also provides us an opportunity to demonstrate our sense of equivalence between the other provinces. Let’s demonstrate the cosmos that the masses of Sindh, Baluchistan, Khyber- Pakhtoon- Kha and Punjab are all equal to us. The geographic milieu of someone does not an issue to us and that we still remember and hold  the saying of Quaid-e-Azam in our heart:

“We are now all Pakistanis–not Baluchis, Pathans, Sindhis, Bengalis, Punjabis and so on–and as Pakistanis we must feet perform and work, and we should be overblown to be known as Pakistanis and nothing else.’’

Muhammad Hassnain

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Operation Zarb-e-Azb: Two years of success

Operation Zarb-e-Azb: Two years of success

His words are echoing today loud and clear and with the pride of the dutifulness, sacrifices and commitment of an army speaking behind that has written an episode of history with no match to be found anywhere in the world. He confidently puts it as, “Zarb-e-Azb was launched against terrorists of all hues and colour, with sanctuaries of terrorists dismantled during the operation without discrimination,” These are the words of the Chief of Army Staff (COAS), General Raheel Sharif on two year successful completion of the operation Zarb-e-Azb, and, today, Pakistan is a safer place than it was before the launch of Operation Zarb-e-Azb in 2014.

Inception of Operation Zarb-e-Azb

With the full support of political Government, the Pakistan military launched a full scale military offence Zarb-e-Azb on 15th June 2014 with the staunch determination to wipe out hotbeds of militants in North Waziristan Agency (NWA) that isa strategically important agency in the Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA) bordering Afghanistan.

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The operation is named as Zarb-e Azab.‘Azb’ refers to one of the seven swords of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) that was he carried along in the Ghazwaz of Uhad and Badr to strike hard infidels. Zarb-e-Azb means “swift and conclusive strike”not over yet.

Suicide bombings, target killing, fatalities by violence, and terrorist attacks had plagued the peace of Pakistan since a decade.In Pakistan, the presence of militant groups in NWA was seen as major cause of worst terrorist attacks in last few years. Militant wings had stronghold in NWA and terrorist wings were active in using Pakistan’s own soil for their nefarious designs. On 8 June 2014, militants group attacked Jinnah International Airport in Karachi which led toprompt inception of the Operation Zarb-e-Azb.

The defenders of Pakistan initiated the operation with unflinching faith and undaunted commitment toeradicate the scourge of terrorism while fighting without any discrimination of “good” and “bad” Taliban.

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 Undoubtedly, it was an uphill task to fight in the most treacherous terrain but Pakistan armed forces proved its invincibility with an unwavering resolve, as the motherland’ peace and progress has always remainedparamount for Pakistan Armed forces.

Undaunted soldiers of Pakistan armed forces, successfully targeted sanctuaries and safe havens of Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan (TTP), Punjabi Taliban, East Turkestan Islamic Movement (ETIM), Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan and Al-Qaeda and all other miscreant militant outfits on the harshest terrain of the world withvalour.

Global acknowledgments

Many global and domestic security portals saw operation Zarb-e-Azb as an instrument of peace in country. There is long list of various military, civil leaders and forums across the globe that generously acknowledged and praised the success of the Operation Zarb-e-Azb.

TheUS State Department country reports on Terrorism, released inearlier June 2016, appreciated Pakistan’s efforts to curb terrorism and maintained that Pakistan “remained a critical counterterrorism partner in 2015.”

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The report further acknowledges the operation Zarb-e-Azab and reads, throughout 2015, “the Pakistani military continued ground and air operations in North Waziristan and Khyber Agency to eliminate terrorist safe havens and recover illegal weapons caches.”

Statistical data endorses theunparalleled   success of operation

While analyzing various sources that mostly matched, it was found that the number of terror related incidents have gone down since the inception of Zarb-e-Azb.Concurrently, the percentage of the global terrorism surged form 40-50%, however, terrorism decreased from 40-45% in Pakistan, as per precise security reports published in 2016.

Figures speak the truth. In the wake of Zarb-e-Azb the number of terror related incidents, terrorist activities; suicide bombings have witnessed dip in Pakistan.

The Global terrorism index (GTI) 2015, complied by the international research group the Institute for Economics and Peace, analyses impact of terrorism on global community. The report conceded success of Zarb-e-Azb and stated “Pakistan was the only country in the ten most impacted countries that saw a decline in deaths and accordingly it dropped from third to fourth.”

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 *Data retrieved from SATP till June 26, 2016

In 2015, many security analysts agreed thatthe number of the Suicide attacks, Terrorists attacks and fatalities in terrorist attacks decreased in Pakistan with impressive numbers.According to South Asian terrorism Portal, in Pakistan, during 2013, terrorists carried out 43 attacks, however, during 2015, 2016 the number of suicide attacks plummeted in country and the credit obviously goes to the operation Zarb-e-Azb.

Decreased percentage of civilian casualties from terrorist violence (2014-2016) SATP till June 26, 2016

According to data retrieved from the South Asia Terrorism Portal till June 26 2016, the fatalities of civilians from terrorist violence are declining in number, the year the operation Zarb-e-Azb was launched. Civilian fatalities, has been dropped to 40 percent in 2014 and 65 percent in 2015 and 74 percent in 2016.

Source: SATP *Data till 3 July, 2016

Thanks to Zarb-e-Azb, the number of civilian fatalities in terrorist violence shrank from horrible four digit figure to triple digit within launch of one year. In 2013, before Zarb-e-Azb , 3001 civilians killed in terrorist violence. In 2015, the causalities decreased to 532 to 308 in 2016.

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Fact sheet of two year achievements

The facts released by the ISPR on the two year completion of the operation Zarb-e-azb are self-explanatory to manifest the success of the operation.

Over 4,000 square kilometers of land in North Waziristan, including the most treacherous and rugged terrain of Shawal, has been cleared of terrorists, which included 900 terrorists of proscribed militant organization Lashkar-e-Islam. 

The valiant Pakistan Army successfully carried out 19000 Intelligence-based operations (IBOs) were carried out which were based on interrogation and lead generations.

Pakistan Army also seized around 243 tons of explosives, enough to make IEDs (Improvised Explosive Devices) for 17 years, shut down 7,500 bomb factories, and a total of 3500 terrorists were killed, wiped out 992 safe havens and sanctuaries of terrorists.

Our 4900 soldiers including 17 officers embraced sacred status of martyrdom, and over 2000 valiant Ghazis wounded during the past two years.

Uplift programmes introduced by the Pakistan Army

Pakistan military introducedvarious uplift programmes and activities for the development and rehabilitation of the area.

On 14 June 2016, the COAS visited North and South Waziristan expressed solidarity with natives and categorically emphasized, “Development of FATA is a priority task being undertaken by the army as part of a comprehensive plan. These projects will improve the quality of life in the tribal areas, usher in a new era of economic prosperity and address the problem of militancy in the long term.”

The COAS inaugurated various infrastructure and developmentprogrammes, including the 72km long Miranshah – Razmak - Makeen dual carriage road which is part of the 705km Central Trade Corridor. The proposed road will decrease distances of several hours to a few hours between the North and South Waziristan after completion. 

Earlier, Pakistan army introduced a “de-weaponisation” campaign in North Waziristan and registered approximately, 3,000 tribesmen under the campaign.

Pakistan Army has undertaken 567 projects in the social, communication, infrastructure and power sectors in Waziristan.

While staying determined on the Temporary Displaced People (TDPs) issue, Pakistan military generously helped to return around 61% TDPs to their hometowns while the remaining TDPs are expected to be repatriated by December, 2016.

Army units, particularly its engineers, have been engaged in building in infrastructure and road developments in the reconstruction phase of the operation. For the stated purpose, FWO and engineering units are working day and night in construction of roads, bridges, schools, mosques, basic health units and water supply schemes in the North and South agencies.

Zarb-e_azb has accentuated   positive effect on Pakistan’s security, stability and progress. The mega project of $ 42 billion CPEC was initiated after satisfactory security situation in Pakistan. With defeating terrorism, the Pakistan Armed Forces have gifted the nation with the peace that guarantees prosperity under CPEC. It has not only paved the way for a promising future but has also restored the confidence of a nation that was shattered by the terror waves during these two decades. With the output of the operation praised worldwide, all the strategic stakeholders in the region should now be left with little doubt about the sheer sincerity of Pakistan in fighting the menace of terrorism.

Now, so as to save the country from the ever present monster of extremism the world, especially the US, should now look towards working with Pakistan in a cordial manner whereby giving due regard to the reality of its problems and not leaving it alone as has been a precedent in the past.

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Operation Zarb-E-Azb: A Successful Initiative to Curtail Terrorism

  • Umbreen Javaid
  • Published 1 July 2015
  • Political Science
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21 Citations

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War as an Instrument of Political Policy: Clausewitzian Analysis of Operation Zarb-E-Azb

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Global Media Journal

ISSN: 1550-7521

Framing of Operation Zarb-e-Azb in English Dailies of Pakistan

Rubab Musarrat * and Ghulam Shabir

Faculty of Media and Communication Studies, University of Central Punjab, Pakistan

Received date: May 29, 2020; Accepted date: Jul 01, 2020; Published date: Jul 07, 2020

Citation: Musarrat R, Shabir G. Framing of Operation Zarb-e-Azb in English Dailies of Pakistan. Global Media Journal 2020, 18:35.

Copyright: © 2020 Musarrat R, et al. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.

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This research explores the coverage of the military Operation Zarb-e-Azb (OZA) during the period from June 2014 to June 2016 by three prominent Pakistani English Dailies; the News, Dawn, and The Nation. A consensus sampling technique was applied to analyze the framing of OZA in 807 editorials of three dailies during the selected period. The Chi Square tests observed the significant variation in the publication of editorial about OZA in these dailies. The research reconnoiters positive attitude of foreign countries towards Pakistan during military Operation Zarb-e-Azb and enhancement of security situation after this operation in the country. The research endorses that local dailies created a positive picture of the nation domestically on OZA.

Newspapers editorial; Framing; Operation Zarb-e-Azb; Security


A variety of counter-terrorism operations have been launched by Pakistan Army which helped to initiate and collaborate with the United States in the War on Terror. Though, country recognized the radical Islamist groups in the past, it was difficult for Pakistan to differentiate between “ good ” and “ bad ” [ 1 ]. In Pakistan, extremism has drawn significant local and foreign concerns since the war of terror. Subsequently, these concerns are also highlighted by local and foreign media. The significant research has been carried out primarily on the reasons of militant violence and extremism in Pakistan [ 2 - 6 ].

In a report, Nabi [ 7 ] given a short overview of all army’s insurgent activities in an attempt to counter terrorist activities in Pakistan. The following is the compilation of: (1) Operation Al-Mizan (2002-2006), (2) Operation Rah-e-Haq (2007), (3) Operation Sher-e-Dil (2008), (4) Operation Zalzala (2008-2009), (5) Operation Sirat-e-Mustaqeem (2008), (6) Operation Rah-e- Rast (2009), (7) Operation Rah-e-Nijaat (2009), (8) Operation Koh-e-Sufaid (2011), (9) Operation Zarb-e-Azb (2014), and (10) Operation Rad-ul-Fasad (2017).

Of all operations, though, the Zarb-e-Azb (G. S. Afzal, personal communication, March 25, 2018) is the most successful operation. In this sense, the current study seeks to establish empirical analysis that surpasses traditional methods and examines Pakistan's position in international scenario and security situation in the war on terror in relation to Operation Zarb-e-Azb. The purpose of the research is to explore the role of Pakistan ’ s English dailies in war against terrorism with respect to Operation Zarb-e-Azb. This research also aims to determine how media construct truth in their editorials in relation to OZA. Through its media content, newspapers report terrorist activities.

Galtung and Fischer [ 8 ] claim that the media is on the bottom line when reporting topics such as conflicts and wars, a path leading directly to war coverage, by overestimating and growing the crisis. Galtung contributes to this argument by suggesting that an alternate highway negates the idea of war journalism and aims to address the problem of peace by neutralizing and raising the question that leads to peace journalism.

In Pakistan, where Taliban has been provided time and space in not only Pakistani media, but also the world's media outlets, it is important that the media coverage of this war against terrorism is studied over time, to understand how Pakistani media portrayed this fight against terrorism, against Taliban and showed Pakistan's armed forces.

The newspaper editorials, columns and opinions are review in past studies [ 9 - 14 ]. The present research focuses on newspaper editorials whose significance is recognized by the fact that they reflect public thought and the point of view [ 15 ]. Vermeer [ 16 ] claims that "a newspaper publication house presents its subscribers with a medium for reading the news of the day that is not treated easily by the task editors" (p. 5).

The media has strongly integrated the picture of country into the foreign world, as a country is considered to be the key entity for analysis by the media, a picture operative in shaping a public understanding [ 17 ]. The present research explores the answers of following research questions; RQ1: in what measure, Operation Zarb-e-Azb (OZA) was reported by newspapers (The News, Dawn and The Nation) in Pakistan from 2014 to2016? RQ2: Through how much of an Operation Zarb-e-Azb (OZA) was important to newspapers (The News, Dawn, and the Nation) through Pakistan? RQ3: How did the newspapers of this particular Operation Zarb-e-Azb (OZA) in Pakistan focus on, or diverge civil military relations?

While answering the research questions, following hypotheses are tested to predict empirical grounds under OZA;

H1: Pakistan’s English dailies (i.e. The News, Dawn & The Nation) gave significantly positive coverage to the support of foreign countries regarding military Operation Zarb-e-Azb (OZA).

H2: The coverage of Pakistan’s English dailies (i.e. The News, Dawn & The Nation) demonstrated that Operation Zarb-e-Azb (OZA) a successful military operation.

H3: Pakistan’ English dailies (i.e. The News, Dawn & The Nation) took a positive stance regarding improved security environment in as the result of military Operation Zarb-e-Azb (OZA).

Alina [ 18 ] said that the Pakistani military and the government had a good mindset in uniting themselves with the military on one side. During Operation Zarb-e-Azb, the ISPR ’ s daily Press communiqué (Army source) illustrated cooperation between the government and armed powers. The findings have stated that, assisted by the country and government and by the media in Operation Zarb-e-Azb, is effective in creating popular confidence for the purposes of operations by stressing the performance of Pakistan's armed forces in terrorist elimination.

Waal and Schoenbach [ 19 ] consider that print media are better and more credible in increasing public consciousness. Aisha [ 20 ] has shown that Zarb-e-Azb ’ s performance is complicated, but it helps combat terrorism. It's shown in earlier days as a successful military plan to locate secret jihadists along with the assault by the insurgents and restore stability to the entire country.

The theoretical and methodological effect of antiterrorism operations on Pakistan's economic development was examined by Mubashra (2018). Data was obtained between 1980 and 2015. Within the analysis the importance of counterterrorism performance is measured using the “ negative binomial regression model”. The findings show that Operation Zarb-e-Azb boosts Pakistan's economic development [ 21 ].

In his analytical research on successful counter-insurgency strategies in Pakistan, Rehman et al. [ 22 ] concluded that Zarbe- Azb and the National Action Plan have identified a clear disintegration of a terrorist structure and the waning of terrorism. The research discusses the three effects of “breakdown,” “deterioration,” and “retaliation” of counterterrorism approaches. The findings are rendered using the “ negative binomial regression model. ” The findings have showed the need for robust political cooperation for military actions as a realistic counter-terrorism strategy. The PM from Pakistan and political parties, however, have endorsed and favored the operation, according to the International Crisis

Group [ 23 ]. The author has also claimed that Zarb-e-Azb has not achieved its target entirely, according to Syed (2016), the military also wants another “Combat Operation”.

The portrayal of the Pakistan army in Western media was examined by Ali and Wazir [ 24 ]. And it has observed that in both newspapers before and after the launch of Operation Zarb-e-Azb, the image of the Pakistan army has stayed negative. Zahra [ 25 ] also reported that Pakistan's air force was formed in order to support the U.S. combat terrorist violence, enabling it to escalate aerial strikes at terrorist hideouts. But, Shaukat [ 26 ] claims that, in its clear context, Zarb-e-Azb's achievements are welcomed worldwide. Umbreen [ 27 ] revealed that terrorist surges in North Waziristan Area occurred following the Rah-e-Nijat operation in South Waziristan Region, and the Rah-e-Rast operation by the Pakistani military in Swat Valley in 2009. Militant violence must also be eliminated if Pakistan's army is to agree to carry out a full-scale operation. And it continued to advance and combat extremism after one year of Operation Zarb-e-Azb.

The key aim of the current study is to know more about the role played by media reporting and the effect of Operation Zarb-e-Azb (OZA) in Pakistan's major English newspapers during the war against terror. Therefore, this research helps to explain the facts; did the media play a part in strengthening the image of Pakistan with the foreign community by reporting the OZA? In the sense of the case, what agenda did newspapers adopt? Mekasha [ 28 ] claims, though, that despite international disputes, domestic media policy still creates a good picture of the nation domestically. Framing is used technically, as several findings say that “framing” and “mediate framing ” are already recognized as filed in mass communication [ 29 ].

This is an appropriate medium of analysis to investigate whether the Operation Zarb-e-Azb of their editorials portrayed a war on terrorism, primarily because theory is, “to pick” some facets of a perceived fact “to view,” “to portray,” and “to share” it with an audience [ 30 ], and how it is interpreted as a framing. It is a method that stresses a variety of facets of the modern world and its certain traits of constructing this Hierarchy of Importance with relation to what is essential and what is necessary to render outlines [ 31 ]. The press reporting of popular movements diverging from societal standards condemned such movements' leaders and opposed their proposals and behavior. This is also the opinion of Gitlin [ 32 ], which is to encourage the particular reaction of the audience with whom the material is used by news media to pick and remove framing. Nonetheless, the respondents do not claim that they are responding to whether journalists form their reports as clearly as they depend on them [ 33 ].

Usually a framing influence is called the impact of a context of conversation on individuals [ 34 ]. Goffman [ 35 ] explains the position of the structures of “media contexts” for news and mass communication that help citizens grasp what happens (p. 22). The frames discussed by William, et al. [ 36 ] are essentially the buildings of facts resulting from journalists ’ decisions about information obtained. Frames reflect the sense in which news is published and we assume they can be interpreted in the same way as literary documents (p.8).

The editorial framing is largely affected by media outlets' policies / ideologies. As suggested by Van Dijk [ 37 ], “ideologies represent the basic requirements that are the social identification and the priorities of a community” (p. 25). The editorial writers therefore pick, evaluate and explain details to promote a particular explanation or casual interpretation, truthful appraisal or relation to the given story that gives the organization's policies [ 37 ]. In terms of his theory and vision of the organization, a writer will contend. Saleem [ 38 ] claimed that media frameworks are the instruments which expose a specific problem in media editorials’ ‘language,’ ‘stance’ and ‘ headings. ’ The key features of the principle of framing, therefore, demonstrate the importance of the current research.

The content analysis of the newspaper (The News, Sunrise, the Nation) was carried out from June 2014 to June 2016 with the application of a consensus sampling technique, which observed the launch of Operation Zarb-e-Azb in Pakistan. The total number of editorials examined was 807, 'The News' (170), 'Dawn' (231) and ' The Nation' (406). The material has been contained in the electronic versions of the relevant newspapers. One full editorial was the empirical unit. The study centered on terms in which definitions for current research were made usable. Both the OZA-related editorials either clarified the factors or discussed and the problems resulting in OZA.

The major categories were civil military relationships, world stance, military operation, and outcome analysis. These categories are further divided into minor categories ( Table 1 ).

Highly Positive Positive Neutral Negative Highly Negative
Media coverage in editorials portraying highly favorable and highly positive image of OZA. For instance, Pakistan is, both by statistical and psychological yardsticks, significantly more stable and calmer than it was before Operation Zarb-i-Azb (“The Operation Two”, 2016). Editorials portraying positive image of operation Zarb-e-Azb. For instance, ‘This operation has the potential be the beginning of the end for militancy in the tribal areas’ (“Doing Their Job”, 2014). Editorials that leave indistinct image, just the statements or half positive and half negative will be considered in neutral category related to OZA. For instance, “The new revenue measures were required, he said, because of additional costs from Operation Zarb-i-Azb” (“Unforeseen revenue”, 2015). Editorials portraying unfavorable image of OZA. For instance, “No deadlines have been given for the completion of the ongoing military operations in North Waziristan, Khyber Agency and other parts of FATA” (“Forgetting the IDPs”, 2015). Editorials portraying highly unfavorable image of OZA. For instance, “while the persons displaced by Operation Zarb-i-Azb have been given cash by the state, other arrangements have been found wanting. As the tribesmen look for answers, both the government and the military seemingly have bigger fish to fry” (“No answers for”, 2014).

Table 1: Directions of coverage.

Highly negative, negative, neutral, positive, highly positive are the direction of aforementioned categories. Words and tone are used for analyzing the directions of categories (i.e. socalled, indeed, highly significant etc.) ( Table 2 ).

1. Editorials depicting relationship among civil and military leadership. This major category is further divided in to following minor categories:
Government stance: Editorials showing government support and contradiction regarding the operation. For instance, ‘With Operation Zarb-e-Azb ongoing…… normally seen as an important morale boost in the rest of the world’ (“Nawaz Sharif in”, 2014).
Military Stance: Editorials in which military stance (i.e. efforts, support etc.). For instance, ‘The valiant efforts of our soldiers are certainly not restricted to the battlefield…. Our heroes’ (“Changing Perceptions”, 2014).
Alliance between civil and military leadership: Editorials that shows any kind of relationship between govt and military either positive or negative. For instance, ‘The civil-military cooperation……… does not seem as cooperative as it once was’ (“All Talk”, 2016).
2. Editorials related to the theme of internally displaced persons (IDPs), Military courts, political parties’ stance, strategic position, drone attacks and national action plan (NAP). This major category is further divided in to following minor categories:
Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs): ‘Editorials showing coverage related to IDPs, issues, challenges they had face, govt and military steps towards IDPs, solutions, effects etc. For instance, “The new revenue measures were required... of internally displaced persons due to military operations” (“Unforeseen revenue”, 2015).
National Action Plan (NAP): Editorials covering issues related to NAP, its implementation, success analysis, views, progress and failure. For instance, ‘The National Action Plan … setting up of specialized counter-terrorism forces within the police’ (“Police Under Attack”, 2016).
Strategic Position: Editorials that reflects the mindsets, inclination and ideologies used for depicting both the sides’ army and the terrorists regarding military operation, war against terrorism and terrorism. For instance, ‘By seeking to mainstream rabid ideologies……. on the one side the armed militants who refuse to give up violence; …. Political militant handed a ticket to mainstream society and politics’ (“Dangerous possibilities”, 2014).
Drone Attacks: Editorials related to the coverage of drone attacks. For instance, ‘US drone strikes…. popping balloons at a child’s birthday party’ (“The Return of”, 2014).
Military Courts: Editorials covering the issue of military courts. For instance, ‘Yes, we need a coherent strategy to fight militancy…. But military courts are not the answer’ (“A sad day”, 2015).
Political Parties Stance (PPS): Editorials depicting PPS (i.e. opinion, statement, suggestion, viewpoint, issue). For instance, ‘Meanwhile, parties such as the PPP and ANP, which supported a military operation…... deafening political silence on North Waziristan’ (“The forgotten war”, 2015).
3. Editorials depicting foreign relations during and after operation Zarb-e-Azb (i.e. statements, reflecting stance, viewpoint, kind of interest, development projects etc.). This major category is further divided in to following minor categories:
Indian Stance: Editorials depicting agreement, issues, disagreement and support between the two countries. For instance: “Pakistan is sticking to its conciliatory tone. ….. In contrast, the Modi government’s language is aggressive and provocative” (“Changing Times”, 2014).
Afghanistan Stance: Editorials depicting agreement, disagreement and support between the two countries. For instance, ‘With the two countries in negotiations to sign a Preferential Trade Agreement’ (“Joint prosperity”, 2015).
China Stance: Editorials showing agreement, disagreement, reduction in terrorism, peace talk, solidarity, development, interest etc. For instance, “China offers Pakistan a $46 billion investment in energy and infrastructure” (“Best friends forever”, 2015).
US Stance: Editorials depicting agreement, disagreement and support on any issue. For instance, ‘Time and again, the US has linked the terrorism issue to Pakistan’ (“Meeting with Obama”, 2015).
Western Countries Stance: Editorials related to western countries stance. For instance ‘The Sri Lankan premier has welcomed Pakistani investment’ (Pak-Sri Lankan”, 2015).
Muslims Countries Stance: All those editorials covering Muslim countries stance regarding Pakistan during and after operation. For instance, ‘The Turkish premier brings with him a heavy…. investors, who will participate in the Pakistan Turkey Business Forum’ (“Turkish Prime Minister”, 2015).
4. Editorials related to after effects of Zarb-e-Azb. This major category is further divided in to following minor categories:
Successful Operation: Editorials showing success and failure of operation zarf-e-as. For instance, ‘It is now widely acknowledged that the shrinking space for militants in Fata’ (“Host drone strike”, 2015).
Enhanced Security Situation: Editorials showing media coverage related to some characteristics towards enhancing and declining in security situation. For instance, ‘Badaber area and arrive undetected at the entrance to the PAF camp is a security failure of some degree’ (“Badaber attack”, 2015).
Safety of a nation against terrorism: Editorials related to enhancing and declining terrorism in Pakistan. For instance, “As time passed… one wants to believe that the situation, though difficult, is under control” (“Dangerous Frontiers”, 2014).
Admire Pakistan Army: Editorials showing characteristics constructive and productive role, sincerely admit, acknowledge Pakistan’s army. For instance, “In Operation Zarb-i-Azb alone, several hundred soldiers are believed to have laid down their lives… they have been and continue to be Pakistan’s heroes” (“Fifty years on”, 2015).

Table 2: List of frames.

All editorials were analyzed by utilizing a chi-square computerized statistical module (SPSS) that permitted experimenter manipulation of the expected frequencies. Intercoder reliability (Cohen’s Kappa) was attained as follows: ‘Civil Military relationship’ (Govt. Stance, .85; Military Stance, . 77; Alliance between civil military relationship, .77); ‘Military Operation’ (Strategic Position, .73; NAP, .85; IDPs, 1.0; Military Court, .90; Political Parties Stance, .88; Drone Attacks, .88); ‘World Stance’ (Indian Stance, .83; Afghanistan Stance, .82; China Stance, .82; US Stance, .95; Muslims Countries Stance, . 87; Western Countries Stance, .91;); ‘ Outcome Analysis ’ (Safety of a nation against terrorism, 1.0; Enhanced security situation, 1.0; Successful Operation, .82; Admire Pakistan Army, .85).

Findings and Discussions

Table 3 i ndicated that The News presented highly positive 2 (15.4%) and neutral 5 (38.5%) coverage regarding Civil Military Relationship as compared to other newspapers. Dawn had more negative 12 (44.4%) as compared to The News in covering Civil Military Relationship. However, The Nation gave highly negative 14(19.4%) and negative 38 (52.8%) coverage to Civil Military Relationship depicting the negative attitude of military and government regarding military Operation Zarb-e- Azb.

Major Category Newspaper Directions of Coverage Total
Highly Negative Negative Neutral Positive Highly Positive
CMR The News 1 (7.7) 2 (15.4) 5 (38.5) 3 (23.1) 2 (15.4) 13 (100)
Dawn 4 (14.8) 12 (44.4) 6 (22.2) 3 (11.1) 2 (7.4) 27 (100)
The Nation 14 (19.4) 38 (52.8) 9 (12.5) 9 (12.5) 2 (2.8) 72 (100)
Total 19 (17.0) 52 (46.4) 20 (17.9) 15 (13.4) 6 (5.4) 112 (100)
Sub Total 71 (63.3) 20 (17.9) 21 (18.8) 112 (100)
Mo The News 3 (5.5) 23 (41.8) 20 (36.4) 6 (10.9) 3 (5.5) 55 (100)
Dawn 7 (10.4) 29 (43.3) 17 (25.4) 12 (17.9) 2 (3.0) 67 (100)
The Nation 5 (6.2) 29 (35.8) 36 (44.4) 10 (12.3) 1 (1.2) 81 (100)
Total 15 (7.4) 81 (39.9) 73 (36.0) 28 (13.8) 6 (3.0) 203 (100)
Sub Total 96 (47.2) 73 (36.0) 34 (16.8) 203 (100)
WS The News 0 (0.0) 4 (14.3) 7 (25.0) 9 (32.1) 8 (28.6) 28 (100)
Dawn 1 (1.9) 6 (11.5) 23 (44.2) 16 (30.8) 6 (11.5) 52 (100)
The Nation 6 (5.4) 27 (24.1) 39 (34.8) 38 (33.9) 2 (1.8) 112 (100)
Total 7 (3.6) 37 (19.3) 69 (35.9) 63 (32.8) 16 (8.3) 192 (100)
Sub Total 44 (22.9) 69 (35.9) 79 (41.2) 192 (100)
OA The News 11 (14.9) 18 (24.3) 19 (25.7) 20 (27.0) 6 (8.1) 74 (100)
Dawn 3 (3.5) 21 (24.7) 23 (27.1) 24 (28.2) 14 (16.5) 85 (100)
The Nation 6 (4.3) 27 (19.1) 51 (36.2) 41 (29.1) 16 (11.3) 141 (100)
Total 20 (6.7) 66 (22.0) 93 (31) 85 (28.3) 36 (12.0) 300 (100)
Sub Total 86 (28.7) 93 (31) 121 (40.3) 300 (100)

a χ 2 (1, N=807)=13.480, p<0.024 (CMR); b χ 2 (1, N=807)=8.837, p<0.006 (MO); c χ 2 (1, N=807)=27.921, p<0.000 (WS); d χ 2 (1, N=807)=15.721, p<0.042 (OA). Note: CMR: Civil Military Relationship, MO: Military Operation, WS: World Stance, OA: Outcome Analysis. Values in bracket show percentages.

Table 3: Cross Tabulation of The News, Dawn and The Nation, within major categories regarding Print’s Media Coverage of Operation Zarb-e-Azb.

To differentiate between negative and positive coverage all newspapers produced highly negative and negative coverage to Civil Military Relationship; The News, Highly Negative: 1 (7.7%), Negative: 2 (15.4%); Dawn, Highly Negative: 4 (14.8%), Negative: 12 (44.4%); The Nation, Highly Negative: 14 (19.4%),`

Negative: 38 (52.8%). Hence, all newspapers were more negative towards Civil Military Relationship. Overall, The Nation 72 (100) gave more coverage to civil military relationship as compared to other newspapers. The findings showed significant variation in editorials of three newspapers highlighting Civil Military Relationship. The Nation gave negative coverage to Civil Military Relationship as compared to Dawn and The News, χ 2 (1, N=807)=13.480, p<0.024.

Table 3 also indicated that The Nation gave mostly neutral 36 (44.4%) coverage to issues during OZA (i.e. drone attacks, NAP, IDPs, Military courts etc.) as compared to other newspapers. Findings indicated that all the newspapers gave highly negative 15 (7.4%) and negative 81 (39.9%) coverage to issues related with Operation Zarb-e-Azb. Overall, The Nation 81 (100%) gave more coverage to issues related to military operation as compared to other newspapers. The findings approved the significant variation, χ 2 (1, N=807)=8.837, p<0.006.

Likewise, Table 3 indicated that The News, Dawn and The Nation published mostly positive editorials 63 (32.8%) to world stance which showed the positive attitude of foreign countries towards Pakistan during military Operation Zarb-e-Azb. The Nation 38 (33.9%) and Dawn 16 (30.8%) gave positive coverage as compared to The News 9 (32.1%). Overall, The Nation 112 (100%) gave more coverage to world stance as compared to other newspapers. The findings approved significant variation in the publication of editorials in The Nation, Dawn and The News policy showed positive inclination towards world stance, χ 2 (1, N=807)=27.921, p<0.000. The findings of research strongly approve the research hypothesis, H1: Pakistan ’ s English dailies (i.e. The News, Dawn & The Nation) gave significantly positive coverage to the support of foreign countries regarding military Operation Zarb-e-Azb (OZA).

Table 3 also indicated that all the newspapers published the most editorials for outcome analysis 300 of Operation Zarb-e- Azb as compared to other categories (i.e. World Stance 192, Military Operation, 203 and Civil Military Relationship, 112)). To differentiate between positive and negative coverage given to outcome analysis all the newspapers mostly gave positive coverage 85 (28.3%) and highly positive coverage 36 (12.0%) to success of Operation Zarb-e-Azb. Likewise, the results also showed that The Nation gave more neutral 51 (36.2%) coverage to outcome analysis as compared to Dawn 23 (27.1%) and The News 19 (25.7%). However, The News showed highly negative 11 (14.9%) and negative 18 (24.3%) coverage to outcome analysis as compared to Dawn and The Nation. Overall, The Nation published more editorials 141 of outcome analysis of Zarb-e-Azb as compared to other newspapers. From the results it should be noted that all the selected newspapers significantly highlighted by giving more coverage to outcomes of Operation Zarb-e-Azb. The findings approved the significant variation in the publication of editorials took stance on outcome analysis, χ 2 (1, N=807)=15.721, p<0.042.

Table 4 showed that all three newspapers gave mostly positive 30 (35.7%) and highly positive 12 (14.3%) coverage to the success of the operation. Total 42 editorials had been published in positive direction as compared to negative, 20. Overall, The Nation (44) gave more coverage to the success of operation as compared to Dawn (23) and The News (17). The findings confirmed significant variation, χ 2 (1, N=807)=48.05, p<0.002. The findings moderately approve the research hypothesis, H2: The coverage of Pakistan’s English dailies (i.e. The News, Dawn & The Nation) demonstrated that Operation Zarb-e-Azb (OZA) a successful military operation.

Outcome Analysis Newspapers Directions of Coverage Total
Highly Negative Negative Neutral Positive Highly Positive
SO The News 1 (5.9) 2 (11.8) 3 (17.6) 7 (41.2) 4 (23.5) 17 (100)
Dawn 0 (0.0) 2 (8.7) 7 (30.3) 9 (39.1) 5 (21.7) 23 (100)
The Nation 6 (13.6) 9 (20.5) 12 (27.3) 14 (31.8) 3 (6.8) 44 (100)
Total 7 (8.3) 13 (15.5) 22 (26.2) 30 (35.7) 12 (14.3) 84 (100)
Sub Total 20 (23.8) 22 (26.2) 42 (50) 84 (100)
SNAT The News 4 (14.8) 7 (25.9) 12 (44.4) 3 (11.1) 1 (3.7) 27 (100)
Dawn 1 (3.1) 8 (25.0) 12 (37.5) 8 (25.0) 3 (9.4) 32 (100)
The Nation 1 (2.4) 6 (14.3) 17 (40.5) 17 (40.5) 1 (2.4) 42 (100)
Total 6 (5.9) 21 (20.8) 41 (40.6) 28 (27.7) 5 (5.0) 101 (100)
Sub Total 27 (26.7) 41 (40.6) 33 (32.7) 101 (100)
APA The News 1 (6.7) 4 (26.7) 4 (26.7) 6 (40.0) 0 (0) 15 (100)
Dawn 0 (0) 4 (33.3) 1 (8.3) 6 (50.0) 1 (8.3) 12 (100)
The Nation 0 (0) 2 (10.5) 2 (10.5) 11 (57.9) 4 (21.1) 19 (100)
Total 1 (2.2) 10 (21.7) 7 (15.2) 23 (50.0) 5 (10.9) 46 (100)
Sub Total 11 (23.9) 7 (15.2) 28 (60.9) 46 (100)
ESS The News 5 (33.3) 5 (33.3) 0 (0) 4 (26.7) 1 (6.7) 15 (100)
Dawn 1 (6.7) 4 (26.7) 0 (0) 4 (26.7) 6 (40.0) 15 (100)
The Nation 1 (4.2) 6 (25.0) 6 (25.0) 10 (41.7) 1 (4.2) 24 (100)
Total 7 (13.0) 15 (27.8) 6 (11.1) 18 (33.3) 8 (14.8) 54 (100)
Sub Total 22 (40.7) 6 (11.1) 26 (48.2) 54 (100)

a χ 2 (1, N=807)=48.05, p<0.002 (SO); b χ 2 (1, N=807)=18.55, p<0.041 (SNAT); c χ 2 (1, N=807)=20.62, p<0.026 (APA); d χ 2 (1, N=807)=24.26, p<0.022 (ESS). Note: Values in bracket show percentages. SO: Successful Operation, SNAT: Safety of a nation against Terrorism, APA: Admire Pakistan Army, ESS: Enhanced Security Situation.

Table 4: Cross tabulation of minor categories of outcome analysis.

Table 4 also depicted that these newspapers showed mostly neutral 41 (40.6%) stance towards safety of a nation against terrorism. To differentiate between positive and negative coverage all the selected newspapers mostly gave positive 28 (27.7%) and highly positive 5 (5.0%) coverage as compared to negative 21 (20.8%) and highly negative 6 (5.9%) coverage. The Nation (42) published more editorials as compared to Dawn (32) and The News (27). Overall, the results showed that all the selected newspapers gave more coverage to the category of safety of a nation against terrorism (i.e. 101 editorials) as compared to other categories in the Table 4. The findings confirmed the significant variation, χ 2 (1,N=807)=18.55, p<0.041.

Regarding Admiration of Pakistan Army, Table 4 showed positive inclination of these newspapers ’ policy (28). The Nation (15) and Dawn (7) gave more positive coverage towards Pakistan army efforts as compared to The News (6). Overall, The Nation (19) published more editorials regarding admiration of Pakistan army as compared to Dawn (12) and The News (15). The findings confirmed the significant variation in the publication of editorials on Operation Zarb-e-Azb having the stance of admiration of Pakistan Army, χ 2 (1,N=807)=20.62, p<0.026.

Likewise, Table 4 showed positive policy of these newspapers towards enhanced security situation after Operation Zarb-e-Azb. The Nation (11) published more positive editorials as compared to Dawn (10) and The News (5). The findings also indicated that The News (10) has gave more negative coverage as compared to Dawn (5) and The Nation (7). The findings confirmed significant variation in the published of Operations Zarb-e-Azb having the stance of better security situation after this military operation, χ 2 (1, N=807)=24.26, p<0.022. The findings of research strongly approve the research hypothesis, H3: Pakistan’s English dailies (i.e. The News, Dawn & The Nation) took a positive stance regarding improved security environment in as the result of military Operation Zarb-e-Azb (OZA).

Most of the three newspapers published positive editorials which indicate that foreign countries had a positive attitude towards Pakistan during Operation Zarb-e-Azb. The most current editorials for outcomes analysis compared with other groups, World Stance, Military Civil Partnership, have been written. The government stance during Operation Zarb-e-Azb had been more negatively portrayed by all chosen publications. The success of the operation was portrayed favorably by all three newspapers. Such newspapers were primarily impartial in terms of a nation's defense against terrorism. With respect to Pakistan army appreciation, present study indicated a favorable inclination to the policies of these newspapers. The study concludes that these papers provide a constructive agenda that strengthens the security environment after Operation Zarb-e-Azb.

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Operation Zarb-e-Azb

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Operation Zarb E Azb Essay in English Urdu

Ongoing Pakistan Army has launched the Zarb E Azb operation against the Islamist demonstrators situated in North Waziristan, the region of the FATA. North Waziristan is recognized for rough terrain, inhospitable and rugged environment. Essay on topic of Zarb E Azb in English and Urdu must covers the all aspects of this operation. Numerous operations were also thrown against (TTP), and other Islamist militants groups that reside in that area. This specified operation is proposed to target the spot the al-Qaeda and related groups. Few years back, military forces and government of Pakistan were not able to take any action against these militants, though United States and several western countries pressurize Pakistan to take an action against these evil forces because various terrorist plots their headquarters in North Waziristan.

This specified operation was conducted when the Pakistani government realized that it is useless to talk to TTP on peace as they were continuously attacking on Pakistan’s peace. In addition, The Pakistani militant forces also feel insecure when TTP start targeting the military installations. They provoked the Pakistan military by doing a dreadful attack at the Jinnah International Terminal of Karachi Airport, which killed airport security personals. Because of all these terrorist attack, Pakistan had lost his image in the eyes of International world. To show the peaceful sight of Pakistan and bring harmony in Pakistan, it becomes necessary to take a strict charge against these destructive people.

Zarb E Azb

Till now this operation has attained huge success in reducing the terrorism across the Pakistan. It is believed that this operation has broken the backbone of terrorists. Major part of the North Waziristan is now cleared from the terrorists. Through this operation Pakistan army had targeted their hideouts, demolished tons of explosives and weapons. Furthermore, this operation has also brought enough peace and calmness into the cities of Pakistan, but still these terrorism and the associated destructive groups are doing attacks on the sovereignty of Pakistan.

Still a lot of work has to be done to eliminate the financiers of terrorists as well as an action against the proscribed organizations, seminars on foreign funding, hate speeches, sectarian groups and madrasa reforms. It is stated that now Zarb E Azb has entered into the final phase, the war against the terrorism is going to end soon. Now it’s time to help the (IDPs), they are seeking the attention of people and the government of Pakistan wants their support. Now they are in the most unsafe position and the government should also take steps to protect them.

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